syntax = "proto3"; package pandora; option java_outer_classname = "L2capProto"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "pandora/host.proto"; service L2CAP { // Create a L2CAP connection to a peer. rpc CreateLECreditBasedChannel(CreateLECreditBasedChannelRequest) returns (CreateLECreditBasedChannelResponse); // Send some data rpc SendData(SendDataRequest) returns (SendDataResponse); // Receive data rpc ReceiveData(ReceiveDataRequest) returns (ReceiveDataResponse); // Listen L2CAP channel for connection rpc ListenL2CAPChannel(ListenL2CAPChannelRequest) returns (ListenL2CAPChannelResponse); // Accept L2CAP connection rpc AcceptL2CAPChannel(AcceptL2CAPChannelRequest) returns (AcceptL2CAPChannelResponse); } // Request for the `OpenSource` method. message CreateLECreditBasedChannelRequest { // The connection that will open the stream. Connection connection = 1; int32 psm = 2; bool secure = 3; } // Request for the `OpenSource` method. message CreateLECreditBasedChannelResponse {} message SendDataRequest { // The connection that will open the stream. Connection connection = 1; bytes data = 2; } message SendDataResponse {} message ReceiveDataRequest { // The connection that will open the stream. Connection connection = 1; } message ReceiveDataResponse { bytes data = 1; } message ListenL2CAPChannelRequest{ Connection connection = 1; bool secure = 2; } message ListenL2CAPChannelResponse {} message AcceptL2CAPChannelRequest{ Connection connection = 1; } message AcceptL2CAPChannelResponse {}