/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.util.Property; import android.view.View; import com.android.launcher3.util.Thunk; /** * A convenience class for two-way animations, e.g. a fadeIn/fadeOut animation. * With a regular ValueAnimator, if you call reverse to show the 'out' animation, you'll get * a frame-by-frame mirror of the 'in' animation -- i.e., the interpolated values will * be exactly reversed. Using this class, both the 'in' and the 'out' animation use the * interpolator in the same direction. */ public class InterruptibleInOutAnimator { private static final Property<InterruptibleInOutAnimator, Float> VALUE = new Property<InterruptibleInOutAnimator, Float>(Float.TYPE, "value") { @Override public Float get(InterruptibleInOutAnimator anim) { return anim.mValue; } @Override public void set(InterruptibleInOutAnimator anim, Float value) { anim.mValue = value; } }; private long mOriginalDuration; private float mOriginalFromValue; private float mOriginalToValue; private ValueAnimator mAnimator; private float mValue; private boolean mFirstRun = true; private Object mTag = null; private static final int STOPPED = 0; private static final int IN = 1; private static final int OUT = 2; // TODO: This isn't really necessary, but is here to help diagnose a bug in the drag viz @Thunk int mDirection = STOPPED; public InterruptibleInOutAnimator(long duration, float fromValue, float toValue) { mAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, VALUE, fromValue, toValue).setDuration(duration); mOriginalDuration = duration; mOriginalFromValue = fromValue; mOriginalToValue = toValue; mAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mDirection = STOPPED; } }); } private void animate(int direction) { final long currentPlayTime = mAnimator.getCurrentPlayTime(); final float toValue = (direction == IN) ? mOriginalToValue : mOriginalFromValue; final float startValue = mFirstRun ? mOriginalFromValue : mValue; // Make sure it's stopped before we modify any values cancel(); // TODO: We don't really need to do the animation if startValue == toValue, but // somehow that doesn't seem to work, possibly a quirk of the animation framework mDirection = direction; // Ensure we don't calculate a non-sensical duration long duration = mOriginalDuration - currentPlayTime; mAnimator.setDuration(Math.max(0, Math.min(duration, mOriginalDuration))); mAnimator.setFloatValues(startValue, toValue); mAnimator.start(); mFirstRun = false; } public void cancel() { mAnimator.cancel(); mDirection = STOPPED; } public void end() { mAnimator.end(); mDirection = STOPPED; } /** * Return true when the animation is not running and it hasn't even been started. */ public boolean isStopped() { return mDirection == STOPPED; } /** * This is the equivalent of calling Animator.start(), except that it can be called when * the animation is running in the opposite direction, in which case we reverse * direction and animate for a correspondingly shorter duration. */ public void animateIn() { animate(IN); } /** * This is the roughly the equivalent of calling Animator.reverse(), except that it uses the * same interpolation curve as animateIn(), rather than mirroring it. Also, like animateIn(), * if the animation is currently running in the opposite direction, we reverse * direction and animate for a correspondingly shorter duration. */ public void animateOut() { animate(OUT); } public void setTag(Object tag) { mTag = tag; } public Object getTag() { return mTag; } public ValueAnimator getAnimator() { return mAnimator; } }