use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::{error, info}; use paste::paste; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; use std::fmt; use std::sync::Mutex; // Fallback to bool when type is not specified macro_rules! type_expand { () => { bool }; ($type:ty) => { $type }; } macro_rules! default_value { () => { false }; ($type:ty) => { <$type>::default() }; ($($type:ty)? = $default:tt) => { $default }; } macro_rules! test_value { () => { true }; ($type:ty) => { <$type>::default() }; } #[cfg(test)] macro_rules! call_getter_fn { ($flag:ident) => { paste! { [<$flag _is_enabled>]() } }; ($flag:ident $type:ty) => { paste! { []() } }; } macro_rules! create_getter_fn { ($flag:ident) => { paste! { #[doc = concat!(" Return true if ", stringify!($flag), " is enabled")] pub fn [<$flag _is_enabled>]() -> bool { FLAGS.lock().unwrap().$flag } } }; ($flag:ident $type:ty) => { paste! { #[doc = concat!(" Return the flag value of ", stringify!($flag))] pub fn []() -> $type { FLAGS.lock().unwrap().$flag } } }; } macro_rules! init_flags { ( name: $name:ident $($args:tt)* ) => { init_flags_struct! { name: $name $($args)* } init_flags_getters! { $($args)* } } } trait FlagHolder: Default { fn get_defaults_for_test() -> Self; fn parse(flags: Vec) -> Self; fn dump(&self) -> BTreeMap<&'static str, String>; } macro_rules! init_flags_struct { ( name: $name:ident flags: { $($flag:ident $(: $type:ty)? $(= $default:tt)?,)* } extra_parsed_flags: { $($extra_flag:tt => $extra_flag_fn:ident(_, _ $(,$extra_args:tt)*),)*}) => { struct $name { $($flag : type_expand!($($type)?),)* } impl Default for $name { fn default() -> Self { Self { $($flag : default_value!($($type)? $(= $default)?),)* } } } impl FlagHolder for $name { fn get_defaults_for_test() -> Self { Self { $($flag: test_value!($($type)?),)* } } fn dump(&self) -> BTreeMap<&'static str, String> { [ $((stringify!($flag), format!("{}", self.$flag)),)* ].into() } fn parse(flags: Vec) -> Self { let mut init_flags = Self::default(); for flag in flags { let values: Vec<&str> = flag.split("=").collect(); if values.len() != 2 { error!("Bad flag {}, must be in = format", flag); continue; } match values[0] { $(concat!("INIT_", stringify!($flag)) => init_flags.$flag = values[1].parse().unwrap_or_else(|e| { error!("Parse failure on '{}': {}", flag, e); default_value!($($type)? $(= $default)?)}),)* $($extra_flag => $extra_flag_fn(&mut init_flags, values $(, $extra_args)*),)* _ => error!("Unsaved flag: {} = {}", values[0], values[1]) } } init_flags } } impl fmt::Display for $name { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, concat!($(concat!(stringify!($flag), "={}")),*), $(self.$flag),*) } } } } macro_rules! init_flags_getters { ( flags: { $($flag:ident $(: $type:ty)? $(= $default:tt)?,)* } extra_parsed_flags: { $($extra_flag:tt => $extra_flag_fn:ident(_, _ $(,$extra_args:tt)*),)*}) => { $(create_getter_fn!($flag $($type)?);)* #[cfg(test)] mod tests_autogenerated { use super::*; $(paste! { #[test] pub fn []() { let _guard = tests::ASYNC_LOCK.lock().unwrap(); tests::test_load(vec![ &*format!(concat!(concat!("INIT_", stringify!($flag)), "={}"), test_value!($($type)?)) ]); let get_value = call_getter_fn!($flag $($type)?); drop(_guard); // Prevent poisonning other tests if a panic occurs assert_eq!(get_value, test_value!($($type)?)); } })* } } } #[derive(Default)] struct ExplicitTagSettings { map: HashMap, } impl fmt::Display for ExplicitTagSettings { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", } } fn parse_hci_adapter(flags: &mut InitFlags, values: Vec<&str>) { flags.hci_adapter = values[1].parse().unwrap_or(0); } /// Sets all bool flags to true /// Set all other flags and extra fields to their default type value pub fn set_all_for_testing() { *FLAGS.lock().unwrap() = InitFlags::get_defaults_for_test(); } init_flags!( name: InitFlags flags: { asha_packet_drop_frequency_threshold: i32 = 60, asha_phy_update_retry_limit: i32 = 5, always_send_services_if_gatt_disc_done = true, always_use_private_gatt_for_debugging, bluetooth_power_telemetry = false, btm_dm_flush_discovery_queue_on_search_cancel, classic_discovery_only, dynamic_avrcp_version_enhancement = true, gatt_robust_caching_server, hci_adapter: i32, hfp_dynamic_version = true, irk_rotation, leaudio_targeted_announcement_reconnection_mode = true, pbap_pse_dynamic_version_upgrade = false, redact_log = true, sco_codec_timeout_clear, sdp_serialization = true, sdp_skip_rnr_if_known = true, set_min_encryption = true, subrating = true, use_unified_connection_manager, sdp_return_classic_services_when_le_discovery_fails = true, use_rsi_from_cached_inqiry_results = false, att_mtu_default: i32 = 517, encryption_in_busy_state = true, } extra_parsed_flags: { "--hci" => parse_hci_adapter(_, _), } ); lazy_static! { /// Store some flag values static ref FLAGS: Mutex = Mutex::new(InitFlags::default()); /// Store the uid of bluetooth pub static ref AID_BLUETOOTH: Mutex = Mutex::new(1002); /// Store the prefix for file system pub static ref MISC: Mutex = Mutex::new("/data/misc/".to_string()); } /// Loads the flag values from the passed-in vector of string values pub fn load(raw_flags: Vec) { crate::init_logging(); let flags = InitFlags::parse(raw_flags); info!("Flags loaded: {}", flags); *FLAGS.lock().unwrap() = flags; } /// Dumps all flag K-V pairs, storing values as strings pub fn dump() -> BTreeMap<&'static str, String> { FLAGS.lock().unwrap().dump() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; lazy_static! { /// do not run concurrent tests as they all use the same global init_flag struct and /// accessor pub(super) static ref ASYNC_LOCK: Mutex = Mutex::new(false); } pub(super) fn test_load(raw_flags: Vec<&str>) { let raw_flags = raw_flags.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(); load(raw_flags); } #[test] fn simple_flag() { let _guard = ASYNC_LOCK.lock().unwrap(); test_load(vec!["INIT_gatt_robust_caching_server=true"]); assert!(gatt_robust_caching_server_is_enabled()); } #[test] fn parsing_failure() { let _guard = ASYNC_LOCK.lock().unwrap(); test_load(vec![ "foo=bar=?", // vec length "foo=bar", // flag not save "INIT_gatt_robust_caching_server=not_true", // parse error ]); assert!(!gatt_robust_caching_server_is_enabled()); } #[test] fn int_flag() { let _guard = ASYNC_LOCK.lock().unwrap(); test_load(vec!["--hci=2"]); assert_eq!(get_hci_adapter(), 2); } #[test] fn test_redact_logging() { let _guard = ASYNC_LOCK.lock().unwrap(); assert!(redact_log_is_enabled()); // default is true test_load(vec!["INIT_redact_log=false"]); assert!(!redact_log_is_enabled()); // turned off test_load(vec!["INIT_redact_log=foo"]); assert!(redact_log_is_enabled()); // invalid value, interpreted as default, true test_load(vec!["INIT_redact_log=true"]); assert!(redact_log_is_enabled()); // turned on } init_flags_struct!( name: InitFlagsForTest flags: { cat, } extra_parsed_flags: {} ); #[test] fn test_dumpsys() { let flags = InitFlagsForTest { ..Default::default() }; let out = flags.dump(); assert_eq!(out.len(), 1); assert_eq!(out["cat"], "false"); } }