/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import static android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN; import static com.android.launcher3.CellLayout.FOLDER; import static com.android.launcher3.CellLayout.HOTSEAT; import static com.android.launcher3.CellLayout.WORKSPACE; import static com.android.launcher3.util.MultiTranslateDelegate.INDEX_BUBBLE_ADJUSTMENT_ANIM; import static com.android.launcher3.util.MultiTranslateDelegate.INDEX_WIDGET_CENTERING; import android.app.WallpaperManager; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.PointF; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.os.Trace; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import com.android.launcher3.CellLayout.ContainerType; import com.android.launcher3.celllayout.CellLayoutLayoutParams; import com.android.launcher3.folder.FolderIcon; import com.android.launcher3.model.data.ItemInfo; import com.android.launcher3.views.ActivityContext; import com.android.launcher3.widget.LauncherAppWidgetHostView; import com.android.launcher3.widget.NavigableAppWidgetHostView; public class ShortcutAndWidgetContainer extends ViewGroup implements FolderIcon.FolderIconParent { static final String TAG = "ShortcutAndWidgetContainer"; // These are temporary variables to prevent having to allocate a new object just to // return an (x, y) value from helper functions. Do NOT use them to maintain other state. private final int[] mTmpCellXY = new int[2]; @ContainerType private final int mContainerType; private final WallpaperManager mWallpaperManager; private int mCellWidth; private int mCellHeight; private Point mBorderSpace; private int mCountX; private int mCountY; private final ActivityContext mActivity; private boolean mInvertIfRtl = false; @Nullable private TranslationProvider mTranslationProvider = null; public ShortcutAndWidgetContainer(Context context, @ContainerType int containerType) { super(context); mActivity = ActivityContext.lookupContext(context); mWallpaperManager = WallpaperManager.getInstance(context); mContainerType = containerType; setClipChildren(false); } public void setCellDimensions(int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int countX, int countY, Point borderSpace) { mCellWidth = cellWidth; mCellHeight = cellHeight; mCountX = countX; mCountY = countY; mBorderSpace = borderSpace; } public View getChildAt(int cellX, int cellY) { final int count = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { View child = getChildAt(i); CellLayoutLayoutParams lp = (CellLayoutLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); if ((lp.getCellX() <= cellX) && (cellX < lp.getCellX() + lp.cellHSpan) && (lp.getCellY() <= cellY) && (cellY < lp.getCellY() + lp.cellVSpan)) { return child; } } return null; } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int count = getChildCount(); int widthSpecSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); int heightSpecSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); setMeasuredDimension(widthSpecSize, heightSpecSize); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { View child = getChildAt(i); if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) { measureChild(child); } } } /** * Adds view to Layout a new position and it does not trigger a layout request. * For more information check documentation for * {@code ViewGroup#addViewInLayout(View, int, LayoutParams, boolean)} * * @param child view to be added * @return true if the child was added, false otherwise */ public boolean addViewInLayout(View child, LayoutParams layoutParams) { return super.addViewInLayout(child, -1, layoutParams, true); } public void setupLp(View child) { CellLayoutLayoutParams lp = (CellLayoutLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); if (child instanceof NavigableAppWidgetHostView) { DeviceProfile profile = mActivity.getDeviceProfile(); final PointF appWidgetScale = profile.getAppWidgetScale((ItemInfo) child.getTag()); lp.setup(mCellWidth, mCellHeight, invertLayoutHorizontally(), mCountX, mCountY, appWidgetScale.x, appWidgetScale.y, mBorderSpace, profile.widgetPadding); } else { lp.setup(mCellWidth, mCellHeight, invertLayoutHorizontally(), mCountX, mCountY, mBorderSpace); } } // Set whether or not to invert the layout horizontally if the layout is in RTL mode. public void setInvertIfRtl(boolean invert) { mInvertIfRtl = invert; } public int getCellContentHeight() { return Math.min(getMeasuredHeight(), mActivity.getDeviceProfile().getCellContentHeight(mContainerType)); } public void measureChild(View child) { CellLayoutLayoutParams lp = (CellLayoutLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); final DeviceProfile dp = mActivity.getDeviceProfile(); if (child instanceof NavigableAppWidgetHostView) { final PointF appWidgetScale = dp.getAppWidgetScale((ItemInfo) child.getTag()); lp.setup(mCellWidth, mCellHeight, invertLayoutHorizontally(), mCountX, mCountY, appWidgetScale.x, appWidgetScale.y, mBorderSpace, dp.widgetPadding); } else if (isChildQsb(child)) { lp.setup(mCellWidth, mCellHeight, invertLayoutHorizontally(), mCountX, mCountY, mBorderSpace); // No need to add padding for Qsb, which is either Smartspace (actual or preview), or // QsbContainerView. } else { lp.setup(mCellWidth, mCellHeight, invertLayoutHorizontally(), mCountX, mCountY, mBorderSpace); // Center the icon/folder int cHeight = getCellContentHeight(); int cellPaddingY = dp.cellYPaddingPx >= 0 && mContainerType == WORKSPACE ? dp.cellYPaddingPx : (int) Math.max(0, ((lp.height - cHeight) / 2f)); // No need to add padding when cell layout border spacing is present. boolean noPaddingX = (dp.cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x > 0 && mContainerType == WORKSPACE) || (dp.folderCellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x > 0 && mContainerType == FOLDER) || (dp.hotseatBorderSpace > 0 && mContainerType == HOTSEAT); int cellPaddingX = noPaddingX ? 0 : mContainerType == WORKSPACE ? dp.workspaceCellPaddingXPx : (int) (dp.edgeMarginPx / 2f); child.setPadding(cellPaddingX, cellPaddingY, cellPaddingX, 0); } int childWidthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(lp.width, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); int childheightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(lp.height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childheightMeasureSpec); } private boolean isChildQsb(View child) { return child.getId() == R.id.search_container_workspace; } public boolean invertLayoutHorizontally() { return mInvertIfRtl && Utilities.isRtl(getResources()); } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { Trace.beginSection("ShortcutAndWidgetConteiner#onLayout"); int count = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final View child = getChildAt(i); if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) { layoutChild(child); } } Trace.endSection(); } /** * Core logic to layout a child for this ViewGroup. */ public void layoutChild(View child) { CellLayoutLayoutParams lp = (CellLayoutLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); if (child instanceof NavigableAppWidgetHostView) { NavigableAppWidgetHostView nahv = (NavigableAppWidgetHostView) child; // Scale and center the widget to fit within its cells. DeviceProfile profile = mActivity.getDeviceProfile(); final PointF appWidgetScale = profile.getAppWidgetScale((ItemInfo) child.getTag()); float scaleX = appWidgetScale.x; float scaleY = appWidgetScale.y; nahv.setScaleToFit(Math.min(scaleX, scaleY)); nahv.getTranslateDelegate().setTranslation(INDEX_WIDGET_CENTERING, -(lp.width - (lp.width * scaleX)) / 2.0f, -(lp.height - (lp.height * scaleY)) / 2.0f); } int childLeft = lp.x; int childTop = lp.y; // We want to get the layout position of the widget, but layout() is a final function in // ViewGroup which makes it impossible to be overridden. Overriding onLayout() will have no // effect since it will not be called when the transition is enabled. The only possible // solution here seems to be sending the positions when CellLayout is laying out the views if (child instanceof LauncherAppWidgetHostView widgetView && widgetView.getCellChildViewPreLayoutListener() != null) { widgetView.getCellChildViewPreLayoutListener().notifyBoundChangeOnPreLayout(child, childLeft, childTop, childLeft + lp.width, childTop + lp.height); } child.layout(childLeft, childTop, childLeft + lp.width, childTop + lp.height); if (mTranslationProvider != null) { final float tx = mTranslationProvider.getTranslationX(child); if (child instanceof Reorderable) { ((Reorderable) child).getTranslateDelegate() .getTranslationX(INDEX_BUBBLE_ADJUSTMENT_ANIM) .setValue(tx); } else { child.setTranslationX(tx); } } if (lp.dropped) { lp.dropped = false; final int[] cellXY = mTmpCellXY; getLocationOnScreen(cellXY); mWallpaperManager.sendWallpaperCommand(getWindowToken(), WallpaperManager.COMMAND_DROP, cellXY[0] + childLeft + lp.width / 2, cellXY[1] + childTop + lp.height / 2, 0, null); } } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (ev.getAction() == ACTION_DOWN && getAlpha() == 0) { // Dont let children handle touch, if we are not visible. return true; } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } @Override public boolean shouldDelayChildPressedState() { return false; } @Override public void requestChildFocus(View child, View focused) { super.requestChildFocus(child, focused); if (child != null) { Rect r = new Rect(); child.getDrawingRect(r); requestRectangleOnScreen(r); } } @Override public void cancelLongPress() { super.cancelLongPress(); // Cancel long press for all children final int count = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final View child = getChildAt(i); child.cancelLongPress(); } } @Override public void drawFolderLeaveBehindForIcon(FolderIcon child) { CellLayoutLayoutParams lp = (CellLayoutLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); // While the folder is open, the position of the icon cannot change. lp.canReorder = false; if (mContainerType == HOTSEAT) { CellLayout cl = (CellLayout) getParent(); cl.setFolderLeaveBehindCell(lp.getCellX(), lp.getCellY()); } } @Override public void clearFolderLeaveBehind(FolderIcon child) { ((CellLayoutLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams()).canReorder = true; if (mContainerType == HOTSEAT) { CellLayout cl = (CellLayout) getParent(); cl.clearFolderLeaveBehind(); } } void setTranslationProvider(@Nullable TranslationProvider provider) { mTranslationProvider = provider; } /** Provides translation values to apply when laying out child views. */ interface TranslationProvider { float getTranslationX(View child); } }