syntax = "proto3"; package blueberry.facade.l2cap.le; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "blueberry/facade/common.proto"; service L2capLeModuleFacade { rpc FetchL2capData(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream L2capPacket) {} // Initiate a credit based connection request and block until response is received for up to some timeout (2s) rpc OpenDynamicChannel(OpenDynamicChannelRequest) returns (OpenDynamicChannelResponse) {} rpc CloseDynamicChannel(CloseDynamicChannelRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SetDynamicChannel(SetEnableDynamicChannelRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SendDynamicChannelPacket(DynamicChannelPacket) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SetFixedChannel(SetEnableFixedChannelRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SendFixedChannelPacket(FixedChannelPacket) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SendConnectionParameterUpdate(ConnectionParameter) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} } message L2capPacket { oneof channel_type { uint32 psm = 1; uint32 fixed_cid = 2; } bytes payload = 3; } message DynamicChannelOpenEvent { uint32 psm = 1; uint32 connection_response_result = 2; } message OpenDynamicChannelRequest { blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddressWithType remote = 1; uint32 psm = 2; } message OpenDynamicChannelResponse { uint32 status = 1; } message CloseDynamicChannelRequest { blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddressWithType remote = 1; uint32 psm = 2; } enum SecurityLevel { NO_SECURITY = 0; UNAUTHENTICATED_PAIRING_WITH_ENCRYPTION = 1; AUTHENTICATED_PAIRING_WITH_ENCRYPTION = 2; AUTHENTICATED_PAIRING_WITH_128_BIT_KEY = 3; AUTHORIZATION = 4; } message SetEnableDynamicChannelRequest { uint32 psm = 1; bool enable = 2; SecurityLevel security_level = 3; } message DynamicChannelPacket { blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddressWithType remote = 1; uint32 psm = 2; bytes payload = 3; } message SetEnableFixedChannelRequest { uint32 cid = 1; bool enable = 2; } message FixedChannelPacket { blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddressWithType remote = 1; uint32 cid = 2; bytes payload = 3; } message ConnectionParameter { uint32 conn_interval_min = 2; uint32 conn_interval_max = 3; uint32 conn_latency = 4; uint32 supervision_timeout = 5; uint32 min_ce_length = 6; uint32 max_ce_length = 7; }