/* * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <functional> #include <tuple> #include <vector> #include <aidl/Gtest.h> #include <aidl/Vintf.h> #include <aidl/android/hardware/dumpstate/IDumpstateDevice.h> #include <android/binder_manager.h> #include <android/binder_process.h> using aidl::android::hardware::dumpstate::IDumpstateDevice; // Base class common to all dumpstate HAL AIDL tests. template <typename T> class DumpstateAidlTestBase : public ::testing::TestWithParam<T> { protected: bool CheckStatus(const ndk::ScopedAStatus& status, const binder_exception_t expected_ex_code, const int32_t expected_service_specific) { binder_exception_t ex_code = status.getExceptionCode(); if (ex_code != expected_ex_code) { return false; } if (ex_code == EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC) { int32_t service_specific = status.getServiceSpecificError(); if (service_specific != expected_service_specific) { return false; } } return true; } public: virtual void SetUp() override { GetService(); } virtual std::string GetInstanceName() = 0; void GetService() { const std::string instance_name = GetInstanceName(); ASSERT_TRUE(AServiceManager_isDeclared(instance_name.c_str())); auto dumpstateBinder = ndk::SpAIBinder(AServiceManager_waitForService(instance_name.c_str())); dumpstate = IDumpstateDevice::fromBinder(dumpstateBinder); ASSERT_NE(dumpstate, nullptr) << "Could not get AIDL instance " << instance_name; } void ToggleVerboseLogging(bool enable) { ndk::ScopedAStatus status; bool logging_enabled = false; status = dumpstate->setVerboseLoggingEnabled(enable); ASSERT_TRUE(status.isOk()) << "Status should be ok: " << status.getDescription(); status = dumpstate->getVerboseLoggingEnabled(&logging_enabled); ASSERT_TRUE(status.isOk()) << "Status should be ok: " << status.getDescription(); ASSERT_EQ(logging_enabled, enable) << "Verbose logging should now be " << (enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } void EnableVerboseLogging() { ToggleVerboseLogging(true); } void DisableVerboseLogging() { ToggleVerboseLogging(false); } std::shared_ptr<IDumpstateDevice> dumpstate; }; // Tests that don't need to iterate every single DumpstateMode value for dumpstateBoard_1_1. class DumpstateAidlGeneralTest : public DumpstateAidlTestBase<std::string> { protected: virtual std::string GetInstanceName() override { return GetParam(); } }; // Tests that iterate every single DumpstateMode value for dumpstateBoard_1_1. class DumpstateAidlPerModeTest : public DumpstateAidlTestBase<std::tuple<std::string, IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode>> { protected: virtual std::string GetInstanceName() override { return std::get<0>(GetParam()); } IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode GetMode() { return std::get<1>(GetParam()); } // Will only execute additional_assertions when status == expected. void AssertStatusForMode(const ::ndk::ScopedAStatus& status, binder_exception_t expected_ex_code, int32_t expected_service_specific, std::function<void()> additional_assertions = nullptr) { if (GetMode() == IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode::DEFAULT) { ASSERT_TRUE(CheckStatus(status, expected_ex_code, expected_ex_code)); } else { // The rest of the modes are optional to support, but they MUST return either the // expected value or UNSUPPORTED_MODE. ASSERT_TRUE(CheckStatus(status, expected_ex_code, expected_service_specific) || CheckStatus(status, EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC, IDumpstateDevice::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE)); } if (CheckStatus(status, expected_ex_code, expected_service_specific) && additional_assertions != nullptr) { additional_assertions(); } } }; constexpr uint64_t kDefaultTimeoutMillis = 30 * 1000; // 30 seconds // Negative test: make sure dumpstateBoard() doesn't crash when passed a empty file descriptor // array. TEST_P(DumpstateAidlPerModeTest, TestNullHandle) { EnableVerboseLogging(); std::vector<::ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor> dumpstateFds; // empty file descriptor vector auto status = dumpstate->dumpstateBoard(dumpstateFds, GetMode(), kDefaultTimeoutMillis); AssertStatusForMode(status, EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, 0); } // Positive test: make sure dumpstateBoard() writes something to the FD. TEST_P(DumpstateAidlPerModeTest, TestOk) { EnableVerboseLogging(); // Index 0 corresponds to the read end of the pipe; 1 to the write end. int fds[2]; ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe2(fds, O_NONBLOCK)) << errno; std::vector<::ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor> dumpstateFds; dumpstateFds.emplace_back(fds[1]); auto status = dumpstate->dumpstateBoard(dumpstateFds, GetMode(), kDefaultTimeoutMillis); AssertStatusForMode(status, EX_NONE, 0, [&fds]() { // Check that at least one byte was written. char buff; ASSERT_EQ(1, read(fds[0], &buff, 1)) << "Dumped nothing"; }); close(fds[1]); close(fds[0]); } // Positive test: make sure dumpstateBoard() doesn't crash with two FDs. TEST_P(DumpstateAidlPerModeTest, TestHandleWithTwoFds) { EnableVerboseLogging(); int fds1[2]; int fds2[2]; ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe2(fds1, O_NONBLOCK)) << errno; ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe2(fds2, O_NONBLOCK)) << errno; std::vector<::ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor> dumpstateFds; dumpstateFds.emplace_back(fds1[1]); dumpstateFds.emplace_back(fds2[1]); auto status = dumpstate->dumpstateBoard(dumpstateFds, GetMode(), kDefaultTimeoutMillis); AssertStatusForMode(status, EX_NONE, 0, [&fds1, &fds2]() { // Check that at least one byte was written to one of the FDs. char buff; size_t read1 = read(fds1[0], &buff, 1); size_t read2 = read(fds2[0], &buff, 1); // Sometimes read returns -1, so we can't just add them together and expect >= 1. ASSERT_TRUE(read1 == 1 || read2 == 1) << "Dumped nothing"; }); close(fds1[1]); close(fds1[0]); close(fds2[1]); close(fds2[0]); } // Make sure dumpstateBoard actually validates its arguments. TEST_P(DumpstateAidlGeneralTest, TestInvalidModeArgument_Negative) { EnableVerboseLogging(); int fds[2]; ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe2(fds, O_NONBLOCK)) << errno; std::vector<::ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor> dumpstateFds; dumpstateFds.emplace_back(fds[1]); auto status = dumpstate->dumpstateBoard(dumpstateFds, static_cast<IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode>(-100), kDefaultTimeoutMillis); ASSERT_TRUE(CheckStatus(status, EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, 0)); close(fds[1]); close(fds[0]); } TEST_P(DumpstateAidlGeneralTest, TestInvalidModeArgument_Undefined) { EnableVerboseLogging(); int fds[2]; ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe2(fds, O_NONBLOCK)) << errno; std::vector<::ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor> dumpstateFds; dumpstateFds.emplace_back(fds[1]); auto status = dumpstate->dumpstateBoard(dumpstateFds, static_cast<IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode>(9001), kDefaultTimeoutMillis); ASSERT_TRUE(CheckStatus(status, EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, 0)); close(fds[1]); close(fds[0]); } // Make sure disabling verbose logging behaves correctly. Some info is still allowed to be emitted, // but it can't have privacy/storage/battery impacts. TEST_P(DumpstateAidlPerModeTest, TestDeviceLoggingDisabled) { DisableVerboseLogging(); // Index 0 corresponds to the read end of the pipe; 1 to the write end. int fds[2]; ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe2(fds, O_NONBLOCK)) << errno; std::vector<::ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor> dumpstateFds; dumpstateFds.emplace_back(fds[1]); auto status = dumpstate->dumpstateBoard(dumpstateFds, GetMode(), kDefaultTimeoutMillis); // We don't include additional assertions here about the file passed in. If verbose logging is // disabled, the OEM may choose to include nothing at all, but it is allowed to include some // essential information based on the mode as long as it isn't private user information. AssertStatusForMode(status, EX_NONE, 0); close(fds[1]); close(fds[0]); } // Double-enable is perfectly valid, but the second call shouldn't do anything. TEST_P(DumpstateAidlGeneralTest, TestRepeatedEnable) { EnableVerboseLogging(); EnableVerboseLogging(); } // Double-disable is perfectly valid, but the second call shouldn't do anything. TEST_P(DumpstateAidlGeneralTest, TestRepeatedDisable) { DisableVerboseLogging(); DisableVerboseLogging(); } // Toggling in short order is perfectly valid. TEST_P(DumpstateAidlGeneralTest, TestRepeatedToggle) { EnableVerboseLogging(); DisableVerboseLogging(); EnableVerboseLogging(); DisableVerboseLogging(); } GTEST_ALLOW_UNINSTANTIATED_PARAMETERIZED_TEST(DumpstateAidlGeneralTest); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( PerInstance, DumpstateAidlGeneralTest, testing::ValuesIn(android::getAidlHalInstanceNames(IDumpstateDevice::descriptor)), android::PrintInstanceNameToString); // Includes the mode's name as part of the description string. static inline std::string PrintInstanceNameToStringWithMode( const testing::TestParamInfo<std::tuple<std::string, IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode>>& info) { return android::PrintInstanceNameToString( testing::TestParamInfo(std::get<0>(info.param), info.index)) + "_" + toString(std::get<1>(info.param)); } GTEST_ALLOW_UNINSTANTIATED_PARAMETERIZED_TEST(DumpstateAidlPerModeTest); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( PerInstanceAndMode, DumpstateAidlPerModeTest, testing::Combine( testing::ValuesIn(android::getAidlHalInstanceNames(IDumpstateDevice::descriptor)), testing::ValuesIn(ndk::internal::enum_values<IDumpstateDevice::DumpstateMode>)), PrintInstanceNameToStringWithMode); int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); ABinderProcess_setThreadPoolMaxThreadCount(1); ABinderProcess_startThreadPool(); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }