/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.settings.biometrics; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.os.UserManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.activity.result.ActivityResultLauncher; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.preference.Preference; import com.android.internal.widget.LockPatternUtils; import com.android.settings.Utils; import com.android.settings.biometrics.activeunlock.ActiveUnlockStatusUtils; import com.android.settings.core.BasePreferenceController; import com.android.settings.overlay.FeatureFactory; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; public abstract class BiometricStatusPreferenceController extends BasePreferenceController { protected final UserManager mUm; protected final LockPatternUtils mLockPatternUtils; private final int mUserId = UserHandle.myUserId(); protected final int mProfileChallengeUserId; private final BiometricNavigationUtils mBiometricNavigationUtils; private final ActiveUnlockStatusUtils mActiveUnlockStatusUtils; @NonNull private WeakReference> mLauncherWeakReference = new WeakReference<>(null); /** * @return true if the controller should be shown exclusively. */ protected abstract boolean isDeviceSupported(); /** * @return true if the manager is not null and the hardware is detected. */ protected abstract boolean isHardwareSupported(); /** * @return the summary text. */ protected abstract String getSummaryText(); /** * @return the class name for the settings page. */ protected abstract String getSettingsClassName(); public BiometricStatusPreferenceController(Context context, String key) { super(context, key); mUm = (UserManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE); mLockPatternUtils = FeatureFactory.getFeatureFactory() .getSecurityFeatureProvider() .getLockPatternUtils(context); mProfileChallengeUserId = Utils.getManagedProfileId(mUm, mUserId); mBiometricNavigationUtils = new BiometricNavigationUtils(getUserId()); mActiveUnlockStatusUtils = new ActiveUnlockStatusUtils(context); } @Override public int getAvailabilityStatus() { if (mActiveUnlockStatusUtils.isAvailable()) { return getAvailabilityStatusWithWorkProfileCheck(); } if (!isDeviceSupported()) { return UNSUPPORTED_ON_DEVICE; } return getAvailabilityFromUserSupported(); } private int getAvailabilityFromUserSupported() { if (isUserSupported()) { return AVAILABLE; } else { return DISABLED_FOR_USER; } } // Since this code is flag guarded by mActiveUnlockStatusUtils.isAvailable(), we don't need to // do another check here. private int getAvailabilityStatusWithWorkProfileCheck() { if (!isHardwareSupported()) { // no hardware, never show return UNSUPPORTED_ON_DEVICE; } if (!isDeviceSupported() && isWorkProfileController()) { // hardware supported but work profile, don't show return UNSUPPORTED_ON_DEVICE; } // hardware supported, not work profile, active unlock enabled return getAvailabilityFromUserSupported(); } @Override public void updateState(Preference preference) { if (!isAvailable()) { if (preference != null) { preference.setVisible(false); } return; } else { preference.setVisible(true); } preference.setSummary(getSummaryText()); } /** * Set ActivityResultLauncher that will be used later during handlePreferenceTreeClick() * * @param preference the preference being compared * @param launcher the ActivityResultLauncher * @return {@code true} if matched preference. */ public boolean setPreferenceTreeClickLauncher(@NonNull Preference preference, @Nullable ActivityResultLauncher launcher) { if (!TextUtils.equals(preference.getKey(), getPreferenceKey())) { return false; } mLauncherWeakReference = new WeakReference<>(launcher); return true; } @Override public boolean handlePreferenceTreeClick(Preference preference) { if (!TextUtils.equals(preference.getKey(), getPreferenceKey())) { return super.handlePreferenceTreeClick(preference); } return mBiometricNavigationUtils.launchBiometricSettings(preference.getContext(), getSettingsClassName(), preference.getExtras(), mLauncherWeakReference.get()); } protected int getUserId() { return mUserId; } protected boolean isUserSupported() { return true; } /** * Returns true if the controller controls is used for work profile. */ protected boolean isWorkProfileController() { return false; } }