Each frontend element contain the following attributes: "id": unique id of the frontend that could be used to connect to the test the "dataFlowConfiguration" "type": the frontend type. The enums are defined in the xsd. "isSoftwareFrontend": if the test environment is using hardware or software frontend. If using software, a ts input file path needs to be configured. "softwareFeInputPath": used as the source of the software frontend. "connectToCicamId": if the device supports frontend connecting to cicam, the target cicam id needs to be configured here. Supported in Tuner 1.1 or higher. "removeOutputPid": the unnecessary PID will be filtered out from frontend output. Supported in Tuner 2.0 or higher. "frequency": the frequency used to configure tune and scan. "endFrequency": the end frequency of scan. Supported in Tuner 1.1 or higher. Each frontend element also contains at most one type-related "frontendSettings". - The settings type should match the frontend "type" attribute. - For example, when frontend type="DVBT", dvbtFrontendSettings can be configured. - This is optional and skipping the settings would pass a setting with frequency config only to the hal. Each filter element contain the following attributes: "id": unique id of the filter that could be used to connect to the test the "dataFlowConfiguration" "mainType": the main filter type. The enums are defined in the xsd. "subType": the sub filter type. The enums are defined in the xsd. "bufferSize": the buffer size of the filter in hex. "pid": the pid that would be used to configure the filter. "useFMQ": if the filter uses FMQ. "timeDelayInMs": the filter's time delay hint. 0 by default. Must not be longer than 30 seconds. "dataDelayInBytes": the filter's data delay hint. 0 by default. Configured data size must be received within 30 seconds. Each filter element also contains at most one type-related "filterSettings". - The settings type should match the filter "subType" attribute. - For example, when filter subType is audio or video, the avFilterSettings can be configured. - This is optional and skipping the settings would pass a setting with tpid config only to the hal. Each dvr element contain the following attributes: "id": unique id of the dvr that could be used to connect to the test the "dataFlowConfiguration" "type": the dvr type. "bufferSize": the dvr buffer size. "statusMask": register callbacks of specific status. "lowThreshold": the dvr status low threshold. "highThreshold": the dvr status high threshold. "dataFormat": the dvr data format. "packetSize": the dvr packet size. "inputFilePath": the dvr playback input file path. Only required in playback dvr. Each lnb element contain the following attributes: "id": unique id of the lnb that could be used to connect to the test the "dataFlowConfiguration" "name": the external lnb device name. "voltage": the voltage used to config the lnb. "tone": the voltage used to config the lnb. "position": the voltage used to config the lnb. Each timeFilter element contain the following attributes: "id": unique id of the time filter that could be used to connect to the test the "dataFlowConfiguration" "timeStamp": the time stamp used to config the time filter. Each descrambler element contain the following attributes: "id": unique id of the descrambler that could be used to connect to the test the "dataFlowConfiguration" "casSystemId": the cas system id to connect to the descrambler. "provisionStr": the provision string to use with the cas plugin. "sesstionPrivatData": the session private data used to open the cas session. This section contains configurations of all the frontends that would be used in the tests. - This section is optional and can be skipped to use the default fe settings. - The default settings can be found in the sample_tuner_vts_configurations.xml. - The users can also override the default frontend settings using id="FE_DEFAULT". - The users can configure 1 or more frontend elements in the frontends sections. This section contains configurations of all the filters that would be used in the tests. - This section is optional and can be skipped to use the default filter settings. - The default settings can be found in the sample_tuner_vts_configurations.xml. - The users can also override the default filter settings using - id="FILTER_AUDIO_DEFAULT" or "FILTER_VIDEO_DEFAULT". - The users can configure 1 or more filter elements in the filters sections. This section contains configurations of all the dvrs that would be used in the tests. - This section is optional and can be skipped if the device does not support dvr. - The users can configure 1 or more dvr elements in the dvrs sections. This section contains configurations of all the diseqc messages that would be used in the lnb tests. - This section is optional and can be skipped if lnb is not suppoted - The users can configure 1 or more message elements in the diseqcMessages sections. This section contains configurations of all the lnbs that would be used in the tests. - This section is optional and can be skipped if lnb is not suppoted - The users can configure 1 or more lnb elements in the lnbs sections. This section contains configurations of all the time filters that would be used in the tests. - This section is optional and can be skipped if time filter is not supported. - The users can configure 1 or more time filter elements in the time filters sections. This section contains configurations of all the descramblers that would be used in the tests. - This section is optional and can be skipped if descrambling is not supported. - The users can configure 1 or more descrambler elements in the descramblers sections.