/* * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <aidl/Gtest.h> #include <aidl/Vintf.h> #include <aidl/android/hardware/radio/RadioError.h> #include <aidl/android/hardware/radio/config/IRadioConfig.h> #include <aidl/android/hardware/radio/config/SimSlotStatus.h> #include <aidl/android/hardware/radio/network/RegState.h> #include <aidl/android/hardware/radio/sim/CardStatus.h> #include <aidl/android/hardware/radio/sim/IRadioSim.h> #include <com_android_internal_telephony_flags.h> #include <utils/Log.h> using namespace aidl::android::hardware::radio; using aidl::android::hardware::radio::config::SimSlotStatus; using aidl::android::hardware::radio::network::RegState; using aidl::android::hardware::radio::sim::CardStatus; namespace telephony_flags = com::android::internal::telephony::flags; extern CardStatus cardStatus; extern SimSlotStatus slotStatus; extern int serial; extern int count_; /* * MACRO used to skip test case when radio response return error REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED * on HAL versions which has deprecated the request interfaces. The MACRO can only be used * AFTER receiving radio response. */ #define SKIP_TEST_IF_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_HAL(__ver__, __radio__, __radioRsp__) \ do { \ sp<::android::hardware::radio::V##__ver__::IRadio> __radio = \ ::android::hardware::radio::V##__ver__::IRadio::castFrom(__radio__); \ if (__radio && __radioRsp__->rspInfo.error == RadioError::REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED) { \ GTEST_SKIP() << "REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED"; \ } \ } while (0) enum CheckFlag { CHECK_DEFAULT = 0, CHECK_GENERAL_ERROR = 1, CHECK_OEM_ERROR = 2, CHECK_OEM_AND_GENERAL_ERROR = 3, CHECK_SAP_ERROR = 4, }; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_VOICE_CALL = "android.software.connectionservice"; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_TELEPHONY = "android.hardware.telephony"; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_TELEPHONY_GSM = "android.hardware.telephony.gsm"; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_TELEPHONY_CDMA = "android.hardware.telephony.cdma"; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_TELEPHONY_IMS = "android.hardware.telephony.ims"; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_TELEPHONY_CALLING = "android.hardware.telephony.calling"; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_TELEPHONY_DATA = "android.hardware.telephony.data"; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_TELEPHONY_MESSAGING = "android.hardware.telephony.messaging"; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_TELEPHONY_SUBSCRIPTION = "android.hardware.telephony.subscription"; static constexpr const char* FEATURE_TELEPHONY_RADIO_ACCESS = "android.hardware.telephony.radio.access"; #define MODEM_EMERGENCY_CALL_ESTABLISH_TIME 3 #define MODEM_EMERGENCY_CALL_DISCONNECT_TIME 3 #define MODEM_SET_SIM_POWER_DELAY_IN_SECONDS 2 #define MODEM_SET_SIM_SLOT_MAPPING_DELAY_IN_SECONDS 6 #define RADIO_SERVICE_SLOT1_NAME "slot1" // HAL instance name for SIM slot 1 or single SIM device #define RADIO_SERVICE_SLOT2_NAME "slot2" // HAL instance name for SIM slot 2 on dual SIM device #define RADIO_SERVICE_SLOT3_NAME "slot3" // HAL instance name for SIM slot 3 on triple SIM device /* * Generate random serial number for radio test */ int GetRandomSerialNumber(); /* * Check multiple radio error codes which are possibly returned because of the different * vendor/devices implementations. It allows optional checks for general errors or/and oem errors. */ ::testing::AssertionResult CheckAnyOfErrors(RadioError err, std::vector<RadioError> generalError, CheckFlag flag = CHECK_DEFAULT); /* * Check if device supports feature. */ bool deviceSupportsFeature(const char* feature); /* * Check if device is in SsSs (Single SIM Single Standby). */ bool isSsSsEnabled(); /* * Check if device is in DSDS (Dual SIM Dual Standby). */ bool isDsDsEnabled(); /* * Check if device is in DSDA (Dual SIM Dual Active). */ bool isDsDaEnabled(); /* * Check if device is in TSTS (Triple SIM Triple Standby). */ bool isTsTsEnabled(); /* * Check if voice status is in emergency only. */ bool isVoiceEmergencyOnly(RegState state); /* * Check if voice status is in service. */ bool isVoiceInService(RegState state); /* * Check if service is valid for device configuration */ bool isServiceValidForDeviceConfiguration(std::string& serviceName); /* * Check if device is in Lte Connected status. */ bool isLteConnected(); /** * RadioServiceTest base class */ class RadioServiceTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string> { protected: std::shared_ptr<config::IRadioConfig> radio_config; std::shared_ptr<sim::IRadioSim> radio_sim; public: void SetUp() override; void TearDown() override; /* Used as a mechanism to inform the test about data/event callback */ void notify(int receivedSerial); /* Test code calls this function to wait for response */ std::cv_status wait(); /* Get the radio HAL capabilities */ bool getRadioHalCapabilities(); /* Update SIM card status */ void updateSimCardStatus(); /* Update SIM slot status */ void updateSimSlotStatus(int physicalSlotId); private: std::mutex mtx_; std::condition_variable cv_; };