/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "BTAudioHalDeviceProxyAIDL" #include "device_port_proxy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "BluetoothAudioSessionControl.h" #include "stream_apis.h" namespace android { namespace bluetooth { namespace audio { namespace aidl { using ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::SinkMetadata; using ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::SourceMetadata; using ::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::AudioConfiguration; using ::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::BluetoothAudioSessionControl; using ::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::ChannelMode; using ::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::PcmConfiguration; using ::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::PortStatusCallbacks; using ::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::PresentationPosition; using ::aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioContentType; using ::aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioSource; using ::aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioUsage; using ::android::base::StringPrintf; using ControlResultCallback = std::function; using SessionChangedCallback = std::function; namespace { audio_channel_mask_t OutputChannelModeToAudioFormat(ChannelMode channel_mode) { switch (channel_mode) { case ChannelMode::MONO: return AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO; case ChannelMode::STEREO: return AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO; default: return kBluetoothDefaultOutputChannelModeMask; } } audio_channel_mask_t InputChannelModeToAudioFormat(ChannelMode channel_mode) { switch (channel_mode) { case ChannelMode::MONO: return AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO; case ChannelMode::STEREO: return AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO; default: return kBluetoothDefaultInputChannelModeMask; } } audio_format_t BitsPerSampleToAudioFormat(uint8_t bits_per_sample, const SessionType& session_type) { switch (bits_per_sample) { case 16: return AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT; case 24: /* Now we use knowledge that Classic sessions used packed, and LE Audio * LC3 encoder uses unpacked as input. This should be passed as parameter * from BT stack through AIDL, but it would require new interface version, * so sticking with this workaround for now. */ if (session_type == SessionType::A2DP_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD_ENCODING_DATAPATH || session_type == SessionType::A2DP_SOFTWARE_ENCODING_DATAPATH) { return AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_24_BIT_PACKED; } else { return AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_8_24_BIT; } case 32: return AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_32_BIT; default: return kBluetoothDefaultAudioFormatBitsPerSample; } } std::vector CovertAudioTagFromV7(char* tags_v7) { std::vector tags; char tags_copy[AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES_TAGS_MAX_SIZE]; strlcpy(tags_copy, tags_v7, AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES_TAGS_MAX_SIZE); char* tag = strtok(tags_copy, ";"); while (tag != NULL) { tags.push_back(tag); tag = strtok(NULL, ";"); } return tags; } // The maximum time to wait in std::condition_variable::wait_for() constexpr unsigned int kMaxWaitingTimeMs = 4500; } // namespace BluetoothAudioPortAidl::BluetoothAudioPortAidl() : cookie_(::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio:: kObserversCookieUndefined), state_(BluetoothStreamState::DISABLED), session_type_(SessionType::UNKNOWN) {} BluetoothAudioPortAidlOut::~BluetoothAudioPortAidlOut() { if (in_use()) TearDown(); } BluetoothAudioPortAidlIn::~BluetoothAudioPortAidlIn() { if (in_use()) TearDown(); } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidl::SetUp(audio_devices_t devices) { if (!init_session_type(devices)) return false; state_ = BluetoothStreamState::STANDBY; auto control_result_cb = [port = this](uint16_t cookie, bool start_resp, const BluetoothAudioStatus& status) { if (!port->in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << "control_result_cb: BluetoothAudioPortAidl is not in use"; return; } if (port->cookie_ != cookie) { LOG(ERROR) << "control_result_cb: proxy of device port (cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie) << ") is corrupted"; return; } port->ControlResultHandler(status); }; auto session_changed_cb = [port = this](uint16_t cookie) { if (!port->in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << "session_changed_cb: BluetoothAudioPortAidl is not in use"; return; } if (port->cookie_ != cookie) { LOG(ERROR) << "session_changed_cb: proxy of device port (cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie) << ") is corrupted"; return; } port->SessionChangedHandler(); }; // TODO: Add audio_config_changed_cb PortStatusCallbacks cbacks = { .control_result_cb_ = control_result_cb, .session_changed_cb_ = session_changed_cb, }; cookie_ = BluetoothAudioSessionControl::RegisterControlResultCback( session_type_, cbacks); LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_); return ( cookie_ != ::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::kObserversCookieUndefined); } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidl::init_session_type(audio_devices_t device) { switch (device) { case AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP: case AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_HEADPHONES: case AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_SPEAKER: LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": device=AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP (HEADPHONES/SPEAKER) (" << StringPrintf("%#x", device) << ")"; session_type_ = SessionType::A2DP_SOFTWARE_ENCODING_DATAPATH; break; case AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_HEARING_AID: LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": device=AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_HEARING_AID (MEDIA/VOICE) (" << StringPrintf("%#x", device) << ")"; session_type_ = SessionType::HEARING_AID_SOFTWARE_ENCODING_DATAPATH; break; case AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLE_HEADSET: LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": device=AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLE_HEADSET (MEDIA/VOICE) (" << StringPrintf("%#x", device) << ")"; session_type_ = SessionType::LE_AUDIO_SOFTWARE_ENCODING_DATAPATH; break; case AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLE_SPEAKER: LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": device=AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLE_SPEAKER (MEDIA) (" << StringPrintf("%#x", device) << ")"; session_type_ = SessionType::LE_AUDIO_SOFTWARE_ENCODING_DATAPATH; break; case AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLE_HEADSET: LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": device=AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLE_HEADSET (VOICE) (" << StringPrintf("%#x", device) << ")"; session_type_ = SessionType::LE_AUDIO_SOFTWARE_DECODING_DATAPATH; break; case AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLE_BROADCAST: LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": device=AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLE_BROADCAST (MEDIA) (" << StringPrintf("%#x", device) << ")"; session_type_ = SessionType::LE_AUDIO_BROADCAST_SOFTWARE_ENCODING_DATAPATH; break; default: LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": unknown device=" << StringPrintf("%#x", device); return false; } if (!BluetoothAudioSessionControl::IsSessionReady(session_type_)) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": device=" << StringPrintf("%#x", device) << ", session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << " is not ready"; return false; } return true; } void BluetoothAudioPortAidl::TearDown() { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << " unknown monitor"; return; } LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_); BluetoothAudioSessionControl::UnregisterControlResultCback(session_type_, cookie_); cookie_ = ::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::kObserversCookieUndefined; } void BluetoothAudioPortAidl::ControlResultHandler( const BluetoothAudioStatus& status) { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidlis not in use"; return; } std::unique_lock port_lock(cv_mutex_); BluetoothStreamState previous_state = state_; LOG(INFO) << "control_result_cb: session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", previous_state=" << previous_state << ", status=" << toString(status); switch (previous_state) { case BluetoothStreamState::STARTED: /* Only Suspend signal can be send in STARTED state*/ if (status == BluetoothAudioStatus::RECONFIGURATION || status == BluetoothAudioStatus::SUCCESS) { state_ = BluetoothStreamState::STANDBY; } else { // Set to standby since the stack may be busy switching between outputs LOG(WARNING) << "control_result_cb: status=" << toString(status) << " failure for session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", previous_state=" << previous_state; } break; case BluetoothStreamState::STARTING: if (status == BluetoothAudioStatus::SUCCESS) { state_ = BluetoothStreamState::STARTED; } else { // Set to standby since the stack may be busy switching between outputs LOG(WARNING) << "control_result_cb: status=" << toString(status) << " failure for session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", previous_state=" << previous_state; state_ = BluetoothStreamState::STANDBY; } break; case BluetoothStreamState::SUSPENDING: if (status == BluetoothAudioStatus::SUCCESS) { state_ = BluetoothStreamState::STANDBY; } else { // It will be failed if the headset is disconnecting, and set to disable // to wait for re-init again LOG(WARNING) << "control_result_cb: status=" << toString(status) << " failure for session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", previous_state=" << previous_state; state_ = BluetoothStreamState::DISABLED; } break; default: LOG(ERROR) << "control_result_cb: unexpected status=" << toString(status) << " for session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", previous_state=" << previous_state; return; } port_lock.unlock(); internal_cv_.notify_all(); } void BluetoothAudioPortAidl::SessionChangedHandler() { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidl is not in use"; return; } std::unique_lock port_lock(cv_mutex_); BluetoothStreamState previous_state = state_; LOG(INFO) << "session_changed_cb: session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", previous_state=" << previous_state; state_ = BluetoothStreamState::DISABLED; port_lock.unlock(); internal_cv_.notify_all(); } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidl::in_use() const { return ( cookie_ != ::aidl::android::hardware::bluetooth::audio::kObserversCookieUndefined); } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidl::GetPreferredDataIntervalUs( size_t* interval_us) const { if (!in_use()) { return false; } const AudioConfiguration& hal_audio_cfg = BluetoothAudioSessionControl::GetAudioConfig(session_type_); if (hal_audio_cfg.getTag() != AudioConfiguration::pcmConfig) { return false; } const PcmConfiguration& pcm_cfg = hal_audio_cfg.get(); *interval_us = pcm_cfg.dataIntervalUs; return true; } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidlOut::LoadAudioConfig( audio_config_t* audio_cfg) const { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidlOut is not in use"; audio_cfg->sample_rate = kBluetoothDefaultSampleRate; audio_cfg->channel_mask = kBluetoothDefaultOutputChannelModeMask; audio_cfg->format = kBluetoothDefaultAudioFormatBitsPerSample; return false; } const AudioConfiguration& hal_audio_cfg = BluetoothAudioSessionControl::GetAudioConfig(session_type_); if (hal_audio_cfg.getTag() != AudioConfiguration::pcmConfig) { audio_cfg->sample_rate = kBluetoothDefaultSampleRate; audio_cfg->channel_mask = kBluetoothDefaultOutputChannelModeMask; audio_cfg->format = kBluetoothDefaultAudioFormatBitsPerSample; return false; } const PcmConfiguration& pcm_cfg = hal_audio_cfg.get(); LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << ", PcmConfig=[" << pcm_cfg.toString() << "]"; if (pcm_cfg.channelMode == ChannelMode::UNKNOWN) { return false; } audio_cfg->sample_rate = pcm_cfg.sampleRateHz; audio_cfg->channel_mask = (is_stereo_to_mono_ ? AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO : OutputChannelModeToAudioFormat(pcm_cfg.channelMode)); audio_cfg->format = BitsPerSampleToAudioFormat(pcm_cfg.bitsPerSample, session_type_); return true; } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidlIn::LoadAudioConfig( audio_config_t* audio_cfg) const { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidlIn is not in use"; audio_cfg->sample_rate = kBluetoothDefaultSampleRate; audio_cfg->channel_mask = kBluetoothDefaultInputChannelModeMask; audio_cfg->format = kBluetoothDefaultAudioFormatBitsPerSample; return false; } const AudioConfiguration& hal_audio_cfg = BluetoothAudioSessionControl::GetAudioConfig(session_type_); if (hal_audio_cfg.getTag() != AudioConfiguration::pcmConfig) { audio_cfg->sample_rate = kBluetoothDefaultSampleRate; audio_cfg->channel_mask = kBluetoothDefaultInputChannelModeMask; audio_cfg->format = kBluetoothDefaultAudioFormatBitsPerSample; return false; } const PcmConfiguration& pcm_cfg = hal_audio_cfg.get(); LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << ", PcmConfig=[" << pcm_cfg.toString() << "]"; if (pcm_cfg.channelMode == ChannelMode::UNKNOWN) { return false; } audio_cfg->sample_rate = pcm_cfg.sampleRateHz; audio_cfg->channel_mask = InputChannelModeToAudioFormat(pcm_cfg.channelMode); audio_cfg->format = BitsPerSampleToAudioFormat(pcm_cfg.bitsPerSample, session_type_); return true; } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidl::CondwaitState(BluetoothStreamState state) { bool retval; std::unique_lock port_lock(cv_mutex_); switch (state) { case BluetoothStreamState::STARTING: LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << " waiting for STARTED"; retval = internal_cv_.wait_for( port_lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(kMaxWaitingTimeMs), [this] { return this->state_ != BluetoothStreamState::STARTING; }); retval = retval && state_ == BluetoothStreamState::STARTED; break; case BluetoothStreamState::SUSPENDING: LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << " waiting for SUSPENDED"; retval = internal_cv_.wait_for( port_lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(kMaxWaitingTimeMs), [this] { return this->state_ != BluetoothStreamState::SUSPENDING; }); retval = retval && state_ == BluetoothStreamState::STANDBY; break; default: LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << " waiting for KNOWN"; return false; } return retval; // false if any failure like timeout } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidl::Start() { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidl is not in use"; return false; } LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << ", mono=" << (is_stereo_to_mono_ ? "true" : "false") << " request"; bool retval = false; if (state_ == BluetoothStreamState::STANDBY) { state_ = BluetoothStreamState::STARTING; if (BluetoothAudioSessionControl::StartStream(session_type_)) { retval = CondwaitState(BluetoothStreamState::STARTING); } else { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << " Hal fails"; } } if (retval) { LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << ", mono=" << (is_stereo_to_mono_ ? "true" : "false") << " done"; } else { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << " failure"; } return retval; // false if any failure like timeout } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidl::Suspend() { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidl is not in use"; return false; } LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << " request"; bool retval = false; if (state_ == BluetoothStreamState::STARTED) { state_ = BluetoothStreamState::SUSPENDING; if (BluetoothAudioSessionControl::SuspendStream(session_type_)) { retval = CondwaitState(BluetoothStreamState::SUSPENDING); } else { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << " Hal fails"; } } if (retval) { LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << " done"; } else { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << " failure"; } return retval; // false if any failure like timeout } void BluetoothAudioPortAidl::Stop() { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidl is not in use"; return; } LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << " request"; state_ = BluetoothStreamState::DISABLED; BluetoothAudioSessionControl::StopStream(session_type_); LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << " done"; } size_t BluetoothAudioPortAidlOut::WriteData(const void* buffer, size_t bytes) const { if (!in_use()) return 0; if (!is_stereo_to_mono_) { return BluetoothAudioSessionControl::OutWritePcmData(session_type_, buffer, bytes); } // WAR to mix the stereo into Mono (16 bits per sample) const size_t write_frames = bytes >> 2; if (write_frames == 0) return 0; auto src = static_cast(buffer); std::unique_ptr dst{new int16_t[write_frames]}; downmix_to_mono_i16_from_stereo_i16(dst.get(), src, write_frames); // a frame is 16 bits, and the size of a mono frame is equal to half a stereo. return BluetoothAudioSessionControl::OutWritePcmData(session_type_, dst.get(), write_frames * 2) * 2; } size_t BluetoothAudioPortAidlIn::ReadData(void* buffer, size_t bytes) const { if (!in_use()) return 0; return BluetoothAudioSessionControl::InReadPcmData(session_type_, buffer, bytes); } bool BluetoothAudioPortAidl::GetPresentationPosition( uint64_t* delay_ns, uint64_t* bytes, timespec* timestamp) const { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidl is not in use"; return false; } PresentationPosition presentation_position; bool retval = BluetoothAudioSessionControl::GetPresentationPosition( session_type_, presentation_position); *delay_ns = presentation_position.remoteDeviceAudioDelayNanos; *bytes = presentation_position.transmittedOctets; *timestamp = {.tv_sec = static_cast<__kernel_old_time_t>( presentation_position.transmittedOctetsTimestamp.tvSec), .tv_nsec = static_cast( presentation_position.transmittedOctetsTimestamp.tvNSec)}; LOG(VERBOSE) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << StringPrintf("%#x", static_cast(session_type_)) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << ", delay=" << *delay_ns << "ns, data=" << *bytes << " bytes, timestamp=" << timestamp->tv_sec << "." << StringPrintf("%09ld", timestamp->tv_nsec) << "s"; return retval; } void BluetoothAudioPortAidl::UpdateSourceMetadata( const source_metadata_v7* source_metadata) const { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidl is not in use"; return; } LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << ", " << source_metadata->track_count << " track(s)"; ssize_t track_count = source_metadata->track_count; if (track_count == 0) return; SourceMetadata hal_source_metadata; hal_source_metadata.tracks.resize(track_count); for (int i = 0; i < track_count; i++) { hal_source_metadata.tracks[i].usage = static_cast(source_metadata->tracks[i].base.usage); hal_source_metadata.tracks[i].contentType = static_cast( source_metadata->tracks[i].base.content_type); hal_source_metadata.tracks[i].tags = std::move(CovertAudioTagFromV7(source_metadata->tracks[i].tags)); } BluetoothAudioSessionControl::UpdateSourceMetadata(session_type_, hal_source_metadata); } void BluetoothAudioPortAidl::UpdateSinkMetadata( const sink_metadata_v7* sink_metadata) const { if (!in_use()) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": BluetoothAudioPortAidl is not in use"; return; } LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << ": session_type=" << toString(session_type_) << ", cookie=" << StringPrintf("%#hx", cookie_) << ", state=" << state_ << ", " << sink_metadata->track_count << " track(s)"; ssize_t track_count = sink_metadata->track_count; if (track_count == 0) return; SinkMetadata hal_sink_metadata; hal_sink_metadata.tracks.resize(track_count); for (int i = 0; i < track_count; i++) { hal_sink_metadata.tracks[i].source = static_cast(sink_metadata->tracks[i].base.source); hal_sink_metadata.tracks[i].gain = sink_metadata->tracks[i].base.gain; hal_sink_metadata.tracks[i].tags = std::move(CovertAudioTagFromV7(sink_metadata->tracks[i].tags)); } BluetoothAudioSessionControl::UpdateSinkMetadata(session_type_, hal_sink_metadata); } BluetoothStreamState BluetoothAudioPortAidl::GetState() const { return state_; } void BluetoothAudioPortAidl::SetState(BluetoothStreamState state) { state_ = state; } } // namespace aidl } // namespace audio } // namespace bluetooth } // namespace android