/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices; import static android.app.slice.Slice.HINT_PARTIAL; import static android.app.slice.Slice.HINT_SUMMARY; import static android.app.slice.Slice.HINT_TITLE; import static android.app.slice.Slice.SUBTYPE_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION; import static android.app.slice.SliceItem.FORMAT_ACTION; import static android.app.slice.SliceItem.FORMAT_IMAGE; import static android.app.slice.SliceItem.FORMAT_INT; import static android.app.slice.SliceItem.FORMAT_LONG; import static android.app.slice.SliceItem.FORMAT_SLICE; import static android.app.slice.SliceItem.FORMAT_TEXT; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.HasCustomContentDescription.CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_SEPARATOR; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.CHECKMARK; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.EXTRA_ACTION_ID; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.EXTRA_ADD_INFO_STATUS; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.EXTRA_PAGE_ID; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_IMAGE; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_STATUS; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_SUMMARY; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_TEXT; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_TITLE_ICON; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.RADIO; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.SEEKBAR; import static com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.slices.SlicesConstants.SWITCH; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.graphics.drawable.Icon; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper; import androidx.core.graphics.drawable.IconCompat; import androidx.preference.Preference; import androidx.slice.Slice; import androidx.slice.SliceItem; import androidx.slice.core.SliceActionImpl; import androidx.slice.core.SliceQuery; import androidx.slice.widget.SliceContent; import com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.IconUtil; import com.android.tv.twopanelsettings.R; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Generate corresponding preference based upon the slice data. */ public final class SlicePreferencesUtil { static Preference getPreference(SliceItem item, ContextThemeWrapper contextThemeWrapper, String className, boolean isTwoPanel) { Preference preference = null; if (item == null) { return null; } Data data = extract(item); if (item.getSubType() != null) { String subType = item.getSubType(); if (subType.equals(SlicesConstants.TYPE_PREFERENCE) || subType.equals(SlicesConstants.TYPE_PREFERENCE_EMBEDDED) || subType.equals(SlicesConstants.TYPE_PREFERENCE_EMBEDDED_PLACEHOLDER)) { // TODO: Figure out all the possible cases and reorganize the logic if (data.mInfoItems.size() > 0) { preference = new InfoPreference( contextThemeWrapper, getInfoList(data.mInfoItems)); } else if (data.mIntentItem != null) { SliceActionImpl action = new SliceActionImpl(data.mIntentItem); if (action != null) { // Currently if we don't set icon for the SliceAction, slice lib will // automatically treat it as a toggle. To distinguish preference action and // toggle action, we need to add a subtype if this is a preference action. preference = new SlicePreference(contextThemeWrapper); ((SlicePreference) preference).setSliceAction(action); ((SlicePreference) preference).setActionId(getActionId(item)); if (data.mFollowupIntentItem != null) { SliceActionImpl followUpAction = new SliceActionImpl(data.mFollowupIntentItem); ((SlicePreference) preference).setFollowupSliceAction(followUpAction); } } } else if (data.mEndItems.size() > 0 && data.mEndItems.get(0) != null) { SliceActionImpl action = new SliceActionImpl(data.mEndItems.get(0)); if (action != null) { int buttonStyle = SlicePreferencesUtil.getButtonStyle(item); switch (buttonStyle) { case CHECKMARK : preference = new SliceCheckboxPreference( contextThemeWrapper, action); break; case SWITCH : preference = new SliceSwitchPreference(contextThemeWrapper, action); break; case RADIO: preference = new SliceRadioPreference(contextThemeWrapper, action); preference.setLayoutResource(R.layout.preference_reversed_widget); if (getRadioGroup(item) != null) { ((SliceRadioPreference) preference).setRadioGroup( getRadioGroup(item).toString()); } break; case SEEKBAR : int min = SlicePreferencesUtil.getSeekbarMin(item); int max = SlicePreferencesUtil.getSeekbarMax(item); int value = SlicePreferencesUtil.getSeekbarValue(item); preference = new SliceSeekbarPreference( contextThemeWrapper, action, min, max, value); break; } if (preference instanceof HasSliceAction) { ((HasSliceAction) preference).setActionId(getActionId(item)); } if (data.mFollowupIntentItem != null) { SliceActionImpl followUpAction = new SliceActionImpl(data.mFollowupIntentItem); ((HasSliceAction) preference).setFollowupSliceAction(followUpAction); } } } CharSequence uri = getText(data.mTargetSliceItem); if (uri == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(uri)) { if (preference == null) { preference = new CustomContentDescriptionPreference(contextThemeWrapper); } } else { if (preference == null) { if (subType.equals(SlicesConstants.TYPE_PREFERENCE_EMBEDDED_PLACEHOLDER)) { preference = new EmbeddedSlicePreference(contextThemeWrapper, String.valueOf(uri)); } else { preference = new SlicePreference(contextThemeWrapper); } if (hasEndIcon(data.mHasEndIconItem)) { preference.setLayoutResource(R.layout.preference_reversed_icon); } } ((HasSliceUri) preference).setUri(uri.toString()); if (preference instanceof HasSliceAction) { ((HasSliceAction) preference).setActionId(getActionId(item)); } preference.setFragment(className); } } else if (item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.TYPE_PREFERENCE_CATEGORY)) { preference = new CustomContentDescriptionPreferenceCategory(contextThemeWrapper); } } if (preference != null) { boolean isEnabled = enabled(item); // Set whether preference is enabled. if (preference instanceof InfoPreference || !isEnabled) { preference.setEnabled(false); } // Set whether preference is selectable if (!selectable(item) || !isEnabled) { preference.setSelectable(false); } // Set the key for the preference CharSequence key = getKey(item); if (key != null) { preference.setKey(key.toString()); } Icon icon = getIcon(data.mStartItem); if (icon != null) { boolean isIconNeedToBeProcessed = SlicePreferencesUtil.isIconNeedsToBeProcessed(item); Drawable iconDrawable = icon.loadDrawable(contextThemeWrapper); if (isIconNeedToBeProcessed && isTwoPanel) { preference.setIcon(IconUtil.getCompoundIcon(contextThemeWrapper, iconDrawable)); } else { preference.setIcon(iconDrawable); } } if (data.mTitleItem != null) { preference.setTitle(getText(data.mTitleItem)); } //Set summary CharSequence subtitle = data.mSubtitleItem != null ? data.mSubtitleItem.getText() : null; boolean subtitleExists = !TextUtils.isEmpty(subtitle) || (data.mSubtitleItem != null && data.mSubtitleItem.hasHint(HINT_PARTIAL)); if (subtitleExists) { preference.setSummary(subtitle); } else { if (data.mSummaryItem != null) { preference.setSummary(getText(data.mSummaryItem)); } } // Set preview info image and text CharSequence infoText = getInfoText(item); CharSequence infoSummary = getInfoSummary(item); boolean addInfoStatus = addInfoStatus(item); IconCompat infoImage = getInfoImage(item); IconCompat infoTitleIcon = getInfoTitleIcon(item); Bundle b = preference.getExtras(); String fallbackInfoContentDescription = ""; if (preference.getTitle() != null) { fallbackInfoContentDescription += preference.getTitle().toString(); } if (infoImage != null) { b.putParcelable(EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_IMAGE, infoImage.toIcon()); } if (infoTitleIcon != null) { b.putParcelable(EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_TITLE_ICON, infoTitleIcon.toIcon()); } if (infoText != null) { if (preference instanceof SliceSwitchPreference && addInfoStatus) { b.putBoolean(InfoFragment.EXTRA_INFO_HAS_STATUS, true); b.putBoolean(EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_STATUS, ((SliceSwitchPreference) preference).isChecked()); } else { b.putBoolean(InfoFragment.EXTRA_INFO_HAS_STATUS, false); } b.putCharSequence(EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_TEXT, infoText); if (preference.getTitle() != null && !preference.getTitle().equals(infoText.toString())) { fallbackInfoContentDescription += CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_SEPARATOR + infoText.toString(); } } if (infoSummary != null) { b.putCharSequence(EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_SUMMARY, infoSummary); fallbackInfoContentDescription += CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_SEPARATOR + infoSummary; } String contentDescription = getInfoContentDescription(item); // Respect the content description values provided by slice. // If not provided, for SlicePreference, SliceSwitchPreference, // CustomContentDescriptionPreference, use the fallback value. // Otherwise, do not set the contentDescription for preference. Rely on the talkback // framework to generate the value itself. if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(contentDescription)) { if (preference instanceof HasCustomContentDescription) { ((HasCustomContentDescription) preference).setContentDescription( contentDescription); } } else { if ((preference instanceof SlicePreference) || (preference instanceof SliceSwitchPreference) || (preference instanceof CustomContentDescriptionPreference)) { ((HasCustomContentDescription) preference).setContentDescription( fallbackInfoContentDescription); } } if (infoImage != null || infoText != null || infoSummary != null) { preference.setFragment(InfoFragment.class.getCanonicalName()); } } return preference; } static class Data { SliceItem mStartItem; SliceItem mTitleItem; SliceItem mSubtitleItem; SliceItem mSummaryItem; SliceItem mTargetSliceItem; SliceItem mRadioGroupItem; SliceItem mIntentItem; SliceItem mFollowupIntentItem; SliceItem mHasEndIconItem; List mEndItems = new ArrayList<>(); List mInfoItems = new ArrayList<>(); } static Data extract(SliceItem sliceItem) { Data data = new Data(); List possibleStartItems = SliceQuery.findAll(sliceItem, null, HINT_TITLE, null); if (possibleStartItems.size() > 0) { // The start item will be at position 0 if it exists String format = possibleStartItems.get(0).getFormat(); if ((FORMAT_ACTION.equals(format) && SliceQuery.find(possibleStartItems.get(0), FORMAT_IMAGE) != null) || FORMAT_SLICE.equals(format) || FORMAT_LONG.equals(format) || FORMAT_IMAGE.equals(format)) { data.mStartItem = possibleStartItems.get(0); } } List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { final SliceItem item = items.get(i); String subType = item.getSubType(); if (subType != null) { switch (subType) { case SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_INFO_PREFERENCE : data.mInfoItems.add(item); break; case SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_INTENT : data.mIntentItem = item; break; case SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_FOLLOWUP_INTENT : data.mFollowupIntentItem = item; break; case SlicesConstants.TAG_TARGET_URI : data.mTargetSliceItem = item; break; case SlicesConstants.EXTRA_HAS_END_ICON: data.mHasEndIconItem = item; break; } } else if (FORMAT_TEXT.equals(item.getFormat()) && (item.getSubType() == null)) { if ((data.mTitleItem == null || !data.mTitleItem.hasHint(HINT_TITLE)) && item.hasHint(HINT_TITLE) && !item.hasHint(HINT_SUMMARY)) { data.mTitleItem = item; } else if (data.mSubtitleItem == null && !item.hasHint(HINT_SUMMARY)) { data.mSubtitleItem = item; } else if (data.mSummaryItem == null && item.hasHint(HINT_SUMMARY)) { data.mSummaryItem = item; } } else { data.mEndItems.add(item); } } data.mEndItems.remove(data.mStartItem); return data; } private static List> getInfoList(List sliceItems) { List> infoList = new ArrayList<>(); for (SliceItem item : sliceItems) { Slice itemSlice = item.getSlice(); if (itemSlice != null) { CharSequence title = null; CharSequence summary = null; for (SliceItem element : itemSlice.getItems()) { if (element.getHints().contains(HINT_TITLE)) { title = element.getText(); } else if (element.getHints().contains(HINT_SUMMARY)) { summary = element.getText(); } } infoList.add(new Pair(title, summary)); } } return infoList; } private static CharSequence getKey(SliceItem item) { SliceItem target = SliceQuery.findSubtype(item, FORMAT_TEXT, SlicesConstants.TAG_KEY); return target != null ? target.getText() : null; } private static CharSequence getRadioGroup(SliceItem item) { SliceItem target = SliceQuery.findSubtype( item, FORMAT_TEXT, SlicesConstants.TAG_RADIO_GROUP); return target != null ? target.getText() : null; } /** * Get the screen title item for the slice. * @param sliceItems list of SliceItem extracted from slice data. * @return screen title item. */ static SliceItem getScreenTitleItem(List sliceItems) { for (SliceContent contentItem : sliceItems) { SliceItem item = contentItem.getSliceItem(); if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.TYPE_PREFERENCE_SCREEN_TITLE)) { return item; } } return null; } static SliceItem getRedirectSlice(List sliceItems) { for (SliceContent contentItem : sliceItems) { SliceItem item = contentItem.getSliceItem(); if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.TYPE_REDIRECTED_SLICE_URI)) { return item; } } return null; } static SliceItem getFocusedPreferenceItem(List sliceItems) { for (SliceContent contentItem : sliceItems) { SliceItem item = contentItem.getSliceItem(); if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.TYPE_FOCUSED_PREFERENCE)) { return item; } } return null; } static SliceItem getEmbeddedItem(List sliceItems) { for (SliceContent contentItem : sliceItems) { SliceItem item = contentItem.getSliceItem(); if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.TYPE_PREFERENCE_EMBEDDED)) { return item; } } return null; } private static boolean isIconNeedsToBeProcessed(SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals( SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_ICON_NEED_TO_BE_PROCESSED)) { return item.getInt() == 1; } } return false; } private static int getButtonStyle(SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_BUTTON_STYLE)) { return item.getInt(); } } return -1; } private static int getSeekbarMin(SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_SEEKBAR_MIN)) { return item.getInt(); } } return -1; } private static int getSeekbarMax(SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_SEEKBAR_MAX)) { return item.getInt(); } } return -1; } private static int getSeekbarValue(SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_SEEKBAR_VALUE)) { return item.getInt(); } } return -1; } private static boolean enabled(SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_IS_ENABLED)) { return item.getInt() == 1; } } return true; } private static boolean selectable(SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.SUBTYPE_IS_SELECTABLE)) { return item.getInt() == 1; } } return true; } private static boolean addInfoStatus(SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(EXTRA_ADD_INFO_STATUS)) { return item.getInt() == 1; } } return true; } private static boolean hasEndIcon(SliceItem item) { return item != null && item.getInt() > 0; } /** * Checks if custom content description should be forced to be used if provided. This function * can be extended with more cases if needed. * * @param item The {@link SliceItem} containing the necessary information. * @return true if custom content description should be used. */ private static boolean shouldForceContentDescription(SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { // Checks if an end icon has been set. if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SlicesConstants.EXTRA_HAS_END_ICON)) { return hasEndIcon(item); } } return false; } /** * Get the text from the SliceItem. */ static CharSequence getText(SliceItem item) { if (item == null) { return null; } return item.getText(); } /** Get the icon from the SliceItem if available */ static Icon getIcon(SliceItem startItem) { if (startItem != null && startItem.getSlice() != null && startItem.getSlice().getItems() != null && startItem.getSlice().getItems().size() > 0) { SliceItem iconItem = startItem.getSlice().getItems().get(0); if (FORMAT_IMAGE.equals(iconItem.getFormat())) { IconCompat icon = iconItem.getIcon(); return icon.toIcon(); } } return null; } static Uri getStatusPath(String uriString) { Uri statusUri = Uri.parse(uriString) .buildUpon().path("/" + SlicesConstants.PATH_STATUS).build(); return statusUri; } static int getPageId(SliceItem item) { SliceItem target = SliceQuery.findSubtype(item, FORMAT_INT, EXTRA_PAGE_ID); return target != null ? target.getInt() : 0; } private static int getActionId(SliceItem item) { SliceItem target = SliceQuery.findSubtype(item, FORMAT_INT, EXTRA_ACTION_ID); return target != null ? target.getInt() : 0; } private static CharSequence getInfoText(SliceItem item) { SliceItem target = SliceQuery.findSubtype(item, FORMAT_TEXT, EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_TEXT); return target != null ? target.getText() : null; } private static CharSequence getInfoSummary(SliceItem item) { SliceItem target = SliceQuery.findSubtype(item, FORMAT_TEXT, EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_SUMMARY); return target != null ? target.getText() : null; } private static IconCompat getInfoImage(SliceItem item) { SliceItem target = SliceQuery.findSubtype(item, FORMAT_IMAGE, EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_IMAGE); return target != null ? target.getIcon() : null; } private static IconCompat getInfoTitleIcon(SliceItem item) { SliceItem target = SliceQuery.findSubtype( item, FORMAT_IMAGE, EXTRA_PREFERENCE_INFO_TITLE_ICON); return target != null ? target.getIcon() : null; } /** * Get the content description from SliceItem if available */ private static String getInfoContentDescription( SliceItem sliceItem) { List items = sliceItem.getSlice().getItems(); for (SliceItem item : items) { if (item.getSubType() != null && item.getSubType().equals(SUBTYPE_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION)) { return item.getText().toString(); } } return null; } }