/* * Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Not a Contribution. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /****************************************************************************** * * Filename: bt_vendor_qcom.c * * Description: vendor specific library implementation * ******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_TAG "bt_vendor" #define BLUETOOTH_MAC_ADDR_BOOT_PROPERTY "ro.boot.btmacaddr" #include "bt_vendor_lib.h" #include "bt_vendor_persist.h" #include "bt_vendor_qcom.h" #include "hci_smd.h" #include "hci_uart.h" #include "hw_rome.h" #include <fcntl.h> #include <linux/un.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <termios.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> #include <cutils/sockets.h> #include <utils/Log.h> #define WAIT_TIMEOUT 200000 #define BT_VND_OP_GET_LINESPEED 30 #define STOP_WCNSS_FILTER 0xDD #define STOP_WAIT_TIMEOUT 1000 #define SOC_INIT_PROPERTY "wc_transport.soc_initialized" #define BT_VND_FILTER_START "wc_transport.start_hci" #define CMD_TIMEOUT 0x22 static void wait_for_patch_download(bool is_ant_req); static bool is_debug_force_special_bytes(void); int connect_to_local_socket(char* name); /****************************************************************************** ** Externs ******************************************************************************/ extern int hw_config(int nState); extern int is_hw_ready(); extern int chipset_ver; /****************************************************************************** ** Variables ******************************************************************************/ struct bt_qcom_struct q; pthread_mutex_t q_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int userial_clock_operation(int fd, int cmd); int ath3k_init(int fd, int speed, int init_speed, char *bdaddr, struct termios *ti); int userial_vendor_get_baud(void); int readTrpState(); void lpm_set_ar3k(uint8_t pio, uint8_t action, uint8_t polarity); bool is_download_progress(); static const tUSERIAL_CFG userial_init_cfg = { (USERIAL_DATABITS_8 | USERIAL_PARITY_NONE | USERIAL_STOPBITS_1), USERIAL_BAUD_115200 }; #if (HW_NEED_END_WITH_HCI_RESET == TRUE) void __hw_epilog_process(void); #endif #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include "cutils/properties.h" static const char WIFI_PROP_NAME[] = "wlan.driver.status"; static const char SERVICE_PROP_NAME[] = "bluetooth.hsic_ctrl"; static const char BT_STATUS_NAME[] = "bluetooth.enabled"; static const char WIFI_SERVICE_PROP[] = "wlan.hsic_ctrl"; #define WIFI_BT_STATUS_LOCK "/data/connectivity/wifi_bt_lock" int isInit=0; #endif /* WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC */ bool is_soc_initialized(void); /****************************************************************************** ** Local type definitions ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** ** Functions ******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC int bt_semaphore_create(void) { int fd; fd = open(WIFI_BT_STATUS_LOCK, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) ALOGE("can't create file\n"); return fd; } int bt_semaphore_get(int fd) { int ret; if (fd < 0) return -1; ret = flock(fd, LOCK_EX); if (ret != 0) { ALOGE("can't hold lock: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return ret; } int bt_semaphore_release(int fd) { int ret; if (fd < 0) return -1; ret = flock(fd, LOCK_UN); if (ret != 0) { ALOGE("can't release lock: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return ret; } int bt_semaphore_destroy(int fd) { if (fd < 0) return -1; return close (fd); } int bt_wait_for_service_done(void) { char service_status[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; int count = 30; ALOGE("%s: check\n", __func__); /* wait for service done */ while (count-- > 0) { property_get(WIFI_SERVICE_PROP, service_status, NULL); if (strcmp(service_status, "") != 0) { usleep(200000); } else { break; } } return 0; } #endif /* WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC */ /** Get Bluetooth SoC type from system setting */ static int get_bt_soc_type() { int ret = 0; char bt_soc_type[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; ALOGI("bt-vendor : get_bt_soc_type"); ret = property_get("qcom.bluetooth.soc", bt_soc_type, NULL); if (ret != 0) { ALOGI("qcom.bluetooth.soc set to %s\n", bt_soc_type); if (!strncasecmp(bt_soc_type, "rome", sizeof("rome"))) { return BT_SOC_ROME; } else if (!strncasecmp(bt_soc_type, "cherokee", sizeof("cherokee"))) { return BT_SOC_CHEROKEE; } else if (!strncasecmp(bt_soc_type, "ath3k", sizeof("ath3k"))) { return BT_SOC_AR3K; } else if (!strncasecmp(bt_soc_type, "cherokee", sizeof("cherokee"))) { return BT_SOC_CHEROKEE; } else { ALOGI("qcom.bluetooth.soc not set, so using default.\n"); return BT_SOC_DEFAULT; } } else { ALOGE("%s: Failed to get soc type", __FUNCTION__); ret = BT_SOC_DEFAULT; } return ret; } bool can_perform_action(char action) { bool can_perform = false; char ref_count[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char inProgress[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {'\0'}; int value, ret; property_get("wc_transport.ref_count", ref_count, "0"); value = atoi(ref_count); ALOGV("%s: ref_count: %s\n",__func__, ref_count); if(action == '1') { ALOGV("%s: on : value is: %d", __func__, value); if(value == 1) { if ((is_soc_initialized() == true) || is_download_progress() || get_bt_soc_type() == BT_SOC_CHEROKEE) { //value++; ALOGE("%s: on : value is already 1", __func__); } } else { value++; } if (value == 1) can_perform = true; else if (value > 3) return false; } else { ALOGV("%s: off : value is: %d", __func__, value); if (--value <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: BT turn off twice before BT On(ref_count=%d)\n", __func__, value); value = 0; can_perform = true; } } snprintf(ref_count, 3, "%d", value); ALOGV("%s: updated ref_count is: %s", __func__, ref_count); ret = property_set("wc_transport.ref_count", ref_count); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Error while updating property: %d\n", __func__, ret); return false; } ALOGV("%s returning %d", __func__, can_perform); return can_perform; } void stop_hci_filter() { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {'\0'}; int retval, filter_ctrl, i; char stop_val = STOP_WCNSS_FILTER; int soc_type = BT_SOC_DEFAULT; ALOGV("%s: Entry ", __func__); property_get("wc_transport.hci_filter_status", value, "0"); if (strcmp(value, "0") == 0) { ALOGI("%s: hci_filter has been stopped already", __func__); } else { filter_ctrl = connect_to_local_socket("wcnssfilter_ctrl"); if (filter_ctrl < 0) { ALOGI("%s: Error while connecting to CTRL_SOCK, filter should stopped: %d", __func__, filter_ctrl); } else { retval = write(filter_ctrl, &stop_val, 1); if (retval != 1) { ALOGI("%s: problem writing to CTRL_SOCK, ignore: %d", __func__, retval); //Ignore and fallback } close(filter_ctrl); } } /* Ensure Filter is closed by checking the status before RFKILL 0 operation. this should ideally comeout very quick */ for(i=0; i<500; i++) { property_get(BT_VND_FILTER_START, value, "false"); if (strcmp(value, "false") == 0) { ALOGI("%s: WCNSS_FILTER stopped", __func__); usleep(STOP_WAIT_TIMEOUT * 10); break; } else { /*sleep of 1ms, This should give enough time for FILTER to exit with all necessary cleanup*/ usleep(STOP_WAIT_TIMEOUT); } } ALOGV("%s: Exit ", __func__); } int start_hci_filter() { ALOGV("%s: Entry ", __func__); int i, init_success = -1; char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {'\0'}; property_get(BT_VND_FILTER_START, value, false); if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) { ALOGI("%s: hci_filter has been started already", __func__); //Filter should have been started OR in the process of initializing //Make sure of hci_filter_status and return the state based on it } else { property_set("wc_transport.clean_up","0"); property_set("wc_transport.hci_filter_status", "0"); property_set(BT_VND_FILTER_START, "true"); ALOGV("%s: %s set to true ", __func__, BT_VND_FILTER_START ); } /*If there are back to back ON requests from different clients, All client should come and stuck in this while loop till FILTER comesup and ready to accept the connections */ //sched_yield(); for(i=0; i<45; i++) { property_get("wc_transport.hci_filter_status", value, "0"); if (strcmp(value, "1") == 0) { init_success = 1; break; } else { usleep(WAIT_TIMEOUT); } } ALOGV("start_hcifilter status:%d after %f seconds \n", init_success, 0.2*i); ALOGV("%s: Exit ", __func__); return init_success; } /* * Bluetooth Controller power up or shutdown, this function is called with * q_lock held and q is non-NULL */ static int bt_powerup(int en ) { char rfkill_type[64], *enable_ldo_path = NULL; char type[16], enable_ldo[6]; int fd = 0, size, i, ret, fd_ldo, fd_btpower; char disable[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char state; char on = (en)?'1':'0'; #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC char wifi_status[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; int lock_fd; #endif /*WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC*/ ALOGI("bt_powerup: %c", on); /* Check if rfkill has been disabled */ ret = property_get("ro.rfkilldisabled", disable, "0"); if (!ret ){ ALOGE("Couldn't get ro.rfkilldisabled (%d)", ret); return -1; } /* In case rfkill disabled, then no control power*/ if (strcmp(disable, "1") == 0) { ALOGI("ro.rfkilldisabled : %s", disable); return -1; } #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC lock_fd = bt_semaphore_create(); bt_semaphore_get(lock_fd); bt_wait_for_service_done(); #endif /* Assign rfkill_id and find bluetooth rfkill state path*/ for(i = 0; (q.rfkill_id == -1) && (q.rfkill_state == NULL); i++) { snprintf(rfkill_type, sizeof(rfkill_type), "/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill%d/type", i); if ((fd = open(rfkill_type, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { ALOGE("open(%s) failed: %s (%d)\n", rfkill_type, strerror(errno), errno); #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC bt_semaphore_release(lock_fd); bt_semaphore_destroy(lock_fd); #endif return -1; } size = read(fd, &type, sizeof(type)); close(fd); if ((size >= 9) && !memcmp(type, "bluetooth", 9)) { asprintf(&q.rfkill_state, "/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill%d/state", q.rfkill_id = i); break; } } /* Get rfkill State to control */ if (q.rfkill_state != NULL) { if ((fd = open(q.rfkill_state, O_RDWR)) < 0) { ALOGE("open(%s) for write failed: %s (%d)", q.rfkill_state, strerror(errno), errno); #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC bt_semaphore_release(lock_fd); bt_semaphore_destroy(lock_fd); #endif return -1; } } if(can_perform_action(on) == false) { ALOGE("%s:can't perform action as it is being used by other clients", __func__); #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC bt_semaphore_release(lock_fd); bt_semaphore_destroy(lock_fd); #endif goto done; } ret = asprintf(&enable_ldo_path, "/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill%d/device/extldo", q.rfkill_id); if( (ret < 0 ) || (enable_ldo_path == NULL) ) { ALOGE("Memory Allocation failure"); return -1; } if ((fd_ldo = open(enable_ldo_path, O_RDWR)) < 0) { ALOGE("open(%s) failed: %s (%d)", enable_ldo_path, strerror(errno), errno); return -1; } size = read(fd_ldo, &enable_ldo, sizeof(enable_ldo)); close(fd_ldo); if (size <= 0) { ALOGE("read(%s) failed: %s (%d)", enable_ldo_path, strerror(errno), errno); return -1; } if (!memcmp(enable_ldo, "true", 4)) { ALOGI("External LDO has been configured"); ret = property_set("wc_transport.extldo", "enabled"); if (ret < 0) { ALOGI("%s: Not able to set property wc_transport.extldo\n", __func__); } q.enable_extldo = TRUE; } if(on == '0'){ ALOGE("Stopping HCI filter as part of CTRL:OFF"); stop_hci_filter(); property_set("wc_transport.soc_initialized", "0"); } if (q.soc_type >= BT_SOC_CHEROKEE && q.soc_type < BT_SOC_RESERVED) { ALOGI("open bt power devnode,send ioctl power op :%d ",en); fd_btpower = open(BT_PWR_CNTRL_DEVICE, O_RDWR, O_NONBLOCK); if (fd_btpower < 0) { ALOGE("\nfailed to open bt device error = (%s)\n",strerror(errno)); #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC bt_semaphore_release(lock_fd); bt_semaphore_destroy(lock_fd); #endif return -1; } ret = ioctl(fd_btpower, BT_CMD_PWR_CTRL, (unsigned long)en); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE(" ioctl failed to power control:%d error =(%s)",ret,strerror(errno)); } close(fd_btpower); } else { ALOGI("Write %c to rfkill\n", on); /* Write value to control rfkill */ if(fd >= 0) { if ((size = write(fd, &on, 1)) < 0) { ALOGE("write(%s) failed: %s (%d)", q.rfkill_state, strerror(errno), errno); #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC bt_semaphore_release(lock_fd); bt_semaphore_destroy(lock_fd); #endif return -1; } } } #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC /* query wifi status */ property_get(WIFI_PROP_NAME, wifi_status, ""); ALOGE("bt get wifi status: %s, isInit: %d\n", wifi_status, isInit); /* If wlan driver is not loaded, and bt is changed from off => on */ if (strncmp(wifi_status, "unloaded", strlen("unloaded")) == 0 || strlen(wifi_status) == 0) { if (on == '1') { ALOGI("%s: BT_VND_PWR_ON\n", __func__); if(property_set(SERVICE_PROP_NAME, "load_wlan") < 0) { ALOGE("%s Property setting failed", SERVICE_PROP_NAME); close(fd); bt_semaphore_release(lock_fd); bt_semaphore_destroy(lock_fd); return -1; } } else if (isInit == 0 && on == '0') { ALOGI("%s: BT_VND_PWR_OFF\n", __func__); if(property_set(SERVICE_PROP_NAME, "unbind_hsic") < 0) { ALOGE("%s Property setting failed", SERVICE_PROP_NAME); close(fd); bt_semaphore_release(lock_fd); bt_semaphore_destroy(lock_fd); return -1; } } } if (isInit == 0 && on == '0') property_set(BT_STATUS_NAME, "false"); else if (on == '1') property_set(BT_STATUS_NAME, "true"); bt_semaphore_release(lock_fd); bt_semaphore_destroy(lock_fd); #endif /* WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC */ done: if (fd >= 0) close(fd); return 0; } static inline void soc_init(int soc_type) { switch (soc_type) { case BT_SOC_CHEROKEE: case BT_SOC_ROME: case BT_SOC_AR3K: ALOGI("bt-vendor : Initializing UART transport layer"); userial_vendor_init(); break; case BT_SOC_DEFAULT: break; default: ALOGE("Unknown soc yype: %d", soc_type); break; } } /* Copy BD Address as little-endian byte order */ static inline void le2bd(unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) dst[i] = src[5-i]; } static inline void print_bdaddr(unsigned char *addr) { ALOGI("BD Address: %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]); } /***************************************************************************** ** ** BLUETOOTH VENDOR INTERFACE LIBRARY FUNCTIONS ** *****************************************************************************/ static int init(const bt_vendor_callbacks_t *cb, unsigned char *bdaddr) { char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0}; int ret = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, i; ALOGI("++%s", __FUNCTION__); if (!cb || !bdaddr) { ALOGE("Invalid input args cb %p bdaddr %p", cb, bdaddr); ret = -BT_STATUS_INVAL; goto out; } q.rfkill_id = -1; q.enable_extldo = FALSE; q.cb = (bt_vendor_callbacks_t*)cb; q.ant_fd = -1; q.soc_type = get_bt_soc_type(); soc_init(q.soc_type); le2bd(bdaddr, q.bdaddr); print_bdaddr(q.bdaddr); snprintf(prop, sizeof(prop), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", q.bdaddr[0], q.bdaddr[1], q.bdaddr[2], q.bdaddr[3], q.bdaddr[4], q.bdaddr[5]); ret = property_set("wc_transport.stack_bdaddr", prop); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to set wc_transport.stack_bdaddr prop, ret = %d", ret); ret = -BT_STATUS_PROP_FAILURE; goto out; } /* TODO: Move these fields inside bt_qcom context */ #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC isInit = 1; #endif /* WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC */ /* Everything successful */ return ret; out: ALOGI("--%s ret %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); return ret; } #ifdef READ_BT_ADDR_FROM_PROP static bool validate_tok(char* bdaddr_tok) { int i = 0; bool ret; if (strlen(bdaddr_tok) != 2) { ret = FALSE; ALOGE("Invalid token length"); } else { ret = TRUE; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { if ((bdaddr_tok[i] >= '0' && bdaddr_tok[i] <= '9') || (bdaddr_tok[i] >= 'A' && bdaddr_tok[i] <= 'F') || (bdaddr_tok[i] >= 'a' && bdaddr_tok[i] <= 'f')) { ret = TRUE; ALOGV("%s: tok %s @ %d is good", __func__, bdaddr_tok, i); } else { ret = FALSE; ALOGE("invalid character in tok: %s at ind: %d", bdaddr_tok, i); break; } } } return ret; } #endif /*READ_BT_ADDR_FROM_PROP*/ int connect_to_local_socket(char* name) { socklen_t len; int sk = -1; ALOGE("%s: ACCEPT ", __func__); sk = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sk < 0) { ALOGE("Socket creation failure"); return -1; } if(socket_local_client_connect(sk, name, ANDROID_SOCKET_NAMESPACE_ABSTRACT, SOCK_STREAM) < 0) { ALOGE("failed to connect (%s)", strerror(errno)); close(sk); sk = -1; } else { ALOGE("%s: Connection succeeded\n", __func__); } return sk; } bool is_soc_initialized() { bool init = false; char init_value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; int ret; ALOGI("bt-vendor : is_soc_initialized"); ret = property_get(SOC_INIT_PROPERTY, init_value, NULL); if (ret != 0) { ALOGI("%s set to %s\n", SOC_INIT_PROPERTY, init_value); if (!strncasecmp(init_value, "1", sizeof("1"))) { init = true; } } else { ALOGE("%s: Failed to get %s", __FUNCTION__, SOC_INIT_PROPERTY); } return init; } /* flavor of op without locks */ static int op(bt_vendor_opcode_t opcode, void *param) { int retval = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; int nCnt = 0; int nState = -1; bool is_ant_req = false; bool is_fm_req = false; char wipower_status[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char emb_wp_mode[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char bt_version[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char lpm_config[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; bool ignore_boot_prop = TRUE; #ifdef READ_BT_ADDR_FROM_PROP int i = 0; static char bd_addr[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; uint8_t local_bd_addr_from_prop[6]; char* tok; #endif bool skip_init = true; int opcode_init = opcode; ALOGV("++%s opcode %d", __FUNCTION__, opcode); switch(opcode_init) { #ifdef FM_OVER_UART case FM_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL: { is_fm_req = true; if (is_soc_initialized()) { // add any FM specific actions if needed in future break; } } #endif case BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL: { if (!param) { ALOGE("opcode = %d: param is null", opcode_init); break; } nState = *(int *) param; ALOGI("bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL: %s", (nState == BT_VND_PWR_ON)? "On" : "Off" ); switch(q.soc_type) { case BT_SOC_DEFAULT: if (readTrpState()) { ALOGI("bt-vendor : resetting BT status"); hw_config(BT_VND_PWR_OFF); } retval = hw_config(nState); if(nState == BT_VND_PWR_ON && retval == 0 && is_hw_ready() == TRUE){ retval = 0; } else { retval = -1; } break; case BT_SOC_ROME: case BT_SOC_AR3K: case BT_SOC_CHEROKEE: /* BT Chipset Power Control through Device Tree Node */ pthread_mutex_lock(&q_lock); retval = bt_powerup(nState); pthread_mutex_unlock(&q_lock); default: break; } } break; case BT_VND_OP_FW_CFG: { /* call hciattach to initalize the stack */ if (q.soc_type == BT_SOC_ROME) { if (is_soc_initialized()) { ALOGI("Bluetooth FW and transport layer are initialized"); q.cb->fwcfg_cb(BT_VND_OP_RESULT_SUCCESS); } else { ALOGE("bt_vendor_cbacks is null or SoC not initialized"); ALOGE("Error : hci, smd initialization Error"); retval = -1; } } else { ALOGI("Bluetooth FW and transport layer are initialized"); q.cb->fwcfg_cb(BT_VND_OP_RESULT_SUCCESS); } } break; case BT_VND_OP_SCO_CFG: q.cb->scocfg_cb(BT_VND_OP_RESULT_SUCCESS); //dummy break; #ifdef ENABLE_ANT case BT_VND_OP_ANT_USERIAL_OPEN: ALOGI("bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_ANT_USERIAL_OPEN"); is_ant_req = true; goto userial_open; #endif #ifdef FM_OVER_UART case BT_VND_OP_FM_USERIAL_OPEN: ALOGI("bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_FM_USERIAL_OPEN"); is_fm_req = true; goto userial_open; #endif userial_open: case BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN: { if (!param) { ALOGE("opcode = %d: param is null", opcode_init); break; } int (*fd_array)[] = (int (*)[]) param; int idx, fd = -1, fd_filter = -1; ALOGI("bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN"); switch(q.soc_type) { case BT_SOC_DEFAULT: { if(bt_hci_init_transport(q.fd) != -1){ int (*fd_array)[] = (int (*) []) param; (*fd_array)[CH_CMD] = q.fd[0]; (*fd_array)[CH_EVT] = q.fd[0]; (*fd_array)[CH_ACL_OUT] = q.fd[1]; (*fd_array)[CH_ACL_IN] = q.fd[1]; } else { retval = -1; break; } retval = 2; } break; case BT_SOC_AR3K: { fd = userial_vendor_open((tUSERIAL_CFG *) &userial_init_cfg); if (fd != -1) { for (idx=0; idx < CH_MAX; idx++) (*fd_array)[idx] = fd; retval = 1; } else { retval = -1; break; } /* Vendor Specific Process should happened during userial_open process After userial_open, rx read thread is running immediately, so it will affect VS event read process. */ if(ath3k_init(fd,3000000,115200,NULL,&vnd_userial.termios)<0) retval = -1; } break; case BT_SOC_ROME: { wait_for_patch_download(is_ant_req); property_get("ro.bluetooth.emb_wp_mode", emb_wp_mode, false); if (!is_soc_initialized()) { char* dlnd_inprog = is_ant_req ? "ant" : "bt"; if (property_set("wc_transport.patch_dnld_inprog", dlnd_inprog) < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to set dnld_inprog %s", __FUNCTION__, dlnd_inprog); } fd = userial_vendor_open((tUSERIAL_CFG *) &userial_init_cfg); if (fd < 0) { ALOGE("userial_vendor_open returns err"); retval = -1; break; } /* Clock on */ userial_clock_operation(fd, USERIAL_OP_CLK_ON); if(strcmp(emb_wp_mode, "true") == 0) { property_get("ro.bluetooth.wipower", wipower_status, false); if(strcmp(wipower_status, "true") == 0) { check_embedded_mode(fd); } else { ALOGI("Wipower not enabled"); } } ALOGV("rome_soc_init is started"); property_set("wc_transport.soc_initialized", "0"); #ifdef READ_BT_ADDR_FROM_PROP /*Give priority to read BD address from boot property*/ ignore_boot_prop = FALSE; if (property_get(BLUETOOTH_MAC_ADDR_BOOT_PROPERTY, bd_addr, NULL)) { ALOGV("BD address read from Boot property: %s\n", bd_addr); tok = strtok(bd_addr, ":"); while (tok != NULL) { ALOGV("bd add [%d]: %d ", i, strtol(tok, NULL, 16)); if (i>=6) { ALOGE("bd property of invalid length"); ignore_boot_prop = TRUE; break; } if (i == 6 && !ignore_boot_prop) { ALOGV("Valid BD address read from prop"); memcpy(q.bdaddr, local_bd_addr_from_prop, sizeof(vnd_local_bd_addr)); ignore_boot_prop = FALSE; } else { ALOGE("There are not enough tokens in BD addr"); ignore_boot_prop = TRUE; break; } local_bd_addr_from_prop[5-i] = strtol(tok, NULL, 16); tok = strtok(NULL, ":"); i++; } if (i == 6 && !ignore_boot_prop) { ALOGV("Valid BD address read from prop"); memcpy(vnd_local_bd_addr, local_bd_addr_from_prop, sizeof(vnd_local_bd_addr)); ignore_boot_prop = FALSE; } else { ALOGE("There are not enough tokens in BD addr"); ignore_boot_prop = TRUE; } } else { ALOGE("BD address boot property not set"); ignore_boot_prop = TRUE; } #endif //READ_BT_ADDR_FROM_PROP #ifdef BT_NV_SUPPORT /* Always read BD address from NV file */ if(ignore_boot_prop && !bt_vendor_nv_read(1, q.bdaddr)) { /* Since the BD address is configured in boot time We should not be here */ ALOGI("Failed to read BD address. Use the one from bluedroid stack/ftm"); } #endif //BT_NV_SUPPORT if(rome_soc_init(fd, (char*)q.bdaddr)<0) { retval = -1; } else { ALOGV("rome_soc_init is completed"); property_set("wc_transport.soc_initialized", "1"); skip_init = false; } } if (property_set("wc_transport.patch_dnld_inprog", "null") < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to set property", __FUNCTION__); } property_set("wc_transport.clean_up","0"); if (retval != -1) { retval = start_hci_filter(); if (retval < 0) { ALOGE("%s: WCNSS_FILTER wouldn't have started in time\n", __func__); } else { #ifdef ENABLE_ANT if (is_ant_req) { ALOGI("%s: connect to ant channel", __func__); q.ant_fd = fd_filter = connect_to_local_socket("ant_sock"); } else #endif { ALOGI("%s: connect to bt channel", __func__); vnd_userial.fd = fd_filter = connect_to_local_socket("bt_sock"); } if (fd_filter != -1) { ALOGI("%s: received the socket fd: %d is_ant_req: %d is_fm_req: %d\n", __func__, fd_filter, is_ant_req,is_fm_req); if((strcmp(emb_wp_mode, "true") == 0) && !is_ant_req && !is_fm_req) { if (chipset_ver >= ROME_VER_3_0) { /* get rome supported feature request */ ALOGE("%s: %x08 %0x", __FUNCTION__,chipset_ver, ROME_VER_3_0); rome_get_addon_feature_list(fd_filter); } } if (!skip_init) { /*Skip if already sent*/ enable_controller_log(fd_filter, (is_ant_req || is_fm_req) ); skip_init = true; } for (idx=0; idx < CH_MAX; idx++) (*fd_array)[idx] = fd_filter; retval = 1; } else { if (is_ant_req) ALOGE("Unable to connect to ANT Server Socket!!!"); else ALOGE("Unable to connect to BT Server Socket!!!"); retval = -1; } } } else { if (q.soc_type == BT_SOC_ROME) ALOGE("Failed to initialize ROME Controller!!!"); } if (fd >= 0) { userial_clock_operation(fd, USERIAL_OP_CLK_OFF); /*Close the UART port*/ close(fd); } } break; case BT_SOC_CHEROKEE: { property_get("ro.bluetooth.emb_wp_mode", emb_wp_mode, false); retval = start_hci_filter(); if (retval < 0) { ALOGE("WCNSS_FILTER wouldn't have started in time\n"); /* Set the following property to -1 so that the SSR cleanup routine can reset SOC. */ property_set("wc_transport.hci_filter_status", "-1"); property_set("wc_transport.start_hci", "false"); bt_powerup(0); } else { #ifdef ENABLE_ANT if (is_ant_req) { ALOGI("%s: connect to ant channel", __func__); q.ant_fd = fd_filter = connect_to_local_socket("ant_sock"); } else #endif #ifdef FM_OVER_UART if (is_fm_req && (q.soc_type >=BT_SOC_ROME && q.soc_type < BT_SOC_RESERVED)) { ALOGI("%s: connect to fm channel", __func__); q.fm_fd = fd_filter = connect_to_local_socket("fm_sock"); } else #endif { ALOGI("%s: connect to bt channel", __func__); vnd_userial.fd = fd_filter = connect_to_local_socket("bt_sock"); } if (fd_filter != -1) { ALOGV("%s: received the socket fd: %d \n", __func__, fd_filter); for (idx=0; idx < CH_MAX; idx++) { (*fd_array)[idx] = fd_filter; } retval = 1; } else { #ifdef ENABLE_ANT if (is_ant_req) ALOGE("Unable to connect to ANT Server Socket!!!"); else #endif #ifdef FM_OVER_UART if (is_fm_req) ALOGE("Unable to connect to FM Server Socket!!!"); else #endif ALOGE("Unable to connect to BT Server Socket!!!"); retval = -1; } } } break; default: ALOGE("Unknown soc_type: 0x%x", q.soc_type); break; } } break; #ifdef ENABLE_ANT case BT_VND_OP_ANT_USERIAL_CLOSE: { pthread_mutex_lock(&q_lock); ALOGI("bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_ANT_USERIAL_CLOSE"); property_set("wc_transport.clean_up","1"); if (q.ant_fd != -1) { ALOGE("closing ant_fd"); close(q.ant_fd); q.ant_fd = -1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&q_lock); } break; #endif #ifdef FM_OVER_UART case BT_VND_OP_FM_USERIAL_CLOSE: { ALOGI("bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_FM_USERIAL_CLOSE"); property_set("wc_transport.clean_up","1"); if (q.fm_fd != -1) { ALOGE("closing fm_fd"); close(q.fm_fd); q.fm_fd = -1; } break; } #endif case BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_CLOSE: { ALOGI("bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_CLOSE soc_type: %d", q.soc_type); switch(q.soc_type) { case BT_SOC_DEFAULT: bt_hci_deinit_transport(q.fd); break; case BT_SOC_ROME: case BT_SOC_AR3K: case BT_SOC_CHEROKEE: { pthread_mutex_lock(&q_lock); property_set("wc_transport.clean_up","1"); userial_vendor_close(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&q_lock); break; } default: ALOGE("Unknown soc_type: 0x%x", q.soc_type); break; } } break; case BT_VND_OP_GET_LPM_IDLE_TIMEOUT: { if (!param) { ALOGE("opcode = %d: param is null", opcode_init); break; } uint32_t *timeout_ms = (uint32_t *) param; *timeout_ms = 1000; } break; case BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE: if (q.soc_type == BT_SOC_AR3K) { if (!param) { ALOGE("opcode = %d: param is null", opcode_init); break; } uint8_t *mode = (uint8_t *) param; if (*mode) { lpm_set_ar3k(UPIO_LPM_MODE, UPIO_ASSERT, 0); } else { lpm_set_ar3k(UPIO_LPM_MODE, UPIO_DEASSERT, 0); } q.cb->lpm_cb(BT_VND_OP_RESULT_SUCCESS); } else { int lpm_result = BT_VND_OP_RESULT_SUCCESS; property_get("persist.service.bdroid.lpmcfg", lpm_config, "all"); ALOGI("%s: property_get: persist.service.bdroid.lpmcfg: %s", __func__, lpm_config); if (!strcmp(lpm_config, "all")) { // respond with success since we want to hold wake lock through LPM lpm_result = BT_VND_OP_RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { lpm_result = BT_VND_OP_RESULT_FAIL; } q.cb->lpm_cb(lpm_result); } break; case BT_VND_OP_LPM_WAKE_SET_STATE: { switch(q.soc_type) { case BT_SOC_CHEROKEE: case BT_SOC_ROME: { if (!param) { ALOGE("opcode = %d: param is null", opcode_init); break; } uint8_t *state = (uint8_t *) param; uint8_t wake_assert = (*state == BT_VND_LPM_WAKE_ASSERT) ? \ BT_VND_LPM_WAKE_ASSERT : BT_VND_LPM_WAKE_DEASSERT; if (wake_assert == 0) ALOGV("ASSERT: Waking up BT-Device"); else if (wake_assert == 1) ALOGV("DEASSERT: Allowing BT-Device to Sleep"); #ifdef QCOM_BT_SIBS_ENABLE ALOGI("Invoking HCI H4 callback function"); q.cb->lpm_set_state_cb(wake_assert); #endif } break; case BT_SOC_AR3K: { if (!param) { ALOGE("opcode = %d: param is null", opcode_init); break; } uint8_t *state = (uint8_t *) param; uint8_t wake_assert = (*state == BT_VND_LPM_WAKE_ASSERT) ? \ UPIO_ASSERT : UPIO_DEASSERT; lpm_set_ar3k(UPIO_BT_WAKE, wake_assert, 0); } case BT_SOC_DEFAULT: break; default: ALOGE("Unknown soc_type: 0x%x", q.soc_type); break; } } break; case BT_VND_OP_EPILOG: { #if (HW_NEED_END_WITH_HCI_RESET == FALSE) q.cb->epilog_cb(BT_VND_OP_RESULT_SUCCESS); #else switch(q.soc_type) { case BT_SOC_CHEROKEE: case BT_SOC_ROME: { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {'\0'}; property_get("wc_transport.hci_filter_status", value, "0"); if(is_soc_initialized()&& (strcmp(value,"1") == 0)) { __hw_epilog_process(); } else { q.cb->epilog_cb(BT_VND_OP_RESULT_SUCCESS); } } break; default: __hw_epilog_process(); break; } #endif } break; case BT_VND_OP_GET_LINESPEED: { retval = -1; if(!is_soc_initialized()) { ALOGE("BT_VND_OP_GET_LINESPEED: error" " - transport driver not initialized!"); break; } switch(q.soc_type) { case BT_SOC_CHEROKEE: retval = 3200000; break; case BT_SOC_ROME: retval = 3000000; break; default: retval = userial_vendor_get_baud(); break; } break; } } out: ALOGV("--%s", __FUNCTION__); return retval; } static void ssr_cleanup(int reason) { int pwr_state = BT_VND_PWR_OFF; int ret; unsigned char trig_ssr = 0xEE; #ifndef ENABLE_ANT (void)reason; // unused #endif ALOGI("++%s", __FUNCTION__); if (property_set("wc_transport.patch_dnld_inprog", "null") < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to set property"); } if (q.soc_type >= BT_SOC_ROME && q.soc_type < BT_SOC_RESERVED) { #ifdef ENABLE_ANT /*Indicate to filter by sending special byte */ if (reason == CMD_TIMEOUT) { trig_ssr = 0xEE; ret = write (vnd_userial.fd, &trig_ssr, 1); ALOGI("Trig_ssr is being sent to BT socket, ret %d err %s", ret, strerror(errno)); if (is_debug_force_special_bytes()) { /* * Then we should send special byte to crash SOC in * WCNSS_Filter, so we do not need to power off UART here. */ goto out; } } /* Close both ANT channel */ op(BT_VND_OP_ANT_USERIAL_CLOSE, NULL); #endif /* Close both BT channel */ op(BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_CLOSE, NULL); #ifdef FM_OVER_UART op(BT_VND_OP_FM_USERIAL_CLOSE, NULL); #endif /*CTRL OFF twice to make sure hw * turns off*/ #ifdef ENABLE_ANT op(BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL, &pwr_state); #endif } /*Generally switching of chip should be enough*/ op(BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL, &pwr_state); out: ALOGI("--%s", __FUNCTION__); } /** Closes the interface */ static void cleanup(void) { ALOGI("cleanup"); pthread_mutex_lock(&q_lock); q.cb = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&q_lock); #ifdef WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC isInit = 0; #endif /* WIFI_BT_STATUS_SYNC */ } /* Check for one of the cients ANT/BT patch download is already in ** progress if yes wait till complete */ void wait_for_patch_download(bool is_ant_req) { ALOGV("%s:", __FUNCTION__); char inProgress[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {'\0'}; while (1) { property_get("wc_transport.patch_dnld_inprog", inProgress, "null"); if(is_ant_req && !(strcmp(inProgress,"bt"))) { //ANT request, wait for BT to finish usleep(50000); } else if(!is_ant_req && !(strcmp(inProgress,"ant"))) { //BT request, wait for ANT to finish usleep(50000); } else { ALOGI("%s: patch download completed", __FUNCTION__); break; } } } bool is_download_progress () { char inProgress[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {'\0'}; bool retval = false; ALOGV("%s:", __FUNCTION__); if ((q.soc_type = get_bt_soc_type()) < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to detect BT SOC Type", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } switch(q.soc_type) { case BT_SOC_ROME: ALOGI("%s: ROME case", __func__); property_get("wc_transport.patch_dnld_inprog", inProgress, "null"); if(strcmp(inProgress,"null") == 0) { retval = false; } else { retval = true; } break; case BT_SOC_CHEROKEE: ALOGI("%s: CHEROKEE case", __func__); break; case BT_SOC_DEFAULT: break; default: ALOGE("Unknown btSocType: 0x%x", q.soc_type); break; } return retval; } static bool is_debug_force_special_bytes() { int ret = 0; char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {'\0'}; bool enabled = false; #ifdef ENABLE_DBG_FLAGS enabled = true; #endif ret = property_get("wc_transport.force_special_byte", value, NULL); if (ret) { enabled = (strcmp(value, "false") ==0) ? false : true; ALOGV("%s: wc_transport.force_special_byte: %s, enabled: %d ", __func__, value, enabled); } return enabled; } // Entry point of DLib const bt_vendor_interface_t BLUETOOTH_VENDOR_LIB_INTERFACE = { sizeof(bt_vendor_interface_t), init, op, cleanup };