/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <radio_hidl_hal_utils_v1_2.h> bool isServiceValidForDeviceConfiguration(hidl_string& serviceName) { if (isSsSsEnabled()) { // Device is configured as SSSS. if (serviceName != RADIO_SERVICE_SLOT1_NAME) { ALOGI("%s instance is not valid for SSSS device.", serviceName.c_str()); return false; } } else if (isDsDsEnabled()) { // Device is configured as DSDS. if (serviceName != RADIO_SERVICE_SLOT1_NAME && serviceName != RADIO_SERVICE_SLOT2_NAME) { ALOGI("%s instance is not valid for DSDS device.", serviceName.c_str()); return false; } } else if (isTsTsEnabled()) { // Device is configured as TSTS. if (serviceName != RADIO_SERVICE_SLOT1_NAME && serviceName != RADIO_SERVICE_SLOT2_NAME && serviceName != RADIO_SERVICE_SLOT3_NAME) { ALOGI("%s instance is not valid for TSTS device.", serviceName.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } void RadioHidlTest_v1_2::SetUp() { hidl_string serviceName = GetParam(); if (!isServiceValidForDeviceConfiguration(serviceName)) { ALOGI("Skipped the test due to device configuration."); GTEST_SKIP(); } radio_v1_2 = ::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::IRadio::getService(serviceName); if (radio_v1_2 == NULL) { sleep(60); radio_v1_2 = ::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::IRadio::getService(serviceName); } ASSERT_NE(nullptr, radio_v1_2.get()); radioRsp_v1_2 = new (std::nothrow) RadioResponse_v1_2(*this); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, radioRsp_v1_2.get()); count_ = 0; logicalSlotId = -1; radioInd_v1_2 = new (std::nothrow) RadioIndication_v1_2(*this); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, radioInd_v1_2.get()); radio_v1_2->setResponseFunctions(radioRsp_v1_2, radioInd_v1_2); updateSimCardStatus(); EXPECT_EQ(RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, radioRsp_v1_2->rspInfo.type); EXPECT_EQ(serial, radioRsp_v1_2->rspInfo.serial); EXPECT_EQ(RadioError::NONE, radioRsp_v1_2->rspInfo.error); /* Enforce Vts Testing with Sim Status Present only. */ EXPECT_EQ(CardState::PRESENT, cardStatus.base.cardState); radioConfig = ::android::hardware::radio::config::V1_1::IRadioConfig::getService(); /* Enforce Vts tesing with RadioConfig for network scan excemption. */ // Some devices can only perform network scan on logical modem that currently used for packet // data. This exemption is removed in HAL version 1.4. See b/135243177 for additional info. if (radioConfig != NULL) { // RadioConfig 1.1 available, some devices fall in excepmtion category. ASSERT_NE(nullptr, radioConfig.get()); radioConfigRsp = new (std::nothrow) RadioConfigResponse(*this); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, radioConfigRsp.get()); /* Set radio config response functions */ radioConfig->setResponseFunctions(radioConfigRsp, nullptr); /* set preferred data modem */ setPreferredDataModem(); /* get current logical sim id */ getLogicalSimId(); } } void RadioHidlTest_v1_2::getLogicalSimId() { serial = GetRandomSerialNumber(); radioConfig->getSimSlotsStatus(serial); EXPECT_EQ(std::cv_status::no_timeout, wait()); EXPECT_EQ(RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, radioConfigRsp->rspInfo.type); EXPECT_EQ(serial, radioConfigRsp->rspInfo.serial); ASSERT_TRUE(CheckAnyOfErrors(radioConfigRsp->rspInfo.error, {RadioError::NONE, RadioError::REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED})); if (radioConfigRsp->rspInfo.error != RadioError ::NONE) { ALOGI("Failed to get sim slot status, rspInfo.error = %s\n", toString(radioConfigRsp->rspInfo.error).c_str()); return; } if (cardStatus.physicalSlotId < 0 || cardStatus.physicalSlotId >= radioConfigRsp->simSlotStatus.size()) { ALOGI("Physical slot id: %d is out of range", cardStatus.physicalSlotId); return; } logicalSlotId = radioConfigRsp->simSlotStatus[cardStatus.physicalSlotId].logicalSlotId; } /* * Set preferred data modem */ void RadioHidlTest_v1_2::setPreferredDataModem() { serial = GetRandomSerialNumber(); // Even for single sim device, the setPreferredDataModem should still success. Enforce dds on // first logical modem. radioConfig->setPreferredDataModem(serial, DDS_LOGICAL_SLOT_INDEX); EXPECT_EQ(std::cv_status::no_timeout, wait()); EXPECT_EQ(RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, radioConfigRsp->rspInfo.type); EXPECT_EQ(serial, radioConfigRsp->rspInfo.serial); ASSERT_TRUE(CheckAnyOfErrors( radioConfigRsp->rspInfo.error, {RadioError::NONE, RadioError::RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE, RadioError::INTERNAL_ERR})); } /* * Notify that the response message is received. */ void RadioHidlTest_v1_2::notify(int receivedSerial) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_); if (serial == receivedSerial) { count_++; cv_.notify_one(); } } /* * Wait till the response message is notified or till TIMEOUT_PERIOD. */ std::cv_status RadioHidlTest_v1_2::wait() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_); std::cv_status status = std::cv_status::no_timeout; auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); while (count_ == 0) { status = cv_.wait_until(lock, now + std::chrono::seconds(TIMEOUT_PERIOD)); if (status == std::cv_status::timeout) { return status; } } count_--; return status; } void RadioHidlTest_v1_2::updateSimCardStatus() { serial = GetRandomSerialNumber(); radio_v1_2->getIccCardStatus(serial); EXPECT_EQ(std::cv_status::no_timeout, wait()); } void RadioHidlTest_v1_2::stopNetworkScan() { serial = GetRandomSerialNumber(); radio_v1_2->stopNetworkScan(serial); EXPECT_EQ(std::cv_status::no_timeout, wait()); }