* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.car.rotary;
import static android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfo.FLAG_REQUEST_FILTER_KEY_EVENTS;
import static android.car.settings.CarSettings.Secure.KEY_ROTARY_KEY_EVENT_FILTER;
import static android.provider.Settings.Secure.DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD;
import static android.view.Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY;
import static android.view.KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN;
import static android.view.KeyEvent.ACTION_UP;
import static android.view.KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.PRIVATE_FLAG_TRUSTED_OVERLAY;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS_CLEARED;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOWS_CHANGED;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.WINDOWS_CHANGE_ADDED;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.WINDOWS_CHANGE_REMOVED;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLEAR_FOCUS;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLICK;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_FOCUS;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_LONG_CLICK;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SELECT;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_APPLICATION;
import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD;
import static com.android.car.ui.utils.RotaryConstants.ACTION_DISMISS_POPUP_WINDOW;
import static com.android.car.ui.utils.RotaryConstants.ACTION_HIDE_IME;
import static com.android.car.ui.utils.RotaryConstants.ACTION_NUDGE_SHORTCUT;
import static com.android.car.ui.utils.RotaryConstants.ACTION_NUDGE_TO_ANOTHER_FOCUS_AREA;
import static com.android.car.ui.utils.RotaryConstants.ACTION_QUERY_NUDGE_DISABLED;
import static com.android.car.ui.utils.RotaryConstants.ACTION_RESTORE_DEFAULT_FOCUS;
import static com.android.car.ui.utils.RotaryConstants.NUDGE_DIRECTION;
import android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService;
import android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfo;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.car.Car;
import android.car.CarOccupantZoneManager;
import android.car.input.CarInputManager;
import android.car.input.RotaryEvent;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.graphics.PixelFormat;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager;
import android.hardware.input.InputManager;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.os.UserManager;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.IndentingPrintWriter;
import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.InputDevice;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import com.android.car.ui.utils.DirectManipulationHelper;
import com.android.internal.util.ArrayUtils;
import com.android.internal.util.dump.DualDumpOutputStream;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* A service that can change focus based on rotary controller rotation and nudges, and perform
* clicks based on rotary controller center button clicks.
* As an {@link AccessibilityService}, this service responds to {@link KeyEvent}s (on debug builds
* only) and {@link AccessibilityEvent}s.
* On debug builds, {@link KeyEvent}s coming from the keyboard are handled by clicking the view, or
* moving the focus, sometimes within a window and sometimes between windows.
* This service listens to two types of {@link AccessibilityEvent}s: {@link
* AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED} and {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED}. The
* former is used to keep {@link #mFocusedNode} up to date as the focus changes. The latter is used
* to detect when the user switches from rotary mode to touch mode and to keep {@link
* #mLastTouchedNode} up to date.
* As a {@link CarInputManager.CarInputCaptureCallback}, this service responds to {@link KeyEvent}s
* and {@link RotaryEvent}s, both of which are coming from the controller.
* {@link KeyEvent}s are handled by clicking the view, or moving the focus, sometimes within a
* window and sometimes between windows.
* {@link RotaryEvent}s are handled by moving the focus within the same {@link
* com.android.car.ui.FocusArea}.
* Note: onFoo methods are all called on the main thread so no locks are needed.
public class RotaryService extends AccessibilityService implements
CarInputManager.CarInputCaptureCallback {
* How many detents to rotate when the user holds in shift while pressing C, V, Q, or E on a
* debug build.
private static final int SHIFT_DETENTS = 10;
* A value to indicate that it isn't one of the nudge directions. (i.e.
* {@link View#FOCUS_LEFT}, {@link View#FOCUS_UP}, {@link View#FOCUS_RIGHT}, or
* {@link View#FOCUS_DOWN}).
private static final int INVALID_NUDGE_DIRECTION = -1;
* Message for timer indicating that the center button has been held down long enough to trigger
* a long-press.
private static final int MSG_LONG_PRESS = 1;
private static final String SHARED_PREFS = "com.android.car.rotary.RotaryService";
private static final String TOUCH_INPUT_METHOD_PREFIX = "TOUCH_INPUT_METHOD_";
* Key for activity metadata indicating that a nudge in the given direction ("up", "down",
* "left", or "right") that would otherwise do nothing should trigger a global action, e.g.
private static final String OFF_SCREEN_NUDGE_GLOBAL_ACTION_FORMAT = "nudge.%s.globalAction";
* Key for activity metadata indicating that a nudge in the given direction ("up", "down",
* "left", or "right") that would otherwise do nothing should trigger a key click, e.g. {@link
private static final String OFF_SCREEN_NUDGE_KEY_CODE_FORMAT = "nudge.%s.keyCode";
* Key for activity metadata indicating that a nudge in the given direction ("up", "down",
* "left", or "right") that would otherwise do nothing should launch an activity via an intent.
private static final String OFF_SCREEN_NUDGE_INTENT_FORMAT = "nudge.%s.intent";
private static final int INVALID_GLOBAL_ACTION = -1;
private static final int NUM_DIRECTIONS = 4;
* Maps a direction to a string used to look up an off-screen nudge action in an activity's
* metadata.
private static final Map DIRECTION_TO_STRING;
static {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(View.FOCUS_UP, "up");
map.put(View.FOCUS_DOWN, "down");
map.put(View.FOCUS_LEFT, "left");
map.put(View.FOCUS_RIGHT, "right");
DIRECTION_TO_STRING = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
* Maps a direction to an index used to look up an off-screen nudge action in .
* @see #mOffScreenNudgeGlobalActions
* @see #mOffScreenNudgeKeyCodes
* @see #mOffScreenNudgeIntents
private static final Map DIRECTION_TO_INDEX;
static {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(View.FOCUS_UP, 0);
map.put(View.FOCUS_DOWN, 1);
map.put(View.FOCUS_LEFT, 2);
map.put(View.FOCUS_RIGHT, 3);
DIRECTION_TO_INDEX = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
* A reference to {@link #mWindowContext} or null if one hasn't been created. This is static in
* order to prevent the creation of multiple window contexts when this service is enabled and
* disabled repeatedly. Android imposes a limit on the number of window contexts without a
* corresponding surface.
@Nullable private static WeakReference sWindowContext;
private NodeCopier mNodeCopier = new NodeCopier();
private Navigator mNavigator;
/** Input types to capture. */
private final int[] mInputTypes = new int[]{
// Capture controller rotation.
// Capture controller center button clicks.
// Capture controller nudges.
// Capture back button clicks.
* Time interval in milliseconds to decide whether we should accelerate the rotation by 3 times
* for a rotate event.
private int mRotationAcceleration3xMs;
* Time interval in milliseconds to decide whether we should accelerate the rotation by 2 times
* for a rotate event.
private int mRotationAcceleration2xMs;
* The currently focused node, if any. This is typically set when performing {@code
* ACTION_FOCUS} on a node. However, when performing {@code ACTION_FOCUS} on a {@code
* FocusArea}, this is set to the {@code FocusArea} until we receive a {@code TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED}
* event with the descendant of the {@code FocusArea} that was actually focused. It's null if no
* nodes are focused or a {@link com.android.car.ui.FocusParkingView} is focused.
private AccessibilityNodeInfo mFocusedNode = null;
* The node being edited by the IME, if any. When focus moves to the IME, if it's moving from an
* editable node, we leave it focused. This variable is used to keep track of it so that we can
* return to it when the user nudges out of the IME.
private AccessibilityNodeInfo mEditNode = null;
* The focus area that contains the {@link #mFocusedNode}. It's null if {@link #mFocusedNode} is
* null.
private AccessibilityNodeInfo mFocusArea = null;
* The last clicked node by touching the screen, if any were clicked since we last navigated.
AccessibilityNodeInfo mLastTouchedNode = null;
* How many milliseconds to ignore {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED} events after
* performing {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_CLICK} or injecting a {@link
* KeyEvent#KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER} event.
private int mIgnoreViewClickedMs;
* When not {@code null}, {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED} events with this node
* are ignored if they occur within {@link #mIgnoreViewClickedMs} of {@link
* #mLastViewClickedTime}.
AccessibilityNodeInfo mIgnoreViewClickedNode;
* The time of the last {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED} event in {@link
* SystemClock#uptimeMillis}.
private long mLastViewClickedTime;
/** Component name of rotary IME. Empty if none. */
@Nullable private String mRotaryInputMethod;
/** Component name of default IME used in touch mode. */
@Nullable private String mDefaultTouchInputMethod;
/** Component name of current IME used in touch mode. */
@Nullable private String mTouchInputMethod;
/** Observer to update {@link #mTouchInputMethod} when the user switches IMEs. */
private ContentObserver mInputMethodObserver;
/** Observer to update service info when the developer toggles key event filtering. */
private ContentObserver mKeyEventFilterObserver;
private SharedPreferences mPrefs;
private UserManager mUserManager;
* The direction of the HUN. If there is no focused node, or the focused node is outside the
* HUN, nudging to this direction will focus on a node inside the HUN.
int mHunNudgeDirection;
* The direction to escape the HUN. If the focused node is inside the HUN, nudging to this
* direction will move focus to a node outside the HUN, while nudging to other directions
* will do nothing.
int mHunEscapeNudgeDirection;
* Global actions to perform when the user nudges up, down, left, or right off the edge of the
* screen. No global action is performed if the relevant element of this array is
private int[] mOffScreenNudgeGlobalActions;
* Key codes of click events to inject when the user nudges up, down, left, or right off the
* edge of the screen. No event is injected if the relevant element of this array is
* {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_UNKNOWN}.
private int[] mOffScreenNudgeKeyCodes;
* Intents to launch an activity when the user nudges up, down, left, or right off the edge of
* the screen. No activity is launched if the relevant element of this array is null.
private final Intent[] mOffScreenNudgeIntents = new Intent[NUM_DIRECTIONS];
/** An overlay to capture touch events and exit rotary mode. */
@Nullable private FrameLayout mTouchOverlay;
* Possible actions to do after receiving {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED}.
* @see #injectScrollEvent
/** Do nothing. */
public static final int NONE = 1;
/** Focus the view before the focused view in Tab order in the scrollable container, if any. */
public static final int FOCUS_PREVIOUS = 2;
/** Focus the view after the focused view in Tab order in the scrollable container, if any. */
public static final int FOCUS_NEXT = 3;
/** Focus the first view in the scrollable container, if any. */
public static final int FOCUS_FIRST = 4;
/** Focus the last view in the scrollable container, if any. */
public static final int FOCUS_LAST = 5;
@IntDef(prefix = "AFTER_SCROLL_ACTION_", value = {
@interface AfterScrollAction {}
private int mAfterScrollAction = NONE;
* How many milliseconds to wait for a {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED} event after
* scrolling.
private int mAfterScrollTimeoutMs;
* When to give up on receiving {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED}, in
* {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis}.
private long mAfterScrollActionUntil;
/** Whether we're in rotary mode (vs touch mode). */
boolean mInRotaryMode;
* Whether we're in direct manipulation mode.
* If the focused node supports rotate directly, this mode is controlled by us. Otherwise
* this mode is controlled by the client app, which is responsible for updating the mode by
* calling {@link DirectManipulationHelper#enableDirectManipulationMode} when needed.
boolean mInDirectManipulationMode;
* Whether RotaryService is in projection mode. In this mode, events generated by a rotary
* controller will be converted and injected into the projected app.
private boolean mInProjectionMode;
* Package names of projected apps. When the foreground app is a projected app, RotaryService
* will enter projection mode.
private List mProjectedApps = new ArrayList();
/** The {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis} when the last rotary rotation event occurred. */
private long mLastRotateEventTime;
* How many milliseconds the center buttons must be held down before a long-press is triggered.
* This doesn't apply to the application window.
long mLongPressMs;
* Whether the center button was held down long enough to trigger a long-press. In this case, a
* click won't be triggered when the center button is released.
private boolean mLongPressTriggered;
private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
public void handleMessage(@NonNull Message msg) {
if (msg.what == MSG_LONG_PRESS) {
* A context to use for fetching the {@link WindowManager} and creating the touch overlay or
* null if one hasn't been created yet.
@Nullable private Context mWindowContext;
* Mapping from test keycodes to production keycodes. During development, you can use a USB
* keyboard as a stand-in for rotary hardware. To enable this: {@code adb shell settings put
* secure android.car.ROTARY_KEY_EVENT_FILTER 1}.
private static final Map TEST_TO_REAL_KEYCODE_MAP;
private static final Map DIRECTION_TO_KEYCODE_MAP;
static {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER);
map.put(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_R, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK);
// Legacy map
map.put(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ESCAPE, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK);
TEST_TO_REAL_KEYCODE_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
static {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(View.FOCUS_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP);
DIRECTION_TO_KEYCODE_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
static {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
NAVIGATION_KEYCODE_TO_DPAD_KEYCODE_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
private Car mCar;
private CarInputManager mCarInputManager;
private InputManager mInputManager;
/** Component name of foreground activity. */
ComponentName mForegroundActivity;
private WindowManager mWindowManager;
private final WindowCache mWindowCache = new WindowCache();
* The last node which has performed {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_FOCUS} if it hasn't
* reported a {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED} event yet. Null otherwise.
@Nullable private AccessibilityNodeInfo mPendingFocusedNode;
private long mAfterFocusTimeoutMs;
/** Expiration time for {@link #mPendingFocusedNode} in {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis}. */
private long mPendingFocusedExpirationTime;
@Nullable private ContentResolver mContentResolver;
@Nullable private InputMethodManager mInputMethodManager;
private final ExecutorService mExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
private final BroadcastReceiver mAppInstallUninstallReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String packageName = intent.getData().getSchemeSpecificPart();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(packageName)) {
L.e("System sent an empty app install/uninstall broadcast");
if (mNavigator == null) {
L.v("mNavigator is not initialized");
if (Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED.equals(intent.getAction())) {
} else {
public void onCreate() {
Resources res = getResources();
mRotationAcceleration3xMs = res.getInteger(R.integer.rotation_acceleration_3x_ms);
mRotationAcceleration2xMs = res.getInteger(R.integer.rotation_acceleration_2x_ms);
int hunMarginHorizontal =
int hunLeft = hunMarginHorizontal;
WindowManager windowManager = getSystemService(WindowManager.class);
Rect displayBounds = windowManager.getCurrentWindowMetrics().getBounds();
int displayWidth = displayBounds.width();
int displayHeight = displayBounds.height();
int hunRight = displayWidth - hunMarginHorizontal;
boolean showHunOnBottom = res.getBoolean(R.bool.config_showHeadsUpNotificationOnBottom);
mHunNudgeDirection = showHunOnBottom ? View.FOCUS_DOWN : View.FOCUS_UP;
mHunEscapeNudgeDirection = showHunOnBottom ? View.FOCUS_UP : View.FOCUS_DOWN;
mIgnoreViewClickedMs = res.getInteger(R.integer.ignore_view_clicked_ms);
mAfterScrollTimeoutMs = res.getInteger(R.integer.after_scroll_timeout_ms);
mNavigator = new Navigator(displayWidth, displayHeight, hunLeft, hunRight, showHunOnBottom);
mPrefs = createDeviceProtectedStorageContext().getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFS,
mUserManager = getSystemService(UserManager.class);
mInputManager = getSystemService(InputManager.class);
mInputMethodManager = getSystemService(InputMethodManager.class);
if (mInputMethodManager == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to get InputMethodManager");
mRotaryInputMethod = res.getString(R.string.rotary_input_method);
mDefaultTouchInputMethod = res.getString(R.string.default_touch_input_method);
L.d("mRotaryInputMethod:" + mRotaryInputMethod + ", mDefaultTouchInputMethod:"
+ mDefaultTouchInputMethod);
mTouchInputMethod = mPrefs.getString(TOUCH_INPUT_METHOD_PREFIX
+ mUserManager.getUserName(), mDefaultTouchInputMethod);
// TODO(b/346437360): use a better way to initialize mTouchInputMethod.
if (mTouchInputMethod.isEmpty()
|| !Utils.isInstalledIme(mTouchInputMethod, mInputMethodManager)) {
// Workaround for b/323013736.
L.e("mTouchInputMethod is empty or not installed!");
mTouchInputMethod = mDefaultTouchInputMethod;
if (mRotaryInputMethod != null && mRotaryInputMethod.equals(getCurrentIme())) {
// Switch from the rotary IME to the touch IME in case Android defaults to the rotary
// IME.
// TODO(b/169423887): Figure out how to configure the default IME through Android
// without needing to do this.
mAfterFocusTimeoutMs = res.getInteger(R.integer.after_focus_timeout_ms);
mLongPressMs = res.getInteger(R.integer.long_press_ms);
if (mLongPressMs == 0) {
mLongPressMs = ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout();
mOffScreenNudgeGlobalActions = res.getIntArray(R.array.off_screen_nudge_global_actions);
mOffScreenNudgeKeyCodes = res.getIntArray(R.array.off_screen_nudge_key_codes);
String[] intentUrls = res.getStringArray(R.array.off_screen_nudge_intents);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
String intentUrl = intentUrls[i];
if (intentUrl == null || intentUrl.isEmpty()) {
try {
mOffScreenNudgeIntents[i] = Intent.parseUri(intentUrl, Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
L.w("Invalid off-screen nudge intent: " + intentUrl);
mProjectedApps = Arrays.asList(res.getStringArray(R.array.projected_apps));
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
registerReceiver(mAppInstallUninstallReceiver, filter);
if (getBaseContext() != null) {
mContentResolver = getContentResolver();
if (mContentResolver == null) {
L.w("ContentResolver not available");
* Ensure that the IME configuration passed as argument is also available in
* {@link InputMethodManager}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the ime configuration passed as argument is not available
* in {@link InputMethodManager}
private void validateImeConfiguration(String imeConfiguration) {
if (!Utils.isInstalledIme(imeConfiguration, mInputMethodManager)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("%s is not installed (run "
+ "`dumpsys input_method` to list all available input methods)",
* {@inheritDoc}
* We need to access WindowManager in onCreate() and
* IAccessibilityServiceClientWrapper.Callbacks#init(). Since WindowManager is a visual
* service, only Activity or other visual Context can access it. So we create a window context
* (a visual context) and delegate getSystemService() to it.
public Object getSystemService(@ServiceName @NonNull String name) {
// Guarantee that we always return the same WindowManager instance.
if (WINDOW_SERVICE.equals(name)) {
if (mWindowManager == null) {
Context windowContext = getWindowContext();
mWindowManager = (WindowManager) windowContext.getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE);
return mWindowManager;
return super.getSystemService(name);
public void onServiceConnected() {
mCar = Car.createCar(this, null, Car.CAR_WAIT_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER,
(car, ready) -> {
mCar = car;
if (ready) {
mCarInputManager =
(CarInputManager) mCar.getCarManager(Car.CAR_INPUT_SERVICE);
if (mCarInputManager == null) {
// Do nothing if mCarInputManager is null. When it becomes not null,
// this lifecycle event will be called again.
/* callback= */ this);
// Add an overlay to capture touch events.
// Register an observer to update mTouchInputMethod whenever the user switches IMEs.
// Register an observer to update the service info when the developer changes the filter
// setting.
public void onInterrupt() {
public void onDestroy() {
if (mCarInputManager != null) {
if (mCar != null) {
// Reset to touch IME if the current IME is rotary IME.
mInRotaryMode = false;
public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
L.v("onAccessibilityEvent: " + event);
AccessibilityNodeInfo source = event.getSource();
if (source != null) {
L.v("event source: " + source);
L.v("event window ID: " + Integer.toHexString(event.getWindowId()));
switch (event.getEventType()) {
handleViewFocusedEvent(event, source);
handleViewClickedEvent(event, source);
updateDirectManipulationMode(event, true);
updateDirectManipulationMode(event, false);
if (source != null) {
AccessibilityWindowInfo window = source.getWindow();
if (window != null) {
if (window.getType() == TYPE_APPLICATION
&& window.getDisplayId() == DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
onForegroundActivityChanged(source, window,
event.getPackageName(), event.getClassName());
if ((event.getWindowChanges() & WINDOWS_CHANGE_REMOVED) != 0) {
if ((event.getWindowChanges() & WINDOWS_CHANGE_ADDED) != 0) {
// Do nothing.
* Callback of {@link AccessibilityService}. It allows us to observe testing {@link KeyEvent}s
* from keyboard, including keys "C" and "V" to emulate controller rotation, keys "J" "L" "I"
* "K" to emulate controller nudges, and key "Comma" to emulate center button clicks.
protected boolean onKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
L.v("onKeyEvent " + event);
if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) {
return handleKeyEvent(event);
return false;
* Callback of {@link CarInputManager.CarInputCaptureCallback}. It allows us to capture {@link
* KeyEvent}s generated by a navigation controller, such as controller nudge and controller
* click events.
public void onKeyEvents(int targetDisplayType, @NonNull List events) {
if (!isValidDisplayType(targetDisplayType)) {
L.w("Invalid display type " + targetDisplayType);
for (KeyEvent event : events) {
L.v("onKeyEvents " + event);
* Callback of {@link CarInputManager.CarInputCaptureCallback}. It allows us to capture {@link
* RotaryEvent}s generated by a navigation controller.
public void onRotaryEvents(int targetDisplayType, @NonNull List events) {
if (!isValidDisplayType(targetDisplayType)) {
L.w("Invalid display type " + targetDisplayType);
for (RotaryEvent rotaryEvent : events) {
L.v("onRotaryEvents " + rotaryEvent);
private Context getWindowContext() {
if (mWindowContext == null && sWindowContext != null) {
mWindowContext = sWindowContext.get();
if (mWindowContext != null) {
L.d("Reusing window context");
if (mWindowContext == null) {
// We need to set the display before creating the WindowContext.
DisplayManager displayManager = getSystemService(DisplayManager.class);
Display primaryDisplay = displayManager.getDisplay(DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
L.d("Creating window context");
mWindowContext = createWindowContext(TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, null);
sWindowContext = new WeakReference<>(mWindowContext);
return mWindowContext;
* Adds an overlay to capture touch events. The overlay has zero width and height so
* it doesn't prevent other windows from receiving touch events. It sets
* {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH} so it receives
* {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_OUTSIDE} events for touches anywhere on the screen. This
* is used to exit rotary mode when the user touches the screen, even if the touch
* isn't considered a click.
private void addTouchOverlay() {
// Remove existing touch overlay if any.
// Only views with a visual context, such as a window context, can be added by
// WindowManager.
mTouchOverlay = new FrameLayout(getWindowContext());
FrameLayout.LayoutParams frameLayoutParams =
new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(/* width= */ 0, /* height= */ 0);
mTouchOverlay.setOnTouchListener((view, event) -> {
// We're trying to identify real touches from the user's fingers, but using the rotary
// controller to press keys in the rotary IME also triggers this touch listener, so we
// ignore these touches.
if (mIgnoreViewClickedNode == null
|| event.getEventTime() >= mLastViewClickedTime + mIgnoreViewClickedMs) {
return false;
WindowManager.LayoutParams windowLayoutParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
/* w= */ 0,
/* h= */ 0,
windowLayoutParams.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.TOP;
windowLayoutParams.privateFlags |= PRIVATE_FLAG_TRUSTED_OVERLAY;
WindowManager windowManager = getSystemService(WindowManager.class);
windowManager.addView(mTouchOverlay, windowLayoutParams);
private void removeTouchOverlay() {
if (mTouchOverlay != null) {
WindowManager windowManager = getSystemService(WindowManager.class);
mTouchOverlay = null;
private void onTouchEvent() {
// The user touched the screen, so exit rotary mode. Do this even if mInRotaryMode is
// already false because this service might have crashed causing mInRotaryMode to be reset
// without a corresponding change to the IME.
// Set mFocusedNode to null when user uses touch.
if (mFocusedNode != null) {
* Updates this accessibility service's info, enabling or disabling key event filtering
* depending on a setting.
private void updateServiceInfo() {
AccessibilityServiceInfo serviceInfo = getServiceInfo();
if (serviceInfo == null) {
L.w("Service info not available");
int flags = serviceInfo.flags;
if (mContentResolver == null) {
boolean filterKeyEvents = Settings.Secure.getInt(mContentResolver,
KEY_ROTARY_KEY_EVENT_FILTER, /* def= */ 0) != 0;
if (filterKeyEvents) {
} else {
if (flags == serviceInfo.flags) return;
L.d((filterKeyEvents ? "Enabling" : "Disabling") + " key event filtering");
serviceInfo.flags = flags;
* Registers an observer to updates {@link #mTouchInputMethod} whenever the user switches IMEs.
private void registerInputMethodObserver() {
if (mInputMethodObserver != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Input method observer already registered");
mInputMethodObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler(Looper.myLooper())) {
public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
// Either the user switched input methods or we did. In the former case, update
// mTouchInputMethod and save it so we can switch back after switching to the rotary
// input method.
String inputMethod = getCurrentIme();
L.d("Current IME changed to " + inputMethod);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(inputMethod) && !inputMethod.equals(mRotaryInputMethod)) {
mTouchInputMethod = inputMethod;
String userName = mUserManager.getUserName();
L.d("Save mTouchInputMethod(" + mTouchInputMethod + ") for user "
+ userName);
.putString(TOUCH_INPUT_METHOD_PREFIX + userName, mTouchInputMethod)
if (mContentResolver == null) {
/* notifyForDescendants= */ false,
/** Unregisters the observer registered by {@link #registerInputMethodObserver}. */
private void unregisterInputMethodObserver() {
if (mInputMethodObserver != null) {
if (mContentResolver == null) {
mInputMethodObserver = null;
* Registers an observer to update our accessibility service info whenever the developer changes
* the key event filter setting.
private void registerFilterObserver() {
if (mKeyEventFilterObserver != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Filter observer already registered");
mKeyEventFilterObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler(Looper.myLooper())) {
public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
if (mContentResolver == null) {
/* notifyForDescendants= */ false,
/** Unregisters the observer registered by {@link #registerFilterObserver}. */
private void unregisterFilterObserver() {
if (mKeyEventFilterObserver != null) {
if (mContentResolver == null) {
mKeyEventFilterObserver = null;
private static boolean isValidDisplayType(int displayType) {
if (displayType == CarOccupantZoneManager.DISPLAY_TYPE_MAIN) {
return true;
L.e("RotaryService shouldn't capture events from display type " + displayType);
return false;
* Handles key events. Returns whether the key event was consumed. To avoid invalid event stream
* getting through to the application, if a key down event is consumed, the corresponding key up
* event must be consumed too, and vice versa.
private boolean handleKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
int action = event.getAction();
int keyCode = getKeyCode(event);
if (mInProjectionMode) {
injectKeyEventForProjectedApp(keyCode, action);
return true;
boolean isActionDown = action == ACTION_DOWN;
int detents = event.isShiftPressed() ? SHIFT_DETENTS : 1;
switch (keyCode) {
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Q:
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_C:
if (isActionDown) {
handleRotateEvent(/* clockwise= */ false, detents,
return true;
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_E:
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_V:
if (isActionDown) {
handleRotateEvent(/* clockwise= */ true, detents,
return true;
handleNudgeEvent(View.FOCUS_LEFT, action);
return true;
handleNudgeEvent(View.FOCUS_RIGHT, action);
return true;
handleNudgeEvent(View.FOCUS_UP, action);
return true;
handleNudgeEvent(View.FOCUS_DOWN, action);
return true;
// Ignore repeat events. We only care about the initial ACTION_DOWN and the final
// ACTION_UP events.
if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {
return true;
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
return true;
// Do nothing
return false;
/** Handles {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED} event. */
private void handleViewFocusedEvent(@NonNull AccessibilityEvent event,
@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode) {
// A view was focused. We ignore focus changes in touch mode. We don't use
// TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED to keep mLastTouchedNode up to date because most views can't be
// focused in touch mode.
if (!mInRotaryMode) {
if (sourceNode == null) {
L.w("Null source node in " + event);
AccessibilityWindowInfo window = sourceNode.getWindow();
if (window != null) {
try {
if (window.getDisplayId() != DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
L.d("Ignore focused event from window : " + window);
} finally {
if (mNavigator.isClientNode(sourceNode)) {
L.d("Ignore focused event from the client app " + sourceNode);
// Update mFocusedNode if we're not waiting for focused event caused by performing an
// action.
if (mPendingFocusedNode == null) {
L.d("Focus event wasn't caused by performing an action");
// If it's a FocusParkingView, only update mFocusedNode when it's in the same window
// with mFocusedNode.
if (Utils.isFocusParkingView(sourceNode)) {
if (mFocusedNode != null
&& sourceNode.getWindowId() == mFocusedNode.getWindowId()) {
// If it's not a FocusParkingView, update mFocusedNode.
// If we're waiting for focused event but this isn't the one we're waiting for, ignore this
// event. This event doesn't matter because focus has moved from sourceNode to
// mPendingFocusedNode.
if (!sourceNode.equals(mPendingFocusedNode)) {
L.d("Ignoring focus event because focus has since moved");
// The event we're waiting for has arrived, so reset mPendingFocusedNode.
L.d("Ignoring focus event caused by performing an action");
/** Handles {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED} event. */
private void handleViewClickedEvent(@NonNull AccessibilityEvent event,
@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode) {
// A view was clicked. If we triggered the click via performAction(ACTION_CLICK) or
// by injecting KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER, we ignore it. Otherwise, we assume the user
// touched the screen. In this case, we update mLastTouchedNode, and clear the focus
// if the user touched a view in a different window.
// To decide whether the click was triggered by us, we can compare the source node
// in the event with mIgnoreViewClickedNode. If they're equal, the click was
// triggered by us. But there is a corner case. If a dialog shows up after we
// clicked the view, the window containing the view will be removed. We still
// receive click event (TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED) but the source node in the event will be
// null.
// Note: there is no way to tell whether the window is removed in click event
// because window remove event (TYPE_WINDOWS_CHANGED with type
// WINDOWS_CHANGE_REMOVED) comes AFTER click event.
if (mIgnoreViewClickedNode != null
&& event.getEventTime() < mLastViewClickedTime + mIgnoreViewClickedMs
&& ((sourceNode == null) || mIgnoreViewClickedNode.equals(sourceNode))) {
// When a view is clicked causing a new window to show up, the window containing the clicked
// view will be removed. We still receive TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED event, but the source node can
// be null. In that case we need to set mFocusedNode to null.
if (sourceNode == null) {
if (mFocusedNode != null) {
// A view was clicked via touch screen. Exit rotary mode in case the touch overlay
// doesn't kick in.
// Update mLastTouchedNode if the clicked view can take focus. If a view can't take focus,
// performing focus action on it or calling focusSearch() on it will fail.
if (!sourceNode.equals(mLastTouchedNode) && Utils.canTakeFocus(sourceNode)) {
/** Handles {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED} event. */
private void handleViewScrolledEvent(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode) {
if (mAfterScrollAction == NONE
|| SystemClock.uptimeMillis() >= mAfterScrollActionUntil) {
if (sourceNode == null || !Utils.isScrollableContainer(sourceNode)) {
switch (mAfterScrollAction) {
case FOCUS_NEXT: {
if (mFocusedNode == null) {
// TODO(326013682): find out why mFocusedNode is null.
L.w("mFocusedNode is null after injecting scroll event");
if (mFocusedNode.equals(sourceNode)) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo target = mNavigator.findFocusableDescendantInDirection(
sourceNode, mFocusedNode,
mAfterScrollAction == FOCUS_PREVIOUS
if (target == null) {
L.d("Focusing "
+ (mAfterScrollAction == FOCUS_PREVIOUS
? "previous" : "next")
+ " after scroll");
if (performFocusAction(target)) {
mAfterScrollAction = NONE;
case FOCUS_LAST: {
AccessibilityNodeInfo target =
mAfterScrollAction == FOCUS_FIRST
? mNavigator.findFirstFocusableDescendant(sourceNode)
: mNavigator.findLastFocusableDescendant(sourceNode);
if (target == null) {
L.d("Focusing "
+ (mAfterScrollAction == FOCUS_FIRST ? "first" : "last")
+ " after scroll");
if (performFocusAction(target)) {
mAfterScrollAction = NONE;
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unknown after scroll action: " + mAfterScrollAction);
* Handles a {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_WINDOWS_CHANGED} event indicating that a window was
* removed. Attempts to restore the most recent focus when the window containing
* {@link #mFocusedNode} is not an application window and it's removed.
private void handleWindowRemovedEvent(@NonNull AccessibilityEvent event) {
int windowId = event.getWindowId();
// Get the window type. The window was removed, so we can only get it from the cache.
Integer type = mWindowCache.getWindowType(windowId);
if (type != null) {
// No longer need to keep track of the node being edited if the IME window was closed.
if (type == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD) {
// No need to restore the focus if it's an application window. When an application
// window is removed, another window will gain focus shortly and the FocusParkingView
// in that window will restore the focus.
if (type == TYPE_APPLICATION) {
} else {
L.w("No window type found in cache for window ID: " + windowId);
// Nothing more to do if we're in touch mode.
if (!mInRotaryMode) {
// We only care about this event when the window that was removed contains the focused node.
// Ignore other events.
if (mFocusedNode == null || mFocusedNode.getWindowId() != windowId) {
// Restore focus to the last focused node in the last focused window.
AccessibilityNodeInfo recentFocus = mWindowCache.getMostRecentFocusedNode();
if (recentFocus != null) {
* Handles a {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_WINDOWS_CHANGED} event indicating that a window was
* added. Moves focus to the IME window when it appears.
private void handleWindowAddedEvent(@NonNull AccessibilityEvent event) {
// Save the window type by window ID.
int windowId = event.getWindowId();
List windows = getWindows();
AccessibilityWindowInfo window = Utils.findWindowWithId(windows, windowId);
AccessibilityNodeInfo root = null;
try {
if (window == null) {
mWindowCache.saveWindowType(windowId, window.getType());
// Nothing more to do if we're in touch mode.
if (!mInRotaryMode) {
// We only care about this event when the window that was added doesn't contain
// mFocusedNode. Ignore other events.
if (mFocusedNode != null && mFocusedNode.getWindowId() == windowId) {
root = window.getRoot();
if (root == null) {
L.w("No root node in " + window);
// If the added window is not an IME window and there is a non-FocusParkingView focused
// in it, set mFocusedNode to the focused view. If there is no view focused in it,
// there is no need to restore view focus inside it, because the FocusParkingView will
// restore view focus when the window gains focus.
if (window.getType() != TYPE_INPUT_METHOD) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo focusedNode = mNavigator.findFocusedNodeInRoot(root);
if (focusedNode != null) {
// If the focused node is editable, save it so that we can return to it when the user
// nudges out of the IME.
if (mFocusedNode != null && mFocusedNode.isEditable()) {
// The added window is an IME window, so restore view focus inside it.
boolean success = restoreDefaultFocusInRoot(root);
if (!success) {
L.d("Failed to restore default focus in " + root);
} finally {
private boolean restoreDefaultFocusInWindow(@NonNull AccessibilityWindowInfo window) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo root = window.getRoot();
if (root == null) {
L.d("No root node in window " + window);
return false;
boolean success = restoreDefaultFocusInRoot(root);
return success;
private boolean restoreDefaultFocusInRoot(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo root) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo fpv = mNavigator.findFocusParkingViewInRoot(root);
// Refresh the node to ensure the focused state is up to date. The node came directly from
// the node tree but it could have been cached by the accessibility framework.
fpv = Utils.refreshNode(fpv);
if (fpv == null) {
L.e("No FocusParkingView in root " + root);
} else if (Utils.isCarUiFocusParkingView(fpv)) {
if (!fpv.performAction(ACTION_RESTORE_DEFAULT_FOCUS)) {
L.e("No view (not even the FocusParkingView) to focus in root " + root);
return false;
// After performing ACTION_RESTORE_DEFAULT_FOCUS successfully, the FocusParkingView
// might get focused, so mFocusedNode might be null. Return false in this case, and
// return true in other cases.
boolean success = mFocusedNode != null;
L.successOrFailure("Restored focus in root", success);
return success;
AccessibilityNodeInfo firstFocusable = mNavigator.findFirstFocusableDescendant(root);
if (firstFocusable == null) {
L.e("No focusable element in the window containing the generic FocusParkingView");
return false;
boolean success = performFocusAction(firstFocusable);
return success;
private static int getKeyCode(KeyEvent event) {
int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();
if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) {
Integer mappingKeyCode = TEST_TO_REAL_KEYCODE_MAP.get(keyCode);
if (mappingKeyCode != null) {
keyCode = mappingKeyCode;
return keyCode;
/** Handles controller center button event. */
private void handleCenterButtonEvent(int action) {
if (!isValidAction(action)) {
if (initFocus() || mFocusedNode == null) {
// Case 1: the focused node supports rotate directly. We should ignore ACTION_DOWN event,
// and enter direct manipulation mode on ACTION_UP event.
if (DirectManipulationHelper.supportRotateDirectly(mFocusedNode)) {
if (action == ACTION_DOWN) {
if (!mInDirectManipulationMode) {
mInDirectManipulationMode = true;
boolean result = mFocusedNode.performAction(ACTION_SELECT);
if (!result) {
L.w("Failed to perform ACTION_SELECT on " + mFocusedNode);
L.d("Enter direct manipulation mode because focused node is clicked.");
// Case 2: the focused node doesn't support rotate directly, it's in the focused window, and
// it's not in the host app.
// We should inject KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER event (or KEYCODE_ENTER/KEYCODE_SPACE in a WebView),
// then the application will handle the injected event.
// Injecting KeyEvents only works when the window is focused. The application window is
// focused but ActivityView windows are not.
if (isInFocusedWindow(mFocusedNode) && !mNavigator.isHostNode(mFocusedNode)) {
L.d("Inject KeyEvent in focused window");
int keyCode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER;
if (mNavigator.isInWebView(mFocusedNode)) {
keyCode = mFocusedNode.isCheckable()
injectKeyEvent(keyCode, action);
// Case 3: the focused node doesn't support rotate directly, it's in an unfocused window or
// in the host app.
// We start a timer on the ACTION_DOWN event. If the ACTION_UP event occurs before the
// timeout, we perform ACTION_CLICK on the focused node and abort the timer. If the timer
// times out before the ACTION_UP event, handleCenterButtonLongPressEvent() will perform
// ACTION_LONG_CLICK on the focused node and we'll ignore the subsequent ACTION_UP event.
if (action == ACTION_DOWN) {
mLongPressTriggered = false;
mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_LONG_PRESS, mLongPressMs);
if (mLongPressTriggered) {
mLongPressTriggered = false;
boolean success = mFocusedNode.performAction(ACTION_CLICK);
L.d((success ? "Succeeded in performing" : "Failed to perform")
+ " ACTION_CLICK on " + mFocusedNode);
/** Handles controller center button long-press events. */
private void handleCenterButtonLongPressEvent() {
mLongPressTriggered = true;
if (initFocus() || mFocusedNode == null) {
boolean success = mFocusedNode.performAction(ACTION_LONG_CLICK);
L.d((success ? "Succeeded in performing" : "Failed to perform")
+ " ACTION_LONG_CLICK on " + mFocusedNode);
private void handleNudgeEvent(@View.FocusRealDirection int direction, int action) {
if (!isValidAction(action)) {
// If the focused node is in direct manipulation mode, manipulate it directly.
if (mInDirectManipulationMode) {
if (DirectManipulationHelper.supportRotateDirectly(mFocusedNode)) {
L.d("Ignore nudge events because we're in DM mode and the focused node only "
+ "supports rotate directly");
} else {
injectKeyEventForDirection(direction, action);
// We're done with ACTION_UP event.
if (action == ACTION_UP) {
List windows = getWindows();
// Don't call initFocus() when handling ACTION_UP nudge events as this event will typically
// arrive before the TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED event when we delegate focusing to a FocusArea, and
// will cause us to focus a nearby view when we discover that mFocusedNode is no longer
// focused.
if (initFocus(windows, direction)) {
// If the HUN is currently focused, we should only handle nudge events that are in the
// opposite direction of the HUN nudge direction.
if (mFocusedNode != null && mNavigator.isHunWindow(mFocusedNode.getWindow())
&& direction != mHunEscapeNudgeDirection) {
// If the focused node is not in direct manipulation mode, try to move the focus to another
// node.
nudgeTo(windows, direction);
void nudgeTo(@NonNull List windows,
@View.FocusRealDirection int direction) {
// If the HUN is in the nudge direction, nudge to it.
boolean hunFocusResult = focusHunsWindow(windows, direction);
if (hunFocusResult) {
L.d("Nudge to HUN successful");
// If there is no non-FocusParkingView focused, execute the off-screen nudge action, if
// specified.
if (mFocusedNode == null) {
L.d("mFocusedNode is null");
// Try to move the focus to the shortcut node.
if (mFocusArea == null) {
L.e("mFocusArea shouldn't be null");
Bundle arguments = new Bundle();
arguments.putInt(NUDGE_DIRECTION, direction);
if (mFocusArea.performAction(ACTION_NUDGE_SHORTCUT, arguments)) {
L.d("Nudge to shortcut view");
AccessibilityNodeInfo root = mNavigator.getRoot(mFocusArea);
if (root != null) {
// No shortcut node, so check whether nudge is disabled for the given direction. If
// disabled and there is an off-screen nudge action, execute it.
arguments.putInt(NUDGE_DIRECTION, direction);
if (mFocusArea.performAction(ACTION_QUERY_NUDGE_DISABLED, arguments)) {
L.d("Nudging in " + direction + " is disabled for this focus area: " + mFocusArea);
// No shortcut node and nudge is not disabled, so move the focus in the given direction.
// First, try to perform ACTION_NUDGE on mFocusArea to nudge to another FocusArea.
arguments.putInt(NUDGE_DIRECTION, direction);
if (mFocusArea.performAction(ACTION_NUDGE_TO_ANOTHER_FOCUS_AREA, arguments)) {
L.d("Nudge to user specified FocusArea");
AccessibilityNodeInfo root = mNavigator.getRoot(mFocusArea);
if (root != null) {
// No specified FocusArea or cached FocusArea in the direction, so mFocusArea doesn't know
// what FocusArea to nudge to. In this case, we'll find a target FocusArea using geometry.
AccessibilityNodeInfo targetFocusArea =
mNavigator.findNudgeTargetFocusArea(windows, mFocusedNode, mFocusArea, direction);
L.d("Found targetFocusArea: " + targetFocusArea);
if (targetFocusArea == null) {
L.d("Failed to find nearest FocusArea for nudge");
// If the user is nudging out of a dismissible popup window, perform
AccessibilityWindowInfo sourceWindow = mFocusArea.getWindow();
if (sourceWindow != null) {
Rect sourceBounds = new Rect();
if (mNavigator.isDismissible(sourceWindow, sourceBounds, direction)) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo fpv = mNavigator.findFocusParkingView(mFocusedNode);
if (fpv != null) {
if (fpv.performAction(ACTION_DISMISS_POPUP_WINDOW)) {
L.v("Performed ACTION_DISMISS_POPUP_WINDOW successfully");
L.v("The overlay window doesn't support dismissing by nudging "
+ sourceBounds);
} else {
L.e("No FocusParkingView in " + sourceWindow);
// If the user is nudging off the edge of the screen, execute the off-screen nudge
// action, if specified.
// If the user is nudging out of the IME, set mFocusedNode to the node being edited (which
// should already be focused) and hide the IME.
if (mEditNode != null && mFocusArea.getWindowId() != targetFocusArea.getWindowId()) {
AccessibilityWindowInfo fromWindow = mFocusArea.getWindow();
if (fromWindow != null && fromWindow.getType() == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD) {
L.d("Returned to node being edited");
// Ask the FocusParkingView to hide the IME.
AccessibilityNodeInfo fpv = mNavigator.findFocusParkingView(mEditNode);
if (fpv != null) {
if (!fpv.performAction(ACTION_HIDE_IME)) {
L.w("Failed to close IME");
// targetFocusArea is an explicit FocusArea (i.e., an instance of the FocusArea class), so
// perform ACTION_FOCUS on it. The FocusArea will handle this by focusing one of its
// descendants.
if (Utils.isFocusArea(targetFocusArea)) {
arguments.putInt(NUDGE_DIRECTION, direction);
boolean success = performFocusAction(targetFocusArea, arguments);
L.successOrFailure("Nudging to the nearest FocusArea " + targetFocusArea, success);
// targetFocusArea is an implicit focus area, which means there is no explicit focus areas
// or the implicit focus area is better than any other explicit focus areas. In this case,
// focus on the first orphan view.
// Don't call restoreDefaultFocusInRoot(targetFocusArea), because it usually focuses on the
// first focusable view in the view tree, which might be wrapped inside an explicit focus
// area.
AccessibilityNodeInfo firstOrphan = mNavigator.findFirstOrphan(targetFocusArea);
if (firstOrphan == null) {
// This shouldn't happen because a focus area without focusable descendants can't be
// the target focus area.
L.e("No focusable node in " + targetFocusArea);
boolean success = performFocusAction(firstOrphan);
L.successOrFailure("Nudging to the nearest implicit focus area " + targetFocusArea,
* Executes the app-specific or app-agnostic off-screen nudge action, if either are specified.
* The former take precedence over the latter.
* @return whether off-screen nudge action was successfully executed
private boolean handleOffScreenNudge(@View.FocusRealDirection int direction) {
boolean success = handleAppSpecificOffScreenNudge(direction)
|| handleAppAgnosticOffScreenNudge(direction);
if (!success) {
L.d("Off-screen nudge ignored");
return success;
* Executes the app-specific custom nudge action for the given {@code direction} specified in
* {@link #mForegroundActivity}'s metadata, if any, by:
* - performing the specified global action,
- injecting {@code ACTION_DOWN} and {@code ACTION_UP} events with the
* specified key code, or
- starting an activity with the specified intent.
* Returns whether a custom nudge action was performed.
private boolean handleAppSpecificOffScreenNudge(@View.FocusRealDirection int direction) {
Bundle activityMetaData = getForegroundActivityMetaData();
Bundle packageMetaData = getForegroundPackageMetaData();
int globalAction = getGlobalAction(activityMetaData, direction);
if (globalAction == INVALID_GLOBAL_ACTION) {
globalAction = getGlobalAction(packageMetaData, direction);
if (globalAction != INVALID_GLOBAL_ACTION) {
L.d("App-specific off-screen nudge: " + globalActionToString(globalAction));
return true;
int keyCode = getKeyCode(activityMetaData, direction);
if (keyCode == KEYCODE_UNKNOWN) {
keyCode = getKeyCode(packageMetaData, direction);
if (keyCode != KEYCODE_UNKNOWN) {
L.d("App-specific off-screen nudge: " + KeyEvent.keyCodeToString(keyCode));
injectKeyEvent(keyCode, ACTION_DOWN);
injectKeyEvent(keyCode, ACTION_UP);
return true;
String intentString = getIntentString(activityMetaData, direction);
if (intentString == null) {
intentString = getIntentString(packageMetaData, direction);
if (intentString == null) {
return false;
Intent intent;
try {
intent = Intent.parseUri(intentString, Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
L.w("Failed to parse app-specific off-screen nudge intent: " + intentString);
return false;
List activities =
getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intent, /* flags= */ 0);
if (activities.isEmpty()) {
L.w("No activities for app-specific off-screen nudge: " + intent);
return false;
L.d("App-specific off-screen nudge: " + intent);
return true;
* Executes the app-agnostic custom nudge action for the given {@code direction}, if any. This
* method is equivalent to {@link #handleAppSpecificOffScreenNudge} but for global actions
* rather than app-specific ones.
private boolean handleAppAgnosticOffScreenNudge(@View.FocusRealDirection int direction) {
int directionIndex = DIRECTION_TO_INDEX.get(direction);
int globalAction = mOffScreenNudgeGlobalActions[directionIndex];
if (globalAction != INVALID_GLOBAL_ACTION) {
L.d("App-agnostic off-screen nudge: " + globalActionToString(globalAction));
return true;
int keyCode = mOffScreenNudgeKeyCodes[directionIndex];
if (keyCode != KEYCODE_UNKNOWN) {
L.d("App-agnostic off-screen nudge: " + KeyEvent.keyCodeToString(keyCode));
injectKeyEvent(keyCode, ACTION_DOWN);
injectKeyEvent(keyCode, ACTION_UP);
return true;
Intent intent = mOffScreenNudgeIntents[directionIndex];
if (intent == null) {
return false;
PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager();
List activities = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(intent, /* flags= */ 0);
if (activities.isEmpty()) {
L.w("No activities for app-agnostic off-screen nudge: " + intent);
return false;
L.d("App-agnostic off-screen nudge: " + intent);
return true;
private static int getGlobalAction(@Nullable Bundle metaData,
@View.FocusRealDirection int direction) {
if (metaData == null) {
String directionString = DIRECTION_TO_STRING.get(direction);
return metaData.getInt(
String.format(OFF_SCREEN_NUDGE_GLOBAL_ACTION_FORMAT, directionString),
private static int getKeyCode(@Nullable Bundle metaData,
@View.FocusRealDirection int direction) {
if (metaData == null) {
String directionString = DIRECTION_TO_STRING.get(direction);
return metaData.getInt(
private static String getIntentString(@Nullable Bundle metaData,
@View.FocusRealDirection int direction) {
if (metaData == null) {
return null;
String directionString = DIRECTION_TO_STRING.get(direction);
return metaData.getString(
String.format(OFF_SCREEN_NUDGE_INTENT_FORMAT, directionString), null);
private Bundle getForegroundActivityMetaData() {
// The foreground activity can be null in a cold boot when the user has an active
// lockscreen.
if (mForegroundActivity == null) {
return null;
try {
ActivityInfo activityInfo = getPackageManager().getActivityInfo(mForegroundActivity,
return activityInfo.metaData;
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
L.v("Failed to find activity " + mForegroundActivity);
return null;
private Bundle getForegroundPackageMetaData() {
// The foreground activity can be null in a cold boot when the user has an active
// lockscreen.
if (mForegroundActivity == null) {
return null;
try {
ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(
mForegroundActivity.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
return applicationInfo.metaData;
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
L.v("Failed to find package " + mForegroundActivity.getPackageName());
return null;
private static String globalActionToString(int globalAction) {
switch (globalAction) {
return String.format("global action %d", globalAction);
private void handleRotaryEvent(RotaryEvent rotaryEvent) {
if (rotaryEvent.getInputType() != CarInputManager.INPUT_TYPE_ROTARY_NAVIGATION) {
boolean clockwise = rotaryEvent.isClockwise();
int count = rotaryEvent.getNumberOfClicks();
// TODO(b/153195148): Use the last eventTime for now. We'll need to improve it later.
long eventTime = rotaryEvent.getUptimeMillisForClick(count - 1);
handleRotateEvent(clockwise, count, eventTime);
private void handleRotateEvent(boolean clockwise, int count, long eventTime) {
int rotationCount = getRotateAcceleration(count, eventTime);
if (mInProjectionMode) {
L.d("Injecting MotionEvent in projected mode");
injectMotionEvent(DEFAULT_DISPLAY, clockwise ? rotationCount : -rotationCount);
if (initFocus() || mFocusedNode == null) {
// If the focused node is in direct manipulation mode, manipulate it directly.
if (mInDirectManipulationMode) {
if (DirectManipulationHelper.supportRotateDirectly(mFocusedNode)) {
performScrollAction(mFocusedNode, clockwise);
} else {
AccessibilityWindowInfo window = mFocusedNode.getWindow();
if (window == null) {
L.w("Failed to get window of " + mFocusedNode);
int displayId = window.getDisplayId();
// TODO(b/155823126): Add config to let OEMs determine the mapping.
injectMotionEvent(displayId, clockwise ? rotationCount : -rotationCount);
// If the focused node is not in direct manipulation mode, move the focus.
int remainingRotationCount = rotationCount;
int direction = clockwise ? View.FOCUS_FORWARD : View.FOCUS_BACKWARD;
Navigator.FindRotateTargetResult result =
mNavigator.findRotateTarget(mFocusedNode, direction, rotationCount);
L.d("Found rotation result: " + result);
if (result != null) {
if (performFocusAction(result.node)) {
remainingRotationCount -= result.advancedCount;
} else {
L.w("Failed to find rotate target from " + mFocusedNode);
L.d("mFocusedNode: " + mFocusedNode);
// If navigation didn't consume all of rotationCount and the focused node either is a
// scrollable container or is a descendant of one, scroll it. The former happens when no
// focusable views are visible in the scrollable container. The latter happens when there
// are focusable views but they're in the wrong direction. Inject a MotionEvent rather than
// performing an action so that the application can control the amount it scrolls. Scrolling
// is only supported in the focused window because injected events always go to the focused
// window. We don't bother checking whether the scrollable container can currently scroll
// because there's nothing else to do if it can't.
if (mFocusedNode != null && remainingRotationCount > 0 && isInFocusedWindow(mFocusedNode)) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo scrollableContainer =
if (scrollableContainer != null) {
injectScrollEvent(scrollableContainer, clockwise, remainingRotationCount);
/** Handles Back button event. */
private void handleBackButtonEvent(int action) {
if (!isValidAction(action)) {
// If we're not in direct manipulation mode or the focused node doesn't support rotate
// directly, inject Back button event; then the application will handle the injected event.
if (!mInDirectManipulationMode
|| !DirectManipulationHelper.supportRotateDirectly(mFocusedNode)) {
injectKeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK, action);
// Otherwise exit direct manipulation mode on ACTION_UP event.
if (action == ACTION_DOWN) {
L.d("Exit direct manipulation mode on back button event");
mInDirectManipulationMode = false;
boolean result = mFocusedNode.performAction(ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION);
if (!result) {
L.w("Failed to perform ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION on " + mFocusedNode);
private void onForegroundActivityChanged(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo root,
@NonNull AccessibilityWindowInfo window,
@Nullable CharSequence packageName, @Nullable CharSequence className) {
if (mNavigator.supportTemplateApp()) {
// Check if there is a SurfaceView node to decide whether the foreground app is an
// AAOS template app. This is done on background thread to avoid ANR (b/322324727).
// TODO(b/322324727): find a better way to solve this to avoid potential race condition.
mExecutor.execute(() -> {
// If the foreground app is a client app, store its package name.
AccessibilityNodeInfo surfaceView =
if (surfaceView != null) {
ComponentName newActivity = packageName != null && className != null
? new ComponentName(packageName.toString(), className.toString())
: null;
if (newActivity != null && newActivity.equals(mForegroundActivity)) {
mForegroundActivity = newActivity;
// Exit direct manipulation mode if the new Activity is in a new package.
// Note: There is no need to handle the case when mForegroundActivity is null because it
// couldn't be null in direct manipulation mode. The null check is just for precaution.
if (mInDirectManipulationMode && mForegroundActivity != null
&& !mForegroundActivity.getPackageName().equals(packageName)) {
L.w("Exit direct manipulation mode because the foreground app has changed from "
+ mForegroundActivity.getPackageName() + " to " + packageName);
mInDirectManipulationMode = false;
boolean isForegroundAppProjectedApp = mProjectedApps.contains(packageName);
if (mInProjectionMode != isForegroundAppProjectedApp) {
L.d((isForegroundAppProjectedApp ? "Entering" : "Exiting") + " projection mode");
mInProjectionMode = isForegroundAppProjectedApp;
private static boolean isValidAction(int action) {
if (action != ACTION_DOWN && action != ACTION_UP) {
L.w("Invalid action " + action);
return false;
return true;
/** Performs scroll action on the given {@code targetNode} if it supports scroll action. */
private static void performScrollAction(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo targetNode,
boolean clockwise) {
// TODO(b/155823126): Add config to let OEMs determine the mapping.
AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction actionToPerform =
if (!targetNode.getActionList().contains(actionToPerform)) {
L.w("Node " + targetNode + " doesn't support action " + actionToPerform);
boolean result = targetNode.performAction(actionToPerform.getId());
if (!result) {
L.w("Failed to perform action " + actionToPerform + " on " + targetNode);
/** Returns whether the given {@code node} is in a focused window. */
boolean isInFocusedWindow(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
AccessibilityWindowInfo window = node.getWindow();
if (window == null) {
L.w("Failed to get window of " + node);
return false;
boolean result = window.isFocused();
return result;
private void updateDirectManipulationMode(@NonNull AccessibilityEvent event, boolean enable) {
if (!mInRotaryMode || !DirectManipulationHelper.isDirectManipulation(event)) {
if (enable) {
mFocusedNode = Utils.refreshNode(mFocusedNode);
L.v("After refresh, mFocusedNode is " + mFocusedNode);
if (mFocusedNode == null) {
L.w("Failed to enter direct manipulation mode because mFocusedNode is no longer "
+ "in view tree.");
if (!Utils.hasFocus(mFocusedNode)) {
L.w("Failed to enter direct manipulation mode because mFocusedNode no longer "
+ "has focus.");
if (mInDirectManipulationMode != enable) {
// Toggle direct manipulation mode upon app's request.
mInDirectManipulationMode = enable;
L.d((enable ? "Enter" : "Exit") + " direct manipulation mode upon app's request");
* Injects a {@link MotionEvent} to scroll {@code scrollableContainer} by {@code rotationCount}
* steps. The direction depends on the value of {@code clockwise}. Sets
* {@link #mAfterScrollAction} to move the focus once the scroll occurs, as follows:
* - If the user is spinning the rotary controller quickly, focuses the first or last
* focusable descendant so that the next rotation event will scroll immediately.
- If the user is spinning slowly and there are no focusable descendants visible,
* focuses the first focusable descendant to scroll into view. This will be the last
* focusable descendant when scrolling up.
- If the user is spinning slowly and there are focusable descendants visible, focuses
* the next or previous focusable descendant.
private void injectScrollEvent(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo scrollableContainer,
boolean clockwise, int rotationCount) {
// TODO(b/155823126): Add config to let OEMs determine the mappings.
if (rotationCount > 1) {
// Focus last when quickly scrolling down so the next event scrolls.
mAfterScrollAction = clockwise
} else {
if (Utils.isScrollableContainer(mFocusedNode)) {
// Focus first when scrolling down while no focusable descendants are visible.
mAfterScrollAction = clockwise
} else {
// Focus next when scrolling down with a focused descendant.
mAfterScrollAction = clockwise
mAfterScrollActionUntil = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + mAfterScrollTimeoutMs;
int axis = Utils.isHorizontallyScrollableContainer(scrollableContainer)
? MotionEvent.AXIS_HSCROLL
: MotionEvent.AXIS_VSCROLL;
AccessibilityWindowInfo window = scrollableContainer.getWindow();
if (window == null) {
L.w("Failed to get window of " + scrollableContainer);
int displayId = window.getDisplayId();
Rect bounds = new Rect();
injectMotionEvent(displayId, axis, clockwise ? -rotationCount : rotationCount,
bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY());
private void injectMotionEvent(int displayId, int axisValue) {
injectMotionEvent(displayId, MotionEvent.AXIS_SCROLL, axisValue, /* x= */ 0, /* y= */ 0);
private void injectMotionEvent(int displayId, int axis, int axisValue, float x, float y) {
long upTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
MotionEvent.PointerProperties[] properties = new MotionEvent.PointerProperties[1];
properties[0] = new MotionEvent.PointerProperties();
properties[0].id = 0; // Any integer value but -1 (INVALID_POINTER_ID) is fine.
MotionEvent.PointerCoords[] coords = new MotionEvent.PointerCoords[1];
coords[0] = new MotionEvent.PointerCoords();
// While injected events route themselves to the focused View, many classes convert the
// event source to SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER to enable nested scrolling. The nested scrolling
// container can only receive the event if we set coordinates within its bounds in the
// event. Otherwise, the top level scrollable parent consumes the event. The primary
// examples of this are WebViews and CarUiRecylerViews. REFERTO(b/203707657).
coords[0].x = x;
coords[0].y = y;
coords[0].setAxisValue(axis, axisValue);
MotionEvent motionEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(/* downTime= */ upTime,
/* eventTime= */ upTime,
/* pointerCount= */ 1,
/* metaState= */ 0,
/* buttonState= */ 0,
/* xPrecision= */ 1.0f,
/* yPrecision= */ 1.0f,
/* deviceId= */ 0,
/* edgeFlags= */ 0,
/* flags= */ 0);
if (motionEvent != null) {
boolean success = mInputManager.injectInputEvent(motionEvent,
L.successOrFailure("Injecting " + motionEvent, success);
} else {
L.w("Unable to obtain MotionEvent");
private void injectKeyEventForProjectedApp(int keyCode, int action) {
// TODO(b/217577254): Allow the OEM to specify the desired key codes for each projected
// app.
L.v("Injecting " + keyCode + " in projection mode");
injectKeyEvent(keyCode, action);
private void injectKeyEventForDirection(@View.FocusRealDirection int direction, int action) {
Integer keyCode = DIRECTION_TO_KEYCODE_MAP.get(direction);
if (keyCode == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction must be one of "
injectKeyEvent(keyCode, action);
void injectKeyEvent(int keyCode, int action) {
long upTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
KeyEvent keyEvent = new KeyEvent(
/* downTime= */ upTime, /* eventTime= */ upTime, action, keyCode, /* repeat= */ 0);
boolean success = mInputManager.injectInputEvent(keyEvent,
L.successOrFailure("Injecting " + keyEvent, success);
* Updates saved nodes in case the {@link View}s represented by them are no longer in the view
* tree.
private void refreshSavedNodes() {
mFocusedNode = Utils.refreshNode(mFocusedNode);
L.v("After refresh, mFocusedNode is " + mFocusedNode);
mEditNode = Utils.refreshNode(mEditNode);
mLastTouchedNode = Utils.refreshNode(mLastTouchedNode);
mFocusArea = Utils.refreshNode(mFocusArea);
mIgnoreViewClickedNode = Utils.refreshNode(mIgnoreViewClickedNode);
* This method should be called when receiving an event from a rotary controller. It does the
* following:
* - If {@link #mFocusedNode} isn't null and represents a view that still exists, does
* nothing. The event isn't consumed in this case. This is the normal case.
- If there is a non-FocusParkingView focused in any window, set mFocusedNode to that
* view. The event isn't consumed in this case.
- If {@link #mLastTouchedNode} isn't null and represents a view that still exists,
* focuses it. The event is consumed in this case. This happens when the user switches
* from touch to rotary.
- Otherwise focuses the best target in the node tree and consumes the event.
* @return whether the event was consumed by this method
boolean initFocus() {
List windows = getWindows();
boolean consumed = initFocus(windows, INVALID_NUDGE_DIRECTION);
return consumed;
* Similar to above, but also checks for heads-up notifications if given a valid nudge direction
* which may be relevant when we're trying to focus the HUNs when coming from touch mode.
* @param windows the windows currently available to the Accessibility Service
* @param direction the direction of the nudge that was received (can be
* @return whether the event was consumed by this method
private boolean initFocus(@NonNull List windows,
@View.FocusRealDirection int direction) {
boolean prevInRotaryMode = mInRotaryMode;
if (mFocusedNode != null) {
// If mFocusedNode is focused, we're in a good state and can proceed with whatever
// action the user requested.
if (mFocusedNode.isFocused()) {
L.v("mFocusedNode is already focused: " + mFocusedNode);
return false;
// If the focused node represents an HTML element in a WebView, or a Composable in a
// ComposeView, we just assume the focus is already initialized here, and we'll handle
// it properly when the user uses the controller next time.
if (mNavigator.isInVirtualNodeHierarchy(mFocusedNode)) {
L.v("mFocusedNode is in a WebView or ComposeView: " + mFocusedNode);
return false;
// If we were not in rotary mode before and we can focus the HUNs window for the given
// nudge, focus the window and ensure that there is no previously touched node.
if (!prevInRotaryMode && focusHunsWindow(windows, direction)) {
return true;
// Try to initialize focus on main display.
// Firstly, sort the windows based on:
// 1. The focused state. The focused window comes first to other windows.
// 2. Window type, if the focused state is the same. Application window
// (TYPE_APPLICATION = 1) comes first, then IME window (TYPE_INPUT_METHOD = 2),
// then system window (TYPE_SYSTEM = 3), etc.
// 3. Window layer, if the conditions above are the same. The window with greater layer
// (Z-order) comes first.
// Note: getWindows() only returns the windows on main display (displayId = 0), while
// getRootInActiveWindow() returns the root node of the active window, which may not be on
// the main display, such as the cluster window on another display (displayId = 1). Since we
// want to focus on the main display, we shouldn't use getRootInActiveWindow().
List sortedWindows = windows
.sorted((w1, w2) -> {
if (w1.isFocused() != w2.isFocused()) {
return w2.isFocused() ? 1 : -1;
if (w1.getType() != w2.getType()) {
return w1.getType() - w2.getType();
return w2.getLayer() - w1.getLayer();
// If there are any windows with a non-FocusParkingView focused, set mFocusedNode
// to the focused node in the first such window and clear the focus in the others.
boolean hasFocusedNode = false;
for (AccessibilityWindowInfo window : sortedWindows) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo root = window.getRoot();
if (root == null) {
L.e("Root node of the window is null: " + window);
AccessibilityNodeInfo focusedNode = mNavigator.findFocusedNodeInRoot(root);
if (focusedNode == null) {
// If this window is not the first such window, clear its focus.
if (hasFocusedNode) {
boolean success = clearFocusInWindow(window);
L.successOrFailure("Clear focus in the window: " + window, success);
hasFocusedNode = true;
// This window is the first such window. There are two cases:
// Case 1: It's in rotary mode. Just update mFocusedNode in this case.
if (prevInRotaryMode) {
L.v("Setting mFocusedNode to the focused node: " + focusedNode);
// Don't consume the event. In rotary mode, the focused view shows a focus
// highlight, so the user already knows where the focus is before manipulating
// the rotary controller, thus we should proceed to handle the event.
return false;
// Case 2: It's in touch mode. In this case we can't just update mFocusedNode because
// the application is still in touch mode. Performing ACTION_FOCUS on the focused node
// doesn't work either because it's no-op.
// In order to make the application exit touch mode, the workaround is to clear its
// focus then focus on it again.
boolean success = focusedNode.performAction(ACTION_CLEAR_FOCUS)
&& focusedNode.performAction(ACTION_FOCUS);
L.successOrFailure("Clear focus then focus on the node again " + focusedNode,
// Consume the event. In touch mode, the focused view doesn't show a focus highlight,
// so the user doesn't know where the focus is before manipulating the rotary
// controller, thus the event should be used to make the focus highlight appear.
return true;
if (mLastTouchedNode != null && focusLastTouchedNode()) {
L.v("Focusing on the last touched node: " + mLastTouchedNode);
return true;
for (AccessibilityWindowInfo window : sortedWindows) {
boolean success = restoreDefaultFocusInWindow(window);
L.successOrFailure("Initialize focus inside the window: " + window, success);
if (success) {
return true;
L.w("Failed to initialize focus");
return false;
* Clears the current rotary focus if {@code targetFocus} is null, or in a different window
* unless focus is moving from an editable field to the IME.
* Note: only {@link #setFocusedNode} can call this method, otherwise {@link #mFocusedNode}
* might go out of sync.
private void maybeClearFocusInCurrentWindow(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo targetFocus) {
mFocusedNode = Utils.refreshNode(mFocusedNode);
L.v("After refresh, mFocusedNode is " + mFocusedNode);
if (mFocusedNode == null
// No need to clear focus if mFocusedNode is not focused. However, when it's a node
// in a WebView or ComposeView, its state might not be up to date,
// so mFocusedNode.isFocused() may return false even if the view represented by
// mFocusedNode is focused. So don't check the focused state if it's in WebView.
|| (!mFocusedNode.isFocused() && !mNavigator.isInVirtualNodeHierarchy(mFocusedNode))
|| (targetFocus != null
&& mFocusedNode.getWindowId() == targetFocus.getWindowId())) {
// If we're moving from an editable node to the IME, don't clear focus, but save the
// editable node so that we can return to it when the user nudges out of the IME.
if (mFocusedNode.isEditable() && targetFocus != null) {
int targetWindowId = targetFocus.getWindowId();
Integer windowType = mWindowCache.getWindowType(targetWindowId);
if (windowType != null && windowType == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD) {
L.d("Leaving editable field focused");
* Clears the current rotary focus.
* If we really clear focus in the current window, Android will re-focus a view in the current
* window automatically, resulting in the current window and the target window being focused
* simultaneously. To avoid that we don't really clear the focus. Instead, we "park" the focus
* on a FocusParkingView in the current window. FocusParkingView is transparent no matter
* whether it's focused or not, so it's invisible to the user.
* @return whether the FocusParkingView was focused successfully
private boolean clearFocusInCurrentWindow() {
if (mFocusedNode == null) {
L.e("Don't call clearFocusInCurrentWindow() when mFocusedNode is null");
return false;
AccessibilityNodeInfo root = mNavigator.getRoot(mFocusedNode);
boolean result = clearFocusInRoot(root);
return result;
* Clears the rotary focus in the given {@code window}.
* @return whether the FocusParkingView was focused successfully
private boolean clearFocusInWindow(@NonNull AccessibilityWindowInfo window) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo root = window.getRoot();
if (root == null) {
L.e("No root node in the window " + window);
return false;
boolean success = clearFocusInRoot(root);
return success;
* Clears the rotary focus in the node tree rooted at {@code root}.
* If we really clear focus in a window, Android will re-focus a view in that window
* automatically. To avoid that we don't really clear the focus. Instead, we "park" the focus on
* a FocusParkingView in the given window. FocusParkingView is transparent no matter whether
* it's focused or not, so it's invisible to the user.
* @return whether the FocusParkingView was focused successfully
private boolean clearFocusInRoot(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo root) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo fpv = mNavigator.findFocusParkingViewInRoot(root);
// Refresh the node to ensure the focused state is up to date. The node came directly from
// the node tree but it could have been cached by the accessibility framework.
fpv = Utils.refreshNode(fpv);
if (fpv == null) {
L.e("No FocusParkingView in the window that contains " + root);
return false;
if (fpv.isFocused()) {
L.d("FocusParkingView is already focused " + fpv);
return true;
// Don't call performFocusAction(fpv) because it might cause infinite loop (b/322137915).
boolean result = fpv.performAction(ACTION_FOCUS);
if (!result) {
L.w("Failed to perform ACTION_FOCUS on " + fpv);
return result;
private boolean focusHunsWindow(@NonNull List windows,
@View.FocusRealDirection int direction) {
if (direction != mHunNudgeDirection) {
return false;
AccessibilityWindowInfo hunWindow = mNavigator.findHunWindow(windows);
if (hunWindow == null) {
L.d("No HUN window to focus");
return false;
boolean success = restoreDefaultFocusInWindow(hunWindow);
L.successOrFailure("HUN window focus ", success);
return success;
* Focuses the last touched node, if any.
* @return {@code true} if {@link #mLastTouchedNode} isn't {@code null} and it was
* successfully focused
private boolean focusLastTouchedNode() {
boolean lastTouchedNodeFocused = false;
if (mLastTouchedNode != null) {
lastTouchedNodeFocused = performFocusAction(mLastTouchedNode);
if (mLastTouchedNode != null) {
return lastTouchedNodeFocused;
* Sets {@link #mFocusedNode} to a copy of the given node, and clears {@link #mLastTouchedNode}.
void setFocusedNode(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo focusedNode) {
// Android doesn't clear focus automatically when focus is set in another window, so we need
// to do it explicitly.
if (mFocusedNode != null && mLastTouchedNode != null) {
private void setFocusedNodeInternal(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo focusedNode) {
if ((mFocusedNode == null && focusedNode == null) ||
(mFocusedNode != null && mFocusedNode.equals(focusedNode))) {
L.d("Don't reset mFocusedNode since it stays the same: " + mFocusedNode);
if (mInDirectManipulationMode && focusedNode == null) {
// Toggle off direct manipulation mode since there is no focused node.
mInDirectManipulationMode = false;
L.d("Exit direct manipulation mode since there is no focused node");
// Close the IME when navigating from an editable view to a non-editable view.
mFocusedNode = copyNode(focusedNode);
L.d("mFocusedNode set to: " + mFocusedNode);
mFocusArea = mFocusedNode == null ? null : mNavigator.getAncestorFocusArea(mFocusedNode);
if (mFocusedNode != null) {
mWindowCache.saveFocusedNode(mFocusedNode.getWindowId(), mFocusedNode);
private void refreshPendingFocusedNode() {
if (mPendingFocusedNode != null) {
if (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > mPendingFocusedExpirationTime) {
} else {
mPendingFocusedNode = Utils.refreshNode(mPendingFocusedNode);
private void setPendingFocusedNode(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
mPendingFocusedNode = copyNode(node);
L.d("mPendingFocusedNode set to " + mPendingFocusedNode);
mPendingFocusedExpirationTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + mAfterFocusTimeoutMs;
private void setEditNode(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo editNode) {
if ((mEditNode == null && editNode == null) ||
(mEditNode != null && mEditNode.equals(editNode))) {
mEditNode = copyNode(editNode);
* Closes the IME if {@code newFocusedNode} isn't editable and isn't in the IME, and the
* previously focused node is editable.
private void maybeCloseIme(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo newFocusedNode) {
// Don't close the IME unless we're moving from an editable view to a non-editable view.
if (mFocusedNode == null || newFocusedNode == null
|| !mFocusedNode.isEditable() || newFocusedNode.isEditable()) {
// Don't close the IME if we're navigating to the IME.
AccessibilityWindowInfo nextWindow = newFocusedNode.getWindow();
if (nextWindow != null && nextWindow.getType() == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD) {
// To close the IME, we'll ask the FocusParkingView in the previous window to perform
AccessibilityNodeInfo fpv = mNavigator.findFocusParkingView(mFocusedNode);
if (fpv == null) {
if (!fpv.performAction(ACTION_HIDE_IME)) {
L.w("Failed to close IME");
* Sets {@link #mLastTouchedNode} to a copy of the given node, and clears {@link #mFocusedNode}.
void setLastTouchedNode(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo lastTouchedNode) {
if (mLastTouchedNode != null && mFocusedNode != null) {
private void setLastTouchedNodeInternal(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo lastTouchedNode) {
if ((mLastTouchedNode == null && lastTouchedNode == null)
|| (mLastTouchedNode != null && mLastTouchedNode.equals(lastTouchedNode))) {
L.d("Don't reset mLastTouchedNode since it stays the same: " + mLastTouchedNode);
mLastTouchedNode = copyNode(lastTouchedNode);
private void setIgnoreViewClickedNode(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
if (mIgnoreViewClickedNode != null) {
mIgnoreViewClickedNode = copyNode(node);
if (node != null) {
mLastViewClickedTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
void setInRotaryMode(boolean inRotaryMode) {
mInRotaryMode = inRotaryMode;
if (!mInRotaryMode) {
// If we're controlling direct manipulation mode (i.e., the focused node supports rotate
// directly), exit the mode when the user touches the screen.
if (!mInRotaryMode && mInDirectManipulationMode) {
if (mFocusedNode == null) {
L.e("mFocused is null in direct manipulation mode");
} else if (DirectManipulationHelper.supportRotateDirectly(mFocusedNode)) {
L.d("Exit direct manipulation mode on user touch");
mInDirectManipulationMode = false;
boolean result = mFocusedNode.performAction(ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION);
if (!result) {
L.w("Failed to perform ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION on " + mFocusedNode);
} else {
L.d("The client app should exit direct manipulation mode");
/** Switches to the rotary IME or the touch IME if needed. */
private void updateIme() {
String newIme;
if (mInRotaryMode) {
// We're entering Rotary mode, therefore we're setting the rotary IME as the
// default IME.
newIme = mRotaryInputMethod;
} else {
String oldIme = getCurrentIme();
if (Objects.equals(oldIme, mRotaryInputMethod)) {
// Since the previous IME was rotary IME and we're leaving rotary mode, then we
// switch back to the Android Auto default IME.
newIme = mTouchInputMethod;
} else {
// Since we're not entering rotary mode and the current keyboard is not the rotary
// IME, then there is no need to switch IMEs.
if (!Utils.isInstalledIme(newIme, mInputMethodManager)) {
L.w("Rotary IME doesn't exist: " + newIme);
private String getCurrentIme() {
if (mContentResolver == null) {
return null;
return Settings.Secure.getString(mContentResolver, DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD);
private void setCurrentIme(String newIme) {
if (mContentResolver == null) {
String oldIme = getCurrentIme();
boolean result =
Settings.Secure.putString(mContentResolver, DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD, newIme);
L.successOrFailure("Switching IME from " + oldIme + " to " + newIme, result);
* Performs {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_FOCUS} on a copy of the given {@code
* targetNode}.
* @param targetNode the node to perform action on
* @return true if {@code targetNode} was focused already or became focused after performing
* {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_FOCUS}
private boolean performFocusAction(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo targetNode) {
return performFocusAction(targetNode, /* arguments= */ null);
* Performs {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_FOCUS} on a copy of the given {@code
* targetNode}.
* @param targetNode the node to perform action on
* @param arguments optional bundle with additional arguments
* @return true if {@code targetNode} was focused already or became focused after performing
* {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_FOCUS}
private boolean performFocusAction(
@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo targetNode, @Nullable Bundle arguments) {
// If performFocusActionInternal is called on a reference to a saved node, for example
// mFocusedNode, mFocusedNode might get recycled. If we use mFocusedNode later, it might
// cause a crash. So let's pass a copy here.
AccessibilityNodeInfo copyNode = copyNode(targetNode);
boolean success = performFocusActionInternal(copyNode, arguments);
return success;
* Performs {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_FOCUS} on the given {@code targetNode}.
* Note: Only {@link #performFocusAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo, Bundle)} can call this method.
private boolean performFocusActionInternal(
@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo targetNode, @Nullable Bundle arguments) {
if (targetNode.equals(mFocusedNode)) {
L.d("No need to focus on targetNode because it's already focused: " + targetNode);
return true;
boolean isInVirtualHierarchy = mNavigator.isInVirtualNodeHierarchy(targetNode);
if (!Utils.isFocusArea(targetNode) && Utils.hasFocus(targetNode) && !isInVirtualHierarchy) {
// One of targetNode's descendants is already focused, so we can't perform ACTION_FOCUS
// on targetNode directly unless it's a FocusArea. The workaround is to clear the focus
// first (by focusing on the FocusParkingView), then focus on targetNode. The
// prohibition on focusing a node that has focus doesn't apply in WebViews or
// ComposeViews.
L.d("One of targetNode's descendants is already focused: " + targetNode);
if (!clearFocusInCurrentWindow()) {
return false;
// Now we can perform ACTION_FOCUS on targetNode since it doesn't have focus, its
// descendant's focus has been cleared, or it's a FocusArea.
boolean result = targetNode.performAction(ACTION_FOCUS, arguments);
if (!result) {
L.w("Failed to perform ACTION_FOCUS on node " + targetNode);
return false;
L.d("Performed ACTION_FOCUS on node " + targetNode);
// If we performed ACTION_FOCUS on a FocusArea, find the descendant that was focused as a
// result.
if (Utils.isFocusArea(targetNode)) {
if (updateFocusedNodeAfterPerformingFocusAction(targetNode)) {
return true;
} else {
L.w("Unable to find focus after performing ACTION_FOCUS on a FocusArea");
// Update mFocusedNode and mPendingFocusedNode.
setFocusedNode(Utils.isFocusParkingView(targetNode) ? null : targetNode);
return true;
* Searches {@code node} and its descendants for the focused node. If found, sets
* {@link #mFocusedNode} and {@link #mPendingFocusedNode}. Returns whether the focus was found.
* This method should be called after performing an action which changes the focus where we
* can't predict which node will be focused.
private boolean updateFocusedNodeAfterPerformingFocusAction(
@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo focusedNode = mNavigator.findFocusedNodeInRoot(node);
if (focusedNode == null) {
L.w("Failed to find focused node in " + node);
return false;
L.d("Found focused node " + focusedNode);
return true;
void setRotateAcceleration(int rotationAcceleration2xMs, int rotationAcceleration3xMs) {
mRotationAcceleration2xMs = rotationAcceleration2xMs;
mRotationAcceleration3xMs = rotationAcceleration3xMs;
* Returns the number of "ticks" to rotate for a single rotate event with the given detent
* {@code count} at the given time. Uses and updates {@link #mLastRotateEventTime}. The result
* will be one, two, or three times the given detent {@code count} depending on the interval
* between the current event and the previous event and the detent {@code count}.
* @param count the number of detents the user rotated
* @param eventTime the {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis} when the event occurred
* @return the number of "ticks" to rotate
int getRotateAcceleration(int count, long eventTime) {
// count is 0 when testing key "C" or "V" is pressed.
if (count <= 0) {
count = 1;
int result = count;
// TODO(b/153195148): This method can be improved once we've plumbed through the VHAL
// changes. We'll get timestamps for each detent.
long delta = (eventTime - mLastRotateEventTime) / count; // Assume constant speed.
if (delta <= mRotationAcceleration3xMs) {
result = count * 3;
} else if (delta <= mRotationAcceleration2xMs) {
result = count * 2;
mLastRotateEventTime = eventTime;
return result;
private AccessibilityNodeInfo copyNode(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
return mNodeCopier.copy(node);
/** Sets a NodeCopier instance for testing. */
void setNodeCopier(@NonNull NodeCopier nodeCopier) {
mNodeCopier = nodeCopier;
AccessibilityNodeInfo getFocusedNode() {
return mFocusedNode;
void setNavigator(@NonNull Navigator navigator) {
mNavigator = navigator;
void setInputManager(@NonNull InputManager inputManager) {
mInputManager = inputManager;
protected void dump(@NonNull FileDescriptor fd, @NonNull PrintWriter writer,
@Nullable String[] args) {
boolean dumpAsProto = args != null && ArrayUtils.indexOf(args, "proto") != -1;
DualDumpOutputStream dumpOutputStream = dumpAsProto
? new DualDumpOutputStream(new ProtoOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fd)))
: new DualDumpOutputStream(new IndentingPrintWriter(writer, " "));
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.ROTATION_ACCELERATION_2X_MS, mRotationAcceleration2xMs);
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.ROTATION_ACCELERATION_3X_MS, mRotationAcceleration3xMs);
DumpUtils.writeObject(dumpOutputStream, "focusedNode",
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.FOCUSED_NODE, mFocusedNode);
DumpUtils.writeObject(dumpOutputStream, "editNode", RotaryProtos.RotaryService.EDIT_NODE,
DumpUtils.writeObject(dumpOutputStream, "focusArea", RotaryProtos.RotaryService.FOCUS_AREA,
DumpUtils.writeObject(dumpOutputStream, "lastTouchedNode",
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.LAST_TOUCHED_NODE, mLastTouchedNode);
dumpOutputStream.write("rotaryInputMethod", RotaryProtos.RotaryService.ROTARY_INPUT_METHOD,
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.DEFAULT_TOUCH_INPUT_METHOD, mDefaultTouchInputMethod);
dumpOutputStream.write("touchInputMethod", RotaryProtos.RotaryService.TOUCH_INPUT_METHOD,
DumpUtils.writeFocusDirection(dumpOutputStream, dumpAsProto, "hunNudgeDirection",
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.HUN_NUDGE_DIRECTION, mHunNudgeDirection);
DumpUtils.writeFocusDirection(dumpOutputStream, dumpAsProto, "hunEscapeNudgeDirection",
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.HUN_ESCAPE_NUDGE_DIRECTION, mHunEscapeNudgeDirection);
DumpUtils.writeInts(dumpOutputStream, dumpAsProto, "offScreenNudgeGlobalActions",
DumpUtils.writeKeyCodes(dumpOutputStream, dumpAsProto, "offScreenNudgeKeyCodes",
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.OFF_SCREEN_NUDGE_KEY_CODES, mOffScreenNudgeKeyCodes);
DumpUtils.writeObjects(dumpOutputStream, dumpAsProto, "offScreenNudgeIntents",
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.OFF_SCREEN_NUDGE_INTENTS, mOffScreenNudgeIntents);
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.AFTER_SCROLL_TIMEOUT_MS, mAfterFocusTimeoutMs);
DumpUtils.writeAfterScrollAction(dumpOutputStream, dumpAsProto, "afterScrollAction",
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.AFTER_SCROLL_ACTION, mAfterScrollAction);
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.AFTER_SCROLL_ACTION_UNTIL, mAfterScrollActionUntil);
dumpOutputStream.write("inRotaryMode", RotaryProtos.RotaryService.IN_ROTARY_MODE,
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.IN_DIRECT_MANIPULATION_MODE, mInDirectManipulationMode);
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.LAST_ROTATE_EVENT_TIME, mLastRotateEventTime);
dumpOutputStream.write("longPressMs", RotaryProtos.RotaryService.LONG_PRESS_MS,
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.LONG_PRESS_TRIGGERED, mLongPressTriggered);
DumpUtils.writeComponentNameToString(dumpOutputStream, "foregroundActivity",
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.FOREGROUND_ACTIVITY, mForegroundActivity);
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.AFTER_FOCUS_TIMEOUT_MS, mAfterFocusTimeoutMs);
DumpUtils.writeObject(dumpOutputStream, "pendingFocusedNode",
RotaryProtos.RotaryService.PENDING_FOCUSED_NODE, mPendingFocusedNode);
mNavigator.dump(dumpOutputStream, dumpAsProto, "navigator",
mWindowCache.dump(dumpOutputStream, dumpAsProto, "windowCache",