/* * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.app.appsearch.aidl; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.RequiresApi; import android.app.appsearch.safeparcel.AbstractSafeParcelable; import android.app.appsearch.safeparcel.SafeParcelable; import android.content.AttributionSource; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Build.VERSION; import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.Process; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import java.util.Objects; /** * Compatibility version of AttributionSource. * *
Refactor AttributionSource to work on older API levels. For Android S+, this class maintains
* the original implementation of AttributionSource methods. However, for Android R-, this class
* creates a new implementation. Replace calls to AttributionSource with AppSearchAttributionSource.
* For a given Context, replace calls to getAttributionSource with createAttributionSource.
* @hide
@SafeParcelable.Class(creator = "AppSearchAttributionSourceCreator")
public final class AppSearchAttributionSource extends AbstractSafeParcelable {
public static final Parcelable.Creator This method is not supported on devices running SDK <= 30(R) since the AttributionSource
* class will not be available.
* @param attributionSource AttributionSource class to wrap, must not be null
* @return wrapped class
private static AppSearchAttributionSource toAppSearchAttributionSource(
@NonNull AttributionSource attributionSource, int pid) {
return new AppSearchAttributionSource(new Api31Impl(attributionSource, pid));
* Provides a backward-compatible wrapper for AttributionSource.
* This method is not supported on devices running SDK <= 19(H) since the AttributionSource
* class will not be available.
* @param packageName The package name to wrap, must not be null
* @param uid The uid to wrap
* @return wrapped class
private static AppSearchAttributionSource toAppSearchAttributionSource(
@NonNull String packageName, int uid, int pid) {
return new AppSearchAttributionSource(new Api19Impl(packageName, uid, pid));
* Create an instance of AppSearchAttributionSource.
* @param context Context the application is running on.
public static AppSearchAttributionSource createAttributionSource(
@NonNull Context context, int callingPid) {
return toAppSearchAttributionSource(context.getAttributionSource(), callingPid);
return toAppSearchAttributionSource(context.getPackageName(), Process.myUid(), callingPid);
/** Return AttributionSource on Android S+ and return null on Android R-. */
public AttributionSource getAttributionSource() {
return mCompat.getAttributionSource();
public String getPackageName() {
return mCompat.getPackageName();
public int getUid() {
return mCompat.getUid();
public int getPid() {
return mCompat.getPid();
public int hashCode() {
AttributionSource attributionSource =
return attributionSource.hashCode();
return Objects.hash(mCompat.getUid(), mCompat.getPackageName());
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
if (o == null || !(o instanceof AppSearchAttributionSource)) {
return false;
AppSearchAttributionSource that = (AppSearchAttributionSource) o;
AttributionSource thisAttributionSource =
AttributionSource thatAttributionSource =
return thisAttributionSource.equals(thatAttributionSource)
&& (that.getPid() == mCompat.getPid());
return (Objects.equals(mCompat.getPackageName(), that.getPackageName())
&& (mCompat.getUid() == that.getUid())
&& mCompat.getPid() == that.getPid());
public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, int flags) {
AppSearchAttributionSourceCreator.writeToParcel(this, dest, flags);
/** Compat class for AttributionSource to provide implementation for lower API levels. */
private interface Compat {
/** The package that is accessing the permission protected data. */
String getPackageName();
/** The attribution source of the app accessing the permission protected data. */
AttributionSource getAttributionSource();
/** The UID that is accessing the permission protected data. */
int getUid();
/** The PID that is accessing the permission protected data. */
int getPid();
private static final class Api31Impl implements Compat {
private final AttributionSource mAttributionSource;
private final int mPid;
* Creates a new implementation for AppSearchAttributionSource's Compat for API levels 31+.
* @param attributionSource The attribution source that is accessing permission protected
* data.
Api31Impl(@NonNull AttributionSource attributionSource, int pid) {
mAttributionSource = attributionSource;
mPid = pid;
public String getPackageName() {
// The {@link AttributionSource} in the constructor is set using
// {@link Context#getAttributionSource} and not using the Builder. The
// packageName returned from {@link AttributionSource#getPackageName} can be null as
// AttributionSource can use either uid and package name to determine who has access
// to the data, so either one of them can be null but not both. It is a common practice
// to use {@link AttributionSource#getPackageName} without any known issues/bugs. If
// we ever receive a null here we will throw a NullPointerException.
return Objects.requireNonNull(mAttributionSource.getPackageName());
public AttributionSource getAttributionSource() {
return mAttributionSource;
public int getUid() {
return mAttributionSource.getUid();
public int getPid() {
return mPid;
private static class Api19Impl implements Compat {
@NonNull private final String mPackageName;
private final int mUid;
private final int mPid;
* Creates a new implementation for AppSearchAttributionSource's Compat for API levels 19+.
* @param packageName The package name that is accessing permission protected data.
* @param uid The uid that is accessing permission protected data.
Api19Impl(@NonNull String packageName, int uid, int pid) {
mPackageName = Objects.requireNonNull(packageName);
mUid = uid;
mPid = pid;
public String getPackageName() {
return mPackageName;
public AttributionSource getAttributionSource() {
// AttributionSource class was added in Api level 31 and hence it is unavailable on API
// levels lower than 31. This class is used in AppSearch to get package name, uid etc,
// this implementation has util methods for getPackageName, getUid etc which could
// be used instead.
return null;
public int getUid() {
return mUid;
public int getPid() {
return mPid;
* If you are handling an IPC and you don't trust the caller you need to validate whether
* the attribution source is one for the calling app to prevent the caller to pass you a
* source from another app without including themselves in the attribution chain.
* @throws SecurityException if the attribution source cannot be trusted to be from the
* caller.
private void enforceCallingUid() {
if (!checkCallingUid()) {
int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
throw new SecurityException(
"Calling uid: " + callingUid + " doesn't match source uid: " + mUid);
// The verification for calling package happens in the service during API call.
* If you are handling an IPC and you don't trust the caller you need to validate whether
* the attribution source is one for the calling app to prevent the caller to pass you a
* source from another app without including themselves in the attribution chain.
* @return if the attribution source cannot be trusted to be from the caller.
private boolean checkCallingUid() {
final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
if (callingUid != mUid) {
return false;
// The verification for calling package happens in the service during API call.
return true;
* Validate that the pid being claimed for the calling app is not spoofed.
* Note that the PID may be unavailable, for example if we're in a oneway Binder call. In
* this case, calling enforceCallingPid is guaranteed to fail. The caller should anticipate
* this.
* @throws SecurityException if the attribution source cannot be trusted to be from the
* caller.
private void enforceCallingPid() {
if (!checkCallingPid()) {
if (Binder.getCallingPid() == 0) {
throw new SecurityException(
"Calling pid unavailable due to oneway Binder " + "call.");
} else {
throw new SecurityException(
"Calling pid: "
+ Binder.getCallingPid()
+ " doesn't match source pid: "
+ mPid);
* Validate that the pid being claimed for the calling app is not spoofed
* @return if the attribution source cannot be trusted to be from the caller.
private boolean checkCallingPid() {
final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
if (mPid != INVALID_PID && mPid != callingPid) {
// Only call this on the binder thread. If a new thread is created to handle the
// client request, Binder.getCallingPid() will return the thread's own pid.
return false;
return true;