/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import static android.graphics.drawable.AdaptiveIconDrawable.getExtraInsetFraction; import static com.android.launcher3.BuildConfig.WIDGET_ON_FIRST_SCREEN; import static com.android.launcher3.Flags.enableSmartspaceAsAWidget; import static com.android.launcher3.icons.BitmapInfo.FLAG_THEMED; import static com.android.launcher3.util.SplitConfigurationOptions.STAGE_POSITION_BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT; import static com.android.launcher3.util.SplitConfigurationOptions.STAGE_POSITION_TOP_OR_LEFT; import static com.android.launcher3.util.SplitConfigurationOptions.STAGE_TYPE_MAIN; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.app.ActivityOptions; import android.app.Person; import android.app.WallpaperManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.pm.LauncherActivityInfo; import android.content.pm.LauncherApps; import android.content.pm.ShortcutInfo; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BlendMode; import android.graphics.BlendModeColorFilter; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.ColorFilter; import android.graphics.LightingColorFilter; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.PointF; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.drawable.AdaptiveIconDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.graphics.drawable.InsetDrawable; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES; import android.os.DeadObjectException; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.TransactionTooLargeException; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.style.TtsSpan; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import androidx.annotation.ChecksSdkIntAtLeast; import androidx.annotation.IntDef; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread; import androidx.core.graphics.ColorUtils; import com.android.launcher3.dragndrop.FolderAdaptiveIcon; import com.android.launcher3.graphics.TintedDrawableSpan; import com.android.launcher3.icons.BitmapInfo; import com.android.launcher3.icons.LauncherIcons; import com.android.launcher3.icons.ShortcutCachingLogic; import com.android.launcher3.icons.ThemedIconDrawable; import com.android.launcher3.model.data.ItemInfo; import com.android.launcher3.model.data.ItemInfoWithIcon; import com.android.launcher3.pm.ShortcutConfigActivityInfo; import com.android.launcher3.pm.UserCache; import com.android.launcher3.shortcuts.ShortcutKey; import com.android.launcher3.shortcuts.ShortcutRequest; import com.android.launcher3.testing.shared.ResourceUtils; import com.android.launcher3.util.FlagOp; import com.android.launcher3.util.IntArray; import com.android.launcher3.util.SplitConfigurationOptions.SplitPositionOption; import com.android.launcher3.util.Themes; import com.android.launcher3.views.ActivityContext; import com.android.launcher3.views.BaseDragLayer; import com.android.launcher3.widget.PendingAddShortcutInfo; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Various utilities shared amongst the Launcher's classes. */ public final class Utilities { private static final String TAG = "Launcher.Utilities"; private static final Pattern sTrimPattern = Pattern.compile("^[\\s|\\p{javaSpaceChar}]*(.*)[\\s|\\p{javaSpaceChar}]*$"); private static final Matrix sMatrix = new Matrix(); private static final Matrix sInverseMatrix = new Matrix(); public static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; public static final Person[] EMPTY_PERSON_ARRAY = new Person[0]; @ChecksSdkIntAtLeast(api = VERSION_CODES.S) public static final boolean ATLEAST_S = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S; @ChecksSdkIntAtLeast(api = VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU, codename = "T") public static final boolean ATLEAST_T = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU; @ChecksSdkIntAtLeast(api = VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE, codename = "U") public static final boolean ATLEAST_U = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE; @ChecksSdkIntAtLeast(api = VERSION_CODES.VANILLA_ICE_CREAM, codename = "V") public static final boolean ATLEAST_V = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= VERSION_CODES.VANILLA_ICE_CREAM; /** * Set on a motion event dispatched from the nav bar. See {@link MotionEvent#setEdgeFlags(int)}. */ public static final int EDGE_NAV_BAR = 1 << 8; /** * Indicates if the device has a debug build. Should only be used to store additional info or * add extra logging and not for changing the app behavior. * @deprecated Use {@link BuildConfig#IS_DEBUG_DEVICE} directly */ @Deprecated public static final boolean IS_DEBUG_DEVICE = BuildConfig.IS_DEBUG_DEVICE; public static final int TRANSLATE_UP = 0; public static final int TRANSLATE_DOWN = 1; public static final int TRANSLATE_LEFT = 2; public static final int TRANSLATE_RIGHT = 3; public static final boolean SHOULD_SHOW_FIRST_PAGE_WIDGET = enableSmartspaceAsAWidget() && WIDGET_ON_FIRST_SCREEN; @IntDef({TRANSLATE_UP, TRANSLATE_DOWN, TRANSLATE_LEFT, TRANSLATE_RIGHT}) public @interface AdjustmentDirection{} /** * Returns true if theme is dark. */ public static boolean isDarkTheme(Context context) { Configuration configuration = context.getResources().getConfiguration(); int nightMode = configuration.uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK; return nightMode == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES; } private static boolean sIsRunningInTestHarness = ActivityManager.isRunningInTestHarness(); public static boolean isRunningInTestHarness() { return sIsRunningInTestHarness; } public static void enableRunningInTestHarnessForTests() { sIsRunningInTestHarness = true; } public static boolean isPropertyEnabled(String propertyName) { return Log.isLoggable(propertyName, Log.VERBOSE); } /** * Given a coordinate relative to the descendant, find the coordinate in a parent view's * coordinates. * * @param descendant The descendant to which the passed coordinate is relative. * @param ancestor The root view to make the coordinates relative to. * @param coord The coordinate that we want mapped. * @param includeRootScroll Whether or not to account for the scroll of the descendant: * sometimes this is relevant as in a child's coordinates within the descendant. * @return The factor by which this descendant is scaled relative to this DragLayer. Caution * this scale factor is assumed to be equal in X and Y, and so if at any point this * assumption fails, we will need to return a pair of scale factors. */ public static float getDescendantCoordRelativeToAncestor( View descendant, View ancestor, float[] coord, boolean includeRootScroll) { return getDescendantCoordRelativeToAncestor(descendant, ancestor, coord, includeRootScroll, false); } /** * Given a coordinate relative to the descendant, find the coordinate in a parent view's * coordinates. * * @param descendant The descendant to which the passed coordinate is relative. * @param ancestor The root view to make the coordinates relative to. * @param coord The coordinate that we want mapped. * @param includeRootScroll Whether or not to account for the scroll of the descendant: * sometimes this is relevant as in a child's coordinates within the descendant. * @param ignoreTransform If true, view transform is ignored * @return The factor by which this descendant is scaled relative to this DragLayer. Caution * this scale factor is assumed to be equal in X and Y, and so if at any point this * assumption fails, we will need to return a pair of scale factors. */ public static float getDescendantCoordRelativeToAncestor(View descendant, View ancestor, float[] coord, boolean includeRootScroll, boolean ignoreTransform) { float scale = 1.0f; View v = descendant; while(v != ancestor && v != null) { // For TextViews, scroll has a meaning which relates to the text position // which is very strange... ignore the scroll. if (v != descendant || includeRootScroll) { offsetPoints(coord, -v.getScrollX(), -v.getScrollY()); } if (!ignoreTransform) { v.getMatrix().mapPoints(coord); } offsetPoints(coord, v.getLeft(), v.getTop()); scale *= v.getScaleX(); v = v.getParent() instanceof View ? (View) v.getParent() : null; } return scale; } /** * Returns bounds for a child view of DragLayer, in drag layer coordinates. * * see {@link com.android.launcher3.dragndrop.DragLayer}. * * @param viewBounds Bounds of the view wanted in drag layer coordinates, relative to the view * itself. eg. (0, 0, view.getWidth, view.getHeight) * @param ignoreTransform If true, view transform is ignored * @param outRect The out rect where we return the bounds of {@param view} in drag layer coords. */ public static void getBoundsForViewInDragLayer(BaseDragLayer dragLayer, View view, Rect viewBounds, boolean ignoreTransform, float[] recycle, RectF outRect) { float[] points = recycle == null ? new float[4] : recycle; points[0] = viewBounds.left; points[1] = viewBounds.top; points[2] = viewBounds.right; points[3] = viewBounds.bottom; Utilities.getDescendantCoordRelativeToAncestor(view, dragLayer, points, false, ignoreTransform); outRect.set( Math.min(points[0], points[2]), Math.min(points[1], points[3]), Math.max(points[0], points[2]), Math.max(points[1], points[3])); } /** * Similar to {@link #mapCoordInSelfToDescendant(View descendant, View root, float[] coord)} * but accepts a Rect instead of float[]. */ public static void mapRectInSelfToDescendant(View descendant, View root, Rect rect) { float[] coords = new float[]{rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom}; mapCoordInSelfToDescendant(descendant, root, coords); rect.set((int) coords[0], (int) coords[1], (int) coords[2], (int) coords[3]); } /** * Inverse of {@link #getDescendantCoordRelativeToAncestor(View, View, float[], boolean)}. */ public static void mapCoordInSelfToDescendant(View descendant, View root, float[] coord) { sMatrix.reset(); View v = descendant; while(v != root) { sMatrix.postTranslate(-v.getScrollX(), -v.getScrollY()); sMatrix.postConcat(v.getMatrix()); sMatrix.postTranslate(v.getLeft(), v.getTop()); v = (View) v.getParent(); } sMatrix.postTranslate(-v.getScrollX(), -v.getScrollY()); sMatrix.invert(sInverseMatrix); sInverseMatrix.mapPoints(coord); } /** * Sets {@param out} to be same as {@param in} by rounding individual values */ public static void roundArray(float[] in, int[] out) { for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) { out[i] = Math.round(in[i]); } } public static void offsetPoints(float[] points, float offsetX, float offsetY) { for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2) { points[i] += offsetX; points[i + 1] += offsetY; } } /** * Utility method to determine whether the given point, in local coordinates, * is inside the view, where the area of the view is expanded by the slop factor. * This method is called while processing touch-move events to determine if the event * is still within the view. */ public static boolean pointInView(View v, float localX, float localY, float slop) { return localX >= -slop && localY >= -slop && localX < (v.getWidth() + slop) && localY < (v.getHeight() + slop); } public static void scaleRectFAboutCenter(RectF r, float scale) { scaleRectFAboutCenter(r, scale, scale); } /** * Similar to {@link #scaleRectAboutCenter(Rect, float)} except this allows different scales * for X and Y */ public static void scaleRectFAboutCenter(RectF r, float scaleX, float scaleY) { float px = r.centerX(); float py = r.centerY(); r.offset(-px, -py); r.left = r.left * scaleX; r.top = r.top * scaleY; r.right = r.right * scaleX; r.bottom = r.bottom * scaleY; r.offset(px, py); } public static void scaleRectAboutCenter(Rect r, float scale) { if (scale != 1.0f) { float cx = r.exactCenterX(); float cy = r.exactCenterY(); r.left = Math.round(cx + (r.left - cx) * scale); r.top = Math.round(cy + (r.top - cy) * scale); r.right = Math.round(cx + (r.right - cx) * scale); r.bottom = Math.round(cy + (r.bottom - cy) * scale); } } public static float shrinkRect(Rect r, float scaleX, float scaleY) { float scale = Math.min(Math.min(scaleX, scaleY), 1.0f); if (scale < 1.0f) { int deltaX = (int) (r.width() * (scaleX - scale) * 0.5f); r.left += deltaX; r.right -= deltaX; int deltaY = (int) (r.height() * (scaleY - scale) * 0.5f); r.top += deltaY; r.bottom -= deltaY; } return scale; } /** * Sets the x and y pivots for scaling from one Rect to another. * * @param src the source rectangle to scale from. * @param dst the destination rectangle to scale to. * @param outPivot the pivots set for scaling from src to dst. */ public static void getPivotsForScalingRectToRect(Rect src, Rect dst, PointF outPivot) { float pivotXPct = ((float) src.left - dst.left) / ((float) dst.width() - src.width()); outPivot.x = dst.left + dst.width() * pivotXPct; float pivotYPct = ((float) src.top - dst.top) / ((float) dst.height() - src.height()); outPivot.y = dst.top + dst.height() * pivotYPct; } /** * Maps t from one range to another range. * @param t The value to map. * @param fromMin The lower bound of the range that t is being mapped from. * @param fromMax The upper bound of the range that t is being mapped from. * @param toMin The lower bound of the range that t is being mapped to. * @param toMax The upper bound of the range that t is being mapped to. * @return The mapped value of t. */ public static float mapToRange(float t, float fromMin, float fromMax, float toMin, float toMax, Interpolator interpolator) { if (fromMin == fromMax || toMin == toMax) { Log.e(TAG, "mapToRange: range has 0 length"); return toMin; } float progress = getProgress(t, fromMin, fromMax); return mapRange(interpolator.getInterpolation(progress), toMin, toMax); } /** Bounds t between a lower and upper bound and maps the result to a range. */ public static float mapBoundToRange(float t, float lowerBound, float upperBound, float toMin, float toMax, Interpolator interpolator) { return mapToRange(boundToRange(t, lowerBound, upperBound), lowerBound, upperBound, toMin, toMax, interpolator); } public static float getProgress(float current, float min, float max) { return Math.abs(current - min) / Math.abs(max - min); } public static float mapRange(float value, float min, float max) { return min + (value * (max - min)); } /** * Trims the string, removing all whitespace at the beginning and end of the string. * Non-breaking whitespaces are also removed. */ @NonNull public static String trim(CharSequence s) { if (s == null) { return ""; } // Just strip any sequence of whitespace or java space characters from the beginning and end Matcher m = sTrimPattern.matcher(s); return m.replaceAll("$1"); } /** * Calculates the height of a given string at a specific text size. */ public static int calculateTextHeight(float textSizePx) { Paint p = new Paint(); p.setTextSize(textSizePx); Paint.FontMetrics fm = p.getFontMetrics(); return (int) Math.ceil(fm.bottom - fm.top); } public static boolean isRtl(Resources res) { return res.getConfiguration().getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL; } /** Converts a pixel value (px) to scale pixel value (SP) for the current device. */ public static float pxToSp(float size) { return size / Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity; } public static float dpiFromPx(float size, int densityDpi) { float densityRatio = (float) densityDpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT; return (size / densityRatio); } /** Converts a dp value to pixels for the current device. */ public static int dpToPx(float dp) { return (int) (dp * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().density); } /** Converts a dp value to pixels for a certain density. */ public static int dpToPx(float dp, int densityDpi) { float densityRatio = (float) densityDpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT; return (int) (dp * densityRatio); } public static int pxFromSp(float size, DisplayMetrics metrics) { return pxFromSp(size, metrics, 1f); } public static int pxFromSp(float size, DisplayMetrics metrics, float scale) { float value = scale * TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, size, metrics); return ResourceUtils.roundPxValueFromFloat(value); } public static String createDbSelectionQuery(String columnName, IntArray values) { return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s IN (%s)", columnName, values.toConcatString()); } public static boolean isBootCompleted() { return "1".equals(getSystemProperty("sys.boot_completed", "1")); } public static String getSystemProperty(String property, String defaultValue) { try { Class clazz = Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties"); Method getter = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("get", String.class); String value = (String) getter.invoke(null, property); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return value; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "Unable to read system properties"); } return defaultValue; } /** * Ensures that a value is within given bounds. Specifically: * If value is less than lowerBound, return lowerBound; else if value is greater than upperBound, * return upperBound; else return value unchanged. */ public static int boundToRange(int value, int lowerBound, int upperBound) { return Math.max(lowerBound, Math.min(value, upperBound)); } /** * @see #boundToRange(int, int, int). */ public static float boundToRange(float value, float lowerBound, float upperBound) { return Math.max(lowerBound, Math.min(value, upperBound)); } /** * @see #boundToRange(int, int, int). */ public static long boundToRange(long value, long lowerBound, long upperBound) { return Math.max(lowerBound, Math.min(value, upperBound)); } /** * Wraps a message with a TTS span, so that a different message is spoken than * what is getting displayed. * @param msg original message * @param ttsMsg message to be spoken */ public static CharSequence wrapForTts(CharSequence msg, String ttsMsg) { SpannableString spanned = new SpannableString(msg); spanned.setSpan(new TtsSpan.TextBuilder(ttsMsg).build(), 0, spanned.length(), Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); return spanned; } /** * Prefixes a text with the provided icon */ public static CharSequence prefixTextWithIcon(Context context, int iconRes, CharSequence msg) { // Update the hint to contain the icon. // Prefix the original hint with two spaces. The first space gets replaced by the icon // using span. The second space is used for a singe space character between the hint // and the icon. SpannableString spanned = new SpannableString(" " + msg); spanned.setSpan(new TintedDrawableSpan(context, iconRes), 0, 1, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); return spanned; } public static boolean isWallpaperSupported(Context context) { return context.getSystemService(WallpaperManager.class).isWallpaperSupported(); } public static boolean isWallpaperAllowed(Context context) { return context.getSystemService(WallpaperManager.class).isSetWallpaperAllowed(); } public static boolean isBinderSizeError(Exception e) { return e.getCause() instanceof TransactionTooLargeException || e.getCause() instanceof DeadObjectException; } /** * Utility method to post a runnable on the handler, skipping the synchronization barriers. */ public static void postAsyncCallback(Handler handler, Runnable callback) { Message msg = Message.obtain(handler, callback); msg.setAsynchronous(true); handler.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Utility method to allow background activity launch for the provided activity options */ public static ActivityOptions allowBGLaunch(ActivityOptions options) { if (ATLEAST_U) { options.setPendingIntentBackgroundActivityStartMode( ActivityOptions.MODE_BACKGROUND_ACTIVITY_START_ALLOWED); } return options; } /** * Returns the full drawable for info as multiple layers of AdaptiveIconDrawable. The second * drawable in the Pair is the badge used with the icon. * * @param useTheme If true, will theme icons when applicable */ @SuppressLint("UseCompatLoadingForDrawables") @Nullable @WorkerThread public static Pair getFullDrawable(T context, ItemInfo info, int width, int height, boolean useTheme) { useTheme &= Themes.isThemedIconEnabled(context); LauncherAppState appState = LauncherAppState.getInstance(context); Drawable mainIcon = null; Drawable badge = null; if ((info instanceof ItemInfoWithIcon iiwi) && !iiwi.usingLowResIcon()) { badge = iiwi.bitmap.getBadgeDrawable(context, useTheme); } if (info instanceof PendingAddShortcutInfo) { ShortcutConfigActivityInfo activityInfo = ((PendingAddShortcutInfo) info).getActivityInfo(context); mainIcon = activityInfo.getFullResIcon(appState.getIconCache()); } else if (info.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION) { LauncherActivityInfo activityInfo = context.getSystemService(LauncherApps.class) .resolveActivity(info.getIntent(), info.user); if (activityInfo == null) { return null; } mainIcon = appState.getIconProvider().getIcon( activityInfo, appState.getInvariantDeviceProfile().fillResIconDpi); } else if (info.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_DEEP_SHORTCUT) { List siList = ShortcutKey.fromItemInfo(info) .buildRequest(context) .query(ShortcutRequest.ALL); if (siList.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { ShortcutInfo si = siList.get(0); mainIcon = ShortcutCachingLogic.getIcon(context, si, appState.getInvariantDeviceProfile().fillResIconDpi); // Only fetch badge if the icon is on workspace if (info.id != ItemInfo.NO_ID && badge == null) { badge = appState.getIconCache().getShortcutInfoBadge(si) .newIcon(context, FLAG_THEMED); } } } else if (info.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER) { FolderAdaptiveIcon icon = FolderAdaptiveIcon.createFolderAdaptiveIcon( context, info.id, new Point(width, height)); if (icon == null) { return null; } mainIcon = icon; badge = icon.getBadge(); } if (mainIcon == null) { return null; } AdaptiveIconDrawable result; if (mainIcon instanceof AdaptiveIconDrawable aid) { result = aid; } else { // Wrap the main icon in AID try (LauncherIcons li = LauncherIcons.obtain(context)) { result = li.wrapToAdaptiveIcon(mainIcon, null); } } if (result == null) { return null; } // Inject monochrome icon drawable if (ATLEAST_T && useTheme) { result.mutate(); int[] colors = ThemedIconDrawable.getColors(context); Drawable mono = result.getMonochrome(); if (mono != null) { mono.setTint(colors[1]); } else if (info instanceof ItemInfoWithIcon iiwi) { // Inject a previously generated monochrome icon Bitmap monoBitmap = iiwi.bitmap.getMono(); if (monoBitmap != null) { // Use BitmapDrawable instead of FastBitmapDrawable so that the colorState is // preserved in constantState mono = new BitmapDrawable(monoBitmap); mono.setColorFilter(new BlendModeColorFilter(colors[1], BlendMode.SRC_IN)); // Inset the drawable according to the AdaptiveIconDrawable layers mono = new InsetDrawable(mono, getExtraInsetFraction() / 2); } } if (mono != null) { result = new AdaptiveIconDrawable(new ColorDrawable(colors[0]), mono); } } if (badge == null) { badge = BitmapInfo.LOW_RES_INFO.withFlags( UserCache.INSTANCE.get(context) .getUserInfo(info.user) .applyBitmapInfoFlags(FlagOp.NO_OP)) .getBadgeDrawable(context, useTheme); if (badge == null) { badge = new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT); } } return Pair.create(result, badge); } public static float squaredHypot(float x, float y) { return x * x + y * y; } public static float squaredTouchSlop(Context context) { float slop = ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledTouchSlop(); return slop * slop; } /** * Rotates `inOutBounds` by `delta` 90-degree increments. Rotation is visually CCW. Parent * sizes represent the "space" that will rotate carrying inOutBounds along with it to determine * the final bounds. */ public static void rotateBounds(Rect inOutBounds, int parentWidth, int parentHeight, int delta) { int rdelta = ((delta % 4) + 4) % 4; int origLeft = inOutBounds.left; switch (rdelta) { case 0: return; case 1: inOutBounds.left = inOutBounds.top; inOutBounds.top = parentWidth - inOutBounds.right; inOutBounds.right = inOutBounds.bottom; inOutBounds.bottom = parentWidth - origLeft; return; case 2: inOutBounds.left = parentWidth - inOutBounds.right; inOutBounds.right = parentWidth - origLeft; return; case 3: inOutBounds.left = parentHeight - inOutBounds.bottom; inOutBounds.bottom = inOutBounds.right; inOutBounds.right = parentHeight - inOutBounds.top; inOutBounds.top = origLeft; return; } } /** * Make a color filter that blends a color into the destination based on a scalable amout. * * @param color to blend in. * @param tintAmount [0-1] 0 no tinting, 1 full color. * @return ColorFilter for tinting, or {@code null} if no filter is needed. */ public static ColorFilter makeColorTintingColorFilter(int color, float tintAmount) { if (tintAmount == 0f) { return null; } return new LightingColorFilter( // This isn't blending in white, its making a multiplication mask for the base color ColorUtils.blendARGB(Color.WHITE, 0, tintAmount), ColorUtils.blendARGB(0, color, tintAmount)); } public static Rect getViewBounds(@NonNull View v) { int[] pos = new int[2]; v.getLocationOnScreen(pos); return new Rect(pos[0], pos[1], pos[0] + v.getWidth(), pos[1] + v.getHeight()); } /** * Returns a list of screen-splitting options depending on the device orientation (split top for * portrait, split right for landscape) */ public static List getSplitPositionOptions( DeviceProfile dp) { int splitIconRes = dp.isLeftRightSplit ? R.drawable.ic_split_horizontal : R.drawable.ic_split_vertical; int stagePosition = dp.isLeftRightSplit ? STAGE_POSITION_BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT : STAGE_POSITION_TOP_OR_LEFT; return Collections.singletonList(new SplitPositionOption( splitIconRes, R.string.recent_task_option_split_screen, stagePosition, STAGE_TYPE_MAIN )); } /** Logs the Scale and Translate properties of a matrix. Ignores skew and perspective. */ public static void logMatrix(String label, Matrix matrix) { float[] matrixValues = new float[9]; matrix.getValues(matrixValues); Log.d(label, String.format("%s: %s\nscale (x,y) = (%f, %f)\ntranslate (x,y) = (%f, %f)", label, matrix, matrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X], matrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_Y], matrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X], matrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] )); } /** * Translates the {@code targetView} so that it overlaps with {@code exclusionBounds} as little * as possible, while remaining within {@code inclusionBounds}. *

* {@code inclusionBounds} will always take precedence over {@code exclusionBounds}, so if * {@code targetView} needs to be translated outside of {@code inclusionBounds} to fully fix an * overlap with {@code exclusionBounds}, then {@code targetView} will only be translated up to * the border of {@code inclusionBounds}. *

* Note: {@code targetViewBounds}, {@code inclusionBounds} and {@code exclusionBounds} must all * be in relation to the same reference point on screen. *

* @param targetView the view being translated * @param targetViewBounds the bounds of the {@code targetView} * @param inclusionBounds the bounds the {@code targetView} absolutely must stay within * @param exclusionBounds the bounds to try to move the {@code targetView} away from * @param adjustmentDirection the translation direction that should be attempted to fix an * overlap */ public static void translateOverlappingView( @NonNull View targetView, @NonNull Rect targetViewBounds, @NonNull Rect inclusionBounds, @NonNull Rect exclusionBounds, @AdjustmentDirection int adjustmentDirection) { switch (adjustmentDirection) { case TRANSLATE_RIGHT: targetView.setTranslationX(Math.min( // Translate to the right if the view is overlapping on the left. Math.max(0, exclusionBounds.right - targetViewBounds.left), // Do not translate beyond the inclusion bounds. inclusionBounds.right - targetViewBounds.right)); break; case TRANSLATE_LEFT: targetView.setTranslationX(Math.max( // Translate to the left if the view is overlapping on the right. Math.min(0, exclusionBounds.left - targetViewBounds.right), // Do not translate beyond the inclusion bounds. inclusionBounds.left - targetViewBounds.left)); break; case TRANSLATE_DOWN: targetView.setTranslationY(Math.min( // Translate downwards if the view is overlapping on the top. Math.max(0, exclusionBounds.bottom - targetViewBounds.top), // Do not translate beyond the inclusion bounds. inclusionBounds.bottom - targetViewBounds.bottom)); break; case TRANSLATE_UP: targetView.setTranslationY(Math.max( // Translate upwards if the view is overlapping on the bottom. Math.min(0, exclusionBounds.top - targetViewBounds.bottom), // Do not translate beyond the inclusion bounds. inclusionBounds.top - targetViewBounds.top)); break; default: // No-Op } } /** * Does a depth-first search through the View hierarchy starting at root, to find a view that * matches the predicate. Returns null if no View was found. View has a findViewByPredicate * member function but it is currently a @hide API. */ @Nullable public static T findViewByPredicate(@NonNull View root, @NonNull Predicate predicate) { if (predicate.test(root)) { return (T) root; } if (root instanceof ViewGroup parent) { int count = parent.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { View view = findViewByPredicate(parent.getChildAt(i), predicate); if (view != null) { return (T) view; } } } return null; } }