/* * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "FakeInputTracingBackend.h" #include #include namespace android::inputdispatcher { namespace { // Use a larger timeout while waiting for events to be traced, compared to the timeout used while // waiting to receive events through the input channel. Events are traced from a separate thread, // which does not have the same high thread priority as the InputDispatcher's thread, so the tracer // is expected to lag behind the Dispatcher at times. constexpr auto TRACE_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(5); base::ResultError<> error(const std::ostringstream& ss) { return base::ResultError(ss.str(), BAD_VALUE); } inline auto getId(const trace::TracedEvent& v) { return std::visit([](const auto& event) { return event.id; }, v); } MotionEvent toInputEvent(const trace::TracedMotionEvent& e, const trace::WindowDispatchArgs& dispatchArgs, const std::array& hmac) { MotionEvent traced; traced.initialize(e.id, e.deviceId, e.source, e.displayId, hmac, e.action, e.actionButton, dispatchArgs.resolvedFlags, e.edgeFlags, e.metaState, e.buttonState, e.classification, dispatchArgs.transform, e.xPrecision, e.yPrecision, e.xCursorPosition, e.yCursorPosition, dispatchArgs.rawTransform, e.downTime, e.eventTime, e.pointerProperties.size(), e.pointerProperties.data(), e.pointerCoords.data()); return traced; } KeyEvent toInputEvent(const trace::TracedKeyEvent& e, const trace::WindowDispatchArgs& dispatchArgs, const std::array& hmac) { KeyEvent traced; traced.initialize(e.id, e.deviceId, e.source, e.displayId, hmac, e.action, dispatchArgs.resolvedFlags, e.keyCode, e.scanCode, e.metaState, dispatchArgs.resolvedKeyRepeatCount, e.downTime, e.eventTime); return traced; } } // namespace // --- VerifyingTrace --- void VerifyingTrace::expectKeyDispatchTraced(const KeyEvent& event, int32_t windowId) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); mExpectedEvents.emplace_back(event, windowId); } void VerifyingTrace::expectMotionDispatchTraced(const MotionEvent& event, int32_t windowId) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); mExpectedEvents.emplace_back(event, windowId); } void VerifyingTrace::verifyExpectedEventsTraced() { std::unique_lock lock(mLock); base::ScopedLockAssertion assumeLocked(mLock); // Poll for all expected events to be traced, and keep track of the latest poll result. base::Result result; mEventTracedCondition.wait_for(lock, TRACE_TIMEOUT, [&]() REQUIRES(mLock) { for (const auto& [expectedEvent, windowId] : mExpectedEvents) { std::visit([&](const auto& event) REQUIRES(mLock) { result = verifyEventTraced(event, windowId); }, expectedEvent); if (!result.ok()) { return false; } } return true; }); EXPECT_TRUE(result.ok()) << "Timed out waiting for all expected events to be traced successfully: " << result.error().message(); } void VerifyingTrace::reset() { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); mTracedEvents.clear(); mTracedWindowDispatches.clear(); mExpectedEvents.clear(); } template base::Result VerifyingTrace::verifyEventTraced(const Event& expectedEvent, int32_t expectedWindowId) const { std::ostringstream msg; auto tracedEventsIt = mTracedEvents.find(expectedEvent.getId()); if (tracedEventsIt == mTracedEvents.end()) { msg << "Expected event with ID 0x" << std::hex << expectedEvent.getId() << " to be traced, but it was not.\n" << "Expected event: " << expectedEvent; return error(msg); } auto tracedDispatchesIt = std::find_if(mTracedWindowDispatches.begin(), mTracedWindowDispatches.end(), [&](const trace::WindowDispatchArgs& args) { return args.windowId == expectedWindowId && getId(args.eventEntry) == expectedEvent.getId(); }); if (tracedDispatchesIt == mTracedWindowDispatches.end()) { msg << "Expected dispatch of event with ID 0x" << std::hex << expectedEvent.getId() << " to window with ID 0x" << expectedWindowId << " to be traced, but it was not.\n" << "Expected event: " << expectedEvent; return error(msg); } // Verify that the traced event matches the expected event exactly. return std::visit( [&](const auto& traced) -> base::Result { Event tracedEvent; using T = std::decay_t; if constexpr (std::is_same_v && std::is_same_v) { tracedEvent = toInputEvent(traced, *tracedDispatchesIt, expectedEvent.getHmac()); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v && std::is_same_v) { tracedEvent = toInputEvent(traced, *tracedDispatchesIt, expectedEvent.getHmac()); } else { msg << "Received the wrong event type!\n" << "Expected event: " << expectedEvent; return error(msg); } const auto result = testing::internal::CmpHelperEQ("expectedEvent", "tracedEvent", expectedEvent, tracedEvent); if (!result) { msg << result.failure_message(); return error(msg); } return {}; }, tracedEventsIt->second); } // --- FakeInputTracingBackend --- void FakeInputTracingBackend::traceKeyEvent(const trace::TracedKeyEvent& event, const trace::TracedEventMetadata&) { { std::scoped_lock lock(mTrace->mLock); mTrace->mTracedEvents.emplace(event.id, event); } mTrace->mEventTracedCondition.notify_all(); } void FakeInputTracingBackend::traceMotionEvent(const trace::TracedMotionEvent& event, const trace::TracedEventMetadata&) { { std::scoped_lock lock(mTrace->mLock); mTrace->mTracedEvents.emplace(event.id, event); } mTrace->mEventTracedCondition.notify_all(); } void FakeInputTracingBackend::traceWindowDispatch(const trace::WindowDispatchArgs& args, const trace::TracedEventMetadata&) { { std::scoped_lock lock(mTrace->mLock); mTrace->mTracedWindowDispatches.push_back(args); } mTrace->mEventTracedCondition.notify_all(); } } // namespace android::inputdispatcher