#!/usr/bin/python3 -i # # Copyright 2020-2023 The Khronos Group Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Description: # ----------- # This script generates a .hpp file that can be included in an application # to generate json data that can then be used to generate the pipeline cache. import os import re from generator import (GeneratorOptions, OutputGenerator, noneStr, regSortFeatures, write) copyright = """ /* * Copyright (c) 2021 The Khronos Group Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \\file * \\brief Defines JSON generators for Vulkan structures */ """ predefinedCode = """ /********************************************************************************************/ /** This code is generated. To make changes, please modify the scripts or the relevant xml **/ /********************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef VULKAN_JSON_CTS #include #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #define VC_EXTRALEAN #define NOMINMAX #include #endif namespace vk_json { static thread_local int s_num_spaces = 0; static thread_local std::stringstream _string_stream; static void dumpPNextChain(const void* pNext); // By default, redirect to std::cout. Can stream it to a stringstream if needed. //#define _OUT std::cout #define _OUT _string_stream // Helper utility to do indentation in the generated json file. #define PRINT_SPACE for (int k = 0; k < s_num_spaces; k++) _OUT << \" \"; #define INDENT(sz) s_num_spaces += (sz); #define PRINT_VAL(c) PRINT_SPACE \\ if (s != "") {\\ _OUT << \"\\\"\" << s << \"\\\"\" << \" : \" << o << (c ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl; \\ } else {\\ _OUT << o << (c ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl; \\ } #define PRINT_STR(c) PRINT_SPACE \\ if (s != "") {\\ _OUT << \"\\\"\" << s << \"\\\"\" << \" : " << \"\\\"\" << o << \"\\\"\" << (c ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl; \\ } else {\\ _OUT << \"\\\"\" << o << \"\\\"\" << (c ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl; \\ } // To make sure the generated data is consistent across platforms, // we typecast to 32-bit and dump the data. // The value is not expected to exceed the range. static void print_size_t(const size_t* o, const std::string& s, bool commaNeeded=true) { PRINT_SPACE _OUT << \"\\\"\" << s << \"\\\"\" << \" : \" << static_cast<%s>(*o) << (commaNeeded ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl;\\ } static void print_size_t(size_t o, const std::string& s, bool commaNeeded=true) { PRINT_SPACE _OUT << \"\\\"\" << s << \"\\\"\" << \" : \" << static_cast<%s>(o) << (commaNeeded ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl;\\ } """ headerGuardTop = """#ifndef _VULKAN_JSON_DATA_HPP #define _VULKAN_JSON_DATA_HPP """ headerGuardBottom = """#endif // _VULKAN_JSON_DATA_HPP""" encodeBase64CodeCTS = """ // Base 64 formatter class from executor/xeTestLogWriter.cpp class Base64Formatter { public: const deUint8* data; int numBytes; Base64Formatter(const deUint8* data_, int numBytes_) : data(data_), numBytes(numBytes_) {} }; std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const Base64Formatter& fmt) { static const char s_base64Table[64] = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M', 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z', 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m', 'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z', '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' }; const deUint8* data = fmt.data; int numBytes = fmt.numBytes; int srcNdx = 0; DE_ASSERT(data && (numBytes > 0)); /* Loop all input chars. */ while (srcNdx < numBytes) { int numRead = de::min(3, numBytes - srcNdx); deUint8 s0 = data[srcNdx]; deUint8 s1 = (numRead >= 2) ? data[srcNdx + 1] : 0; deUint8 s2 = (numRead >= 3) ? data[srcNdx + 2] : 0; char d[4]; srcNdx += numRead; d[0] = s_base64Table[s0 >> 2]; d[1] = s_base64Table[((s0 & 0x3) << 4) | (s1 >> 4)]; d[2] = s_base64Table[((s1 & 0xF) << 2) | (s2 >> 6)]; d[3] = s_base64Table[s2 & 0x3F]; if (numRead < 3) d[3] = '='; if (numRead < 2) d[2] = '='; /* Write data. */ str.write(&d[0], sizeof(d)); } return str; } inline Base64Formatter toBase64(const deUint8* bytes, int numBytes) {return Base64Formatter(bytes, numBytes); } static void print_void_data(const void * o, int oSize, const std::string& s, bool commaNeeded=true) { if (o != NULL && oSize != 0) { PRINT_SPACE _OUT << "\\\"" << s << "\\\"" << " : " << "\\\"" << toBase64((deUint8*)o, oSize) << "\\\"" << (commaNeeded ? "," : "") << std::endl; } else { PRINT_SPACE _OUT << "\\\"" << s << "\\\"" << " : " << "\\\"NULL\\\"" << (commaNeeded ? "," : "") << std::endl; } } """ encodeBase64Code = """ // Base 64 formatter class from executor/xeTestLogWriter.cpp class Base64Formatter { public: const uint8_t* data; int numBytes; Base64Formatter(const uint8_t* data_, int numBytes_) : data(data_), numBytes(numBytes_) {} }; std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const Base64Formatter& fmt) { static const char s_base64Table[64] = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M', 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z', 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m', 'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z', '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' }; const uint8_t* data = fmt.data; int numBytes = fmt.numBytes; int srcNdx = 0; assert(data && (numBytes > 0)); /* Loop all input chars. */ while (srcNdx < numBytes) { #undef min int numRead = std::min(3, numBytes - srcNdx); uint8_t s0 = data[srcNdx]; uint8_t s1 = (numRead >= 2) ? data[srcNdx + 1] : 0; uint8_t s2 = (numRead >= 3) ? data[srcNdx + 2] : 0; char d[4]; srcNdx += numRead; d[0] = s_base64Table[s0 >> 2]; d[1] = s_base64Table[((s0 & 0x3) << 4) | (s1 >> 4)]; d[2] = s_base64Table[((s1 & 0xF) << 2) | (s2 >> 6)]; d[3] = s_base64Table[s2 & 0x3F]; if (numRead < 3) d[3] = '='; if (numRead < 2) d[2] = '='; /* Write data. */ str.write(&d[0], sizeof(d)); } return str; } inline Base64Formatter toBase64(const uint8_t* bytes, int numBytes) {return Base64Formatter(bytes, numBytes); } static void print_void_data(const void * o, int oSize, const std::string& s, bool commaNeeded=true) { if (o != NULL && oSize != 0) { PRINT_SPACE _OUT << "\\\"" << s << "\\\"" << " : " << "\\\"" << toBase64((uint8_t*)o, oSize) << "\\\"" << (commaNeeded ? "," : "") << std::endl; } else { PRINT_SPACE _OUT << "\\\"" << s << "\\\"" << " : " << "\\\"NULL\\\"" << (commaNeeded ? "," : "") << std::endl; } } """ class JSONGeneratorOptions(GeneratorOptions): """JSONGeneratorOptions - subclass of GeneratorOptions. Adds options used by JSONOutputGenerator objects during C language header generation.""" def __init__(self, prefixText="", genFuncPointers=True, protectFile=True, protectFeature=True, protectProto=None, protectProtoStr=None, apicall='', apientry='', apientryp='', isCTS = False, indentFuncProto=True, indentFuncPointer=False, alignFuncParam=0, genEnumBeginEndRange=False, genAliasMacro=False, aliasMacro='', vulkanLayer=False, **kwargs ): GeneratorOptions.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.isCTS = isCTS self.vulkanLayer = vulkanLayer class JSONOutputGenerator(OutputGenerator): # This is an ordered list of sections in the header file. TYPE_SECTIONS = ['basetype', 'handle', 'enum', 'group', 'bitmask', 'struct'] ALL_SECTIONS = TYPE_SECTIONS def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Internal state - accumulators for different inner block text self.sections = {section: [] for section in self.ALL_SECTIONS} self.feature_not_empty = False self.may_alias = None self.vkscFeatureList = [] self.vkFeatureLayerList = [] # Fills in some extensions for exclusion while generating code for layer. self.vkLayerNotReqList = set([""]) self.platformList = ["xlib", "xlib_xrandr", "xcb", "wayland", "directfb", "android", "win32", "vi", "ios", "macos", "metal", "fuchsia", "ggp", "QNX", "provisional"] self.baseTypeList = ["int32_t", "uint32_t", "uint8_t", "uint64_t", "float", "int", "double", "int64_t", "uint16_t", "char"] def printBaseTypes(self): for baseType in self.baseTypeList: printStr = " PRINT_VAL(commaNeeded)\n" # Some special handling needed here. if baseType == 'char': write("static void print_%s(const %s * const* o, const std::string& s, bool commaNeeded=true)\n" %(baseType, self.baseTypeListMap[baseType]) + "{\n" + " PRINT_STR(commaNeeded)\n" + "}\n" , file=self.outFile ) if self.isCTS and baseType == "float": printStr = " if (std::isnan(o))\n" printStr +=" {\n" printStr +=" PRINT_SPACE\n" printStr +=" if (s != \"\")\n" printStr +=" _OUT << \"\\\"\" << s << \"\\\"\" << \" : \\\"NaN\\\"\" << (commaNeeded ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl;\n" printStr +=" else\n" printStr +=" _OUT << \"\\\"NaN\\\"\" << (commaNeeded ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl;\n" printStr +=" }\n" printStr +=" else\n" printStr +=" {\n" printStr +=" PRINT_VAL(commaNeeded)\n" printStr +=" }\n" write("static void print_%s(%s o, const std::string& s, bool commaNeeded=true)\n" %(baseType, self.baseTypeListMap[baseType]) + "{\n" + printStr + "}\n" , file=self.outFile ) if baseType == 'char': printStr = " PRINT_STR(commaNeeded)\n" if self.isCTS and baseType == "float": printStr = " if (std::isnan(*o))\n" printStr +=" {\n" printStr +=" PRINT_SPACE\n" printStr +=" if (s != \"\")\n" printStr +=" _OUT << \"\\\"\" << s << \"\\\"\" << \" : \\\"NaN\\\"\" << (commaNeeded ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl;\n" printStr +=" else\n" printStr +=" _OUT << \"\\\"NaN\\\"\" << (commaNeeded ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl;\n" printStr +=" }\n" printStr +=" else\n" printStr +=" {\n" printStr +=" PRINT_VAL(commaNeeded)\n" printStr +=" }\n" write("static void print_%s(const %s * o, const std::string& s, bool commaNeeded=true)\n" %(baseType, self.baseTypeListMap[baseType]) + "{\n" + printStr + "}\n" , file=self.outFile ) def createLayerUnusedList(self): allExtensions = self.registry.reg.findall('extensions') for extensions in allExtensions: extensionList = extensions.findall("extension") for extension in extensionList: for platform in self.platformList: if re.search(platform, extension.get("name"), re.IGNORECASE): requiredList = extension.findall("require") for requiredItem in requiredList: typeList = requiredItem.findall("type") for typeName in typeList: if platform == "vi": if re.search("NN", extension.get("name")): self.vkLayerNotReqList.add(typeName.get("name")) else: self.vkLayerNotReqList.add(typeName.get("name")) break typesList = self.registry.reg.findall('types') for types in typesList: typeList = types.findall("type") for type in typeList: if type.get("name") != "": cat = type.get("category") name = type.get("name") if cat in {"handle", "bitmask", "basetype", "enum", "struct"}: for platform in self.platformList: if re.search(platform, name, re.IGNORECASE): if platform == "vi": if re.search("NN", name): self.vkLayerNotReqList.add(name) else: self.vkLayerNotReqList.add(name) break def createvkscFeatureList(self): for feature in self.registry.reg.findall('feature'): if feature.get('api').find('vulkansc') != -1: # Remove entries that are removed in features in VKSC profile. requiredList = feature.findall("require") for requiredItem in requiredList: typeList = requiredItem.findall("type") for typeName in typeList: if typeName.get("name") != "": self.vkscFeatureList.append(typeName.get("name")) removeItemList = feature.findall("remove") for removeItem in removeItemList: removeTypes = removeItem.findall("type") for item in removeTypes: if self.vkscFeatureList.count(item.get("name")) > 0: self.vkscFeatureList.remove(item.get("name")) allExtensions = self.registry.reg.findall('extensions') for extensions in allExtensions: extensionList = extensions.findall("extension") for extension in extensionList: if extension.get("supported").find("vulkansc") != -1: requiredList = extension.findall("require") for requiredItem in requiredList: typeList = requiredItem.findall("type") for typeName in typeList: self.vkscFeatureList.append(typeName.get("name")) def printPrototypesAndExtensionDump(self): code = "" code += "/*************************************** Begin prototypes ***********************************/\n" if self.vulkanLayer: typesList = self.registry.reg.findall('types') for types in typesList: typeList = types.findall("type") for type in typeList: if type.get("name") != "": cat = type.get("category") name = type.get("name") enumList = self.registry.reg.findall('enums') for enums in enumList: name = enums.get("name") else: typesList = self.registry.reg.findall('types') for types in typesList: typeList = types.findall("type") for type in typeList: if type.get("name") != "": cat = type.get("category") name = type.get("name") code += "/*************************************** End prototypes ***********************************/\n\n" code += "static void dumpPNextChain(const void* pNext) {\n" code += " VkBaseInStructure *pBase = (VkBaseInStructure*)pNext;\n" code += " if (pNext) {\n" code += " PRINT_SPACE\n" code += " _OUT << \"\\\"pNext\\\":\"<< std::endl;\n\n" code += " switch (pBase->sType) {\n" for type in typeList: if type.get('category') == 'struct' and type.get('structextends') is not None: if (self.vulkanLayer and (type.get('name') not in self.vkLayerNotReqList)) or (not self.vulkanLayer): members = type.findall('member') for m in members: n = type.get('name') if m.get('values') and (n in self.vkFeatureLayerList): code += " case %s:" %(m.get('values')) code += "print_%s((%s *) pNext, \"%s\", true);\n" %(n, n, n) code += " break;\n" code += " default: assert(false); // No structure type matching\n" code += " }\n" code += " }\n" code += " }\n" return code def beginFile(self, genOpts): OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts) self.vulkanLayer = genOpts.vulkanLayer if self.vulkanLayer: self.createLayerUnusedList() self.createvkscFeatureList() self.isCTS = genOpts.isCTS self.baseTypeListMap = { "int32_t" : "deInt32" if self.isCTS else "int32_t", "uint32_t" : "deUint32" if self.isCTS else "uint32_t", "uint8_t" : "deUint8" if self.isCTS else "uint8_t", "uint64_t" : "deUint64" if self.isCTS else "uint64_t", "float" : "float", "int" : "int", "double" : "double", "int64_t" : "deInt64" if self.isCTS else "int64_t", "uint16_t" : "deUint16" if self.isCTS else "uint16_t", "char" : "char" } write(headerGuardTop, file=self.outFile, end='') write(copyright, file=self.outFile) if self.isCTS: write(predefinedCode % ("deUint32", "deUint32"), file=self.outFile) else: write(predefinedCode % ("uint32_t", "uint32_t"), file=self.outFile) self.printBaseTypes() if self.isCTS: write(encodeBase64CodeCTS, file=self.outFile) else: write(encodeBase64Code, file=self.outFile) def endFile(self): write(self.printPrototypesAndExtensionDump(), file=self.outFile) write("}//End of namespace vk_json\n", file=self.outFile) # end of namespace write(headerGuardBottom, file=self.outFile, end='') # end of _VULKAN_JSON_DATA_HPP OutputGenerator.endFile(self) def beginFeature(self, interface, emit): OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit) self.sections = {section: [] for section in self.ALL_SECTIONS} self.feature_not_empty = False def endFeature(self): if self.emit: if self.feature_not_empty: if self.genOpts.conventions.writeFeature(self.featureExtraProtect, self.genOpts.filename): for section in self.TYPE_SECTIONS: contents = self.sections[section] if contents: write('\n'.join(contents), file=self.outFile) # Finish processing in superclass OutputGenerator.endFeature(self) def appendSection(self, section, text): self.sections[section].append(text) self.feature_not_empty = True def genEnumData(self, name, obj): code = "" code += " if (str != \"\") _OUT << \"\\\"\" << str << \"\\\"\" << \" : \";\n" code += " if (commaNeeded)\n" code += " _OUT << \"\\\"\" << %s_map[%sobj] << \"\\\",\" << std::endl;\n" %(name, obj) code += " else\n" code += " _OUT << \"\\\"\" << %s_map[%sobj] << \"\\\"\" << std::endl;\n" %(name, obj) return code def genEnumCode(self, name): code = "" code += "static void print_%s(%s obj, const std::string& str, bool commaNeeded=true) {\n" %(name, name) code += " PRINT_SPACE\n" code += self.genEnumData(name, "") code += "}\n" code += "static void print_%s(const %s * obj, const std::string& str, bool commaNeeded=true) {\n" %(name, name) code += " PRINT_SPACE\n" code += self.genEnumData(name, "*") code += "}\n" return code def genBasetypeCode(self, str1, str2, name): code = "" code += "static void print_" + name + "(" + str1 + name + str2 + " const std::string& str, bool commaNeeded=true) {\n" code += " PRINT_SPACE\n" if name == "VkBool32": code += " _OUT << \"\\\"\" << str << \"\\\"\" << \" : \" << \"\\\"\" << ((obj == 0) ? (\"VK_FALSE\") : (\"VK_TRUE\")) << \"\\\"\" << (commaNeeded ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl;\n" else: code += " _OUT << \"\\\"\" << str << \"\\\"\" << \" : \" << \"\\\"\" << obj << \"\\\"\" << (commaNeeded ? \",\" : \"\") << std::endl;\n" code += "}\n" return code def genHandleCode(self, str1, str2, name): code = "" code += "static void print_%s(%s%s%s const std::string& str, bool commaNeeded=true) {\n" %(name, str1, name, str2) code += " PRINT_SPACE\n" code += " if (commaNeeded)\n" code += " _OUT << \"\\\"\" << str << \"\\\"\" << \",\" << std::endl;\n" code += " else\n" code += " _OUT << \"\\\"\" << str << \"\\\"\" << std::endl;\n" code += "}\n" return code def genBitmaskCode(self, str1, str2, name, mapName): if mapName is not None: code = "" code += "static void print_%s(%s%s%s const std::string& str, bool commaNeeded=true) {\n" %(name, str1, name, str2) code += " PRINT_SPACE\n" code += " if (str != \"\") _OUT << \"\\\"\" << str << \"\\\"\" << \" : \";\n" code += " const int max_bits = 64; // We don't expect the number to be larger.\n" code += " std::bitset b(obj);\n" code += " _OUT << " + "\"\\\"\"" + ";\n" code += " if (obj == 0) _OUT << \"0\";\n" code += " for (unsigned int i = 0, bitCount = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {\n" code += " if (b[i] == 1) {\n" code += " bitCount++;\n" code += " if (bitCount < b.count())\n" code += " _OUT << %s_map[1ULL<" ] genStr3 = [" obj, const std::string& s, bool commaNeeded=true) {" , " * obj, const std::string& s, bool commaNeeded=true) {"] genStr4 = [" if (obj.", " if (obj->"] for index in range(len(genStr1)): body += "static void print_%s(%s%s%s\n" %(typeName, genStr1[index], typeName, genStr3[index]) body += " PRINT_SPACE\n" body += " _OUT << \"{\" << std::endl;\n" body += " INDENT(4);\n" body += "\n" count = 0 numMembers = len(typeElem.findall('.//member')) isCommaNeeded = 1 for member in typeElem.findall('.//member'): count = count + 1 if count == numMembers: isCommaNeeded = 0 body += self.genStructCode(member, genStr1[index], genStr2[index], genStr3[index], genStr4[index], typeName, isCommaNeeded) body += "\n" body += " INDENT(-4);\n" body += " PRINT_SPACE\n" body += " if (commaNeeded)\n" body += " _OUT << \"},\" << std::endl;\n" body += " else\n" body += " _OUT << \"}\" << std::endl;\n" body += "}\n" self.appendSection('struct', body) def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias=None): OutputGenerator.genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias) groupElem = groupinfo.elem body = "" section = 'enum' body += "static std::map<%s, std::string> %s_map = {\n" %(self.baseTypeListMap["uint64_t"], groupName) enums = groupElem.findall('enum') for enum in enums: if enum.get('value'): body += " std::make_pair(%s, \"%s\"),\n" %(enum.get('value'), enum.get('name')) elif enum.get('bitpos'): body += " std::make_pair(1ULL << %s, \"%s\"),\n" %(enum.get('bitpos'), enum.get('name')) #TODO: Some enums have no offset. How to handle those? elif enum.get('extends') and enum.get("extnumber") and enum.get("offset"): extNumber = int(enum.get("extnumber")) offset = int(enum.get("offset")) enumVal = self.extBase + (extNumber - 1) * self.extBlockSize + offset body += " std::make_pair(%s, \"%s\"),\n" %(str(enumVal), enum.get('name')) body += "};\n" body += self.genEnumCode(groupName) self.appendSection(section, body)