 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#define LOG_TAG "BluetoothSdpJni"

#include <string.h>

#include "com_android_bluetooth.h"
#include "hardware/bt_sdp.h"

using bluetooth::Uuid;

static const Uuid UUID_OBEX_OBJECT_PUSH = Uuid::From16Bit(0x1105);
static const Uuid UUID_PBAP_PSE = Uuid::From16Bit(0x112F);
static const Uuid UUID_MAP_MAS = Uuid::From16Bit(0x1132);
static const Uuid UUID_MAP_MNS = Uuid::From16Bit(0x1133);
static const Uuid UUID_SAP = Uuid::From16Bit(0x112D);
static const Uuid UUID_DIP = Uuid::From16Bit(0x1200);

namespace android {
static jmethodID method_sdpRecordFoundCallback;
static jmethodID method_sdpMasRecordFoundCallback;
static jmethodID method_sdpMnsRecordFoundCallback;
static jmethodID method_sdpPseRecordFoundCallback;
static jmethodID method_sdpOppOpsRecordFoundCallback;
static jmethodID method_sdpSapsRecordFoundCallback;
static jmethodID method_sdpDipRecordFoundCallback;

static const btsdp_interface_t* sBluetoothSdpInterface = NULL;

static void sdp_search_callback(bt_status_t status, const RawAddress& bd_addr,
                                const Uuid& uuid_in, int record_size,
                                bluetooth_sdp_record* record);

btsdp_callbacks_t sBluetoothSdpCallbacks = {sizeof(sBluetoothSdpCallbacks),

static jobject sCallbacksObj = NULL;

static void initializeNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject object) {
  const bt_interface_t* btInf = getBluetoothInterface();

  if (btInf == NULL) {
    log::error("Bluetooth module is not loaded");
  if (sBluetoothSdpInterface != NULL) {
    log::warn("Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface before initializing...");
    sBluetoothSdpInterface = NULL;

  sBluetoothSdpInterface = (btsdp_interface_t*)btInf->get_profile_interface(
  if (sBluetoothSdpInterface == NULL) {
    log::error("Error getting SDP client interface");
  } else {

  sCallbacksObj = env->NewGlobalRef(object);

static jboolean sdpSearchNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* obj */,
                                jbyteArray address, jbyteArray uuidObj) {

  if (!sBluetoothSdpInterface) return JNI_FALSE;

  jbyte* addr = env->GetByteArrayElements(address, NULL);
  if (addr == NULL) {
    jniThrowIOException(env, EINVAL);
    return JNI_FALSE;

  jbyte* raw_uuid = env->GetByteArrayElements(uuidObj, NULL);
  if (!raw_uuid) {
    log::error("failed to get uuid");
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(address, addr, 0);
    return JNI_FALSE;
  Uuid uuid = Uuid::From128BitBE((uint8_t*)raw_uuid);
  log::debug("UUID {}", uuid);

  int ret = sBluetoothSdpInterface->sdp_search((RawAddress*)addr, uuid);
  if (ret != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("SDP Search initialization failed: {}", ret);

  if (addr) env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(address, addr, 0);
  if (raw_uuid) env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(uuidObj, raw_uuid, 0);

static void sdp_search_callback(bt_status_t status, const RawAddress& bd_addr,
                                const Uuid& uuid_in, int count,
                                bluetooth_sdp_record* records) {
  CallbackEnv sCallbackEnv(__func__);
  if (!sCallbackEnv.valid()) return;

  ScopedLocalRef<jbyteArray> addr(
      sCallbackEnv.get(), sCallbackEnv->NewByteArray(sizeof(RawAddress)));
  if (!addr.get()) return;

  ScopedLocalRef<jbyteArray> uuid(sCallbackEnv.get(),
  if (!uuid.get()) return;

  sCallbackEnv->SetByteArrayRegion(addr.get(), 0, sizeof(RawAddress),
                                   (const jbyte*)&bd_addr);
  sCallbackEnv->SetByteArrayRegion(uuid.get(), 0, sizeof(Uuid),
                                   (const jbyte*)uuid_in.To128BitBE().data());

  log::debug("Status is: {}, Record count: {}", bt_status_text(status), count);

  // Ensure we run the loop at least once, to also signal errors if they occur
  for (int i = 0; i < count || i == 0; i++) {
    bool more_results = (i < (count - 1)) ? true : false;
    bluetooth_sdp_record* record = &records[i];
    ScopedLocalRef<jstring> service_name(sCallbackEnv.get(), NULL);
    if (record->hdr.service_name_length > 0) {
      log::debug("ServiceName:  {}", record->mas.hdr.service_name);

    /* call the right callback according to the uuid*/
    if (uuid_in == UUID_MAP_MAS) {
          sCallbacksObj, method_sdpMasRecordFoundCallback, (jint)status,
          addr.get(), uuid.get(), (jint)record->mas.mas_instance_id,
          (jint)record->mas.supported_message_types, service_name.get(),

    } else if (uuid_in == UUID_MAP_MNS) {
          sCallbacksObj, method_sdpMnsRecordFoundCallback, (jint)status,
          addr.get(), uuid.get(), (jint)record->mns.hdr.l2cap_psm,
          (jint)record->mns.supported_features, service_name.get(),

    } else if (uuid_in == UUID_PBAP_PSE) {
          sCallbacksObj, method_sdpPseRecordFoundCallback, (jint)status,
          addr.get(), uuid.get(), (jint)record->pse.hdr.l2cap_psm,
          (jint)record->pse.supported_repositories, service_name.get(),

    } else if (uuid_in == UUID_OBEX_OBJECT_PUSH) {
      jint formats_list_size = record->ops.supported_formats_list_len;
      ScopedLocalRef<jbyteArray> formats_list(
          sCallbackEnv.get(), sCallbackEnv->NewByteArray(formats_list_size));
      if (!formats_list.get()) return;
          formats_list.get(), 0, formats_list_size,

          sCallbacksObj, method_sdpOppOpsRecordFoundCallback, (jint)status,
          addr.get(), uuid.get(), (jint)record->ops.hdr.l2cap_psm,
          (jint)record->ops.hdr.profile_version, service_name.get(),
          formats_list.get(), more_results);

    } else if (uuid_in == UUID_SAP) {
          sCallbacksObj, method_sdpSapsRecordFoundCallback, (jint)status,
          addr.get(), uuid.get(), (jint)record->mas.hdr.rfcomm_channel_number,
          (jint)record->mas.hdr.profile_version, service_name.get(),
    } else if (uuid_in == UUID_DIP) {
      log::debug("Get UUID_DIP");
          sCallbacksObj, method_sdpDipRecordFoundCallback, (jint)status,
          addr.get(), uuid.get(), (jint)record->dip.spec_id,
    } else {
      // we don't have a wrapper for this uuid, send as raw data
      jint record_data_size = record->hdr.user1_ptr_len;
      ScopedLocalRef<jbyteArray> record_data(
          sCallbackEnv.get(), sCallbackEnv->NewByteArray(record_data_size));
      if (!record_data.get()) return;

      sCallbackEnv->SetByteArrayRegion(record_data.get(), 0, record_data_size,
      sCallbackEnv->CallVoidMethod(sCallbacksObj, method_sdpRecordFoundCallback,
                                   (jint)status, addr.get(), uuid.get(),
                                   record_data_size, record_data.get());
  }  // End of for-loop

static jint sdpCreateMapMasRecordNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* obj */,
                                        jstring name_str, jint mas_id, jint scn,
                                        jint l2cap_psm, jint version,
                                        jint msg_types, jint features) {
  if (!sBluetoothSdpInterface) return -1;

  bluetooth_sdp_record record = {};  // Must be zero initialized
  record.mas.hdr.type = SDP_TYPE_MAP_MAS;

  const char* service_name = NULL;
  if (name_str != NULL) {
    service_name = env->GetStringUTFChars(name_str, NULL);
    record.mas.hdr.service_name = (char*)service_name;
    record.mas.hdr.service_name_length = strlen(service_name);
  } else {
    record.mas.hdr.service_name = NULL;
    record.mas.hdr.service_name_length = 0;
  record.mas.hdr.rfcomm_channel_number = scn;
  record.mas.hdr.l2cap_psm = l2cap_psm;
  record.mas.hdr.profile_version = version;

  record.mas.mas_instance_id = mas_id;
  record.mas.supported_features = features;
  record.mas.supported_message_types = msg_types;

  int handle = -1;
  int ret = sBluetoothSdpInterface->create_sdp_record(&record, &handle);
  if (ret != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("SDP Create record failed: {}", ret);
  } else {
    log::debug("SDP Create record success - handle: {}", handle);

  if (service_name) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name_str, service_name);
  return handle;

static jint sdpCreateMapMnsRecordNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* obj */,
                                        jstring name_str, jint scn,
                                        jint l2cap_psm, jint version,
                                        jint features) {
  if (!sBluetoothSdpInterface) return -1;

  bluetooth_sdp_record record = {};  // Must be zero initialized
  record.mns.hdr.type = SDP_TYPE_MAP_MNS;

  const char* service_name = NULL;
  if (name_str != NULL) {
    service_name = env->GetStringUTFChars(name_str, NULL);
    record.mns.hdr.service_name = (char*)service_name;
    record.mns.hdr.service_name_length = strlen(service_name);
  } else {
    record.mns.hdr.service_name = NULL;
    record.mns.hdr.service_name_length = 0;
  record.mns.hdr.rfcomm_channel_number = scn;
  record.mns.hdr.l2cap_psm = l2cap_psm;
  record.mns.hdr.profile_version = version;

  record.mns.supported_features = features;

  int handle = -1;
  int ret = sBluetoothSdpInterface->create_sdp_record(&record, &handle);
  if (ret != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("SDP Create record failed: {}", ret);
  } else {
    log::debug("SDP Create record success - handle: {}", handle);

  if (service_name) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name_str, service_name);
  return handle;

static jint sdpCreatePbapPceRecordNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* obj */,
                                         jstring name_str, jint version) {
  if (!sBluetoothSdpInterface) return -1;

  bluetooth_sdp_record record = {};  // Must be zero initialized
  record.pce.hdr.type = SDP_TYPE_PBAP_PCE;

  const char* service_name = NULL;
  if (name_str != NULL) {
    service_name = env->GetStringUTFChars(name_str, NULL);
    record.pce.hdr.service_name = (char*)service_name;
    record.pce.hdr.service_name_length = strlen(service_name);
  } else {
    record.pce.hdr.service_name = NULL;
    record.pce.hdr.service_name_length = 0;
  record.pce.hdr.profile_version = version;

  int handle = -1;
  int ret = sBluetoothSdpInterface->create_sdp_record(&record, &handle);
  if (ret != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("SDP Create record failed: {}", ret);
  } else {
    log::debug("SDP Create record success - handle: {}", handle);

  if (service_name) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name_str, service_name);
  return handle;

static jint sdpCreatePbapPseRecordNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* obj */,
                                         jstring name_str, jint scn,
                                         jint l2cap_psm, jint version,
                                         jint supported_repositories,
                                         jint features) {
  if (!sBluetoothSdpInterface) return -1;

  bluetooth_sdp_record record = {};  // Must be zero initialized
  record.pse.hdr.type = SDP_TYPE_PBAP_PSE;

  const char* service_name = NULL;
  if (name_str != NULL) {
    service_name = env->GetStringUTFChars(name_str, NULL);
    record.pse.hdr.service_name = (char*)service_name;
    record.pse.hdr.service_name_length = strlen(service_name);
  } else {
    record.pse.hdr.service_name = NULL;
    record.pse.hdr.service_name_length = 0;
  record.pse.hdr.rfcomm_channel_number = scn;
  record.pse.hdr.l2cap_psm = l2cap_psm;
  record.pse.hdr.profile_version = version;

  record.pse.supported_features = features;
  record.pse.supported_repositories = supported_repositories;

  int handle = -1;
  int ret = sBluetoothSdpInterface->create_sdp_record(&record, &handle);
  if (ret != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("SDP Create record failed: {}", ret);
  } else {
    log::debug("SDP Create record success - handle: {}", handle);

  if (service_name) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name_str, service_name);
  return handle;

static jint sdpCreateOppOpsRecordNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* obj */,
                                        jstring name_str, jint scn,
                                        jint l2cap_psm, jint version,
                                        jbyteArray supported_formats_list) {
  if (!sBluetoothSdpInterface) return -1;

  bluetooth_sdp_record record = {};  // Must be zero initialized
  record.ops.hdr.type = SDP_TYPE_OPP_SERVER;

  const char* service_name = NULL;
  if (name_str != NULL) {
    service_name = env->GetStringUTFChars(name_str, NULL);
    record.ops.hdr.service_name = (char*)service_name;
    record.ops.hdr.service_name_length = strlen(service_name);
  } else {
    record.ops.hdr.service_name = NULL;
    record.ops.hdr.service_name_length = 0;
  record.ops.hdr.rfcomm_channel_number = scn;
  record.ops.hdr.l2cap_psm = l2cap_psm;
  record.ops.hdr.profile_version = version;

  int formats_list_len = 0;
  jbyte* formats_list = env->GetByteArrayElements(supported_formats_list, NULL);
  if (formats_list != NULL) {
    formats_list_len = env->GetArrayLength(supported_formats_list);
    if (formats_list_len > SDP_OPP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS_MAX_LENGTH) {
      formats_list_len = SDP_OPP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS_MAX_LENGTH;
    memcpy(record.ops.supported_formats_list, formats_list, formats_list_len);

  record.ops.supported_formats_list_len = formats_list_len;

  int handle = -1;
  int ret = sBluetoothSdpInterface->create_sdp_record(&record, &handle);
  if (ret != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("SDP Create record failed: {}", ret);
  } else {
    log::debug("SDP Create record success - handle: {}", handle);

  if (service_name) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name_str, service_name);
  if (formats_list)
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(supported_formats_list, formats_list, 0);
  return handle;

static jint sdpCreateSapsRecordNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* obj */,
                                      jstring name_str, jint scn,
                                      jint version) {
  if (!sBluetoothSdpInterface) return -1;

  bluetooth_sdp_record record = {};  // Must be zero initialized
  record.sap.hdr.type = SDP_TYPE_SAP_SERVER;

  const char* service_name = NULL;
  if (name_str != NULL) {
    service_name = env->GetStringUTFChars(name_str, NULL);
    record.mas.hdr.service_name = (char*)service_name;
    record.mas.hdr.service_name_length = strlen(service_name);
  } else {
    record.mas.hdr.service_name = NULL;
    record.mas.hdr.service_name_length = 0;
  record.mas.hdr.rfcomm_channel_number = scn;
  record.mas.hdr.profile_version = version;

  int handle = -1;
  int ret = sBluetoothSdpInterface->create_sdp_record(&record, &handle);
  if (ret != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("SDP Create record failed: {}", ret);
  } else {
    log::debug("SDP Create record success - handle: {}", handle);

  if (service_name) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name_str, service_name);
  return handle;

static jboolean sdpRemoveSdpRecordNative(JNIEnv* /* env */, jobject /* obj */,
                                         jint record_id) {
  if (!sBluetoothSdpInterface) return false;

  int ret = sBluetoothSdpInterface->remove_sdp_record(record_id);
  if (ret != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("SDP Remove record failed: {}", ret);
    return false;

  log::debug("SDP Remove record success - handle: {}", record_id);
  return true;

static void cleanupNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* object */) {
  const bt_interface_t* btInf = getBluetoothInterface();

  if (btInf == NULL) {
    log::error("Bluetooth module is not loaded");

  if (sBluetoothSdpInterface != NULL) {
    log::warn("Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface...");
    sBluetoothSdpInterface = NULL;

  if (sCallbacksObj != NULL) {
    log::warn("Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP object");
    sCallbacksObj = NULL;

int register_com_android_bluetooth_sdp(JNIEnv* env) {
  const JNINativeMethod methods[] = {
      {"initializeNative", "()V", (void*)initializeNative},
      {"cleanupNative", "()V", (void*)cleanupNative},
      {"sdpSearchNative", "([B[B)Z", (void*)sdpSearchNative},
      {"sdpCreateMapMasRecordNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;IIIIII)I",
      {"sdpCreateMapMnsRecordNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;IIII)I",
      {"sdpCreatePbapPceRecordNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)I",
      {"sdpCreatePbapPseRecordNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;IIIII)I",
      {"sdpCreateOppOpsRecordNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;III[B)I",
      {"sdpCreateSapsRecordNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;II)I",
      {"sdpRemoveSdpRecordNative", "(I)Z", (void*)sdpRemoveSdpRecordNative},
  const int result = REGISTER_NATIVE_METHODS(
      env, "com/android/bluetooth/sdp/SdpManagerNativeInterface", methods);
  if (result != 0) {
    return result;

  const JNIJavaMethod javaMethods[] = {
      {"sdpRecordFoundCallback", "(I[B[BI[B)V", &method_sdpRecordFoundCallback},
      {"sdpMasRecordFoundCallback", "(I[B[BIIIIIILjava/lang/String;Z)V",
      {"sdpMnsRecordFoundCallback", "(I[B[BIIIILjava/lang/String;Z)V",
      {"sdpPseRecordFoundCallback", "(I[B[BIIIIILjava/lang/String;Z)V",
      {"sdpOppOpsRecordFoundCallback", "(I[B[BIIILjava/lang/String;[BZ)V",
      {"sdpSapsRecordFoundCallback", "(I[B[BIILjava/lang/String;Z)V",
      {"sdpDipRecordFoundCallback", "(I[B[BIIIIIZZ)V",
  GET_JAVA_METHODS(env, "com/android/bluetooth/sdp/SdpManagerNativeInterface",

  return 0;