#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ Parses a given bugreport for specific device Id. If parsing is successful, then generate respective JSON configuration. """ import json import os import re import sys import zipfile """ Store static camera characteristics in given JSON configuration file. """ def storeJsonConfigration(filePath, chars): with open(filePath, 'w') as jsonFile: json.dump(chars, jsonFile, sort_keys=True, indent=1) """ Parse media.camera dump section and populate the camera characteristics list of dictionaries. """ def parseCameraDump(deviceId, cameraDumpPath, tagList): deviceRegExp = "== Camera HAL device device@[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/{0} \(v3.".format(deviceId) physicalDeviceRegExp = "Physical camera [0-9] characteristics:" tagRegExp = " {4}android[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+ \([a-z0-9]+\): " tagValueRegExp = "[^a-zA-Z0-9-\._]" expandedTagsRegExp = " \(.*?\)" expandedMetadataTags = ["android.request.availableRequestKeys", "android.request.availableResultKeys", "android.request.availableSessionKeys", "android.request.availableCharacteristicsKeys", "android.request.availablePhysicalCameraRequestKeys"] with open(cameraDumpPath, "r") as file: devices = re.split(deviceRegExp, file.read()) if len(devices) != 3 and len(devices) != 2: print("Camera device id: {0} not found".format(deviceId)) sys.exit() physicalDevices = re.split(physicalDeviceRegExp, devices[1]) physicalIdx = 0 for physicalDevice in physicalDevices: physicalIdx += 1 tags = re.split(tagRegExp, physicalDevice) tagsContent = re.findall(tagRegExp, physicalDevice) i = 0; parseEnd = False deviceChars = dict() for tag in tags[1:]: if parseEnd: break lines = tag.splitlines() if len(lines) < 2: print("Empty tag entry, skipping!") continue tagName = tagsContent[i].split()[0] if tagName is None or len(tagName) < 1: print("Invalid tag found, skipping!") continue i += 1 for line in lines[1:]: if line.startswith('== Camera HAL device device'): parseEnd = True break values = re.split(r' {8}', line) if len(values) == 2: # For all the tags which have expanded values of the tag ids, remove the # expanded value in round brackets when generating the json file. if tagName in expandedMetadataTags: # replace everything between '(' and ')' with an empty string. values[1] = re.sub(expandedTagsRegExp, "", values[1]) key = tagName tagValues = list(filter(None, re.split(tagValueRegExp, values[1]))) if key in deviceChars: deviceChars[key] = deviceChars[key] + tagValues else: deviceChars[key] = tagValues else: break tagList.append(deviceChars) os.remove(cameraDumpPath) if __name__ == '__main__': argc = len(sys.argv) deviceId = "" bugreportPath = "" configPath = "" if argc >= 4: bugreportPath = str(sys.argv[1]) deviceId = str(sys.argv[2]) configPath = str(sys.argv[3]) else: print("Usage: parse_bugreport.py PathToBugreport DeviceId JSONConfigurationPath") sys.exit(); with zipfile.ZipFile(bugreportPath) as bugzip: cameraDumpFile = "" for name in bugzip.namelist(): if re.match("bugreport", name) is not None: cameraDumpFile = name break if len(cameraDumpFile) == 0: print("Camera dump not found in bugreport!") sys.exit() tagList = list() parseCameraDump(deviceId, bugzip.extract(cameraDumpFile), tagList) storeJsonConfigration(configPath, tagList)