/* * Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.settings.connecteddevice.audiosharing; import android.app.settings.SettingsEnums; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothCsipSetCoordinator; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothLeBroadcast; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothLeBroadcastMetadata; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothLeBroadcastReceiveState; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import androidx.fragment.app.DialogFragment; import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment; import com.android.settings.bluetooth.Utils; import com.android.settings.core.SubSettingLauncher; import com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment; import com.android.settings.overlay.FeatureFactory; import com.android.settingslib.bluetooth.BluetoothUtils; import com.android.settingslib.bluetooth.CachedBluetoothDevice; import com.android.settingslib.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothLeBroadcast; import com.android.settingslib.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothLeBroadcastAssistant; import com.android.settingslib.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothManager; import com.android.settingslib.core.instrumentation.MetricsFeatureProvider; import com.android.settingslib.utils.ThreadUtils; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; public class AudioSharingDialogHandler { private static final String TAG = "AudioSharingDialogHandler"; private final Context mContext; private final Fragment mHostFragment; @Nullable private final LocalBluetoothManager mLocalBtManager; @Nullable private final LocalBluetoothLeBroadcast mBroadcast; @Nullable private final LocalBluetoothLeBroadcastAssistant mAssistant; private final MetricsFeatureProvider mMetricsFeatureProvider; private List<BluetoothDevice> mTargetSinks = new ArrayList<>(); @VisibleForTesting final BluetoothLeBroadcast.Callback mBroadcastCallback = new BluetoothLeBroadcast.Callback() { @Override public void onBroadcastStarted(int reason, int broadcastId) { Log.d( TAG, "onBroadcastStarted(), reason = " + reason + ", broadcastId = " + broadcastId); } @Override public void onBroadcastStartFailed(int reason) { Log.d(TAG, "onBroadcastStartFailed(), reason = " + reason); AudioSharingUtils.toastMessage( mContext, "Fail to start broadcast, reason " + reason); } @Override public void onBroadcastMetadataChanged( int broadcastId, @NonNull BluetoothLeBroadcastMetadata metadata) { Log.d( TAG, "onBroadcastMetadataChanged(), broadcastId = " + broadcastId + ", metadata = " + metadata); } @Override public void onBroadcastStopped(int reason, int broadcastId) { Log.d( TAG, "onBroadcastStopped(), reason = " + reason + ", broadcastId = " + broadcastId); } @Override public void onBroadcastStopFailed(int reason) { Log.d(TAG, "onBroadcastStopFailed(), reason = " + reason); AudioSharingUtils.toastMessage( mContext, "Fail to stop broadcast, reason " + reason); } @Override public void onBroadcastUpdated(int reason, int broadcastId) {} @Override public void onBroadcastUpdateFailed(int reason, int broadcastId) {} @Override public void onPlaybackStarted(int reason, int broadcastId) { Log.d( TAG, "onPlaybackStarted(), reason = " + reason + ", broadcastId = " + broadcastId); if (!mTargetSinks.isEmpty()) { AudioSharingUtils.addSourceToTargetSinks(mTargetSinks, mLocalBtManager); new SubSettingLauncher(mContext) .setDestination(AudioSharingDashboardFragment.class.getName()) .setSourceMetricsCategory( (mHostFragment instanceof DashboardFragment) ? ((DashboardFragment) mHostFragment) .getMetricsCategory() : SettingsEnums.PAGE_UNKNOWN) .launch(); mTargetSinks = new ArrayList<>(); } } @Override public void onPlaybackStopped(int reason, int broadcastId) {} }; public AudioSharingDialogHandler(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Fragment fragment) { mContext = context; mHostFragment = fragment; mLocalBtManager = Utils.getLocalBluetoothManager(context); mBroadcast = mLocalBtManager != null ? mLocalBtManager.getProfileManager().getLeAudioBroadcastProfile() : null; mAssistant = mLocalBtManager != null ? mLocalBtManager.getProfileManager().getLeAudioBroadcastAssistantProfile() : null; mMetricsFeatureProvider = FeatureFactory.getFeatureFactory().getMetricsFeatureProvider(); } /** Register callbacks for dialog handler */ public void registerCallbacks(Executor executor) { if (mBroadcast != null) { mBroadcast.registerServiceCallBack(executor, mBroadcastCallback); } } /** Unregister callbacks for dialog handler */ public void unregisterCallbacks() { if (mBroadcast != null) { mBroadcast.unregisterServiceCallBack(mBroadcastCallback); } } /** Handle dialog pop-up logic when device is connected. */ public void handleDeviceConnected( @NonNull CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice, boolean userTriggered) { String anonymizedAddress = cachedDevice.getDevice().getAnonymizedAddress(); boolean isBroadcasting = isBroadcasting(); boolean isLeAudioSupported = AudioSharingUtils.isLeAudioSupported(cachedDevice); if (!isLeAudioSupported) { Log.d(TAG, "Handle non LE audio device connected, device = " + anonymizedAddress); // Handle connected ineligible (non LE audio) remote device handleNonLeAudioDeviceConnected(cachedDevice, isBroadcasting, userTriggered); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Handle LE audio device connected, device = " + anonymizedAddress); // Handle connected eligible (LE audio) remote device handleLeAudioDeviceConnected(cachedDevice, isBroadcasting, userTriggered); } } private void handleNonLeAudioDeviceConnected( @NonNull CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice, boolean isBroadcasting, boolean userTriggered) { if (isBroadcasting) { // Show stop audio sharing dialog when an ineligible (non LE audio) remote device // connected during a sharing session. Map<Integer, List<CachedBluetoothDevice>> groupedDevices = AudioSharingUtils.fetchConnectedDevicesByGroupId(mLocalBtManager); List<AudioSharingDeviceItem> deviceItemsInSharingSession = AudioSharingUtils.buildOrderedConnectedLeadAudioSharingDeviceItem( mLocalBtManager, groupedDevices, /* filterByInSharing= */ true); AudioSharingStopDialogFragment.DialogEventListener listener = () -> { cachedDevice.setActive(); AudioSharingUtils.stopBroadcasting(mLocalBtManager); }; Pair<Integer, Object>[] eventData = AudioSharingUtils.buildAudioSharingDialogEventData( SettingsEnums.SETTINGS_CONNECTED_DEVICE_CATEGORY, SettingsEnums.DIALOG_STOP_AUDIO_SHARING, userTriggered, deviceItemsInSharingSession.size(), /* candidateDeviceCount= */ 0); postOnMainThread( () -> { closeOpeningDialogsOtherThan(AudioSharingStopDialogFragment.tag()); AudioSharingStopDialogFragment.show( mHostFragment, deviceItemsInSharingSession, cachedDevice, listener, eventData); }); } else { if (userTriggered) { cachedDevice.setActive(); } // Do nothing for ineligible (non LE audio) remote device when no sharing session. Log.d( TAG, "Ignore onProfileConnectionStateChanged for non LE audio without" + " sharing session"); } } private void handleLeAudioDeviceConnected( @NonNull CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice, boolean isBroadcasting, boolean userTriggered) { Map<Integer, List<CachedBluetoothDevice>> groupedDevices = AudioSharingUtils.fetchConnectedDevicesByGroupId(mLocalBtManager); if (isBroadcasting) { // If another device within the same is already in the sharing session, add source to // the device automatically. int groupId = AudioSharingUtils.getGroupId(cachedDevice); if (groupedDevices.containsKey(groupId) && groupedDevices.get(groupId).stream() .anyMatch( device -> BluetoothUtils.hasConnectedBroadcastSource( device, mLocalBtManager))) { Log.d( TAG, "Automatically add another device within the same group to the sharing: " + cachedDevice.getDevice().getAnonymizedAddress()); if (mAssistant != null && mBroadcast != null) { mAssistant.addSource( cachedDevice.getDevice(), mBroadcast.getLatestBluetoothLeBroadcastMetadata(), /* isGroupOp= */ false); } return; } // Show audio sharing switch or join dialog according to device count in the sharing // session. List<AudioSharingDeviceItem> deviceItemsInSharingSession = AudioSharingUtils.buildOrderedConnectedLeadAudioSharingDeviceItem( mLocalBtManager, groupedDevices, /* filterByInSharing= */ true); // Show audio sharing switch dialog when the third eligible (LE audio) remote device // connected during a sharing session. if (deviceItemsInSharingSession.size() >= 2) { AudioSharingDisconnectDialogFragment.DialogEventListener listener = (AudioSharingDeviceItem item) -> { // Remove all sources from the device user clicked removeSourceForGroup(item.getGroupId(), groupedDevices); // Add current broadcast to the latest connected device addSourceForGroup(groupId, groupedDevices); }; Pair<Integer, Object>[] eventData = AudioSharingUtils.buildAudioSharingDialogEventData( SettingsEnums.SETTINGS_CONNECTED_DEVICE_CATEGORY, SettingsEnums.DIALOG_AUDIO_SHARING_SWITCH_DEVICE, userTriggered, deviceItemsInSharingSession.size(), /* candidateDeviceCount= */ 1); postOnMainThread( () -> { closeOpeningDialogsOtherThan( AudioSharingDisconnectDialogFragment.tag()); AudioSharingDisconnectDialogFragment.show( mHostFragment, deviceItemsInSharingSession, cachedDevice, listener, eventData); }); } else { // Show audio sharing join dialog when the first or second eligible (LE audio) // remote device connected during a sharing session. AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment.DialogEventListener listener = new AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment.DialogEventListener() { @Override public void onShareClick() { addSourceForGroup(groupId, groupedDevices); } @Override public void onCancelClick() {} }; Pair<Integer, Object>[] eventData = AudioSharingUtils.buildAudioSharingDialogEventData( SettingsEnums.SETTINGS_CONNECTED_DEVICE_CATEGORY, SettingsEnums.DIALOG_AUDIO_SHARING_ADD_DEVICE, userTriggered, deviceItemsInSharingSession.size(), /* candidateDeviceCount= */ 1); postOnMainThread( () -> { closeOpeningDialogsOtherThan(AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment.tag()); AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment.show( mHostFragment, deviceItemsInSharingSession, cachedDevice, listener, eventData); }); } } else { List<AudioSharingDeviceItem> deviceItems = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<CachedBluetoothDevice> devices : groupedDevices.values()) { // Use random device in the group within the sharing session to represent the group. CachedBluetoothDevice device = devices.get(0); if (AudioSharingUtils.getGroupId(device) == AudioSharingUtils.getGroupId(cachedDevice)) { continue; } deviceItems.add(AudioSharingUtils.buildAudioSharingDeviceItem(device)); } // Show audio sharing join dialog when the second eligible (LE audio) remote // device connect and no sharing session. if (deviceItems.size() == 1) { AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment.DialogEventListener listener = new AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment.DialogEventListener() { @Override public void onShareClick() { mTargetSinks = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<CachedBluetoothDevice> devices : groupedDevices.values()) { for (CachedBluetoothDevice device : devices) { mTargetSinks.add(device.getDevice()); } } Log.d(TAG, "Start broadcast with sinks = " + mTargetSinks.size()); if (mBroadcast != null) { mBroadcast.startPrivateBroadcast(); } } @Override public void onCancelClick() { if (userTriggered) { cachedDevice.setActive(); } } }; Pair<Integer, Object>[] eventData = AudioSharingUtils.buildAudioSharingDialogEventData( SettingsEnums.SETTINGS_CONNECTED_DEVICE_CATEGORY, SettingsEnums.DIALOG_START_AUDIO_SHARING, userTriggered, /* deviceCountInSharing= */ 0, /* candidateDeviceCount= */ 2); postOnMainThread( () -> { closeOpeningDialogsOtherThan(AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment.tag()); AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment.show( mHostFragment, deviceItems, cachedDevice, listener, eventData); }); } else if (userTriggered) { cachedDevice.setActive(); } } } private void closeOpeningDialogsOtherThan(String tag) { if (mHostFragment == null) return; List<Fragment> fragments = mHostFragment.getChildFragmentManager().getFragments(); for (Fragment fragment : fragments) { if (fragment instanceof DialogFragment && fragment.getTag() != null && !fragment.getTag().equals(tag)) { Log.d(TAG, "Remove staled opening dialog " + fragment.getTag()); ((DialogFragment) fragment).dismiss(); logDialogDismissEvent(fragment); } } } /** Close opening dialogs for le audio device */ public void closeOpeningDialogsForLeaDevice(@NonNull CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice) { if (mHostFragment == null) return; int groupId = AudioSharingUtils.getGroupId(cachedDevice); List<Fragment> fragments = mHostFragment.getChildFragmentManager().getFragments(); for (Fragment fragment : fragments) { CachedBluetoothDevice device = getCachedBluetoothDeviceFromDialog(fragment); if (device != null && groupId != BluetoothCsipSetCoordinator.GROUP_ID_INVALID && AudioSharingUtils.getGroupId(device) == groupId) { Log.d(TAG, "Remove staled opening dialog for group " + groupId); ((DialogFragment) fragment).dismiss(); logDialogDismissEvent(fragment); } } } /** Close opening dialogs for non le audio device */ public void closeOpeningDialogsForNonLeaDevice(@NonNull CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice) { if (mHostFragment == null) return; String address = cachedDevice.getAddress(); List<Fragment> fragments = mHostFragment.getChildFragmentManager().getFragments(); for (Fragment fragment : fragments) { CachedBluetoothDevice device = getCachedBluetoothDeviceFromDialog(fragment); if (device != null && address != null && address.equals(device.getAddress())) { Log.d( TAG, "Remove staled opening dialog for device " + cachedDevice.getDevice().getAnonymizedAddress()); ((DialogFragment) fragment).dismiss(); logDialogDismissEvent(fragment); } } } @Nullable private CachedBluetoothDevice getCachedBluetoothDeviceFromDialog(Fragment fragment) { CachedBluetoothDevice device = null; if (fragment instanceof AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment) { device = ((AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment) fragment).getDevice(); } else if (fragment instanceof AudioSharingStopDialogFragment) { device = ((AudioSharingStopDialogFragment) fragment).getDevice(); } else if (fragment instanceof AudioSharingDisconnectDialogFragment) { device = ((AudioSharingDisconnectDialogFragment) fragment).getDevice(); } return device; } private void removeSourceForGroup( int groupId, Map<Integer, List<CachedBluetoothDevice>> groupedDevices) { if (mAssistant == null) { Log.d(TAG, "Fail to add source due to null profiles, group = " + groupId); return; } if (!groupedDevices.containsKey(groupId)) { Log.d(TAG, "Fail to remove source for group " + groupId); return; } groupedDevices.getOrDefault(groupId, ImmutableList.of()).stream() .map(CachedBluetoothDevice::getDevice) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .forEach( device -> { for (BluetoothLeBroadcastReceiveState source : mAssistant.getAllSources(device)) { mAssistant.removeSource(device, source.getSourceId()); } }); } private void addSourceForGroup( int groupId, Map<Integer, List<CachedBluetoothDevice>> groupedDevices) { if (mBroadcast == null || mAssistant == null) { Log.d(TAG, "Fail to add source due to null profiles, group = " + groupId); return; } if (!groupedDevices.containsKey(groupId)) { Log.d(TAG, "Fail to add source due to invalid group id, group = " + groupId); return; } groupedDevices.getOrDefault(groupId, ImmutableList.of()).stream() .map(CachedBluetoothDevice::getDevice) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .forEach( device -> mAssistant.addSource( device, mBroadcast.getLatestBluetoothLeBroadcastMetadata(), /* isGroupOp= */ false)); } private void postOnMainThread(@NonNull Runnable runnable) { mContext.getMainExecutor().execute(runnable); } private boolean isBroadcasting() { return mBroadcast != null && mBroadcast.isEnabled(null); } private void logDialogDismissEvent(Fragment fragment) { var unused = ThreadUtils.postOnBackgroundThread( () -> { int pageId = SettingsEnums.PAGE_UNKNOWN; if (fragment instanceof AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment) { pageId = ((AudioSharingJoinDialogFragment) fragment) .getMetricsCategory(); } else if (fragment instanceof AudioSharingStopDialogFragment) { pageId = ((AudioSharingStopDialogFragment) fragment) .getMetricsCategory(); } else if (fragment instanceof AudioSharingDisconnectDialogFragment) { pageId = ((AudioSharingDisconnectDialogFragment) fragment) .getMetricsCategory(); } mMetricsFeatureProvider.action( mContext, SettingsEnums.ACTION_AUDIO_SHARING_DIALOG_AUTO_DISMISS, pageId); }); } }