/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hci/hci_packets.h" #include "hci/le_security_interface.h" #include "security/ecdh_keys.h" #include "security/initial_informations.h" #include "security/pairing_failure.h" #include "security/smp_packets.h" // Code generated by PDL does not allow us ot do || and && operations on bits // efficiently. Use those masks on fields requiring them until this is solved constexpr uint8_t AuthReqMaskBondingFlag = 0x01; constexpr uint8_t AuthReqMaskMitm = 0x04; constexpr uint8_t AuthReqMaskSc = 0x08; constexpr uint8_t AuthReqMaskKeypress = 0x10; constexpr uint8_t AuthReqMaskCt2 = 0x20; constexpr uint8_t KeyMaskEnc = 0x01; constexpr uint8_t KeyMaskId = 0x02; constexpr uint8_t KeyMaskSign = 0x04; constexpr uint8_t KeyMaskLink = 0x08; using bluetooth::hci::EncryptionChangeView; using bluetooth::hci::EncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteView; namespace bluetooth { namespace security { /* This class represents an event send from other subsystems into SMP Pairing Handler, * i.e. user request from the UI, L2CAP or HCI interaction */ class PairingEvent { public: enum TYPE { EXIT, L2CAP, HCI_EVENT, UI }; TYPE type; std::optional l2cap_packet; std::optional hci_event; enum UI_ACTION_TYPE { PAIRING_ACCEPTED, CONFIRM_YESNO, PASSKEY }; UI_ACTION_TYPE ui_action; uint32_t ui_value; PairingEvent(TYPE type) : type(type) {} PairingEvent(CommandView l2cap_packet) : type(L2CAP), l2cap_packet(l2cap_packet) {} PairingEvent(UI_ACTION_TYPE ui_action, uint32_t ui_value) : type(UI), ui_action(ui_action), ui_value(ui_value) {} PairingEvent(hci::EventView hci_event) : type(HCI_EVENT), hci_event(hci_event) {} }; constexpr int SMP_TIMEOUT = 30; using CommandViewOrFailure = std::variant; using Phase1Result = std::pair; using Phase1ResultOrFailure = std::variant; using KeyExchangeResult = std::tuple /*dhkey*/>; using Stage1Result = std::tuple; using Stage1ResultOrFailure = std::variant; using Stage2ResultOrFailure = std::variant; using DistributedKeysOrFailure = std::variant; using LegacyStage1Result = hci::Octet16 /*TK*/; using LegacyStage1ResultOrFailure = std::variant; using StkOrFailure = std::variant; /* PairingHandlerLe takes care of the Pairing process. Pairing is strictly defined * exchange of messages and UI interactions, divided into PHASES. * * Each PairingHandlerLe have a thread executing |PairingMain| method. Thread is * blocked when waiting for UI/L2CAP/HCI interactions, and moves through all the * phases. */ class PairingHandlerLe { public: // This is the phase of pairing as defined in BT Spec (with exception of // accept prompt) // * ACCEPT_PROMPT - we're waiting for the user to accept remotely initiated pairing // * PHASE1 - feature exchange // * PHASE2 - authentication // * PHASE3 - key exchange enum PAIRING_PHASE { ACCEPT_PROMPT, PHASE1, PHASE2, PHASE3 }; PAIRING_PHASE phase; // All the knowledge to initiate the pairing process must be passed into this function PairingHandlerLe(PAIRING_PHASE phase, InitialInformations informations) : phase(phase), queue_guard(), thread_(&PairingHandlerLe::PairingMain, this, informations) {} ~PairingHandlerLe() { SendExitSignal(); // we need ot check if thread is joinable, because tests call join form // within WaitUntilPairingFinished if (thread_.joinable()) thread_.join(); } void PairingMain(InitialInformations i); Phase1ResultOrFailure ExchangePairingFeature(const InitialInformations& i); void SendL2capPacket(const InitialInformations& i, std::unique_ptr command) { i.proper_l2cap_interface->Enqueue(std::move(command), i.l2cap_handler); } void SendHciLeStartEncryption( const InitialInformations& i, uint16_t conn_handle, const std::array& rand, const uint16_t& ediv, const hci::Octet16& ltk) { i.le_security_interface->EnqueueCommand(hci::LeStartEncryptionBuilder::Create(conn_handle, rand, ediv, ltk), i.l2cap_handler->BindOnce([](hci::CommandStatusView) { // TODO: handle command status. It's important - can show we are not // connected any more. // TODO: if anything useful must be done there, use some sort of proper // handler, wait/notify, and execute on the handler thread })); } void SendHciLeLongTermKeyReply( const InitialInformations& i, uint16_t conn_handle, const hci::Octet16& ltk) { i.le_security_interface->EnqueueCommand( hci::LeLongTermKeyRequestReplyBuilder::Create(conn_handle, ltk), i.l2cap_handler->BindOnce([](hci::CommandCompleteView) {})); } std::variant WaitEncryptionChanged() { PairingEvent e = WaitForEvent(); if (e.type != PairingEvent::HCI_EVENT) return PairingFailure("Was expecting HCI event but received something else"); if (!e.hci_event->IsValid()) return PairingFailure("Received invalid HCI event"); if (e.hci_event->GetEventCode() == hci::EventCode::ENCRYPTION_CHANGE) { EncryptionChangeView enc_chg_packet = EncryptionChangeView::Create(*e.hci_event); if (!enc_chg_packet.IsValid()) { return PairingFailure("Invalid Encryption Change packet received"); } return enc_chg_packet; } if (e.hci_event->GetEventCode() == hci::EventCode::ENCRYPTION_KEY_REFRESH_COMPLETE) { hci::EncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteView enc_packet = EncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteView::Create(*e.hci_event); if (!enc_packet.IsValid()) { return PairingFailure("Invalid Key Refresh packet received"); } return enc_packet; } return PairingFailure("Was expecting Encryption Change or Key Refresh Complete but received something else"); } std::variant WaitLeLongTermKeyRequest() { PairingEvent e = WaitForEvent(); if (e.type != PairingEvent::HCI_EVENT) return PairingFailure("Was expecting HCI event but received something else"); if (!e.hci_event->IsValid()) return PairingFailure("Received invalid HCI event"); if (e.hci_event->GetEventCode() != hci::EventCode::LE_META_EVENT) return PairingFailure("Was expecting LE event"); hci::LeMetaEventView le_event = hci::LeMetaEventView::Create(*e.hci_event); if (!le_event.IsValid()) { return PairingFailure("Invalid LE Event received"); } if (le_event.GetSubeventCode() != hci::SubeventCode::LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST) { return PairingFailure("Was expecting Long Term Key Request"); } hci::LeLongTermKeyRequestView ltk_req_packet = hci::LeLongTermKeyRequestView::Create(le_event); if (!ltk_req_packet.IsValid()) { return PairingFailure("Invalid LE Long Term Key Request received"); } return ltk_req_packet; } inline bool IAmCentral(const InitialInformations& i) { return i.my_role == hci::Role::CENTRAL; } /* This function generates data that should be passed to remote device, except the private key. */ static MyOobData GenerateOobData(); std::variant ExchangePublicKeys(const InitialInformations& i, OobDataFlag remote_have_oob_data); Stage1ResultOrFailure DoSecureConnectionsStage1(const InitialInformations& i, const EcdhPublicKey& PKa, const EcdhPublicKey& PKb, const PairingRequestView& pairing_request, const PairingResponseView& pairing_response); Stage1ResultOrFailure SecureConnectionsNumericComparison(const InitialInformations& i, const EcdhPublicKey& PKa, const EcdhPublicKey& PKb); Stage1ResultOrFailure SecureConnectionsJustWorks(const InitialInformations& i, const EcdhPublicKey& PKa, const EcdhPublicKey& PKb); Stage1ResultOrFailure SecureConnectionsPasskeyEntry(const InitialInformations& i, const EcdhPublicKey& PKa, const EcdhPublicKey& PKb, IoCapability my_iocaps, IoCapability remote_iocaps); Stage1ResultOrFailure SecureConnectionsOutOfBand(const InitialInformations& i, const EcdhPublicKey& Pka, const EcdhPublicKey& Pkb, OobDataFlag my_oob_flag, OobDataFlag remote_oob_flag); Stage2ResultOrFailure DoSecureConnectionsStage2(const InitialInformations& i, const EcdhPublicKey& PKa, const EcdhPublicKey& PKb, const PairingRequestView& pairing_request, const PairingResponseView& pairing_response, const Stage1Result stage1result, const std::array& dhkey); DistributedKeysOrFailure DistributeKeys(const InitialInformations& i, const PairingResponseView& pairing_response, bool isSecureConnections); DistributedKeysOrFailure ReceiveKeys(const uint8_t& keys_i_receive); LegacyStage1ResultOrFailure DoLegacyStage1(const InitialInformations& i, const PairingRequestView& pairing_request, const PairingResponseView& pairing_response); LegacyStage1ResultOrFailure LegacyOutOfBand(const InitialInformations& i); LegacyStage1ResultOrFailure LegacyJustWorks(); LegacyStage1ResultOrFailure LegacyPasskeyEntry(const InitialInformations& i, const IoCapability& my_iocaps, const IoCapability& remote_iocaps); StkOrFailure DoLegacyStage2( const InitialInformations& i, const PairingRequestView& pairing_request, const PairingResponseView& pairing_response, const hci::Octet16& tk); void SendKeys( const InitialInformations& i, const uint8_t& keys_i_send, hci::Octet16 ltk, uint16_t ediv, std::array rand, hci::Octet16 irk, Address identity_address, AddrType identity_addres_type, hci::Octet16 signature_key); /* This can be called from any thread to immediately finish the pairing in progress. */ void SendExitSignal() { { std::unique_lock lock(queue_guard); queue.push(PairingEvent(PairingEvent::EXIT)); } pairing_thread_blocker_.notify_one(); } /* SMP Command received from remote device */ void OnCommandView(CommandView packet) { { std::unique_lock lock(queue_guard); queue.push(PairingEvent(std::move(packet))); } pairing_thread_blocker_.notify_one(); } /* SMP Command received from remote device */ void OnHciEvent(hci::EventView hci_event) { { std::unique_lock lock(queue_guard); queue.push(PairingEvent(std::move(hci_event))); } pairing_thread_blocker_.notify_one(); } /* Interaction from user */ void OnUiAction(PairingEvent::UI_ACTION_TYPE ui_action, uint32_t ui_value) { { std::unique_lock lock(queue_guard); queue.push(PairingEvent(ui_action, ui_value)); } pairing_thread_blocker_.notify_one(); } /* HCI LE event received from remote device */ void OnHciLeEvent(hci::LeMetaEventView hci_event) { { std::unique_lock lock(queue_guard); queue.push(PairingEvent(std::move(hci_event))); } pairing_thread_blocker_.notify_one(); } /* Blocks the pairing process until some external interaction, or timeout happens */ PairingEvent WaitForEvent() { std::unique_lock lock(queue_guard); do { if (!queue.empty()) { PairingEvent e = queue.front(); queue.pop(); return e; } // This releases the lock while blocking. if (pairing_thread_blocker_.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::seconds(SMP_TIMEOUT)) == std::cv_status::timeout) { return PairingEvent(PairingEvent::EXIT); } } while (true); } std::optional WaitUiPairingAccept() { PairingEvent e = WaitForEvent(); if (e.type == PairingEvent::UI && e.ui_action == PairingEvent::PAIRING_ACCEPTED) { return e; } else { return std::nullopt; } } std::optional WaitUiConfirmYesNo() { PairingEvent e = WaitForEvent(); if (e.type == PairingEvent::UI && e.ui_action == PairingEvent::CONFIRM_YESNO) { return e; } else { return std::nullopt; } } std::optional WaitUiPasskey() { PairingEvent e = WaitForEvent(); // It's possible to receive PAIRING_CONFIRM from remote device while waiting for the passkey. // Store it until it's needed. if (e.type == PairingEvent::L2CAP) { auto l2cap_packet = e.l2cap_packet.value(); if (!l2cap_packet.IsValid()) { log::warn("Malformed L2CAP packet received!"); return std::nullopt; } const auto& received_code = l2cap_packet.GetCode(); if (received_code != Code::PAIRING_CONFIRM) { log::warn("Was waiting for passkey, received bad packet instead!"); return std::nullopt; } auto pkt = PairingConfirmView::Create(l2cap_packet); if (!pkt.IsValid()) { log::warn("Malformed PAIRING_CONFIRM packet"); return std::nullopt; } cached_pariring_confirm_view = std::make_unique(pkt); e = WaitForEvent(); } if (e.type == PairingEvent::UI && e.ui_action == PairingEvent::PASSKEY) { return e; } else { return std::nullopt; } } template struct CodeToPacketView; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef PairingRequestView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef PairingResponseView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef PairingConfirmView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef PairingRandomView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef PairingFailedView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef EncryptionInformationView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef CentralIdentificationView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef IdentityInformationView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef IdentityAddressInformationView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef SigningInformationView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef SecurityRequestView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef PairingPublicKeyView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef PairingDhKeyCheckView type; }; template <> struct CodeToPacketView { typedef PairingKeypressNotificationView type; }; template std::variant::type, PairingFailure> WaitPacket() { PairingEvent e = WaitForEvent(); switch (e.type) { case PairingEvent::EXIT: return PairingFailure( /*FROM_HERE,*/ "Was expecting L2CAP Packet " + CodeText(CODE) + ", but received EXIT instead"); case PairingEvent::HCI_EVENT: return PairingFailure( /*FROM_HERE,*/ "Was expecting L2CAP Packet " + CodeText(CODE) + ", but received HCI_EVENT instead"); case PairingEvent::UI: return PairingFailure( /*FROM_HERE,*/ "Was expecting L2CAP Packet " + CodeText(CODE) + ", but received UI instead"); case PairingEvent::L2CAP: { auto l2cap_packet = e.l2cap_packet.value(); if (!l2cap_packet.IsValid()) { return PairingFailure("Malformed L2CAP packet received!"); } const auto& received_code = l2cap_packet.GetCode(); if (received_code != CODE) { if (received_code == Code::PAIRING_FAILED) { auto pkt = PairingFailedView::Create(l2cap_packet); if (!pkt.IsValid()) return PairingFailure("Malformed " + CodeText(CODE) + " packet"); return PairingFailure(/*FROM_HERE,*/ "Was expecting " + CodeText(CODE) + ", but received PAIRING_FAILED instead", pkt.GetReason()); } return PairingFailure(/*FROM_HERE,*/ "Was expecting " + CodeText(CODE) + ", but received " + CodeText(received_code) + " instead", received_code); } auto pkt = CodeToPacketView::type::Create(l2cap_packet); if (!pkt.IsValid()) return PairingFailure("Malformed " + CodeText(CODE) + " packet"); return pkt; } } } auto WaitPairingRequest() { return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitPairingResponse() { return WaitPacket(); } std::variant WaitPairingConfirm() { if (cached_pariring_confirm_view) { PairingConfirmView pkt = *cached_pariring_confirm_view; cached_pariring_confirm_view.release(); return pkt; } return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitPairingRandom() { return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitPairingPublicKey() { return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitPairingDHKeyCheck() { return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitEncryptionInformationRequest() { return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitEncryptionInformation() { return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitCentralIdentification() { return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitIdentityInformation() { return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitIdentityAddressInformation() { return WaitPacket(); } auto WaitSigningInformation() { return WaitPacket(); } /* This is just for test, never use in production code! */ void WaitUntilPairingFinished() { thread_.join(); } private: std::condition_variable pairing_thread_blocker_; std::mutex queue_guard; std::queue queue; std::thread thread_; // holds pairing_confirm, if received out of order std::unique_ptr cached_pariring_confirm_view; }; } // namespace security } // namespace bluetooth