/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_NUMBER_INTERFACES 2 #define REPETITIONS 4 // These are extensions to OpenSL ES 1.0.1 values #define SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_UNKNOWN 0 #define SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_ERROR ((SLuint32) -1) // Mutex and condition shared with main program to protect prefetch_status static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; SLuint32 prefetch_status = SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_UNKNOWN; /* used to detect errors likely to have occured when the OpenSL ES framework fails to open * a resource, for instance because a file URI is invalid, or an HTTP server doesn't respond. */ #define PREFETCHEVENT_ERROR_CANDIDATE \ (SL_PREFETCHEVENT_STATUSCHANGE | SL_PREFETCHEVENT_FILLLEVELCHANGE) //----------------------------------------------------------------- //* Exits the application if an error is encountered */ #define CheckErr(x) ExitOnErrorFunc(x,__LINE__) void ExitOnErrorFunc( SLresult result , int line) { if (SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) { fprintf(stderr, "%u error code encountered at line %d, exiting\n", result, line); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- /* PrefetchStatusItf callback for an audio player */ void PrefetchEventCallback( SLPrefetchStatusItf caller, void *pContext, SLuint32 event) { SLresult result; // pContext is unused here, so we pass NULL assert(pContext == NULL); SLpermille level = 0; result = (*caller)->GetFillLevel(caller, &level); CheckErr(result); SLuint32 status; result = (*caller)->GetPrefetchStatus(caller, &status); CheckErr(result); if (event & SL_PREFETCHEVENT_FILLLEVELCHANGE) { fprintf(stdout, "\t\tPrefetchEventCallback: Buffer fill level is = %d\n", level); } if (event & SL_PREFETCHEVENT_STATUSCHANGE) { fprintf(stdout, "\t\tPrefetchEventCallback: Prefetch Status is = %u\n", status); } SLuint32 new_prefetch_status; if ((event & PREFETCHEVENT_ERROR_CANDIDATE) == PREFETCHEVENT_ERROR_CANDIDATE && (level == 0) && (status == SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_UNDERFLOW)) { fprintf(stdout, "\t\tPrefetchEventCallback: Error while prefetching data, exiting\n"); new_prefetch_status = SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_ERROR; } else if (event == SL_PREFETCHEVENT_STATUSCHANGE && status == SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_SUFFICIENTDATA) { new_prefetch_status = status; } else { return; } int ok; ok = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); assert(ok == 0); prefetch_status = new_prefetch_status; ok = pthread_cond_signal(&cond); assert(ok == 0); ok = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); assert(ok == 0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- /* PlayItf callback for playback events */ void PlayEventCallback( SLPlayItf caller __unused, void *pContext, SLuint32 event) { // pContext is unused here, so we pass NULL assert(NULL == pContext); if (SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND == event) { printf("SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND reached\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected play event 0x%x", event); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- /* Play some music from a URI */ void TestLoopUri( SLObjectItf sl, const char* path) { SLEngineItf EngineItf; SLresult res; SLDataSource audioSource; SLDataLocator_URI uri; SLDataFormat_MIME mime; SLDataSink audioSink; SLDataLocator_OutputMix locator_outputmix; SLObjectItf player; SLPlayItf playItf; SLSeekItf seekItf; SLPrefetchStatusItf prefetchItf; SLObjectItf OutputMix; SLboolean required[MAX_NUMBER_INTERFACES]; SLInterfaceID iidArray[MAX_NUMBER_INTERFACES]; /* Get the SL Engine Interface which is implicit */ res = (*sl)->GetInterface(sl, SL_IID_ENGINE, (void*)&EngineItf); CheckErr(res); /* Initialize arrays required[] and iidArray[] */ for (int i=0 ; i < MAX_NUMBER_INTERFACES ; i++) { required[i] = SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE; iidArray[i] = SL_IID_NULL; } required[0] = SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE; iidArray[0] = SL_IID_VOLUME; // Create Output Mix object to be used by player res = (*EngineItf)->CreateOutputMix(EngineItf, &OutputMix, 0, iidArray, required); CheckErr(res); // Realizing the Output Mix object in synchronous mode. res = (*OutputMix)->Realize(OutputMix, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE); CheckErr(res); /* Setup the data source structure for the URI */ uri.locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_URI; uri.URI = (SLchar*) path; mime.formatType = SL_DATAFORMAT_MIME; mime.mimeType = (SLchar*)NULL; mime.containerType = SL_CONTAINERTYPE_UNSPECIFIED; audioSource.pFormat = (void *)&mime; audioSource.pLocator = (void *)&uri; /* Setup the data sink structure */ locator_outputmix.locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX; locator_outputmix.outputMix = OutputMix; audioSink.pLocator = (void *)&locator_outputmix; audioSink.pFormat = NULL; /* Create the audio player */ required[0] = SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE; iidArray[0] = SL_IID_SEEK; required[1] = SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE; iidArray[1] = SL_IID_PREFETCHSTATUS; res = (*EngineItf)->CreateAudioPlayer(EngineItf, &player, &audioSource, &audioSink, MAX_NUMBER_INTERFACES, iidArray, required); CheckErr(res); /* Realizing the player in synchronous mode. */ res = (*player)->Realize(player, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE); CheckErr(res); fprintf(stdout, "URI example: after Realize\n"); /* Get interfaces */ res = (*player)->GetInterface(player, SL_IID_PLAY, (void*)&playItf); CheckErr(res); res = (*player)->GetInterface(player, SL_IID_SEEK, (void*)&seekItf); CheckErr(res); res = (*player)->GetInterface(player, SL_IID_PREFETCHSTATUS, (void*)&prefetchItf); CheckErr(res); res = (*prefetchItf)->RegisterCallback(prefetchItf, PrefetchEventCallback, NULL); CheckErr(res); res = (*prefetchItf)->SetCallbackEventsMask(prefetchItf, SL_PREFETCHEVENT_FILLLEVELCHANGE | SL_PREFETCHEVENT_STATUSCHANGE); CheckErr(res); /* Configure fill level updates every 5 percent */ (*prefetchItf)->SetFillUpdatePeriod(prefetchItf, 50); /* Set up the player callback to get head-at-end events */ res = (*playItf)->SetCallbackEventsMask(playItf, SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND); CheckErr(res); res = (*playItf)->RegisterCallback(playItf, PlayEventCallback, NULL); CheckErr(res); /* Display duration */ SLmillisecond durationInMsec = SL_TIME_UNKNOWN; res = (*playItf)->GetDuration(playItf, &durationInMsec); CheckErr(res); if (durationInMsec == SL_TIME_UNKNOWN) { fprintf(stdout, "Content duration is unknown (before starting to prefetch)\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Content duration is %u ms (before starting to prefetch)\n", durationInMsec); } /* Loop on the whole of the content */ res = (*seekItf)->SetLoop(seekItf, SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE, 0, SL_TIME_UNKNOWN); CheckErr(res); /* Play the URI */ /* first cause the player to prefetch the data */ res = (*playItf)->SetPlayState( playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_PAUSED ); CheckErr(res); // wait for prefetch status callback to indicate either sufficient data or error pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); while (prefetch_status == SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_UNKNOWN) { pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); if (prefetch_status == SL_PREFETCHSTATUS_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error during prefetch, exiting\n"); goto destroyRes; } /* Display duration again, */ res = (*playItf)->GetDuration(playItf, &durationInMsec); CheckErr(res); if (durationInMsec == SL_TIME_UNKNOWN) { fprintf(stdout, "Content duration is unknown (after prefetch completed)\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Content duration is %u ms (after prefetch completed)\n", durationInMsec); } /* Start playing */ fprintf(stdout, "starting to play\n"); res = (*playItf)->SetPlayState( playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING ); CheckErr(res); /* Wait as long as the duration of the content, times the repetitions, * before stopping the loop */ usleep( (REPETITIONS-1) * durationInMsec * 1100); res = (*seekItf)->SetLoop(seekItf, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE, 0, SL_TIME_UNKNOWN); CheckErr(res); fprintf(stdout, "As of now, stopped looping (sound shouldn't repeat from now on)\n"); /* wait some more to make sure it doesn't repeat */ usleep(durationInMsec * 1000); /* Stop playback */ fprintf(stdout, "stopping playback\n"); res = (*playItf)->SetPlayState(playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED); CheckErr(res); destroyRes: /* Destroy the player */ (*player)->Destroy(player); /* Destroy Output Mix object */ (*OutputMix)->Destroy(OutputMix); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char* const argv[]) { SLresult res; SLObjectItf sl; fprintf(stdout, "OpenSL ES test %s: exercises SLPlayItf, SLSeekItf ", argv[0]); fprintf(stdout, "and AudioPlayer with SLDataLocator_URI source / OutputMix sink\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Plays a sound and loops it %d times.\n\n", REPETITIONS); if (argc == 1) { fprintf(stdout, "Usage: \n\t%s path \n\t%s url\n", argv[0], argv[0]); fprintf(stdout, "Example: \"%s /sdcard/my.mp3\" or \"%s file:///sdcard/my.mp3\"\n", argv[0], argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SLEngineOption EngineOption[] = { {(SLuint32) SL_ENGINEOPTION_THREADSAFE, (SLuint32) SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE}}; res = slCreateEngine( &sl, 1, EngineOption, 0, NULL, NULL); CheckErr(res); /* Realizing the SL Engine in synchronous mode. */ res = (*sl)->Realize(sl, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE); CheckErr(res); TestLoopUri(sl, argv[1]); /* Shutdown OpenSL ES */ (*sl)->Destroy(sl); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }