/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "FakeEventHub.h" #include #include #include #include "TestConstants.h" namespace android { const std::string FakeEventHub::BATTERY_DEVPATH = "/sys/devices/mydevice/power_supply/mybattery"; FakeEventHub::~FakeEventHub() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mDevices.size(); i++) { delete mDevices.valueAt(i); } } void FakeEventHub::addDevice(int32_t deviceId, const std::string& name, ftl::Flags classes, int bus) { Device* device = new Device(classes); device->identifier.name = name; device->identifier.bus = bus; mDevices.add(deviceId, device); enqueueEvent(ARBITRARY_TIME, READ_TIME, deviceId, EventHubInterface::DEVICE_ADDED, 0, 0); } void FakeEventHub::removeDevice(int32_t deviceId) { delete mDevices.valueFor(deviceId); mDevices.removeItem(deviceId); enqueueEvent(ARBITRARY_TIME, READ_TIME, deviceId, EventHubInterface::DEVICE_REMOVED, 0, 0); } bool FakeEventHub::isDeviceEnabled(int32_t deviceId) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device == nullptr) { ALOGE("Incorrect device id=%" PRId32 " provided to %s", deviceId, __func__); return false; } return device->enabled; } status_t FakeEventHub::enableDevice(int32_t deviceId) { status_t result; Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device == nullptr) { ALOGE("Incorrect device id=%" PRId32 " provided to %s", deviceId, __func__); return BAD_VALUE; } if (device->enabled) { ALOGW("Duplicate call to %s, device %" PRId32 " already enabled", __func__, deviceId); return OK; } result = device->enable(); return result; } status_t FakeEventHub::disableDevice(int32_t deviceId) { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device == nullptr) { ALOGE("Incorrect device id=%" PRId32 " provided to %s", deviceId, __func__); return BAD_VALUE; } if (!device->enabled) { ALOGW("Duplicate call to %s, device %" PRId32 " already disabled", __func__, deviceId); return OK; } return device->disable(); } void FakeEventHub::finishDeviceScan() { enqueueEvent(ARBITRARY_TIME, READ_TIME, 0, EventHubInterface::FINISHED_DEVICE_SCAN, 0, 0); } void FakeEventHub::addConfigurationProperty(int32_t deviceId, const char* key, const char* value) { getDevice(deviceId)->configuration.addProperty(key, value); } void FakeEventHub::addConfigurationMap(int32_t deviceId, const PropertyMap* configuration) { getDevice(deviceId)->configuration.addAll(configuration); } void FakeEventHub::addAbsoluteAxis(int32_t deviceId, int axis, int32_t minValue, int32_t maxValue, int flat, int fuzz, int resolution) { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); RawAbsoluteAxisInfo info; info.valid = true; info.minValue = minValue; info.maxValue = maxValue; info.flat = flat; info.fuzz = fuzz; info.resolution = resolution; device->absoluteAxes.add(axis, info); } void FakeEventHub::addRelativeAxis(int32_t deviceId, int32_t axis) { getDevice(deviceId)->relativeAxes.add(axis, true); } void FakeEventHub::setKeyCodeState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t keyCode, int32_t state) { getDevice(deviceId)->keyCodeStates.replaceValueFor(keyCode, state); } void FakeEventHub::setRawLayoutInfo(int32_t deviceId, RawLayoutInfo info) { getDevice(deviceId)->layoutInfo = info; } void FakeEventHub::setScanCodeState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t scanCode, int32_t state) { getDevice(deviceId)->scanCodeStates.replaceValueFor(scanCode, state); } void FakeEventHub::setSwitchState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t switchCode, int32_t state) { getDevice(deviceId)->switchStates.replaceValueFor(switchCode, state); } void FakeEventHub::setAbsoluteAxisValue(int32_t deviceId, int32_t axis, int32_t value) { getDevice(deviceId)->absoluteAxisValue.replaceValueFor(axis, value); } void FakeEventHub::addKey(int32_t deviceId, int32_t scanCode, int32_t usageCode, int32_t keyCode, uint32_t flags) { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); KeyInfo info; info.keyCode = keyCode; info.flags = flags; if (scanCode) { device->keysByScanCode.add(scanCode, info); } if (usageCode) { device->keysByUsageCode.add(usageCode, info); } } void FakeEventHub::addKeyCodeMapping(int32_t deviceId, int32_t fromKeyCode, int32_t toKeyCode) { getDevice(deviceId)->keyCodeMapping.insert_or_assign(fromKeyCode, toKeyCode); } void FakeEventHub::addKeyRemapping(int32_t deviceId, int32_t fromKeyCode, int32_t toKeyCode) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); device->keyRemapping.insert_or_assign(fromKeyCode, toKeyCode); } void FakeEventHub::addLed(int32_t deviceId, int32_t led, bool initialState) { getDevice(deviceId)->leds.add(led, initialState); } void FakeEventHub::addSensorAxis(int32_t deviceId, int32_t absCode, InputDeviceSensorType sensorType, int32_t sensorDataIndex) { SensorInfo info; info.sensorType = sensorType; info.sensorDataIndex = sensorDataIndex; getDevice(deviceId)->sensorsByAbsCode.emplace(absCode, info); } void FakeEventHub::setMscEvent(int32_t deviceId, int32_t mscEvent) { typename BitArray::Buffer buffer; buffer[mscEvent / 32] = 1 << mscEvent % 32; getDevice(deviceId)->mscBitmask.loadFromBuffer(buffer); } void FakeEventHub::addRawLightInfo(int32_t rawId, RawLightInfo&& info) { mRawLightInfos.emplace(rawId, std::move(info)); } void FakeEventHub::fakeLightBrightness(int32_t rawId, int32_t brightness) { mLightBrightness.emplace(rawId, brightness); } void FakeEventHub::fakeLightIntensities(int32_t rawId, const std::unordered_map intensities) { mLightIntensities.emplace(rawId, std::move(intensities)); } bool FakeEventHub::getLedState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t led) { return getDevice(deviceId)->leds.valueFor(led); } std::vector& FakeEventHub::getExcludedDevices() { return mExcludedDevices; } void FakeEventHub::addVirtualKeyDefinition(int32_t deviceId, const VirtualKeyDefinition& definition) { getDevice(deviceId)->virtualKeys.push_back(definition); } void FakeEventHub::enqueueEvent(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, int32_t deviceId, int32_t type, int32_t code, int32_t value) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); RawEvent event; event.when = when; event.readTime = readTime; event.deviceId = deviceId; event.type = type; event.code = code; event.value = value; mEvents.push_back(event); if (type == EV_ABS) { setAbsoluteAxisValue(deviceId, code, value); } } void FakeEventHub::setVideoFrames( std::unordered_map> videoFrames) { mVideoFrames = std::move(videoFrames); } void FakeEventHub::assertQueueIsEmpty() { std::unique_lock lock(mLock); base::ScopedLockAssertion assumeLocked(mLock); const bool queueIsEmpty = mEventsCondition.wait_for(lock, WAIT_TIMEOUT, [this]() REQUIRES(mLock) { return mEvents.size() == 0; }); if (!queueIsEmpty) { FAIL() << "Timed out waiting for EventHub queue to be emptied."; } } FakeEventHub::Device* FakeEventHub::getDevice(int32_t deviceId) const { ssize_t index = mDevices.indexOfKey(deviceId); return index >= 0 ? mDevices.valueAt(index) : nullptr; } ftl::Flags FakeEventHub::getDeviceClasses(int32_t deviceId) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); return device ? device->classes : ftl::Flags(0); } InputDeviceIdentifier FakeEventHub::getDeviceIdentifier(int32_t deviceId) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); return device ? device->identifier : InputDeviceIdentifier(); } int32_t FakeEventHub::getDeviceControllerNumber(int32_t) const { return 0; } std::optional FakeEventHub::getConfiguration(int32_t deviceId) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device == nullptr) { return {}; } return device->configuration; } status_t FakeEventHub::getAbsoluteAxisInfo(int32_t deviceId, int axis, RawAbsoluteAxisInfo* outAxisInfo) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { ssize_t index = device->absoluteAxes.indexOfKey(axis); if (index >= 0) { *outAxisInfo = device->absoluteAxes.valueAt(index); return OK; } } outAxisInfo->clear(); return -1; } bool FakeEventHub::hasRelativeAxis(int32_t deviceId, int axis) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { return device->relativeAxes.indexOfKey(axis) >= 0; } return false; } bool FakeEventHub::hasInputProperty(int32_t, int) const { return false; } bool FakeEventHub::hasMscEvent(int32_t deviceId, int mscEvent) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { return mscEvent >= 0 && mscEvent <= MSC_MAX ? device->mscBitmask.test(mscEvent) : false; } return false; } status_t FakeEventHub::mapKey(int32_t deviceId, int32_t scanCode, int32_t usageCode, int32_t metaState, int32_t* outKeycode, int32_t* outMetaState, uint32_t* outFlags) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { const KeyInfo* key = getKey(device, scanCode, usageCode); if (key) { if (outKeycode) { auto it = device->keyRemapping.find(key->keyCode); *outKeycode = it != device->keyRemapping.end() ? it->second : key->keyCode; } if (outFlags) { *outFlags = key->flags; } if (outMetaState) { *outMetaState = metaState; } return OK; } } return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } const FakeEventHub::KeyInfo* FakeEventHub::getKey(Device* device, int32_t scanCode, int32_t usageCode) const { if (usageCode) { ssize_t index = device->keysByUsageCode.indexOfKey(usageCode); if (index >= 0) { return &device->keysByUsageCode.valueAt(index); } } if (scanCode) { ssize_t index = device->keysByScanCode.indexOfKey(scanCode); if (index >= 0) { return &device->keysByScanCode.valueAt(index); } } return nullptr; } status_t FakeEventHub::mapAxis(int32_t, int32_t, AxisInfo*) const { return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } base::Result> FakeEventHub::mapSensor( int32_t deviceId, int32_t absCode) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (!device) { return Errorf("Sensor device not found."); } auto it = device->sensorsByAbsCode.find(absCode); if (it == device->sensorsByAbsCode.end()) { return Errorf("Sensor map not found."); } const SensorInfo& info = it->second; return std::make_pair(info.sensorType, info.sensorDataIndex); } void FakeEventHub::setExcludedDevices(const std::vector& devices) { mExcludedDevices = devices; } std::vector FakeEventHub::getEvents(int) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); std::vector buffer; std::swap(buffer, mEvents); mEventsCondition.notify_all(); return buffer; } std::vector FakeEventHub::getVideoFrames(int32_t deviceId) { auto it = mVideoFrames.find(deviceId); if (it != mVideoFrames.end()) { std::vector frames = std::move(it->second); mVideoFrames.erase(deviceId); return frames; } return {}; } int32_t FakeEventHub::getScanCodeState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t scanCode) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { ssize_t index = device->scanCodeStates.indexOfKey(scanCode); if (index >= 0) { return device->scanCodeStates.valueAt(index); } } return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; } std::optional FakeEventHub::getRawLayoutInfo(int32_t deviceId) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); return device ? device->layoutInfo : std::nullopt; } int32_t FakeEventHub::getKeyCodeState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t keyCode) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { ssize_t index = device->keyCodeStates.indexOfKey(keyCode); if (index >= 0) { return device->keyCodeStates.valueAt(index); } } return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; } int32_t FakeEventHub::getSwitchState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t sw) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { ssize_t index = device->switchStates.indexOfKey(sw); if (index >= 0) { return device->switchStates.valueAt(index); } } return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; } status_t FakeEventHub::getAbsoluteAxisValue(int32_t deviceId, int32_t axis, int32_t* outValue) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { ssize_t index = device->absoluteAxisValue.indexOfKey(axis); if (index >= 0) { *outValue = device->absoluteAxisValue.valueAt(index); return OK; } } *outValue = 0; return -1; } void FakeEventHub::setMtSlotValues(int32_t deviceId, int32_t axis, const std::vector& values) { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (!device) { FAIL() << "Missing device"; } device->mtSlotValues[axis] = values; } base::Result> FakeEventHub::getMtSlotValues(int32_t deviceId, int32_t axis, size_t slotCount) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (!device) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Missing device"; return base::ResultError("Missing device", UNKNOWN_ERROR); } const auto& mtSlotValuesIterator = device->mtSlotValues.find(axis); if (mtSlotValuesIterator == device->mtSlotValues.end()) { return base::ResultError("axis not supported", NAME_NOT_FOUND); } const auto& mtSlotValues = mtSlotValuesIterator->second; if (mtSlotValues.size() != slotCount) { ADD_FAILURE() << "MtSlot values specified for " << mtSlotValues.size() << " slots but expected for " << slotCount << " Slots"; return base::ResultError("Slot count mismatch", NAME_NOT_FOUND); } std::vector outValues(slotCount + 1); outValues[0] = axis; std::copy(mtSlotValues.begin(), mtSlotValues.end(), outValues.begin() + 1); return std::move(outValues); } int32_t FakeEventHub::getKeyCodeForKeyLocation(int32_t deviceId, int32_t locationKeyCode) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (!device) { return AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN; } auto it = device->keyCodeMapping.find(locationKeyCode); return it != device->keyCodeMapping.end() ? it->second : locationKeyCode; } // Return true if the device has non-empty key layout. bool FakeEventHub::markSupportedKeyCodes(int32_t deviceId, const std::vector& keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (!device) return false; bool result = device->keysByScanCode.size() > 0 || device->keysByUsageCode.size() > 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < keyCodes.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < device->keysByScanCode.size(); j++) { if (keyCodes[i] == device->keysByScanCode.valueAt(j).keyCode) { outFlags[i] = 1; } } for (size_t j = 0; j < device->keysByUsageCode.size(); j++) { if (keyCodes[i] == device->keysByUsageCode.valueAt(j).keyCode) { outFlags[i] = 1; } } } return result; } bool FakeEventHub::hasScanCode(int32_t deviceId, int32_t scanCode) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { ssize_t index = device->keysByScanCode.indexOfKey(scanCode); return index >= 0; } return false; } bool FakeEventHub::hasKeyCode(int32_t deviceId, int32_t keyCode) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (!device) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < device->keysByScanCode.size(); i++) { if (keyCode == device->keysByScanCode.valueAt(i).keyCode) { return true; } } for (size_t j = 0; j < device->keysByUsageCode.size(); j++) { if (keyCode == device->keysByUsageCode.valueAt(j).keyCode) { return true; } } return false; } bool FakeEventHub::hasLed(int32_t deviceId, int32_t led) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); return device && device->leds.indexOfKey(led) >= 0; } void FakeEventHub::setLedState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t led, bool on) { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { ssize_t index = device->leds.indexOfKey(led); if (index >= 0) { device->leds.replaceValueAt(led, on); } else { ADD_FAILURE() << "Attempted to set the state of an LED that the EventHub declared " "was not present. led=" << led; } } } void FakeEventHub::getVirtualKeyDefinitions( int32_t deviceId, std::vector& outVirtualKeys) const { outVirtualKeys.clear(); Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device) { outVirtualKeys = device->virtualKeys; } } const std::shared_ptr FakeEventHub::getKeyCharacterMap(int32_t) const { return nullptr; } bool FakeEventHub::setKeyboardLayoutOverlay(int32_t, std::shared_ptr) { return false; } std::vector FakeEventHub::getVibratorIds(int32_t deviceId) const { return mVibrators; } std::optional FakeEventHub::getBatteryCapacity(int32_t, int32_t) const { return BATTERY_CAPACITY; } std::optional FakeEventHub::getBatteryStatus(int32_t, int32_t) const { return BATTERY_STATUS; } std::vector FakeEventHub::getRawBatteryIds(int32_t deviceId) const { return {DEFAULT_BATTERY}; } std::optional FakeEventHub::getRawBatteryInfo(int32_t deviceId, int32_t batteryId) const { if (batteryId != DEFAULT_BATTERY) return {}; static const auto BATTERY_INFO = RawBatteryInfo{.id = DEFAULT_BATTERY, .name = "default battery", .flags = InputBatteryClass::CAPACITY, .path = BATTERY_DEVPATH}; return BATTERY_INFO; } std::vector FakeEventHub::getRawLightIds(int32_t deviceId) const { std::vector ids; for (const auto& [rawId, info] : mRawLightInfos) { ids.push_back(rawId); } return ids; } std::optional FakeEventHub::getRawLightInfo(int32_t deviceId, int32_t lightId) const { auto it = mRawLightInfos.find(lightId); if (it == mRawLightInfos.end()) { return std::nullopt; } return it->second; } void FakeEventHub::setLightBrightness(int32_t deviceId, int32_t lightId, int32_t brightness) { mLightBrightness.emplace(lightId, brightness); } void FakeEventHub::setLightIntensities(int32_t deviceId, int32_t lightId, std::unordered_map intensities) { mLightIntensities.emplace(lightId, intensities); }; std::optional FakeEventHub::getLightBrightness(int32_t deviceId, int32_t lightId) const { auto lightIt = mLightBrightness.find(lightId); if (lightIt == mLightBrightness.end()) { return std::nullopt; } return lightIt->second; } std::optional> FakeEventHub::getLightIntensities( int32_t deviceId, int32_t lightId) const { auto lightIt = mLightIntensities.find(lightId); if (lightIt == mLightIntensities.end()) { return std::nullopt; } return lightIt->second; }; void FakeEventHub::setSysfsRootPath(int32_t deviceId, std::string sysfsRootPath) const { Device* device = getDevice(deviceId); if (device == nullptr) { return; } device->sysfsRootPath = sysfsRootPath; } void FakeEventHub::sysfsNodeChanged(const std::string& sysfsNodePath) { int32_t foundDeviceId = -1; Device* foundDevice = nullptr; for (size_t i = 0; i < mDevices.size(); i++) { Device* d = mDevices.valueAt(i); if (sysfsNodePath.find(d->sysfsRootPath) != std::string::npos) { foundDeviceId = mDevices.keyAt(i); foundDevice = d; } } if (foundDevice == nullptr) { return; } // If device sysfs changed -> reopen the device if (!mRawLightInfos.empty() && !foundDevice->classes.test(InputDeviceClass::LIGHT)) { InputDeviceIdentifier identifier = foundDevice->identifier; ftl::Flags classes = foundDevice->classes; removeDevice(foundDeviceId); addDevice(foundDeviceId, identifier.name, classes | InputDeviceClass::LIGHT, identifier.bus); } } } // namespace android