// Copyright 2017-2023 The Khronos Group Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 ifdef::env-github[] :note-caption: :information_source: endif::[] = Vulkan^(R)^ and Vulkan^(R)^ SC API Documentation Project For Vulkan^(R)^ API specific documentation see link:READMEVK.adoc[READMEVK.adoc] For Vulkan^(R)^ SC API specific documentation see link:READMESC.adoc[READMESC.adoc] == Directory Structure The directory structure is as follows: ``` README.adoc This file READMESC.adoc Readme for the Vulkan SC specification READMEVK.adoc Readme for the Vulkan specification BUILD.adoc Documents how to build the specifications and reference pages CONTRIBUTING.adoc Requirements for external contributions to the repository COPYING.adoc Copyright and licensing information CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc Code of Conduct LICENSE.adoc Summary of licenses used by files in the repository ChangeLog.adoc Change log summary for each public Vulkan spec update ChangeLogSC.adoc Change log summary for each public Vulkan SC spec update Makefile, make* Makefile and helper build scripts (see BUILD.adoc) appendices/ Specification appendices chapters/ Specification chapters proposals/ Design documents for extensions config/ Asciidoctor configuration, CSS, and index generator images/ Images (figures, diagrams, icons) gen/out/ Default directory for the generated documents scripts/ Helper scripts used in specification, header, and reference page generation style/ Sources for "styleguide" (Vulkan Documentation and Extensions: Procedures and Conventions) xml/ XML API Registry (`vk.xml`) as well as XML for non-Vulkan data structures used with Video extensions (`video.xml`) registry.adoc Source for documentation of the XML format ``` == Building the Specification and Reference Pages The document sources are marked up in Asciidoctor format, and we use `asciidoctor` and related toolchain components to generate output documents. See link:BUILD.adoc[BUILD.adoc] for more information on installing the toolchain and building the Specification. == Generating Headers and Related Files See link:xml/README.adoc[xml/README.adoc]. The header files (`include/vulkan/vulkan*.h`) and many parts of the specification and reference page documents are generated from descriptions in the XML API Registry (link:xml/vk.xml[`xml/vk.xml`]). The generated files are not checked into the repository. If you change `vk.xml`, you can regenerate the headers by going into `xml/` and running: $ make clean install The other generated files are built as required via dependencies in the top-level `Makefile`.