# Test GRPC Server. A test GRPC server that implements wakeup_client.proto. This test server acts as a reference implementation for a remote wakeup client running on TCU. The test server does not communicate with any actual network server. It has the following behavior: * It starts a GRPC server on 'DGRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS' compile flag which is localhost:50051. The GRPC server provides the service according to hardware/interfaces/automotive/remoteaccess/hal/default/proto/wakeup_client.proto. In real implementation, DGRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS can be specified to any IP address where the TCU can be exposed to Application Processor. The default remote access HAL implementation (hardware/interfaces/automotive/remoteaccess/hal/default/Android.bp) also uses DGRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS to find this GRPC server, so it must have the same IP address. * It generates a fake task using FakeTaskGenerator every 'kTaskIntervalInMs' ms. In real implementation, it should receive task from the remote server. * Each fake task has an increasing unique client ID. The task data is always what's defined for 'DATA' variable. In real implementation, the client ID and task data should come from the remote server. * The generated tasks are put into a task queue which is a priority queue sorted by task received time. In real implementation, if the server provides a task timestamp, then this queue can be sorted by that task timestamp instead. * When the Application processor is started, the remote access HAL running on Android will call 'GetRemoteTasks' to establish a long-live connection. This connection is used to deliver all task data from remote wakeup client to remote access HAL, which eventually to car service and applications. When the 'GetRemoteTasks' is called, the wakeup client must send all the pending tasks through the 'ServerWriter'. If no task is pending, then it must block and wait for a new task to arrive. If one task data fails to be sent through the channel, it likely means the other side (Application processor) is shutting down or has closed the channel. The wakeup client must put the task back to the pending queue and wait for a new 'GetRemoteTasks' request to retry sending the task. * When a new task arrives, if 'WakeupRequired' is true, then try to wakeup the Application Processor by sending a specific CAN message. It is possible that the waking up is already in progress. This is okay since Vehicle Processor should ignore wakeup message if a wakeup is already in progress. * When 'WakeupRequired' is updated from false to true, if there are unexpired pending tasks in the task queue, try to wakeup Application Processor. This is to handle the situation when a task arrives while the device is shutting down. During the device shutdown, the channel to deliver the remote tasks to Application Processor is shutdown so the new task will be added to the task queue. 'WakeupRequired' will be set to false to prevent the wakeup message preventing the shutdown. After the shutdown is complete, 'WakeupRequired' will be set to true and this wakeup client must try to wake up the device again to execute the pending tasks. * Every pending task has a timeout: 'kTaskTimeoutInMs'. If the pending task is not delivered to remote access HAL before the timeout (through GetRemoteTasks), the task timed out and a warning message is logged. In real implementation, this kTaskTimeoutInMs has to be set long enough to allow an Android bootup to happen. 20s is a reasonable value. When a task timed out, the wakeup client should also report to remote task server about the task timeout failure. ## How to build the test wakeup client * Under android root: `source build/envsetup.sh` * Add ``` PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES += hardware/interfaces/automotive/remoteaccess/test_grpc_server/lib` ``` to `device/generic/car/common/car.mk`. * `lunch sdk_car_x86_64-userdebug` * `make -j TestWakeupClientServer` * `make -j ApPOwerControlLib` ## How to push the test wakeup client to a TCU which runs Android. * Make the target device writable: `adb root` `adb remount` (remount might take a while) `adb reboot` `adb root` `adb remount` * Under android root: `cd $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT` * `adb push vendor/bin/TestWakeupClientServer /vendor/bin` * `adb push vendor/lib64/ApPowerControlLib.so /vendor/lib64` * `adb shell` * `su` * `/vendor/bin/TestWakeupClientServer` ## How to build and test the test wakeup client using one car emulator. In this test setup we will use one car emulator (sdk_car_x86_64-userdebug). We assume both the TCU and the remote access HAL runs on the same Android system, and they communicate through local loopback interface. * Under android root, `source build/envsetup.sh` * Add ``` PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES += hardware/interfaces/automotive/remoteaccess/test_grpc_server/lib` ``` to `device/generic/car/common/car.mk`. * `lunch sdk_car_x86_64-userdebug` * `m -j` * Run the emulator, the '-read-only' flag is required to run multiple instances: `emulator -writable-system -read-only` * The android lunch target: sdk_car_x86_64-userdebug and cf_x86_64_auto-userdebug already contains the default remote access HAL. For other lunch target, you can add the default remote access HAL by adding 'android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess@V2-default-service' to 'PRODUCT_PACKAGES' variable in mk file, see `device/generic/car/common/car.mk` as example. To verify whether remote access HAL is running, you can use the following command to check: `dumpsys android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess.IRemoteAccess/default` * Make the target device writable: `adb root` `adb remount` (remount might take a while) `adb reboot` `adb root` `adb remount` * `make -j TestWakeupClientServer` * `make -j ApPOwerControlLib` * `adb push $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/vendor/bin/TestWakeupClientServer /vendor/bin` * `adb push $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/vendor/lib64/ApPowerControlLib.so /vendor/lib64` * `adb shell` * `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # su` * `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # /vendor/bin/TestWakeupClientServer` * Remote access HAL should start by default when the car emulator starts. Now the test wake up client should also be running and generating fake tasks. Start a new session under android root `source build/envsetup.sh` `lunch sdk_car_x86_64-userdebug` `adb shell` `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # su` * Issue the command to start a simple debug callback that will capture all the received tasks at the remote access HAL side: `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # dumpsys android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess.IRemoteAccess/default --start-debug-callback` * Issue the following debug command to remote access HAL to establish the communication channel between it and the test wakeup client. This command also notifies that wakeup is not required: `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # dumpsys android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess.IRemoteAccess/default --set-ap-state 1 0` * Wait for a while, issue the following command to show the received fake tasks: `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # dumpsys android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess.IRemoteAccess/default --show-task` You should expect to see some received tasks printed out. * Simulate the Application Processor is shutting down by issuing the following command: `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # dumpsys android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess.IRemoteAccess/default --set-ap-state 0 0` * Wait for a while, issue the following command to show received tasks again: `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # dumpsys android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess.IRemoteAccess/default --show-task` You should expect to see no new tasks received since remote access HAL already closed the communication channel. * Simulate the Application Processor is already shutdown and wake up is required now: `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # dumpsys android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess.IRemoteAccess/default --set-ap-state 0 1` Now you should expect to see the test wakeup client printing out messages that it is trying to wake up application processor. * Simulate the Application Processor is waken up: `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # dumpsys android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess.IRemoteAccess/default --set-ap-state 1 0` * A new communication channel should have been established and all pending non-expired tasks should be delivered to the remote access HAL. `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # dumpsys android.hardware.automotive.remoteaccess.IRemoteAccess/default --show-task` * Now you can issue `ctrl c` on the first adb shell to stop the test wakeup client. * After the test, you can use `ctrl D` to exit the adb shell. ## How to build and test the test wakeup client using two car emulators. In this test case, we are going to use two car emulators, one as the Application Processor, one as the TCU. * Change the IP address to allow IP communication between different emulator instances. For detail about why we change it this way, see [interconnecting emulator instance](https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-networking#connecting). Change 'DGRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS' in `[android_root]/hardware/interfaces/automotive/remoteaccess/test_grpc_server/impl/Android.bp` to ``. Change `DGRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS` in '[android_root]/hardware/interfaces/automotive/remoteaccess/hal/defaut/Android.bp' to ``. * Under android root: `source build/envsetup.sh` * `lunch sdk_car_x86_64-userdebug` * `m -j` * Start one car emulator as TCU `emulator -writable-system -read-only` * Start a new shell session. Connect to the emulator's console, see [Start and stop a console session](https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-console#console-session) for detail. `telnet localhost 5554` * `auth auth_token` where auth_token must match the contents of the `~/.emulator_console_auth_token` file. * `redir add tcp:50051:50051` * Exit the telnet session using 'ctrl-C' Make the target device writable: Under android root: `source build/envsetup.sh` `lunch sdk_car_x86_64-userdebug` `adb root` `adb remount` (remount might take a while) `adb reboot` `adb root` `adb remount` * `make -j TestWakeupClientServer` * `adb push $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/vendor/bin/TestWakeupClientServer /vendor/bin` * `adb shell` * `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # su` * `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # /vendor/bin/TestWakeupClientServer` * Start a new shell under android root, start another car emulator as the Application Processor: `source build/envsetup.sh` `lunch sdk_car_x86_64-userdebug` `emulator -writable-system -read-only` * Open a new shell under android root: `source build/envsetup.sh` `lunch sdk_car_x86_64-userdebug` * Connect to adb shell for the application processor: `adb -s emulator-5556 shell` `emulator_car_x86_64:/ # su` * Follow the test instructions for one car emulator using the 'dumpsys' commands. * After the test, you can use `ctrl D` to exit the adb shell.