/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "aemu/base/AndroidHealthMonitor.h" #include <map> #include <sys/time.h> namespace gfxstream { namespace guest { using gfxstream::guest::AutoLock; using std::chrono::duration_cast; template <class... Ts> struct MonitoredEventVisitor : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; }; template <class... Ts> MonitoredEventVisitor(Ts...) -> MonitoredEventVisitor<Ts...>; template <class Clock> HealthMonitor<Clock>::HealthMonitor(HealthMonitorConsumer& consumer, uint64_t heartbeatInterval) : mInterval(Duration(std::chrono::milliseconds(heartbeatInterval))), mConsumer(consumer) { start(); } template <class Clock> HealthMonitor<Clock>::~HealthMonitor() { auto event = std::make_unique<MonitoredEvent>(typename MonitoredEventType::EndMonitoring{}); { AutoLock lock(mLock); mEventQueue.push(std::move(event)); } poll(); wait(); } template <class Clock> typename HealthMonitor<Clock>::Id HealthMonitor<Clock>::startMonitoringTask( std::unique_ptr<EventHangMetadata> metadata, std::optional<std::function<std::unique_ptr<HangAnnotations>()>> onHangAnnotationsCallback, uint64_t timeout, std::optional<Id> parentId) { auto intervalMs = duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(mInterval).count(); if (timeout < intervalMs) { ALOGW("Timeout value %llu is too low (heartbeat is every %llu). Increasing to %llu", (unsigned long long)timeout, (unsigned long long) intervalMs, (unsigned long long)intervalMs * 2); timeout = intervalMs * 2; } AutoLock lock(mLock); auto id = mNextId++; auto event = std::make_unique<MonitoredEvent>(typename MonitoredEventType::Start{ .id = id, .metadata = std::move(metadata), .timeOccurred = Clock::now(), .onHangAnnotationsCallback = std::move(onHangAnnotationsCallback), .timeoutThreshold = Duration(std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout)), .parentId = parentId}); mEventQueue.push(std::move(event)); return id; } template <class Clock> void HealthMonitor<Clock>::touchMonitoredTask(Id id) { auto event = std::make_unique<MonitoredEvent>( typename MonitoredEventType::Touch{.id = id, .timeOccurred = Clock::now()}); AutoLock lock(mLock); mEventQueue.push(std::move(event)); } template <class Clock> void HealthMonitor<Clock>::stopMonitoringTask(Id id) { auto event = std::make_unique<MonitoredEvent>( typename MonitoredEventType::Stop{.id = id, .timeOccurred = Clock::now()}); AutoLock lock(mLock); mEventQueue.push(std::move(event)); } template <class Clock> std::future<void> HealthMonitor<Clock>::poll() { auto event = std::make_unique<MonitoredEvent>(typename MonitoredEventType::Poll{}); std::future<void> ret = std::get<typename MonitoredEventType::Poll>(*event).complete.get_future(); AutoLock lock(mLock); mEventQueue.push(std::move(event)); mCv.signalAndUnlock(&lock); return ret; } // Thread's main loop template <class Clock> intptr_t HealthMonitor<Clock>::main() { bool keepMonitoring = true; std::queue<std::unique_ptr<MonitoredEvent>> events; while (keepMonitoring) { std::vector<std::promise<void>> pollPromises; std::unordered_set<Id> tasksToRemove; int newHungTasks = mHungTasks; { AutoLock lock(mLock); struct timeval currentTime; gettimeofday(¤tTime, 0); if (mEventQueue.empty()) { mCv.timedWait( &mLock, currentTime.tv_sec * 1000000LL + currentTime.tv_usec + std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(mInterval).count()); } mEventQueue.swap(events); } Timestamp now = Clock::now(); while (!events.empty()) { auto event(std::move(events.front())); events.pop(); std::visit(MonitoredEventVisitor{ [](std::monostate&) { ALOGE("MonitoredEvent type not found"); abort(); }, [this, &events](typename MonitoredEventType::Start& event) { auto it = mMonitoredTasks.find(event.id); if (it != mMonitoredTasks.end()) { ALOGE("Registered multiple start events for task %llu", (unsigned long long)event.id); return; } if (event.parentId && mMonitoredTasks.find(event.parentId.value()) == mMonitoredTasks.end()) { ALOGW("Requested parent task %llu does not exist.", (unsigned long long)event.parentId.value()); event.parentId = std::nullopt; } it = mMonitoredTasks .emplace(event.id, std::move(MonitoredTask{ .id = event.id, .timeoutTimestamp = event.timeOccurred + event.timeoutThreshold, .timeoutThreshold = event.timeoutThreshold, .hungTimestamp = std::nullopt, .metadata = std::move(event.metadata), .onHangAnnotationsCallback = std::move(event.onHangAnnotationsCallback), .parentId = event.parentId})) .first; updateTaskParent(events, it->second, event.timeOccurred); }, [this, &events](typename MonitoredEventType::Touch& event) { auto it = mMonitoredTasks.find(event.id); if (it == mMonitoredTasks.end()) { ALOGE("HealthMonitor has no task in progress for id %llu", (unsigned long long)event.id); return; } auto& task = it->second; task.timeoutTimestamp = event.timeOccurred + task.timeoutThreshold; updateTaskParent(events, task, event.timeOccurred); }, [this, &tasksToRemove, &events](typename MonitoredEventType::Stop& event) { auto it = mMonitoredTasks.find(event.id); if (it == mMonitoredTasks.end()) { ALOGE("HealthMonitor has no task in progress for id %llu", (unsigned long long)event.id); return; } auto& task = it->second; task.timeoutTimestamp = event.timeOccurred + task.timeoutThreshold; updateTaskParent(events, task, event.timeOccurred); // Mark it for deletion, but retain it until the end of // the health check concurrent tasks hung tasksToRemove.insert(event.id); }, [&keepMonitoring](typename MonitoredEventType::EndMonitoring&) { keepMonitoring = false; }, [&pollPromises](typename MonitoredEventType::Poll& event) { pollPromises.push_back(std::move(event.complete)); }}, *event); } // Sort by what times out first. Identical timestamps are possible std::multimap<Timestamp, uint64_t> sortedTasks; for (auto& [_, task] : mMonitoredTasks) { sortedTasks.insert(std::pair<Timestamp, uint64_t>(task.timeoutTimestamp, task.id)); } for (auto& [_, task_id] : sortedTasks) { auto& task = mMonitoredTasks[task_id]; if (task.timeoutTimestamp < now) { // Newly hung task if (!task.hungTimestamp.has_value()) { // Copy over additional annotations captured at hangTime if (task.onHangAnnotationsCallback) { auto newAnnotations = (*task.onHangAnnotationsCallback)(); task.metadata->mergeAnnotations(std::move(newAnnotations)); } mConsumer.consumeHangEvent(task.id, task.metadata.get(), newHungTasks); task.hungTimestamp = task.timeoutTimestamp; newHungTasks++; } } else { // Task resumes if (task.hungTimestamp.has_value()) { auto hangTime = duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( task.timeoutTimestamp - (task.hungTimestamp.value() + task.timeoutThreshold)) .count(); mConsumer.consumeUnHangEvent(task.id, task.metadata.get(), hangTime); task.hungTimestamp = std::nullopt; newHungTasks--; } } if (tasksToRemove.find(task_id) != tasksToRemove.end()) { mMonitoredTasks.erase(task_id); } } if (mHungTasks != newHungTasks) { ALOGE("HealthMonitor: Number of unresponsive tasks %s: %d -> %d", mHungTasks < newHungTasks ? "increased" : "decreaased", mHungTasks, newHungTasks); mHungTasks = newHungTasks; } for (auto& complete : pollPromises) { complete.set_value(); } } return 0; } template <class Clock> void HealthMonitor<Clock>::updateTaskParent(std::queue<std::unique_ptr<MonitoredEvent>>& events, const MonitoredTask& task, Timestamp eventTime) { std::optional<Id> parentId = task.parentId; if (parentId) { auto event = std::make_unique<MonitoredEvent>(typename MonitoredEventType::Touch{ .id = parentId.value(), .timeOccurred = eventTime + Duration(kTimeEpsilon)}); events.push(std::move(event)); } } std::unique_ptr<HealthMonitor<>> CreateHealthMonitor(HealthMonitorConsumer& consumer, uint64_t heartbeatInterval) { #ifdef ENABLE_ANDROID_HEALTH_MONITOR ALOGI("HealthMonitor enabled. Returning monitor."); return std::make_unique<HealthMonitor<>>(consumer, heartbeatInterval); #else (void)consumer; (void)heartbeatInterval; ALOGV("HealthMonitor disabled. Returning nullptr"); return nullptr; #endif } template class HealthMonitor<steady_clock>; } // namespace guest } // namespace gfxstream