/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.bluetooth; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.ParcelUuid; import android.os.Parcelable; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; /** * Represents a Bluetooth GATT Characteristic * *
A GATT characteristic is a basic data element used to construct a GATT service, {@link
* BluetoothGattService}. The characteristic contains a value as well as additional information and
* optional GATT descriptors, {@link BluetoothGattDescriptor}.
public class BluetoothGattCharacteristic implements Parcelable {
/** Characteristic property: Characteristic is broadcastable. */
public static final int PROPERTY_BROADCAST = 0x01;
/** Characteristic property: Characteristic is readable. */
public static final int PROPERTY_READ = 0x02;
/** Characteristic property: Characteristic can be written without response. */
public static final int PROPERTY_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE = 0x04;
/** Characteristic property: Characteristic can be written. */
public static final int PROPERTY_WRITE = 0x08;
/** Characteristic property: Characteristic supports notification */
public static final int PROPERTY_NOTIFY = 0x10;
/** Characteristic property: Characteristic supports indication */
public static final int PROPERTY_INDICATE = 0x20;
/** Characteristic property: Characteristic supports write with signature */
public static final int PROPERTY_SIGNED_WRITE = 0x40;
/** Characteristic property: Characteristic has extended properties */
public static final int PROPERTY_EXTENDED_PROPS = 0x80;
/** Characteristic read permission */
public static final int PERMISSION_READ = 0x01;
/** Characteristic permission: Allow encrypted read operations */
public static final int PERMISSION_READ_ENCRYPTED = 0x02;
/** Characteristic permission: Allow reading with person-in-the-middle protection */
public static final int PERMISSION_READ_ENCRYPTED_MITM = 0x04;
/** Characteristic write permission */
public static final int PERMISSION_WRITE = 0x10;
/** Characteristic permission: Allow encrypted writes */
public static final int PERMISSION_WRITE_ENCRYPTED = 0x20;
/** Characteristic permission: Allow encrypted writes with person-in-the-middle protection */
public static final int PERMISSION_WRITE_ENCRYPTED_MITM = 0x40;
/** Characteristic permission: Allow signed write operations */
public static final int PERMISSION_WRITE_SIGNED = 0x80;
* Characteristic permission: Allow signed write operations with person-in-the-middle protection
public static final int PERMISSION_WRITE_SIGNED_MITM = 0x100;
/** @hide */
prefix = "WRITE_TYPE_",
public @interface WriteType {}
/** Write characteristic, requesting acknowledgement by the remote device */
public static final int WRITE_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0x02;
/** Write characteristic without requiring a response by the remote device */
public static final int WRITE_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE = 0x01;
/** Write characteristic including authentication signature */
public static final int WRITE_TYPE_SIGNED = 0x04;
/** Characteristic value format type uint8 */
public static final int FORMAT_UINT8 = 0x11;
/** Characteristic value format type uint16 */
public static final int FORMAT_UINT16 = 0x12;
/** Characteristic value format type uint32 */
public static final int FORMAT_UINT32 = 0x14;
/** Characteristic value format type sint8 */
public static final int FORMAT_SINT8 = 0x21;
/** Characteristic value format type sint16 */
public static final int FORMAT_SINT16 = 0x22;
/** Characteristic value format type sint32 */
public static final int FORMAT_SINT32 = 0x24;
/** Characteristic value format type sfloat (16-bit float) */
public static final int FORMAT_SFLOAT = 0x32;
/** Characteristic value format type float (32-bit float) */
public static final int FORMAT_FLOAT = 0x34;
* The UUID of this characteristic.
* @hide
protected UUID mUuid;
* Instance ID for this characteristic.
* @hide
@UnsupportedAppUsage protected int mInstance;
* Characteristic properties.
* @hide
protected int mProperties;
* Characteristic permissions.
* @hide
protected int mPermissions;
* Key size (default = 16).
* @hide
protected int mKeySize = 16;
* Write type for this characteristic. See WRITE_TYPE_* constants.
* @hide
protected int mWriteType;
* Back-reference to the service this characteristic belongs to.
* @hide
@UnsupportedAppUsage protected BluetoothGattService mService;
* The cached value of this characteristic.
* @hide
protected byte[] mValue;
/** List of descriptors included in this characteristic. */
protected List If a remote device offers multiple characteristics with the same UUID, the instance ID is
* used to distuinguish between characteristics.
* @return Instance ID of this characteristic
public int getInstanceId() {
return mInstance;
* Force the instance ID.
* @hide
public void setInstanceId(int instanceId) {
mInstance = instanceId;
* Returns the properties of this characteristic.
* The properties contain a bit mask of property flags indicating the features of this
* characteristic.
* @return Properties of this characteristic
public int getProperties() {
return mProperties;
* Returns the permissions for this characteristic.
* @return Permissions of this characteristic
public int getPermissions() {
return mPermissions;
* Gets the write type for this characteristic.
* @return Write type for this characteristic
public int getWriteType() {
return mWriteType;
* Set the write type for this characteristic
* Setting the write type of a characteristic determines how the {@link
* BluetoothGatt#writeCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic, byte[], int)} function write
* this characteristic.
* @param writeType The write type to for this characteristic. Can be one of: {@link
public void setWriteType(int writeType) {
mWriteType = writeType;
* Set the desired key size.
* @hide
public void setKeySize(int keySize) {
mKeySize = keySize;
* Returns a list of descriptors for this characteristic.
* @return Descriptors for this characteristic
public List This function returns the stored value for this characteristic as retrieved by calling
* {@link BluetoothGatt#readCharacteristic}. The cached value of the characteristic is updated
* as a result of a read characteristic operation or if a characteristic update notification has
* been received.
* @return Cached value of the characteristic
* @deprecated Use {@link BluetoothGatt#readCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic)} instead
public byte[] getValue() {
return mValue;
* Return the stored value of this characteristic.
* The formatType parameter determines how the characteristic value is to be interpreted. For
* example, setting formatType to {@link #FORMAT_UINT16} specifies that the first two bytes of
* the characteristic value at the given offset are interpreted to generate the return value.
* @param formatType The format type used to interpret the characteristic value.
* @param offset Offset at which the integer value can be found.
* @return Cached value of the characteristic or null of offset exceeds value size.
* @deprecated Use {@link BluetoothGatt#readCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic)} to get
* the characteristic value
public Integer getIntValue(int formatType, int offset) {
if ((offset + getTypeLen(formatType)) > mValue.length) return null;
switch (formatType) {
return unsignedByteToInt(mValue[offset]);
return unsignedBytesToInt(mValue[offset], mValue[offset + 1]);
return unsignedBytesToInt(
mValue[offset], mValue[offset + 1], mValue[offset + 2], mValue[offset + 3]);
return unsignedToSigned(unsignedByteToInt(mValue[offset]), 8);
return unsignedToSigned(unsignedBytesToInt(mValue[offset], mValue[offset + 1]), 16);
return unsignedToSigned(
mValue[offset + 1],
mValue[offset + 2],
mValue[offset + 3]),
return null;
* Return the stored value of this characteristic.
* See {@link #getValue} for details.
* @param formatType The format type used to interpret the characteristic value.
* @param offset Offset at which the float value can be found.
* @return Cached value of the characteristic at a given offset or null if the requested offset
* exceeds the value size.
* @deprecated Use {@link BluetoothGatt#readCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic)} to get
* the characteristic value
public Float getFloatValue(int formatType, int offset) {
if ((offset + getTypeLen(formatType)) > mValue.length) return null;
switch (formatType) {
return bytesToFloat(mValue[offset], mValue[offset + 1]);
return bytesToFloat(
mValue[offset], mValue[offset + 1], mValue[offset + 2], mValue[offset + 3]);
return null;
* Return the stored value of this characteristic.
* See {@link #getValue} for details.
* @param offset Offset at which the string value can be found.
* @return Cached value of the characteristic
* @deprecated Use {@link BluetoothGatt#readCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic)} to get
* the characteristic value
public String getStringValue(int offset) {
if (mValue == null || offset > mValue.length) return null;
byte[] strBytes = new byte[mValue.length - offset];
for (int i = 0; i != (mValue.length - offset); ++i) strBytes[i] = mValue[offset + i];
return new String(strBytes);
* Updates the locally stored value of this characteristic.
* This function modifies the locally stored cached value of this characteristic. To send the
* value to the remote device, call {@link BluetoothGatt#writeCharacteristic} to send the value
* to the remote device.
* @param value New value for this characteristic
* @return true if the locally stored value has been set, false if the requested value could not
* be stored locally.
* @deprecated Pass the characteristic value directly into {@link
* BluetoothGatt#writeCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic, byte[], int)}
public boolean setValue(byte[] value) {
mValue = value;
return true;
* Set the locally stored value of this characteristic.
* See {@link #setValue(byte[])} for details.
* @param value New value for this characteristic
* @param formatType Integer format type used to transform the value parameter
* @param offset Offset at which the value should be placed
* @return true if the locally stored value has been set
* @deprecated Pass the characteristic value directly into {@link
* BluetoothGatt#writeCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic, byte[], int)}
public boolean setValue(int value, int formatType, int offset) {
int len = offset + getTypeLen(formatType);
if (mValue == null) mValue = new byte[len];
if (len > mValue.length) return false;
switch (formatType) {
value = intToSignedBits(value, 8);
// Fall-through intended
mValue[offset] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
value = intToSignedBits(value, 16);
// Fall-through intended
mValue[offset++] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
mValue[offset] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
value = intToSignedBits(value, 32);
// Fall-through intended
mValue[offset++] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
mValue[offset++] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
mValue[offset++] = (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
mValue[offset] = (byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
return false;
return true;
* Set the locally stored value of this characteristic.
* See {@link #setValue(byte[])} for details.
* @param mantissa Mantissa for this characteristic
* @param exponent exponent value for this characteristic
* @param formatType Float format type used to transform the value parameter
* @param offset Offset at which the value should be placed
* @return true if the locally stored value has been set
* @deprecated Pass the characteristic value directly into {@link
* BluetoothGatt#writeCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic, byte[], int)}
public boolean setValue(int mantissa, int exponent, int formatType, int offset) {
int len = offset + getTypeLen(formatType);
if (mValue == null) mValue = new byte[len];
if (len > mValue.length) return false;
switch (formatType) {
mantissa = intToSignedBits(mantissa, 12);
exponent = intToSignedBits(exponent, 4);
mValue[offset++] = (byte) (mantissa & 0xFF);
mValue[offset] = (byte) ((mantissa >> 8) & 0x0F);
mValue[offset] += (byte) ((exponent & 0x0F) << 4);
mantissa = intToSignedBits(mantissa, 24);
exponent = intToSignedBits(exponent, 8);
mValue[offset++] = (byte) (mantissa & 0xFF);
mValue[offset++] = (byte) ((mantissa >> 8) & 0xFF);
mValue[offset++] = (byte) ((mantissa >> 16) & 0xFF);
mValue[offset] += (byte) (exponent & 0xFF);
return false;
return true;
* Set the locally stored value of this characteristic.
* See {@link #setValue(byte[])} for details.
* @param value New value for this characteristic
* @return true if the locally stored value has been set
* @deprecated Pass the characteristic value directly into {@link
* BluetoothGatt#writeCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic, byte[], int)}
public boolean setValue(String value) {
mValue = value.getBytes();
return true;
/** Returns the size of a give value type. */
private int getTypeLen(int formatType) {
return formatType & 0xF;
/** Convert a signed byte to an unsigned int. */
private int unsignedByteToInt(byte b) {
return b & 0xFF;
/** Convert signed bytes to a 16-bit unsigned int. */
private int unsignedBytesToInt(byte b0, byte b1) {
return (unsignedByteToInt(b0) + (unsignedByteToInt(b1) << 8));
/** Convert signed bytes to a 32-bit unsigned int. */
private int unsignedBytesToInt(byte b0, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3) {
return (unsignedByteToInt(b0) + (unsignedByteToInt(b1) << 8))
+ (unsignedByteToInt(b2) << 16)
+ (unsignedByteToInt(b3) << 24);
/** Convert signed bytes to a 16-bit short float value. */
private float bytesToFloat(byte b0, byte b1) {
int mantissa =
unsignedToSigned(unsignedByteToInt(b0) + ((unsignedByteToInt(b1) & 0x0F) << 8), 12);
int exponent = unsignedToSigned(unsignedByteToInt(b1) >> 4, 4);
return (float) (mantissa * Math.pow(10, exponent));
/** Convert signed bytes to a 32-bit short float value. */
private float bytesToFloat(byte b0, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3) {
int mantissa =
+ (unsignedByteToInt(b1) << 8)
+ (unsignedByteToInt(b2) << 16),
return (float) (mantissa * Math.pow(10, b3));
/** Convert an unsigned integer value to a two's-complement encoded signed value. */
private int unsignedToSigned(int unsigned, int size) {
if ((unsigned & (1 << (size - 1))) != 0) {
unsigned = -1 * ((1 << (size - 1)) - (unsigned & ((1 << (size - 1)) - 1)));
return unsigned;
/** Convert an integer into the signed bits of a given length. */
private int intToSignedBits(int i, int size) {
if (i < 0) {
i = (1 << (size - 1)) + (i & ((1 << (size - 1)) - 1));
return i;