/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.documentsui.services; import static android.content.ContentResolver.wrap; import static android.provider.DocumentsContract.buildChildDocumentsUri; import static android.provider.DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUri; import static android.provider.DocumentsContract.findDocumentPath; import static android.provider.DocumentsContract.getDocumentId; import static android.provider.DocumentsContract.isChildDocument; import static com.android.documentsui.OperationDialogFragment.DIALOG_TYPE_CONVERTED; import static com.android.documentsui.base.DocumentInfo.getCursorLong; import static com.android.documentsui.base.DocumentInfo.getCursorString; import static com.android.documentsui.base.Providers.AUTHORITY_DOWNLOADS; import static com.android.documentsui.base.Providers.AUTHORITY_STORAGE; import static com.android.documentsui.base.SharedMinimal.DEBUG; import static com.android.documentsui.services.FileOperationService.EXTRA_DIALOG_TYPE; import static com.android.documentsui.services.FileOperationService.EXTRA_FAILED_DOCS; import static com.android.documentsui.services.FileOperationService.EXTRA_OPERATION_TYPE; import static com.android.documentsui.services.FileOperationService.MESSAGE_FINISH; import static com.android.documentsui.services.FileOperationService.MESSAGE_PROGRESS; import static com.android.documentsui.services.FileOperationService.OPERATION_COPY; import android.app.Notification; import android.app.Notification.Builder; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.content.ContentProviderClient; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.DeadObjectException; import android.os.FileUtils; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Messenger; import android.os.OperationCanceledException; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.storage.StorageManager; import android.provider.DocumentsContract; import android.provider.DocumentsContract.Document; import android.provider.DocumentsContract.Path; import android.system.ErrnoException; import android.system.Int64Ref; import android.system.Os; import android.system.OsConstants; import android.system.StructStat; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.Log; import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap; import androidx.annotation.StringRes; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.documentsui.DocumentsApplication; import com.android.documentsui.MetricConsts; import com.android.documentsui.Metrics; import com.android.documentsui.R; import com.android.documentsui.base.DocumentInfo; import com.android.documentsui.base.DocumentStack; import com.android.documentsui.base.Features; import com.android.documentsui.base.RootInfo; import com.android.documentsui.clipping.UrisSupplier; import com.android.documentsui.roots.ProvidersCache; import com.android.documentsui.services.FileOperationService.OpType; import com.android.documentsui.util.FormatUtils; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.SyncFailedException; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.LongSupplier; class CopyJob extends ResolvedResourcesJob { private static final String TAG = "CopyJob"; private static final long LOADING_TIMEOUT = 60000; // 1 min final ArrayList convertedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); DocumentInfo mDstInfo; private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); private final Messenger mMessenger; private final Map mDirSizeMap = new ArrayMap<>(); private CopyJobProgressTracker mProgressTracker; /** * @see @link {@link Job} constructor for most param descriptions. */ CopyJob(Context service, Listener listener, String id, DocumentStack destination, UrisSupplier srcs, Messenger messenger, Features features) { this(service, listener, id, OPERATION_COPY, destination, srcs, messenger, features); } CopyJob(Context service, Listener listener, String id, @OpType int opType, DocumentStack destination, UrisSupplier srcs, Messenger messenger, Features features) { super(service, listener, id, opType, destination, srcs, features); mDstInfo = destination.peek(); mMessenger = messenger; assert(srcs.getItemCount() > 0); } @Override Builder createProgressBuilder() { return super.createProgressBuilder( service.getString(R.string.copy_notification_title), R.drawable.ic_menu_copy, service.getString(android.R.string.cancel), R.drawable.ic_cab_cancel); } @Override public Notification getSetupNotification() { return getSetupNotification(service.getString(R.string.copy_preparing)); } Notification getProgressNotification(@StringRes int msgId) { mProgressTracker.update(mProgressBuilder, (remainingTime) -> service.getString(msgId, FormatUtils.formatDuration(remainingTime))); return mProgressBuilder.build(); } @Override public Notification getProgressNotification() { return getProgressNotification(R.string.copy_remaining); } @Override void finish() { try { mMessenger.send(Message.obtain(mHandler, MESSAGE_FINISH, 0, 0)); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Ignore. Most likely the frontend was killed. } super.finish(); } @Override Notification getFailureNotification() { return getFailureNotification( R.plurals.copy_error_notification_title, R.drawable.ic_menu_copy); } @Override Notification getWarningNotification() { final Intent navigateIntent = buildNavigateIntent(INTENT_TAG_WARNING); navigateIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_DIALOG_TYPE, DIALOG_TYPE_CONVERTED); navigateIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_OPERATION_TYPE, operationType); navigateIntent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(EXTRA_FAILED_DOCS, convertedFiles); // TODO: Consider adding a dialog on tapping the notification with a list of // converted files. final Notification.Builder warningBuilder = createNotificationBuilder() .setContentTitle(service.getResources().getString( R.string.notification_copy_files_converted_title)) .setContentText(service.getString( R.string.notification_touch_for_details)) .setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(appContext, 0, navigateIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT | PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT | PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE)) .setCategory(Notification.CATEGORY_ERROR) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_menu_copy) .setAutoCancel(true); return warningBuilder.build(); } @Override boolean setUp() { if (!super.setUp()) { return false; } // Check if user has canceled this task. if (isCanceled()) { return false; } mProgressTracker = createProgressTracker(); // Check if user has canceled this task. We should check it again here as user cancels // tasks in main thread, but this is running in a worker thread. calculateSize() may // take a long time during which user can cancel this task, and we don't want to waste // resources doing useless large chunk of work. if (isCanceled()) { return false; } return checkSpace(); } @Override void start() { mProgressTracker.start(); DocumentInfo srcInfo; for (int i = 0; i < mResolvedDocs.size() && !isCanceled(); ++i) { srcInfo = mResolvedDocs.get(i); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Copying " + srcInfo.displayName + " (" + srcInfo.derivedUri + ")" + " to " + mDstInfo.displayName + " (" + mDstInfo.derivedUri + ")"); } try { // Copying recursively to itself or one of descendants is not allowed. if (mDstInfo.equals(srcInfo) || isDescendantOf(srcInfo, mDstInfo) || isRecursiveCopy(srcInfo, mDstInfo)) { Log.e(TAG, "Skipping recursive copy of " + srcInfo.derivedUri); onFileFailed(srcInfo); } else { processDocumentThenUpdateProgress(srcInfo, null, mDstInfo); } } catch (ResourceException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to copy " + srcInfo.derivedUri, e); onFileFailed(srcInfo); } } Metrics.logFileOperation(operationType, mResolvedDocs, mDstInfo); } /** * Checks whether the destination folder has enough space to take all source files. * @return true if the root has enough space or doesn't provide free space info; otherwise false */ boolean checkSpace() { if (!mProgressTracker.hasRequiredBytes()) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(TAG, "Proceeding copy without knowing required space, files or directories may " + "empty or failed to compute required bytes."); } return true; } return verifySpaceAvailable(mProgressTracker.getRequiredBytes()); } /** * Checks whether the destination folder has enough space to take files of batchSize * @param batchSize the total size of files * @return true if the root has enough space or doesn't provide free space info; otherwise false */ final boolean verifySpaceAvailable(long batchSize) { // Default to be true because if batchSize or available space is invalid, we still let the // copy start anyway. boolean available = true; if (batchSize >= 0) { ProvidersCache cache = DocumentsApplication.getProvidersCache(appContext); RootInfo root = stack.getRoot(); // Query root info here instead of using stack.root because the number there may be // stale. root = cache.getRootOneshot(root.userId, root.authority, root.rootId, true); if (root.availableBytes >= 0) { available = (batchSize <= root.availableBytes); } else { Log.w(TAG, root.toString() + " doesn't provide available bytes."); } } if (!available) { failureCount = mResolvedDocs.size(); failedDocs.addAll(mResolvedDocs); } return available; } @Override boolean hasWarnings() { return !convertedFiles.isEmpty(); } /** * Logs progress on the current copy operation. Displays/Updates the progress notification. * * @param bytesCopied */ private void makeCopyProgress(long bytesCopied) { try { mMessenger.send(Message.obtain(mHandler, MESSAGE_PROGRESS, (int) (100 * mProgressTracker.getProgress()), // Progress in percentage (int) mProgressTracker.getRemainingTimeEstimate())); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Ignore. The frontend may be gone. } mProgressTracker.onBytesCopied(bytesCopied); } /** * Logs progress when optimized copy. * * @param doc the doc current copy. */ protected void makeOptimizedCopyProgress(DocumentInfo doc) { long bytes; if (doc.isDirectory()) { Long byteObject = mDirSizeMap.get(doc.documentId); bytes = byteObject == null ? 0 : byteObject.longValue(); } else { bytes = doc.size; } makeCopyProgress(bytes); } /** * Copies a the given document to the given location. * * @param src DocumentInfos for the documents to copy. * @param srcParent DocumentInfo for the parent of the document to process. * @param dstDirInfo The destination directory. * @throws ResourceException * * TODO: Stop passing srcParent, as it's not used for copy, but for move only. */ void processDocument(DocumentInfo src, DocumentInfo srcParent, DocumentInfo dstDirInfo) throws ResourceException { // For now. Local storage isn't using optimized copy. // When copying within the same provider, try to use optimized copying. // If not supported, then fallback to byte-by-byte copy/move. if (src.authority.equals(dstDirInfo.authority)) { if ((src.flags & Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_COPY) != 0) { try { if (DocumentsContract.copyDocument(wrap(getClient(src)), src.derivedUri, dstDirInfo.derivedUri) != null) { Metrics.logFileOperated(operationType, MetricConsts.OPMODE_PROVIDER); makeOptimizedCopyProgress(src); return; } } catch (FileNotFoundException | RemoteException | RuntimeException e) { if (e instanceof DeadObjectException) { releaseClient(src); } Log.e(TAG, "Provider side copy failed for: " + src.derivedUri + " due to an exception.", e); Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_QUICK_COPY, src.derivedUri); } // If optimized copy fails, then fallback to byte-by-byte copy. if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Fallback to byte-by-byte copy for: " + src.derivedUri); } } } // If we couldn't do an optimized copy...we fall back to vanilla byte copy. byteCopyDocument(src, dstDirInfo); } private void processDocumentThenUpdateProgress(DocumentInfo src, DocumentInfo srcParent, DocumentInfo dstDirInfo) throws ResourceException { processDocument(src, srcParent, dstDirInfo); mProgressTracker.onDocumentCompleted(); } void byteCopyDocument(DocumentInfo src, DocumentInfo dest) throws ResourceException { final String dstMimeType; final String dstDisplayName; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Doing byte copy of document: " + src); } // If the file is virtual, but can be converted to another format, then try to copy it // as such format. Also, append an extension for the target mime type (if known). if (src.isVirtual()) { String[] streamTypes = null; try { streamTypes = src.userId.getContentResolver(service).getStreamTypes(src.derivedUri, "*/*"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_OBTAIN_STREAM_TYPE, src.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException( "Failed to obtain streamable types for %s due to an exception.", src.derivedUri, e); } if (streamTypes != null && streamTypes.length > 0) { dstMimeType = streamTypes[0]; final String extension = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton(). getExtensionFromMimeType(dstMimeType); dstDisplayName = src.displayName + (extension != null ? "." + extension : src.displayName); } else { Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_OBTAIN_STREAM_TYPE, src.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException("Cannot copy virtual file %s. No streamable formats " + "available.", src.derivedUri); } } else { dstMimeType = src.mimeType; dstDisplayName = src.displayName; } // Create the target document (either a file or a directory), then copy recursively the // contents (bytes or children). Uri dstUri = null; try { dstUri = DocumentsContract.createDocument( wrap(getClient(dest)), dest.derivedUri, dstMimeType, dstDisplayName); } catch (FileNotFoundException | RemoteException | RuntimeException e) { if (e instanceof DeadObjectException) { releaseClient(dest); } Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_CREATE_DOCUMENT, dest.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException( "Couldn't create destination document " + dstDisplayName + " in directory %s " + "due to an exception.", dest.derivedUri, e); } if (dstUri == null) { // If this is a directory, the entire subdir will not be copied over. Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_CREATE_DOCUMENT, dest.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException( "Couldn't create destination document " + dstDisplayName + " in directory %s.", dest.derivedUri); } DocumentInfo dstInfo = null; try { dstInfo = DocumentInfo.fromUri(dest.userId.getContentResolver(service), dstUri, dest.userId); } catch (FileNotFoundException | RuntimeException e) { Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_QUERY_DOCUMENT, dstUri); throw new ResourceException("Could not load DocumentInfo for newly created file %s.", dstUri); } if (Document.MIME_TYPE_DIR.equals(src.mimeType)) { copyDirectoryHelper(src, dstInfo); } else { copyFileHelper(src, dstInfo, dest, dstMimeType); } } /** * Handles recursion into a directory and copying its contents. Note that in linux terms, this * does the equivalent of "cp src/* dst", not "cp -r src dst". * * @param srcDir Info of the directory to copy from. The routine will copy the directory's * contents, not the directory itself. * @param destDir Info of the directory to copy to. Must be created beforehand. * @throws ResourceException */ private void copyDirectoryHelper(DocumentInfo srcDir, DocumentInfo destDir) throws ResourceException { // Recurse into directories. Copy children into the new subdirectory. final String queryColumns[] = new String[] { Document.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME, Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID, Document.COLUMN_MIME_TYPE, Document.COLUMN_SIZE, Document.COLUMN_FLAGS }; Cursor cursor = null; boolean success = true; // Iterate over srcs in the directory; copy to the destination directory. try { try { cursor = queryChildren(srcDir, queryColumns); } catch (RemoteException | RuntimeException e) { if (e instanceof DeadObjectException) { releaseClient(srcDir); } Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_QUERY_CHILDREN, srcDir.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException("Failed to query children of %s due to an exception.", srcDir.derivedUri, e); } DocumentInfo src; while (cursor.moveToNext() && !isCanceled()) { try { src = DocumentInfo.fromCursor(cursor, srcDir.userId, srcDir.authority); processDocument(src, srcDir, destDir); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG, String.format( "Failed to recursively process a file %s due to an exception.", srcDir.derivedUri.toString()), e); success = false; } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG, String.format( "Failed to copy a file %s to %s. ", srcDir.derivedUri.toString(), destDir.derivedUri.toString()), e); success = false; } finally { FileUtils.closeQuietly(cursor); } if (!success) { throw new RuntimeException("Some files failed to copy during a recursive " + "directory copy."); } } /** * Handles copying a single file. * * @param src Info of the file to copy from. * @param dest Info of the *file* to copy to. Must be created beforehand. * @param destParent Info of the parent of the destination. * @param mimeType Mime type for the target. Can be different than source for virtual files. * @throws ResourceException */ private void copyFileHelper(DocumentInfo src, DocumentInfo dest, DocumentInfo destParent, String mimeType) throws ResourceException { AssetFileDescriptor srcFileAsAsset = null; ParcelFileDescriptor srcFile = null; ParcelFileDescriptor dstFile = null; InputStream in = null; ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream out = null; boolean success = false; try { // If the file is virtual, but can be converted to another format, then try to copy it // as such format. if (src.isVirtual()) { try { srcFileAsAsset = getClient(src).openTypedAssetFileDescriptor( src.derivedUri, mimeType, null, mSignal); } catch (FileNotFoundException | RemoteException | RuntimeException e) { if (e instanceof DeadObjectException) { releaseClient(src); } Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_OPEN_FILE, src.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException("Failed to open a file as asset for %s due to an " + "exception.", src.derivedUri, e); } srcFile = srcFileAsAsset.getParcelFileDescriptor(); try { in = new AssetFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream(srcFileAsAsset); } catch (IOException e) { Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_OPEN_FILE, src.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException("Failed to open a file input stream for %s due " + "an exception.", src.derivedUri, e); } Metrics.logFileOperated(operationType, MetricConsts.OPMODE_CONVERTED); } else { try { srcFile = getClient(src).openFile(src.derivedUri, "r", mSignal); } catch (FileNotFoundException | RemoteException | RuntimeException e) { if (e instanceof DeadObjectException) { releaseClient(src); } Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_OPEN_FILE, src.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException( "Failed to open a file for %s due to an exception.", src.derivedUri, e); } in = new ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream(srcFile); Metrics.logFileOperated(operationType, MetricConsts.OPMODE_CONVENTIONAL); } try { dstFile = getClient(dest).openFile(dest.derivedUri, "w", mSignal); } catch (FileNotFoundException | RemoteException | RuntimeException e) { if (e instanceof DeadObjectException) { releaseClient(dest); } Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_OPEN_FILE, dest.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException("Failed to open the destination file %s for writing " + "due to an exception.", dest.derivedUri, e); } out = new ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream(dstFile); try { // If we know the source size, and the destination supports disk // space allocation, then allocate the space we'll need. This // uses fallocate() under the hood to optimize on-disk layout // and prevent us from running out of space during large copies. final StorageManager sm = service.getSystemService(StorageManager.class); final long srcSize = srcFile.getStatSize(); final FileDescriptor dstFd = dstFile.getFileDescriptor(); if (srcSize > 0 && sm.isAllocationSupported(dstFd)) { sm.allocateBytes(dstFd, srcSize); } try { final Int64Ref last = new Int64Ref(0); FileUtils.copy(in, out, mSignal, Runnable::run, (long progress) -> { final long delta = progress - last.value; last.value = progress; makeCopyProgress(delta); }); } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Canceled copy mid-copy of: " + src.derivedUri); } return; } // Need to invoke Os#fsync to ensure the file is written to the storage device. try { Os.fsync(dstFile.getFileDescriptor()); } catch (ErrnoException error) { // fsync will fail with fd of pipes and return EROFS or EINVAL. if (error.errno != OsConstants.EROFS && error.errno != OsConstants.EINVAL) { throw new SyncFailedException( "Failed to sync bytes after copying a file."); } } // Need to invoke IoUtils.close explicitly to avoid from ignoring errors at flush. try { Os.close(dstFile.getFileDescriptor()); } catch (ErrnoException e) { throw new IOException(e); } srcFile.checkError(); } catch (IOException e) { Metrics.logFileOperationFailure( appContext, MetricConsts.SUBFILEOP_WRITE_FILE, dest.derivedUri); throw new ResourceException( "Failed to copy bytes from %s to %s due to an IO exception.", src.derivedUri, dest.derivedUri, e); } if (src.isVirtual()) { convertedFiles.add(src); } success = true; } finally { if (!success) { if (dstFile != null) { try { dstFile.closeWithError("Error copying bytes."); } catch (IOException closeError) { Log.w(TAG, "Error closing destination.", closeError); } } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Cleaning up failed operation leftovers."); } mSignal.cancel(); try { deleteDocument(dest, destParent); } catch (ResourceException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to cleanup after copy error: " + src.derivedUri, e); } } // This also ensures the file descriptors are closed. FileUtils.closeQuietly(in); FileUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } /** * Create CopyJobProgressTracker instance for notification to update copy progress. * * @return Instance of CopyJobProgressTracker according required bytes or documents. */ private CopyJobProgressTracker createProgressTracker() { long docsRequired = mResolvedDocs.size(); long bytesRequired = 0; try { for (DocumentInfo src : mResolvedDocs) { if (src.isDirectory()) { // Directories need to be recursed into. try { long size = calculateFileSizesRecursively(getClient(src), src.derivedUri); bytesRequired += size; mDirSizeMap.put(src.documentId, size); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to obtain the client for " + src.derivedUri, e); return new IndeterminateProgressTracker(bytesRequired); } } else { bytesRequired += src.size; } if (isCanceled()) { break; } } } catch (ResourceException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to calculate total size. Copying without progress.", e); return new IndeterminateProgressTracker(bytesRequired); } if (bytesRequired > 0) { return new ByteCountProgressTracker(bytesRequired, SystemClock::elapsedRealtime); } else { return new FileCountProgressTracker(docsRequired, SystemClock::elapsedRealtime); } } /** * Calculates (recursively) the cumulative size of all the files under the given directory. * * @throws ResourceException */ long calculateFileSizesRecursively( ContentProviderClient client, Uri uri) throws ResourceException { final String authority = uri.getAuthority(); final String queryColumns[] = new String[] { Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID, Document.COLUMN_MIME_TYPE, Document.COLUMN_SIZE }; long result = 0; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = queryChildren(client, uri, queryColumns); while (cursor.moveToNext() && !isCanceled()) { if (Document.MIME_TYPE_DIR.equals( getCursorString(cursor, Document.COLUMN_MIME_TYPE))) { // Recurse into directories. final Uri dirUri = buildDocumentUri(authority, getCursorString(cursor, Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID)); result += calculateFileSizesRecursively(client, dirUri); } else { // This may return -1 if the size isn't defined. Ignore those cases. long size = getCursorLong(cursor, Document.COLUMN_SIZE); result += size > 0 ? size : 0; } } } catch (RemoteException | RuntimeException e) { if (e instanceof DeadObjectException) { releaseClient(uri); } throw new ResourceException( "Failed to calculate size for %s due to an exception.", uri, e); } finally { FileUtils.closeQuietly(cursor); } return result; } /** * Queries children documents. * * SAF allows {@link DocumentsContract#EXTRA_LOADING} in {@link Cursor#getExtras()} to indicate * there are more data to be loaded. Wait until {@link DocumentsContract#EXTRA_LOADING} is * false and then return the cursor. * * @param srcDir the directory whose children are being loading * @param queryColumns columns of metadata to load * @return cursor of all children documents * @throws RemoteException when the remote throws or waiting for update times out */ private Cursor queryChildren(DocumentInfo srcDir, String[] queryColumns) throws RemoteException { return queryChildren(getClient(srcDir), srcDir.derivedUri, queryColumns); } /** * Queries children documents. * * SAF allows {@link DocumentsContract#EXTRA_LOADING} in {@link Cursor#getExtras()} to indicate * there are more data to be loaded. Wait until {@link DocumentsContract#EXTRA_LOADING} is * false and then return the cursor. * * @param client the {@link ContentProviderClient} to use to query children * @param dirDocUri the document Uri of the directory whose children are being loaded * @param queryColumns columns of metadata to load * @return cursor of all children documents * @throws RemoteException when the remote throws or waiting for update times out */ private Cursor queryChildren(ContentProviderClient client, Uri dirDocUri, String[] queryColumns) throws RemoteException { // TODO (b/34459983): Optimize this performance by processing partial result first while provider is loading // more data. Note we need to skip size calculation to achieve it. final Uri queryUri = buildChildDocumentsUri(dirDocUri.getAuthority(), getDocumentId(dirDocUri)); Cursor cursor = client.query( queryUri, queryColumns, (String) null, null, null); while (cursor.getExtras().getBoolean(DocumentsContract.EXTRA_LOADING)) { cursor.registerContentObserver(new DirectoryChildrenObserver(queryUri)); try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (queryUri) { queryUri.wait(LOADING_TIMEOUT); } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > LOADING_TIMEOUT) { // Timed out throw new RemoteException("Timed out waiting on update for " + queryUri); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Should never happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } // Make another query cursor = client.query( queryUri, queryColumns, (String) null, null, null); } return cursor; } /** * Returns true if {@code doc} is a descendant of {@code parentDoc}. * @throws ResourceException */ boolean isDescendantOf(DocumentInfo doc, DocumentInfo parent) throws ResourceException { if (parent.isDirectory() && doc.authority.equals(parent.authority)) { try { return isChildDocument(wrap(getClient(doc)), doc.derivedUri, parent.derivedUri); } catch (FileNotFoundException | RemoteException | RuntimeException e) { if (e instanceof DeadObjectException) { releaseClient(doc); } throw new ResourceException( "Failed to check if %s is a child of %s due to an exception.", doc.derivedUri, parent.derivedUri, e); } } return false; } private boolean isRecursiveCopy(DocumentInfo source, DocumentInfo target) { if (!source.isDirectory() || !target.isDirectory()) { return false; } // Recursive copy within the same authority is prevented by a check to isDescendantOf. if (source.authority.equals(target.authority)) { return false; } if (!isFileSystemProvider(source) || !isFileSystemProvider(target)) { return false; } Uri sourceUri = source.derivedUri; Uri targetUri = target.derivedUri; try { final Path targetPath = findDocumentPath(wrap(getClient(target)), targetUri); if (targetPath == null) { return false; } ContentResolver cr = wrap(getClient(source)); try (ParcelFileDescriptor sourceFd = cr.openFile(sourceUri, "r", null)) { StructStat sourceStat = Os.fstat(sourceFd.getFileDescriptor()); final long sourceDev = sourceStat.st_dev; final long sourceIno = sourceStat.st_ino; // Walk down the target hierarchy. If we ever match the source, we know we are a // descendant of them and should abort the copy. for (String targetNodeDocId : targetPath.getPath()) { Uri targetNodeUri = buildDocumentUri(target.authority, targetNodeDocId); cr = wrap(getClient(target)); try (ParcelFileDescriptor targetFd = cr.openFile(targetNodeUri, "r", null)) { StructStat targetNodeStat = Os.fstat(targetFd.getFileDescriptor()); final long targetNodeDev = targetNodeStat.st_dev; final long targetNodeIno = targetNodeStat.st_ino; // Devices differ, just return early. if (sourceDev != targetNodeDev) { return false; } if (sourceIno == targetNodeIno) { Log.w(TAG, String.format( "Preventing copy from %s to %s", sourceUri, targetUri)); return true; } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof DeadObjectException) { releaseClient(target); } Log.w(TAG, String.format("Failed to determine if isRecursiveCopy" + " for source %s and target %s", sourceUri, targetUri), t); } return false; } private static boolean isFileSystemProvider(DocumentInfo info) { return AUTHORITY_STORAGE.equals(info.authority) || AUTHORITY_DOWNLOADS.equals(info.authority); } @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder() .append("CopyJob") .append("{") .append("id=" + id) .append(", uris=" + mResourceUris) .append(", docs=" + mResolvedDocs) .append(", destination=" + stack) .append("}") .toString(); } private static class DirectoryChildrenObserver extends ContentObserver { private final Object mNotifier; private DirectoryChildrenObserver(Object notifier) { super(new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())); assert(notifier != null); mNotifier = notifier; } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) { synchronized (mNotifier) { mNotifier.notify(); } } } @VisibleForTesting static abstract class CopyJobProgressTracker implements ProgressTracker { private LongSupplier mElapsedRealTimeSupplier; // Speed estimation. private long mStartTime = -1; private long mDataProcessedSample; private long mSampleTime; private long mSpeed; private long mRemainingTime = -1; public CopyJobProgressTracker(LongSupplier timeSupplier) { mElapsedRealTimeSupplier = timeSupplier; } protected void onBytesCopied(long numBytes) { } protected void onDocumentCompleted() { } protected boolean hasRequiredBytes() { return false; } protected long getRequiredBytes() { return -1; } protected void start() { mStartTime = mElapsedRealTimeSupplier.getAsLong(); } protected void update(Builder builder, Function messageFormatter) { updateEstimateRemainingTime(); final double completed = getProgress(); builder.setProgress(100, (int) (completed * 100), false); builder.setSubText( NumberFormat.getPercentInstance().format(completed)); if (getRemainingTimeEstimate() > 0) { builder.setContentText(messageFormatter.apply(getRemainingTimeEstimate())); } else { builder.setContentText(null); } } abstract void updateEstimateRemainingTime(); /** * Generates an estimate of the remaining time in the copy. * @param dataProcessed the number of data processed * @param dataRequired the number of data required. */ protected void estimateRemainingTime(final long dataProcessed, final long dataRequired) { final long currentTime = mElapsedRealTimeSupplier.getAsLong(); final long elapsedTime = currentTime - mStartTime; final long sampleDuration = Math.max(elapsedTime - mSampleTime, 1L); // avoid dividing 0 final long sampleSpeed = ((dataProcessed - mDataProcessedSample) * 1000) / sampleDuration; if (mSpeed == 0) { mSpeed = sampleSpeed; } else { mSpeed = ((3 * mSpeed) + sampleSpeed) / 4; } if (mSampleTime > 0 && mSpeed > 0) { mRemainingTime = ((dataRequired - dataProcessed) * 1000) / mSpeed; } mSampleTime = elapsedTime; mDataProcessedSample = dataProcessed; } @Override public long getRemainingTimeEstimate() { return mRemainingTime; } } @VisibleForTesting static class ByteCountProgressTracker extends CopyJobProgressTracker { final long mBytesRequired; final AtomicLong mBytesCopied = new AtomicLong(0); public ByteCountProgressTracker(long bytesRequired, LongSupplier elapsedRealtimeSupplier) { super(elapsedRealtimeSupplier); mBytesRequired = bytesRequired; } @Override public double getProgress() { return (double) mBytesCopied.get() / mBytesRequired; } @Override protected boolean hasRequiredBytes() { return mBytesRequired > 0; } @Override public void onBytesCopied(long numBytes) { mBytesCopied.getAndAdd(numBytes); } @Override public void updateEstimateRemainingTime() { estimateRemainingTime(mBytesCopied.get(), mBytesRequired); } } @VisibleForTesting static class FileCountProgressTracker extends CopyJobProgressTracker { final long mDocsRequired; final AtomicLong mDocsProcessed = new AtomicLong(0); public FileCountProgressTracker(long docsRequired, LongSupplier elapsedRealtimeSupplier) { super(elapsedRealtimeSupplier); mDocsRequired = docsRequired; } @Override public double getProgress() { // Use the number of copied docs to calculate progress when mBytesRequired is zero. return (double) mDocsProcessed.get() / mDocsRequired; } @Override public void onDocumentCompleted() { mDocsProcessed.getAndIncrement(); } @Override public void updateEstimateRemainingTime() { estimateRemainingTime(mDocsProcessed.get(), mDocsRequired); } } private static class IndeterminateProgressTracker extends ByteCountProgressTracker { public IndeterminateProgressTracker(long bytesRequired) { super(bytesRequired, () -> -1L /* No need to update elapsedTime */); } @Override protected void update(Builder builder, Function messageFormatter) { // If the total file size failed to compute on some files, then show // an indeterminate spinner. CopyJob would most likely fail on those // files while copying, but would continue with another files. // Also, if the total size is 0 bytes, show an indeterminate spinner. builder.setProgress(0, 0, true); builder.setContentText(null); } } }