/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "android.hardware.bluetooth.service.default" #include "BluetoothHci.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log/log.h" namespace { int SetTerminalRaw(int fd) { termios terminal_settings; int rval = tcgetattr(fd, &terminal_settings); if (rval < 0) { return rval; } cfmakeraw(&terminal_settings); rval = tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &terminal_settings); return rval; } } // namespace using namespace ::android::hardware::bluetooth::hci; using namespace ::android::hardware::bluetooth::async; using aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::Status; namespace aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::impl { void OnDeath(void* cookie); std::optional GetSystemProperty(const std::string& property) { std::array value_array{0}; auto value_len = property_get(property.c_str(), value_array.data(), nullptr); if (value_len <= 0) { return std::nullopt; } return std::string(value_array.data(), value_len); } bool starts_with(const std::string& str, const std::string& prefix) { return str.compare(0, prefix.length(), prefix) == 0; } class BluetoothDeathRecipient { public: BluetoothDeathRecipient(BluetoothHci* hci) : mHci(hci) {} void LinkToDeath(const std::shared_ptr& cb) { mCb = cb; clientDeathRecipient_ = AIBinder_DeathRecipient_new(OnDeath); auto linkToDeathReturnStatus = AIBinder_linkToDeath( mCb->asBinder().get(), clientDeathRecipient_, this /* cookie */); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(linkToDeathReturnStatus != STATUS_OK, "Unable to link to death recipient"); } void UnlinkToDeath(const std::shared_ptr& cb) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(cb != mCb, "Unable to unlink mismatched pointers"); } void serviceDied() { if (mCb != nullptr && !AIBinder_isAlive(mCb->asBinder().get())) { ALOGE("Bluetooth remote service has died"); } else { ALOGE("BluetoothDeathRecipient::serviceDied called but service not dead"); return; } { std::lock_guard guard(mHasDiedMutex); has_died_ = true; } mHci->close(); } BluetoothHci* mHci; std::shared_ptr mCb; AIBinder_DeathRecipient* clientDeathRecipient_; bool getHasDied() { std::lock_guard guard(mHasDiedMutex); return has_died_; } private: std::mutex mHasDiedMutex; bool has_died_{false}; }; void OnDeath(void* cookie) { auto* death_recipient = static_cast(cookie); death_recipient->serviceDied(); } BluetoothHci::BluetoothHci(const std::string& dev_path) { char property_bytes[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("vendor.ser.bt-uart", property_bytes, dev_path.c_str()); mDevPath = std::string(property_bytes); mDeathRecipient = std::make_shared(this); } int BluetoothHci::getFdFromDevPath() { int fd = open(mDevPath.c_str(), O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { ALOGE("Could not connect to bt: %s (%s)", mDevPath.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return fd; } if (int ret = SetTerminalRaw(fd) < 0) { ALOGI("Could not make %s a raw terminal %d(%s)", mDevPath.c_str(), ret, strerror(errno)); } return fd; } void BluetoothHci::reset() { // Send a reset command and wait until the command complete comes back. std::vector reset = {0x03, 0x0c, 0x00}; auto resetPromise = std::make_shared>(); auto resetFuture = resetPromise->get_future(); mH4 = std::make_shared( mFd, [](const std::vector& raw_command) { ALOGI("Discarding %d bytes with command type", static_cast(raw_command.size())); }, [](const std::vector& raw_acl) { ALOGI("Discarding %d bytes with acl type", static_cast(raw_acl.size())); }, [](const std::vector& raw_sco) { ALOGI("Discarding %d bytes with sco type", static_cast(raw_sco.size())); }, [resetPromise](const std::vector& raw_event) { std::vector reset_complete = {0x0e, 0x04, 0x01, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x00}; bool valid = raw_event.size() == 6 && raw_event[0] == reset_complete[0] && raw_event[1] == reset_complete[1] && // Don't compare the number of packets field. raw_event[3] == reset_complete[3] && raw_event[4] == reset_complete[4] && raw_event[5] == reset_complete[5]; if (valid) { resetPromise->set_value(); } else { ALOGI("Discarding %d bytes with event type", static_cast(raw_event.size())); } }, [](const std::vector& raw_iso) { ALOGI("Discarding %d bytes with iso type", static_cast(raw_iso.size())); }, [this]() { ALOGI("HCI socket device disconnected while waiting for reset"); mFdWatcher.StopWatchingFileDescriptors(); }); mFdWatcher.WatchFdForNonBlockingReads(mFd, [this](int) { mH4->OnDataReady(); }); ndk::ScopedAStatus result = send(PacketType::COMMAND, reset); if (!result.isOk()) { ALOGE("Error sending reset command"); } auto status = resetFuture.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); mFdWatcher.StopWatchingFileDescriptors(); if (status == std::future_status::ready) { ALOGI("HCI Reset successful"); } else { ALOGE("HCI Reset Response not received in one second"); } resetPromise.reset(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus BluetoothHci::initialize( const std::shared_ptr& cb) { ALOGI(__func__); if (cb == nullptr) { ALOGE("cb == nullptr! -> Unable to call initializationComplete(ERR)"); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::fromServiceSpecificError(STATUS_BAD_VALUE); } HalState old_state = HalState::READY; { std::lock_guard guard(mStateMutex); if (mState != HalState::READY) { old_state = mState; } else { mState = HalState::INITIALIZING; } } if (old_state != HalState::READY) { ALOGE("initialize: Unexpected State %d", static_cast(old_state)); close(); cb->initializationComplete(Status::ALREADY_INITIALIZED); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } mCb = cb; management_.reset(new NetBluetoothMgmt); mFd = management_->openHci(); if (mFd < 0) { management_.reset(); ALOGI("Unable to open Linux interface, trying default path."); mFd = getFdFromDevPath(); if (mFd < 0) { mState = HalState::READY; cb->initializationComplete(Status::UNABLE_TO_OPEN_INTERFACE); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } } mDeathRecipient->LinkToDeath(mCb); // TODO: HCI Reset on emulators since the bluetooth controller // cannot be powered on/off during the HAL setup; and the stack // might received spurious packets/events during boottime. // Proper solution would be to use bt-virtio or vsock to better // control the link to rootcanal and the controller lifetime. const std::string kBoardProperty = "ro.product.board"; const std::string kCuttlefishBoard = "cutf"; auto board_name = GetSystemProperty(kBoardProperty); if (board_name.has_value() && ( starts_with(board_name.value(), "cutf") || starts_with(board_name.value(), "goldfish"))) { reset(); } mH4 = std::make_shared( mFd, [](const std::vector& /* raw_command */) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Unexpected command!"); }, [this](const std::vector& raw_acl) { mCb->aclDataReceived(raw_acl); }, [this](const std::vector& raw_sco) { mCb->scoDataReceived(raw_sco); }, [this](const std::vector& raw_event) { mCb->hciEventReceived(raw_event); }, [this](const std::vector& raw_iso) { mCb->isoDataReceived(raw_iso); }, [this]() { ALOGI("HCI socket device disconnected"); mFdWatcher.StopWatchingFileDescriptors(); }); mFdWatcher.WatchFdForNonBlockingReads(mFd, [this](int) { mH4->OnDataReady(); }); { std::lock_guard guard(mStateMutex); mState = HalState::ONE_CLIENT; } ALOGI("initialization complete"); auto status = mCb->initializationComplete(Status::SUCCESS); if (!status.isOk()) { if (!mDeathRecipient->getHasDied()) { ALOGE("Error sending init callback, but no death notification"); } close(); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::fromServiceSpecificError( STATUS_FAILED_TRANSACTION); } return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus BluetoothHci::close() { ALOGI(__func__); { std::lock_guard guard(mStateMutex); if (mState != HalState::ONE_CLIENT) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mState == HalState::INITIALIZING, "mState is INITIALIZING"); ALOGI("Already closed"); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } mState = HalState::CLOSING; } mFdWatcher.StopWatchingFileDescriptors(); if (management_) { management_->closeHci(); } else { ::close(mFd); } { std::lock_guard guard(mStateMutex); mState = HalState::READY; mH4 = nullptr; } return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } ndk::ScopedAStatus BluetoothHci::sendHciCommand( const std::vector& packet) { return send(PacketType::COMMAND, packet); } ndk::ScopedAStatus BluetoothHci::sendAclData( const std::vector& packet) { return send(PacketType::ACL_DATA, packet); } ndk::ScopedAStatus BluetoothHci::sendScoData( const std::vector& packet) { return send(PacketType::SCO_DATA, packet); } ndk::ScopedAStatus BluetoothHci::sendIsoData( const std::vector& packet) { return send(PacketType::ISO_DATA, packet); } ndk::ScopedAStatus BluetoothHci::send(PacketType type, const std::vector& v) { if (v.empty()) { ALOGE("Packet is empty, no data was found to be sent"); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCode(EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT); } std::lock_guard guard(mStateMutex); if (mH4 == nullptr) { return ndk::ScopedAStatus::fromExceptionCode(EX_ILLEGAL_STATE); } mH4->Send(type, v); return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); } } // namespace aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::impl