/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hostapd_hidl_test_utils.h" #include "wifi_hidl_test_utils.h" using ::android::sp; using ::android::hardware::configureRpcThreadpool; using ::android::hardware::hidl_string; using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec; using ::android::hardware::joinRpcThreadpool; using ::android::hardware::Return; using ::android::hardware::Void; using ::android::hardware::wifi::hostapd::V1_0::HostapdStatus; using ::android::hardware::wifi::hostapd::V1_0::HostapdStatusCode; using ::android::hardware::wifi::hostapd::V1_0::IHostapd; using ::android::hardware::wifi::V1_0::ChipModeId; using ::android::hardware::wifi::V1_0::IWifiChip; using ::android::wifi_system::HostapdManager; using ::android::wifi_system::SupplicantManager; // Helper function to initialize the driver and firmware to AP mode // using the vendor HAL HIDL interface. void initializeDriverAndFirmware(const std::string& wifi_instance_name) { if (getWifi(wifi_instance_name) != nullptr) { sp wifi_chip = getWifiChip(wifi_instance_name); ChipModeId mode_id; EXPECT_TRUE(configureChipToSupportIfaceType( wifi_chip, ::android::hardware::wifi::V1_0::IfaceType::AP, &mode_id)); } else { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Vendor HAL not supported"; } } // Helper function to deinitialize the driver and firmware // using the vendor HAL HIDL interface. void deInitializeDriverAndFirmware(const std::string& wifi_instance_name) { if (getWifi(wifi_instance_name) != nullptr) { stopWifi(wifi_instance_name); } else { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Vendor HAL not supported"; } } void stopSupplicantIfNeeded(const std::string& instance_name) { SupplicantManager supplicant_manager; if (supplicant_manager.IsSupplicantRunning()) { LOG(INFO) << "Supplicant is running, stop supplicant first."; ASSERT_TRUE(supplicant_manager.StopSupplicant()); deInitializeDriverAndFirmware(instance_name); ASSERT_FALSE(supplicant_manager.IsSupplicantRunning()); } } void stopHostapd(const std::string& instance_name) { HostapdManager hostapd_manager; ASSERT_TRUE(hostapd_manager.StopHostapd()); deInitializeDriverAndFirmware(instance_name); } void startHostapdAndWaitForHidlService( const std::string& wifi_instance_name, const std::string& hostapd_instance_name) { initializeDriverAndFirmware(wifi_instance_name); HostapdManager hostapd_manager; ASSERT_TRUE(hostapd_manager.StartHostapd()); // Wait for hostapd service to come up. IHostapd::getService(hostapd_instance_name); } bool is_1_1(const sp& hostapd) { sp<::android::hardware::wifi::hostapd::V1_1::IHostapd> hostapd_1_1 = ::android::hardware::wifi::hostapd::V1_1::IHostapd::castFrom(hostapd); return hostapd_1_1.get() != nullptr; } void toggleWifiFramework(bool enable) { std::string cmd = "/system/bin/cmd wifi set-wifi-enabled "; cmd += enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"; testing::checkSubstringInCommandOutput(cmd.c_str(), "X"); } void toggleWifiScanAlwaysAvailable(bool enable) { std::string cmd = "/system/bin/cmd wifi set-scan-always-available "; cmd += enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"; testing::checkSubstringInCommandOutput(cmd.c_str(), "X"); } bool isWifiFrameworkEnabled() { return testing::checkSubstringInCommandOutput("/system/bin/cmd wifi status", "Wifi is enabled"); } bool isWifiScanAlwaysAvailable() { return testing::checkSubstringInCommandOutput("/system/bin/cmd wifi status", "Wifi scanning is always available"); }