little_endian_packets custom_field Address : 48 "hci/" custom_field ClassOfDevice : 24 "hci/" enum Enable : 8 { DISABLED = 0x00, ENABLED = 0x01, } // enum GapDataType : 8 { INVALID = 0x00, FLAGS = 0x01, INCOMPLETE_LIST_16_BIT_UUIDS = 0x02, COMPLETE_LIST_16_BIT_UUIDS = 0x03, INCOMPLETE_LIST_32_BIT_UUIDS = 0x04, COMPLETE_LIST_32_BIT_UUIDS = 0x05, INCOMPLETE_LIST_128_BIT_UUIDS = 0x06, COMPLETE_LIST_128_BIT_UUIDS = 0x07, SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME = 0x08, COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME = 0x09, TX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x0A, CLASS_OF_DEVICE = 0x0D, SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH_C = 0x0E, SIMPLE_PAIRING_RANDOMIZER_R = 0x0F, DEVICE_ID = 0x10, SECURITY_MANAGER_OOB_FLAGS = 0x11, SLAVE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL_RANGE = 0x12, LIST_16BIT_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUIDS = 0x14, LIST_128BIT_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUIDS = 0x15, SERVICE_DATA_16_BIT_UUIDS = 0x16, PUBLIC_TARGET_ADDRESS = 0x17, RANDOM_TARGET_ADDRESS = 0x18, APPEARANCE = 0x19, ADVERTISING_INTERVAL = 0x1A, LE_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x1B, LE_ROLE = 0x1C, SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH_C_256 = 0x1D, SIMPLE_PAIRING_RANDOMIZER_R_256 = 0x1E, LIST_32BIT_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUIDS = 0x1F, SERVICE_DATA_32_BIT_UUIDS = 0x20, SERVICE_DATA_128_BIT_UUIDS = 0x21, LE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_CONFIRMATION_VALUE = 0x22, LE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_RANDOM_VALUE = 0x23, URI = 0x24, INDOOR_POSITIONING = 0x25, TRANSPORT_DISCOVERY_DATA = 0x26, LE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 0x27, CHANNEL_MAP_UPDATE_INDICATION = 0x28, MESH_PB_ADV = 0x29, MESH_MESSAGE = 0x2A, MESH_BEACON = 0x2B, BIG_INFO = 0x2C, BROADCAST_CODE = 0x2D, THREE_D_INFORMATION_DATA = 0x3D, MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA = 0xFF, } struct LengthAndData { _size_(data) : 8, data: 8[], } struct GapData { _size_(data) : 8, // Including one byte for data_type data_type : GapDataType, data : 8[+1], } // HCI ACL Packets enum PacketBoundaryFlag : 2 { FIRST_NON_AUTOMATICALLY_FLUSHABLE = 0, CONTINUING_FRAGMENT = 1, FIRST_AUTOMATICALLY_FLUSHABLE = 2, } enum BroadcastFlag : 2 { POINT_TO_POINT = 0, ACTIVE_PERIPHERAL_BROADCAST = 1, } packet Acl { handle : 12, packet_boundary_flag : PacketBoundaryFlag, broadcast_flag : BroadcastFlag, _size_(_payload_) : 16, _payload_, } // HCI SCO Packets enum PacketStatusFlag : 2 { CORRECTLY_RECEIVED = 0, POSSIBLY_INCOMPLETE = 1, NO_DATA_RECEIVED = 2, PARTIALLY_LOST = 3, } packet Sco { handle : 12, packet_status_flag : PacketStatusFlag, _reserved_ : 2, // BroadcastFlag _size_(data) : 8, data : 8[], } // HCI Command Packets enum OpCode : 16 { NONE = 0x0000, // LINK_CONTROL INQUIRY = 0x0401, INQUIRY_CANCEL = 0x0402, PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE = 0x0403, EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE = 0x0404, CREATE_CONNECTION = 0x0405, DISCONNECT = 0x0406, ADD_SCO_CONNECTION = 0x0407, CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL = 0x0408, ACCEPT_CONNECTION_REQUEST = 0x0409, REJECT_CONNECTION_REQUEST = 0x040A, LINK_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY = 0x040B, LINK_KEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 0x040C, PIN_CODE_REQUEST_REPLY = 0x040D, PIN_CODE_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 0x040E, CHANGE_CONNECTION_PACKET_TYPE = 0x040F, AUTHENTICATION_REQUESTED = 0x0411, SET_CONNECTION_ENCRYPTION = 0x0413, CHANGE_CONNECTION_LINK_KEY = 0x0415, CENTRAL_LINK_KEY = 0x0417, REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST = 0x0419, REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_CANCEL = 0x041A, READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 0x041B, READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES = 0x041C, READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION = 0x041D, READ_CLOCK_OFFSET = 0x041F, READ_LMP_HANDLE = 0x0420, SETUP_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 0x0428, ACCEPT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 0x0429, REJECT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 0x042A, IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_REPLY = 0x042B, USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_REPLY = 0x042C, USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 0x042D, USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST_REPLY = 0x042E, USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 0x042F, REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_REPLY = 0x0430, REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 0x0433, IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 0x0434, ENHANCED_SETUP_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 0x043D, ENHANCED_ACCEPT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 0x043E, TRUNCATED_PAGE = 0x043F, TRUNCATED_PAGE_CANCEL = 0x0440, SET_CONNECTIONLESS_PERIPHERAL_BROADCAST = 0x0441, SET_CONNECTIONLESS_PERIPHERAL_BROADCAST_RECEIVE = 0x0442, START_SYNCHRONIZATION_TRAIN = 0x0443, RECEIVE_SYNCHRONIZATION_TRAIN = 0x0444, REMOTE_OOB_EXTENDED_DATA_REQUEST_REPLY = 0x0445, // LINK_POLICY HOLD_MODE = 0x0801, SNIFF_MODE = 0x0803, EXIT_SNIFF_MODE = 0x0804, PARK_STATE = 0x0805, EXIT_PARK_STATE = 0x0806, QOS_SETUP = 0x0807, ROLE_DISCOVERY = 0x0809, SWITCH_ROLE = 0x080B, READ_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS = 0x080C, WRITE_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS = 0x080D, READ_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS = 0x080E, WRITE_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS = 0x080F, FLOW_SPECIFICATION = 0x0810, SNIFF_SUBRATING = 0x0811, // CONTROLLER_AND_BASEBAND SET_EVENT_MASK = 0x0C01, RESET = 0x0C03, SET_EVENT_FILTER = 0x0C05, FLUSH = 0x0C08, READ_PIN_TYPE = 0x0C09, WRITE_PIN_TYPE = 0x0C0A, READ_STORED_LINK_KEY = 0x0C0D, WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY = 0x0C11, DELETE_STORED_LINK_KEY = 0x0C12, WRITE_LOCAL_NAME = 0x0C13, READ_LOCAL_NAME = 0x0C14, READ_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT = 0x0C15, WRITE_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT = 0x0C16, READ_PAGE_TIMEOUT = 0x0C17, WRITE_PAGE_TIMEOUT = 0x0C18, READ_SCAN_ENABLE = 0x0C19, WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE = 0x0C1A, READ_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY = 0x0C1B, WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY = 0x0C1C, READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY = 0x0C1D, WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY = 0x0C1E, READ_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE = 0x0C1F, WRITE_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE = 0x0C20, READ_CLASS_OF_DEVICE = 0x0C23, WRITE_CLASS_OF_DEVICE = 0x0C24, READ_VOICE_SETTING = 0x0C25, WRITE_VOICE_SETTING = 0x0C26, READ_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT = 0x0C27, WRITE_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT = 0x0C28, READ_NUM_BROADCAST_RETRANSMITS = 0x0C29, WRITE_NUM_BROADCAST_RETRANSMITS = 0x0C2A, READ_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY = 0x0C2B, WRITE_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY = 0x0C2C, READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 0x0C2D, READ_SYNCHRONOUS_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLE = 0x0C2E, WRITE_SYNCHRONOUS_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLE = 0x0C2F, SET_CONTROLLER_TO_HOST_FLOW_CONTROL = 0x0C31, HOST_BUFFER_SIZE = 0x0C33, HOST_NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS = 0x0C35, READ_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT = 0x0C36, WRITE_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT = 0x0C37, READ_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_IAC = 0x0C38, READ_CURRENT_IAC_LAP = 0x0C39, WRITE_CURRENT_IAC_LAP = 0x0C3A, SET_AFH_HOST_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION = 0x0C3F, READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE = 0x0C42, WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE = 0x0C43, READ_INQUIRY_MODE = 0x0C44, WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE = 0x0C45, READ_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE = 0x0C46, WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE = 0x0C47, READ_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE = 0x0C48, WRITE_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE = 0x0C49, READ_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE = 0x0C51, WRITE_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE = 0x0C52, REFRESH_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 0x0C53, READ_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE = 0x0C55, WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE = 0x0C56, READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA = 0x0C57, READ_INQUIRY_RESPONSE_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 0x0C58, WRITE_INQUIRY_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 0x0C59, READ_DEFAULT_ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING = 0x0C5A, WRITE_DEFAULT_ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING = 0x0C5B, ENHANCED_FLUSH = 0x0C5F, SEND_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION = 0x0C60, SET_EVENT_MASK_PAGE_2 = 0x0C63, READ_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE = 0x0C66, WRITE_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE = 0x0C67, READ_ENHANCED_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 0x0C68, READ_LE_HOST_SUPPORT = 0x0C6C, WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORT = 0x0C6D, SET_MWS_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS = 0x0C6E, SET_EXTERNAL_FRAME_CONFIGURATION = 0x0C6F, SET_MWS_SIGNALING = 0x0C70, SET_MWS_TRANSPORT_LAYER = 0x0C71, SET_MWS_SCAN_FREQUENCY_TABLE = 0x0C72, SET_MWS_PATTERN_CONFIGURATION = 0x0C73, SET_RESERVED_LT_ADDR = 0x0C74, DELETE_RESERVED_LT_ADDR = 0x0C75, SET_CONNECTIONLESS_PERIPHERAL_BROADCAST_DATA = 0x0C76, READ_SYNCHRONIZATION_TRAIN_PARAMETERS = 0x0C77, WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_TRAIN_PARAMETERS = 0x0C78, READ_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_HOST_SUPPORT = 0x0C79, WRITE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_HOST_SUPPORT = 0x0C7A, READ_AUTHENTICATED_PAYLOAD_TIMEOUT = 0x0C7B, WRITE_AUTHENTICATED_PAYLOAD_TIMEOUT = 0x0C7C, READ_LOCAL_OOB_EXTENDED_DATA = 0x0C7D, READ_EXTENDED_PAGE_TIMEOUT = 0x0C7E, WRITE_EXTENDED_PAGE_TIMEOUT = 0x0C7F, READ_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_LENGTH = 0x0C80, WRITE_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_LENGTH = 0x0C81, SET_ECOSYSTEM_BASE_INTERVAL = 0x0C82, CONFIGURE_DATA_PATH = 0x0C83, SET_MIN_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE = 0x0C84, // INFORMATIONAL_PARAMETERS READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION = 0x1001, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS = 0x1002, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 0x1003, READ_LOCAL_EXTENDED_FEATURES = 0x1004, READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 0x1005, READ_BD_ADDR = 0x1009, READ_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x100A, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODECS_V1 = 0x100B, READ_LOCAL_SIMPLE_PAIRING_OPTIONS = 0x100C, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODECS_V2 = 0x100D, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODEC_CAPABILITIES = 0x100E, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CONTROLLER_DELAY = 0x100F, // STATUS_PARAMETERS READ_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER = 0x1401, RESET_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER = 0x1402, READ_LINK_QUALITY = 0x1403, READ_RSSI = 0x1405, READ_AFH_CHANNEL_MAP = 0x1406, READ_CLOCK = 0x1407, READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE = 0x1408, GET_MWS_TRANSPORT_LAYER_CONFIGURATION = 0x140C, SET_TRIGGERED_CLOCK_CAPTURE = 0x140D, // TESTING READ_LOOPBACK_MODE = 0x1801, WRITE_LOOPBACK_MODE = 0x1802, ENABLE_DEVICE_UNDER_TEST_MODE = 0x1803, WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_DEBUG_MODE = 0x1804, WRITE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_TEST_MODE = 0x180A, // LE_CONTROLLER LE_SET_EVENT_MASK = 0x2001, LE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_V1 = 0x2002, LE_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 0x2003, LE_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS = 0x2005, LE_SET_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS = 0x2006, LE_READ_ADVERTISING_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_TX_POWER = 0x2007, LE_SET_ADVERTISING_DATA = 0x2008, LE_SET_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA = 0x2009, LE_SET_ADVERTISING_ENABLE = 0x200A, LE_SET_SCAN_PARAMETERS = 0x200B, LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE = 0x200C, LE_CREATE_CONNECTION = 0x200D, LE_CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL = 0x200E, LE_READ_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE = 0x200F, LE_CLEAR_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST = 0x2010, LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST = 0x2011, LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST = 0x2012, LE_CONNECTION_UPDATE = 0x2013, LE_SET_HOST_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION = 0x2014, LE_READ_CHANNEL_MAP = 0x2015, LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES = 0x2016, LE_ENCRYPT = 0x2017, LE_RAND = 0x2018, LE_START_ENCRYPTION = 0x2019, LE_LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY = 0x201A, LE_LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 0x201B, LE_READ_SUPPORTED_STATES = 0x201C, LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V1 = 0x201D, LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V1 = 0x201E, LE_TEST_END = 0x201F, LE_REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_REPLY = 0x2020, LE_REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 0x2021, LE_SET_DATA_LENGTH = 0x2022, LE_READ_SUGGESTED_DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH = 0x2023, LE_WRITE_SUGGESTED_DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH = 0x2024, LE_READ_LOCAL_P_256_PUBLIC_KEY = 0x2025, LE_GENERATE_DHKEY_V1 = 0x2026, LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_RESOLVING_LIST = 0x2027, LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_RESOLVING_LIST = 0x2028, LE_CLEAR_RESOLVING_LIST = 0x2029, LE_READ_RESOLVING_LIST_SIZE = 0x202A, LE_READ_PEER_RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS = 0x202B, LE_READ_LOCAL_RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS = 0x202C, LE_SET_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION_ENABLE = 0x202D, LE_SET_RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT = 0x202E, LE_READ_MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH = 0x202F, LE_READ_PHY = 0x2030, LE_SET_DEFAULT_PHY = 0x2031, LE_SET_PHY = 0x2032, LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V2 = 0x2033, LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V2 = 0x2034, LE_SET_ADVERTISING_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS = 0x2035, LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS = 0x2036, LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_DATA = 0x2037, LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA = 0x2038, LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_ENABLE = 0x2039, LE_READ_MAXIMUM_ADVERTISING_DATA_LENGTH = 0x203A, LE_READ_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_ADVERTISING_SETS = 0x203B, LE_REMOVE_ADVERTISING_SET = 0x203C, LE_CLEAR_ADVERTISING_SETS = 0x203D, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS = 0x203E, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_DATA = 0x203F, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_ENABLE = 0x2040, LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_PARAMETERS = 0x2041, LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_ENABLE = 0x2042, LE_EXTENDED_CREATE_CONNECTION = 0x2043, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_CREATE_SYNC = 0x2044, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_CREATE_SYNC_CANCEL = 0x2045, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_TERMINATE_SYNC = 0x2046, LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST = 0x2047, LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST = 0x2048, LE_CLEAR_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST = 0x2049, LE_READ_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST_SIZE = 0x204A, LE_READ_TRANSMIT_POWER = 0x204B, LE_READ_RF_PATH_COMPENSATION_POWER = 0x204C, LE_WRITE_RF_PATH_COMPENSATION_POWER = 0x204D, LE_SET_PRIVACY_MODE = 0x204E, LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V3 = 0x204F, LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V3 = 0x2050, LE_SET_CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_TRANSMIT_PARAMETERS = 0x2051, LE_SET_CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_TRANSMIT_ENABLE = 0x2052, LE_SET_CONNECTIONLESS_IQ_SAMPLING_ENABLE = 0x2053, LE_SET_CONNECTION_CTE_RECEIVE_PARAMETERS = 0x2054, LE_SET_CONNECTION_CTE_TRANSMIT_PARAMETERS = 0x2055, LE_CONNECTION_CTE_REQUEST_ENABLE = 0x2056, LE_CONNECTION_CTE_RESPONSE_ENABLE = 0x2057, LE_READ_ANTENNA_INFORMATION = 0x2058, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_RECEIVE_ENABLE = 0x2059, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER = 0x205A, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SET_INFO_TRANSFER = 0x205B, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_PARAMETERS = 0x205C, LE_SET_DEFAULT_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_PARAMETERS = 0x205D, LE_GENERATE_DHKEY_V2 = 0x205E, LE_MODIFY_SLEEP_CLOCK_ACCURACY = 0x205F, LE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_V2 = 0x2060, LE_READ_ISO_TX_SYNC = 0x2061, LE_SET_CIG_PARAMETERS = 0x2062, LE_SET_CIG_PARAMETERS_TEST = 0x2063, LE_CREATE_CIS = 0x2064, LE_REMOVE_CIG = 0x2065, LE_ACCEPT_CIS_REQUEST = 0x2066, LE_REJECT_CIS_REQUEST = 0x2067, LE_CREATE_BIG = 0x2068, LE_CREATE_BIG_TEST = 0x2069, LE_TERMINATE_BIG = 0x206A, LE_BIG_CREATE_SYNC = 0x206B, LE_BIG_TERMINATE_SYNC = 0x206C, LE_REQUEST_PEER_SCA = 0x206D, LE_SETUP_ISO_DATA_PATH = 0x206E, LE_REMOVE_ISO_DATA_PATH = 0x206F, LE_ISO_TRANSMIT_TEST = 0x2070, LE_ISO_RECEIVE_TEST = 0x2071, LE_ISO_READ_TEST_COUNTERS = 0x2072, LE_ISO_TEST_END = 0x2073, LE_SET_HOST_FEATURE = 0x2074, LE_READ_ISO_LINK_QUALITY = 0x2075, LE_ENHANCED_READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 0x2076, LE_READ_REMOTE_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 0x2077, LE_SET_PATH_LOSS_REPORTING_PARAMETERS = 0x2078, LE_SET_PATH_LOSS_REPORTING_ENABLE = 0x2079, LE_SET_TRANSMIT_POWER_REPORTING_ENABLE = 0x207A, LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V4 = 0x207B, LE_SET_DATA_RELATED_ADDRESS_CHANGES = 0x207C, LE_SET_DEFAULT_SUBRATE = 0x207D, LE_SUBRATE_REQUEST = 0x207E, LE_CS_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES = 0x2089, LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES = 0x208A, LE_CS_WRITE_CACHED_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES = 0x208B, LE_CS_SECURITY_ENABLE = 0x208C, LE_CS_SET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS = 0x208D, LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE = 0x208E, LE_CS_WRITE_CACHED_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE = 0x208F, LE_CS_CREATE_CONFIG = 0x2090, LE_CS_REMOVE_CONFIG = 0x0291, LE_CS_SET_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION = 0x2092, LE_CS_SET_PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS = 0x2093, LE_CS_PROCEDURE_ENABLE = 0x2094, LE_CS_TEST = 0x2095, LE_CS_TEST_END = 0x2096, // VENDOR_SPECIFIC // MSFT_OPCODE_xxxx below is needed for the tests. MSFT_OPCODE_INTEL = 0xFC1E, LE_GET_VENDOR_CAPABILITIES = 0xFD53, LE_MULTI_ADVT = 0xFD54, LE_BATCH_SCAN = 0xFD56, LE_ADV_FILTER = 0xFD57, LE_ENERGY_INFO = 0xFD59, LE_EXTENDED_SCAN_PARAMS = 0xFD5A, CONTROLLER_DEBUG_INFO = 0xFD5B, CONTROLLER_A2DP_OPCODE = 0xFD5D, CONTROLLER_BQR = 0xFD5E, DYNAMIC_AUDIO_BUFFER = 0xFD5F, // MSFT_OPCODE_xxxx below are needed for the tests. MSFT_OPCODE_MEDIATEK = 0xFD30, MSFT_OPCODE_QUALCOMM = 0xFD70, } // For mapping Local Supported Commands command // Value = Octet * 10 + bit enum OpCodeIndex : 16 { INQUIRY = 0, INQUIRY_CANCEL = 1, PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE = 2, EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE = 3, CREATE_CONNECTION = 4, DISCONNECT = 5, ADD_SCO_CONNECTION = 6, CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL = 7, ACCEPT_CONNECTION_REQUEST = 10, REJECT_CONNECTION_REQUEST = 11, LINK_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY = 12, LINK_KEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 13, PIN_CODE_REQUEST_REPLY = 14, PIN_CODE_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 15, CHANGE_CONNECTION_PACKET_TYPE = 16, AUTHENTICATION_REQUESTED = 17, SET_CONNECTION_ENCRYPTION = 20, CHANGE_CONNECTION_LINK_KEY = 21, CENTRAL_LINK_KEY = 22, REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST = 23, REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_CANCEL = 24, READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 25, READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES = 26, READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION = 27, READ_CLOCK_OFFSET = 30, READ_LMP_HANDLE = 31, HOLD_MODE = 41, SNIFF_MODE = 42, EXIT_SNIFF_MODE = 43, PARK_STATE = 44, EXIT_PARK_STATE = 45, QOS_SETUP = 46, ROLE_DISCOVERY = 47, SWITCH_ROLE = 50, READ_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS = 51, WRITE_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS = 52, READ_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS = 53, WRITE_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS = 54, FLOW_SPECIFICATION = 55, SET_EVENT_MASK = 56, RESET = 57, SET_EVENT_FILTER = 60, FLUSH = 61, READ_PIN_TYPE = 62, WRITE_PIN_TYPE = 63, READ_STORED_LINK_KEY = 65, WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY = 66, DELETE_STORED_LINK_KEY = 67, WRITE_LOCAL_NAME = 70, READ_LOCAL_NAME = 71, READ_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT = 72, WRITE_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT = 73, READ_PAGE_TIMEOUT = 74, WRITE_PAGE_TIMEOUT = 75, READ_SCAN_ENABLE = 76, WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE = 77, READ_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY = 80, WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY = 81, READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY = 82, WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY = 83, READ_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE = 84, WRITE_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE = 85, READ_CLASS_OF_DEVICE = 90, WRITE_CLASS_OF_DEVICE = 91, READ_VOICE_SETTING = 92, WRITE_VOICE_SETTING = 93, READ_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT = 94, WRITE_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT = 95, READ_NUM_BROADCAST_RETRANSMITS = 96, WRITE_NUM_BROADCAST_RETRANSMITS = 97, READ_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY = 100, WRITE_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY = 101, READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 102, READ_SYNCHRONOUS_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLE = 103, WRITE_SYNCHRONOUS_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLE = 104, SET_CONTROLLER_TO_HOST_FLOW_CONTROL = 105, HOST_BUFFER_SIZE = 106, HOST_NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS = 107, READ_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT = 110, WRITE_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT = 111, READ_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_IAC = 112, READ_CURRENT_IAC_LAP = 113, WRITE_CURRENT_IAC_LAP = 114, SET_AFH_HOST_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION = 121, LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE = 122, LE_CS_WRITE_CACHED_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE = 123, READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE = 124, WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE = 125, READ_INQUIRY_MODE = 126, WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE = 127, READ_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE = 130, WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE = 131, READ_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE = 132, WRITE_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE = 133, READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION = 143, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 145, READ_LOCAL_EXTENDED_FEATURES = 146, READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 147, READ_BD_ADDR = 151, READ_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER = 152, RESET_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER = 153, READ_LINK_QUALITY = 154, READ_RSSI = 155, READ_AFH_CHANNEL_MAP = 156, READ_CLOCK = 157, READ_LOOPBACK_MODE = 160, WRITE_LOOPBACK_MODE = 161, ENABLE_DEVICE_UNDER_TEST_MODE = 162, SETUP_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 163, ACCEPT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 164, REJECT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 165, LE_CS_CREATE_CONFIG = 166, LE_CS_REMOVE_CONFIG = 167, READ_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE = 170, WRITE_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE = 171, REFRESH_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 172, SNIFF_SUBRATING = 174, READ_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE = 175, WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE = 176, READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA = 177, READ_INQUIRY_RESPONSE_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 180, WRITE_INQUIRY_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 181, READ_DEFAULT_ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING = 182, WRITE_DEFAULT_ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING = 183, IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_REPLY = 187, USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_REPLY = 190, USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 191, USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST_REPLY = 192, USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 193, REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_REPLY = 194, WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_DEBUG_MODE = 195, ENHANCED_FLUSH = 196, REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 197, SEND_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION = 202, IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 203, READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE = 204, LE_CS_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES = 205, LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES = 206, LE_CS_WRITE_CACHED_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES = 207, SET_EVENT_MASK_PAGE_2 = 222, READ_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE = 230, WRITE_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE = 231, READ_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE = 232, LE_CS_TEST = 233, LE_CS_TEST_END = 234, READ_ENHANCED_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 240, LE_CS_SECURITY_ENABLE = 241, READ_LE_HOST_SUPPORT = 245, WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORT = 246, LE_CS_SET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS = 247, LE_SET_EVENT_MASK = 250, LE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_V1 = 251, LE_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 252, LE_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS = 254, LE_SET_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS = 255, LE_READ_ADVERTISING_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_TX_POWER = 256, LE_SET_ADVERTISING_DATA = 257, LE_SET_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA = 260, LE_SET_ADVERTISING_ENABLE = 261, LE_SET_SCAN_PARAMETERS = 262, LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE = 263, LE_CREATE_CONNECTION = 264, LE_CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL = 265, LE_READ_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE = 266, LE_CLEAR_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST = 267, LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST = 270, LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST = 271, LE_CONNECTION_UPDATE = 272, LE_SET_HOST_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION = 273, LE_READ_CHANNEL_MAP = 274, LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES = 275, LE_ENCRYPT = 276, LE_RAND = 277, LE_START_ENCRYPTION = 280, LE_LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY = 281, LE_LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 282, LE_READ_SUPPORTED_STATES = 283, LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V1 = 284, LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V1 = 285, LE_TEST_END = 286, LE_CS_SET_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION = 290, LE_CS_SET_PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS = 291, LE_CS_PROCEDURE_ENABLE = 292, ENHANCED_SETUP_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 293, ENHANCED_ACCEPT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION = 294, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODECS_V1 = 295, SET_MWS_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS = 296, SET_EXTERNAL_FRAME_CONFIGURATION = 297, SET_MWS_SIGNALING = 300, SET_MWS_TRANSPORT_LAYER = 301, SET_MWS_SCAN_FREQUENCY_TABLE = 302, GET_MWS_TRANSPORT_LAYER_CONFIGURATION = 303, SET_MWS_PATTERN_CONFIGURATION = 304, SET_TRIGGERED_CLOCK_CAPTURE = 305, TRUNCATED_PAGE = 306, TRUNCATED_PAGE_CANCEL = 307, SET_CONNECTIONLESS_PERIPHERAL_BROADCAST = 310, SET_CONNECTIONLESS_PERIPHERAL_BROADCAST_RECEIVE = 311, START_SYNCHRONIZATION_TRAIN = 312, RECEIVE_SYNCHRONIZATION_TRAIN = 313, SET_RESERVED_LT_ADDR = 314, DELETE_RESERVED_LT_ADDR = 315, SET_CONNECTIONLESS_PERIPHERAL_BROADCAST_DATA = 316, READ_SYNCHRONIZATION_TRAIN_PARAMETERS = 317, WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_TRAIN_PARAMETERS = 320, REMOTE_OOB_EXTENDED_DATA_REQUEST_REPLY = 321, READ_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_HOST_SUPPORT = 322, WRITE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_HOST_SUPPORT = 323, READ_AUTHENTICATED_PAYLOAD_TIMEOUT = 324, WRITE_AUTHENTICATED_PAYLOAD_TIMEOUT = 325, READ_LOCAL_OOB_EXTENDED_DATA = 326, WRITE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_TEST_MODE = 327, READ_EXTENDED_PAGE_TIMEOUT = 330, WRITE_EXTENDED_PAGE_TIMEOUT = 331, READ_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_LENGTH = 332, WRITE_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_LENGTH = 333, LE_REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_REPLY = 334, LE_REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY = 335, LE_SET_DATA_LENGTH = 336, LE_READ_SUGGESTED_DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH = 337, LE_WRITE_SUGGESTED_DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH = 340, LE_READ_LOCAL_P_256_PUBLIC_KEY = 341, LE_GENERATE_DHKEY_V1 = 342, LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_RESOLVING_LIST = 343, LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_RESOLVING_LIST = 344, LE_CLEAR_RESOLVING_LIST = 345, LE_READ_RESOLVING_LIST_SIZE = 346, LE_READ_PEER_RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS = 347, LE_READ_LOCAL_RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS = 350, LE_SET_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION_ENABLE = 351, LE_SET_RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT = 352, LE_READ_MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH = 353, LE_READ_PHY = 354, LE_SET_DEFAULT_PHY = 355, LE_SET_PHY = 356, LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V2 = 357, LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V2 = 360, LE_SET_ADVERTISING_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS = 361, LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS = 362, LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_DATA = 363, LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA = 364, LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_ENABLE = 365, LE_READ_MAXIMUM_ADVERTISING_DATA_LENGTH = 366, LE_READ_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_ADVERTISING_SETS = 367, LE_REMOVE_ADVERTISING_SET = 370, LE_CLEAR_ADVERTISING_SETS = 371, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS = 372, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_DATA = 373, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_ENABLE = 374, LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_PARAMETERS = 375, LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_ENABLE = 376, LE_EXTENDED_CREATE_CONNECTION = 377, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_CREATE_SYNC = 380, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_CREATE_SYNC_CANCEL = 381, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_TERMINATE_SYNC = 382, LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST = 383, LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST = 384, LE_CLEAR_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST = 385, LE_READ_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST_SIZE = 386, LE_READ_TRANSMIT_POWER = 387, LE_READ_RF_PATH_COMPENSATION_POWER = 390, LE_WRITE_RF_PATH_COMPENSATION_POWER = 391, LE_SET_PRIVACY_MODE = 392, LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V3 = 393, LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V3 = 394, LE_SET_CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_TRANSMIT_PARAMETERS = 395, LE_SET_CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_TRANSMIT_ENABLE = 396, LE_SET_CONNECTIONLESS_IQ_SAMPLING_ENABLE = 397, LE_SET_CONNECTION_CTE_RECEIVE_PARAMETERS = 400, LE_SET_CONNECTION_CTE_TRANSMIT_PARAMETERS = 401, LE_CONNECTION_CTE_REQUEST_ENABLE = 402, LE_CONNECTION_CTE_RESPONSE_ENABLE = 403, LE_READ_ANTENNA_INFORMATION = 404, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_RECEIVE_ENABLE = 405, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER = 406, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SET_INFO_TRANSFER = 407, LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_PARAMETERS = 410, LE_SET_DEFAULT_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_PARAMETERS = 411, LE_GENERATE_DHKEY_V2 = 412, READ_LOCAL_SIMPLE_PAIRING_OPTIONS = 413, LE_MODIFY_SLEEP_CLOCK_ACCURACY = 414, LE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_V2 = 415, LE_READ_ISO_TX_SYNC = 416, LE_SET_CIG_PARAMETERS = 417, LE_SET_CIG_PARAMETERS_TEST = 420, LE_CREATE_CIS = 421, LE_REMOVE_CIG = 422, LE_ACCEPT_CIS_REQUEST = 423, LE_REJECT_CIS_REQUEST = 424, LE_CREATE_BIG = 425, LE_CREATE_BIG_TEST = 426, LE_TERMINATE_BIG = 427, LE_BIG_CREATE_SYNC = 430, LE_BIG_TERMINATE_SYNC = 431, LE_REQUEST_PEER_SCA = 432, LE_SETUP_ISO_DATA_PATH = 433, LE_REMOVE_ISO_DATA_PATH = 434, LE_ISO_TRANSMIT_TEST = 435, LE_ISO_RECEIVE_TEST = 436, LE_ISO_READ_TEST_COUNTERS = 437, LE_ISO_TEST_END = 440, LE_SET_HOST_FEATURE = 441, LE_READ_ISO_LINK_QUALITY = 442, LE_ENHANCED_READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 443, LE_READ_REMOTE_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL = 444, LE_SET_PATH_LOSS_REPORTING_PARAMETERS = 445, LE_SET_PATH_LOSS_REPORTING_ENABLE = 446, LE_SET_TRANSMIT_POWER_REPORTING_ENABLE = 447, LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V4 = 450, SET_ECOSYSTEM_BASE_INTERVAL = 451, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODECS_V2 = 452, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODEC_CAPABILITIES = 453, READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CONTROLLER_DELAY = 454, CONFIGURE_DATA_PATH = 455, LE_SET_DATA_RELATED_ADDRESS_CHANGES = 456, SET_MIN_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE = 457, LE_SET_DEFAULT_SUBRATE = 460, LE_SUBRATE_REQUEST = 461, } packet Command { op_code : OpCode, _size_(_payload_) : 8, _payload_, } // Packets for interfaces packet DiscoveryCommand : Command { _payload_, } packet AclCommand : Command { _payload_, } packet ConnectionManagementCommand : AclCommand { _payload_, } packet SecurityCommand : Command { _payload_, } packet ScoConnectionCommand : AclCommand { _payload_, } packet LeAdvertisingCommand : Command { _payload_, } packet LeScanningCommand : Command { _payload_, } packet LeConnectionManagementCommand : AclCommand { _payload_, } packet LeSecurityCommand : Command { _payload_, } packet LeIsoCommand : Command { _payload_, } packet DistanceMeasurementCommand : Command { _payload_, } packet VendorCommand : Command { _payload_, } // HCI Event Packets enum EventCode : 8 { INQUIRY_COMPLETE = 0x01, INQUIRY_RESULT = 0x02, CONNECTION_COMPLETE = 0x03, CONNECTION_REQUEST = 0x04, DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE = 0x05, AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE = 0x06, REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_COMPLETE = 0x07, ENCRYPTION_CHANGE = 0x08, CHANGE_CONNECTION_LINK_KEY_COMPLETE = 0x09, CENTRAL_LINK_KEY_COMPLETE = 0x0A, READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES_COMPLETE = 0x0B, READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION_COMPLETE = 0x0C, QOS_SETUP_COMPLETE = 0x0D, COMMAND_COMPLETE = 0x0E, COMMAND_STATUS = 0x0F, HARDWARE_ERROR = 0x10, FLUSH_OCCURRED = 0x11, ROLE_CHANGE = 0x12, NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS = 0x13, MODE_CHANGE = 0x14, RETURN_LINK_KEYS = 0x15, PIN_CODE_REQUEST = 0x16, LINK_KEY_REQUEST = 0x17, LINK_KEY_NOTIFICATION = 0x18, LOOPBACK_COMMAND = 0x19, DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 0x1A, MAX_SLOTS_CHANGE = 0x1B, READ_CLOCK_OFFSET_COMPLETE = 0x1C, CONNECTION_PACKET_TYPE_CHANGED = 0x1D, QOS_VIOLATION = 0x1E, PAGE_SCAN_REPETITION_MODE_CHANGE = 0x20, FLOW_SPECIFICATION_COMPLETE = 0x21, INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI = 0x22, READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES_COMPLETE = 0x23, SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION_COMPLETE = 0x2C, SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION_CHANGED = 0x2D, SNIFF_SUBRATING = 0x2E, EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESULT = 0x2F, ENCRYPTION_KEY_REFRESH_COMPLETE = 0x30, IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST = 0x31, IO_CAPABILITY_RESPONSE = 0x32, USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST = 0x33, USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST = 0x34, REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST = 0x35, SIMPLE_PAIRING_COMPLETE = 0x36, LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT_CHANGED = 0x38, ENHANCED_FLUSH_COMPLETE = 0x39, USER_PASSKEY_NOTIFICATION = 0x3B, KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION = 0x3C, REMOTE_HOST_SUPPORTED_FEATURES_NOTIFICATION = 0x3D, LE_META_EVENT = 0x3e, NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_DATA_BLOCKS = 0x48, AUTHENTICATED_PAYLOAD_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED = 0x57, VENDOR_SPECIFIC = 0xFF, } packet Event { event_code : EventCode, _size_(_payload_) : 8, _payload_, } // LE Events enum SubeventCode : 8 { CONNECTION_COMPLETE = 0x01, ADVERTISING_REPORT = 0x02, CONNECTION_UPDATE_COMPLETE = 0x03, READ_REMOTE_FEATURES_COMPLETE = 0x04, LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST = 0x05, REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST = 0x06, DATA_LENGTH_CHANGE = 0x07, READ_LOCAL_P256_PUBLIC_KEY_COMPLETE = 0x08, GENERATE_DHKEY_COMPLETE = 0x09, ENHANCED_CONNECTION_COMPLETE = 0x0a, DIRECTED_ADVERTISING_REPORT = 0x0b, PHY_UPDATE_COMPLETE = 0x0c, EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_REPORT = 0x0D, PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_ESTABLISHED = 0x0E, PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_REPORT = 0x0F, PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_LOST = 0x10, SCAN_TIMEOUT = 0x11, ADVERTISING_SET_TERMINATED = 0x12, SCAN_REQUEST_RECEIVED = 0x13, CHANNEL_SELECTION_ALGORITHM = 0x14, CONNECTIONLESS_IQ_REPORT = 0x15, CONNECTION_IQ_REPORT = 0x16, CTE_REQUEST_FAILED = 0x17, PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_RECEIVED = 0x18, CIS_ESTABLISHED = 0x19, CIS_REQUEST = 0x1A, CREATE_BIG_COMPLETE = 0x1B, TERMINATE_BIG_COMPLETE = 0x1C, BIG_SYNC_ESTABLISHED = 0x1D, BIG_SYNC_LOST = 0x1E, REQUEST_PEER_SCA_COMPLETE = 0x1F, PATH_LOSS_THRESHOLD = 0x20, TRANSMIT_POWER_REPORTING = 0x21, BIG_INFO_ADVERTISING_REPORT = 0x22, LE_SUBRATE_CHANGE = 0x23, LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES_COMPLETE = 0x2C, LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE_COMPLETE = 0x2D, LE_CS_SECURITY_ENABLE_COMPLETE = 0x2E, LE_CS_CONFIG_COMPLETE = 0x2F, LE_CS_PROCEDURE_ENABLE_COMPLETE = 0x30, LE_CS_SUBEVENT_RESULT = 0x31, LE_CS_SUBEVENT_RESULT_CONTINUE = 0x32, LE_CS_TEST_END_COMPLETE = 0x33, } // Vendor specific events enum VseSubeventCode : 8 { BLE_THRESHOLD = 0x54, BLE_STCHANGE = 0x55, BLE_TRACKING = 0x56, DEBUG_INFO = 0x57, BQR_EVENT = 0x58, } // Common definitions for commands and events enum FeatureFlag : 1 { UNSUPPORTED = 0, SUPPORTED = 1, } // Vol 1, Part F: Controller Error Codes enum ErrorCode: 8 { STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0xFF, SUCCESS = 0x00, UNKNOWN_HCI_COMMAND = 0x01, UNKNOWN_CONNECTION = 0x02, HARDWARE_FAILURE = 0x03, PAGE_TIMEOUT = 0x04, AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE = 0x05, PIN_OR_KEY_MISSING = 0x06, MEMORY_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED = 0x07, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 0x08, CONNECTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 0x09, SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 0x0A, CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS = 0x0B, COMMAND_DISALLOWED = 0x0C, CONNECTION_REJECTED_LIMITED_RESOURCES = 0x0D, CONNECTION_REJECTED_SECURITY_REASONS = 0x0E, CONNECTION_REJECTED_UNACCEPTABLE_BD_ADDR = 0x0F, CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT = 0x10, UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_OR_PARAMETER_VALUE = 0x11, INVALID_HCI_COMMAND_PARAMETERS = 0x12, REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION = 0x13, REMOTE_DEVICE_TERMINATED_CONNECTION_LOW_RESOURCES = 0x14, REMOTE_DEVICE_TERMINATED_CONNECTION_POWER_OFF = 0x15, CONNECTION_TERMINATED_BY_LOCAL_HOST = 0x16, REPEATED_ATTEMPTS = 0x17, PAIRING_NOT_ALLOWED = 0x18, UNKNOWN_LMP_PDU = 0x19, UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_OR_LMP_FEATURE = 0x1A, SCO_OFFSET_REJECTED = 0x1B, SCO_INTERVAL_REJECTED = 0x1C, SCO_AIR_MODE_REJECTED = 0x1D, INVALID_LMP_OR_LL_PARAMETERS = 0x1E, UNSPECIFIED_ERROR = 0x1F, UNSUPPORTED_LMP_OR_LL_PARAMETER = 0x20, ROLE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED = 0x21, TRANSACTION_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 0x22, LINK_LAYER_COLLISION = 0x23, LMP_PDU_NOT_ALLOWED = 0x24, ENCRYPTION_MODE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 0x25, LINK_KEY_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED = 0x26, REQUESTED_QOS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x27, INSTANT_PASSED = 0x28, PAIRING_WITH_UNIT_KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x29, DIFFERENT_TRANSACTION_COLLISION = 0x2A, QOS_UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMETERS = 0x2C, QOS_REJECTED = 0x2D, CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x2E, INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY = 0x2F, PARAMETER_OUT_OF_MANDATORY_RANGE = 0x30, ROLE_SWITCH_PENDING = 0x32, RESERVED_SLOT_VIOLATION = 0x34, ROLE_SWITCH_FAILED = 0x35, EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE_TOO_LARGE = 0x36, SECURE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_HOST = 0x37, HOST_BUSY_PAIRING = 0x38, CONNECTION_REJECTED_NO_SUITABLE_CHANNEL_FOUND = 0x39, CONTROLLER_BUSY = 0x3A, UNACCEPTABLE_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS = 0x3B, ADVERTISING_TIMEOUT = 0x3C, CONNECTION_TERMINATED_DUE_TO_MIC_FAILURE = 0x3D, CONNECTION_FAILED_ESTABLISHMENT = 0x3E, COARSE_CLOCK_ADJUSTMENT_REJECTED = 0x40, TYPE0_SUBMAP_NOT_DEFINED = 0x41, UNKNOWN_ADVERTISING_IDENTIFIER = 0x42, LIMIT_REACHED = 0x43, OPERATION_CANCELLED_BY_HOST = 0x44, PACKET_TOO_LONG = 0x45, } // Events that are defined with their respective commands packet CommandComplete : Event (event_code = COMMAND_COMPLETE) { num_hci_command_packets : 8, command_op_code : OpCode, _payload_, } packet CommandStatus : Event (event_code = COMMAND_STATUS) { status : ErrorCode, // SUCCESS means PENDING num_hci_command_packets : 8, command_op_code : OpCode, _payload_, } // Credits packet NoCommandComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = NONE) { } struct Lap { // Lower Address Part lap : 6, _reserved_ : 2, _fixed_ = 0x9e8b : 16, } // LINK_CONTROL packet Inquiry : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = INQUIRY) { lap : Lap, inquiry_length : 8, // 0x1 - 0x30 (times 1.28s) num_responses : 8, // 0x00 unlimited } test Inquiry { "\x01\x04\x05\x33\x8b\x9e\xaa\xbb", } packet InquiryStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = INQUIRY) { } test InquiryStatus { "\x0f\x04\x00\x01\x01\x04", } packet InquiryCancel : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = INQUIRY_CANCEL) { } test InquiryCancel { "\x02\x04\x00", } packet InquiryCancelComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = INQUIRY_CANCEL) { status : ErrorCode, } test InquiryCancelComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x02\x04\x00", } packet PeriodicInquiryMode : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE) { max_period_length : 16, // Range 0x0003 to 0xffff (times 1.28s) min_period_length : 16, // Range 0x0002 to 0xfffe (times 1.28s) lap : Lap, inquiry_length : 8, // 0x1 - 0x30 (times 1.28s) num_responses : 8, // 0x00 unlimited } test PeriodicInquiryMode { "\x03\x04\x09\x12\x34\x56\x78\x11\x8b\x9e\x9a\xbc", } packet PeriodicInquiryModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } test PeriodicInquiryModeComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x03\x04\x00", } packet ExitPeriodicInquiryMode : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE) { } test ExitPeriodicInquiryMode { "\x04\x04\x00", } packet ExitPeriodicInquiryModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } test ExitPeriodicInquiryModeComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x04\x04\x00", } enum PageScanRepetitionMode : 8 { R0 = 0x00, R1 = 0x01, R2 = 0x02, } enum ClockOffsetValid : 1 { INVALID = 0, VALID = 1, } enum CreateConnectionRoleSwitch : 8 { REMAIN_CENTRAL = 0x00, ALLOW_ROLE_SWITCH = 0x01, } packet CreateConnection : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = CREATE_CONNECTION) { bd_addr : Address, packet_type : 16, page_scan_repetition_mode : PageScanRepetitionMode, _reserved_ : 8, clock_offset : 15, clock_offset_valid : ClockOffsetValid, allow_role_switch : CreateConnectionRoleSwitch, } packet CreateConnectionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = CREATE_CONNECTION) { } enum DisconnectReason : 8 { AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE = 0x05, REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION = 0x13, REMOTE_DEVICE_TERMINATED_CONNECTION_LOW_RESOURCES = 0x14, REMOTE_DEVICE_TERMINATED_CONNECTION_POWER_OFF = 0x15, UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_FEATURE = 0x1A, PAIRING_WITH_UNIT_KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x29, UNACCEPTABLE_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS = 0x3B, } packet Disconnect : AclCommand (op_code = DISCONNECT) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, reason : DisconnectReason, } packet DisconnectStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = DISCONNECT) { } packet AddScoConnection : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = ADD_SCO_CONNECTION) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, packet_type : 16, } packet AddScoConnectionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = ADD_SCO_CONNECTION) { } packet CreateConnectionCancel : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL) { bd_addr : Address, } packet CreateConnectionCancelComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } enum AcceptConnectionRequestRole : 8 { BECOME_CENTRAL = 0x00, REMAIN_PERIPHERAL = 0x01, } packet AcceptConnectionRequest : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = ACCEPT_CONNECTION_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, role : AcceptConnectionRequestRole, } packet AcceptConnectionRequestStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = ACCEPT_CONNECTION_REQUEST) { } enum RejectConnectionReason : 8 { LIMITED_RESOURCES = 0x0D, SECURITY_REASONS = 0x0E, UNACCEPTABLE_BD_ADDR = 0x0F, } packet RejectConnectionRequest : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = REJECT_CONNECTION_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, reason : RejectConnectionReason, } packet RejectConnectionRequestStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = REJECT_CONNECTION_REQUEST) { } packet LinkKeyRequestReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = LINK_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, link_key : 8[16], } packet LinkKeyRequestReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LINK_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet LinkKeyRequestNegativeReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = LINK_KEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, } packet LinkKeyRequestNegativeReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LINK_KEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet PinCodeRequestReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = PIN_CODE_REQUEST_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, pin_code_length : 5, // 0x01 - 0x10 _reserved_ : 3, pin_code : 8[16], // string parameter, first octet first } packet PinCodeRequestReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = PIN_CODE_REQUEST_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet PinCodeRequestNegativeReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = PIN_CODE_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, } packet PinCodeRequestNegativeReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = PIN_CODE_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet ChangeConnectionPacketType : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = CHANGE_CONNECTION_PACKET_TYPE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, packet_type : 16, } packet ChangeConnectionPacketTypeStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = CHANGE_CONNECTION_PACKET_TYPE) { } packet AuthenticationRequested : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = AUTHENTICATION_REQUESTED) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet AuthenticationRequestedStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = AUTHENTICATION_REQUESTED) { } packet SetConnectionEncryption : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = SET_CONNECTION_ENCRYPTION) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, encryption_enable : Enable, } packet SetConnectionEncryptionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = SET_CONNECTION_ENCRYPTION) { } packet ChangeConnectionLinkKey : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = CHANGE_CONNECTION_LINK_KEY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ChangeConnectionLinkKeyStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = CHANGE_CONNECTION_LINK_KEY) { } enum KeyFlag : 8 { SEMI_PERMANENT = 0x00, TEMPORARY = 0x01, } packet CentralLinkKey : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = CENTRAL_LINK_KEY) { key_flag : KeyFlag, } packet CentralLinkKeyStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = CENTRAL_LINK_KEY) { } packet RemoteNameRequest : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, page_scan_repetition_mode : PageScanRepetitionMode, _reserved_ : 8, clock_offset : 15, clock_offset_valid : ClockOffsetValid, } packet RemoteNameRequestStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST) { } packet RemoteNameRequestCancel : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_CANCEL) { bd_addr : Address, } packet RemoteNameRequestCancelComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_CANCEL) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet ReadRemoteSupportedFeatures : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) { } packet ReadRemoteExtendedFeatures : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, page_number : 8, } packet ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES) { } packet ReadRemoteVersionInformation : AclCommand (op_code = READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadRemoteVersionInformationStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION) { } packet ReadClockOffset : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_CLOCK_OFFSET) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadClockOffsetStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = READ_CLOCK_OFFSET) { } packet ReadLmpHandle : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_LMP_HANDLE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadLmpHandleComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LMP_HANDLE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, lmp_handle : 8, _reserved_ : 32, } enum SynchronousPacketTypeBits : 16 { HV1_ALLOWED = 0x0001, HV2_ALLOWED = 0x0002, HV3_ALLOWED = 0x0004, EV3_ALLOWED = 0x0008, EV4_ALLOWED = 0x0010, EV5_ALLOWED = 0x0020, NO_2_EV3_ALLOWED = 0x0040, NO_3_EV3_ALLOWED = 0x0080, NO_2_EV5_ALLOWED = 0x0100, NO_3_EV5_ALLOWED = 0x0200, } enum RetransmissionEffort : 8 { NO_RETRANSMISSION = 0x00, OPTIMIZED_FOR_POWER = 0x01, OPTIMIZED_FOR_LINK_QUALITY = 0x02, DO_NOT_CARE = 0xFF, } packet SetupSynchronousConnection : ScoConnectionCommand (op_code = SETUP_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, transmit_bandwidth : 32, receive_bandwidth : 32, max_latency : 16, // 0-3 reserved, 0xFFFF = don't care voice_setting : 10, _reserved_ : 6, retransmission_effort : RetransmissionEffort, packet_type : 16, // See SynchronousPacketTypeBits } packet SetupSynchronousConnectionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = SETUP_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { } packet AcceptSynchronousConnection : ScoConnectionCommand (op_code = ACCEPT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { bd_addr : Address, transmit_bandwidth : 32, receive_bandwidth : 32, max_latency : 16, // 0-3 reserved, 0xFFFF = don't care voice_setting : 10, _reserved_ : 6, retransmission_effort : RetransmissionEffort, packet_type : 16, // See SynchronousPacketTypeBits } packet AcceptSynchronousConnectionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = ACCEPT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { } packet RejectSynchronousConnection : ScoConnectionCommand (op_code = REJECT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { bd_addr : Address, reason : RejectConnectionReason, } packet RejectSynchronousConnectionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = REJECT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { } enum IoCapability : 8 { DISPLAY_ONLY = 0x00, DISPLAY_YES_NO = 0x01, KEYBOARD_ONLY = 0x02, NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT = 0x03, } enum OobDataPresent : 8 { NOT_PRESENT = 0x00, P_192_PRESENT = 0x01, P_256_PRESENT = 0x02, P_192_AND_256_PRESENT = 0x03, } enum AuthenticationRequirements : 8 { NO_BONDING = 0x00, NO_BONDING_MITM_PROTECTION = 0x01, DEDICATED_BONDING = 0x02, DEDICATED_BONDING_MITM_PROTECTION = 0x03, GENERAL_BONDING = 0x04, GENERAL_BONDING_MITM_PROTECTION = 0x05, } packet IoCapabilityRequestReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, io_capability : IoCapability, oob_present : OobDataPresent, authentication_requirements : AuthenticationRequirements, } packet IoCapabilityRequestReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet UserConfirmationRequestReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, } packet UserConfirmationRequestReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet UserConfirmationRequestNegativeReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, } packet UserConfirmationRequestNegativeReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet UserPasskeyRequestReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, numeric_value : 32, // 000000-999999 decimal or 0x0-0xF423F } packet UserPasskeyRequestReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet UserPasskeyRequestNegativeReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, } packet UserPasskeyRequestNegativeReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet RemoteOobDataRequestReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, c : 8[16], r : 8[16], } packet RemoteOobDataRequestReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet RemoteOobDataRequestNegativeReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, } packet RemoteOobDataRequestNegativeReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet IoCapabilityRequestNegativeReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, reason : ErrorCode, } packet IoCapabilityRequestNegativeReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } enum ScoCodingFormatValues : 8 { ULAW_LONG = 0x00, ALAW_LONG = 0x01, CVSD = 0x02, TRANSPARENT = 0x03, LINEAR_PCM = 0x04, MSBC = 0x05, LC3 = 0x06, VENDOR_SPECIFIC = 0xFF, } struct ScoCodingFormat { coding_format : ScoCodingFormatValues, company_id : 16, vendor_specific_codec_id : 16, } enum ScoPcmDataFormat : 8 { NOT_USED = 0x00, ONES_COMPLEMENT = 0x01, TWOS_COMPLEMENT = 0x02, SIGN_MAGNITUDE = 0x03, UNSIGNED = 0x04, } enum ScoDataPath : 8 { HCI = 0x00, // 0x01 to 0xFE are Logical_Channel_Number. // The meaning of the logical channels will be vendor specific. // In GD and legacy Android Bluetooth stack, we use channel 0x01 for hardware // offloaded SCO encoding GD_PCM = 0x01, AUDIO_TEST_MODE = 0xFF, } packet EnhancedSetupSynchronousConnection : ScoConnectionCommand (op_code = ENHANCED_SETUP_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, // Next two items // [0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFE] Bandwidth in octets per second. // [0xFFFFFFFF]: Don't care transmit_bandwidth : 32, receive_bandwidth : 32, transmit_coding_format : ScoCodingFormat, receive_coding_format : ScoCodingFormat, // Next two items // [0x0001, 0xFFFF]: the actual size of the over-the-air encoded frame in // octets. transmit_codec_frame_size : 16, receive_codec_frame_size : 16, // Next two items // Host to Controller nominal data rate in octets per second. input_bandwidth : 32, output_bandwidth : 32, input_coding_format : ScoCodingFormat, output_coding_format : ScoCodingFormat, // Next two items // Size, in bits, of the sample or framed data input_coded_data_bits : 16, output_coded_data_bits : 16, input_pcm_data_format : ScoPcmDataFormat, output_pcm_data_format : ScoPcmDataFormat, // Next two items // The number of bit positions within an audio sample that the MSB of the // sample is away from starting at the MSB of the data. input_pcm_sample_payload_msb_position : 8, output_pcm_sample_payload_msb_position : 8, input_data_path : ScoDataPath, output_data_path : ScoDataPath, // Next two items // [1, 255] The number of bits in each unit of data received from the Host // over the audio data transport. // [0] Not applicable (implied by the choice of audio data transport) input_transport_unit_bits : 8, output_transport_unit_bits : 8, // [0x0004, 0xFFFE]: in milliseconds // Upper limit represent the sum of the synchronous interval and the size // of the eSCO window, where the eSCO window is reserved slots plus the // retransmission window // [0xFFFF]: don't care max_latency: 16, packet_type : 16, // See SynchronousPacketTypeBits retransmission_effort : RetransmissionEffort, } test EnhancedSetupSynchronousConnection { "\x3d\x04\x3b\x02\x00\x40\x1f\x00\x00\x40\x1f\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x3c\x00\x3c\x00\x00\x7d\x00\x00\x00\x7d\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x10\x00\x02\x02\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x0d\x00\x88\x03\x02", } packet EnhancedSetupSynchronousConnectionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = ENHANCED_SETUP_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { } packet EnhancedAcceptSynchronousConnection : ScoConnectionCommand (op_code = ENHANCED_ACCEPT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { bd_addr : Address, // Next two items // [0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFE] Bandwidth in octets per second. // [0xFFFFFFFF]: Don't care transmit_bandwidth : 32, receive_bandwidth : 32, transmit_coding_format : ScoCodingFormat, receive_coding_format : ScoCodingFormat, // Next two items // [0x0001, 0xFFFF]: the actual size of the over-the-air encoded frame in // octets. transmit_codec_frame_size : 16, receive_codec_frame_size : 16, // Next two items // Host to Controller nominal data rate in octets per second. input_bandwidth : 32, output_bandwidth : 32, input_coding_format : ScoCodingFormat, output_coding_format : ScoCodingFormat, // Next two items // Size, in bits, of the sample or framed data input_coded_data_bits : 16, output_coded_data_bits : 16, input_pcm_data_format : ScoPcmDataFormat, output_pcm_data_format : ScoPcmDataFormat, // Next two items // The number of bit positions within an audio sample that the MSB of the // sample is away from starting at the MSB of the data. input_pcm_sample_payload_msb_position : 8, output_pcm_sample_payload_msb_position : 8, input_data_path : ScoDataPath, output_data_path : ScoDataPath, // Next two items // [1, 255] The number of bits in each unit of data received from the Host // over the audio data transport. // [0] Not applicable (implied by the choice of audio data transport) input_transport_unit_bits : 8, output_transport_unit_bits : 8, // [0x0004, 0xFFFE]: in milliseconds // Upper limit represent the sum of the synchronous interval and the size // of the eSCO window, where the eSCO window is reserved slots plus the // retransmission window // [0xFFFF]: don't care max_latency : 16, packet_type : 16, // See SynchronousPacketTypeBits retransmission_effort : RetransmissionEffort, } packet EnhancedAcceptSynchronousConnectionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = ENHANCED_ACCEPT_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION) { } packet RemoteOobExtendedDataRequestReply : SecurityCommand (op_code = REMOTE_OOB_EXTENDED_DATA_REQUEST_REPLY) { bd_addr : Address, c_192 : 8[16], r_192 : 8[16], c_256 : 8[16], r_256 : 8[16], } packet RemoteOobExtendedDataRequestReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = REMOTE_OOB_EXTENDED_DATA_REQUEST_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } // LINK_POLICY packet HoldMode : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = HOLD_MODE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, hold_mode_max_interval: 16, // 0x0002-0xFFFE (1.25ms-40.9s) hold_mode_min_interval: 16, // 0x0002-0xFFFE (1.25ms-40.9s) } packet HoldModeStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = HOLD_MODE) { } packet SniffMode : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = SNIFF_MODE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, sniff_max_interval: 16, // 0x0002-0xFFFE (1.25ms-40.9s) sniff_min_interval: 16, // 0x0002-0xFFFE (1.25ms-40.9s) sniff_attempt: 16, // 0x0001-0x7FFF (1.25ms-40.9s) sniff_timeout: 16, // 0x0000-0x7FFF (0ms-40.9s) } packet SniffModeStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = SNIFF_MODE) { } packet ExitSniffMode : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = EXIT_SNIFF_MODE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ExitSniffModeStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = EXIT_SNIFF_MODE) { } // ParkState and ExitParkState are deprecated packet ParkState : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = PARK_STATE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, beacon_max_interval: 16, // 0x000E-0x1000 (8.75ms-40.9s) beacon_min_interval: 16, // 0x000E-0x1000 (8.75ms-40.9s) } packet ParkStateStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = PARK_STATE) { } packet ExitParkState : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = EXIT_PARK_STATE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ExitParkStateStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = EXIT_PARK_STATE) { } enum ServiceType : 8 { NO_TRAFFIC = 0x00, BEST_EFFORT = 0x01, GUARANTEED = 0x02, } packet QosSetup : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = QOS_SETUP) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, _reserved_ : 8, service_type : ServiceType, token_rate : 32, // Octets/s peak_bandwidth : 32, // Octets/s latency : 32, // Octets/s delay_variation : 32, // microseconds } packet QosSetupStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = QOS_SETUP) { } packet RoleDiscovery : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = ROLE_DISCOVERY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum Role : 8 { CENTRAL = 0x00, PERIPHERAL = 0x01, } packet RoleDiscoveryComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = ROLE_DISCOVERY) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, current_role : Role, } packet SwitchRole : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = SWITCH_ROLE) { bd_addr : Address, role : Role, } packet SwitchRoleStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = SWITCH_ROLE) { } packet ReadLinkPolicySettings : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum LinkPolicy : 16 { ENABLE_ROLE_SWITCH = 0x01, ENABLE_HOLD_MODE = 0x02, ENABLE_SNIFF_MODE = 0x04, ENABLE_PARK_MODE = 0x08, // deprecated after 5.0 } packet ReadLinkPolicySettingsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, link_policy_settings : 16, } packet WriteLinkPolicySettings : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = WRITE_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, link_policy_settings : 16, } packet WriteLinkPolicySettingsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadDefaultLinkPolicySettings : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS) { } packet ReadDefaultLinkPolicySettingsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS) { status : ErrorCode, default_link_policy_settings : 16, } packet WriteDefaultLinkPolicySettings : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = WRITE_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS) { default_link_policy_settings : 16, } packet WriteDefaultLinkPolicySettingsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS) { status : ErrorCode, } enum FlowDirection : 8 { OUTGOING_FLOW = 0x00, INCOMING_FLOW = 0x01, } packet FlowSpecification : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = FLOW_SPECIFICATION) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, _reserved_ : 8, flow_direction : FlowDirection, service_type : ServiceType, token_rate : 32, // Octets/s token_bucket_size : 32, peak_bandwidth : 32, // Octets/s access_latency : 32, // Octets/s } packet FlowSpecificationStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = FLOW_SPECIFICATION) { } packet SniffSubrating : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = SNIFF_SUBRATING) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, maximum_latency : 16, // 0x0002-0xFFFE (1.25ms-40.9s) minimum_remote_timeout : 16, // 0x0000-0xFFFE (0-40.9s) minimum_local_timeout: 16, // 0x0000-0xFFFE (0-40.9s) } packet SniffSubratingComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = SNIFF_SUBRATING) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } // CONTROLLER_AND_BASEBAND packet SetEventMask : Command (op_code = SET_EVENT_MASK) { event_mask : 64, } packet SetEventMaskComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = SET_EVENT_MASK) { status : ErrorCode, } packet Reset : Command (op_code = RESET) { } test Reset { "\x03\x0c\x00", } packet ResetComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = RESET) { status : ErrorCode, } test ResetComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x03\x0c\x00", "\x0e\x04\x01\x03\x0c\x01", // unknown command } enum FilterType : 8 { CLEAR_ALL_FILTERS = 0x00, INQUIRY_RESULT = 0x01, CONNECTION_SETUP = 0x02, } packet SetEventFilter : Command (op_code = SET_EVENT_FILTER) { filter_type : FilterType, _body_, } packet SetEventFilterComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = SET_EVENT_FILTER) { status : ErrorCode, } packet SetEventFilterClearAll : SetEventFilter (filter_type = CLEAR_ALL_FILTERS) { } enum FilterConditionType : 8 { ALL_DEVICES = 0x00, CLASS_OF_DEVICE = 0x01, ADDRESS = 0x02, } packet SetEventFilterInquiryResult : SetEventFilter (filter_type = INQUIRY_RESULT) { filter_condition_type : FilterConditionType, _body_, } packet SetEventFilterInquiryResultAllDevices : SetEventFilterInquiryResult (filter_condition_type = ALL_DEVICES) { } packet SetEventFilterInquiryResultClassOfDevice : SetEventFilterInquiryResult (filter_condition_type = CLASS_OF_DEVICE) { class_of_device : ClassOfDevice, class_of_device_mask : ClassOfDevice, } packet SetEventFilterInquiryResultAddress : SetEventFilterInquiryResult (filter_condition_type = ADDRESS) { address : Address, } packet SetEventFilterConnectionSetup : SetEventFilter (filter_type = CONNECTION_SETUP) { filter_condition_type : FilterConditionType, _body_, } enum AutoAcceptFlag : 8 { AUTO_ACCEPT_OFF = 0x01, AUTO_ACCEPT_ON_ROLE_SWITCH_DISABLED = 0x02, AUTO_ACCEPT_ON_ROLE_SWITCH_ENABLED = 0x03, } packet SetEventFilterConnectionSetupAllDevices : SetEventFilterConnectionSetup (filter_condition_type = ALL_DEVICES) { auto_accept_flag : AutoAcceptFlag, } packet SetEventFilterConnectionSetupClassOfDevice : SetEventFilterConnectionSetup (filter_condition_type = CLASS_OF_DEVICE) { class_of_device : ClassOfDevice, class_of_device_mask : ClassOfDevice, auto_accept_flag : AutoAcceptFlag, } packet SetEventFilterConnectionSetupAddress : SetEventFilterConnectionSetup (filter_condition_type = ADDRESS) { address : Address, auto_accept_flag : AutoAcceptFlag, } packet Flush : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = FLUSH) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet FlushComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = FLUSH) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum PinType : 8 { VARIABLE = 0, FIXED = 1, } packet ReadPinType : Command (op_code = READ_PIN_TYPE) { } packet ReadPinTypeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_PIN_TYPE) { status : ErrorCode, pin_type : PinType, } packet WritePinType : Command (op_code = WRITE_PIN_TYPE) { pin_type : PinType, } packet WritePinTypeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_PIN_TYPE) { status : ErrorCode, } enum ReadStoredLinkKeyReadAllFlag : 8 { SPECIFIED_BD_ADDR = 0x00, ALL = 0x01, } packet ReadStoredLinkKey : SecurityCommand (op_code = READ_STORED_LINK_KEY) { bd_addr : Address, read_all_flag : ReadStoredLinkKeyReadAllFlag, } packet ReadStoredLinkKeyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_STORED_LINK_KEY) { status : ErrorCode, max_num_keys : 16, num_keys_read : 16, } struct KeyAndAddress { address : Address, link_key : 8[16], } packet WriteStoredLinkKey : SecurityCommand (op_code = WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY) { _count_(keys_to_write) : 8, // 0x01-0x0B keys_to_write : KeyAndAddress[], } packet WriteStoredLinkKeyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY) { status : ErrorCode, num_keys_written : 8, } enum DeleteStoredLinkKeyDeleteAllFlag : 8 { SPECIFIED_BD_ADDR = 0x00, ALL = 0x01, } packet DeleteStoredLinkKey : SecurityCommand (op_code = DELETE_STORED_LINK_KEY) { bd_addr : Address, delete_all_flag : DeleteStoredLinkKeyDeleteAllFlag, } packet DeleteStoredLinkKeyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = DELETE_STORED_LINK_KEY) { status : ErrorCode, num_keys_deleted : 16, } packet WriteLocalName : Command (op_code = WRITE_LOCAL_NAME) { local_name : 8[248], // Null-terminated UTF-8 encoded name } packet WriteLocalNameComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_LOCAL_NAME) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ReadLocalName : Command (op_code = READ_LOCAL_NAME) { } packet ReadLocalNameComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_NAME) { status : ErrorCode, local_name : 8[248], // Null-terminated UTF-8 encoded name } packet ReadConnectionAcceptTimeout : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT) { } packet ReadConnectionAcceptTimeoutComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT) { status : ErrorCode, conn_accept_timeout : 16, // 0x0001 to 0xB540 (N * 0.625 ms) 0.625 ms to 29 s } packet WriteConnectionAcceptTimeout : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = WRITE_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT) { conn_accept_timeout : 16, // 0x0001 to 0xB540 (N * 0.625 ms) 0.625 ms to 29 s, Default 0x1FA0, 5.06s } packet WriteConnectionAcceptTimeoutComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ReadPageTimeout : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_PAGE_TIMEOUT) { } test ReadPageTimeout { "\x17\x0c\x00", } packet ReadPageTimeoutComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_PAGE_TIMEOUT) { status : ErrorCode, page_timeout : 16, } test ReadPageTimeoutComplete { "\x0e\x06\x01\x17\x0c\x00\x11\x22", } packet WritePageTimeout : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_PAGE_TIMEOUT) { page_timeout : 16, } test WritePageTimeout { "\x18\x0c\x02\x00\x20", } packet WritePageTimeoutComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_PAGE_TIMEOUT) { status : ErrorCode, } test WritePageTimeoutComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x18\x0c\x00", } enum ScanEnable : 8 { NO_SCANS = 0x00, INQUIRY_SCAN_ONLY = 0x01, PAGE_SCAN_ONLY = 0x02, INQUIRY_AND_PAGE_SCAN = 0x03, } packet ReadScanEnable : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_SCAN_ENABLE) { } packet ReadScanEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_SCAN_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, scan_enable : ScanEnable, } packet WriteScanEnable : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE) { scan_enable : ScanEnable, } packet WriteScanEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ReadPageScanActivity : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY) { } packet ReadPageScanActivityComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY) { status : ErrorCode, page_scan_interval : 16, // Range: 0x0012 to 0x1000; only even values are valid * 0x625 ms page_scan_window : 16, // 0x0011 to PageScanInterval } packet WritePageScanActivity : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY) { page_scan_interval : 16, // Range: 0x0012 to 0x1000; only even values are valid * 0x625 ms page_scan_window : 16, // 0x0011 to PageScanInterval } packet WritePageScanActivityComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ReadInquiryScanActivity : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY) { } test ReadInquiryScanActivity { "\x1d\x0c\x00", } packet ReadInquiryScanActivityComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY) { status : ErrorCode, inquiry_scan_interval : 16, // Range: 0x0012 to 0x1000; only even values are valid * 0x625 ms inquiry_scan_window : 16, // Range: 0x0011 to 0x1000 } test ReadInquiryScanActivityComplete { "\x0e\x08\x01\x1d\x0c\x00\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd", } packet WriteInquiryScanActivity : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY) { inquiry_scan_interval : 16, // Range: 0x0012 to 0x1000; only even values are valid * 0x625 ms inquiry_scan_window : 16, // Range: 0x0011 to 0x1000 } test WriteInquiryScanActivity { "\x1e\x0c\x04\x00\x08\x12\x00", } packet WriteInquiryScanActivityComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY) { status : ErrorCode, } test WriteInquiryScanActivityComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x1e\x0c\x00", } enum AuthenticationEnable : 8 { NOT_REQUIRED = 0x00, REQUIRED = 0x01, } packet ReadAuthenticationEnable : Command (op_code = READ_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE) { } packet ReadAuthenticationEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, authentication_enable : AuthenticationEnable, } packet WriteAuthenticationEnable : SecurityCommand (op_code = WRITE_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE) { authentication_enable : AuthenticationEnable, } packet WriteAuthenticationEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ReadClassOfDevice : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_CLASS_OF_DEVICE) { } packet ReadClassOfDeviceComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_CLASS_OF_DEVICE) { status : ErrorCode, class_of_device : ClassOfDevice, } packet WriteClassOfDevice : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_CLASS_OF_DEVICE) { class_of_device : ClassOfDevice, } packet WriteClassOfDeviceComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_CLASS_OF_DEVICE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ReadVoiceSetting : Command (op_code = READ_VOICE_SETTING) { } packet ReadVoiceSettingComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_VOICE_SETTING) { status : ErrorCode, voice_setting : 10, _reserved_ : 6, } packet WriteVoiceSetting : Command (op_code = WRITE_VOICE_SETTING) { voice_setting : 10, _reserved_ : 6, } packet WriteVoiceSettingComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_VOICE_SETTING) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ReadAutomaticFlushTimeout : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadAutomaticFlushTimeoutComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, flush_timeout : 16, } packet WriteAutomaticFlushTimeout : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = WRITE_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, flush_timeout : 16, // 0x0000-0x07FF Default 0x0000 (No Automatic Flush) } packet WriteAutomaticFlushTimeoutComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadNumBroadcastRetransmits : Command (op_code = READ_NUM_BROADCAST_RETRANSMITS) { } packet ReadNumBroadcastRetransmitsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_NUM_BROADCAST_RETRANSMITS) { status : ErrorCode, num_broadcast_retransmissions : 8, } packet WriteNumBroadcastRetransmits : Command (op_code = WRITE_NUM_BROADCAST_RETRANSMITS) { num_broadcast_retransmissions : 8, } packet WriteNumBroadcastRetransmitsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_NUM_BROADCAST_RETRANSMITS) { status : ErrorCode, } enum HoldModeActivity : 8 { MAINTAIN_CURRENT_POWER_STATE = 0x00, SUSPEND_PAGE_SCAN = 0x01, SUSPEND_INQUIRY_SCAN = 0x02, SUSPEND_PERIODIC_INQUIRY = 0x03, } packet ReadHoldModeActivity : Command (op_code = READ_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY) { } packet ReadHoldModeActivityComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY) { status : ErrorCode, hold_mode_activity : HoldModeActivity, } packet WriteHoldModeActivity : Command (op_code = WRITE_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY) { hold_mode_activity : HoldModeActivity, } packet WriteHoldModeActivityComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY) { status : ErrorCode, } enum TransmitPowerLevelType : 8 { CURRENT = 0x00, MAXIMUM = 0x01, } packet ReadTransmitPowerLevel : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, transmit_power_level_type : TransmitPowerLevelType, } packet ReadTransmitPowerLevelComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, transmit_power_level : 8, } packet ReadSynchronousFlowControlEnable : Command (op_code = READ_SYNCHRONOUS_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLE) { } packet ReadSynchronousFlowControlEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_SYNCHRONOUS_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, enable : Enable, } packet WriteSynchronousFlowControlEnable : Command (op_code = WRITE_SYNCHRONOUS_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLE) { enable : Enable, } packet WriteSynchronousFlowControlEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_SYNCHRONOUS_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet SetControllerToHostFlowControl : Command (op_code = SET_CONTROLLER_TO_HOST_FLOW_CONTROL) { acl : 1, synchronous : 1, _reserved_ : 6, } packet SetControllerToHostFlowControlComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = SET_CONTROLLER_TO_HOST_FLOW_CONTROL) { status : ErrorCode, } packet HostBufferSize : Command (op_code = HOST_BUFFER_SIZE) { host_acl_data_packet_length : 16, host_synchronous_data_packet_length : 8, host_total_num_acl_data_packets : 16, host_total_num_synchronous_data_packets : 16, } test HostBufferSize { "\x33\x0c\x07\x9b\x06\xff\x14\x00\x0a\x00", } packet HostBufferSizeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = HOST_BUFFER_SIZE) { status : ErrorCode, } test HostBufferSizeComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x33\x0c\x00", } struct CompletedPackets { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, host_num_of_completed_packets : 16, } packet HostNumCompletedPackets : Command (op_code = HOST_NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS) { _count_(completed_packets) : 8, completed_packets : CompletedPackets[], } packet HostNumCompletedPacketsError : CommandComplete (command_op_code = HOST_NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS) { error_code : ErrorCode, } packet ReadLinkSupervisionTimeout : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadLinkSupervisionTimeoutComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, link_supervision_timeout : 16, // 0x001-0xFFFF (0.625ms-40.9s) } packet WriteLinkSupervisionTimeout : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = WRITE_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, link_supervision_timeout : 16, // 0x001-0xFFFF (0.625ms-40.9s) } packet WriteLinkSupervisionTimeoutComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadNumberOfSupportedIac : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_IAC) { } test ReadNumberOfSupportedIac { "\x38\x0c\x00", } packet ReadNumberOfSupportedIacComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_IAC) { status : ErrorCode, num_support_iac : 8, } test ReadNumberOfSupportedIacComplete { "\x0e\x05\x01\x38\x0c\x00\x99", } packet ReadCurrentIacLap : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_CURRENT_IAC_LAP) { } test ReadCurrentIacLap { "\x39\x0c\x00", } packet ReadCurrentIacLapComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_CURRENT_IAC_LAP) { status : ErrorCode, _count_(laps_to_read) : 8, laps_to_read : Lap[], } test ReadCurrentIacLapComplete { "\x0e\x0b\x01\x39\x0c\x00\x02\x11\x8b\x9e\x22\x8b\x9e", } packet WriteCurrentIacLap : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_CURRENT_IAC_LAP) { _count_(laps_to_write) : 8, laps_to_write : Lap[], } test WriteCurrentIacLap { "\x3a\x0c\x07\x02\x11\x8b\x9e\x22\x8b\x9e", } packet WriteCurrentIacLapComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_CURRENT_IAC_LAP) { status : ErrorCode, } test WriteCurrentIacLapComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x3a\x0c\x00", } packet SetAfhHostChannelClassification : Command (op_code = SET_AFH_HOST_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION) { afh_host_channel_classification : 8[10], } packet SetAfhHostChannelClassificationComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = SET_AFH_HOST_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION) { status : ErrorCode, } enum InquiryScanType : 8 { STANDARD = 0x00, INTERLACED = 0x01, } packet ReadInquiryScanType : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE) { } packet ReadInquiryScanTypeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE) { status : ErrorCode, inquiry_scan_type : InquiryScanType, } packet WriteInquiryScanType : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE) { inquiry_scan_type : InquiryScanType, } packet WriteInquiryScanTypeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE) { status : ErrorCode, } enum InquiryMode : 8 { STANDARD = 0x00, RSSI = 0x01, RSSI_OR_EXTENDED = 0x02, } packet ReadInquiryMode : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_INQUIRY_MODE) { } packet ReadInquiryModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_INQUIRY_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, inquiry_mode : InquiryMode, } packet WriteInquiryMode : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE) { inquiry_mode : InquiryMode, } packet WriteInquiryModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } enum PageScanType : 8 { STANDARD = 0x00, INTERLACED = 0x01, } packet ReadPageScanType : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE) { } packet ReadPageScanTypeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE) { status : ErrorCode, page_scan_type : PageScanType, } packet WritePageScanType : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE) { page_scan_type : PageScanType, } packet WritePageScanTypeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ReadAfhChannelAssessmentMode : Command (op_code = READ_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE) { } packet ReadAfhChannelAssessmentModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, controller_channel_assessment : Enable, } packet WriteAfhChannelAssessmentMode : Command (op_code = WRITE_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE) { controller_channel_assessment : Enable, } packet WriteAfhChannelAssessmentModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } enum FecRequired : 8 { NOT_REQUIRED = 0x00, REQUIRED = 0x01, } packet ReadExtendedInquiryResponse : Command (op_code = READ_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE) { } packet ReadExtendedInquiryResponseComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE) { status : ErrorCode, fec_required : FecRequired, extended_inquiry_response : GapData[], } packet WriteExtendedInquiryResponse : Command (op_code = WRITE_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE) { fec_required : FecRequired, extended_inquiry_response : GapData[], _padding_[240], // Zero padding GapData[] to be 240 octets } packet WriteExtendedInquiryResponseComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet RefreshEncryptionKey : SecurityCommand (op_code = REFRESH_ENCRYPTION_KEY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet RefreshEncryptionKeyStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = REFRESH_ENCRYPTION_KEY) { } packet ReadSimplePairingMode : SecurityCommand (op_code = READ_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE) { } packet ReadSimplePairingModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, simple_pairing_mode : Enable, } packet WriteSimplePairingMode : SecurityCommand (op_code = WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE) { simple_pairing_mode : Enable, } test WriteSimplePairingMode { "\x56\x0c\x01\x01", } packet WriteSimplePairingModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } test WriteSimplePairingModeComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x56\x0c\x00", } packet ReadLocalOobData : SecurityCommand (op_code = READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA) { } packet ReadLocalOobDataComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA) { status : ErrorCode, c : 8[16], r : 8[16], } packet ReadInquiryResponseTransmitPowerLevel : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = READ_INQUIRY_RESPONSE_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { } packet ReadInquiryResponseTransmitPowerLevelComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_INQUIRY_RESPONSE_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { status : ErrorCode, tx_power : 8, // (-70dBm to 20dBm) } packet WriteInquiryTransmitPowerLevel : DiscoveryCommand (op_code = WRITE_INQUIRY_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { tx_power : 8, } packet WriteInquiryResponseTransmitPowerLevelComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_INQUIRY_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ReadDefaultErroneousDataReporting : Command (op_code = READ_DEFAULT_ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING) { } test ReadDefaultErroneousDataReporting { "\x5a\x0c\x00", } packet ReadDefaultErroneousDataReportingComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_DEFAULT_ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING) { status : ErrorCode, erroneous_data_reporting : Enable, } test ReadDefaultErroneousDataReportingComplete { "\x0e\x05\x02\x5a\x0c\x00\x00", // status success, Erroneous data reporting disabled "\x0e\x05\x02\x5a\x0c\x00\x01", // status success, Erroneous data reporting enabled } packet WriteDefaultErroneousDataReporting : Command (op_code = WRITE_DEFAULT_ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING) { erroneous_data_reporting : Enable, } test WriteDefaultErroneousDataReporting { "\x5b\x0c\x01\x00", // disable Erroneous Data reporting "\x5b\x0c\x01\x01", // enable Erroneous Data reporting } packet WriteDefaultErroneousDataReportingComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_DEFAULT_ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING) { status : ErrorCode, } test WriteDefaultErroneousDataReportingComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x5b\x0c\x00", // status success } enum KeypressNotificationType : 8 { ENTRY_STARTED = 0, DIGIT_ENTERED = 1, DIGIT_ERASED = 2, CLEARED = 3, ENTRY_COMPLETED = 4, } packet SendKeypressNotification : SecurityCommand (op_code = SEND_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION) { bd_addr : Address, notification_type : KeypressNotificationType, } packet SendKeypressNotificationComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = SEND_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet SetEventMaskPage2 : Command (op_code = SET_EVENT_MASK_PAGE_2) { event_mask_page_2: 64, } packet SetEventMaskPage2Complete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = SET_EVENT_MASK_PAGE_2) { status: ErrorCode, } packet ReadLeHostSupport : Command (op_code = READ_LE_HOST_SUPPORT) { } packet ReadLeHostSupportComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LE_HOST_SUPPORT) { status : ErrorCode, le_supported_host : Enable, _reserved_ : 8, // simultaneous_le_host reserved since 4.1 } packet WriteLeHostSupport : Command (op_code = WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORT) { le_supported_host : Enable, simultaneous_le_host : Enable, // According to the spec, this should be 0x00 since 4.1 } test WriteLeHostSupport { "\x6d\x0c\x02\x01\x01", } packet WriteLeHostSupportComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_LE_HOST_SUPPORT) { status : ErrorCode, } test WriteLeHostSupportComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x6d\x0c\x00", } packet ReadSecureConnectionsHostSupport : Command (op_code = READ_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_HOST_SUPPORT) { } packet ReadSecureConnectionsHostSupportComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_HOST_SUPPORT) { status : ErrorCode, secure_connections_host_support : Enable, } packet WriteSecureConnectionsHostSupport : SecurityCommand (op_code = WRITE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_HOST_SUPPORT) { secure_connections_host_support : Enable, } test WriteSecureConnectionsHostSupport { "\x7a\x0c\x01\x01", } packet WriteSecureConnectionsHostSupportComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_HOST_SUPPORT) { status : ErrorCode, } test WriteSecureConnectionsHostSupportComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x7a\x0c\x00", } packet ReadLocalOobExtendedData : SecurityCommand (op_code = READ_LOCAL_OOB_EXTENDED_DATA) { } packet ReadLocalOobExtendedDataComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_OOB_EXTENDED_DATA) { status : ErrorCode, c_192 : 8[16], r_192 : 8[16], c_256 : 8[16], r_256 : 8[16], } packet SetEcosystemBaseInterval : Command (op_code = SET_ECOSYSTEM_BASE_INTERVAL) { interval : 16, } packet SetEcosystemBaseIntervalComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = SET_ECOSYSTEM_BASE_INTERVAL) { status : ErrorCode, } enum DataPathDirection : 8 { INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 1, } packet ConfigureDataPath : Command (op_code = CONFIGURE_DATA_PATH) { data_path_direction : DataPathDirection, data_path_id : 8, _size_(vendor_specific_config) : 8, vendor_specific_config : 8[], } packet ConfigureDataPathComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = CONFIGURE_DATA_PATH) { status : ErrorCode, } packet SetMinEncryptionKeySize : Command (op_code = SET_MIN_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE) { min_encryption_key_size : 8, } packet SetMinEncryptionKeySizeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = SET_MIN_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE) { status : ErrorCode, } // INFORMATIONAL_PARAMETERS packet ReadLocalVersionInformation : Command (op_code = READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION) { } test ReadLocalVersionInformation { "\x01\x10\x00", } enum HciVersion : 8 { V_1_0B = 0x00, V_1_1 = 0x01, V_1_2 = 0x02, V_2_0 = 0x03, // + EDR V_2_1 = 0x04, // + EDR V_3_0 = 0x05, // + HS V_4_0 = 0x06, V_4_1 = 0x07, V_4_2 = 0x08, V_5_0 = 0x09, V_5_1 = 0x0a, V_5_2 = 0x0b, V_5_3 = 0x0c, } enum LmpVersion : 8 { V_1_0B = 0x00, // withdrawn V_1_1 = 0x01, // withdrawn V_1_2 = 0x02, // withdrawn V_2_0 = 0x03, // + EDR V_2_1 = 0x04, // + EDR V_3_0 = 0x05, // + HS V_4_0 = 0x06, V_4_1 = 0x07, V_4_2 = 0x08, V_5_0 = 0x09, V_5_1 = 0x0a, V_5_2 = 0x0b, V_5_3 = 0x0c, } struct LocalVersionInformation { hci_version : HciVersion, hci_revision : 16, lmp_version : LmpVersion, manufacturer_name : 16, lmp_subversion : 16, } packet ReadLocalVersionInformationComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION) { status : ErrorCode, local_version_information : LocalVersionInformation, } test ReadLocalVersionInformationComplete { "\x0e\x0c\x01\x01\x10\x00\x09\x00\x00\x09\x1d\x00\xbe\x02", } packet ReadLocalSupportedCommands : Command (op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS) { } test ReadLocalSupportedCommands { "\x02\x10\x00", } packet ReadLocalSupportedCommandsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS) { status : ErrorCode, supported_commands : 8[64], } test ReadLocalSupportedCommandsComplete { "\x0e\x44\x01\x02\x10\x00\xff\xff\xff\x03\xce\xff\xef\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7f\xf2\x0f\xe8\xfe\x3f\xf7\x83\xff\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x61\xff\xff\xff\x7f\xbe\x20\xf5\xff\xf0\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", } packet ReadLocalSupportedFeatures : Command (op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) { } packet ReadLocalSupportedFeaturesComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) { status : ErrorCode, lmp_features : 64, } packet ReadLocalExtendedFeatures : Command (op_code = READ_LOCAL_EXTENDED_FEATURES) { page_number : 8, } test ReadLocalExtendedFeatures { "\x04\x10\x01\x00", "\x04\x10\x01\x01", "\x04\x10\x01\x02", } enum LMPFeaturesPage0Bits: 64 { // Byte 0 LMP_3_SLOT_PACKETS = 0x01, LMP_5_SLOT_PACKETS = 0x02, ENCRYPTION = 0x04, SLOT_OFFSET = 0x08, TIMING_ACCURACY = 0x10, ROLE_SWITCH = 0x20, HOLD_MODE = 0x40, SNIFF_MODE = 0x80, // Byte 1 POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTS = 0x0200, CHANNEL_QUALITY_DRIVEN_DATA_RATE = 0x0400, SCO_LINK = 0x0800, HV2_PACKETS = 0x1000, HV3_PACKETS = 0x2000, M_LAW_LOG_SYNCHRONOUS_DATA = 0x4000, A_LAW_LOG_SYNCHRONOUS_DATA = 0x8000, // Byte 2 CVSD_SYNCHRONOUS_DATA = 0x010000, PAGING_PARAMETER_NEGOTIATION = 0x020000, POWER_CONTROL = 0x040000, TRANSPARENT_SYNCHRONOUS_DATA = 0x080000, FLOW_CONTROL_LAG_LEAST_SIGNIFICANT_BIT = 0x100000, FLOW_CONTROL_LAG_MIDDLE_BIT = 0x200000, FLOW_CONTROL_LAG_MOST_SIGNIFICANT_BIT = 0x400000, BROADCAST_ENCRYPTION = 0x800000, // Byte 3 ENHANCED_DATA_RATE_ACL_2_MB_S_MODE = 0x02000000, ENHANCED_DATA_RATE_ACL_3_MB_S_MODE = 0x04000000, ENHANCED_INQUIRY_SCAN = 0x08000000, INTERLACED_INQUIRY_SCAN = 0x10000000, INTERLACED_PAGE_SCAN = 0x20000000, RSSI_WITH_INQUIRY_RESULTS = 0x40000000, EXTENDED_SCO_LINK = 0x80000000, // Byte 4 EV4_PACKETS = 0x0100000000, EV5_PACKETS = 0x0200000000, AFH_CAPABLE_PERIPHERAL = 0x0800000000, AFH_CLASSIFICATION_PERIPHERAL = 0x1000000000, BR_EDR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x2000000000, LE_SUPPORTED_CONTROLLER = 0x4000000000, LMP_3_SLOT_ENHANCED_DATA_RATE_ACL_PACKETS = 0x8000000000, // Byte 5 LMP_5_SLOT_ENHANCED_DATA_RATE_ACL_PACKETS = 0x010000000000, SNIFF_SUBRATING = 0x020000000000, PAUSE_ENCRYPTION = 0x040000000000, AFH_CAPABLE_CENTRAL = 0x080000000000, AFH_CLASSIFICATION_CENTRAL = 0x100000000000, ENHANCED_DATA_RATE_ESCO_2_MB_S_MODE = 0x200000000000, ENHANCED_DATA_RATE_ESCO_3_MB_S_MODE = 0x400000000000, LMP_3_SLOT_ENHANCED_DATA_RATE_ESCO_PACKETS = 0x800000000000, // Byte 6 EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE = 0x01000000000000, SIMULTANEOUS_LE_AND_BR_CONTROLLER = 0x02000000000000, SECURE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_CONTROLLER = 0x08000000000000, ENCAPSULATED_PDU = 0x10000000000000, ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING = 0x20000000000000, NON_FLUSHABLE_PACKET_BOUNDARY_FLAG = 0x40000000000000, // Byte 7 HCI_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT_CHANGED_EVENT = 0x0100000000000000, VARIABLE_INQUIRY_TX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x0200000000000000, ENHANCED_POWER_CONTROL = 0x0400000000000000, EXTENDED_FEATURES = 0x8000000000000000, } enum LMPFeaturesPage1Bits: 64 { // Byte 0 SECURE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HOST_SUPPORT = 0x01, LE_SUPPORTED_HOST = 0x02, SIMULTANEOUS_LE_AND_BR_HOST = 0x04, SECURE_CONNECTIONS_HOST_SUPPORT = 0x08, } enum LMPFeaturesPage2Bits: 64 { // Byte 0 CONNECTIONLESS_PERIPHERAL_BROADCAST_TRANSMITTER_OPERATION = 0x01, CONNECTIONLESS_PERIPHERAL_BROADCAST_RECEIVER_OPERATION = 0x02, SYNCHRONIZATION_TRAIN = 0x04, SYNCHRONIZATION_SCAN = 0x08, HCI_INQUIRY_RESPONSE_NOTIFICATION_EVENT = 0x10, GENERALIZED_INTERLACED_SCAN = 0x20, COARSE_CLOCK_ADJUSTMENT = 0x40, // Byte 1 SECURE_CONNECTIONS_CONTROLLER_SUPPORT = 0x0100, PING = 0x0200, SLOT_AVAILABILITY_MASK = 0x0400, TRAIN_NUDGING = 0x0800, } packet ReadLocalExtendedFeaturesComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_EXTENDED_FEATURES) { status : ErrorCode, page_number : 8, maximum_page_number : 8, extended_lmp_features : 64, } test ReadLocalExtendedFeaturesComplete { "\x0e\x0e\x01\x04\x10\x00\x00\x02\xff\xfe\x8f\xfe\xd8\x3f\x5b\x87", "\x0e\x0e\x01\x04\x10\x00\x01\x02\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x0e\x0e\x01\x04\x10\x00\x02\x02\x45\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", } packet ReadBufferSize : Command (op_code = READ_BUFFER_SIZE) { } test ReadBufferSize { "\x05\x10\x00", } packet ReadBufferSizeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_BUFFER_SIZE) { status : ErrorCode, acl_data_packet_length : 16, synchronous_data_packet_length : 8, total_num_acl_data_packets : 16, total_num_synchronous_data_packets : 16, } test ReadBufferSizeComplete { "\x0e\x0b\x01\x05\x10\x00\x00\x04\x3c\x07\x00\x08\x00", } packet ReadBdAddr : Command (op_code = READ_BD_ADDR) { } test ReadBdAddr { "\x09\x10\x00", } packet ReadBdAddrComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_BD_ADDR) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } test ReadBdAddrComplete { "\x0e\x0a\x01\x09\x10\x00\x14\x8e\x61\x5f\x36\x88", } packet ReadDataBlockSize : Command (op_code = READ_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE) { } packet ReadDataBlockSizeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE) { status : ErrorCode, max_acl_data_packet_length : 16, data_block_length : 16, total_num_data_blocks : 16, } packet ReadLocalSupportedCodecsV1 : Command (op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODECS_V1) { } packet ReadLocalSupportedCodecsV1Complete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODECS_V1) { status : ErrorCode, _count_(supported_codecs) : 8, supported_codecs : 8[], _count_(vendor_specific_codecs) : 8, vendor_specific_codecs : 32[], } packet ReadLocalSupportedCodecsV2 : Command (op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODECS_V2) { } group CodecTransport { br_edr : 1, br_edr_sco_and_esco : 1, le_cis : 1, le_bis : 1, _reserved_ : 4, } struct CodecConfiguration { codec_id : 8, CodecTransport, } struct VendorCodecConfiguration { company_id : 16, codec_vendor_id : 16, CodecTransport, } packet ReadLocalSupportedCodecsV2Complete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODECS_V2) { status : ErrorCode, _count_(supported_codecs) : 8, supported_codecs : CodecConfiguration[], _count_(vendor_specific_codecs) : 8, vendor_specific_codecs : VendorCodecConfiguration[], } packet ReadLocalSupportedCodecCapabilities : Command (op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODEC_CAPABILITIES) { codec_id : 8, company_id : 16, codec_vendor_id : 16, CodecTransport, direction : DataPathDirection, } struct CodecCapability { _size_(capability) : 8, capability : 8[], } packet ReadLocalSupportedCodecCapabilitiesComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CODEC_CAPABILITIES) { status : ErrorCode, _count_(codec_capabilities) : 8, codec_capabilities : CodecCapability[], } packet ReadLocalSupportedControllerDelay : Command (op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CONTROLLER_DELAY) { codec_id : 8, company_id : 16, codec_vendor_id : 16, CodecTransport, direction : DataPathDirection, _size_(codec_configuration) : 8, codec_configuration : 8[], } packet ReadLocalSupportedControllerDelayComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CONTROLLER_DELAY) { status : ErrorCode, min_controller_delay : 24, max_controller_delay : 24, } // STATUS_PARAMETERS packet ReadFailedContactCounter : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadFailedContactCounterComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, failed_contact_counter : 16, } packet ResetFailedContactCounter : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = RESET_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ResetFailedContactCounterComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = RESET_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadLinkQuality : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_LINK_QUALITY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadLinkQualityComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LINK_QUALITY) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, link_quality : 8, } packet ReadRssi : AclCommand (op_code = READ_RSSI) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadRssiComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_RSSI) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, rssi : 8, } packet ReadAfhChannelMap : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_AFH_CHANNEL_MAP) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum AfhMode : 8 { AFH_DISABLED = 0x00, AFH_ENABLED = 0x01, } packet ReadAfhChannelMapComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_AFH_CHANNEL_MAP) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, afh_mode : AfhMode, afh_channel_map : 8[10], } enum WhichClock : 8 { LOCAL = 0x00, PICONET = 0x01, } packet ReadClock : ConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = READ_CLOCK) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, which_clock : WhichClock, } packet ReadClockComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_CLOCK) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, clock : 28, _reserved_ : 4, accuracy : 16, } packet ReadEncryptionKeySize : SecurityCommand (op_code = READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet ReadEncryptionKeySizeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, key_size : 8, } // TESTING enum LoopbackMode : 8 { NO_LOOPBACK = 0x00, ENABLE_LOCAL = 0x01, ENABLE_REMOTE = 0x02, } packet ReadLoopbackMode : Command (op_code = READ_LOOPBACK_MODE) { } packet ReadLoopbackModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = READ_LOOPBACK_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, loopback_mode : LoopbackMode, } packet WriteLoopbackMode : Command (op_code = WRITE_LOOPBACK_MODE) { loopback_mode : LoopbackMode, } packet WriteLoopbackModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_LOOPBACK_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet EnableDeviceUnderTestMode : Command (op_code = ENABLE_DEVICE_UNDER_TEST_MODE) { } packet EnableDeviceUnderTestModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = ENABLE_DEVICE_UNDER_TEST_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet WriteSimplePairingDebugMode : SecurityCommand (op_code = WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_DEBUG_MODE) { simple_pairing_debug_mode : Enable, } packet WriteSimplePairingDebugModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_DEBUG_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet WriteSecureConnectionsTestMode : Command (op_code = WRITE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_TEST_MODE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, dm1_aclu_mode : Enable, esco_loopback_mode : Enable, } packet WriteSecureConnectionsTestModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = WRITE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_TEST_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } // LE_CONTROLLER packet LeSetEventMask : Command (op_code = LE_SET_EVENT_MASK) { le_event_mask : 64, } packet LeSetEventMaskComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_EVENT_MASK) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadBufferSizeV1 : Command (op_code = LE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_V1) { } struct LeBufferSize { le_data_packet_length : 16, total_num_le_packets : 8, } test LeReadBufferSizeV1 { "\x02\x20\x00", } packet LeReadBufferSizeV1Complete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_V1) { status : ErrorCode, le_buffer_size : LeBufferSize, } test LeReadBufferSizeV1Complete { "\x0e\x07\x01\x02\x20\x00\xfb\x00\x10", } enum LLFeaturesBits : 64 { // Byte 0 LE_ENCRYPTION = 0x0000000000000001, CONNECTION_PARAMETERS_REQUEST_PROCEDURE = 0x0000000000000002, EXTENDED_REJECT_INDICATION = 0x0000000000000004, PERIPHERAL_INITIATED_FEATURES_EXCHANGE = 0x0000000000000008, LE_PING = 0x0000000000000010, LE_DATA_PACKET_LENGTH_EXTENSION = 0x0000000000000020, LL_PRIVACY = 0x0000000000000040, EXTENDED_SCANNER_FILTER_POLICIES = 0x0000000000000080, // Byte 1 LE_2M_PHY = 0x0000000000000100, STABLE_MODULATION_INDEX_TRANSMITTER = 0x0000000000000200, STABLE_MODULATION_INDEX_RECEIVER = 0x0000000000000400, LE_CODED_PHY = 0x0000000000000800, LE_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING = 0x0000000000001000, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING = 0x0000000000002000, CHANNEL_SELECTION_ALGORITHM_2 = 0x0000000000004000, LE_POWER_CLASS_1 = 0x0000000000008000, // Byte 2 MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_USED_CHANNELS_PROCEDURE = 0x0000000000010000, CONNECTION_CTE_REQUEST = 0x0000000000020000, CONNECTION_CTE_RESPONSE = 0x0000000000040000, CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_TRANSMITTER = 0x0000000000080000, CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_RECEIVER = 0x0000000000100000, ANTENNA_SWITCHING_DURING_CTE_TRANSMISSION = 0x0000000000200000, ANTENNA_SWITCHING_DURING_CTE_RECEPTION = 0x0000000000400000, RECEIVING_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSIONS = 0x0000000000800000, // Byte 3 PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_SENDER = 0x0000000001000000, PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_RECIPIENT = 0x0000000002000000, SLEEP_CLOCK_ACCURACY_UPDATES = 0x0000000004000000, REMOTE_PUBLIC_KEY_VALIDATION = 0x0000000008000000, CONNECTED_ISOCHRONOUS_STREAM_CENTRAL = 0x0000000010000000, CONNECTED_ISOCHRONOUS_STREAM_PERIPHERAL = 0x0000000020000000, ISOCHRONOUS_BROADCASTER = 0x0000000040000000, SYNCHRONIZED_RECEIVER = 0x0000000080000000, // Byte 4 CONNECTED_ISOCHRONOUS_STREAM_HOST_SUPPORT = 0x0000000100000000, LE_POWER_CONTROL_REQUEST = 0x0000000200000000, LE_POWER_CONTROL_REQUEST_BIS = 0x0000000400000000, LE_PATH_LOSS_MONITORING = 0x0000000800000000, PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_ADI_SUPPORT = 0x0000001000000000, CONNECTION_SUBRATING = 0x0000002000000000, CONNECTION_SUBRATING_HOST_SUPPORT = 0x0000004000000000, CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION = 0x0000008000000000, } packet LeReadLocalSupportedFeatures : Command (op_code = LE_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) { } packet LeReadLocalSupportedFeaturesComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) { status : ErrorCode, le_features : 64, } packet LeSetRandomAddress : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS) { random_address : Address, } packet LeSetRandomAddressComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS) { status : ErrorCode, } enum AdvertisingFilterPolicy : 2 { ALL_DEVICES = 0, // Default LISTED_SCAN = 1, LISTED_CONNECT = 2, LISTED_SCAN_AND_CONNECT = 3, } enum PeerAddressType : 8 { PUBLIC_DEVICE_OR_IDENTITY_ADDRESS = 0x00, RANDOM_DEVICE_OR_IDENTITY_ADDRESS = 0x01, } enum AdvertisingType : 8 { ADV_IND = 0x00, ADV_DIRECT_IND_HIGH = 0x01, ADV_SCAN_IND = 0x02, ADV_NONCONN_IND = 0x03, ADV_DIRECT_IND_LOW = 0x04, } enum AddressType : 8 { PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x00, RANDOM_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x01, PUBLIC_IDENTITY_ADDRESS = 0x02, RANDOM_IDENTITY_ADDRESS = 0x03, } enum OwnAddressType : 8 { PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x00, RANDOM_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x01, RESOLVABLE_OR_PUBLIC_ADDRESS = 0x02, RESOLVABLE_OR_RANDOM_ADDRESS = 0x03, } packet LeSetAdvertisingParameters : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS) { advertising_interval_min : 16, advertising_interval_max : 16, advertising_type : AdvertisingType, own_address_type : OwnAddressType, peer_address_type : PeerAddressType, peer_address : Address, advertising_channel_map : 8, advertising_filter_policy : AdvertisingFilterPolicy, _reserved_ : 6, } packet LeSetAdvertisingParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadAdvertisingPhysicalChannelTxPower : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_READ_ADVERTISING_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_TX_POWER) { } packet LeReadAdvertisingPhysicalChannelTxPowerComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_ADVERTISING_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_TX_POWER) { status : ErrorCode, transmit_power_level : 8, // (-127dBm to 20dBm) Accuracy: +/-4dB } packet LeSetAdvertisingData : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_ADVERTISING_DATA) { _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : GapData[], _padding_[31], // Zero padding to 31 bytes of advertising_data } packet LeSetAdvertisingDataRaw : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_ADVERTISING_DATA) { _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : 8[], _padding_[31], // Zero padding to 31 bytes of advertising_data } packet LeSetAdvertisingDataComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_ADVERTISING_DATA) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetScanResponseData : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA) { _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : GapData[], _padding_[31], // Zero padding to 31 bytes of advertising_data } packet LeSetScanResponseDataRaw : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA) { _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : 8[], _padding_[31], // Zero padding to 31 bytes of advertising_data } packet LeSetScanResponseDataComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetAdvertisingEnable : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_ADVERTISING_ENABLE) { advertising_enable : Enable, // Default DISABLED } packet LeSetAdvertisingEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_ADVERTISING_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } enum LeScanType : 8 { PASSIVE = 0x00, // Default ACTIVE = 0x01, } enum LeScanningFilterPolicy : 8 { ACCEPT_ALL = 0x00, // Default FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST_ONLY = 0x01, CHECK_INITIATORS_IDENTITY = 0x02, FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST_AND_INITIATORS_IDENTITY = 0x03, } packet LeSetScanParameters : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_SET_SCAN_PARAMETERS) { le_scan_type : LeScanType, le_scan_interval : 16, // 0x0004-0x4000 Default 0x10 (10ms) le_scan_window : 16, // Default 0x10 (10ms) own_address_type : OwnAddressType, scanning_filter_policy : LeScanningFilterPolicy, } test LeSetScanParameters { "\x0b\x20\x07\x01\x12\x00\x12\x00\x01\x00", } packet LeSetScanParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_SCAN_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetScanEnable : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE) { le_scan_enable : Enable, filter_duplicates : Enable, } test LeSetScanEnable { "\x0c\x20\x02\x01\x00", } packet LeSetScanEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } enum InitiatorFilterPolicy : 8 { USE_PEER_ADDRESS = 0x00, USE_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST = 0x01, } packet LeCreateConnection : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_CREATE_CONNECTION) { le_scan_interval : 16, // 0x0004-0x4000 le_scan_window : 16, // < = LeScanInterval initiator_filter_policy : InitiatorFilterPolicy, peer_address_type : AddressType, peer_address : Address, own_address_type : OwnAddressType, conn_interval_min : 16, // 0x0006-0x0C80 (7.5ms to 4s) conn_interval_max : 16, // 0x0006-0x0C80 (7.5ms to 4s) conn_latency : 16, // 0x0006-0x01F3 supervision_timeout : 16, // 0x00A to 0x0C80 (100ms to 32s) minimum_ce_length : 16, // 0.625ms maximum_ce_length : 16, // 0.625ms } packet LeCreateConnectionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CREATE_CONNECTION) { } packet LeCreateConnectionCancel : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL) { } packet LeCreateConnectionCancelComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadFilterAcceptListSize : Command (op_code = LE_READ_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE) { } test LeReadFilterAcceptListSize { "\x0f\x20\x00", } packet LeReadFilterAcceptListSizeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE) { status : ErrorCode, filter_accept_list_size : 8, } test LeReadFilterAcceptListSizeComplete { "\x0e\x05\x01\x0f\x20\x00\x80", } packet LeClearFilterAcceptList : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_CLEAR_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST) { } packet LeClearFilterAcceptListComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CLEAR_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST) { status : ErrorCode, } enum FilterAcceptListAddressType : 8 { PUBLIC = 0x00, RANDOM = 0x01, ANONYMOUS_ADVERTISERS = 0xFF, } packet LeAddDeviceToFilterAcceptList : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST) { address_type : FilterAcceptListAddressType, address : Address, } packet LeAddDeviceToFilterAcceptListComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeRemoveDeviceFromFilterAcceptList : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST) { address_type : FilterAcceptListAddressType, address : Address, } packet LeRemoveDeviceFromFilterAcceptListComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_FILTER_ACCEPT_LIST) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeConnectionUpdate : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_CONNECTION_UPDATE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, conn_interval_min : 16, // 0x0006-0x0C80 (7.5ms to 4s) conn_interval_max : 16, // 0x0006-0x0C80 (7.5ms to 4s) conn_latency : 16, // 0x0006-0x01F3 supervision_timeout : 16, // 0x00A to 0x0C80 (100ms to 32s) minimum_ce_length : 16, // 0.625ms maximum_ce_length : 16, // 0.625ms } packet LeConnectionUpdateStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CONNECTION_UPDATE) { } packet LeSetHostChannelClassification : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_SET_HOST_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION) { channel_map : 8[5], } packet LeSetHostChannelClassificationComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_HOST_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadChannelMap : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_READ_CHANNEL_MAP) { } packet LeReadChannelMapComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_CHANNEL_MAP) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, channel_map : 8[5], } packet LeReadRemoteFeatures : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeReadRemoteFeaturesStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES) { } packet LeEncrypt : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_ENCRYPT) { key : 8[16], plaintext_data : 8[16], } packet LeEncryptComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_ENCRYPT) { status : ErrorCode, encrypted_data : 8[16], } packet LeRand : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_RAND) { } packet LeRandComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_RAND) { status : ErrorCode, random_number : 64, } packet LeStartEncryption : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_START_ENCRYPTION) { connection_handle: 16, rand: 8[8], ediv: 16, ltk: 8[16], } packet LeStartEncryptionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_START_ENCRYPTION) { } packet LeLongTermKeyRequestReply : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY) { connection_handle: 16, long_term_key: 8[16], } packet LeLongTermKeyRequestReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeLongTermKeyRequestNegativeReply : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeLongTermKeyRequestNegativeReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeReadSupportedStates : Command (op_code = LE_READ_SUPPORTED_STATES) { } packet LeReadSupportedStatesComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_SUPPORTED_STATES) { status : ErrorCode, le_states : 64, } packet LeReceiverTest : Command (op_code = LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V1) { rx_channel : 8, } packet LeReceiverTestComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V1) { status : ErrorCode, } enum LeTestPayload : 8 { PRBS9 = 0x00, REPEATED_F0 = 0x01, REPEATED_AA = 0x02, PRBS15 = 0x03, REPEATED_FF = 0x04, REPEATED_00 = 0x05, REPEATED_0F = 0x06, REPEATED_55 = 0x07, } packet LeTransmitterTest : Command (op_code = LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V1) { tx_channel : 8, test_data_length : 8, packet_payload : LeTestPayload, } packet LeTransmitterTestComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V1) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeTestEnd : Command (op_code = LE_TEST_END) { } packet LeTestEndComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_TEST_END) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeRemoteConnectionParameterRequestReply : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_REPLY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, interval_min : 16, // 0x0006-0x0C80 (7.5ms to 4s) interval_max : 16, // 0x0006-0x0C80 (7.5ms to 4s) latency : 16, // 0x0006-0x01F3 timeout : 16, // 0x00A to 0x0C80 (100ms to 32s) minimum_ce_length : 16, // 0.625ms maximum_ce_length : 16, // 0.625ms } packet LeRemoteConnectionParameterRequestReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeRemoteConnectionParameterRequestNegativeReply : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, reason : ErrorCode, } packet LeRemoteConnectionParameterRequestNegativeReplyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeSetDataLength : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_SET_DATA_LENGTH) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, tx_octets : 16, // payload octets per single PDU 0x1B to 0x00FB tx_time : 16, // microseconds used to transmit a single PDU 0x0148 to 0x4290 } packet LeSetDataLengthComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_DATA_LENGTH) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeReadSuggestedDefaultDataLength : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_READ_SUGGESTED_DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH) { } packet LeReadSuggestedDefaultDataLengthComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_SUGGESTED_DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH) { status : ErrorCode, tx_octets : 16, // payload octets per single PDU 0x1B to 0x00FB tx_time : 16, // microseconds used to transmit a single PDU 0x0148 to 0x4290 } packet LeWriteSuggestedDefaultDataLength : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_WRITE_SUGGESTED_DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH) { tx_octets : 16, // payload octets per single PDU 0x1B to 0x00FB tx_time : 16, // microseconds used to transmit a single PDU 0x0148 to 0x4290 } packet LeWriteSuggestedDefaultDataLengthComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_WRITE_SUGGESTED_DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadLocalP256PublicKeyCommand : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_READ_LOCAL_P_256_PUBLIC_KEY) { } packet LeReadLocalP256PublicKeyCommandStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_READ_LOCAL_P_256_PUBLIC_KEY) { } packet LeGenerateDhkeyV1Command : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_GENERATE_DHKEY_V1) { remote_p_256_public_key : 8[64], } packet LeGenerateDhkeyV1CommandStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_GENERATE_DHKEY_V1) { } packet LeAddDeviceToResolvingList : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_RESOLVING_LIST) { peer_identity_address_type : PeerAddressType, peer_identity_address : Address, peer_irk : 8[16], local_irk : 8[16], } packet LeAddDeviceToResolvingListComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_RESOLVING_LIST) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeRemoveDeviceFromResolvingList : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_RESOLVING_LIST) { peer_identity_address_type : PeerAddressType, peer_identity_address : Address, } packet LeRemoveDeviceFromResolvingListComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_RESOLVING_LIST) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeClearResolvingList : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_CLEAR_RESOLVING_LIST) { } packet LeClearResolvingListComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CLEAR_RESOLVING_LIST) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadResolvingListSize : Command (op_code = LE_READ_RESOLVING_LIST_SIZE) { } packet LeReadResolvingListSizeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_RESOLVING_LIST_SIZE) { status : ErrorCode, resolving_list_size : 8, } packet LeReadPeerResolvableAddress : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_READ_PEER_RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS) { peer_identity_address_type : PeerAddressType, peer_identity_address : Address, } packet LeReadPeerResolvableAddressComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_PEER_RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS) { status : ErrorCode, peer_resolvable_address : Address, } packet LeReadLocalResolvableAddress : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_READ_LOCAL_RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS) { peer_identity_address_type : PeerAddressType, peer_identity_address : Address, } packet LeReadLocalResolvableAddressComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_LOCAL_RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS) { status : ErrorCode, local_resolvable_address : Address, } packet LeSetAddressResolutionEnable : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_SET_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION_ENABLE) { address_resolution_enable : Enable, } packet LeSetAddressResolutionEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetResolvablePrivateAddressTimeout : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_SET_RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT) { rpa_timeout : 16, // RPA_Timeout measured in seconds 0x0001 to 0xA1B8 1s to 11.5 hours } packet LeSetResolvablePrivateAddressTimeoutComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS_TIMEOUT) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadMaximumDataLength : Command (op_code = LE_READ_MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH) { } struct LeMaximumDataLength { supported_max_tx_octets : 16, supported_max_tx_time: 16, supported_max_rx_octets : 16, supported_max_rx_time: 16, } packet LeReadMaximumDataLengthComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH) { status : ErrorCode, le_maximum_data_length : LeMaximumDataLength, } packet LeReadPhy : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_READ_PHY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum PhyType : 8 { LE_1M = 0x01, LE_2M = 0x02, LE_CODED = 0x03, } packet LeReadPhyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_PHY) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, tx_phy : PhyType, rx_phy : PhyType, } packet LeSetDefaultPhy : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_SET_DEFAULT_PHY) { all_phys_no_transmit_preference : 1, all_phys_no_receive_preference : 1, _reserved_ : 6, tx_phys_bitmask : 3, _reserved_ : 5, rx_phys_bitmask : 3, _reserved_ : 5, } packet LeSetDefaultPhyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_DEFAULT_PHY) { status : ErrorCode, } enum PhyOptions : 8 { NO_PREFERENCE = 0x00, S_2 = 0x01, S_8 = 0x02, } packet LeSetPhy : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_SET_PHY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, all_phys_no_transmit_preference : 1, all_phys_no_receive_preference : 1, _reserved_ : 6, tx_phys_bitmask : 3, _reserved_ : 5, rx_phys_bitmask : 3, _reserved_ : 5, phy_options : PhyOptions, } packet LeSetPhyStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_SET_PHY) { } enum ModulationIndex : 8 { STANDARD = 0x00, STABLE = 0x01, } packet LeEnhancedReceiverTest : Command (op_code = LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V2) { rx_channel : 8, phy : PhyType, modulation_index : ModulationIndex, } packet LeEnhancedReceiverTestComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_RECEIVER_TEST_V2) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeEnhancedTransmitterTest : Command (op_code = LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V2) { tx_channel : 8, test_data_length : 8, packet_payload : LeTestPayload, phy : PhyType, } packet LeEnhancedTransmitterTestComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST_V2) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetAdvertisingSetRandomAddress : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_ADVERTISING_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS) { advertising_handle : 8, random_address : Address, } test LeSetAdvertisingSetRandomAddress { "\x35\x20\x07\x00\x77\x58\xeb\xd3\x1c\x6e", } packet LeSetAdvertisingSetRandomAddressComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_ADVERTISING_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS) { status : ErrorCode, } test LeSetAdvertisingSetRandomAddressComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x35\x20\x00", } // The lower 4 bits of the advertising event properties enum LegacyAdvertisingEventProperties : 4 { ADV_IND = 0x3, ADV_DIRECT_IND_LOW = 0x5, ADV_DIRECT_IND_HIGH = 0xD, ADV_SCAN_IND = 0x2, ADV_NONCONN_IND = 0, } enum PrimaryPhyType : 8 { LE_1M = 0x01, LE_CODED = 0x03, } enum SecondaryPhyType : 8 { NO_PACKETS = 0x00, LE_1M = 0x01, LE_2M = 0x02, LE_CODED = 0x03, } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingParametersLegacy : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS) { advertising_handle : 8, legacy_advertising_event_properties : LegacyAdvertisingEventProperties, _fixed_ = 0x1 : 1, // legacy bit set _reserved_ : 11, // advertising_event_properties reserved bits primary_advertising_interval_min : 24, // 0x20 - 0xFFFFFF N * 0.625 ms primary_advertising_interval_max : 24, // 0x20 - 0xFFFFFF N * 0.625 ms primary_advertising_channel_map : 3, // bit 0 - Channel 37, bit 1 - 38, bit 2 - 39 _reserved_ : 5, own_address_type : OwnAddressType, peer_address_type : PeerAddressType, peer_address : Address, advertising_filter_policy : AdvertisingFilterPolicy, _reserved_ : 6, advertising_tx_power : 8, // -127 to +20, 0x7F - no preference _fixed_ = 0x1 : 8, // PrimaryPhyType LE_1M _reserved_ : 8, // secondary_advertising_max_skip _fixed_ = 0x1 : 8, // secondary_advertising_phy LE_1M advertising_sid : 8, // SID subfield from the ADI field of the PDU scan_request_notification_enable : Enable, } test LeSetExtendedAdvertisingParametersLegacy { "\x36\x20\x19\x00\x13\x00\x90\x01\x00\xc2\x01\x00\x07\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf9\x01\x00\x01\x01\x00", "\x36\x20\x19\x01\x13\x00\x90\x01\x00\xc2\x01\x00\x07\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf9\x01\x00\x01\x01\x00", } struct AdvertisingEventProperties { connectable : 1, scannable : 1, directed : 1, high_duty_cycle : 1, legacy : 1, anonymous : 1, tx_power : 1, _reserved_ : 9, } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingParameters : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS) { advertising_handle : 8, advertising_event_properties : AdvertisingEventProperties, primary_advertising_interval_min : 24, // 0x20 - 0xFFFFFF N * 0.625 ms primary_advertising_interval_max : 24, // 0x20 - 0xFFFFFF N * 0.625 ms primary_advertising_channel_map : 3, // bit 0 - Channel 37, bit 1 - 38, bit 2 - 39 _reserved_ : 5, own_address_type : OwnAddressType, peer_address_type : PeerAddressType, peer_address : Address, advertising_filter_policy : AdvertisingFilterPolicy, _reserved_ : 6, advertising_tx_power : 8, // -127 to +20, 0x7F - no preference primary_advertising_phy : PrimaryPhyType, secondary_advertising_max_skip : 8, // 1 to 255, 0x00 - AUX_ADV_IND sent before next advertising event secondary_advertising_phy : SecondaryPhyType, advertising_sid : 8, // SID subfield from the ADI field of the PDU scan_request_notification_enable : Enable, } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, selected_tx_power : 8, // -127 to +20 } enum Operation : 3 { INTERMEDIATE_FRAGMENT = 0, FIRST_FRAGMENT = 1, LAST_FRAGMENT = 2, COMPLETE_ADVERTISEMENT = 3, UNCHANGED_DATA = 4, } enum FragmentPreference : 1 { CONTROLLER_MAY_FRAGMENT = 0, CONTROLLER_SHOULD_NOT = 1, } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingData : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_DATA) { advertising_handle : 8, operation : Operation, _reserved_ : 5, fragment_preference : FragmentPreference, _reserved_ : 7, _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : GapData[], } test LeSetExtendedAdvertisingData { "\x37\x20\x12\x00\x03\x01\x0e\x02\x01\x02\x0a\x09\x50\x69\x78\x65\x6c\x20\x33\x20\x58", } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingDataRaw : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_DATA) { advertising_handle : 8, operation : Operation, _reserved_ : 5, fragment_preference : FragmentPreference, _reserved_ : 7, _size_(_payload_) : 8, _payload_, } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingDataComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_DATA) { status : ErrorCode, } test LeSetExtendedAdvertisingDataComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x37\x20\x00", } packet LeSetExtendedScanResponseData : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA) { advertising_handle : 8, operation : Operation, _reserved_ : 5, fragment_preference : FragmentPreference, _reserved_ : 7, _size_(scan_response_data) : 8, scan_response_data : GapData[], } packet LeSetExtendedScanResponseDataRaw : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA) { advertising_handle : 8, operation : Operation, _reserved_ : 5, fragment_preference : FragmentPreference, _reserved_ : 7, _size_(_payload_) : 8, _payload_, } packet LeSetExtendedScanResponseDataComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingEnableDisableAll : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_ENABLE) { _fixed_ = 0x00 : 8, // Enable::DISABLED _fixed_ = 0x00 : 8, // Disable all sets } struct EnabledSet { advertising_handle : 8, duration : 16, max_extended_advertising_events : 8, } struct DisabledSet { advertising_handle : 8, _fixed_ = 0x00 : 16, // duration _fixed_ = 0x00 : 8, // max_extended_advertising_events } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingDisable : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_ENABLE) { _fixed_ = 0x00 : 8, // Enable::DISABLED _count_(disabled_sets) : 8, disabled_sets : DisabledSet[], } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingEnable : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_ENABLE) { enable : Enable, _count_(enabled_sets) : 8, enabled_sets : EnabledSet[], } test LeSetExtendedAdvertisingEnable { "\x39\x20\x06\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00", } test LeSetExtendedAdvertisingDisable { "\x39\x20\x06\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00", } packet LeSetExtendedAdvertisingEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } test LeSetExtendedAdvertisingEnableComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x39\x20\x00", } packet LeReadMaximumAdvertisingDataLength : Command (op_code = LE_READ_MAXIMUM_ADVERTISING_DATA_LENGTH) { } packet LeReadMaximumAdvertisingDataLengthComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_MAXIMUM_ADVERTISING_DATA_LENGTH) { status : ErrorCode, maximum_advertising_data_length : 16, } packet LeReadNumberOfSupportedAdvertisingSets : Command (op_code = LE_READ_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_ADVERTISING_SETS) { } packet LeReadNumberOfSupportedAdvertisingSetsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_ADVERTISING_SETS) { status : ErrorCode, number_supported_advertising_sets : 8, } packet LeRemoveAdvertisingSet : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_REMOVE_ADVERTISING_SET) { advertising_handle : 8, } test LeRemoveAdvertisingSet { "\x3c\x20\x01\x01", } packet LeRemoveAdvertisingSetComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_REMOVE_ADVERTISING_SET) { status : ErrorCode, } test LeRemoveAdvertisingSetComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x3c\x20\x00", } packet LeClearAdvertisingSets : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_CLEAR_ADVERTISING_SETS) { } packet LeClearAdvertisingSetsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CLEAR_ADVERTISING_SETS) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingParameters : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS) { advertising_handle : 8, periodic_advertising_interval_min : 16, // 0x006 to 0xFFFF (7.5 ms to 82s) periodic_advertising_interval_max : 16, // 0x006 to 0xFFFF (7.5 ms to 82s) _reserved_ : 6, include_tx_power : 1, _reserved_ : 9, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingData : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_DATA) { advertising_handle : 8, operation : Operation, _reserved_ : 5, _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : GapData[], } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingDataRaw : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_DATA) { advertising_handle : 8, operation : Operation, _reserved_ : 5, _size_(_payload_) : 8, _payload_, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingDataComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_DATA) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingEnable : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_ENABLE) { enable : 1, include_adi: 1, _reserved_: 6, advertising_handle : 8, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } struct PhyScanParameters { le_scan_type : LeScanType, le_scan_interval : 16, // 0x0004-0xFFFF Default 0x10 (10ms) le_scan_window : 16, // 0x004-0xFFFF Default 0x10 (10ms) } packet LeSetExtendedScanParameters : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_PARAMETERS) { own_address_type : OwnAddressType, scanning_filter_policy : LeScanningFilterPolicy, scanning_phys : 8, parameters : PhyScanParameters[], } test LeSetExtendedScanParameters { "\x41\x20\x08\x01\x00\x01\x01\x12\x00\x12\x00", "\x41\x20\x08\x01\x00\x01\x01\x99\x19\x99\x19", } packet LeSetExtendedScanParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, } test LeSetExtendedScanParametersComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x41\x20\x00", } enum FilterDuplicates : 8 { DISABLED = 0, ENABLED = 1, RESET_EACH_PERIOD = 2, } packet LeSetExtendedScanEnable : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_ENABLE) { enable : Enable, filter_duplicates : FilterDuplicates, duration : 16, // 0 - Scan continuously, N * 10 ms period : 16, // 0 - Scan continuously, N * 1.28 sec } test LeSetExtendedScanEnable { "\x42\x20\x06\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x42\x20\x06\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00", } packet LeSetExtendedScanEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_EXTENDED_SCAN_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } test LeSetExtendedScanEnableComplete { "\x0e\x04\x01\x42\x20\x00", } struct LeCreateConnPhyScanParameters { scan_interval : 16, // 0x0004-0xFFFF scan_window : 16, // < = LeScanInterval conn_interval_min : 16, // 0x0006-0x0C80 (7.5ms to 4s) conn_interval_max : 16, // 0x0006-0x0C80 (7.5ms to 4s) conn_latency : 16, // 0x0006-0x01F3 supervision_timeout : 16, // 0x00A to 0x0C80 (100ms to 32s) min_ce_length : 16, // 0.625ms max_ce_length : 16, // 0.625ms } packet LeExtendedCreateConnection : LeConnectionManagementCommand (op_code = LE_EXTENDED_CREATE_CONNECTION) { initiator_filter_policy : InitiatorFilterPolicy, own_address_type : OwnAddressType, peer_address_type : AddressType, peer_address : Address, initiating_phys : 8, phy_scan_parameters : LeCreateConnPhyScanParameters[], } test LeExtendedCreateConnection { "\x43\x20\x2a\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x08\x30\x00\x18\x00\x28\x00\x00\x00\xf4\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08\x30\x00\x18\x00\x28\x00\x00\x00\xf4\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00", } packet LeExtendedCreateConnectionStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_EXTENDED_CREATE_CONNECTION) { } enum PeriodicSyncCteType : 8 { AVOID_AOA_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSION = 0x01, AVOID_AOD_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSION_WITH_ONE_US_SLOTS = 0x02, AVOID_AOD_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSION_WITH_TWO_US_SLOTS = 0x04, AVOID_TYPE_THREE_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSION = 0x08, AVOID_NO_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSION = 0x10, } struct PeriodicAdvertisingOptions { use_periodic_advertiser_list: 1, disable_reporting: 1, enable_duplicate_filtering: 1, _reserved_: 5, } enum AdvertisingAddressType : 8 { PUBLIC_DEVICE_OR_IDENTITY_ADDRESS = 0x00, RANDOM_DEVICE_OR_IDENTITY_ADDRESS = 0x01, } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingCreateSync : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_CREATE_SYNC) { options : PeriodicAdvertisingOptions, advertising_sid : 8, advertiser_address_type : AdvertisingAddressType, advertiser_address : Address, skip : 16, sync_timeout : 16, sync_cte_type : 8, } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingCreateSyncStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_CREATE_SYNC) { } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingCreateSyncCancel : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_CREATE_SYNC_CANCEL) { } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingCreateSyncCancelComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_CREATE_SYNC_CANCEL) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingTerminateSync : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_TERMINATE_SYNC) { sync_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingTerminateSyncComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_TERMINATE_SYNC) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeAddDeviceToPeriodicAdvertiserList : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST) { advertiser_address_type : AdvertisingAddressType, advertiser_address : Address, advertising_sid : 8, } packet LeAddDeviceToPeriodicAdvertiserListComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_ADD_DEVICE_TO_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeRemoveDeviceFromPeriodicAdvertiserList : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST) { advertiser_address_type : AdvertisingAddressType, advertiser_address : Address, advertising_sid : 8, } packet LeRemoveDeviceFromPeriodicAdvertiserListComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_REMOVE_DEVICE_FROM_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeClearPeriodicAdvertiserList : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_CLEAR_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST) { } packet LeClearPeriodicAdvertiserListComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CLEAR_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadPeriodicAdvertiserListSize : Command (op_code = LE_READ_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST_SIZE) { } packet LeReadPeriodicAdvertiserListSizeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_PERIODIC_ADVERTISER_LIST_SIZE) { status : ErrorCode, periodic_advertiser_list_size : 8, } packet LeReadTransmitPower : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_READ_TRANSMIT_POWER) { } packet LeReadTransmitPowerComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_TRANSMIT_POWER) { status : ErrorCode, min_tx_power_dbm : 8, max_tx_power_dbm : 8, } packet LeReadRfPathCompensationPower : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_READ_RF_PATH_COMPENSATION_POWER) { } packet LeReadRfPathCompensationPowerComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_RF_PATH_COMPENSATION_POWER) { status : ErrorCode, rf_tx_path_compensation_tenths_db : 16, rf_rx_path_compensation_tenths_db : 16, } packet LeWriteRfPathCompensationPower : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_WRITE_RF_PATH_COMPENSATION_POWER) { rf_tx_path_compensation_tenths_db : 16, rf_rx_path_compensation_tenths_db : 16, } packet LeWriteRfPathCompensationPowerComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_WRITE_RF_PATH_COMPENSATION_POWER) { status : ErrorCode, } enum PrivacyMode : 8 { NETWORK = 0, DEVICE = 1, } packet LeSetPrivacyMode : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_SET_PRIVACY_MODE) { peer_identity_address_type : PeerAddressType, peer_identity_address : Address, privacy_mode : PrivacyMode, } packet LeSetPrivacyModeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_PRIVACY_MODE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingReceiveEnable : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_RECEIVE_ENABLE) { sync_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, enable : 8, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingReceiveEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_RECEIVE_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingSyncTransfer : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, service_data : 16, sync_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingSyncTransferComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingSetInfoTransfer : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SET_INFO_TRANSFER) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, service_data : 16, advertising_handle: 8, } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingSetInfoTransferComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SET_INFO_TRANSFER) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum SyncTransferMode : 8 { NO_SYNC = 0, SEND_SYNC_RECEIVED_DISABLE_REPORTS = 1, SEND_SYNC_RECEIVED_SEND_REPORTS = 2, } enum CteType : 8 { AOA_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSION = 0x00, AOD_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSION_ONE_US_SLOTS = 0x01, AOD_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSION_TWO_US_SLOTS = 0x02, NO_CONSTANT_TONE_EXTENSION = 0xFF, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingSyncTransferParameters : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_PARAMETERS) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, mode : SyncTransferMode, skip: 16, sync_timeout : 16, cte_type : CteType, } packet LeSetPeriodicAdvertisingSyncTransferParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeSetDefaultPeriodicAdvertisingSyncTransferParameters : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_SET_DEFAULT_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_PARAMETERS) { mode : SyncTransferMode, skip: 16, sync_timeout : 16, cte_type : CteType, } packet LeSetDefaultPeriodicAdvertisingSyncTransferParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_DEFAULT_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, } enum UseDebugKey : 8 { USE_GENERATED_KEY = 0, USE_DEBUG_KEY = 1, } packet LeGenerateDhkeyCommand : LeSecurityCommand (op_code = LE_GENERATE_DHKEY_V2) { remote_p_256_public_key : 8[64], key_type : UseDebugKey, } packet LeGenerateDhkeyCommandStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_GENERATE_DHKEY_V2) { } enum ScaAction : 8 { MORE_ACCURATE_CLOCK = 0, LESS_ACCURATE_CLOCK = 1, } packet LeModifySleepClockAccuracy : Command (op_code = LE_MODIFY_SLEEP_CLOCK_ACCURACY) { action : ScaAction, } packet LeModifySleepClockAccuracyComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_MODIFY_SLEEP_CLOCK_ACCURACY) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadBufferSizeV2 : Command (op_code = LE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_V2) { } packet LeReadBufferSizeV2Complete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_V2) { status : ErrorCode, le_buffer_size : LeBufferSize, iso_buffer_size : LeBufferSize, } packet LeReadIsoTxSync : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_READ_ISO_TX_SYNC) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeReadIsoTxSyncComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_ISO_TX_SYNC) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, packet_sequence_number : 16, timestamp : 32, time_offset : 24, } struct CisParametersConfig { cis_id : 8, max_sdu_m_to_s : 12, _reserved_ : 4, max_sdu_s_to_m : 12, _reserved_ : 4, phy_m_to_s : 3, _reserved_ : 5, phy_s_to_m : 3, _reserved_ : 5, rtn_m_to_s : 4, _reserved_ : 4, rtn_s_to_m : 4, _reserved_ : 4, } enum Packing : 8 { SEQUENTIAL = 0, INTERLEAVED = 1, } enum ClockAccuracy : 8 { PPM_500 = 0x00, PPM_250 = 0x01, PPM_150 = 0x02, PPM_100 = 0x03, PPM_75 = 0x04, PPM_50 = 0x05, PPM_30 = 0x06, PPM_20 = 0x07, } packet LeSetCigParameters : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_SET_CIG_PARAMETERS) { cig_id : 8, sdu_interval_m_to_s : 24, sdu_interval_s_to_m : 24, worst_case_sca : ClockAccuracy, packing : Packing, framing : Enable, max_transport_latency_m_to_s : 16, max_transport_latency_s_to_m : 16, _count_(cis_config) : 8, cis_config : CisParametersConfig[], } packet LeSetCigParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_CIG_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, cig_id : 8, _count_(connection_handle) : 8, connection_handle : 16[], } struct LeCisParametersTestConfig { cis_id : 8, nse : 8, max_sdu_m_to_s : 16, max_sdu_s_to_m : 16, max_pdu_m_to_s : 16, max_pdu_s_to_m : 16, phy_m_to_s : 8, phy_s_to_m : 8, bn_m_to_s : 8, bn_s_to_m : 8, } packet LeSetCigParametersTest : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_SET_CIG_PARAMETERS_TEST) { cig_id : 8, sdu_interval_m_to_s : 24, sdu_interval_s_to_m : 24, ft_m_to_s : 8, ft_s_to_m : 8, iso_interval : 16, worst_case_sca : ClockAccuracy, packing : Packing, framing : Enable, _count_(cis_config) : 8, cis_config : LeCisParametersTestConfig[], } packet LeSetCigParametersTestComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_CIG_PARAMETERS_TEST) { status : ErrorCode, cig_id : 8, _count_(connection_handle) : 8, connection_handle : 16[], } struct CreateCisConfig { cis_connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, acl_connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCreateCis : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_CREATE_CIS) { _count_(cis_config) : 8, cis_config : CreateCisConfig[], } packet LeCreateCisStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CREATE_CIS) { } packet LeRemoveCig : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_REMOVE_CIG) { cig_id : 8, } packet LeRemoveCigComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_REMOVE_CIG) { status : ErrorCode, cig_id : 8, } packet LeAcceptCisRequest : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_ACCEPT_CIS_REQUEST) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeAcceptCisRequestStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_ACCEPT_CIS_REQUEST) { } packet LeRejectCisRequest : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_REJECT_CIS_REQUEST) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, reason : ErrorCode, } packet LeRejectCisRequestComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_REJECT_CIS_REQUEST) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCreateBig : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_CREATE_BIG) { big_handle : 8, advertising_handle : 8, num_bis : 8, sdu_interval : 24, max_sdu : 16, max_transport_latency : 16, rtn : 4, _reserved_ : 4, phy : SecondaryPhyType, packing : Packing, framing : Enable, encryption : Enable, broadcast_code: 8[16], } packet LeCreateBigStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CREATE_BIG) { } packet LeTerminateBig : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_TERMINATE_BIG) { big_handle : 8, reason : ErrorCode, } packet LeTerminateBigStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_TERMINATE_BIG) { } packet LeBigCreateSync : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_BIG_CREATE_SYNC) { big_handle : 8, sync_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, encryption : Enable, broadcast_code : 8[16], mse : 5, _reserved_ : 3, big_sync_timeout : 16, _count_(bis) : 8, bis : 8[], } packet LeBigCreateSyncStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_BIG_CREATE_SYNC) { } packet LeBigTerminateSync : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_BIG_TERMINATE_SYNC) { big_handle : 8, } packet LeBigTerminateSyncComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_BIG_TERMINATE_SYNC) { status : ErrorCode, big_handle : 8, } packet LeRequestPeerSca : Command (op_code = LE_REQUEST_PEER_SCA) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeRequestPeerScaStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_REQUEST_PEER_SCA) { } packet LeSetupIsoDataPath : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_SETUP_ISO_DATA_PATH) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, data_path_direction : DataPathDirection, data_path_id : 8, codec_id : 40, controller_delay : 24, _count_(codec_configuration) : 8, codec_configuration : 8[], } packet LeSetupIsoDataPathComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SETUP_ISO_DATA_PATH) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum RemoveDataPathDirection : 8 { INPUT = 1, OUTPUT = 2, INPUT_AND_OUTPUT = 3, } packet LeRemoveIsoDataPath : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_REMOVE_ISO_DATA_PATH) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, remove_data_path_direction : RemoveDataPathDirection, } packet LeRemoveIsoDataPathComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_REMOVE_ISO_DATA_PATH) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum LeHostFeatureBits : 8 { CONNECTED_ISO_STREAM_HOST_SUPPORT = 32, CONNECTION_SUBRATING_HOST_SUPPORT = 38, CHANNEL_SOUNDING_HOST_SUPPORT = 47, } packet LeSetHostFeature : Command (op_code = LE_SET_HOST_FEATURE) { bit_number : LeHostFeatureBits, bit_value: Enable, } packet LeSetHostFeatureComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_HOST_FEATURE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeReadIsoLinkQuality : LeIsoCommand (op_code = LE_READ_ISO_LINK_QUALITY) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeReadIsoLinkQualityComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_READ_ISO_LINK_QUALITY) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, tx_unacked_packets : 32, tx_flushed_packets : 32, tx_last_subevent_packets : 32, retransmitted_packets : 32, crc_error_packets : 32, rx_unreceived_packets : 32, duplicate_packets : 32, } packet LeEnhancedReadTransmitPowerLevel : Command (op_code = LE_ENHANCED_READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, phy : 8, } enum PhyWithCodedSpecified : 8 { LE_1M = 1, LE_2M = 2, LE_CODED_S_8 = 3, LE_CODED_S_2 = 4, } packet LeEnhancedReadTransmitPowerLevelComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_ENHANCED_READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, phy : PhyWithCodedSpecified, current_transmit_power_level : 8, max_transmit_power_level : 8, } packet LeReadRemoteTransmitPowerLevel : Command (op_code = LE_READ_REMOTE_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, phy : 8, } packet LeReadRemoteTransmitPowerLevelStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_READ_REMOTE_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL) { } packet LeSetPathLossReportingParameters : Command (op_code = LE_SET_PATH_LOSS_REPORTING_PARAMETERS) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, high_threshold : 8, high_hysteresis : 8, low_threshold : 8, low_hysteresis : 8, min_time_spent : 16, } packet LeSetPathLossReportingParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_PATH_LOSS_REPORTING_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeSetPathLossReportingEnable : Command (op_code = LE_SET_PATH_LOSS_REPORTING_ENABLE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, enable : 8, } packet LeSetPathLossReportingEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_PATH_LOSS_REPORTING_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeSetTransmitPowerReportingEnable : Command (op_code = LE_SET_TRANSMIT_POWER_REPORTING_ENABLE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, local_enable : 8, remote_enable : 8, } packet LeSetTransmitPowerReportingEnableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_TRANSMIT_POWER_REPORTING_ENABLE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeSetDataRelatedAddressChanges : Command (op_code = LE_SET_DATA_RELATED_ADDRESS_CHANGES) { advertising_handle : 8, change_reasons : 8, } packet LeSetDataRelatedAddressChangesComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_DATA_RELATED_ADDRESS_CHANGES) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSetDefaultSubrate : AclCommand (op_code = LE_SET_DEFAULT_SUBRATE) { subrate_min : 9, _reserved_ : 7, subrate_max : 9, _reserved_ : 7, max_latency : 9, _reserved_ : 7, continuation_number : 9, _reserved_ : 7, supervision_timeout: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeSetDefaultSubrateComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_SET_DEFAULT_SUBRATE) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeSubrateRequest : AclCommand (op_code = LE_SUBRATE_REQUEST) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, subrate_min : 9, _reserved_ : 7, subrate_max : 9, _reserved_ : 7, max_latency : 9, _reserved_ : 7, continuation_number : 9, _reserved_ : 7, supervision_timeout: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeSubrateRequestStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_SUBRATE_REQUEST) { } packet LeCsReadLocalSupportedCapabilities : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES) { } struct CsRoleSupported { initiator : 1, reflector : 1, _reserved_ : 6, } struct CsOptionalModesSupported { mode_3 : 1, _reserved_ : 7, } struct CsRttCapability { rtt_aa_only_n : 1, rtt_sounding_n : 1, rtt_random_payload_n : 1, _reserved_ : 5, } struct CsOptionalNadmSoundingCapability { normalized_attack_detector_metric : 1, _reserved_ : 15, } struct CsOptionalNadmRandomCapability { normalized_attack_detector_metric : 1, _reserved_ : 15, } struct CsOptionalCsSyncPhysSupported { le_2m_phy : 1, _reserved_ : 7, } struct CsOptionalSubfeaturesSupported { companion_signal : 1, frequency_actuation_error : 1, channel_selection_algorithm : 1, phase_based_ranging : 1, _reserved_ : 12, } struct CsOptionalTIp1TimesSupported { support_10_microsecond : 1, support_20_microsecond : 1, support_30_microsecond : 1, support_40_microsecond : 1, support_50_microsecond : 1, support_60_microsecond : 1, support_80_microsecond : 1, _reserved_ : 9, } struct CsOptionalTIp2TimesSupported { support_10_microsecond : 1, support_20_microsecond : 1, support_30_microsecond : 1, support_40_microsecond : 1, support_50_microsecond : 1, support_60_microsecond : 1, support_80_microsecond : 1, _reserved_ : 9, } struct CsOptionalTFcsTimesSupported { support_15_microsecond : 1, support_20_microsecond : 1, support_30_microsecond : 1, support_40_microsecond : 1, support_50_microsecond : 1, support_60_microsecond : 1, support_80_microsecond : 1, support_100_microsecond : 1, support_120_microsecond : 1, _reserved_ : 7, } struct CsOptionalTPmTimesSupported { support_10_microsecond : 1, support_20_microsecond : 1, _reserved_ : 14, } packet LeCsReadLocalSupportedCapabilitiesComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CS_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES) { status : ErrorCode, num_config_supported: 8, max_consecutive_procedures_supported : 16, num_antennas_supported : 8, max_antenna_paths_supported : 8, roles_supported : CsRoleSupported, optional_modes_supported : CsOptionalModesSupported, rtt_capability : CsRttCapability, rtt_aa_only_n : 8, rtt_sounding_n : 8, rtt_random_payload_n : 8, optional_nadm_sounding_capability : CsOptionalNadmSoundingCapability, optional_nadm_random_capability : CsOptionalNadmRandomCapability, optional_cs_sync_phys_supported : CsOptionalCsSyncPhysSupported, optional_subfeatures_supported : CsOptionalSubfeaturesSupported, optional_t_ip1_times_supported : CsOptionalTIp1TimesSupported, optional_t_ip2_times_supported : CsOptionalTIp2TimesSupported, optional_t_fcs_times_supported : CsOptionalTFcsTimesSupported, optional_t_pm_times_supported : CsOptionalTPmTimesSupported, t_sw_time_supported : 8, } packet LeCsReadRemoteSupportedCapabilities : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCsReadRemoteSupportedCapabilitiesStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES) { } packet LeCsWriteCachedRemoteSupportedCapabilities : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_WRITE_CACHED_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, num_config_supported: 8, max_consecutive_procedures_supported : 16, num_antennas_supported : 8, max_antenna_paths_supported : 8, roles_supported : CsRoleSupported, optional_modes_supported : CsOptionalModesSupported, rtt_capability : CsRttCapability, rtt_aa_only_n : 8, rtt_sounding_n : 8, rtt_random_payload_n : 8, optional_nadm_sounding_capability : CsOptionalNadmSoundingCapability, optional_nadm_random_capability : CsOptionalNadmRandomCapability, optional_cs_sync_phys_supported : CsOptionalCsSyncPhysSupported, optional_subfeatures_supported : CsOptionalSubfeaturesSupported, optional_t_ip1_times_supported : CsOptionalTIp1TimesSupported, optional_t_ip2_times_supported : CsOptionalTIp2TimesSupported, optional_t_fcs_times_supported : CsOptionalTFcsTimesSupported, optional_t_pm_times_supported : CsOptionalTPmTimesSupported, t_sw_time_supported : 8, } packet LeCsWriteCachedRemoteSupportedCapabilitiesComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CS_WRITE_CACHED_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCsSecurityEnable : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_SECURITY_ENABLE) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCsSecurityEnableStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CS_SECURITY_ENABLE) { } enum CsSyncAntennaSelection : 8 { ANTENNA_1 = 0x01, ANTENNA_2 = 0x02, ANTENNA_3 = 0x03, ANTENNA_4 = 0x04, ANTENNAS_IN_ORDER = 0xFE, NO_RECOMMENDATION = 0xFF, } packet LeCsSetDefaultSettings : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_SET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, role_enable : 8, cs_sync_antenna_selection : CsSyncAntennaSelection, max_tx_power : 8, } packet LeCsSetDefaultSettingsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CS_SET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCsReadRemoteFaeTable : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCsReadRemoteFaeTableStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE) { } packet LeCsWriteCachedRemoteFaeTable : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_WRITE_CACHED_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, remote_fae_table : 8[9], } packet LeCsWriteCachedRemoteFaeTableComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CS_WRITE_CACHED_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum CsCreateContext: 8 { LOCAL_CONTROLLER_ONLY = 0x00, BOTH_LOCAL_AND_REMOTE_CONTROLLER = 0x01, } enum CsMainModeType: 8 { MODE_1 = 0x01, MODE_2 = 0x02, MODE_3 = 0x03, } enum CsSubModeType: 8 { MODE_1 = 0x01, MODE_2 = 0x02, MODE_3 = 0x03, UNUSED = 0xff, } enum CsRole : 8 { INITIATOR = 0x00, REFLECTOR = 0x01, } enum CsConfigRttType : 8 { RTT_AA_COARSE = 0x00, RTT_WITH_32_BIT_SOUNDING_SEQUENCE = 0x01, RTT_WITH_96_BIT_SOUNDING_SEQUENCE = 0x02, RTT_WITH_32_BIT_RANDOM_SEQUENCE = 0x03, RTT_WITH_64_BIT_RANDOM_SEQUENCE = 0x04, RTT_WITH_96_BIT_RANDOM_SEQUENCE = 0x05, RTT_WITH_128_BIT_RANDOM_SEQUENCE = 0x06, } enum CsSyncPhy : 8 { LE_1M_PHY = 0x01, LE_2M_PHY = 0x02, } enum CsChannelSelectionType : 8 { TYPE_3B = 0x00, TYPE_3C = 0x01, } enum CsCh3cShape : 8 { HAT_SHAPE = 0x00, X_SHAPE = 0x01, } packet LeCsCreateConfig : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_CREATE_CONFIG) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, config_id : 2, _reserved_ : 6, create_context : CsCreateContext, main_mode_type : CsMainModeType, sub_mode_type : CsSubModeType, main_mode_min_steps : 8, main_mode_max_steps : 8, main_mode_repetition : 2, _reserved_ : 6, mode_0_steps : 2, _reserved_ : 6, role : CsRole, rtt_type : CsConfigRttType, cs_sync_phy : CsSyncPhy, channel_map : 8[10], channel_map_repetition : 8, channel_selection_type : CsChannelSelectionType, ch3c_shape : CsCh3cShape, ch3c_jump : 8, companion_signal_enable : Enable, } packet LeCsCreateConfigStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CS_CREATE_CONFIG) { } packet LeCsRemoveConfig : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_REMOVE_CONFIG) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, config_id : 2, _reserved_ : 6, } packet LeCsRemoveConfigStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CS_REMOVE_CONFIG) { } packet LeCsSetChannelClassification : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_SET_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION) { channel_classification : 8[10], } packet LeCsSetChannelClassificationComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CS_SET_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION) { } enum CsPhy : 8 { LE_1M_PHY = 0x01, LE_2M_PHY = 0x02, } struct CsPreferredPeerAntenna { use_first_ordered_antenna_element : 1, use_second_ordered_antenna_element : 1, use_third_ordered_antenna_element : 1, use_fourth_ordered_antenna_element : 1, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCsSetProcedureParameters : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_SET_PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, config_id : 2, _reserved_ : 6, max_procedure_duration : 16, min_procedure_interval : 16, max_procedure_interval : 16, max_procedure_count : 16, min_subevent_len : 24, max_subevent_len : 24, tone_antenna_config_selection : 8, phy : CsPhy, tx_pwr_delta : 8, preferred_peer_antenna : CsPreferredPeerAntenna, } packet LeCsSetProcedureParametersComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CS_SET_PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCsProcedureEnable : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_PROCEDURE_ENABLE) { connection_handle: 12, _reserved_ : 4, config_id : 2, _reserved_ : 6, procedure_enable : Enable, } packet LeCsProcedureEnableStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CS_PROCEDURE_ENABLE) { } packet LeCsTest : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_TEST) { main_mode_type : 8, sub_mode_type : 8, main_mode_repetition : 8, mode_0_steps : 8, role : 8, rtt_type : 8, cs_sync_phy : 8, cs_sync_antenna_selection : 8, cs_subevent_length : 24, cs_subevent_interval : 16, transmit_power_level : 8, t_ip1_time : 8, t_ip2_time : 8, t_fcs_time : 8, t_pm_time : 8, t_sw_time : 8, tone_antenna_config : 8, companion_signal_enable : 8, drbg_nonce : 16, override_config : 8, override_parameters_length : 8, override_parameters_data : 8[], } packet LeCsTestComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_CS_TEST) { status : ErrorCode, } packet LeCsTestEnd : DistanceMeasurementCommand (op_code = LE_CS_TEST_END) { } packet LeCsTestEndStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = LE_CS_TEST_END) { } // VENDOR_SPECIFIC packet LeGetVendorCapabilities : VendorCommand (op_code = LE_GET_VENDOR_CAPABILITIES) { } test LeGetVendorCapabilities { "\x53\xfd\x00", } struct BaseVendorCapabilities { max_advt_instances: 8, offloaded_resolution_of_private_address : 8, total_scan_results_storage: 16, max_irk_list_sz: 8, filtering_support: 8, max_filter: 8, activity_energy_info_support: 8, } packet LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_GET_VENDOR_CAPABILITIES) { status : ErrorCode, base_vendor_capabilities : BaseVendorCapabilities, _payload_, } packet LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete095 : LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete { version_supported: 16, total_num_of_advt_tracked: 16, extended_scan_support: 8, debug_logging_supported: 8, _payload_, } packet LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete096 : LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete095 { le_address_generation_offloading_support: 8, _payload_, } packet LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete098 : LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete096 { a2dp_source_offload_capability_mask: 32, bluetooth_quality_report_support: 8, _payload_, } packet LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete103 : LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete098 { dynamic_audio_buffer_support : 32, _payload_, } test LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete103 { "\x0e\x1c\x01\x53\xfd\x00\x10\x01\x00\x28\x00\x01\x3e\x01\x03\x01\x14\x00\x01\x01\x00\x23\x00\x00\x00\x01\x23\x00\x00\x00", } packet LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete104 : LeGetVendorCapabilitiesComplete103 { a2dp_offload_v2_support : 8, _payload_, } enum SubOcf : 8 { SET_PARAM = 0x01, SET_DATA = 0x02, SET_SCAN_RESP = 0x03, SET_RANDOM_ADDR = 0x04, SET_ENABLE = 0x05, } packet LeMultiAdvt : LeAdvertisingCommand (op_code = LE_MULTI_ADVT) { sub_cmd : SubOcf, _body_, } packet LeMultiAdvtComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_MULTI_ADVT) { status : ErrorCode, sub_cmd : SubOcf, } packet LeMultiAdvtParam : LeMultiAdvt (sub_cmd = SET_PARAM) { interval_min : 16, interval_max : 16, advertising_type : AdvertisingType, own_address_type : OwnAddressType, own_address : Address, peer_address_type : PeerAddressType, peer_address : Address, channel_map : 8, filter_policy : AdvertisingFilterPolicy, _reserved_ : 6, instance : 8, tx_power : 8, } packet LeMultiAdvtParamComplete : LeMultiAdvtComplete (sub_cmd = SET_PARAM) { } packet LeMultiAdvtSetData : LeMultiAdvt (sub_cmd = SET_DATA) { _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : GapData[], _padding_[31], // Zero padding to 31 bytes of advertising_data advertising_instance : 8, } packet LeMultiAdvtSetDataComplete : LeMultiAdvtComplete (sub_cmd = SET_DATA) { } packet LeMultiAdvtSetScanResp : LeMultiAdvt (sub_cmd = SET_SCAN_RESP) { _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : GapData[], _padding_[31], // Zero padding to 31 bytes of advertising_data advertising_instance : 8, } packet LeMultiAdvtSetScanRespComplete : LeMultiAdvtComplete (sub_cmd = SET_SCAN_RESP) { } packet LeMultiAdvtSetRandomAddr : LeMultiAdvt (sub_cmd = SET_RANDOM_ADDR) { random_address : Address, advertising_instance : 8, } packet LeMultiAdvtSetRandomAddrComplete : LeMultiAdvtComplete (sub_cmd = SET_RANDOM_ADDR) { } packet LeMultiAdvtSetEnable : LeMultiAdvt (sub_cmd = SET_ENABLE) { advertising_enable : Enable, // Default DISABLED advertising_instance : 8, } packet LeMultiAdvtSetEnableComplete : LeMultiAdvtComplete (sub_cmd = SET_ENABLE) { } enum BatchScanOpcode : 8 { ENABLE = 0x01, SET_STORAGE_PARAMETERS = 0x02, SET_SCAN_PARAMETERS = 0x03, READ_RESULT_PARAMETERS = 0x04, } // packet LeBatchScan : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_BATCH_SCAN) { batch_scan_opcode : BatchScanOpcode, _body_, } packet LeBatchScanComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_BATCH_SCAN) { status : ErrorCode, batch_scan_opcode : BatchScanOpcode, _body_, } packet LeBatchScanEnable : LeBatchScan (batch_scan_opcode = ENABLE) { enable : Enable, } packet LeBatchScanEnableComplete : LeBatchScanComplete (batch_scan_opcode = ENABLE) { } packet LeBatchScanSetStorageParameters : LeBatchScan (batch_scan_opcode = SET_STORAGE_PARAMETERS) { batch_scan_full_max_percentage : 8, batch_scan_truncated_max_percentage : 8, batch_scan_notify_threshold_percentage : 8, } packet LeBatchScanSetStorageParametersComplete : LeBatchScanComplete (batch_scan_opcode = SET_STORAGE_PARAMETERS) { } enum BatchScanDiscardRule : 8 { OLDEST = 0x00, WEAKEST_RSSI = 0x01, } packet LeBatchScanSetScanParameters : LeBatchScan (batch_scan_opcode = SET_SCAN_PARAMETERS) { truncated_mode_enabled : 1, full_mode_enabled : 1, _reserved_ : 6, duty_cycle_scan_window_slots : 32, duty_cycle_scan_interval_slots : 32, own_address_type : PeerAddressType, batch_scan_discard_rule : BatchScanDiscardRule, } packet LeBatchScanSetScanParametersComplete : LeBatchScanComplete (batch_scan_opcode = SET_SCAN_PARAMETERS) { } enum BatchScanDataRead : 8 { TRUNCATED_MODE_DATA = 0x01, FULL_MODE_DATA = 0x02, } packet LeBatchScanReadResultParameters : LeBatchScan (batch_scan_opcode = READ_RESULT_PARAMETERS) { batch_scan_data_read : BatchScanDataRead, } packet LeBatchScanReadResultParametersCompleteRaw : LeBatchScanComplete (batch_scan_opcode = READ_RESULT_PARAMETERS) { batch_scan_data_read : BatchScanDataRead, num_of_records : 8, raw_data : 8[], } packet LeBatchScanReadResultParametersComplete : LeBatchScanComplete (batch_scan_opcode = READ_RESULT_PARAMETERS) { batch_scan_data_read : BatchScanDataRead, _body_, } struct TruncatedResult { bd_addr : Address, address_type : AddressType, tx_power : 8, rssi : 8, timestamp : 16, } packet LeBatchScanReadTruncatedResultParametersComplete : LeBatchScanReadResultParametersComplete (batch_scan_data_read = TRUNCATED_MODE_DATA) { _count_(results) : 8, results : TruncatedResult[], } struct FullResult { bd_addr : Address, address_type : AddressType, tx_power : 8, rssi : 8, timestamp : 16, _size_(adv_packet) : 8, adv_packet : 8[], _size_(scan_response) : 8, scan_response : 8[], } packet LeBatchScanReadFullResultParametersComplete : LeBatchScanReadResultParametersComplete (batch_scan_data_read = FULL_MODE_DATA) { _count_(results) : 8, results : FullResult[], } enum ApcfOpcode : 8 { ENABLE = 0x00, SET_FILTERING_PARAMETERS = 0x01, BROADCASTER_ADDRESS = 0x02, SERVICE_UUID = 0x03, SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUID = 0x04, LOCAL_NAME = 0x05, MANUFACTURER_DATA = 0x06, SERVICE_DATA = 0x07, TRANSPORT_DISCOVERY_DATA = 0x08, AD_TYPE = 0x09, READ_EXTENDED_FEATURES = 0xFF, } // packet LeAdvFilter : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_ADV_FILTER) { apcf_opcode : ApcfOpcode, _body_, } packet LeAdvFilterComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_ADV_FILTER) { status : ErrorCode, apcf_opcode : ApcfOpcode, _body_, } packet LeAdvFilterEnable : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = ENABLE) { apcf_enable : Enable, } packet LeAdvFilterEnableComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = ENABLE) { apcf_enable : Enable, } enum ApcfAction : 8 { ADD = 0x00, DELETE = 0x01, CLEAR = 0x02, } enum DeliveryMode : 8 { IMMEDIATE = 0x00, ONFOUND = 0x01, BATCHED = 0x02, } // Bit masks for the selected features enum ApcfFilterType : 8 { BROADCASTER_ADDRESS = 0x00, SERVICE_DATA_CHANGE = 0x01, SERVICE_UUID = 0x02, SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUID = 0x03, LOCAL_NAME = 0x04, MANUFACTURER_DATA = 0x05, SERVICE_DATA = 0x06, TRANSPORT_DISCOVERY_DATA = 0x07, AD_TYPE = 0x08, } packet LeAdvFilterSetFilteringParameters : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = SET_FILTERING_PARAMETERS) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, _body_, } packet LeAdvFilterAddFilteringParameters : LeAdvFilterSetFilteringParameters (apcf_action = ADD) { apcf_filter_index : 8, apcf_feature_selection : 16, apcf_list_logic_type : 16, apcf_filter_logic_type : 8, rssi_high_thresh : 8, delivery_mode : DeliveryMode, onfound_timeout : 16, onfound_timeout_cnt : 8, rssi_low_thresh : 8, onlost_timeout : 16, num_of_tracking_entries : 16, } packet LeAdvFilterDeleteFilteringParameters : LeAdvFilterSetFilteringParameters (apcf_action = DELETE) { apcf_filter_index : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterClearFilteringParameters : LeAdvFilterSetFilteringParameters (apcf_action = CLEAR) { } packet LeAdvFilterSetFilteringParametersComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = SET_FILTERING_PARAMETERS) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_available_spaces : 8, } enum ApcfApplicationAddressType : 8 { PUBLIC = 0x00, RANDOM = 0x01, NOT_APPLICABLE = 0x02, } packet LeAdvFilterBroadcasterAddress : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = BROADCASTER_ADDRESS) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_filter_index : 8, apcf_broadcaster_address : Address, apcf_application_address_type : ApcfApplicationAddressType, } packet LeAdvFilterClearBroadcasterAddress : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = BROADCASTER_ADDRESS) { _fixed_ = 0x02 : 8, apcf_filter_index : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterBroadcasterAddressComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = BROADCASTER_ADDRESS) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_available_spaces : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterServiceUuid : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = SERVICE_UUID) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_filter_index : 8, acpf_uuid_data : 8[], } packet LeAdvFilterServiceUuidComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = SERVICE_UUID) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_available_spaces : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterSolicitationUuid : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUID) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_filter_index : 8, acpf_uuid_data : 8[], } packet LeAdvFilterSolicitationUuidComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUID) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_available_spaces : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterLocalName : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = LOCAL_NAME) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_filter_index : 8, apcf_local_name : 8[], } packet LeAdvFilterLocalNameComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = LOCAL_NAME) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_available_spaces : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterManufacturerData : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = MANUFACTURER_DATA) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_filter_index : 8, apcf_manufacturer_data : 8[], } packet LeAdvFilterManufacturerDataComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = MANUFACTURER_DATA) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_available_spaces : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterServiceData : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = SERVICE_DATA) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_filter_index : 8, apcf_service_data : 8[], } packet LeAdvFilterServiceDataComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = SERVICE_DATA) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_available_spaces : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterTransportDiscoveryDataOld : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = TRANSPORT_DISCOVERY_DATA) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_filter_index : 8, apcf_transport_discovery_data : 8[], } enum ApcfMetaDataType : 8 { INVALID = 0x00, WIFI_NAN_HASH = 0x01, } packet LeAdvFilterTransportDiscoveryData : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = TRANSPORT_DISCOVERY_DATA) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_filter_index : 8, org_id : 8, tds_flags: 8, tds_flags_mask: 8, _size_(transport_data): 8, transport_data: 8[], _size_(transport_data_mask): 8, transport_data_mask: 8[], meta_data_type: ApcfMetaDataType, _size_(meta_data): 8, meta_data: 8[], } packet LeAdvFilterTransportDiscoveryDataComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = TRANSPORT_DISCOVERY_DATA) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_available_spaces : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterADType : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = AD_TYPE) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_filter_index : 8, apcf_ad_type_data : 8[], } packet LeAdvFilterADTypeComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = AD_TYPE) { apcf_action : ApcfAction, apcf_available_spaces : 8, } packet LeAdvFilterReadExtendedFeatures : LeAdvFilter (apcf_opcode = READ_EXTENDED_FEATURES) { } test LeAdvFilterReadExtendedFeatures { "\x57\xfd\x01\xff", } packet LeAdvFilterReadExtendedFeaturesComplete : LeAdvFilterComplete (apcf_opcode = READ_EXTENDED_FEATURES) { transport_discovery_data_filter : 1, ad_type_filter : 1, _reserved_ : 14, } test LeAdvFilterReadExtendedFeaturesComplete { "\x0e\x07\x01\x57\xfd\x00\xff\x03\x00", } packet LeEnergyInfo : VendorCommand (op_code = LE_ENERGY_INFO) { } packet LeEnergyInfoComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_ENERGY_INFO) { status : ErrorCode, total_tx_time_ms : 32, total_rx_time_ms : 32, total_idle_time_ms : 32, total_energy_used_ma_v_ms : 32, } packet LeExtendedScanParams : LeScanningCommand (op_code = LE_EXTENDED_SCAN_PARAMS) { le_scan_type : LeScanType, le_scan_interval : 32, // 0x0004-0x4000 Default 0x10 (10ms) le_scan_window : 32, // Default 0x10 (10ms) own_address_type : OwnAddressType, scanning_filter_policy : LeScanningFilterPolicy, } packet LeExtendedScanParamsComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = LE_EXTENDED_SCAN_PARAMS) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ControllerDebugInfo : VendorCommand (op_code = CONTROLLER_DEBUG_INFO) { } packet ControllerDebugInfoComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = CONTROLLER_DEBUG_INFO) { status : ErrorCode, } packet ControllerA2DPOpcode : VendorCommand (op_code = CONTROLLER_A2DP_OPCODE) { _payload_, // placeholder (unimplemented) } packet ControllerA2DPOpcodeComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = CONTROLLER_A2DP_OPCODE) { _payload_, // placeholder (unimplemented) } enum BqrReportAction : 8 { ADD = 0x00, DELETE = 0x01, CLEAR = 0x02, } packet ControllerBqr : VendorCommand (op_code = CONTROLLER_BQR) { bqr_report_action : BqrReportAction, bqr_quality_event_mask : 32, bqr_minimum_report_interval : 16, } test ControllerBqr { "\x5e\xfd\x07\x00\x1f\x00\x07\x00\x88\x13", } packet ControllerBqrComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = CONTROLLER_BQR) { status : ErrorCode, current_quality_event_mask : 32 } test ControllerBqrComplete { "\x0e\x08\x01\x5e\xfd\x00\x1f\x00\x07\x00", } enum DabCommand : 8 { GET_AUDIO_BUFFER_TIME_CAPABILITY = 0x01, SET_AUDIO_BUFFER_TIME = 0x02, } packet DynamicAudioBuffer : VendorCommand (op_code = DYNAMIC_AUDIO_BUFFER) { dab_command : DabCommand, _body_, } packet DynamicAudioBufferComplete : CommandComplete (command_op_code = DYNAMIC_AUDIO_BUFFER) { status : ErrorCode, dab_command : DabCommand, _body_, } packet DabGetAudioBufferTimeCapability : DynamicAudioBuffer (dab_command = GET_AUDIO_BUFFER_TIME_CAPABILITY) { } test DabGetAudioBufferTimeCapability { "\x5f\xfd\x01\x01", } struct DynamicAudioBufferCodecCapability { default_time_ms : 16, maximum_time_ms : 16, minimum_time_ms : 16, } packet DabGetAudioBufferTimeCapabilityComplete : DynamicAudioBufferComplete (dab_command = GET_AUDIO_BUFFER_TIME_CAPABILITY) { audio_codec_type_supported : 32, audio_codec_capabilities : DynamicAudioBufferCodecCapability[32], } test DabGetAudioBufferTimeCapabilityComplete { "\x0e\xc9\x01\x5f\xfd\x00\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf4\x01\xf4\x01\x64\x00\xf4\x01\xf4\x01\x64\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", } packet DabSetAudioBufferTime : DynamicAudioBuffer(dab_command = SET_AUDIO_BUFFER_TIME) { buffer_time_ms : 16, // Requested audio buffer time for the currently used codec. } test DabSetAudioBufferTime { "\x5f\xfd\x03\x02\x23\x01", } packet DabSetAudioBufferTimeComplete : DynamicAudioBufferComplete (dab_command = SET_AUDIO_BUFFER_TIME) { current_buffer_time_ms : 16, } test DabSetAudioBufferTimeComplete { "\x0e\x07\x01\x5f\xfd\x00\x02\x23\x01", } // HCI Event Packets packet InquiryComplete : Event (event_code = INQUIRY_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, } struct InquiryResponse { bd_addr : Address, page_scan_repetition_mode : PageScanRepetitionMode, _reserved_ : 8, _reserved_ : 8, class_of_device : ClassOfDevice, clock_offset : 15, _reserved_ : 1, } packet InquiryResult : Event (event_code = INQUIRY_RESULT) { _count_(responses) : 8, responses : InquiryResponse[], } enum LinkType : 8 { SCO = 0x00, ACL = 0x01, } packet ConnectionComplete : Event (event_code = CONNECTION_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, bd_addr : Address, link_type : LinkType, encryption_enabled : Enable, } enum ConnectionRequestLinkType : 8 { SCO = 0x00, ACL = 0x01, ESCO = 0x02, } packet ConnectionRequest : Event (event_code = CONNECTION_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, class_of_device : ClassOfDevice, link_type : ConnectionRequestLinkType, } packet DisconnectionComplete : Event (event_code = DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, reason : ErrorCode, } packet AuthenticationComplete : Event (event_code = AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet RemoteNameRequestComplete : Event (event_code = REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, remote_name : 8[248], // UTF-8 encoded user-friendly descriptive name } enum EncryptionEnabled : 8 { OFF = 0x00, ON = 0x01, // E0 for BR/EDR and AES-CCM for LE BR_EDR_AES_CCM = 0x02, } packet EncryptionChange : Event (event_code = ENCRYPTION_CHANGE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, encryption_enabled : EncryptionEnabled, } packet ChangeConnectionLinkKeyComplete : Event (event_code = CHANGE_CONNECTION_LINK_KEY_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet CentralLinkKeyComplete : Event (event_code = CENTRAL_LINK_KEY_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, key_flag : KeyFlag, } packet ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete : Event (event_code = READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, lmp_features : 64, } packet ReadRemoteVersionInformationComplete : Event (event_code = READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, version : 8, manufacturer_name : 16, sub_version : 16, } packet QosSetupComplete : Event (event_code = QOS_SETUP_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, _reserved_ : 8, service_type : ServiceType, token_rate : 32, // Octets/s peak_bandwidth : 32, // Octets/s latency : 32, // Octets/s delay_variation : 32, // microseconds } // Command Complete and Command Status Events are implemented above Commands. packet HardwareError : Event (event_code = HARDWARE_ERROR) { hardware_code : 8, } packet FlushOccurred : Event (event_code = FLUSH_OCCURRED) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet RoleChange : Event (event_code = ROLE_CHANGE) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, new_role : Role, } packet NumberOfCompletedPackets : Event (event_code = NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS) { _count_(completed_packets) : 8, completed_packets : CompletedPackets[], } enum Mode : 8 { ACTIVE = 0x00, HOLD = 0x01, SNIFF = 0x02, } packet ModeChange : Event (event_code = MODE_CHANGE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, current_mode : Mode, interval : 16, // 0x002 - 0xFFFE (1.25ms - 40.9s) } struct ZeroKeyAndAddress { address : Address, _fixed_ = 0 : 64, _fixed_ = 0 : 64, } packet ReturnLinkKeys : Event (event_code = RETURN_LINK_KEYS) { _count_(keys) : 8, keys : ZeroKeyAndAddress[], } packet PinCodeRequest : Event (event_code = PIN_CODE_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, } packet LinkKeyRequest : Event (event_code = LINK_KEY_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, } enum KeyType : 8 { COMBINATION = 0x00, DEBUG_COMBINATION = 0x03, UNAUTHENTICATED_P192 = 0x04, AUTHENTICATED_P192 = 0x05, CHANGED = 0x06, UNAUTHENTICATED_P256 = 0x07, AUTHENTICATED_P256 = 0x08, } packet LinkKeyNotification : Event (event_code = LINK_KEY_NOTIFICATION) { bd_addr : Address, link_key : 8[16], key_type : KeyType, } packet LoopbackCommand : Event (event_code = LOOPBACK_COMMAND) { _payload_, // Command packet, truncated if it was longer than 252 bytes } packet DataBufferOverflow : Event (event_code = DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { link_type : LinkType, } packet MaxSlotsChange : Event (event_code = MAX_SLOTS_CHANGE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, lmp_max_slots : 8, } packet ReadClockOffsetComplete : Event (event_code = READ_CLOCK_OFFSET_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, clock_offset : 15, _reserved_ : 1, } packet ConnectionPacketTypeChanged : Event (event_code = CONNECTION_PACKET_TYPE_CHANGED) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, packet_type : 16, } packet QosViolation : Event (event_code = QOS_VIOLATION) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet PageScanRepetitionModeChange : Event (event_code = PAGE_SCAN_REPETITION_MODE_CHANGE) { bd_addr : Address, page_scan_repetition_mode : PageScanRepetitionMode, } packet FlowSpecificationComplete : Event (event_code = FLOW_SPECIFICATION_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, _reserved_ : 8, flow_direction : FlowDirection, service_type : ServiceType, token_rate : 32, // Octets/s token_bucket_size : 32, peak_bandwidth : 32, // Octets/s access_latency : 32, // Octets/s } struct InquiryResponseWithRssi { address : Address, page_scan_repetition_mode : PageScanRepetitionMode, _reserved_ : 8, class_of_device : ClassOfDevice, clock_offset : 15, _reserved_ : 1, rssi : 8, } packet InquiryResultWithRssi : Event (event_code = INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI) { _count_(responses) : 8, responses : InquiryResponseWithRssi[], } packet ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete : Event (event_code = READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, page_number : 8, maximum_page_number : 8, extended_lmp_features : 64, } enum ScoLinkType : 8 { SCO = 0x00, ESCO = 0x02, } enum ScoAirMode : 8 { ULAW_LOG = 0x00, ALAW_LOG = 0x01, CVSD = 0x02, TRANSPARENT = 0x03, } packet SynchronousConnectionComplete : Event (event_code = SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, bd_addr : Address, link_type : ScoLinkType, // Time between two consecutive eSCO instants measured in slots. // eSCO only, Shall be zero for SCO links. transmission_interval_slots : 8, // The size of the retransmission window measured in slots. // eSCO only. Shall be zero for SCO links. retransmission_window_slots : 8, // Length in bytes of the eSCO payload in the receive direction. // eSCO only. Shall be zero for SCO links. rx_packet_length : 16, // Length in bytes of the eSCO payload in the transmit direction. // eSCO only. Shall be zero for SCO links. tx_packet_length : 16, air_mode : ScoAirMode, } test SynchronousConnectionComplete { "\x2c\x11\x00\x03\x00\x1d\xdf\xed\x2b\x1a\xf8\x02\x0c\x04\x3c\x00\x3c\x00\x03", } packet SynchronousConnectionChanged : Event (event_code = SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION_CHANGED) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, // Time between two consecutive eSCO instants measured in slots. // eSCO only, Shall be zero for SCO links. transmission_interval_slots : 8, // Time between two consecutive SCO/eSCO instants measured in slots. retransmission_window_slots : 8, // Length in bytes of the SCO/eSCO payload in the receive direction. rx_packet_length : 16, // Length in bytes of the SCO/eSCO payload in the transmit direction. tx_packet_length : 16, } packet SniffSubratingEvent : Event (event_code = SNIFF_SUBRATING) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, maximum_transmit_latency : 16, // 0x000 - 0xFFFE (0s - 40.9s) maximum_receive_latency : 16, // 0x000 - 0xFFFE (0s - 40.9s) minimum_remote_timeout : 16, // 0x000 - 0xFFFE (0s - 40.9s) minimum_local_timeout : 16, // 0x000 - 0xFFFE (0s - 40.9s) } packet ExtendedInquiryResult : Event (event_code = EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESULT) { _fixed_ = 0x01 : 8, address : Address, page_scan_repetition_mode : PageScanRepetitionMode, _reserved_ : 8, class_of_device : ClassOfDevice, clock_offset : 15, _reserved_ : 1, rssi : 8, extended_inquiry_response : GapData[], // Extended inquiry Result is always 255 bytes long // padded GapData with zeroes as necessary // Refer to BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.2 | Vol 3, Part C Section 8 on page 1340 _padding_[240], } packet ExtendedInquiryResultRaw : Event (event_code = EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESULT) { _fixed_ = 0x01 : 8, address : Address, page_scan_repetition_mode : PageScanRepetitionMode, _reserved_ : 8, class_of_device : ClassOfDevice, clock_offset : 15, _reserved_ : 1, rssi : 8, // Extended inquiry Result is always 255 bytes long // padded GapData with zeroes as necessary // Refer to BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.2 | Vol 3, Part C Section 8 on page 1340 extended_inquiry_response : 8[240], } packet EncryptionKeyRefreshComplete : Event (event_code = ENCRYPTION_KEY_REFRESH_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet IoCapabilityRequest : Event (event_code = IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, } packet IoCapabilityResponse : Event (event_code = IO_CAPABILITY_RESPONSE) { bd_addr : Address, io_capability : IoCapability, oob_data_present : OobDataPresent, authentication_requirements : AuthenticationRequirements, } packet UserConfirmationRequest : Event (event_code = USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, numeric_value : 20, // 0x00000-0xF423F (000000 - 999999) _reserved_ : 12, } packet UserPasskeyRequest : Event (event_code = USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, } packet RemoteOobDataRequest : Event (event_code = REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST) { bd_addr : Address, } packet SimplePairingComplete : Event (event_code = SIMPLE_PAIRING_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, bd_addr : Address, } packet LinkSupervisionTimeoutChanged : Event (event_code = LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT_CHANGED) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, link_supervision_timeout : 16, // 0x001-0xFFFF (0.625ms-40.9s) } packet EnhancedFlush : AclCommand (op_code = ENHANCED_FLUSH) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, _reserved_ : 8, // Automatically flushable only (0x00) } test EnhancedFlush { "\x5f\x0c\x03\x02\x00\x00", } packet EnhancedFlushStatus : CommandStatus (command_op_code = ENHANCED_FLUSH) { } packet EnhancedFlushComplete : Event (event_code = ENHANCED_FLUSH_COMPLETE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } test EnhancedFlushComplete { "\x39\x02\x02\x00", } packet UserPasskeyNotification : Event (event_code = USER_PASSKEY_NOTIFICATION) { bd_addr : Address, passkey : 20, // 0x00000-0xF423F (000000 - 999999) _reserved_ : 12, } packet KeypressNotification : Event (event_code = KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION) { bd_addr : Address, notification_type : KeypressNotificationType, } packet RemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotification : Event (event_code = REMOTE_HOST_SUPPORTED_FEATURES_NOTIFICATION) { bd_addr : Address, host_supported_features : 64, } packet LeMetaEvent : Event (event_code = LE_META_EVENT) { subevent_code : SubeventCode, _body_, } packet NumberOfCompletedDataBlocks : Event (event_code = NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_DATA_BLOCKS) { total_num_data_blocks : 16, _payload_, // placeholder (unimplemented) } packet AuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpired : Event (event_code = AUTHENTICATED_PAYLOAD_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } // LE Events packet LeConnectionComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = CONNECTION_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, role : Role, peer_address_type : AddressType, peer_address : Address, conn_interval : 16, // 0x006 - 0x0C80 (7.5ms - 4000ms) conn_latency : 16, // Number of connection events supervision_timeout : 16, // 0x000A to 0x0C80 (100ms to 32s) central_clock_accuracy : ClockAccuracy, } enum AdvertisingEventType : 8 { ADV_IND = 0x00, ADV_DIRECT_IND = 0x01, ADV_SCAN_IND = 0x02, ADV_NONCONN_IND = 0x03, SCAN_RESPONSE = 0x04, } struct LeAdvertisingResponse { event_type : AdvertisingEventType, address_type : AddressType, address : Address, _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : LengthAndData[], rssi : 8, } packet LeAdvertisingReport : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = ADVERTISING_REPORT) { _count_(responses) : 8, responses : LeAdvertisingResponse[], } struct LeAdvertisingResponseRaw { event_type : AdvertisingEventType, address_type : AddressType, address : Address, _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data : 8[], rssi : 8, } packet LeAdvertisingReportRaw : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = ADVERTISING_REPORT) { _count_(responses) : 8, responses : LeAdvertisingResponseRaw[], } packet LeConnectionUpdateComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = CONNECTION_UPDATE_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, conn_interval : 16, // 0x006 - 0x0C80 (7.5ms - 4000ms) conn_latency : 16, // Number of connection events supervision_timeout : 16, // 0x000A to 0x0C80 (100ms to 32s) } packet LeReadRemoteFeaturesComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = READ_REMOTE_FEATURES_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, le_features : 64, } packet LeLongTermKeyRequest : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LONG_TERM_KEY_REQUEST) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, random_number : 8[8], encrypted_diversifier : 16, } packet LeRemoteConnectionParameterRequest : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, interval_min : 16, // 0x006 - 0x0C80 (7.5ms - 4s) interval_max : 16, // 0x006 - 0x0C80 (7.5ms - 4s) latency : 16, // Number of connection events (0x0000 to 0x01f3 (499) timeout : 16, // 0x000A to 0x0C80 (100ms to 32s) } packet LeDataLengthChange : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = DATA_LENGTH_CHANGE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, max_tx_octets : 16, // 0x001B - 0x00FB max_tx_time : 16, // 0x0148 - 0x4290 max_rx_octets : 16, // 0x001B - 0x00FB max_rx_time : 16, // 0x0148 - 0x4290 } packet ReadLocalP256PublicKeyComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = READ_LOCAL_P256_PUBLIC_KEY_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, local_p_256_public_key : 8[64], } packet GenerateDhKeyComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = GENERATE_DHKEY_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, dh_key : 8[32], } packet LeEnhancedConnectionComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = ENHANCED_CONNECTION_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, role : Role, peer_address_type : AddressType, peer_address : Address, local_resolvable_private_address : Address, peer_resolvable_private_address : Address, conn_interval : 16, // 0x006 - 0x0C80 (7.5ms - 4000ms) conn_latency : 16, // Number of connection events supervision_timeout : 16, // 0x000A to 0x0C80 (100ms to 32s) central_clock_accuracy : ClockAccuracy, } enum DirectAdvertisingAddressType : 8 { PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x00, RANDOM_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x01, PUBLIC_IDENTITY_ADDRESS = 0x02, RANDOM_IDENTITY_ADDRESS = 0x03, CONTROLLER_UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE = 0xFE, NO_ADDRESS_PROVIDED = 0xFF, } enum DirectAdvertisingEventType : 8 { ADV_DIRECT_IND = 0x01, } enum DirectAddressType : 8 { RANDOM_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x01, } struct LeDirectedAdvertisingResponse { event_type : DirectAdvertisingEventType, address_type : DirectAdvertisingAddressType, address : Address, direct_address_type : DirectAddressType, direct_address : Address, rssi : 8, } packet LeDirectedAdvertisingReport : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = DIRECTED_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { _count_(responses) : 8, responses : LeDirectedAdvertisingResponse[], } packet LePhyUpdateComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = PHY_UPDATE_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, tx_phy : 8, rx_phy : 8, } enum DataStatus : 2 { COMPLETE = 0x0, CONTINUING = 0x1, TRUNCATED = 0x2, RESERVED = 0x3, } struct LeExtendedAdvertisingResponse { connectable : 1, scannable : 1, directed : 1, scan_response : 1, legacy : 1, data_status : DataStatus, _reserved_ : 9, address_type : DirectAdvertisingAddressType, address : Address, primary_phy : PrimaryPhyType, secondary_phy : SecondaryPhyType, advertising_sid : 8, // SID subfield in the ADI field tx_power : 8, rssi : 8, // -127 to +20 (0x7F means not available) periodic_advertising_interval : 16, // 0x006 to 0xFFFF (7.5 ms to 82s) direct_address_type : DirectAdvertisingAddressType, direct_address : Address, _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data: LengthAndData[], } struct LeExtendedAdvertisingResponseRaw { connectable : 1, scannable : 1, directed : 1, scan_response : 1, legacy : 1, data_status : DataStatus, _reserved_ : 9, address_type : DirectAdvertisingAddressType, address : Address, primary_phy : PrimaryPhyType, secondary_phy : SecondaryPhyType, advertising_sid : 8, // SID subfield in the ADI field tx_power : 8, rssi : 8, // -127 to +20 (0x7F means not available) periodic_advertising_interval : 16, // 0x006 to 0xFFFF (7.5 ms to 82s) direct_address_type : DirectAdvertisingAddressType, direct_address : Address, _size_(advertising_data) : 8, advertising_data: 8[], } packet LeExtendedAdvertisingReportRaw : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { _count_(responses) : 8, responses : LeExtendedAdvertisingResponseRaw[], } packet LeExtendedAdvertisingReport : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { _count_(responses) : 8, responses : LeExtendedAdvertisingResponse[], } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingSyncEstablished : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_ESTABLISHED) { status : ErrorCode, sync_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, advertising_sid : 8, advertiser_address_type : AddressType, advertiser_address : Address, advertiser_phy : SecondaryPhyType, periodic_advertising_interval : 16, advertiser_clock_accuracy : ClockAccuracy, } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingReport : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { sync_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, tx_power : 8, rssi : 8, cte_type : CteType, data_status : DataStatus, _reserved_: 6, _size_(data) : 8, data : 8[], } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingSyncLost : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_LOST) { sync_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeScanTimeout : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = SCAN_TIMEOUT) { } packet LeAdvertisingSetTerminated : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = ADVERTISING_SET_TERMINATED) { status : ErrorCode, advertising_handle : 8, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, num_completed_extended_advertising_events : 8, } packet LeScanRequestReceived : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = SCAN_REQUEST_RECEIVED) { advertising_handle : 8, scanner_address_type : AddressType, scanner_address : Address, } enum ChannelSelectionAlgorithm : 8 { ALGORITHM_1 = 0, ALGORITHM_2 = 1, } packet LeChannelSelectionAlgorithm : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = CHANNEL_SELECTION_ALGORITHM) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, channel_selection_algorithm : ChannelSelectionAlgorithm, } packet LeConnectionlessIqReport : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = CONNECTIONLESS_IQ_REPORT) { _payload_, // placeholder (unimplemented) } packet LeConnectionIqReport : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = CONNECTION_IQ_REPORT) { _payload_, // placeholder (unimplemented) } packet LeCteRequestFailed : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = CTE_REQUEST_FAILED) { _payload_, // placeholder (unimplemented) } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingSyncTransferReceived : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_SYNC_TRANSFER_RECEIVED) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, service_data : 16, sync_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, advertising_sid : 4, _reserved_ : 4, advertiser_address_type : AddressType, advertiser_address : Address, advertiser_phy : SecondaryPhyType, periodic_advertising_interval : 16, advertiser_clock_accuracy : ClockAccuracy, } packet LeCisEstablished : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = CIS_ESTABLISHED) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, cig_sync_delay : 24, cis_sync_delay : 24, transport_latency_m_to_s : 24, transport_latency_s_to_m : 24, phy_m_to_s : SecondaryPhyType, phy_s_to_m : SecondaryPhyType, nse : 8, bn_m_to_s : 4, _reserved_ : 4, bn_s_to_m : 4, _reserved_ : 4, ft_m_to_s : 8, ft_s_to_m : 8, max_pdu_m_to_s : 8, _reserved_ : 8, max_pdu_s_to_m : 8, _reserved_ : 8, iso_interval : 16, } packet LeCisRequest : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = CIS_REQUEST) { acl_connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, cis_connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, cig_id : 8, cis_id : 8, } packet LeCreateBigComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = CREATE_BIG_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, big_handle : 8, big_sync_delay : 24, transport_latency_big: 24, phy : SecondaryPhyType, nse : 8, bn : 8, pto : 8, irc : 8, max_pdu : 16, iso_interval : 16, _size_(connection_handle) : 8, connection_handle : 16[], } packet LeTerminateBigComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = TERMINATE_BIG_COMPLETE) { big_handle : 8, reason : ErrorCode, } packet LeBigSyncEstablished : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = BIG_SYNC_ESTABLISHED) { status : ErrorCode, big_handle : 8, transport_latency_big : 24, nse : 8, bn : 8, pto : 8, irc : 8, max_pdu : 16, iso_interval : 16, _size_(connection_handle) : 8, connection_handle : 16[], } packet LeBigSyncLost : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = BIG_SYNC_LOST) { big_handle : 8, reason : ErrorCode, } packet LeRequestPeerScaComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = REQUEST_PEER_SCA_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, peer_clock_accuracy : ClockAccuracy, } enum PathLossZone : 8 { LOW = 0, MID = 1, HIGH = 2, } packet LePathLossThreshold : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = PATH_LOSS_THRESHOLD) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, current_path_loss : 8, zone_entered : PathLossZone, } enum ReportingReason : 8 { LOCAL_TRANSMIT_POWER_CHANGED = 0x00, REMOTE_TRANSMIT_POWER_CHANGED = 0x01, READ_COMMAND_COMPLETE = 0x02, } packet LeTransmitPowerReporting : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = TRANSMIT_POWER_REPORTING) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, reason : ReportingReason, phy : 8, transmit_power_level : 8, transmit_power_level_flag : 8, delta : 8, } packet LeBigInfoAdvertisingReport : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = BIG_INFO_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { sync_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, num_bis : 8, nse : 8, iso_interval : 16, bn : 8, pto : 8, irc : 8, max_pdu : 16, sdu_interval : 24, max_sdu : 16, phy : SecondaryPhyType, framing : Enable, encryption : Enable, } packet LeSubrateChange : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LE_SUBRATE_CHANGE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, subrate_factor : 9, _reserved_ : 7, peripheral_latency : 9, _reserved_ : 7, continuation_number : 9, _reserved_ : 7, supervision_timeout: 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LeCsReadRemoteSupportedCapabilitiesComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, num_config_supported: 8, max_consecutive_procedures_supported : 16, num_antennas_supported : 8, max_antenna_paths_supported : 8, roles_supported : CsRoleSupported, optional_modes_supported : 8, rtt_capability : CsRttCapability, rtt_aa_only_n : 8, rtt_sounding_n : 8, rtt_random_payload_n : 8, optional_nadm_sounding_capability : CsOptionalNadmSoundingCapability, optional_nadm_random_capability : CsOptionalNadmRandomCapability, optional_cs_sync_phys_supported : CsOptionalCsSyncPhysSupported, optional_subfeatures_supported : CsOptionalSubfeaturesSupported, optional_t_ip1_times_supported : CsOptionalTIp1TimesSupported, optional_t_ip2_times_supported : CsOptionalTIp2TimesSupported, optional_t_fcs_times_supported : CsOptionalTFcsTimesSupported, optional_t_pm_times_supported : CsOptionalTPmTimesSupported, t_sw_time_supported : 8, } packet LeCsReadRemoteFaeTableComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LE_CS_READ_REMOTE_FAE_TABLE_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, remote_fae_table : 8[9], } packet LeCsSecurityEnableComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LE_CS_SECURITY_ENABLE_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } enum CsRttType : 8 { RTT_AA_ONLY = 0x00, RTT_WITH_32_BIT_SOUNDING_SEQUENCE = 0x01, RTT_WITH_96_BIT_SOUNDING_SEQUENCE = 0x02, RTT_WITH_32_BIT_RANDOM_SEQUENCE = 0x03, RTT_WITH_64_BIT_RANDOM_SEQUENCE = 0x04, RTT_WITH_96_BIT_RANDOM_SEQUENCE = 0x05, RTT_WITH_128_BIT_RANDOM_SEQUENCE = 0x06, } enum CsAction : 8 { CONFIG_REMOVED = 0x00, CONFIG_CREATED = 0x01, } packet LeCsConfigComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LE_CS_CONFIG_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, config_id : 2, _reserved_ : 6, action : CsAction, main_mode_type : CsMainModeType, sub_mode_type : CsSubModeType, min_main_mode_steps : 8, max_main_mode_steps : 8, main_mode_repetition : 2, _reserved_ : 6, mode_0_steps : 2, _reserved_ : 6, role : CsRole, rtt_type : CsRttType, cs_sync_phy : CsSyncPhy, channel_map : 8[10], channel_map_repetition : 8, channel_selection_type : CsChannelSelectionType, ch3c_shape : CsCh3cShape, ch3c_jump : 8, companion_signal_enable : Enable, t_ip1_time : 8, t_ip2_time : 8, t_fcs_time : 8, t_pm_time : 8, } packet LeCsProcedureEnableComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LE_CS_PROCEDURE_ENABLE_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, config_id : 2, _reserved_ : 6, state : Enable, tone_antenna_config_selection : 8, selected_tx_power : 8, subevent_len : 24, subevents_per_event : 8, subevent_interval : 16, event_interval : 16, procedure_interval : 16, procedure_count : 16, } struct LeCsMode0InitatorData { packet_quality : 8, packet_rssi : 8, packet_antenna : 8, measured_freq_offset : 15, _reserved_ : 1, } struct LeCsMode0ReflectorData { packet_quality : 8, packet_rssi : 8, packet_antenna : 8, } struct LeCsToneDataWithQuality { i_sample : 12, q_sample : 12, tone_quality_indicator : 8, } struct LeCsMode2Data { _count_(tone_data) : 8, antenna_permutation_index : 8, tone_data : LeCsToneDataWithQuality[], } enum CsProcedureDoneStatus : 4 { ALL_RESULTS_COMPLETE = 0x0, PARTIAL_RESULTS = 0x1, ABORTED = 0xF, } enum CsSubeventDoneStatus : 4 { ALL_RESULTS_COMPLETE = 0x0, PARTIAL_RESULTS = 0x1, ABORTED = 0xF, } struct LeCsResultDataStructure { step_mode : 8, step_channel : 8, _size_(step_data) : 8, step_data : 8[], } enum ProcedureAbortReason : 4 { NO_ABORT = 0x0, LOCAL_HOST_OR_REMOTE = 0x1, INSUFFICIENT_FILTERED_CHANNELS = 0x2, INSTANT_HAS_PASSED = 0x3, UNSPECIFIED = 0xF, } enum SubeventAbortReason : 4 { NO_ABORT = 0x0, LOCAL_HOST_OR_REMOTE = 0x1, NO_CS_SYNC_RECEIVED = 0x2, SCHEDULING_CONFLICTS_OR_LIMITED_RESOURCES = 0x3, UNSPECIFIED = 0xF, } packet LeCsSubeventResult : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LE_CS_SUBEVENT_RESULT) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, config_id : 2, _reserved_ : 6, start_acl_conn_event : 16, procedure_counter : 16, frequency_compensation : 16, reference_power_level : 8, procedure_done_status : CsProcedureDoneStatus, _reserved_ : 4, subevent_done_status : CsSubeventDoneStatus, _reserved_ : 4, procedure_abort_reason : ProcedureAbortReason, subevent_abort_reason : SubeventAbortReason, num_antenna_paths : 8, _count_(result_data_structures) : 8, result_data_structures : LeCsResultDataStructure[], } packet LeCsSubeventResultContinue : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LE_CS_SUBEVENT_RESULT_CONTINUE) { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, config_id : 2, _reserved_ : 6, procedure_done_status : CsProcedureDoneStatus, _reserved_ : 4, subevent_done_status : CsSubeventDoneStatus, _reserved_ : 4, procedure_abort_reason : ProcedureAbortReason, subevent_abort_reason : SubeventAbortReason, num_antenna_paths : 8, _count_(result_data_structures) : 8, result_data_structures : LeCsResultDataStructure[], } packet LeCsTestEndComplete : LeMetaEvent (subevent_code = LE_CS_TEST_END_COMPLETE) { status : ErrorCode, } // Vendor specific events packet VendorSpecificEvent : Event (event_code = VENDOR_SPECIFIC) { subevent_code : VseSubeventCode, _payload_, } packet StorageThresholdBreachEvent : VendorSpecificEvent (subevent_code = BLE_THRESHOLD) { } enum AdvtInfoPresent : 8 { ADVT_INFO_PRESENT = 0x00, NO_ADVT_INFO_PRESENT = 0x01, } packet LEAdvertisementTrackingEvent : VendorSpecificEvent (subevent_code = BLE_TRACKING) { apcf_filter_index : 8, advertiser_state : 8, advt_info_present : AdvtInfoPresent, advertiser_address : Address, advertiser_address_type : 8, _body_, } enum VseStateChangeReason : 8 { CONNECTION_RECEIVED = 0x00, } packet LEAdvertiseStateChangeEvent : VendorSpecificEvent (subevent_code = BLE_STCHANGE) { advertising_instance : 8, state_change_reason : VseStateChangeReason, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, } packet LEAdvertisementTrackingWithInfoEvent : LEAdvertisementTrackingEvent { tx_power : 8, rssi : 8, timestamp : 16, _size_(adv_packet) : 8, adv_packet : 8[], _size_(scan_response) : 8, scan_response : 8[], } enum QualityReportId : 8 { MONITOR_MODE = 0x01, APPROACH_LSTO = 0x02, A2DP_AUDIO_CHOPPY = 0x03, SCO_VOICE_CHOPPY = 0x04, ROOT_INFLAMMATION = 0x05, LE_AUDIO_CHOPPY = 0x07, CONNECT_FAIL = 0x08, LMP_LL_MESSAGE_TRACE = 0x11, BT_SCHEDULING_TRACE = 0x12, CONTROLLER_DBG_INFO = 0x13, } packet BqrEvent : VendorSpecificEvent (subevent_code = BQR_EVENT) { quality_report_id : QualityReportId, _payload_, } enum BqrPacketType : 8 { TYPE_ID = 0x01, TYPE_NULL = 0x02, TYPE_POLL = 0x03, TYPE_FHS = 0x04, TYPE_HV1 = 0x05, TYPE_HV2 = 0x06, TYPE_HV3 = 0x07, TYPE_DV = 0x08, TYPE_EV3 = 0x09, TYPE_EV4 = 0x0A, TYPE_EV5 = 0x0B, TYPE_2EV3 = 0x0C, TYPE_2EV5 = 0x0D, TYPE_3EV3 = 0x0E, TYPE_3EV5 = 0x0F, TYPE_DM1 = 0x10, TYPE_DH1 = 0x11, TYPE_DM3 = 0x12, TYPE_DH3 = 0x13, TYPE_DM5 = 0x14, TYPE_DH5 = 0x15, TYPE_AUX1 = 0x16, TYPE_2DH1 = 0x17, TYPE_2DH3 = 0x18, TYPE_2DH5 = 0x19, TYPE_3DH1 = 0x1A, TYPE_3DH3 = 0x1B, TYPE_3DH5 = 0x1C, } packet BqrLinkQualityEvent : BqrEvent { packet_type : BqrPacketType, connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, connection_role : Role, tx_power_level : 8, rssi : 8, snr : 8, unused_afh_channel_count : 8, afh_select_unideal_channel_count : 8, lsto : 16, connection_piconet_clock : 32, retransmission_count : 32, no_rx_count : 32, nak_count : 32, last_tx_ack_timestamp : 32, flow_off_count : 32, last_flow_on_timestamp : 32, buffer_overflow_bytes : 32, buffer_underflow_bytes : 32, _payload_, } packet BqrMonitorModeEvent : BqrLinkQualityEvent (quality_report_id = MONITOR_MODE) { _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } packet BqrApproachLstoEvent : BqrLinkQualityEvent (quality_report_id = APPROACH_LSTO) { _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } packet BqrA2dpAudioChoppyEvent : BqrLinkQualityEvent (quality_report_id = A2DP_AUDIO_CHOPPY) { _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } packet BqrScoVoiceChoppyEvent : BqrLinkQualityEvent (quality_report_id = SCO_VOICE_CHOPPY) { _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } packet BqrLeAudioChoppyEvent : BqrLinkQualityEvent (quality_report_id = LE_AUDIO_CHOPPY) { _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } packet BqrConnectFailEvent : BqrLinkQualityEvent (quality_report_id = CONNECT_FAIL) { _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } packet BqrRootInflammationEvent : BqrEvent (quality_report_id = ROOT_INFLAMMATION) { error_code : 8, vendor_specific_error_code : 8, _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } packet BqrLogDumpEvent : BqrEvent { connection_handle : 12, _reserved_ : 4, _payload_, } packet BqrLmpLlMessageTraceEvent : BqrLogDumpEvent (quality_report_id = LMP_LL_MESSAGE_TRACE) { _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } packet BqrBtSchedulingTraceEvent : BqrLogDumpEvent (quality_report_id = BT_SCHEDULING_TRACE) { _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } packet BqrControllerDbgInfoEvent : BqrLogDumpEvent (quality_report_id = CONTROLLER_DBG_INFO) { _payload_, // vendor specific parameter } // Isochronous Adaptation Layer enum IsoPacketBoundaryFlag : 2 { FIRST_FRAGMENT = 0, CONTINUATION_FRAGMENT = 1, COMPLETE_SDU = 2, LAST_FRAGMENT = 3, } enum TimeStampFlag : 1 { NOT_PRESENT = 0, PRESENT = 1, } packet Iso { connection_handle : 12, pb_flag : IsoPacketBoundaryFlag, ts_flag : TimeStampFlag, _reserved_ : 1, _size_(_payload_) : 14, _reserved_ : 2, _payload_, } enum IsoPacketStatusFlag : 2 { VALID = 0, POSSIBLY_INVALID = 1, LOST_DATA = 2, } packet IsoWithTimestamp : Iso (ts_flag = PRESENT) { time_stamp : 32, packet_sequence_number : 16, iso_sdu_length : 12, _reserved_ : 2, packet_status_flag : IsoPacketStatusFlag, _payload_, } packet IsoWithoutTimestamp : Iso (ts_flag = NOT_PRESENT) { packet_sequence_number : 16, iso_sdu_length : 12, _reserved_ : 2, packet_status_flag : IsoPacketStatusFlag, _payload_, } // MSFT packets // Reference: enum MsftSubcommandOpcode : 8 { MSFT_READ_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 0x00, MSFT_MONITOR_RSSI = 0x01, MSFT_CANCEL_MONITOR_RSSI = 0x02, MSFT_LE_MONITOR_ADV = 0x03, MSFT_LE_CANCEL_MONITOR_ADV = 0x04, MSFT_LE_SET_ADV_FILTER_ENABLE = 0x05, MSFT_READ_ABSOLUTE_RSSI = 0x06, } // MSFT Commands don't have a constant opcode, so leave `op_code` undefined. packet MsftCommand : Command { subcommand_opcode: MsftSubcommandOpcode, _payload_, } packet MsftReadSupportedFeatures : MsftCommand (subcommand_opcode = MSFT_READ_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) {} enum MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionType : 8 { MSFT_CONDITION_TYPE_PATTERNS = 0x01, MSFT_CONDITION_TYPE_UUID = 0x02, MSFT_CONDITION_TYPE_IRK_RESOLUTION = 0x03, MSFT_CONDITION_TYPE_ADDRESS = 0x04, } enum MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuidType : 8 { MSFT_CONDITION_UUID_TYPE_16_BIT = 0x01, MSFT_CONDITION_UUID_TYPE_32_BIT = 0x02, MSFT_CONDITION_UUID_TYPE_128_BIT = 0x03, } packet MsftLeMonitorAdv : MsftCommand (subcommand_opcode = MSFT_LE_MONITOR_ADV) { rssi_threshold_high : 8, rssi_threshold_low : 8, rssi_threshold_low_time_interval : 8, rssi_sampling_period : 8, condition_type: MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionType, _payload_, } struct MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionPattern { _size_(pattern) : 8, // including one byte for ad_type and one byte for start_of_pattern ad_type: 8, start_of_pattern: 8, pattern: 8[+2], } packet MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionPatterns : MsftLeMonitorAdv (condition_type = MSFT_CONDITION_TYPE_PATTERNS) { _count_(patterns): 8, patterns: MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionPattern[], } test MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionPatterns { "\x1e\xfc\x0e\x03\x10\x05\x04\xaa\x01\x01\x06\x03\x00\x80\x81\x82\x83", // 1 pattern "\x70\xfd\x13\x03\x15\x04\x02\xbb\x01\x02\x04\x03\x00\x80\x81\x06\x0f\x00\x90\x91\x92\x93", // 2 patterns } packet MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionAddress : MsftLeMonitorAdv (condition_type = MSFT_CONDITION_TYPE_ADDRESS) { addr_type: 8, addr : Address, } test MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionAddress { "\x1e\xfc\x0d\x03\x10\x05\x04\xaa\x04\x00\x03\x03\x05\xc4\x05\xc4", } packet MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid : MsftLeMonitorAdv (condition_type = MSFT_CONDITION_TYPE_UUID) { uuid_type: MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuidType, _payload_, } packet MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid2 : MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid (uuid_type = MSFT_CONDITION_UUID_TYPE_16_BIT) { uuid2: 8[2], } test MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid2 { "\x1e\xfc\x09\x03\x10\x11\x12\x13\x02\x01\x70\x71", // opcode = fc1e for Intel "\x70\xfd\x09\x03\x10\x11\x12\x13\x02\x01\x70\x71", // opcode = fd70 for Qualcomm } packet MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid4 : MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid (uuid_type = MSFT_CONDITION_UUID_TYPE_32_BIT) { uuid4: 8[4], } test MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid4 { "\x1e\xfc\x0b\x03\x10\x11\x12\x13\x02\x02\x70\x71\x72\x73", "\x70\xfd\x0b\x03\x10\x11\x12\x13\x02\x02\x70\x71\x72\x73", } packet MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid16 : MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid (uuid_type = MSFT_CONDITION_UUID_TYPE_128_BIT) { uuid16: 8[16], } test MsftLeMonitorAdvConditionUuid16 { "\x1e\xfc\x17\x03\x10\x11\x12\x13\x02\x03\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7a\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7e\x7f", "\x70\xfd\x17\x03\x10\x11\x12\x13\x02\x03\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7a\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7e\x7f", } packet MsftLeCancelMonitorAdv: MsftCommand (subcommand_opcode = MSFT_LE_CANCEL_MONITOR_ADV) { monitor_handle: 8, } test MsftLeCancelMonitorAdv { "\x1e\xfc\x02\x04\x01", // cancel handle 0x01 } packet MsftLeSetAdvFilterEnable : MsftCommand (subcommand_opcode = MSFT_LE_SET_ADV_FILTER_ENABLE) { enable: 8, } test MsftLeSetAdvFilterEnable { "\x1e\xfc\x02\x05\x01", // disable "\x70\xfd\x02\x05\x01", // enable } packet MsftCommandComplete : CommandComplete { status: ErrorCode, subcommand_opcode: MsftSubcommandOpcode, _payload_, } packet MsftReadSupportedFeaturesCommandComplete : MsftCommandComplete (subcommand_opcode = MSFT_READ_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) { supported_features: 64, _size_(prefix) : 8, prefix: 8[], } test MsftReadSupportedFeaturesCommandComplete { "\x0e\x10\x01\x1e\xfc\x00\x00\x7f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x87\x80", // Msft opcode by Intel "\x0e\x12\x01\x70\xfd\x00\x00\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x4d\x53\x46\x54", // Msft opcode by Qualcomm } packet MsftLeMonitorAdvCommandComplete : MsftCommandComplete (subcommand_opcode = MSFT_LE_MONITOR_ADV) { monitor_handle: 8, } test MsftLeMonitorAdvCommandComplete { "\x0e\x06\x01\x1e\xfc\x00\x03\x05", // succeeded "\x0e\x06\x01\x70\xfd\x01\x03\x06", // failed } packet MsftLeCancelMonitorAdvCommandComplete : MsftCommandComplete (subcommand_opcode = MSFT_LE_CANCEL_MONITOR_ADV) {} packet MsftLeSetAdvFilterEnableCommandComplete : MsftCommandComplete (subcommand_opcode = MSFT_LE_SET_ADV_FILTER_ENABLE) {} enum MsftEventCode : 8 { MSFT_RSSI_EVENT = 0x01, MSFT_LE_MONITOR_DEVICE_EVENT = 0x02, } enum MsftEventStatus : 8 { MSFT_EVENT_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0x00, MSFT_EVENT_STATUS_FAILURE = 0x01, } // It is not possible to define MSFT Event packet by deriving `Event` packet // because it starts with variable-length event prefix which can only be determined // at run-time (after receiving return of MSFT Read Supported Features). // Therefore we only define the payload which is located after the event prefix. packet MsftEventPayload { msft_event_code : MsftEventCode, _payload_, } packet MsftRssiEventPayload : MsftEventPayload (msft_event_code = MSFT_RSSI_EVENT) { status: MsftEventStatus, connection_handle: 16, rssi: 8, } test MsftRssiEventPayload { "\x01\x00\x01\x10\xf0", // MSFT_RSSI_EVENT succeeded "\x01\x01\x02\x02\x08", // MSFT_RSSI_EVENT failed } packet MsftLeMonitorDeviceEventPayload : MsftEventPayload (msft_event_code = MSFT_LE_MONITOR_DEVICE_EVENT) { address_type: 8, bd_addr: Address, monitor_handle: 8, monitor_state: 8, } test MsftLeMonitorDeviceEventPayload { "\x02\x01\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x10\x00", "\x02\x02\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xaa\x02", }