/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "RemoteAccessService.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace automotive { namespace remoteaccess { namespace { using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::remoteaccess::ApState; using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::remoteaccess::IRemoteTaskCallback; using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::remoteaccess::ScheduleInfo; using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::remoteaccess::TaskType; using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehicleProperty; using ::android::base::Error; using ::android::base::ParseInt; using ::android::base::Result; using ::android::base::ScopedLockAssertion; using ::android::base::StringAppendF; using ::android::base::StringPrintf; using ::android::frameworks::automotive::vhal::IVhalClient; using ::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::toInt; using ::grpc::ClientContext; using ::grpc::ClientReaderInterface; using ::grpc::Status; using ::grpc::StatusCode; using ::ndk::ScopedAStatus; const std::string WAKEUP_SERVICE_NAME = "com.google.vehicle.wakeup"; const std::string PROCESSOR_ID = "application_processor"; constexpr char COMMAND_SET_AP_STATE[] = "--set-ap-state"; constexpr char COMMAND_START_DEBUG_CALLBACK[] = "--start-debug-callback"; constexpr char COMMAND_STOP_DEBUG_CALLBACK[] = "--stop-debug-callback"; constexpr char COMMAND_SHOW_TASK[] = "--show-task"; constexpr char COMMAND_GET_VEHICLE_ID[] = "--get-vehicle-id"; constexpr char COMMAND_INJECT_TASK[] = "--inject-task"; constexpr char COMMAND_INJECT_TASK_NEXT_REBOOT[] = "--inject-task-next-reboot"; constexpr char COMMAND_STATUS[] = "--status"; constexpr char DEBUG_TASK_FILE[] = "/data/vendor/remoteaccess/debugTask"; std::vector stringToBytes(std::string_view s) { const char* data = s.data(); return std::vector(data, data + s.size()); } ScopedAStatus rpcStatusToScopedAStatus(const Status& status, const std::string& errorMsg) { return ScopedAStatus::fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage( status.error_code(), (errorMsg + ", error: " + status.error_message()).c_str()); } std::string printBytes(const std::vector& bytes) { std::string s; for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes.size(); i++) { StringAppendF(&s, "%02x", bytes[i]); } return s; } bool checkBoolFlag(const char* flag) { return !strcmp(flag, "1") || !strcmp(flag, "0"); } void dprintErrorStatus(int fd, const char* detail, const ScopedAStatus& status) { dprintf(fd, "%s, code: %d, error: %s\n", detail, status.getStatus(), status.getMessage()); } std::string boolToString(bool x) { return x ? "true" : "false"; } } // namespace RemoteAccessService::RemoteAccessService(WakeupClient::StubInterface* grpcStub) : mGrpcStub(grpcStub) { if (mGrpcStub != nullptr) { mGrpcServerExist = true; } std::ifstream debugTaskFile; debugTaskFile.open(DEBUG_TASK_FILE, std::ios::in); if (!debugTaskFile.is_open()) { ALOGD("No debug task available"); return; } char buffer[1024] = {}; debugTaskFile.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); std::string clientId = std::string(buffer); debugTaskFile.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); std::string taskData = std::string(buffer); int latencyInSec; debugTaskFile >> latencyInSec; debugTaskFile.close(); ALOGD("Task for client: %s, data: [%s], latency: %d\n", clientId.c_str(), taskData.c_str(), latencyInSec); mInjectDebugTaskThread = std::thread([this, clientId, taskData, latencyInSec] { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(latencyInSec)); if (auto result = deliverRemoteTaskThroughCallback(clientId, taskData); !result.ok()) { ALOGE("Failed to inject debug task, clientID: %s, taskData: %s, error: %s", clientId.c_str(), taskData.c_str(), result.error().message().c_str()); return; } ALOGD("Task for client: %s, data: [%s] successfully injected\n", clientId.c_str(), taskData.c_str()); }); } RemoteAccessService::~RemoteAccessService() { maybeStopTaskLoop(); if (mInjectDebugTaskThread.joinable()) { mInjectDebugTaskThread.join(); } } void RemoteAccessService::maybeStartTaskLoop() { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mStartStopTaskLoopLock); if (mTaskLoopRunning) { return; } mThread = std::thread([this]() { runTaskLoop(); }); mTaskLoopRunning = true; } void RemoteAccessService::maybeStopTaskLoop() { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mStartStopTaskLoopLock); if (!mTaskLoopRunning) { return; } { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mLock); // Try to stop the reading stream. if (mGetRemoteTasksContext) { mGetRemoteTasksContext->TryCancel(); // Don't reset mGetRemoteTaskContext here since the read stream might still be affective // and might still be using it. This will cause reader->Read to return false and // mGetRemoteTasksContext will be cleared after reader->Finish() is called. } mTaskWaitStopped = true; mCv.notify_all(); } if (mThread.joinable()) { mThread.join(); } mTaskLoopRunning = false; } void RemoteAccessService::updateGrpcReadChannelOpen(bool grpcReadChannelOpen) { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mLock); mGrpcReadChannelOpen = grpcReadChannelOpen; } Result RemoteAccessService::deliverRemoteTaskThroughCallback(const std::string& clientId, std::string_view taskData) { std::shared_ptr callback; { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mLock); callback = mRemoteTaskCallback; mClientIdToTaskCount[clientId] += 1; } if (callback == nullptr) { return Error() << "No callback registered, task ignored"; } ALOGD("Calling onRemoteTaskRequested callback for client ID: %s", clientId.c_str()); ScopedAStatus callbackStatus = callback->onRemoteTaskRequested(clientId, stringToBytes(taskData)); if (!callbackStatus.isOk()) { return Error() << "Failed to call onRemoteTaskRequested callback, status: " << callbackStatus.getStatus() << ", message: " << callbackStatus.getMessage(); } return {}; } void RemoteAccessService::runTaskLoop() { GetRemoteTasksRequest request = {}; std::unique_ptr> reader; while (true) { { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mLock); mGetRemoteTasksContext.reset(new ClientContext()); reader = mGrpcStub->GetRemoteTasks(mGetRemoteTasksContext.get(), request); } updateGrpcReadChannelOpen(true); GetRemoteTasksResponse response; while (reader->Read(&response)) { ALOGI("Receiving one task from remote task client"); if (auto result = deliverRemoteTaskThroughCallback(response.clientid(), response.data()); !result.ok()) { ALOGE("%s", result.error().message().c_str()); continue; } } updateGrpcReadChannelOpen(false); Status status = reader->Finish(); mGetRemoteTasksContext.reset(); ALOGE("GetRemoteTasks stream breaks, code: %d, message: %s, sleeping for 10s and retry", status.error_code(), status.error_message().c_str()); // The long lasting connection should not return. But if the server returns, retry after // 10s. { std::unique_lock lk(mLock); if (mCv.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::milliseconds(mRetryWaitInMs), [this] { ScopedLockAssertion lockAssertion(mLock); return mTaskWaitStopped; })) { // If the stopped flag is set, we are quitting, exit the loop. break; } } } } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::getVehicleId(std::string* vehicleId) { #ifndef FUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION auto vhalClient = IVhalClient::tryCreate(); if (vhalClient == nullptr) { ALOGE("Failed to connect to VHAL"); return ScopedAStatus::fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage( /*errorCode=*/0, "Failed to connect to VHAL to get vehicle ID"); } return getVehicleIdWithClient(*vhalClient.get(), vehicleId); #else // Don't use VHAL client in fuzzing since IPC is not allowed. return ScopedAStatus::ok(); #endif } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::getVehicleIdWithClient(IVhalClient& vhalClient, std::string* vehicleId) { auto result = vhalClient.getValueSync( *vhalClient.createHalPropValue(toInt(VehicleProperty::INFO_VIN))); if (!result.ok()) { return ScopedAStatus::fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage( /*errorCode=*/0, ("failed to get INFO_VIN from VHAL: " + result.error().message()).c_str()); } *vehicleId = (*result)->getStringValue(); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::getProcessorId(std::string* processorId) { *processorId = PROCESSOR_ID; return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::getWakeupServiceName(std::string* wakeupServiceName) { *wakeupServiceName = WAKEUP_SERVICE_NAME; return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::setRemoteTaskCallback( const std::shared_ptr& callback) { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mLock); mRemoteTaskCallback = callback; return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::clearRemoteTaskCallback() { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mLock); mRemoteTaskCallback.reset(); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::notifyApStateChange(const ApState& newState) { if (!mGrpcServerExist) { ALOGW("GRPC server does not exist, do nothing"); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ClientContext context; NotifyWakeupRequiredRequest request = {}; request.set_iswakeuprequired(newState.isWakeupRequired); NotifyWakeupRequiredResponse response = {}; Status status = mGrpcStub->NotifyWakeupRequired(&context, request, &response); if (!status.ok()) { return rpcStatusToScopedAStatus(status, "Failed to notify isWakeupRequired"); } if (newState.isReadyForRemoteTask) { maybeStartTaskLoop(); } else { maybeStopTaskLoop(); } return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } bool RemoteAccessService::isTaskScheduleSupported() { if (!mGrpcServerExist) { ALOGW("GRPC server does not exist, task scheduling not supported"); return false; } return true; } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::isTaskScheduleSupported(bool* out) { *out = isTaskScheduleSupported(); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::getSupportedTaskTypesForScheduling( std::vector* out) { out->clear(); if (!isTaskScheduleSupported()) { ALOGW("Task scheduleing is not supported, return empty task types"); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } out->push_back(TaskType::CUSTOM); out->push_back(TaskType::ENTER_GARAGE_MODE); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::scheduleTask(const ScheduleInfo& scheduleInfo) { if (!isTaskScheduleSupported()) { ALOGW("Task scheduleing is not supported, return exception"); return ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "task scheduling is not supported"); } ClientContext context; ScheduleTaskRequest request = {}; ScheduleTaskResponse response = {}; if (scheduleInfo.count < 0) { return ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "count must be >= 0"); } if (scheduleInfo.startTimeInEpochSeconds < 0) { return ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "startTimeInEpochSeconds must be >= 0"); } if (scheduleInfo.periodicInSeconds < 0) { return ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "periodicInSeconds must be >= 0"); } if (scheduleInfo.taskData.size() > scheduleInfo.MAX_TASK_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES) { return ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "task data too big"); } request.mutable_scheduleinfo()->set_clientid(scheduleInfo.clientId); request.mutable_scheduleinfo()->set_tasktype( static_cast(scheduleInfo.taskType)); request.mutable_scheduleinfo()->set_scheduleid(scheduleInfo.scheduleId); request.mutable_scheduleinfo()->set_data(scheduleInfo.taskData.data(), scheduleInfo.taskData.size()); request.mutable_scheduleinfo()->set_count(scheduleInfo.count); request.mutable_scheduleinfo()->set_starttimeinepochseconds( scheduleInfo.startTimeInEpochSeconds); request.mutable_scheduleinfo()->set_periodicinseconds(scheduleInfo.periodicInSeconds); Status status = mGrpcStub->ScheduleTask(&context, request, &response); if (!status.ok()) { return rpcStatusToScopedAStatus(status, "Failed to call ScheduleTask"); } int errorCode = response.errorcode(); switch (errorCode) { case ErrorCode::OK: return ScopedAStatus::ok(); case ErrorCode::INVALID_ARG: return ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCodeWithMessage( EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "received invalid_arg from grpc server"); default: // Should not happen. return ScopedAStatus::fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage( -1, ("Got unknown error code: " + ErrorCode_Name(errorCode) + " from remote access HAL") .c_str()); } } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::unscheduleTask(const std::string& clientId, const std::string& scheduleId) { if (!isTaskScheduleSupported()) { ALOGW("Task scheduleing is not supported, do nothing"); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ClientContext context; UnscheduleTaskRequest request = {}; UnscheduleTaskResponse response = {}; request.set_clientid(clientId); request.set_scheduleid(scheduleId); Status status = mGrpcStub->UnscheduleTask(&context, request, &response); if (!status.ok()) { return rpcStatusToScopedAStatus(status, "Failed to call UnscheduleTask"); } return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::unscheduleAllTasks(const std::string& clientId) { if (!isTaskScheduleSupported()) { ALOGW("Task scheduleing is not supported, do nothing"); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ClientContext context; UnscheduleAllTasksRequest request = {}; UnscheduleAllTasksResponse response = {}; request.set_clientid(clientId); Status status = mGrpcStub->UnscheduleAllTasks(&context, request, &response); if (!status.ok()) { return rpcStatusToScopedAStatus(status, "Failed to call UnscheduleAllTasks"); } return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::isTaskScheduled(const std::string& clientId, const std::string& scheduleId, bool* out) { if (!isTaskScheduleSupported()) { ALOGW("Task scheduleing is not supported, return false"); *out = false; return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ClientContext context; IsTaskScheduledRequest request = {}; IsTaskScheduledResponse response = {}; request.set_clientid(clientId); request.set_scheduleid(scheduleId); Status status = mGrpcStub->IsTaskScheduled(&context, request, &response); if (!status.ok()) { return rpcStatusToScopedAStatus(status, "Failed to call isTaskScheduled"); } *out = response.istaskscheduled(); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ScopedAStatus RemoteAccessService::getAllPendingScheduledTasks(const std::string& clientId, std::vector* out) { if (!isTaskScheduleSupported()) { ALOGW("Task scheduleing is not supported, return empty array"); out->clear(); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ClientContext context; GetAllPendingScheduledTasksRequest request = {}; GetAllPendingScheduledTasksResponse response = {}; request.set_clientid(clientId); Status status = mGrpcStub->GetAllPendingScheduledTasks(&context, request, &response); if (!status.ok()) { return rpcStatusToScopedAStatus(status, "Failed to call isTaskScheduled"); } out->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < response.allscheduledtasks_size(); i++) { const GrpcScheduleInfo& rpcScheduleInfo = response.allscheduledtasks(i); ScheduleInfo scheduleInfo = { .clientId = rpcScheduleInfo.clientid(), .taskType = static_cast(rpcScheduleInfo.tasktype()), .scheduleId = rpcScheduleInfo.scheduleid(), .taskData = stringToBytes(rpcScheduleInfo.data()), .count = rpcScheduleInfo.count(), .startTimeInEpochSeconds = rpcScheduleInfo.starttimeinepochseconds(), .periodicInSeconds = rpcScheduleInfo.periodicinseconds(), }; out->push_back(std::move(scheduleInfo)); } return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } bool RemoteAccessService::checkDumpPermission() { uid_t uid = AIBinder_getCallingUid(); return uid == AID_ROOT || uid == AID_SHELL || uid == AID_SYSTEM; } void RemoteAccessService::dumpHelp(int fd) { dprintf(fd, "RemoteAccess HAL debug interface, Usage: \n" "%s [0/1](isReadyForRemoteTask) [0/1](isWakeupRequired): Set the new AP state\n" "%s: Start a debug callback that will record the received tasks\n" "%s: Stop the debug callback\n" "%s: Show tasks received by debug callback\n" "%s: Get vehicle id\n" "%s [client_id] [task_data]: Inject a task\n" "%s [client_id] [task_data] [latencyInSec]: " "Inject a task on next reboot after latencyInSec seconds\n" "%s: Show status\n", COMMAND_SET_AP_STATE, COMMAND_START_DEBUG_CALLBACK, COMMAND_STOP_DEBUG_CALLBACK, COMMAND_SHOW_TASK, COMMAND_GET_VEHICLE_ID, COMMAND_INJECT_TASK, COMMAND_INJECT_TASK_NEXT_REBOOT, COMMAND_STATUS); } binder_status_t RemoteAccessService::dump(int fd, const char** args, uint32_t numArgs) { if (!checkDumpPermission()) { dprintf(fd, "Caller must be root, system or shell\n"); return STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED; } if (numArgs == 0) { dumpHelp(fd); printCurrentStatus(fd); return STATUS_OK; } if (!strcmp(args[0], COMMAND_SET_AP_STATE)) { if (numArgs < 3) { dumpHelp(fd); return STATUS_OK; } ApState apState = {}; const char* remoteTaskFlag = args[1]; if (!strcmp(remoteTaskFlag, "1") && !strcmp(remoteTaskFlag, "0")) { dumpHelp(fd); return STATUS_OK; } if (!checkBoolFlag(args[1])) { dumpHelp(fd); return STATUS_OK; } if (!strcmp(args[1], "1")) { apState.isReadyForRemoteTask = true; } if (!checkBoolFlag(args[2])) { dumpHelp(fd); return STATUS_OK; } if (!strcmp(args[2], "1")) { apState.isWakeupRequired = true; } auto status = notifyApStateChange(apState); if (!status.isOk()) { dprintErrorStatus(fd, "Failed to set AP state", status); } else { dprintf(fd, "successfully set the new AP state\n"); } } else if (!strcmp(args[0], COMMAND_START_DEBUG_CALLBACK)) { mDebugCallback = ndk::SharedRefBase::make(); setRemoteTaskCallback(mDebugCallback); dprintf(fd, "Debug callback registered\n"); } else if (!strcmp(args[0], COMMAND_STOP_DEBUG_CALLBACK)) { if (mDebugCallback) { mDebugCallback.reset(); } clearRemoteTaskCallback(); dprintf(fd, "Debug callback unregistered\n"); } else if (!strcmp(args[0], COMMAND_SHOW_TASK)) { if (mDebugCallback) { dprintf(fd, "%s", mDebugCallback->printTasks().c_str()); } else { dprintf(fd, "Debug callback is not currently used, use \"%s\" first.\n", COMMAND_START_DEBUG_CALLBACK); } } else if (!strcmp(args[0], COMMAND_GET_VEHICLE_ID)) { std::string vehicleId; auto status = getVehicleId(&vehicleId); if (!status.isOk()) { dprintErrorStatus(fd, "Failed to get vehicle ID", status); } else { dprintf(fd, "Vehicle Id: %s\n", vehicleId.c_str()); } } else if (!strcmp(args[0], COMMAND_INJECT_TASK)) { if (numArgs < 3) { dumpHelp(fd); return STATUS_OK; } debugInjectTask(fd, args[1], args[2]); } else if (!strcmp(args[0], COMMAND_INJECT_TASK_NEXT_REBOOT)) { if (numArgs < 4) { dumpHelp(fd); return STATUS_OK; } debugInjectTaskNextReboot(fd, args[1], args[2], args[3]); } else if (!strcmp(args[0], COMMAND_STATUS)) { printCurrentStatus(fd); } else { dumpHelp(fd); } return STATUS_OK; } void RemoteAccessService::printCurrentStatus(int fd) { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mLock); dprintf(fd, "\nRemoteAccess HAL status \n" "Remote task callback registered: %s\n" "GRPC server exist: %s\n" "GRPC read channel for receiving tasks open: %s\n" "Received task count by clientId: \n%s\n", boolToString(mRemoteTaskCallback.get()).c_str(), boolToString(mGrpcServerExist).c_str(), boolToString(mGrpcReadChannelOpen).c_str(), clientIdToTaskCountToStringLocked().c_str()); } void RemoteAccessService::debugInjectTask(int fd, std::string_view clientId, std::string_view taskData) { std::string clientIdCopy = std::string(clientId); if (auto result = deliverRemoteTaskThroughCallback(clientIdCopy, taskData); !result.ok()) { dprintf(fd, "Failed to inject task: %s\n", result.error().message().c_str()); return; } dprintf(fd, "Task for client: %s, data: [%s] successfully injected\n", clientId.data(), taskData.data()); } void RemoteAccessService::debugInjectTaskNextReboot(int fd, std::string_view clientId, std::string_view taskData, const char* latencyInSecStr) { int latencyInSec; if (!ParseInt(latencyInSecStr, &latencyInSec)) { dprintf(fd, "The input latency in second is not a valid integer"); return; } std::ofstream debugTaskFile; debugTaskFile.open(DEBUG_TASK_FILE, std::ios::out); if (!debugTaskFile.is_open()) { dprintf(fd, "Failed to open debug task file, please run the command: " "'adb shell touch %s' first\n", DEBUG_TASK_FILE); return; } if (taskData.find("\n") != std::string::npos) { dprintf(fd, "Task data must not contain newline\n"); return; } debugTaskFile << clientId << "\n" << taskData << "\n" << latencyInSec; debugTaskFile.close(); dprintf(fd, "Task with clientId: %s, task data: %s, latency: %d sec scheduled for next reboot\n", clientId.data(), taskData.data(), latencyInSec); } std::string RemoteAccessService::clientIdToTaskCountToStringLocked() { // Print the table header std::string output = "| ClientId | Count |\n"; for (const auto& [clientId, taskCount] : mClientIdToTaskCount) { output += StringPrintf(" %-9s %-6zu\n", clientId.c_str(), taskCount); } return output; } ScopedAStatus DebugRemoteTaskCallback::onRemoteTaskRequested(const std::string& clientId, const std::vector& data) { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mLock); mTasks.push_back({ .clientId = clientId, .data = data, }); return ScopedAStatus::ok(); } std::string DebugRemoteTaskCallback::printTasks() { std::lock_guard lockGuard(mLock); std::string s = StringPrintf("Received %zu tasks in %f seconds", mTasks.size(), (android::uptimeMillis() - mStartTimeMillis) / 1000.); for (size_t i = 0; i < mTasks.size(); i++) { StringAppendF(&s, "Client Id: %s, Data: %s\n", mTasks[i].clientId.c_str(), printBytes(mTasks[i].data).c_str()); } return s; } } // namespace remoteaccess } // namespace automotive } // namespace hardware } // namespace android