/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "libusbconfigfs" #include "include/UsbGadgetCommon.h" namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace usb { namespace gadget { static volatile bool gadgetPullup; MonitorFfs::MonitorFfs(const char* const gadget) : mWatchFd(), mEndpointList(), mLock(), mCv(), mLockFd(), mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied(false), mMonitor(), mCallback(NULL), mPayload(NULL), mGadgetName(gadget), mMonitorRunning(false) { unique_fd eventFd(eventfd(0, 0)); if (eventFd == -1) { ALOGE("mEventFd failed to create %d", errno); abort(); } unique_fd epollFd(epoll_create(2)); if (epollFd == -1) { ALOGE("mEpollFd failed to create %d", errno); abort(); } unique_fd inotifyFd(inotify_init()); if (inotifyFd < 0) { ALOGE("inotify init failed"); abort(); } if (addEpollFd(epollFd, inotifyFd) == -1) abort(); if (addEpollFd(epollFd, eventFd) == -1) abort(); mEpollFd = std::move(epollFd); mInotifyFd = std::move(inotifyFd); mEventFd = std::move(eventFd); gadgetPullup = false; } static void displayInotifyEvent(struct inotify_event* i) { ALOGE(" wd =%2d; ", i->wd); if (i->cookie > 0) ALOGE("cookie =%4d; ", i->cookie); ALOGE("mask = "); if (i->mask & IN_ACCESS) ALOGE("IN_ACCESS "); if (i->mask & IN_ATTRIB) ALOGE("IN_ATTRIB "); if (i->mask & IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE) ALOGE("IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE "); if (i->mask & IN_CLOSE_WRITE) ALOGE("IN_CLOSE_WRITE "); if (i->mask & IN_CREATE) ALOGE("IN_CREATE "); if (i->mask & IN_DELETE) ALOGE("IN_DELETE "); if (i->mask & IN_DELETE_SELF) ALOGE("IN_DELETE_SELF "); if (i->mask & IN_IGNORED) ALOGE("IN_IGNORED "); if (i->mask & IN_ISDIR) ALOGE("IN_ISDIR "); if (i->mask & IN_MODIFY) ALOGE("IN_MODIFY "); if (i->mask & IN_MOVE_SELF) ALOGE("IN_MOVE_SELF "); if (i->mask & IN_MOVED_FROM) ALOGE("IN_MOVED_FROM "); if (i->mask & IN_MOVED_TO) ALOGE("IN_MOVED_TO "); if (i->mask & IN_OPEN) ALOGE("IN_OPEN "); if (i->mask & IN_Q_OVERFLOW) ALOGE("IN_Q_OVERFLOW "); if (i->mask & IN_UNMOUNT) ALOGE("IN_UNMOUNT "); ALOGE("\n"); if (i->len > 0) ALOGE(" name = %s\n", i->name); } void* MonitorFfs::startMonitorFd(void* param) { MonitorFfs* monitorFfs = (MonitorFfs*)param; char buf[kBufferSize]; bool writeUdc = true, stopMonitor = false; struct epoll_event events[kEpollEvents]; steady_clock::time_point disconnect; bool descriptorWritten = true; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(monitorFfs->mEndpointList.size()); i++) { if (access(monitorFfs->mEndpointList.at(i).c_str(), R_OK)) { descriptorWritten = false; break; } } // notify here if the endpoints are already present. if (descriptorWritten) { usleep(kPullUpDelay); if (!!WriteStringToFile(monitorFfs->mGadgetName, PULLUP_PATH)) { lock_guard lock(monitorFfs->mLock); monitorFfs->mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied = true; monitorFfs->mCallback(monitorFfs->mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied, monitorFfs->mPayload); gadgetPullup = true; writeUdc = false; ALOGI("GADGET pulled up"); monitorFfs->mCv.notify_all(); } } while (!stopMonitor) { int nrEvents = epoll_wait(monitorFfs->mEpollFd, events, kEpollEvents, -1); if (nrEvents <= 0) { ALOGE("epoll wait did not return descriptor number"); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < nrEvents; i++) { ALOGI("event=%u on fd=%d\n", events[i].events, events[i].data.fd); if (events[i].data.fd == monitorFfs->mInotifyFd) { // Process all of the events in buffer returned by read(). int numRead = read(monitorFfs->mInotifyFd, buf, kBufferSize); for (char* p = buf; p < buf + numRead;) { struct inotify_event* event = (struct inotify_event*)p; if (kDebug) displayInotifyEvent(event); p += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len; bool descriptorPresent = true; for (int j = 0; j < static_cast(monitorFfs->mEndpointList.size()); j++) { if (access(monitorFfs->mEndpointList.at(j).c_str(), R_OK)) { if (kDebug) ALOGI("%s absent", monitorFfs->mEndpointList.at(j).c_str()); descriptorPresent = false; break; } } if (!descriptorPresent && !writeUdc) { if (kDebug) ALOGI("endpoints not up"); writeUdc = true; disconnect = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); } else if (descriptorPresent && writeUdc) { steady_clock::time_point temp = steady_clock::now(); if (std::chrono::duration_cast(temp - disconnect).count() < kPullUpDelay) usleep(kPullUpDelay); if (!!WriteStringToFile(monitorFfs->mGadgetName, PULLUP_PATH)) { lock_guard lock(monitorFfs->mLock); monitorFfs->mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied = true; monitorFfs->mCallback(monitorFfs->mCurrentUsbFunctionsApplied, monitorFfs->mPayload); ALOGI("GADGET pulled up"); writeUdc = false; gadgetPullup = true; // notify the main thread to signal userspace. monitorFfs->mCv.notify_all(); } } } } else { uint64_t flag; read(monitorFfs->mEventFd, &flag, sizeof(flag)); if (flag == 100) { stopMonitor = true; break; } } } } return NULL; } void MonitorFfs::reset() { lock_guard lock(mLockFd); uint64_t flag = 100; unsigned long ret; if (mMonitorRunning) { // Stop the monitor thread by writing into signal fd. ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(mEventFd, &flag, sizeof(flag))); if (ret < 0) ALOGE("Error writing eventfd errno=%d", errno); ALOGI("mMonitor signalled to exit"); mMonitor->join(); ALOGI("mMonitor destroyed"); mMonitorRunning = false; } for (std::vector::size_type i = 0; i != mWatchFd.size(); i++) inotify_rm_watch(mInotifyFd, mWatchFd[i]); mEndpointList.clear(); gadgetPullup = false; mCallback = NULL; mPayload = NULL; } bool MonitorFfs::startMonitor() { mMonitor = unique_ptr(new thread(this->startMonitorFd, this)); mMonitorRunning = true; return true; } bool MonitorFfs::isMonitorRunning() { return mMonitorRunning; } bool MonitorFfs::waitForPullUp(int timeout_ms) { std::unique_lock lk(mLock); if (gadgetPullup) return true; if (mCv.wait_for(lk, timeout_ms * 1ms, [] { return gadgetPullup; })) { ALOGI("monitorFfs signalled true"); return true; } else { ALOGI("monitorFfs signalled error"); // continue monitoring as the descriptors might be written at a later // point. return false; } } bool MonitorFfs::addInotifyFd(string fd) { lock_guard lock(mLockFd); int wfd; wfd = inotify_add_watch(mInotifyFd, fd.c_str(), IN_ALL_EVENTS); if (wfd == -1) return false; else mWatchFd.push_back(wfd); return true; } void MonitorFfs::addEndPoint(string ep) { lock_guard lock(mLockFd); mEndpointList.push_back(ep); } void MonitorFfs::registerFunctionsAppliedCallback(void (*callback)(bool functionsApplied, void* payload), void* payload) { mCallback = callback; mPayload = payload; } } // namespace gadget } // namespace usb } // namespace hardware } // namespace android