express_metric { id: "webview.value_prepare_webview_in_system_server_latency" type: HISTOGRAM display_name: "Prepare WebView in system server latency" description: "Latency for the WebViewUpdateService preparation Logic" owner_email: "" unit: UNIT_TIME_MILLIS histogram_options { scaled_bins { count: 20 min_value: 0 first_bin_width: 1 scale: 1.5 } } } express_metric { id: "webview.value_app_waiting_for_relro_completion_delay" type: HISTOGRAM display_name: "Apps waiting time for RELRO completion" description: "The delay the app experience waiting for RELRO completion when trying to load WebView" owner_email: "" unit: UNIT_TIME_MILLIS histogram_options { scaled_bins { count: 20 min_value: 0 first_bin_width: 1 scale: 1.4 } } } express_metric { id: "webview.value_on_webview_provider_changed_counter" type: COUNTER display_name: "onWebViewProviderChanged counter" description: "number of times onWebViewProviderChanged is triggered" owner_email: "" unit: UNIT_COUNT } express_metric { id: "webview.value_on_webview_provider_changed_with_default_package_counter" type: COUNTER display_name: "onWebViewProviderChanged with Default package counter" description: "number of times onWebViewProviderChanged is triggered with the default WebView package ( or" owner_email: "" unit: UNIT_COUNT } express_metric { id: "webview.value_find_preferred_webview_package_counter" type: COUNTER display_name: "findPreferredWebViewPackage counter" description: "number of times findPreferredWebViewPackage is triggered" owner_email: "" unit: UNIT_COUNT } express_metric { id: "webview.value_default_webview_package_invalid_counter" type: COUNTER display_name: "Default WebView package invalid counter" description: "number of times we find that that default WebView package is invalid (e.g. wrong target sdk)" owner_email: "" unit: UNIT_COUNT } express_metric { id: "webview.value_webview_not_usable_for_all_users_counter" type: COUNTER display_name: "WebView not usable for all users counter" description: "number of times we find that WebView is not usable on the device for all users" owner_email: "" unit: UNIT_COUNT }