 * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <libnl++/Socket.h>

#include <libnl++/printer.h>

#include <android-base/logging.h>

namespace android::nl {

 * Print all outbound/inbound Netlink messages.
static constexpr bool kSuperVerbose = false;

Socket::Socket(int protocol, unsigned pid, uint32_t groups) : mProtocol(protocol) {
    mFd.reset(socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, protocol));
    if (!mFd.ok()) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Can't open Netlink socket";
        mFailed = true;

    sockaddr_nl sa = {};
    sa.nl_family = AF_NETLINK;
    sa.nl_pid = pid;
    sa.nl_groups = groups;

    if (bind(mFd.get(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&sa), sizeof(sa)) < 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Can't bind Netlink socket";
        mFailed = true;

void Socket::clearPollErr() {
    sockaddr_nl sa = {};
    socklen_t saLen = sizeof(sa);
    const auto bytesReceived = recvfrom(mFd.get(), mReceiveBuffer.data(), mReceiveBuffer.size(), 0,
                                        reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&sa), &saLen);
    if (errno != EINVAL) {
        PLOG(WARNING) << "clearPollError() caught unexpected error: ";
    CHECK_LE(bytesReceived, 0) << "clearPollError() didn't find an error!";

bool Socket::send(const Buffer<nlmsghdr>& msg, const sockaddr_nl& sa) {
    if constexpr (kSuperVerbose) {
        LOG(VERBOSE) << (mFailed ? "(not) " : "") << "sending to " << sa.nl_pid << ": "
                     << toString(msg, mProtocol);
    if (mFailed) return false;

    mSeq = msg->nlmsg_seq;
    const auto rawMsg = msg.getRaw();
    const auto bytesSent = sendto(mFd.get(), rawMsg.ptr(), rawMsg.len(), 0,
                                  reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr*>(&sa), sizeof(sa));
    if (bytesSent < 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Can't send Netlink message";
        return false;
    } else if (size_t(bytesSent) != rawMsg.len()) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Can't send Netlink message: truncated message";
        return false;
    return true;

bool Socket::send(const Buffer<nlmsghdr>& msg, uint32_t destination) {
    sockaddr_nl sa = {.nl_family = AF_NETLINK, .nl_pad = 0, .nl_pid = destination, .nl_groups = 0};
    return send(msg, sa);

bool Socket::increaseReceiveBuffer(size_t maxSize) {
    if (maxSize == 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Maximum receive size should not be zero";
        return false;

    if (mReceiveBuffer.size() < maxSize) mReceiveBuffer.resize(maxSize);
    return true;

std::optional<Buffer<nlmsghdr>> Socket::receive(size_t maxSize) {
    return receiveFrom(maxSize).first;

std::pair<std::optional<Buffer<nlmsghdr>>, sockaddr_nl> Socket::receiveFrom(size_t maxSize) {
    if (mFailed) return {std::nullopt, {}};

    if (!increaseReceiveBuffer(maxSize)) return {std::nullopt, {}};

    sockaddr_nl sa = {};
    socklen_t saLen = sizeof(sa);
    const auto bytesReceived = recvfrom(mFd.get(), mReceiveBuffer.data(), maxSize, MSG_TRUNC,
                                        reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&sa), &saLen);

    if (bytesReceived <= 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to receive Netlink message";
        return {std::nullopt, {}};
    } else if (size_t(bytesReceived) > maxSize) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Received data larger than maximum receive size: "  //
                    << bytesReceived << " > " << maxSize;
        return {std::nullopt, {}};

    Buffer<nlmsghdr> msg(reinterpret_cast<nlmsghdr*>(mReceiveBuffer.data()), bytesReceived);
    if constexpr (kSuperVerbose) {
        LOG(VERBOSE) << "received from " << sa.nl_pid << ": " << toString(msg, mProtocol);
    long headerByteTotal = 0;
    for (const auto hdr : msg) {
        headerByteTotal += hdr->nlmsg_len;
    if (bytesReceived != headerByteTotal) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "received " << bytesReceived << " bytes, header claims " << headerByteTotal;
    return {msg, sa};

bool Socket::receiveAck(uint32_t seq) {
    const auto nlerr = receive<nlmsgerr>({NLMSG_ERROR});
    if (!nlerr.has_value()) return false;

    if (nlerr->data.msg.nlmsg_seq != seq) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Received ACK for a different message (" << nlerr->data.msg.nlmsg_seq
                   << ", expected " << seq << "). Multi-message tracking is not implemented.";
        return false;

    if (nlerr->data.error == 0) return true;

    LOG(WARNING) << "Received Netlink error message: " << strerror(-nlerr->data.error);
    return false;

std::optional<Buffer<nlmsghdr>> Socket::receive(const std::set<nlmsgtype_t>& msgtypes,
                                                size_t maxSize) {
    if (mFailed || !increaseReceiveBuffer(maxSize)) return std::nullopt;

    for (const auto rawMsg : *this) {
        if (msgtypes.count(rawMsg->nlmsg_type) == 0) {
            LOG(WARNING) << "Received (and ignored) unexpected Netlink message of type "
                         << rawMsg->nlmsg_type;

        return rawMsg;

    return std::nullopt;

std::optional<unsigned> Socket::getPid() {
    if (mFailed) return std::nullopt;

    sockaddr_nl sa = {};
    socklen_t sasize = sizeof(sa);
    if (getsockname(mFd.get(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&sa), &sasize) < 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get PID of Netlink socket";
        return std::nullopt;
    return sa.nl_pid;

pollfd Socket::preparePoll(short events) {
    CHECK(mFd.get() > 0) << "Netlink socket fd is invalid!";
    return {mFd.get(), events, 0};

bool Socket::addMembership(unsigned group) {
    const auto res =
            setsockopt(mFd.get(), SOL_NETLINK, NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &group, sizeof(group));
    if (res < 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed joining multicast group " << group;
        return false;
    return true;

bool Socket::dropMembership(unsigned group) {
    const auto res =
            setsockopt(mFd.get(), SOL_NETLINK, NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP, &group, sizeof(group));
    if (res < 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed leaving multicast group " << group;
        return false;
    return true;

Socket::receive_iterator::receive_iterator(Socket& socket, bool end)
    : mSocket(socket), mIsEnd(end) {
    if (!end) receive();

Socket::receive_iterator Socket::receive_iterator::operator++() {
    CHECK(!mIsEnd) << "Trying to increment end iterator";
    if (mCurrent.isEnd()) receive();
    return *this;

bool Socket::receive_iterator::operator==(const receive_iterator& other) const {
    if (mIsEnd != other.mIsEnd) return false;
    if (mIsEnd && other.mIsEnd) return true;
    return mCurrent == other.mCurrent;

const Buffer<nlmsghdr>& Socket::receive_iterator::operator*() const {
    CHECK(!mIsEnd) << "Trying to dereference end iterator";
    return *mCurrent;

void Socket::receive_iterator::receive() {
    CHECK(!mIsEnd) << "Trying to receive on end iterator";
    CHECK(mCurrent.isEnd()) << "Trying to receive without draining previous read";

    const auto buf = mSocket.receive();
    if (buf.has_value()) {
        mCurrent = buf->begin();
    } else {
        mIsEnd = true;

Socket::receive_iterator Socket::begin() {
    return {*this, false};

Socket::receive_iterator Socket::end() {
    return {*this, true};

}  // namespace android::nl