// Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifdef USE_ANGLE_SHADER_PARSER #include "ANGLEShaderParser.h" #include "ShaderTranslator.h" #include "aemu/base/SharedLibrary.h" #include "aemu/base/synchronization/Lock.h" #include "host-common/logging.h" #include <map> #include <string> #include <string.h> #define GL_COMPUTE_SHADER 0x91B9 namespace ANGLEShaderParser { ST_BuiltInResources kResources; bool kInitialized = false; bool sIsGles2Gles = false; class LazyLoadedSTDispatch { public: LazyLoadedSTDispatch() { memset(&mDispatch, 0, sizeof(STDispatch)); #ifdef __APPLE__ const char kLibName[] = "libshadertranslator.dylib"; #elif defined(_WIN32) const char kLibName[] = "libshadertranslator.dll"; #else const char kLibName[] = "libshadertranslator.so"; #endif char error[256]; mLib = android::base::SharedLibrary::open(kLibName, error, sizeof(error)); if (!mLib) { ERR("%s: Could not open shader translator library %s [%s]\n", __func__, kLibName, error); return; } mDispatch.initialize = (STInitialize_t)mLib->findSymbol("STInitialize"); mDispatch.finalize = (STFinalize_t)mLib->findSymbol("STFinalize"); mDispatch.generateResources = (STGenerateResources_t)mLib->findSymbol("STGenerateResources"); mDispatch.compileAndResolve = (STCompileAndResolve_t)mLib->findSymbol("STCompileAndResolve"); mDispatch.freeShaderResolveState = (STFreeShaderResolveState_t)mLib->findSymbol("STFreeShaderResolveState"); mDispatch.copyVariable = (STCopyVariable_t)mLib->findSymbol("STCopyVariable"); mDispatch.copyInterfaceBlock = (STCopyInterfaceBlock_t)mLib->findSymbol("STCopyInterfaceBlock"); mDispatch.destroyVariable = (STDestroyVariable_t)mLib->findSymbol("STDestroyVariable"); mDispatch.destroyInterfaceBlock = (STDestroyInterfaceBlock_t)mLib->findSymbol("STDestroyInterfaceBlock"); mValid = dispatchValid(); if (!mValid) { ERR("%s: error, shader translator dispatch not valid\n", __func__); } } STDispatch* getDispatch() { if (!mValid) return nullptr; return &mDispatch; } private: bool dispatchValid() { return (nullptr != mDispatch.initialize) && (nullptr != mDispatch.finalize) && (nullptr != mDispatch.generateResources) && (nullptr != mDispatch.compileAndResolve) && (nullptr != mDispatch.copyVariable) && (nullptr != mDispatch.copyInterfaceBlock) && (nullptr != mDispatch.destroyVariable) && (nullptr != mDispatch.destroyInterfaceBlock); } android::base::SharedLibrary* mLib = nullptr; bool mValid = false; STDispatch mDispatch; }; static STDispatch* getSTDispatch() { static LazyLoadedSTDispatch* dispatch = new LazyLoadedSTDispatch; return dispatch->getDispatch(); } ShaderLinkInfo::ShaderLinkInfo() = default; ShaderLinkInfo::ShaderLinkInfo(const ShaderLinkInfo& other) { clear(); copyFromOther(other); } ShaderLinkInfo& ShaderLinkInfo::operator=(const ShaderLinkInfo& other) { if (this != &other) { ShaderLinkInfo tmp(other); *this = std::move(tmp); } return *this; } ShaderLinkInfo::ShaderLinkInfo(ShaderLinkInfo&& other) { *this = std::move(other); } ShaderLinkInfo& ShaderLinkInfo::operator=(ShaderLinkInfo&& other) { esslVersion = other.esslVersion; uniforms = std::move(other.uniforms); varyings = std::move(other.varyings); attributes = std::move(other.attributes); outputVars = std::move(other.outputVars); nameMap = std::move(other.nameMap); nameMapReverse = std::move(other.nameMapReverse); return *this; } ShaderLinkInfo::~ShaderLinkInfo() { clear(); } void ShaderLinkInfo::copyFromOther(const ShaderLinkInfo& other) { esslVersion = other.esslVersion; if (!sIsGles2Gles) { auto dispatch = getSTDispatch(); for (const auto& var: other.uniforms) { uniforms.push_back(dispatch->copyVariable(&var)); } for (const auto& var: other.varyings) { varyings.push_back(dispatch->copyVariable(&var)); } for (const auto& var: other.attributes) { attributes.push_back(dispatch->copyVariable(&var)); } for (const auto& var: other.outputVars) { outputVars.push_back(dispatch->copyVariable(&var)); } for (const auto& var: other.interfaceBlocks) { interfaceBlocks.push_back(dispatch->copyInterfaceBlock(&var)); } } nameMap = other.nameMap; nameMapReverse = other.nameMapReverse; } void ShaderLinkInfo::clear() { if (!sIsGles2Gles) { auto dispatch = getSTDispatch(); for (auto& var: uniforms) { dispatch->destroyVariable(&var); } for (auto& var: varyings) { dispatch->destroyVariable(&var); } for (auto& var: attributes) { dispatch->destroyVariable(&var); } for (auto& var: outputVars) { dispatch->destroyVariable(&var); } for (auto& var: interfaceBlocks) { dispatch->destroyInterfaceBlock(&var); } } uniforms.clear(); varyings.clear(); attributes.clear(); outputVars.clear(); interfaceBlocks.clear(); nameMap.clear(); nameMapReverse.clear(); } struct ShaderSpecKey { GLenum shaderType; int esslVersion; }; static ST_ShaderSpec sInputSpecForVersion(int esslVersion) { switch (esslVersion) { case 100: return ST_GLES2_SPEC; case 300: return ST_GLES3_SPEC; case 310: return ST_GLES3_1_SPEC; } return ST_GLES3_1_SPEC; } static ST_ShaderOutput sOutputSpecForVersion(bool coreProfileHost, int esslVersion) { switch (esslVersion) { case 100: if (coreProfileHost) { return ST_GLSL_330_CORE_OUTPUT; } else { return ST_GLSL_COMPATIBILITY_OUTPUT; } case 300: if (coreProfileHost) { return ST_GLSL_330_CORE_OUTPUT; } else { return ST_GLSL_150_CORE_OUTPUT; } case 310: return ST_GLSL_430_CORE_OUTPUT; } return ST_GLSL_430_CORE_OUTPUT; } struct ShaderSpecKeyCompare { bool operator() (const ShaderSpecKey& a, const ShaderSpecKey& b) const { if (a.shaderType != b.shaderType) return a.shaderType < b.shaderType; if (a.esslVersion != b.esslVersion) return a.esslVersion < b.esslVersion; return false; } }; typedef std::map<ShaderSpecKey, ST_Handle, ShaderSpecKeyCompare> ShaderCompilerMap; static ShaderCompilerMap* sCompilerMap() { static ShaderCompilerMap* m = new ShaderCompilerMap; return m; } static ST_Handle getShaderCompiler(bool coreProfileHost, ShaderSpecKey key) { auto it = sCompilerMap()->find(key); if (it == sCompilerMap()->end()) return (ST_Handle)nullptr; return it->second; } android::base::Lock kCompilerLock; void initializeResources( BuiltinResourcesEditCallback callback) { if (!sIsGles2Gles) { getSTDispatch()->generateResources(&kResources); } callback(kResources); } bool globalInitialize( bool isGles2Gles, BuiltinResourcesEditCallback editCallback) { sIsGles2Gles = isGles2Gles; if (!sIsGles2Gles) { getSTDispatch()->initialize(); } initializeResources(editCallback); kInitialized = true; return true; } template <class T> static std::vector<T> convertArrayToVecWithCopy( unsigned int count, const T* pItems, T (*copyFunc)(const T*)) { std::vector<T> res; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { res.push_back(copyFunc(pItems + i)); } return res; } static void getShaderLinkInfo(int esslVersion, const ST_ShaderCompileResult* compileResult, ShaderLinkInfo* linkInfo) { linkInfo->esslVersion = esslVersion; linkInfo->uniforms.clear(); linkInfo->varyings.clear(); linkInfo->attributes.clear(); linkInfo->outputVars.clear(); linkInfo->interfaceBlocks.clear(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < compileResult->nameHashingMap->entryCount; ++i) { linkInfo->nameMap[compileResult->nameHashingMap->ppUserNames[i]] = compileResult->nameHashingMap->ppCompiledNames[i]; } for (const auto& elt : linkInfo->nameMap) { linkInfo->nameMapReverse[elt.second] = elt.first; } auto st = getSTDispatch(); auto stCopyVariable = st->copyVariable; auto stCopyInterfaceBlock = st->copyInterfaceBlock; linkInfo->uniforms = convertArrayToVecWithCopy( compileResult->uniformsCount, compileResult->pUniforms, stCopyVariable); std::vector<ST_ShaderVariable> inputVaryings = convertArrayToVecWithCopy( compileResult->inputVaryingsCount, compileResult->pInputVaryings, stCopyVariable); std::vector<ST_ShaderVariable> outputVaryings = convertArrayToVecWithCopy( compileResult->outputVaryingsCount, compileResult->pOutputVaryings, stCopyVariable); linkInfo->varyings.clear(); linkInfo->varyings.insert( linkInfo->varyings.begin(), inputVaryings.begin(), inputVaryings.end()); linkInfo->varyings.insert( linkInfo->varyings.begin(), outputVaryings.begin(), outputVaryings.end()); linkInfo->attributes = convertArrayToVecWithCopy( compileResult->allAttributesCount, compileResult->pAllAttributes, stCopyVariable); linkInfo->outputVars = convertArrayToVecWithCopy( compileResult->activeOutputVariablesCount, compileResult->pActiveOutputVariables, stCopyVariable); linkInfo->interfaceBlocks = convertArrayToVecWithCopy( compileResult->uniformBlocksCount, compileResult->pUniformBlocks, stCopyInterfaceBlock); // todo: split to uniform and ssbo } static int detectShaderESSLVersion(const char* const* strings) { // Just look at the first line of the first string for now const char* pos = strings[0]; const char* linePos = strstr(pos, "\n"); const char* versionPos = strstr(pos, "#version"); if (!linePos || !versionPos) { // default to ESSL 100 return 100; } const char* version_end = versionPos + strlen("#version"); int wantedESSLVersion; sscanf(version_end, " %d", &wantedESSLVersion); return wantedESSLVersion; } bool translate(bool hostUsesCoreProfile, const char* src, GLenum shaderType, std::string* outInfolog, std::string* outObjCode, ShaderLinkInfo* outShaderLinkInfo) { int esslVersion = detectShaderESSLVersion(&src); // Leverage ARB_ES3_1_compatibility for ESSL 310 for now. // Use translator after rest of dEQP-GLES31.functional is in a better state. if (esslVersion == 310) { // Don't try to get obj code just yet. // At least on NVIDIA Quadro K2200 Linux (361.xx), // ARB_ES3_1_compatibility seems to assume incorrectly // that atomic_uint must catch a precision qualifier in ESSL 310. std::string origSrc(src); outShaderLinkInfo->esslVersion = esslVersion; size_t versionStart = origSrc.find("#version"); size_t versionEnd = origSrc.find("\n", versionStart); size_t extensionStart = origSrc.rfind("#extension"); size_t extensionEnd = origSrc.find("\n", extensionStart); if (extensionStart == std::string::npos) { std::string versionPart = origSrc.substr(versionStart, versionEnd - versionStart + 1); std::string src2 = versionPart + "precision highp atomic_uint;\n" + origSrc.substr(versionEnd + 1, origSrc.size() - (versionEnd + 1)); *outObjCode = src2; } else { std::string uptoExtensionPart = origSrc.substr(0, extensionEnd + 1); std::string src2 = uptoExtensionPart + "precision highp atomic_uint;\n" + origSrc.substr(extensionEnd + 1, origSrc.size() - (extensionEnd + 1)); *outObjCode = src2; } return true; } if (!kInitialized) { return false; } // ANGLE may crash if multiple RenderThreads attempt to compile shaders // at the same time. android::base::AutoLock autolock(kCompilerLock); ShaderSpecKey key; key.shaderType = shaderType; key.esslVersion = esslVersion; ST_ShaderCompileInfo ci = { (ST_Handle)getShaderCompiler(hostUsesCoreProfile, key), shaderType, sInputSpecForVersion(esslVersion), sOutputSpecForVersion(hostUsesCoreProfile, esslVersion), ST_OBJECT_CODE | ST_VARIABLES, &kResources, src, }; ST_ShaderCompileResult* res = nullptr; auto st = getSTDispatch(); st->compileAndResolve(&ci, &res); sCompilerMap()->emplace(key, res->outputHandle); *outInfolog = std::string(res->infoLog); *outObjCode = std::string(res->translatedSource); if (outShaderLinkInfo) getShaderLinkInfo(esslVersion, res, outShaderLinkInfo); bool ret = res->compileStatus == 1; st->freeShaderResolveState(res); return ret; } } // namespace ANGLEShaderParser #endif