package: "" container: "" # NOTE: add new flags using alphabetical order to minimize merge conflicts flag { name: "ad_id_cache_enabled" namespace: "adservices" # TODO(b/320156647): Add bug number and description bug: "320156647" description: "Enter a description per b/320156647" } flag { name: "adext_data_service_apis_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "303511619" # TODO(b/320156647): Add proper description below description: "Add AIDL and system APIs for AdServicesExtDataService" } flag { name: "adservices_enablement_check_enabled" namespace: "adservices" # TODO(b/320156647): Add bug number and description bug: "320156647" description: "Enter a description per b/320156647" } flag { name: "adservices_outcomereceiver_r_api_enabled" namespace: "adservices" # TODO(b/320156647): Add bug number and description bug: "320156647" description: "Enter a description per b/320156647" } flag { name: "enable_adservices_api_enabled" namespace: "adservices" # TODO(b/320156647): Add bug number and description bug: "320156647" description: "Enter a description per b/320156647" } flag { name: "fledge_ad_selection_filtering_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "267712947" description: "Enabled negative filtering feature with signed contextual ads" } flag { name: "fledge_auction_server_get_ad_selection_data_id_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "323397060" description: "Enables the getAdSelectionDataId feature of the getAdSelectionData API" } flag { name: "fledge_custom_audience_auction_server_request_flags_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "320786372" description: "Enables server auction request flags feature for custom audiences." } flag { name: "fledge_schedule_custom_audience_update_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "323297322" description: "Enables Schedule Custom Audience Update API" } flag { name: "fledge_server_auction_multi_cloud_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "323888604" description: "Enable multi cloud support for unified flow APIs " } flag { name: "fledge_get_ad_selection_data_seller_configuration_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "342332791" description: "Enable the seller configuration feature for the getAdSelectionData API" } flag { name: "get_adservices_common_states_api_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "322635374" description: "Enables Get Adservices common states API." } flag { name: "protected_signals_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "299946888" description: "Enables Protected Signals API" } flag { name: "topics_encryption_enabled" namespace: "adservices" bug: "303727027" description: "Enables encrypted Topics feature for Topics API." } # NOTE: add new flags using alphabetical order to minimize merge conflicts