/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.graphics; import static android.graphics.Paint.DITHER_FLAG; import static android.graphics.Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG; import static com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags.KEYGUARD_ANIMATION; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.LinearGradient; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.Shader; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.View; import androidx.annotation.ColorInt; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.launcher3.BaseDraggingActivity; import com.android.launcher3.DeviceProfile; import com.android.launcher3.R; import com.android.launcher3.anim.AnimatedFloat; import com.android.launcher3.testing.shared.ResourceUtils; import com.android.launcher3.util.ScreenOnTracker; import com.android.launcher3.util.ScreenOnTracker.ScreenOnListener; import com.android.launcher3.util.Themes; /** * View scrim which draws behind hotseat and workspace */ public class SysUiScrim implements View.OnAttachStateChangeListener { /** * Receiver used to get a signal that the user unlocked their device. */ private final ScreenOnListener mScreenOnListener = new ScreenOnListener() { @Override public void onScreenOnChanged(boolean isOn) { if (!isOn) { mAnimateScrimOnNextDraw = true; } } @Override public void onUserPresent() { // ACTION_USER_PRESENT is sent after onStart/onResume. This covers the case where // the user unlocked and the Launcher is not in the foreground. mAnimateScrimOnNextDraw = false; } }; private static final int MAX_SYSUI_SCRIM_ALPHA = 255; private static final int ALPHA_MASK_BITMAP_WIDTH_DP = 2; private static final int BOTTOM_MASK_HEIGHT_DP = 200; private static final int TOP_MASK_HEIGHT_DP = 70; private boolean mDrawTopScrim, mDrawBottomScrim; private final RectF mTopMaskRect = new RectF(); private final Paint mTopMaskPaint = new Paint(FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | DITHER_FLAG); private final Bitmap mTopMaskBitmap; private final int mTopMaskHeight; private final RectF mBottomMaskRect = new RectF(); private final Paint mBottomMaskPaint = new Paint(FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | DITHER_FLAG); private final Bitmap mBottomMaskBitmap; private final int mBottomMaskHeight; private final View mRoot; private final BaseDraggingActivity mActivity; private final boolean mHideSysUiScrim; private boolean mSkipScrimAnimationForTest = false; private boolean mAnimateScrimOnNextDraw = false; private final AnimatedFloat mSysUiAnimMultiplier = new AnimatedFloat(this::reapplySysUiAlpha); private final AnimatedFloat mSysUiProgress = new AnimatedFloat(this::reapplySysUiAlpha); public SysUiScrim(View view) { mRoot = view; mActivity = BaseDraggingActivity.fromContext(view.getContext()); DisplayMetrics dm = mActivity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); mTopMaskHeight = ResourceUtils.pxFromDp(TOP_MASK_HEIGHT_DP, dm); mBottomMaskHeight = ResourceUtils.pxFromDp(BOTTOM_MASK_HEIGHT_DP, dm); mHideSysUiScrim = Themes.getAttrBoolean(view.getContext(), R.attr.isWorkspaceDarkText); mTopMaskBitmap = mHideSysUiScrim ? null : createDitheredAlphaMask(mTopMaskHeight, new int[]{0x3DFFFFFF, 0x0AFFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF}, new float[]{0f, 0.7f, 1f}); mTopMaskPaint.setColor(0xFF222222); mBottomMaskBitmap = mHideSysUiScrim ? null : createDitheredAlphaMask(mBottomMaskHeight, new int[]{0x00FFFFFF, 0x2FFFFFFF}, new float[]{0f, 1f}); if (!KEYGUARD_ANIMATION.get() && !mHideSysUiScrim) { view.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(this); } } /** * Draw the top and bottom scrims */ public void draw(Canvas canvas) { if (!mHideSysUiScrim) { if (mSysUiProgress.value <= 0) { mAnimateScrimOnNextDraw = false; return; } if (mAnimateScrimOnNextDraw) { mSysUiAnimMultiplier.value = 0; reapplySysUiAlphaNoInvalidate(); ObjectAnimator oa = mSysUiAnimMultiplier.animateToValue(1); oa.setDuration(600); oa.setStartDelay(mActivity.getWindow().getTransitionBackgroundFadeDuration()); oa.start(); mAnimateScrimOnNextDraw = false; } if (mDrawTopScrim) { canvas.drawBitmap(mTopMaskBitmap, null, mTopMaskRect, mTopMaskPaint); } if (mDrawBottomScrim) { canvas.drawBitmap(mBottomMaskBitmap, null, mBottomMaskRect, mBottomMaskPaint); } } } /** * Returns the sysui multiplier property for controlling fade in/out of the scrim */ public AnimatedFloat getSysUIMultiplier() { return mSysUiAnimMultiplier; } /** * Returns the sysui progress property for controlling fade in/out of the scrim */ public AnimatedFloat getSysUIProgress() { return mSysUiProgress; } /** * Determines whether to draw the top and/or bottom scrim based on new insets. * * In order for the bottom scrim to be drawn this 3 condition should be meet at the same time: * the device is in 3 button navigation, the taskbar is not present and the Hotseat is * horizontal */ public void onInsetsChanged(Rect insets) { DeviceProfile dp = mActivity.getDeviceProfile(); mDrawTopScrim = insets.top > 0; mDrawBottomScrim = !dp.isVerticalBarLayout() && !dp.isGestureMode && !dp.isTaskbarPresent; } @Override public void onViewAttachedToWindow(View view) { ScreenOnTracker.INSTANCE.get(mActivity).addListener(mScreenOnListener); } @Override public void onViewDetachedFromWindow(View view) { ScreenOnTracker.INSTANCE.get(mActivity).removeListener(mScreenOnListener); } /** * Set the width and height of the view being scrimmed */ public void setSize(int w, int h) { mTopMaskRect.set(0, 0, w, mTopMaskHeight); mBottomMaskRect.set(0, h - mBottomMaskHeight, w, h); } /** * Sets whether the SysUiScrim should hide for testing. */ @VisibleForTesting public void skipScrimAnimation() { mSkipScrimAnimationForTest = true; reapplySysUiAlpha(); } private void reapplySysUiAlpha() { reapplySysUiAlphaNoInvalidate(); if (!mHideSysUiScrim) { mRoot.invalidate(); } } private void reapplySysUiAlphaNoInvalidate() { float factor = mSysUiProgress.value * mSysUiAnimMultiplier.value; if (mSkipScrimAnimationForTest) factor = 1f; mBottomMaskPaint.setAlpha(Math.round(MAX_SYSUI_SCRIM_ALPHA * factor)); mTopMaskPaint.setAlpha(Math.round(MAX_SYSUI_SCRIM_ALPHA * factor)); } private Bitmap createDitheredAlphaMask(int height, @ColorInt int[] colors, float[] positions) { DisplayMetrics dm = mActivity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); int width = ResourceUtils.pxFromDp(ALPHA_MASK_BITMAP_WIDTH_DP, dm); Bitmap dst = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8); Canvas c = new Canvas(dst); Paint paint = new Paint(DITHER_FLAG); LinearGradient lg = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, height, colors, positions, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); paint.setShader(lg); c.drawPaint(paint); return dst; } }