/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "GCH_HdrplusRequestProcessor" #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA #include #include #include "hdrplus_request_processor.h" #include "vendor_tag_defs.h" namespace android { namespace google_camera_hal { std::unique_ptr HdrplusRequestProcessor::Create( CameraDeviceSessionHwl* device_session_hwl, int32_t raw_stream_id, uint32_t physical_camera_id) { ATRACE_CALL(); if (device_session_hwl == nullptr) { ALOGE("%s: device_session_hwl (%p) is nullptr", __FUNCTION__, device_session_hwl); return nullptr; } auto request_processor = std::unique_ptr( new HdrplusRequestProcessor(physical_camera_id)); if (request_processor == nullptr) { ALOGE("%s: Creating HdrplusRequestProcessor failed.", __FUNCTION__); return nullptr; } status_t res = request_processor->Initialize(device_session_hwl, raw_stream_id); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Initializing HdrplusRequestProcessor failed: %s (%d).", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-res), res); return nullptr; } return request_processor; } status_t HdrplusRequestProcessor::Initialize( CameraDeviceSessionHwl* device_session_hwl, int32_t raw_stream_id) { ATRACE_CALL(); std::unique_ptr characteristics; status_t res = NO_INIT; uint32_t num_physical_cameras = device_session_hwl->GetPhysicalCameraIds().size(); if (num_physical_cameras > 0) { res = device_session_hwl->GetPhysicalCameraCharacteristics( kCameraId, &characteristics); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: GetPhysicalCameraCharacteristics failed.", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } } else { res = device_session_hwl->GetCameraCharacteristics(&characteristics); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: GetCameraCharacteristics failed.", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } } camera_metadata_ro_entry entry; res = characteristics->Get( ANDROID_SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE, &entry); if (res == OK) { active_array_width_ = entry.data.i32[2]; active_array_height_ = entry.data.i32[3]; ALOGI("%s Active size (%d x %d).", __FUNCTION__, active_array_width_, active_array_height_); } else { ALOGE("%s Get active size failed: %s (%d).", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-res), res); return res; } res = characteristics->Get(VendorTagIds::kHdrplusPayloadFrames, &entry); if (res != OK || entry.data.i32[0] <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: Getting kHdrplusPayloadFrames failed or number <= 0", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } payload_frames_ = entry.data.i32[0]; ALOGI("%s: HDR+ payload_frames_: %d", __FUNCTION__, payload_frames_); raw_stream_id_ = raw_stream_id; return OK; } status_t HdrplusRequestProcessor::ConfigureStreams( InternalStreamManager* internal_stream_manager, const StreamConfiguration& stream_config, StreamConfiguration* process_block_stream_config) { ATRACE_CALL(); if (process_block_stream_config == nullptr || internal_stream_manager == nullptr) { ALOGE( "%s: process_block_stream_config (%p) is nullptr or " "internal_stream_manager (%p) is nullptr", __FUNCTION__, process_block_stream_config, internal_stream_manager); return BAD_VALUE; } internal_stream_manager_ = internal_stream_manager; Stream raw_stream; raw_stream.stream_type = StreamType::kInput; raw_stream.width = active_array_width_; raw_stream.height = active_array_height_; raw_stream.format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW10; raw_stream.usage = 0; raw_stream.rotation = StreamRotation::kRotation0; raw_stream.data_space = HAL_DATASPACE_ARBITRARY; // Set id back to raw_stream and then HWL can get correct HAL stream ID raw_stream.id = raw_stream_id_; process_block_stream_config->streams = stream_config.streams; // Add internal RAW stream process_block_stream_config->streams.push_back(raw_stream); process_block_stream_config->operation_mode = stream_config.operation_mode; process_block_stream_config->session_params = HalCameraMetadata::Clone(stream_config.session_params.get()); process_block_stream_config->stream_config_counter = stream_config.stream_config_counter; process_block_stream_config->log_id = stream_config.log_id; return OK; } status_t HdrplusRequestProcessor::SetProcessBlock( std::unique_ptr process_block) { ATRACE_CALL(); if (process_block == nullptr) { ALOGE("%s: process_block is nullptr", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } std::lock_guard lock(process_block_lock_); if (process_block_ != nullptr) { ALOGE("%s: Already configured.", __FUNCTION__); return ALREADY_EXISTS; } process_block_ = std::move(process_block); return OK; } bool HdrplusRequestProcessor::IsReadyForNextRequest() { ATRACE_CALL(); if (internal_stream_manager_ == nullptr) { ALOGW("%s: internal_stream_manager_ nullptr", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if (internal_stream_manager_->IsPendingBufferEmpty(raw_stream_id_) == false) { return false; } return true; } void HdrplusRequestProcessor::RemoveJpegMetadata( std::vector>* metadata) { const uint32_t tags[] = { ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE, ANDROID_JPEG_ORIENTATION, ANDROID_JPEG_QUALITY, ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY, ANDROID_JPEG_GPS_COORDINATES, ANDROID_JPEG_GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD, ANDROID_JPEG_GPS_TIMESTAMP}; if (metadata == nullptr) { ALOGW("%s: metadata is nullptr", __FUNCTION__); return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < metadata->size(); i++) { for (uint32_t tag_index = 0; tag_index < sizeof(tags) / sizeof(uint32_t); tag_index++) { if (metadata->at(i) == nullptr) { continue; } status_t res = metadata->at(i)->Erase(tags[tag_index]); if (res != OK) { ALOGW("%s: (%d)erase index(%d) failed: %s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, i, tag_index, strerror(-res), res); } } } } status_t HdrplusRequestProcessor::ProcessRequest(const CaptureRequest& request) { ATRACE_CALL(); std::lock_guard lock(process_block_lock_); if (process_block_ == nullptr) { ALOGE("%s: Not configured yet.", __FUNCTION__); return NO_INIT; } if (IsReadyForNextRequest() == false) { return BAD_VALUE; } CaptureRequest block_request; block_request.frame_number = request.frame_number; block_request.settings = HalCameraMetadata::Clone(request.settings.get()); block_request.output_buffers = request.output_buffers; for (auto& [camera_id, physical_metadata] : request.physical_camera_settings) { block_request.physical_camera_settings[camera_id] = HalCameraMetadata::Clone(physical_metadata.get()); } // Get multiple raw buffer and metadata from internal stream as input status_t result = internal_stream_manager_->GetMostRecentStreamBuffer( raw_stream_id_, &(block_request.input_buffers), &(block_request.input_buffer_metadata), payload_frames_); if (result != OK) { ALOGE("%s: frame:%d GetStreamBuffer failed.", __FUNCTION__, request.frame_number); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } RemoveJpegMetadata(&(block_request.input_buffer_metadata)); std::vector block_requests(1); block_requests[0].request = std::move(block_request); ALOGD("%s: frame number %u is an HDR+ request.", __FUNCTION__, request.frame_number); return process_block_->ProcessRequests(block_requests, request); } status_t HdrplusRequestProcessor::Flush() { ATRACE_CALL(); std::lock_guard lock(process_block_lock_); if (process_block_ == nullptr) { return OK; } return process_block_->Flush(); } } // namespace google_camera_hal } // namespace android