%{ #include #include #include #include "declarations.h" #include "language_y.h" #ifndef YYSTYPE #define YYSTYPE yy::parser::semantic_type #endif #ifndef YYLTYPE #define YYLTYPE yy::parser::location_type #endif using token = yy::parser::token; #define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->step(); yylloc->columns(yyleng); %} %option debug %option yylineno %option noyywrap %option nounput %option noinput %option reentrant %option bison-bridge %option bison-locations identifier [a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* size_modifier [+*/-][ +*/\-0-9]* intvalue (0|[1-9][0-9]*) hexvalue 0[x|X][0-9a-fA-F]+ string_literal \".*\" %x COMMENT_STATE %% /* NOTE: * Rule ordering is important in order to establist priority. Some * rules are a superset of other rules and will cause the sub rules to * never match. Ex. Keywords must always go before identifiers, otherwise * all keywords will be treated as an identifier. */ /* Block Comment */ "/*" { BEGIN(COMMENT_STATE); } "*/" { BEGIN(INITIAL); } [\n]+ { yylloc->lines(yyleng); } . { /* do nothing */ } /* Line Comment */ "//"[^\r\n]* { /* do nothing */ } /* Begin reserved keyword definitions */ /* Fields */ "_body_" { return(token::BODY); } "_payload_" { return(token::PAYLOAD); } "_size_" { return(token::SIZE); } "_count_" { return(token::COUNT); } "_fixed_" { return(token::FIXED); } "_reserved_" { return(token::RESERVED); } "_checksum_start_" { return(token::CHECKSUM_START); } "_padding_" { return(token::PADDING); } /* Types */ "checksum" { return(token::CHECKSUM); } "custom_field" { return(token::CUSTOM_FIELD); } "enum" { return(token::ENUM); } "group" { return(token::GROUP); } "packet" { return(token::PACKET); } "test" { return(token::TEST); } "struct" { return(token::STRUCT); } "little_endian_packets" { yylval->integer = 1; return token::IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN; } "big_endian_packets" { yylval->integer = 0; return token::IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN; } /* Begin identifier definitions */ {string_literal} { std::string with_quotes = std::string(yytext); yylval->string = new std::string(with_quotes.begin() + 1, with_quotes.end() - 1); return token::STRING; } {size_modifier} { yylval->string = new std::string(yytext); return token::SIZE_MODIFIER; } {identifier} { yylval->string = new std::string(yytext); return token::IDENTIFIER; } {intvalue} { yylval->integer = std::stoull(std::string(yytext), nullptr, 10); return token::INTEGER; } {hexvalue} { yylval->integer = std::stoull(std::string(yytext), nullptr, 16); return token::INTEGER; } /* Begin token definitions */ ":" { return(':'); } "{" { return('{'); } "}" { return('}'); } "[" { return('['); } "]" { return(']'); } "(" { return('('); } ")" { return(')'); } "<" { return('<'); } ">" { return('>'); } "=" { return('='); } "," { return(','); } (\n|\r\n)+ { yylloc->lines(yyleng); } [ \t\f\v]+ { /* Ignore all other whitespace */ } %%