/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "PowerHalLoader" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace android::hardware::power; namespace android { namespace power { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template sp loadHal(bool& exists, sp& hal, F& loadFn, const char* halName) { if (!exists) { return nullptr; } if (hal) { return hal; } hal = loadFn(); if (hal) { ALOGV("Successfully connected to Power HAL %s service.", halName); } else { ALOGV("Power HAL %s service not available.", halName); exists = false; } return hal; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::mutex PowerHalLoader::gHalMutex; std::shared_ptr PowerHalLoader::gHalAidl = nullptr; sp PowerHalLoader::gHalHidlV1_0 = nullptr; sp PowerHalLoader::gHalHidlV1_1 = nullptr; sp PowerHalLoader::gHalHidlV1_2 = nullptr; sp PowerHalLoader::gHalHidlV1_3 = nullptr; int32_t PowerHalLoader::gAidlInterfaceVersion = 0; void PowerHalLoader::unloadAll() { std::lock_guard lock(gHalMutex); gHalAidl = nullptr; gHalHidlV1_0 = nullptr; gHalHidlV1_1 = nullptr; gHalHidlV1_2 = nullptr; gHalHidlV1_3 = nullptr; } std::shared_ptr PowerHalLoader::loadAidl() { std::lock_guard lock(gHalMutex); static bool gHalExists = true; if (!gHalExists) { return nullptr; } if (gHalAidl) { return gHalAidl; } auto aidlServiceName = std::string(aidl::android::hardware::power::IPower::descriptor) + "/default"; if (!AServiceManager_isDeclared(aidlServiceName.c_str())) { gHalExists = false; return nullptr; } gHalAidl = aidl::android::hardware::power::IPower::fromBinder( ndk::SpAIBinder(AServiceManager_waitForService(aidlServiceName.c_str()))); if (gHalAidl) { ALOGI("Successfully connected to Power HAL AIDL service."); gHalAidl->getInterfaceVersion(&gAidlInterfaceVersion); } else { ALOGI("Power HAL AIDL service not available."); gHalExists = false; } return gHalAidl; } sp PowerHalLoader::loadHidlV1_0() { std::lock_guard lock(gHalMutex); return loadHidlV1_0Locked(); } sp PowerHalLoader::loadHidlV1_1() { std::lock_guard lock(gHalMutex); static bool gHalExists = true; static auto loadFn = []() { return V1_1::IPower::castFrom(loadHidlV1_0Locked()); }; return loadHal(gHalExists, gHalHidlV1_1, loadFn, "HIDL v1.1"); } sp PowerHalLoader::loadHidlV1_2() { std::lock_guard lock(gHalMutex); static bool gHalExists = true; static auto loadFn = []() { return V1_2::IPower::castFrom(loadHidlV1_0Locked()); }; return loadHal(gHalExists, gHalHidlV1_2, loadFn, "HIDL v1.2"); } sp PowerHalLoader::loadHidlV1_3() { std::lock_guard lock(gHalMutex); static bool gHalExists = true; static auto loadFn = []() { return V1_3::IPower::castFrom(loadHidlV1_0Locked()); }; return loadHal(gHalExists, gHalHidlV1_3, loadFn, "HIDL v1.3"); } sp PowerHalLoader::loadHidlV1_0Locked() { static bool gHalExists = true; static auto loadFn = []() { return V1_0::IPower::getService(); }; return loadHal(gHalExists, gHalHidlV1_0, loadFn, "HIDL v1.0"); } int32_t PowerHalLoader::getAidlVersion() { return gAidlInterfaceVersion; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace power } // namespace android