/* * Copyright 漏 2022 Collabora, Ltd. * * Based on Fossilize DB: * Copyright 漏 2020 Valve Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include "detect_os.h" #if DETECT_OS_WINDOWS == 0 #include <fcntl.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/file.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "crc32.h" #include "disk_cache.h" #include "hash_table.h" #include "mesa-sha1.h" #include "mesa_cache_db.h" #include "os_time.h" #include "ralloc.h" #include "u_debug.h" #include "u_qsort.h" #define MESA_CACHE_DB_VERSION 1 #define MESA_CACHE_DB_MAGIC "MESA_DB" struct PACKED mesa_db_file_header { char magic[8]; uint32_t version; uint64_t uuid; }; struct PACKED mesa_cache_db_file_entry { cache_key key; uint32_t crc; uint32_t size; }; struct PACKED mesa_index_db_file_entry { uint64_t hash; uint32_t size; uint64_t last_access_time; uint64_t cache_db_file_offset; }; struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry { uint64_t cache_db_file_offset; uint64_t index_db_file_offset; uint64_t last_access_time; uint32_t size; bool evicted; }; static inline bool mesa_db_seek_end(FILE *file) { return !fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); } static inline bool mesa_db_seek(FILE *file, long pos) { return !fseek(file, pos, SEEK_SET); } static inline bool mesa_db_seek_cur(FILE *file, long pos) { return !fseek(file, pos, SEEK_CUR); } static inline bool mesa_db_read_data(FILE *file, void *data, size_t size) { return fread(data, 1, size, file) == size; } #define mesa_db_read(file, var) mesa_db_read_data(file, var, sizeof(*(var))) static inline bool mesa_db_write_data(FILE *file, const void *data, size_t size) { return fwrite(data, 1, size, file) == size; } #define mesa_db_write(file, var) mesa_db_write_data(file, var, sizeof(*(var))) static inline bool mesa_db_truncate(FILE *file, long pos) { return !ftruncate(fileno(file), pos); } static bool mesa_db_lock(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { simple_mtx_lock(&db->flock_mtx); if (flock(fileno(db->cache.file), LOCK_EX) == -1) goto unlock_mtx; if (flock(fileno(db->index.file), LOCK_EX) == -1) goto unlock_cache; return true; unlock_cache: flock(fileno(db->cache.file), LOCK_UN); unlock_mtx: simple_mtx_unlock(&db->flock_mtx); return false; } static void mesa_db_unlock(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { flock(fileno(db->index.file), LOCK_UN); flock(fileno(db->cache.file), LOCK_UN); simple_mtx_unlock(&db->flock_mtx); } static uint64_t to_mesa_cache_db_hash(const uint8_t *cache_key_160bit) { uint64_t hash = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++) hash |= ((uint64_t)cache_key_160bit[i]) << i * 8; return hash; } static uint64_t mesa_db_generate_uuid(void) { /* This simple UUID implementation is sufficient for our needs * because UUID is updated rarely. It's nice to make UUID meaningful * and incremental by adding the timestamp to it, which also prevents * the potential collisions. */ return ((os_time_get() / 1000000) << 32) | rand(); } static bool mesa_db_read_header(FILE *file, struct mesa_db_file_header *header) { rewind(file); fflush(file); if (!mesa_db_read(file, header)) return false; if (strncmp(header->magic, MESA_CACHE_DB_MAGIC, sizeof(header->magic)) || header->version != MESA_CACHE_DB_VERSION || !header->uuid) return false; return true; } static bool mesa_db_load_header(struct mesa_cache_db_file *db_file) { struct mesa_db_file_header header; if (!mesa_db_read_header(db_file->file, &header)) return false; db_file->uuid = header.uuid; return true; } static bool mesa_db_uuid_changed(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { struct mesa_db_file_header cache_header; struct mesa_db_file_header index_header; if (!mesa_db_read_header(db->cache.file, &cache_header) || !mesa_db_read_header(db->index.file, &index_header) || cache_header.uuid != index_header.uuid || cache_header.uuid != db->uuid) return true; return false; } static bool mesa_db_write_header(struct mesa_cache_db_file *db_file, uint64_t uuid, bool reset) { struct mesa_db_file_header header; rewind(db_file->file); sprintf(header.magic, "MESA_DB"); header.version = MESA_CACHE_DB_VERSION; header.uuid = uuid; if (!mesa_db_write(db_file->file, &header)) return false; if (reset) { if (!mesa_db_truncate(db_file->file, ftell(db_file->file))) return false; } fflush(db_file->file); return true; } /* Wipe out all database cache files. * * Whenever we get an unmanageable error on reading or writing to the * database file, wipe out the whole database and start over. All the * cached entries will be lost, but the broken cache will be auto-repaired * reliably. Normally cache shall never get corrupted and losing cache * entries is acceptable, hence it's more practical to repair DB using * the simplest method. */ static bool mesa_db_zap(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { /* Disable cache to prevent the recurring faults */ db->alive = false; /* Zap corrupted database files to start over from a clean slate */ if (!mesa_db_truncate(db->cache.file, 0) || !mesa_db_truncate(db->index.file, 0)) return false; fflush(db->cache.file); fflush(db->index.file); return true; } static bool mesa_db_index_entry_valid(struct mesa_index_db_file_entry *entry) { return entry->size && entry->hash && (int64_t)entry->cache_db_file_offset >= sizeof(struct mesa_db_file_header); } static bool mesa_db_cache_entry_valid(struct mesa_cache_db_file_entry *entry) { return entry->size && entry->crc; } static bool mesa_db_update_index(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry *hash_entry; struct mesa_index_db_file_entry index_entry; size_t file_length; if (!mesa_db_seek_end(db->index.file)) return false; file_length = ftell(db->index.file); if (!mesa_db_seek(db->index.file, db->index.offset)) return false; while (db->index.offset < file_length) { if (!mesa_db_read(db->index.file, &index_entry)) break; /* Check whether the index entry looks valid or we have a corrupted DB */ if (!mesa_db_index_entry_valid(&index_entry)) break; hash_entry = ralloc(db->mem_ctx, struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry); if (!hash_entry) break; hash_entry->cache_db_file_offset = index_entry.cache_db_file_offset; hash_entry->index_db_file_offset = db->index.offset; hash_entry->last_access_time = index_entry.last_access_time; hash_entry->size = index_entry.size; _mesa_hash_table_u64_insert(db->index_db, index_entry.hash, hash_entry); db->index.offset += sizeof(index_entry); } if (!mesa_db_seek(db->index.file, db->index.offset)) return false; return db->index.offset == file_length; } static void mesa_db_hash_table_reset(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { _mesa_hash_table_u64_clear(db->index_db); ralloc_free(db->mem_ctx); db->mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL); } static bool mesa_db_recreate_files(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { db->uuid = mesa_db_generate_uuid(); if (!mesa_db_write_header(&db->cache, db->uuid, true) || !mesa_db_write_header(&db->index, db->uuid, true)) return false; return true; } static bool mesa_db_load(struct mesa_cache_db *db, bool reload) { /* reloading must be done under the held lock */ if (!reload) { if (!mesa_db_lock(db)) return false; } /* If file headers are invalid, then zap database files and start over */ if (!mesa_db_load_header(&db->cache) || !mesa_db_load_header(&db->index) || db->cache.uuid != db->index.uuid) { /* This is unexpected to happen on reload, bail out */ if (reload) goto fail; if (!mesa_db_recreate_files(db)) goto fail; } else { db->uuid = db->cache.uuid; } db->index.offset = ftell(db->index.file); if (reload) mesa_db_hash_table_reset(db); if (!mesa_db_update_index(db)) goto fail; if (!reload) mesa_db_unlock(db); db->alive = true; return true; fail: if (!reload) mesa_db_unlock(db); return false; } static bool mesa_db_reload(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { fflush(db->cache.file); fflush(db->index.file); return mesa_db_load(db, true); } static void touch_file(const char* path) { close(open(path, O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0644)); } static bool mesa_db_open_file(struct mesa_cache_db_file *db_file, const char *cache_path, const char *filename) { if (asprintf(&db_file->path, "%s/%s", cache_path, filename) == -1) return false; /* The fopen("r+b") mode doesn't auto-create new file, hence we need to * explicitly create the file first. */ touch_file(db_file->path); db_file->file = fopen(db_file->path, "r+b"); if (!db_file->file) { free(db_file->path); return false; } return true; } static void mesa_db_close_file(struct mesa_cache_db_file *db_file) { fclose(db_file->file); free(db_file->path); } static bool mesa_db_remove_file(struct mesa_cache_db_file *db_file, const char *cache_path, const char *filename) { if (asprintf(&db_file->path, "%s/%s", cache_path, filename) == -1) return false; unlink(db_file->path); return true; } static int entry_sort_lru(const void *_a, const void *_b, void *arg) { const struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry *a = *((const struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry **)_a); const struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry *b = *((const struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry **)_b); /* In practice it's unlikely that we will get two entries with the * same timestamp, but technically it's possible to happen if OS * timer's resolution is low. */ if (a->last_access_time == b->last_access_time) return 0; return a->last_access_time > b->last_access_time ? 1 : -1; } static int entry_sort_offset(const void *_a, const void *_b, void *arg) { const struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry *a = *((const struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry **)_a); const struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry *b = *((const struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry **)_b); struct mesa_cache_db *db = arg; /* Two entries will never have the identical offset, otherwise DB is * corrupted. */ if (a->cache_db_file_offset == b->cache_db_file_offset) mesa_db_zap(db); return a->cache_db_file_offset > b->cache_db_file_offset ? 1 : -1; } static uint32_t blob_file_size(uint32_t blob_size) { return sizeof(struct mesa_cache_db_file_entry) + blob_size; } static bool mesa_db_compact(struct mesa_cache_db *db, int64_t blob_size, struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry *remove_entry) { uint32_t num_entries, buffer_size = sizeof(struct mesa_index_db_file_entry); struct mesa_db_file_header cache_header, index_header; FILE *compacted_cache = NULL, *compacted_index = NULL; struct mesa_index_db_file_entry index_entry; struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry **entries; bool success = false, compact = false; void *buffer = NULL; unsigned int i = 0; /* reload index to sync the last access times */ if (!remove_entry && !mesa_db_reload(db)) return false; num_entries = _mesa_hash_table_num_entries(db->index_db->table); entries = calloc(num_entries, sizeof(*entries)); if (!entries) return false; compacted_cache = fopen(db->cache.path, "r+b"); compacted_index = fopen(db->index.path, "r+b"); if (!compacted_cache || !compacted_index) goto cleanup; /* The database file has been replaced if UUID changed. We opened * some other cache, stop processing this database. */ if (!mesa_db_read_header(compacted_cache, &cache_header) || !mesa_db_read_header(compacted_index, &index_header) || cache_header.uuid != db->uuid || index_header.uuid != db->uuid) goto cleanup; hash_table_foreach(db->index_db->table, entry) { entries[i] = entry->data; entries[i]->evicted = (entries[i] == remove_entry); buffer_size = MAX2(buffer_size, blob_file_size(entries[i]->size)); i++; } util_qsort_r(entries, num_entries, sizeof(*entries), entry_sort_lru, db); for (i = 0; blob_size > 0 && i < num_entries; i++) { blob_size -= blob_file_size(entries[i]->size); entries[i]->evicted = true; } util_qsort_r(entries, num_entries, sizeof(*entries), entry_sort_offset, db); /* entry_sort_offset() may zap the database */ if (!db->alive) goto cleanup; buffer = malloc(buffer_size); if (!buffer) goto cleanup; /* Mark cache file invalid by writing zero-UUID header. If compaction will * fail, then the file will remain to be invalid since we can't repair it. */ if (!mesa_db_write_header(&db->cache, 0, false) || !mesa_db_write_header(&db->index, 0, false)) goto cleanup; /* Sync the file pointers */ if (!mesa_db_seek(compacted_cache, ftell(db->cache.file)) || !mesa_db_seek(compacted_index, ftell(db->index.file))) goto cleanup; /* Do the compaction */ for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { blob_size = blob_file_size(entries[i]->size); /* Sanity-check the cache-read offset */ if (ftell(db->cache.file) != entries[i]->cache_db_file_offset) goto cleanup; if (entries[i]->evicted) { /* Jump over the evicted entry */ if (!mesa_db_seek_cur(db->cache.file, blob_size) || !mesa_db_seek_cur(db->index.file, sizeof(index_entry))) goto cleanup; compact = true; continue; } if (compact) { /* Compact the cache file */ if (!mesa_db_read_data(db->cache.file, buffer, blob_size) || !mesa_db_cache_entry_valid(buffer) || !mesa_db_write_data(compacted_cache, buffer, blob_size)) goto cleanup; /* Compact the index file */ if (!mesa_db_read(db->index.file, &index_entry) || !mesa_db_index_entry_valid(&index_entry) || index_entry.cache_db_file_offset != entries[i]->cache_db_file_offset || index_entry.size != entries[i]->size) goto cleanup; index_entry.cache_db_file_offset = ftell(compacted_cache) - blob_size; if (!mesa_db_write(compacted_index, &index_entry)) goto cleanup; } else { /* Sanity-check the cache-write offset */ if (ftell(compacted_cache) != entries[i]->cache_db_file_offset) goto cleanup; /* Jump over the unchanged entry */ if (!mesa_db_seek_cur(db->index.file, sizeof(index_entry)) || !mesa_db_seek_cur(compacted_index, sizeof(index_entry)) || !mesa_db_seek_cur(db->cache.file, blob_size) || !mesa_db_seek_cur(compacted_cache, blob_size)) goto cleanup; } } fflush(compacted_cache); fflush(compacted_index); /* Cut off the the freed space left after compaction */ if (!mesa_db_truncate(db->cache.file, ftell(compacted_cache)) || !mesa_db_truncate(db->index.file, ftell(compacted_index))) goto cleanup; /* Set the new UUID to let all cache readers know that the cache was changed */ db->uuid = mesa_db_generate_uuid(); if (!mesa_db_write_header(&db->cache, db->uuid, false) || !mesa_db_write_header(&db->index, db->uuid, false)) goto cleanup; success = true; cleanup: free(buffer); if (compacted_index) fclose(compacted_index); if (compacted_cache) fclose(compacted_cache); free(entries); /* reload compacted index */ if (success && !mesa_db_reload(db)) success = false; return success; } bool mesa_cache_db_open(struct mesa_cache_db *db, const char *cache_path) { if (!mesa_db_open_file(&db->cache, cache_path, "mesa_cache.db")) return false; if (!mesa_db_open_file(&db->index, cache_path, "mesa_cache.idx")) goto close_cache; db->mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL); if (!db->mem_ctx) goto close_index; simple_mtx_init(&db->flock_mtx, mtx_plain); db->index_db = _mesa_hash_table_u64_create(NULL); if (!db->index_db) goto destroy_mtx; if (!mesa_db_load(db, false)) goto destroy_hash; return true; destroy_hash: _mesa_hash_table_u64_destroy(db->index_db); destroy_mtx: simple_mtx_destroy(&db->flock_mtx); ralloc_free(db->mem_ctx); close_index: mesa_db_close_file(&db->index); close_cache: mesa_db_close_file(&db->cache); return false; } bool mesa_db_wipe_path(const char *cache_path) { struct mesa_cache_db db = {0}; bool success = true; if (!mesa_db_remove_file(&db.cache, cache_path, "mesa_cache.db") || !mesa_db_remove_file(&db.index, cache_path, "mesa_cache.idx")) success = false; free(db.cache.path); free(db.index.path); return success; } void mesa_cache_db_close(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { _mesa_hash_table_u64_destroy(db->index_db); simple_mtx_destroy(&db->flock_mtx); ralloc_free(db->mem_ctx); mesa_db_close_file(&db->index); mesa_db_close_file(&db->cache); } void mesa_cache_db_set_size_limit(struct mesa_cache_db *db, uint64_t max_cache_size) { db->max_cache_size = max_cache_size; } unsigned int mesa_cache_db_file_entry_size(void) { return sizeof(struct mesa_cache_db_file_entry); } void * mesa_cache_db_read_entry(struct mesa_cache_db *db, const uint8_t *cache_key_160bit, size_t *size) { uint64_t hash = to_mesa_cache_db_hash(cache_key_160bit); struct mesa_cache_db_file_entry cache_entry; struct mesa_index_db_file_entry index_entry; struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry *hash_entry; void *data = NULL; if (!mesa_db_lock(db)) return NULL; if (!db->alive) goto fail; if (mesa_db_uuid_changed(db) && !mesa_db_reload(db)) goto fail_fatal; if (!mesa_db_update_index(db)) goto fail_fatal; hash_entry = _mesa_hash_table_u64_search(db->index_db, hash); if (!hash_entry) goto fail; if (!mesa_db_seek(db->cache.file, hash_entry->cache_db_file_offset) || !mesa_db_read(db->cache.file, &cache_entry) || !mesa_db_cache_entry_valid(&cache_entry)) goto fail_fatal; if (memcmp(cache_entry.key, cache_key_160bit, sizeof(cache_entry.key))) goto fail; data = malloc(cache_entry.size); if (!data) goto fail; if (!mesa_db_read_data(db->cache.file, data, cache_entry.size) || util_hash_crc32(data, cache_entry.size) != cache_entry.crc) goto fail_fatal; if (!mesa_db_seek(db->index.file, hash_entry->index_db_file_offset) || !mesa_db_read(db->index.file, &index_entry) || !mesa_db_index_entry_valid(&index_entry) || index_entry.cache_db_file_offset != hash_entry->cache_db_file_offset || index_entry.size != hash_entry->size) goto fail_fatal; index_entry.last_access_time = os_time_get_nano(); hash_entry->last_access_time = index_entry.last_access_time; if (!mesa_db_seek(db->index.file, hash_entry->index_db_file_offset) || !mesa_db_write(db->index.file, &index_entry)) goto fail_fatal; fflush(db->index.file); mesa_db_unlock(db); *size = cache_entry.size; return data; fail_fatal: mesa_db_zap(db); fail: free(data); mesa_db_unlock(db); return NULL; } static bool mesa_cache_db_has_space_locked(struct mesa_cache_db *db, size_t blob_size) { return ftell(db->cache.file) + blob_file_size(blob_size) - sizeof(struct mesa_db_file_header) <= db->max_cache_size; } static size_t mesa_cache_db_eviction_size(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { return db->max_cache_size / 2 - sizeof(struct mesa_db_file_header); } bool mesa_cache_db_entry_write(struct mesa_cache_db *db, const uint8_t *cache_key_160bit, const void *blob, size_t blob_size) { uint64_t hash = to_mesa_cache_db_hash(cache_key_160bit); struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry *hash_entry = NULL; struct mesa_cache_db_file_entry cache_entry; struct mesa_index_db_file_entry index_entry; if (!mesa_db_lock(db)) return false; if (!db->alive) goto fail; if (mesa_db_uuid_changed(db) && !mesa_db_reload(db)) goto fail_fatal; if (!mesa_db_seek_end(db->cache.file)) goto fail_fatal; if (!mesa_cache_db_has_space_locked(db, blob_size)) { if (!mesa_db_compact(db, MAX2(blob_size, mesa_cache_db_eviction_size(db)), NULL)) goto fail_fatal; } else { if (!mesa_db_update_index(db)) goto fail_fatal; } hash_entry = _mesa_hash_table_u64_search(db->index_db, hash); if (hash_entry) { hash_entry = NULL; goto fail; } if (!mesa_db_seek_end(db->cache.file) || !mesa_db_seek_end(db->index.file)) goto fail_fatal; memcpy(cache_entry.key, cache_key_160bit, sizeof(cache_entry.key)); cache_entry.crc = util_hash_crc32(blob, blob_size); cache_entry.size = blob_size; index_entry.hash = hash; index_entry.size = blob_size; index_entry.last_access_time = os_time_get_nano(); index_entry.cache_db_file_offset = ftell(db->cache.file); hash_entry = ralloc(db->mem_ctx, struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry); if (!hash_entry) goto fail; hash_entry->cache_db_file_offset = index_entry.cache_db_file_offset; hash_entry->index_db_file_offset = ftell(db->index.file); hash_entry->last_access_time = index_entry.last_access_time; hash_entry->size = index_entry.size; if (!mesa_db_write(db->cache.file, &cache_entry) || !mesa_db_write_data(db->cache.file, blob, blob_size) || !mesa_db_write(db->index.file, &index_entry)) goto fail_fatal; fflush(db->cache.file); fflush(db->index.file); db->index.offset = ftell(db->index.file); _mesa_hash_table_u64_insert(db->index_db, hash, hash_entry); mesa_db_unlock(db); return true; fail_fatal: mesa_db_zap(db); fail: mesa_db_unlock(db); if (hash_entry) ralloc_free(hash_entry); return false; } bool mesa_cache_db_entry_remove(struct mesa_cache_db *db, const uint8_t *cache_key_160bit) { uint64_t hash = to_mesa_cache_db_hash(cache_key_160bit); struct mesa_cache_db_file_entry cache_entry; struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry *hash_entry; if (!mesa_db_lock(db)) return NULL; if (!db->alive) goto fail; if (mesa_db_uuid_changed(db) && !mesa_db_reload(db)) goto fail_fatal; if (!mesa_db_update_index(db)) goto fail_fatal; hash_entry = _mesa_hash_table_u64_search(db->index_db, hash); if (!hash_entry) goto fail; if (!mesa_db_seek(db->cache.file, hash_entry->cache_db_file_offset) || !mesa_db_read(db->cache.file, &cache_entry) || !mesa_db_cache_entry_valid(&cache_entry)) goto fail_fatal; if (memcmp(cache_entry.key, cache_key_160bit, sizeof(cache_entry.key))) goto fail; if (!mesa_db_compact(db, 0, hash_entry)) goto fail_fatal; mesa_db_unlock(db); return true; fail_fatal: mesa_db_zap(db); fail: mesa_db_unlock(db); return false; } bool mesa_cache_db_has_space(struct mesa_cache_db *db, size_t blob_size) { bool has_space; if (!mesa_db_lock(db)) return false; if (!mesa_db_seek_end(db->cache.file)) goto fail_fatal; has_space = mesa_cache_db_has_space_locked(db, blob_size); mesa_db_unlock(db); return has_space; fail_fatal: mesa_db_zap(db); mesa_db_unlock(db); return false; } static uint64_t mesa_cache_db_eviction_2x_score_period(void) { const uint64_t nsec_per_sec = 1000000000ull; static uint64_t period = 0; if (period) return period; period = debug_get_num_option("MESA_DISK_CACHE_DATABASE_EVICTION_SCORE_2X_PERIOD", 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) * nsec_per_sec; return period; } double mesa_cache_db_eviction_score(struct mesa_cache_db *db) { int64_t eviction_size = mesa_cache_db_eviction_size(db); struct mesa_index_db_hash_entry **entries; unsigned num_entries, i = 0; double eviction_score = 0; if (!mesa_db_lock(db)) return 0; if (!db->alive) goto fail; if (!mesa_db_reload(db)) goto fail_fatal; num_entries = _mesa_hash_table_num_entries(db->index_db->table); entries = calloc(num_entries, sizeof(*entries)); if (!entries) goto fail; hash_table_foreach(db->index_db->table, entry) entries[i++] = entry->data; util_qsort_r(entries, num_entries, sizeof(*entries), entry_sort_lru, db); for (i = 0; eviction_size > 0 && i < num_entries; i++) { uint64_t entry_age = os_time_get_nano() - entries[i]->last_access_time; unsigned entry_size = blob_file_size(entries[i]->size); /* Eviction score is a sum of weighted cache entry sizes, * where weight doubles for each month of entry's age. */ uint64_t period = mesa_cache_db_eviction_2x_score_period(); double entry_scale = 1 + (double)entry_age / period; double entry_score = entry_size * entry_scale; eviction_score += entry_score; eviction_size -= entry_size; } free(entries); mesa_db_unlock(db); return eviction_score; fail_fatal: mesa_db_zap(db); fail: mesa_db_unlock(db); return 0; } #endif /* DETECT_OS_WINDOWS */