/* Copyright (c) 2013-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #ifndef in_addr_t typedef uint32_t in_addr_t; #endif #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <net/if.h> #include "IPACM_Iface.h" #include "IPACM_ConntrackListener.h" #include "IPACM_ConntrackClient.h" #include "IPACM_Log.h" #define LO_NAME "lo" extern IPACM_EvtDispatcher cm_dis; extern void ParseCTMessage(struct nf_conntrack *ct); IPACM_ConntrackClient *IPACM_ConntrackClient::pInstance = NULL; IPACM_ConntrackListener *CtList = NULL; /* ================================ Local Function Definitions ================================= */ IPACM_ConntrackClient::IPACM_ConntrackClient() { IPACMDBG("\n"); tcp_hdl = NULL; udp_hdl = NULL; tcp_filter = NULL; udp_filter = NULL; fd_tcp = -1; fd_udp = -1; subscrips_tcp = NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_UPDATE | NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_DESTROY; subscrips_udp = NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_NEW | NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_DESTROY; } IPACM_ConntrackClient* IPACM_ConntrackClient::GetInstance() { if(pInstance == NULL) { pInstance = new IPACM_ConntrackClient(); pInstance->udp_filter = nfct_filter_create(); if(pInstance->udp_filter == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to create UDP filter\n"); delete pInstance; return NULL; } IPACMDBG("Created UDP filter\n"); pInstance->tcp_filter = nfct_filter_create(); if(pInstance->tcp_filter == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to create TCP filter\n"); delete pInstance; return NULL; } IPACMDBG("Created TCP filter\n"); } return pInstance; } int IPACM_ConntrackClient::IPAConntrackEventCB ( enum nf_conntrack_msg_type type, struct nf_conntrack *ct, void *data ) { ipacm_cmd_q_data evt_data; ipacm_ct_evt_data *ct_data; uint8_t ip_type = 0; data = NULL; IPACMDBG("Event callback called with msgtype: %d\n",type); /* Retrieve ip type */ ip_type = nfct_get_attr_u8(ct, ATTR_REPL_L3PROTO); #ifndef CT_OPT if(AF_INET6 == ip_type) { IPACMDBG("Ignoring ipv6(%d) connections\n", ip_type); goto IGNORE; } #endif ct_data = (ipacm_ct_evt_data *)malloc(sizeof(ipacm_ct_evt_data)); if(ct_data == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to allocate memory \n"); goto IGNORE; } ct_data->ct = ct; ct_data->type = type; evt_data.event = IPA_PROCESS_CT_MESSAGE; evt_data.evt_data = (void *)ct_data; #ifdef CT_OPT if(AF_INET6 == ip_type) { evt_data.event = IPA_PROCESS_CT_MESSAGE_V6; } #endif if(0 != IPACM_EvtDispatcher::PostEvt(&evt_data)) { IPACMERR("Error sending Conntrack message to processing thread!\n"); free(ct_data); goto IGNORE; } /* NFCT_CB_STOLEN means that the conntrack object is not released after the callback That must be manually done later when the object is no longer needed. */ return NFCT_CB_STOLEN; IGNORE: nfct_destroy(ct); return NFCT_CB_STOLEN; } int IPACM_ConntrackClient::IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Bridge_Addrs ( struct nfct_filter *filter ) { int fd; fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if(fd < 0) { PERROR("unable to open socket"); return -1; } int ret; uint32_t ipv4_addr; struct ifreq ifr; /* retrieve bridge interface ipv4 address */ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq)); ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET; if(strlen(IPACM_Iface::ipacmcfg->ipa_virtual_iface_name) >= sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)) { IPACMERR("interface name overflows: len %zu\n", strlen(IPACM_Iface::ipacmcfg->ipa_virtual_iface_name)); close(fd); return -1; } (void)strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, IPACM_Iface::ipacmcfg->ipa_virtual_iface_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)); IPACMDBG("bridge interface name (%s)\n", ifr.ifr_name); ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr); if (ret < 0) { IPACMERR("unable to retrieve (%s) interface address\n",ifr.ifr_name); close(fd); return -1; } IPACMDBG("Interface (%s) address %s\n", ifr.ifr_name, inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr)); ipv4_addr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); close(fd); /* ignore whatever is destined to or originates from broadcast ip address */ struct nfct_filter_ipv4 filter_ipv4; filter_ipv4.addr = ipv4_addr; filter_ipv4.mask = 0xffffffff; nfct_filter_set_logic(filter, NFCT_FILTER_DST_IPV4, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_NEGATIVE); nfct_filter_add_attr(filter, NFCT_FILTER_DST_IPV4, &filter_ipv4); nfct_filter_set_logic(filter, NFCT_FILTER_SRC_IPV4, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_NEGATIVE); nfct_filter_add_attr(filter, NFCT_FILTER_SRC_IPV4, &filter_ipv4); return 0; } int IPACM_ConntrackClient::IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Local_Iface ( struct nfct_filter *filter, ipacm_event_iface_up *param ) { struct nfct_filter_ipv4 filter_ipv4; filter_ipv4.addr = param->ipv4_addr; filter_ipv4.mask = 0xffffffff; /* ignore whatever is destined to local interfaces */ IPACMDBG("Ignore connections destinated to interface %s", param->ifname); iptodot("with ipv4 address", param->ipv4_addr); nfct_filter_set_logic(filter, NFCT_FILTER_DST_IPV4, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_NEGATIVE); nfct_filter_add_attr(filter, NFCT_FILTER_DST_IPV4, &filter_ipv4); IPACMDBG("Ignore connections orignated from interface %s", param->ifname); iptodot("with ipv4 address", filter_ipv4.addr); nfct_filter_set_logic(filter, NFCT_FILTER_SRC_IPV4, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_NEGATIVE); nfct_filter_add_attr(filter, NFCT_FILTER_SRC_IPV4, &filter_ipv4); /* Retrieve broadcast address */ /* Intialize with */ uint32_t bc_ip_addr = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* calculate broadcast address from addr and addr_mask */ bc_ip_addr = (bc_ip_addr & (~param->addr_mask)); bc_ip_addr = (bc_ip_addr | (param->ipv4_addr & param->addr_mask)); /* netfitler expecting in host-byte order */ filter_ipv4.addr = bc_ip_addr; filter_ipv4.mask = 0xffffffff; iptodot("with broadcast address", filter_ipv4.addr); nfct_filter_set_logic(filter, NFCT_FILTER_DST_IPV4, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_NEGATIVE); nfct_filter_add_attr(filter, NFCT_FILTER_DST_IPV4, &filter_ipv4); return 0; } /* Function which sets up filters to ignore connections to and from local interfaces */ int IPACM_ConntrackClient::IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Local_Addrs ( struct nfct_filter *filter ) { struct nfct_filter_ipv4 filter_ipv4; /* ignore whatever is destined to or originates from broadcast ip address */ filter_ipv4.addr = 0xffffffff; filter_ipv4.mask = 0xffffffff; nfct_filter_set_logic(filter, NFCT_FILTER_DST_IPV4, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_NEGATIVE); nfct_filter_add_attr(filter, NFCT_FILTER_DST_IPV4, &filter_ipv4); nfct_filter_set_logic(filter, NFCT_FILTER_SRC_IPV4, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_NEGATIVE); nfct_filter_add_attr(filter, NFCT_FILTER_SRC_IPV4, &filter_ipv4); return 0; } /* IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Local_Addrs() */ /* Initialize TCP Filter */ int IPACM_ConntrackClient::IPA_Conntrack_TCP_Filter_Init(void) { int ret = 0; IPACM_ConntrackClient *pClient; IPACMDBG("\n"); pClient = IPACM_ConntrackClient::GetInstance(); if(pClient == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to get conntrack client instance\n"); return -1; } ret = nfct_filter_set_logic(pClient->tcp_filter, NFCT_FILTER_L4PROTO, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_POSITIVE); if(ret == -1) { IPACMERR("Unable to set filter logic\n"); return -1; } /* set protocol filters as tcp and udp */ nfct_filter_add_attr_u32(pClient->tcp_filter, NFCT_FILTER_L4PROTO, IPPROTO_TCP); struct nfct_filter_proto tcp_proto_state; tcp_proto_state.proto = IPPROTO_TCP; tcp_proto_state.state = TCP_CONNTRACK_ESTABLISHED; ret = nfct_filter_set_logic(pClient->tcp_filter, NFCT_FILTER_L4PROTO_STATE, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_POSITIVE); if(ret == -1) { IPACMERR("unable to set filter logic\n"); return -1; } nfct_filter_add_attr(pClient->tcp_filter, NFCT_FILTER_L4PROTO_STATE, &tcp_proto_state); tcp_proto_state.proto = IPPROTO_TCP; tcp_proto_state.state = TCP_CONNTRACK_FIN_WAIT; ret = nfct_filter_set_logic(pClient->tcp_filter, NFCT_FILTER_L4PROTO_STATE, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_POSITIVE); if(ret == -1) { IPACMERR("unable to set filter logic\n"); return -1; } nfct_filter_add_attr(pClient->tcp_filter, NFCT_FILTER_L4PROTO_STATE, &tcp_proto_state); return 0; } /* Initialize UDP Filter */ int IPACM_ConntrackClient::IPA_Conntrack_UDP_Filter_Init(void) { int ret = 0; IPACM_ConntrackClient *pClient = IPACM_ConntrackClient::GetInstance(); if(pClient == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to get conntrack client instance\n"); return -1; } ret = nfct_filter_set_logic(pClient->udp_filter, NFCT_FILTER_L4PROTO, NFCT_FILTER_LOGIC_POSITIVE); if(ret == -1) { IPACMERR("unable to set filter logic\n"); } /* set protocol filters as tcp and udp */ nfct_filter_add_attr_u32(pClient->udp_filter, NFCT_FILTER_L4PROTO, IPPROTO_UDP); return 0; } void* IPACM_ConntrackClient::UDPConnTimeoutUpdate(void *ptr) { NatApp *nat_inst = NULL; ptr = NULL; #ifdef IPACM_DEBUG IPACMDBG("\n"); #endif nat_inst = NatApp::GetInstance(); if(nat_inst == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to create nat instance\n"); return NULL; } while(1) { nat_inst->UpdateUDPTimeStamp(); sleep(UDP_TIMEOUT_UPDATE); } /* end of while(1) loop */ #ifdef IPACM_DEBUG IPACMDBG("Returning from %s() %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); #endif return NULL; } /* Thread to initialize TCP Conntrack Filters*/ void* IPACM_ConntrackClient::TCPRegisterWithConnTrack(void *) { int ret; IPACM_ConntrackClient *pClient; unsigned subscrips = 0; IPACMDBG("\n"); pClient = IPACM_ConntrackClient::GetInstance(); if(pClient == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to get conntrack client instance\n"); return NULL; } subscrips = (NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_UPDATE | NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_DESTROY); #ifdef CT_OPT subscrips |= NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_NEW; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_IPACM_HAL if (pClient->fd_tcp < 0) { IPACMERR("unable to get conntrack TCP handle due to fd_tcp is invalid \n"); return NULL; } else { pClient->tcp_hdl = nfct_open2(CONNTRACK, subscrips, pClient->fd_tcp); } #else pClient->tcp_hdl = nfct_open(CONNTRACK, subscrips); #endif if(pClient->tcp_hdl == NULL) { PERROR("nfct_open failed on getting tcp_hdl\n"); return NULL; } /* Initialize the filter */ ret = IPA_Conntrack_TCP_Filter_Init(); if(ret == -1) { IPACMERR("Unable to initliaze TCP Filter\n"); return NULL; } /* Attach the filter to net filter handler */ ret = nfct_filter_attach(nfct_fd(pClient->tcp_hdl), pClient->tcp_filter); if(ret == -1) { IPACMDBG("unable to attach TCP filter\n"); return NULL; } /* Register callback with netfilter handler */ IPACMDBG_H("tcp handle:%pK, fd:%d\n", pClient->tcp_hdl, nfct_fd(pClient->tcp_hdl)); #ifndef CT_OPT nfct_callback_register(pClient->tcp_hdl, (nf_conntrack_msg_type) (NFCT_T_UPDATE | NFCT_T_DESTROY | NFCT_T_NEW), IPAConntrackEventCB, NULL); #else nfct_callback_register(pClient->tcp_hdl, (nf_conntrack_msg_type) NFCT_T_ALL, IPAConntrackEventCB, NULL); #endif /* Block to catch events from net filter connection track */ /* nfct_catch() receives conntrack events from kernel-space, by default it blocks waiting for events. */ IPACMDBG("Waiting for events\n"); ctcatch: ret = nfct_catch(pClient->tcp_hdl); if((ret == -1) && (errno != ENOMSG)) { IPACMERR("(%d)(%d)(%s)\n", ret, errno, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } else { IPACMDBG("ctcatch ret:%d, errno:%d\n", ret, errno); goto ctcatch; } IPACMDBG("Exit from tcp thread\n"); /* destroy the filter.. this will not detach the filter */ nfct_filter_destroy(pClient->tcp_filter); pClient->tcp_filter = NULL; /* de-register the callback */ nfct_callback_unregister(pClient->tcp_hdl); /* close the handle */ #ifdef FEATURE_IPACM_HAL nfct_close2(pClient->tcp_hdl, true); #else nfct_close(pClient->tcp_hdl); #endif pClient->tcp_hdl = NULL; pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; } /* Thread to initialize UDP Conntrack Filters*/ void* IPACM_ConntrackClient::UDPRegisterWithConnTrack(void *) { int ret; IPACM_ConntrackClient *pClient = NULL; IPACMDBG("\n"); pClient = IPACM_ConntrackClient::GetInstance(); if(pClient == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to retrieve instance of conntrack client\n"); return NULL; } #ifdef FEATURE_IPACM_HAL if (pClient->fd_udp < 0) { IPACMERR("unable to get conntrack UDP handle due to fd_udp is invalid \n"); return NULL; } else { pClient->udp_hdl = nfct_open2(CONNTRACK, (NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_NEW | NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_DESTROY), pClient->fd_udp); } #else pClient->udp_hdl = nfct_open(CONNTRACK, (NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_NEW | NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_DESTROY)); #endif if(pClient->udp_hdl == NULL) { PERROR("nfct_open failed on getting udp_hdl\n"); return NULL; } /* Initialize Filter */ ret = IPA_Conntrack_UDP_Filter_Init(); if(-1 == ret) { IPACMDBG("Unable to initalize udp filters\n"); return NULL; } /* Attach the filter to net filter handler */ ret = nfct_filter_attach(nfct_fd(pClient->udp_hdl), pClient->udp_filter); if(ret == -1) { IPACMDBG("unable to attach the filter\n"); return NULL; } /* Register callback with netfilter handler */ IPACMDBG_H("udp handle:%pK, fd:%d\n", pClient->udp_hdl, nfct_fd(pClient->udp_hdl)); nfct_callback_register(pClient->udp_hdl, (nf_conntrack_msg_type)(NFCT_T_NEW | NFCT_T_DESTROY), IPAConntrackEventCB, NULL); /* Block to catch events from net filter connection track */ ctcatch: ret = nfct_catch(pClient->udp_hdl); /* Due to conntrack dump, sequence number might mismatch for initial events. */ if((ret == -1) && (errno != ENOMSG) && (errno != EILSEQ)) { IPACMDBG("(%d)(%d)(%s)\n", ret, errno, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } else { IPACMDBG("ctcatch ret:%d, errno:%d\n", ret, errno); goto ctcatch; } IPACMDBG("Exit from udp thread with ret: %d\n", ret); /* destroy the filter.. this will not detach the filter */ nfct_filter_destroy(pClient->udp_filter); pClient->udp_filter = NULL; /* de-register the callback */ nfct_callback_unregister(pClient->udp_hdl); /* close the handle */ #ifdef FEATURE_IPACM_HAL nfct_close2(pClient->udp_hdl, true); #else nfct_close(pClient->udp_hdl); #endif pClient->udp_hdl = NULL; pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; } /* Thread to initialize TCP Conntrack Filters*/ void IPACM_ConntrackClient::UNRegisterWithConnTrack(void) { IPACM_ConntrackClient *pClient = NULL; IPACMDBG("\n"); pClient = IPACM_ConntrackClient::GetInstance(); if(pClient == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to retrieve instance of conntrack client\n"); return; } /* destroy the TCP filter.. this will not detach the filter */ if (pClient->tcp_filter) { nfct_filter_destroy(pClient->tcp_filter); pClient->tcp_filter = NULL; } /* de-register the callback */ if (pClient->tcp_hdl) { nfct_callback_unregister(pClient->tcp_hdl); /* close the handle */ nfct_close(pClient->tcp_hdl); pClient->tcp_hdl = NULL; } /* destroy the filter.. this will not detach the filter */ if (pClient->udp_filter) { nfct_filter_destroy(pClient->udp_filter); pClient->udp_filter = NULL; } /* de-register the callback */ if (pClient->udp_hdl) { nfct_callback_unregister(pClient->udp_hdl); /* close the handle */ nfct_close(pClient->udp_hdl); pClient->udp_hdl = NULL; } pClient->fd_tcp = -1; pClient->fd_udp = -1; return; } void IPACM_ConntrackClient::UpdateUDPFilters(void *param, bool isWan) { static bool isIgnore = false; int ret = 0; IPACM_ConntrackClient *pClient = NULL; pClient = IPACM_ConntrackClient::GetInstance(); if(pClient == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to retrieve conntrack client instance\n"); return; } if(pClient->udp_filter == NULL) { return; } if(!isWan) { IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Local_Iface(pClient->udp_filter, (ipacm_event_iface_up *)param); if(!isIgnore) { IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Bridge_Addrs(pClient->udp_filter); IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Local_Addrs(pClient->udp_filter); isIgnore = true; } } /* Attach the filter to udp handle */ if(pClient->udp_hdl != NULL) { IPACMDBG("attaching the filter to udp handle\n"); ret = nfct_filter_attach(nfct_fd(pClient->udp_hdl), pClient->udp_filter); if(ret == -1) { PERROR("unable to attach the filter to udp handle\n"); IPACMERR("udp handle:%pK, fd:%d Error: %d\n",pClient->udp_hdl, nfct_fd(pClient->udp_hdl), ret); return; } } return; } void IPACM_ConntrackClient::UpdateTCPFilters(void *param, bool isWan) { static bool isIgnore = false; int ret = 0; IPACM_ConntrackClient *pClient = NULL; pClient = IPACM_ConntrackClient::GetInstance(); if(pClient == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to retrieve conntrack client instance\n"); return; } if(pClient->tcp_filter == NULL) return; if(!isWan) { IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Local_Iface(pClient->tcp_filter, (ipacm_event_iface_up *)param); if(!isIgnore) { IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Bridge_Addrs(pClient->udp_filter); IPA_Conntrack_Filters_Ignore_Local_Addrs(pClient->udp_filter); isIgnore = true; } } /* Attach the filter to tcp handle */ if(pClient->tcp_hdl != NULL) { IPACMDBG("attaching the filter to tcp handle\n"); ret = nfct_filter_attach(nfct_fd(pClient->tcp_hdl), pClient->tcp_filter); if(ret == -1) { PERROR("unable to attach the filter to tcp handle\n"); IPACMERR("tcp handle:%pK, fd:%d Error: %d\n",pClient->tcp_hdl, nfct_fd(pClient->tcp_hdl), ret); return; } } return; }