/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "HidRawSensor.h" #include "HidSensorDef.h" #include #include #include #include "HidLog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { namespace SensorHalExt { using ::android::base::GetProperty; namespace dynamic_sensors_flags = com::android::libhardware::dynamic::sensors::flags; namespace { const std::string CUSTOM_TYPE_PREFIX("com.google.hardware.sensor.hid_dynamic."); } HidRawSensor::HidRawSensor( SP(HidDevice) device, uint32_t usage, const std::vector &packets) : mReportingStateId(-1), mPowerStateId(-1), mReportIntervalId(-1), mLeTransportId(-1), mRequiresLeTransport(false), mInputReportId(-1), mEnabled(false), mSamplingPeriod(1000LL*1000*1000), mBatchingPeriod(0), mDevice(device), mValid(false) { if (device == nullptr) { return; } memset(&mSensor, 0, sizeof(mSensor)); const HidDevice::HidDeviceInfo &info = device->getDeviceInfo(); initFeatureValueFromHidDeviceInfo(&mFeatureInfo, info); if (!populateFeatureValueFromFeatureReport(&mFeatureInfo, packets)) { LOG_E << "populate feature from feature report failed" << LOG_ENDL; return; } if (!findSensorControlUsage(packets)) { LOG_E << "finding sensor control usage failed" << LOG_ENDL; return; } // build translation table bool translationTableValid = false; switch (usage) { using namespace Hid::Sensor::SensorTypeUsage; using namespace Hid::Sensor::ReportUsage; case ACCELEROMETER_3D: // Hid unit default g // Android unit m/s^2 // 1g = 9.81 m/s^2 mFeatureInfo.typeString = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER; mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER; mFeatureInfo.isWakeUp = false; translationTableValid = processTriAxisUsage(packets, ACCELERATION_X_AXIS, ACCELERATION_Y_AXIS, ACCELERATION_Z_AXIS, 9.81); break; case GYROMETER_3D: // Hid unit default degree/s // Android unit rad/s // 1 degree/s = pi/180 rad/s mFeatureInfo.typeString = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_GYROSCOPE; mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE; mFeatureInfo.isWakeUp = false; translationTableValid = processTriAxisUsage(packets, ANGULAR_VELOCITY_X_AXIS, ANGULAR_VELOCITY_Y_AXIS, ANGULAR_VELOCITY_Z_AXIS, M_PI/180); break; case COMPASS_3D: { // Hid unit default mGauss // Android unit uT // 1uT = 0.1 nGauss mFeatureInfo.typeString = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD; mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD; if (!processTriAxisUsage(packets, MAGNETIC_FLUX_X_AXIS, MAGNETIC_FLUX_Y_AXIS, MAGNETIC_FLUX_Z_AXIS, 0.1)) { break; } const HidParser::ReportItem *pReportAccuracy = find(packets, MAGNETOMETER_ACCURACY, HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_INPUT, mInputReportId); if (pReportAccuracy == nullptr) { LOG_E << "Cannot find accuracy field in usage " << std::hex << usage << std::dec << LOG_ENDL; break; } if (!pReportAccuracy->isByteAligned()) { LOG_E << "Accuracy field must align to byte" << LOG_ENDL; break; } if (pReportAccuracy->minRaw != 0 || pReportAccuracy->maxRaw != 2) { LOG_E << "Accuracy field value range must be [0, 2]" << LOG_ENDL; break; } ReportTranslateRecord accuracyRecord = { .type = TYPE_ACCURACY, .maxValue = 2, .minValue = 0, .byteOffset = pReportAccuracy->bitOffset / 8, .byteSize = pReportAccuracy->bitSize / 8, .a = 1, .b = 1}; mTranslateTable.push_back(accuracyRecord); translationTableValid = true; break; } case DEVICE_ORIENTATION: translationTableValid = processQuaternionUsage(packets); break; case CUSTOM: { if (!mFeatureInfo.isAndroidCustom) { LOG_E << "Invalid android custom sensor" << LOG_ENDL; break; } const HidParser::ReportPacket *pPacket = nullptr; const uint32_t usages[] = { CUSTOM_VALUE_1, CUSTOM_VALUE_2, CUSTOM_VALUE_3, CUSTOM_VALUE_4, CUSTOM_VALUE_5, CUSTOM_VALUE_6 }; for (const auto &packet : packets) { if (packet.type == HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_INPUT && std::any_of( packet.reports.begin(), packet.reports.end(), [&usages] (const HidParser::ReportItem &d) { return std::find(std::begin(usages), std::end(usages), d.usage) != std::end(usages); })) { pPacket = &packet; break; } } if (pPacket == nullptr) { LOG_E << "Cannot find CUSTOM_VALUE_X in custom sensor" << LOG_ENDL; break; } double range = 0; double resolution = 1; for (const auto &digest : pPacket->reports) { if (digest.minRaw >= digest.maxRaw) { LOG_E << "Custome usage " << digest.usage << ", min must < max" << LOG_ENDL; return; } if (!digest.isByteAligned() || (digest.bitSize != 8 && digest.bitSize != 16 && digest.bitSize != 32)) { LOG_E << "Custome usage " << std::hex << digest.usage << std::hex << ", each input must be 8/16/32 bits and must align to byte boundary" << LOG_ENDL; return; } ReportTranslateRecord record = { .type = TYPE_FLOAT, .maxValue = digest.maxRaw, .minValue = digest.minRaw, .byteOffset = digest.bitOffset / 8, .byteSize = digest.bitSize / 8, .a = digest.a, .b = digest.b, }; // keep track of range and resolution range = std::max(std::max(std::abs((digest.maxRaw + digest.b) * digest.a), std::abs((digest.minRaw + digest.b) * digest.a)), range); resolution = std::min(digest.a, resolution); for (size_t i = 0; i < digest.count; ++i) { if (mTranslateTable.size() == 16) { LOG_I << "Custom usage has more than 16 inputs, ignore the rest" << LOG_ENDL; break; } record.index = mTranslateTable.size(); mTranslateTable.push_back(record); record.byteOffset += digest.bitSize / 8; } if (mTranslateTable.size() == 16) { break; } } mFeatureInfo.maxRange = range; mFeatureInfo.resolution = resolution; mInputReportId = pPacket->id; translationTableValid = !mTranslateTable.empty(); break; } default: LOG_I << "unsupported sensor usage " << usage << LOG_ENDL; } bool sensorValid = validateFeatureValueAndBuildSensor(); mValid = translationTableValid && sensorValid; LOG_V << "HidRawSensor init, translationTableValid: " << translationTableValid << ", sensorValid: " << sensorValid << LOG_ENDL; } bool HidRawSensor::processQuaternionUsage(const std::vector &packets) { const HidParser::ReportItem *pReportQuaternion = find(packets, Hid::Sensor::ReportUsage::ORIENTATION_QUATERNION, HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_INPUT); if (pReportQuaternion == nullptr) { return false; } const HidParser::ReportItem &quat = *pReportQuaternion; if ((quat.bitSize != 16 && quat.bitSize != 32) || !quat.isByteAligned()) { LOG_E << "Quaternion usage input must be 16 or 32 bits and aligned at byte boundary" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } double min, max; quat.decode(quat.mask(quat.minRaw), &min); quat.decode(quat.mask(quat.maxRaw), &max); if (quat.count != 4 || min > -1 || max < 1) { LOG_E << "Quaternion usage need 4 inputs with range [-1, 1]" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } if (quat.minRaw > quat.maxRaw) { LOG_E << "Quaternion usage min must <= max" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } ReportTranslateRecord record = { .type = TYPE_FLOAT, .maxValue = quat.maxRaw, .minValue = quat.minRaw, .byteOffset = quat.bitOffset / 8, .byteSize = quat.bitSize / 8, .b = quat.b, }; // Android X Y Z maps to HID X -Z Y // Android order xyzw, HID order wxyz // X record.index = 0; record.a = quat.a; record.byteOffset = (quat.bitOffset + quat.bitSize) / 8; mTranslateTable.push_back(record); // Y record.index = 1; record.a = -quat.a; record.byteOffset = (quat.bitOffset + 3 * quat.bitSize) / 8; mTranslateTable.push_back(record); // Z record.index = 2; record.a = quat.a; record.byteOffset = (quat.bitOffset + 2 * quat.bitSize) / 8; mTranslateTable.push_back(record); // W record.index = 3; record.a = quat.a; record.byteOffset = quat.bitOffset / 8; mTranslateTable.push_back(record); mFeatureInfo.typeString = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR; mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR; mFeatureInfo.maxRange = 1; mFeatureInfo.resolution = quat.a; mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag = SENSOR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE; mInputReportId = quat.id; return true; } bool HidRawSensor::processTriAxisUsage(const std::vector &packets, uint32_t usageX, uint32_t usageY, uint32_t usageZ, double defaultScaling) { const HidParser::ReportItem *pReportX = find(packets, usageX, HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_INPUT); const HidParser::ReportItem *pReportY = find(packets, usageY, HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_INPUT); const HidParser::ReportItem *pReportZ = find(packets, usageZ, HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_INPUT); if (pReportX == nullptr || pReportY == nullptr|| pReportZ == nullptr) { LOG_E << "Three axis sensor does not find all 3 axis" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } const HidParser::ReportItem &reportX = *pReportX; const HidParser::ReportItem &reportY = *pReportY; const HidParser::ReportItem &reportZ = *pReportZ; if (reportX.id != reportY.id || reportY.id != reportZ.id) { LOG_E << "All 3 axis should be in the same report" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } if (reportX.minRaw >= reportX.maxRaw || reportX.minRaw != reportY.minRaw || reportX.maxRaw != reportY.maxRaw || reportY.minRaw != reportZ.minRaw || reportY.maxRaw != reportZ.maxRaw) { LOG_E << "All 3 axis should have same min and max value and min must < max" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } if (reportX.a != reportY.a || reportY.a != reportY.a) { LOG_E << "All 3 axis should have same resolution" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } if (reportX.count != 1 || reportY.count != 1 || reportZ.count != 1 || (reportX.bitSize != 16 && reportX.bitSize != 32) || reportX.bitSize != reportY.bitSize || reportY.bitSize != reportZ.bitSize || !reportX.isByteAligned() || !reportY.isByteAligned() || !reportZ.isByteAligned() ) { LOG_E << "All 3 axis should have count == 1, same size == 16 or 32 " "and align at byte boundary" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } if (reportX.unit != 0 || reportY.unit != 0 || reportZ.unit != 0) { LOG_E << "Specified unit for usage is not supported" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } if (reportX.a != reportY.a || reportY.a != reportZ.a || reportX.b != reportY.b || reportY.b != reportZ.b) { LOG_W << "Scaling for 3 axis are different. It is recommended to keep them the same" << LOG_ENDL; } // set features mFeatureInfo.maxRange = std::max( std::abs((reportX.maxRaw + reportX.b) * reportX.a), std::abs((reportX.minRaw + reportX.b) * reportX.a)); mFeatureInfo.resolution = reportX.a * defaultScaling; mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag = SENSOR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE; ReportTranslateRecord record = { .type = TYPE_FLOAT, .maxValue = reportX.maxRaw, .minValue = reportX.minRaw, .byteSize = reportX.bitSize / 8, }; // Reorder and swap axis // // HID class devices are encouraged, where possible, to use a right-handed // coordinate system. If a user is facing a device, report values should increase as // controls are moved from left to right (X), from far to near (Y) and from high to // low (Z). // // Android X axis = Hid X axis record.index = 0; record.a = reportX.a * defaultScaling; record.b = reportX.b; record.byteOffset = reportX.bitOffset / 8; mTranslateTable.push_back(record); // Android Y axis = - Hid Z axis record.index = 1; record.a = -reportZ.a * defaultScaling; record.b = reportZ.b; record.byteOffset = reportZ.bitOffset / 8; mTranslateTable.push_back(record); // Android Z axis = Hid Y axis record.index = 2; record.a = reportY.a * defaultScaling; record.b = reportY.b; record.byteOffset = reportY.bitOffset / 8; mTranslateTable.push_back(record); mInputReportId = reportX.id; return true; } const HidParser::ReportItem *HidRawSensor::find( const std::vector &packets, unsigned int usage, int type, int id) { for (const auto &packet : packets) { if (packet.type != type) { continue; } auto i = std::find_if( packet.reports.begin(), packet.reports.end(), [usage, id](const HidParser::ReportItem &p) { return p.usage == usage && (id == -1 || p.id == static_cast(id)); }); if (i != packet.reports.end()) { return &(*i); } } return nullptr; }; void HidRawSensor::initFeatureValueFromHidDeviceInfo( FeatureValue *featureValue, const HidDevice::HidDeviceInfo &info) { featureValue->name = info.name; std::ostringstream ss; ss << info.busType << " " << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << info.vendorId << ":" << std::setw(4) << info.productId; featureValue->vendor = ss.str(); featureValue->permission = ""; featureValue->typeString = ""; featureValue->type = -1; // invalid type featureValue->version = 1; featureValue->maxRange = -1.f; featureValue->resolution = FLT_MAX; featureValue->power = 1.f; // default value, does not have a valid source yet featureValue->minDelay = 0; featureValue->maxDelay = 0; featureValue->fifoSize = 0; featureValue->fifoMaxSize = 0; featureValue->reportModeFlag = SENSOR_FLAG_SPECIAL_REPORTING_MODE; featureValue->isWakeUp = false; featureValue->useUniqueIdForUuid = false; memset(featureValue->uuid, 0, sizeof(featureValue->uuid)); featureValue->isAndroidCustom = false; } bool HidRawSensor::populateFeatureValueFromFeatureReport( FeatureValue *featureValue, const std::vector &packets) { SP(HidDevice) device = PROMOTE(mDevice); if (device == nullptr) { return false; } std::vector buffer; for (const auto &packet : packets) { if (packet.type != HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE) { continue; } if (!device->getFeature(packet.id, &buffer)) { continue; } std::string str; using namespace Hid::Sensor::PropertyUsage; for (const auto & r : packet.reports) { switch (r.usage) { case FRIENDLY_NAME: if (decodeString(r, buffer, &str) && !str.empty()) { featureValue->name = str; } break; case SENSOR_MANUFACTURER: if (decodeString(r, buffer, &str) && !str.empty()) { featureValue->vendor = str; } break; case PERSISTENT_UNIQUE_ID: if (decodeString(r, buffer, &str) && !str.empty()) { featureValue->uniqueId = str; } break; case SENSOR_DESCRIPTION: if (decodeString(r, buffer, &str)) { detectSensorFromDescription(str); } break; default: // do not care about others break; } } } return true; } bool HidRawSensor::validateFeatureValueAndBuildSensor() { if (mFeatureInfo.name.empty() || mFeatureInfo.vendor.empty() || mFeatureInfo.typeString.empty() || mFeatureInfo.type <= 0 || mFeatureInfo.maxRange <= 0 || mFeatureInfo.resolution <= 0) { return false; } switch (mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag) { case SENSOR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE: case SENSOR_FLAG_ON_CHANGE_MODE: if (mFeatureInfo.minDelay < 0) { return false; } if (mFeatureInfo.maxDelay != 0 && mFeatureInfo.maxDelay < mFeatureInfo.minDelay) { return false; } break; case SENSOR_FLAG_ONE_SHOT_MODE: if (mFeatureInfo.minDelay != -1 && mFeatureInfo.maxDelay != 0) { return false; } break; case SENSOR_FLAG_SPECIAL_REPORTING_MODE: if (mFeatureInfo.minDelay != -1 && mFeatureInfo.maxDelay != 0) { return false; } break; default: break; } if (mFeatureInfo.fifoMaxSize < mFeatureInfo.fifoSize) { return false; } // initialize uuid field, use name, vendor and uniqueId // initialize uuid field using one of the following methods: // // 1. use uniqueId // 2. use name, vendor and uniqueId if (mFeatureInfo.useUniqueIdForUuid) { if (mFeatureInfo.uniqueId.size() == sizeof(mFeatureInfo.uuid)) { memcpy(mFeatureInfo.uuid, mFeatureInfo.uniqueId.c_str(), sizeof(mFeatureInfo.uuid)); } } else if (mFeatureInfo.name.size() >= 4 && mFeatureInfo.vendor.size() >= 4 && mFeatureInfo.typeString.size() >= 4 && mFeatureInfo.uniqueId.size() >= 4) { uint32_t tmp[4], h; std::hash stringHash; h = stringHash(mFeatureInfo.uniqueId); tmp[0] = stringHash(mFeatureInfo.name) ^ h; tmp[1] = stringHash(mFeatureInfo.vendor) ^ h; tmp[2] = stringHash(mFeatureInfo.typeString) ^ h; tmp[3] = tmp[0] ^ tmp[1] ^ tmp[2]; memcpy(mFeatureInfo.uuid, tmp, sizeof(mFeatureInfo.uuid)); } mSensor = (sensor_t) { mFeatureInfo.name.c_str(), // name mFeatureInfo.vendor.c_str(), // vendor mFeatureInfo.version, // version -1, // handle, dummy number here mFeatureInfo.type, mFeatureInfo.maxRange, // maxRange mFeatureInfo.resolution, // resolution mFeatureInfo.power, // power mFeatureInfo.minDelay, // minDelay (uint32_t)mFeatureInfo.fifoSize, // fifoReservedEventCount (uint32_t)mFeatureInfo.fifoMaxSize, // fifoMaxEventCount mFeatureInfo.typeString.c_str(), // type string mFeatureInfo.permission.c_str(), // requiredPermission (long)mFeatureInfo.maxDelay, // maxDelay mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag | (mFeatureInfo.isWakeUp ? 1 : 0), { NULL, NULL } }; return true; } bool HidRawSensor::decodeString( const HidParser::ReportItem &report, const std::vector &buffer, std::string *d) { if (!report.isByteAligned() || (report.bitSize != 8 && report.bitSize != 16) || report.count < 1) { return false; } size_t charSize = report.bitSize / 8; size_t offset = report.bitOffset / 8; if (offset + report.count * charSize > buffer.size()) { return false; } if (charSize == 1) { *d = std::string(buffer.begin() + offset, buffer.begin() + offset + report.count); } else { std::vector data(report.count); auto i = data.begin(); auto j = buffer.begin() + offset; for ( ; i != data.end(); ++i, j += sizeof(uint16_t)) { // hid specified little endian *i = *j + (*(j + 1) << 8); } std::wstring wstr(data.begin(), data.end()); std::wstring_convert, wchar_t> converter; *d = converter.to_bytes(wstr); } return true; } std::vector split(const std::string &text, char sep) { std::vector tokens; size_t start = 0, end = 0; while ((end = text.find(sep, start)) != std::string::npos) { if (end != start) { tokens.push_back(text.substr(start, end - start)); } start = end + 1; } if (end != start) { tokens.push_back(text.substr(start)); } return tokens; } void HidRawSensor::detectSensorFromDescription(const std::string &description) { if (detectAndroidHeadTrackerSensor(description) || detectAndroidCustomSensor(description)) { mFeatureInfo.isAndroidCustom = true; } } bool HidRawSensor::detectAndroidHeadTrackerSensor( const std::string &description) { bool leAudioFlagEnabled = dynamic_sensors_flags::dynamic_sensors_le_audio(); LOG_I << "detectAndroidHeadTrackerSensor: " << description << LOG_ENDL; if (!description.starts_with("#AndroidHeadTracker#1.") && (!leAudioFlagEnabled || !description.starts_with("#AndroidHeadTracker#2."))) { return false; } // #AndroidHeadTracker#.# // We encode the major, minor, and capabilities in the following format: // 0xMMmmcccc (Major, minor, capability bits) if (leAudioFlagEnabled) { uint32_t majorVersion = 0, minorVersion = 0, capability = 0; mFeatureInfo.version = 0; int ret = sscanf(description.c_str(), "#AndroidHeadTracker#%d.%d#%d", &majorVersion, &minorVersion, &capability); if (ret > 0) { mRequiresLeTransport = (majorVersion == kLeAudioCapabilitiesMajorVersion); mFeatureInfo.version = (majorVersion & 0xFF) << 24; } if (ret > 1) { mFeatureInfo.version |= (minorVersion & 0xFF) << 16; } if (ret > 2) { mFeatureInfo.version |= (capability & 0xFFFF); } } else { mFeatureInfo.version = 1; } mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_HEAD_TRACKER; mFeatureInfo.typeString = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_HEAD_TRACKER; mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag = SENSOR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE; mFeatureInfo.permission = ""; mFeatureInfo.isWakeUp = false; // HID head tracker sensors must use the HID unique ID for the sensor UUID // to permit association between the sensor and audio device (see // specification for HEAD_TRACKER in SensorType). mFeatureInfo.useUniqueIdForUuid = true; return true; } bool HidRawSensor::detectAndroidCustomSensor(const std::string &description) { size_t nullPosition = description.find('\0'); if (nullPosition == std::string::npos) { return false; } const std::string prefix("#ANDROID#"); if (description.find(prefix, nullPosition + 1) != nullPosition + 1) { return false; } std::string str(description.c_str() + nullPosition + 1 + prefix.size()); // Format for predefined sensor types: // #ANDROID#nn,[C|X|T|S],[B|0],[W|N] // Format for vendor type sensor // #ANDROID#xxx.yyy.zzz,[C|X|T|S],[B|0],[W|N] // // C: continuous // X: on-change // T: one-shot // S: special trigger // // B: body permission // 0: no permission required std::vector segments; size_t start = 0, end = 0; while ((end = str.find(',', start)) != std::string::npos) { if (end != start) { segments.push_back(str.substr(start, end - start)); } start = end + 1; } if (end != start) { segments.push_back(str.substr(start)); } if (segments.size() < 4) { LOG_E << "Not enough segments in android custom description" << LOG_ENDL; return false; } // type bool typeParsed = false; if (!segments[0].empty()) { if (::isdigit(segments[0][0])) { int type = ::atoi(segments[0].c_str()); // all supported types here switch (type) { case SENSOR_TYPE_HEART_RATE: mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_HEART_RATE; mFeatureInfo.typeString = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_HEART_RATE; typeParsed = true; break; case SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE: mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE; mFeatureInfo.typeString = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE; typeParsed = true; break; case SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT: mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT; mFeatureInfo.typeString = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_LIGHT; typeParsed = true; break; case SENSOR_TYPE_PRESSURE: mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_PRESSURE; mFeatureInfo.typeString = SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_PRESSURE; typeParsed = true; break; default: LOG_W << "Android type " << type << " has not been supported yet" << LOG_ENDL; break; } } else { // assume a xxx.yyy.zzz format std::ostringstream s; bool lastIsDot = true; for (auto c : segments[0]) { if (::isalpha(c)) { s << static_cast(c); lastIsDot = false; } else if (!lastIsDot && c == '.') { s << static_cast(c); lastIsDot = true; } else { break; } } if (s.str() == segments[0]) { mFeatureInfo.type = SENSOR_TYPE_DEVICE_PRIVATE_BASE; mFeatureInfo.typeString = CUSTOM_TYPE_PREFIX + s.str(); typeParsed = true; } } } // reporting type bool reportingModeParsed = false; if (segments[1].size() == 1) { switch (segments[1][0]) { case 'C': mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag = SENSOR_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE; reportingModeParsed = true; break; case 'X': mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag = SENSOR_FLAG_ON_CHANGE_MODE; reportingModeParsed = true; break; case 'T': mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag = SENSOR_FLAG_ONE_SHOT_MODE; reportingModeParsed = true; break; case 'S': mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag = SENSOR_FLAG_SPECIAL_REPORTING_MODE; reportingModeParsed = true; break; default: LOG_E << "Undefined reporting mode designation " << segments[1] << LOG_ENDL; } } // permission parsed bool permissionParsed = false; if (segments[2].size() == 1) { switch (segments[2][0]) { case 'B': mFeatureInfo.permission = SENSOR_PERMISSION_BODY_SENSORS; permissionParsed = true; break; case '0': mFeatureInfo.permission = ""; permissionParsed = true; break; default: LOG_E << "Undefined permission designation " << segments[2] << LOG_ENDL; } } // wake up bool wakeUpParsed = false; if (segments[3].size() == 1) { switch (segments[3][0]) { case 'W': mFeatureInfo.isWakeUp = true; wakeUpParsed = true; break; case 'N': mFeatureInfo.isWakeUp = false; wakeUpParsed = true; break; default: LOG_E << "Undefined wake up designation " << segments[3] << LOG_ENDL; } } int ret = typeParsed && reportingModeParsed && permissionParsed && wakeUpParsed; if (!ret) { LOG_D << "detectAndroidCustomSensor typeParsed: " << typeParsed << " reportingModeParsed: " << reportingModeParsed << " permissionParsed: " << permissionParsed << " wakeUpParsed: " << wakeUpParsed << LOG_ENDL; } return ret; } bool HidRawSensor::findSensorControlUsage(const std::vector &packets) { using namespace Hid::Sensor::PowerStateUsage; using namespace Hid::Sensor::PropertyUsage; using namespace Hid::Sensor::ReportingStateUsage; using namespace Hid::Sensor::LeTransportUsage; //REPORTING_STATE const HidParser::ReportItem *reportingState = find(packets, REPORTING_STATE, HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE); if (reportingState == nullptr) { LOG_W << "Cannot find valid reporting state feature" << LOG_ENDL; } else { mReportingStateId = reportingState->id; mReportingStateBitOffset = reportingState->bitOffset; mReportingStateBitSize = reportingState->bitSize; mReportingStateDisableIndex = -1; mReportingStateEnableIndex = -1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < reportingState->usageVector.size(); ++i) { if (reportingState->usageVector[i] == REPORTING_STATE_NO_EVENTS) { mReportingStateDisableIndex = i; } if (reportingState->usageVector[i] == REPORTING_STATE_ALL_EVENTS) { mReportingStateEnableIndex = i; } } if (mReportingStateDisableIndex < 0) { LOG_W << "Cannot find reporting state to disable sensor" << LOG_ENDL; mReportingStateId = -1; } if (mReportingStateEnableIndex < 0) { LOG_W << "Cannot find reporting state to enable sensor" << LOG_ENDL; mReportingStateId = -1; } } //POWER_STATE const HidParser::ReportItem *powerState = find(packets, POWER_STATE, HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE); if (powerState == nullptr) { LOG_W << "Cannot find valid power state feature" << LOG_ENDL; } else { mPowerStateId = powerState->id; mPowerStateBitOffset = powerState->bitOffset; mPowerStateBitSize = powerState->bitSize; mPowerStateOffIndex = -1; mPowerStateOnIndex = -1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < powerState->usageVector.size(); ++i) { if (powerState->usageVector[i] == POWER_STATE_D4_POWER_OFF) { mPowerStateOffIndex = i; } if (powerState->usageVector[i] == POWER_STATE_D0_FULL_POWER) { mPowerStateOnIndex = i; } } if (mPowerStateOffIndex < 0) { LOG_W << "Cannot find power state to power off sensor" << LOG_ENDL; mPowerStateId = -1; } if (mPowerStateOnIndex < 0) { LOG_W << "Cannot find power state to power on sensor" << LOG_ENDL; mPowerStateId = -1; } } //REPORT_INTERVAL const HidParser::ReportItem *reportInterval = find(packets, REPORT_INTERVAL, HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE); if (reportInterval == nullptr || reportInterval->minRaw < 0) { LOG_W << "Cannot find valid report interval feature" << LOG_ENDL; } else { mReportIntervalId = reportInterval->id; mReportIntervalBitOffset = reportInterval->bitOffset; mReportIntervalBitSize = reportInterval->bitSize; mReportIntervalScale = reportInterval->a; mReportIntervalOffset = reportInterval->b; mFeatureInfo.minDelay = 1000000.0 * (reportInterval->minRaw + reportInterval->b) * reportInterval->a; mFeatureInfo.minDelay = std::max(1000, mFeatureInfo.minDelay); mFeatureInfo.maxDelay = 1000000.0 * (reportInterval->maxRaw + reportInterval->b) * reportInterval->a; mFeatureInfo.maxDelay = std::min(static_cast(1000000000), mFeatureInfo.maxDelay); } bool leTransportExpected = mRequiresLeTransport; if (leTransportExpected) { //VENDOR_LE_TRANSPORT const HidParser::ReportItem *leTransport = find(packets, VENDOR_LE_TRANSPORT, HidParser::REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE); if (leTransport == nullptr) { LOG_W << "Cannot find valid LE transport feature" << LOG_ENDL; } else { mLeTransportId = leTransport->id; mLeTransportBitOffset = leTransport->bitOffset; mLeTransportBitSize = leTransport->bitSize; mLeTransportAclIndex = -1; mLeTransportIsoIndex = -1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < leTransport->usageVector.size(); ++i) { if (leTransport->usageVector[i] == LE_TRANSPORT_ACL) { mLeTransportAclIndex = i; } if (leTransport->usageVector[i] == LE_TRANSPORT_ISO) { mLeTransportIsoIndex = i; } } if (mLeTransportAclIndex < 0) { LOG_W << "Cannot find LE transport to enable ACL" << LOG_ENDL; mLeTransportId = -1; } if (mLeTransportIsoIndex < 0) { LOG_W << "Cannot find LE transport to enable ISO" << LOG_ENDL; mLeTransportId = -1; } } } return (mPowerStateId >= 0 || mReportingStateId >= 0) && mReportIntervalId >= 0 && (!leTransportExpected || mLeTransportId >= 0); } const sensor_t* HidRawSensor::getSensor() const { return &mSensor; } void HidRawSensor::getUuid(uint8_t* uuid) const { memcpy(uuid, mFeatureInfo.uuid, sizeof(mFeatureInfo.uuid)); } int HidRawSensor::enable(bool enable) { SP(HidDevice) device = PROMOTE(mDevice); if (device == nullptr) { LOG_E << "enable: no device" << LOG_ENDL; return NO_INIT; } if (enable == mEnabled) { LOG_D << "enable: already in desired state" << LOG_ENDL; return NO_ERROR; } bool setLeAudioTransportOk = setLeAudioTransport(device, enable); bool setPowerOk = setPower(device, enable); bool setReportingOk = setReportingState(device, enable); if (setPowerOk && setReportingOk && setLeAudioTransportOk) { mEnabled = enable; LOG_I << "enable: success" << LOG_ENDL; return NO_ERROR; } else { LOG_E << "enable: set feature failed" << LOG_ENDL; return INVALID_OPERATION; } } bool HidRawSensor::setLeAudioTransport(const SP(HidDevice) &device, bool enable) { std::vector buffer; bool success = true; if (mLeTransportId >= 0 && enable) { success = false; uint8_t id = static_cast(mLeTransportId); if (device->getFeature(id, &buffer) && (8 * buffer.size()) >= (mLeTransportBitOffset + mLeTransportBitSize)) { // The following property, if defined, represents a comma-separated list of // transport preferences for the following types: le-acl or iso-[sw|hw], // which describes the priority list of transport selections used based on the // capabilities reported by the HID device. std::string prop = GetProperty("bluetooth.core.le.dsa_transport_preference", ""); std::istringstream tokenStream(prop); std::string line; std::vector priorityList; while (std::getline(tokenStream, line, ',')) { priorityList.push_back(line); } uint16_t capability = mFeatureInfo.version & 0x0000FFFF; uint8_t index; if (capability == (kIsoBitMask | kAclBitMask)) { if (!priorityList.empty() && priorityList[0].compare("le-acl") == 0) { index = mLeTransportAclIndex; } else { index = mLeTransportIsoIndex; } } else { index = (capability & kIsoBitMask) ? mLeTransportIsoIndex : mLeTransportAclIndex; } HidUtil::copyBits(&index, &(buffer[0]), buffer.size(), 0, mLeTransportBitOffset, mLeTransportBitSize); success = device->setFeature(id, buffer); if (!success) { LOG_E << "enable: setFeature VENDOR LE TRANSPORT failed" << LOG_ENDL; } } else { LOG_E << "enable: changing VENDOR LE TRANSPORT failed" << LOG_ENDL; } } return success; } bool HidRawSensor::setPower(const SP(HidDevice) &device, bool enable) { std::vector buffer; bool success = true; if (mPowerStateId >= 0) { success = false; uint8_t id = static_cast(mPowerStateId); if (device->getFeature(id, &buffer) && (8 * buffer.size()) >= (mPowerStateBitOffset + mPowerStateBitSize)) { uint8_t index = enable ? mPowerStateOnIndex : mPowerStateOffIndex; HidUtil::copyBits(&index, &(buffer[0]), buffer.size(), 0, mPowerStateBitOffset, mPowerStateBitSize); success = device->setFeature(id, buffer); if (!success) { LOG_E << "enable: setFeature POWER STATE failed" << LOG_ENDL; } } else { LOG_E << "enable: changing POWER STATE failed" << LOG_ENDL; } } return success; } bool HidRawSensor::setReportingState(const SP(HidDevice) &device, bool enable) { std::vector buffer; bool success = true; if (mReportingStateId >= 0) { success = false; uint8_t id = static_cast(mReportingStateId); if (device->getFeature(id, &buffer) && (8 * buffer.size()) > (mReportingStateBitOffset + mReportingStateBitSize)) { uint8_t index = enable ? mReportingStateEnableIndex : mReportingStateDisableIndex; HidUtil::copyBits(&index, &(buffer[0]), buffer.size(),0, mReportingStateBitOffset, mReportingStateBitSize); success = device->setFeature(id, buffer); if (!success) { LOG_E << "enable: setFeature REPORTING STATE failed" << LOG_ENDL; } } else { LOG_E << "enable: changing REPORTING STATE failed" << LOG_ENDL; } } return success; } int HidRawSensor::batch(int64_t samplingPeriod, int64_t batchingPeriod) { SP(HidDevice) device = PROMOTE(mDevice); if (device == nullptr) { return NO_INIT; } if (samplingPeriod < 0 || batchingPeriod < 0) { return BAD_VALUE; } bool needRefresh = mSamplingPeriod != samplingPeriod || mBatchingPeriod != batchingPeriod; std::vector buffer; bool ok = true; if (needRefresh && mReportIntervalId >= 0) { ok = false; uint8_t id = static_cast(mReportIntervalId); if (device->getFeature(id, &buffer) && (8 * buffer.size()) >= (mReportIntervalBitOffset + mReportIntervalBitSize)) { int64_t periodMs = (((static_cast(samplingPeriod)) / 1000000000.0) / mReportIntervalScale) - mReportIntervalOffset; int64_t maxPeriodMs = (1LL << std::min(mReportIntervalBitSize, 63U)) - 1; periodMs = std::min(periodMs, maxPeriodMs); HidUtil::copyBits(&periodMs, &(buffer[0]), buffer.size(), 0, mReportIntervalBitOffset, mReportIntervalBitSize); ok = device->setFeature(id, buffer); } } if (ok) { mSamplingPeriod = samplingPeriod; mBatchingPeriod = batchingPeriod; return NO_ERROR; } else { return INVALID_OPERATION; } } void HidRawSensor::handleInput(uint8_t id, const std::vector &message) { if (id != mInputReportId || mEnabled == false) { return; } sensors_event_t event = { .version = sizeof(event), .sensor = -1, .type = mSensor.type }; bool valid = true; switch (mFeatureInfo.type) { case SENSOR_TYPE_HEAD_TRACKER: valid = getHeadTrackerEventData(message, &event); break; default: valid = getSensorEventData(message, &event); break; } if (!valid) { LOG_E << "Invalid data observed in decoding, discard" << LOG_ENDL; return; } event.timestamp = -1; generateEvent(event); } bool HidRawSensor::getHeadTrackerEventData(const std::vector &message, sensors_event_t *event) { head_tracker_event_t *head_tracker; head_tracker = &(event->head_tracker); if (!getReportFieldValue(message, &(mTranslateTable[0]), &(head_tracker->rx)) || !getReportFieldValue(message, &(mTranslateTable[1]), &(head_tracker->ry)) || !getReportFieldValue(message, &(mTranslateTable[2]), &(head_tracker->rz)) || !getReportFieldValue(message, &(mTranslateTable[3]), &(head_tracker->vx)) || !getReportFieldValue(message, &(mTranslateTable[4]), &(head_tracker->vy)) || !getReportFieldValue(message, &(mTranslateTable[5]), &(head_tracker->vz)) || !getReportFieldValue(message, &(mTranslateTable[6]), &(head_tracker->discontinuity_count))) { return false; } return true; } bool HidRawSensor::getSensorEventData(const std::vector &message, sensors_event_t *event) { for (const auto &rec : mTranslateTable) { int64_t v = 0; if (rec.minValue < 0) { v = (message[rec.byteOffset + rec.byteSize - 1] & 0x80) ? -1 : 0; } for (int i = static_cast(rec.byteSize) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { v = (v << 8) | message[rec.byteOffset + i]; // HID is little endian } switch (rec.type) { case TYPE_FLOAT: if (v > rec.maxValue || v < rec.minValue) { return false; } event->data[rec.index] = rec.a * (v + rec.b); break; case TYPE_INT64: if (v > rec.maxValue || v < rec.minValue) { return false; } event->u64.data[rec.index] = v + rec.b; break; case TYPE_ACCURACY: event->magnetic.status = (v & 0xFF) + rec.b; break; } } return true; } std::string HidRawSensor::dump() const { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Feature Values " << LOG_ENDL << " name: " << mFeatureInfo.name << LOG_ENDL << " version: 0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << std::hex << mFeatureInfo.version << LOG_ENDL << " vendor: " << mFeatureInfo.vendor << LOG_ENDL << " permission: " << mFeatureInfo.permission << LOG_ENDL << " typeString: " << mFeatureInfo.typeString << LOG_ENDL << " type: " << mFeatureInfo.type << LOG_ENDL << " maxRange: " << mFeatureInfo.maxRange << LOG_ENDL << " resolution: " << mFeatureInfo.resolution << LOG_ENDL << " power: " << mFeatureInfo.power << LOG_ENDL << " minDelay: " << mFeatureInfo.minDelay << LOG_ENDL << " maxDelay: " << mFeatureInfo.maxDelay << LOG_ENDL << " fifoSize: " << mFeatureInfo.fifoSize << LOG_ENDL << " fifoMaxSize: " << mFeatureInfo.fifoMaxSize << LOG_ENDL << " reportModeFlag: " << mFeatureInfo.reportModeFlag << LOG_ENDL << " isWakeUp: " << (mFeatureInfo.isWakeUp ? "true" : "false") << LOG_ENDL; ss << " uniqueId: " << std::hex << std::setfill('0'); for (auto d : mFeatureInfo.uniqueId) { ss << std::setw(2) << static_cast(d) << " "; } ss << std::dec << std::setfill(' ') << LOG_ENDL; ss << " uuid: " << std::hex << std::setfill('0'); for (auto d : mFeatureInfo.uuid) { ss << std::setw(2) << static_cast(d) << " "; } ss << std::dec << std::setfill(' ') << LOG_ENDL; ss << "Input report id: " << mInputReportId << LOG_ENDL; for (const auto &t : mTranslateTable) { ss << " type, index: " << t.type << ", " << t.index << "; min,max: " << t.minValue << ", " << t.maxValue << "; byte-offset,size: " << t.byteOffset << ", " << t.byteSize << "; scaling,bias: " << t.a << ", " << t.b << LOG_ENDL; } ss << "Control features: " << LOG_ENDL; ss << " Power state "; if (mPowerStateId >= 0) { ss << "found, id: " << mPowerStateId << " bit offset: " << mPowerStateBitOffset << " bit size: " << mPowerStateBitSize << " power off index: " << mPowerStateOffIndex << " power on index: " << mPowerStateOnIndex << LOG_ENDL; } else { ss << "not found" << LOG_ENDL; } ss << " Reporting state "; if (mReportingStateId >= 0) { ss << "found, id: " << mReportingStateId << " bit offset: " << mReportingStateBitOffset << " bit size: " << mReportingStateBitSize << " disable index: " << mReportingStateDisableIndex << " enable index: " << mReportingStateEnableIndex << LOG_ENDL; } else { ss << "not found" << LOG_ENDL; } ss << " Report interval "; if (mReportIntervalId >= 0) { ss << "found, id: " << mReportIntervalId << " bit offset: " << mReportIntervalBitOffset << " bit size: " << mReportIntervalBitSize << LOG_ENDL; } else { ss << "not found" << LOG_ENDL; } return ss.str(); } } // namespace SensorHalExt } // namespace android