//! This module handles an individual connection on the ATT fixed channel. //! It handles ATT transactions and unacknowledged operations, backed by an //! AttDatabase (that may in turn be backed by an upper-layer protocol) use std::{cell::Cell, future::Future}; use anyhow::Result; use log::{error, trace, warn}; use tokio::task::spawn_local; use crate::{ core::{ shared_box::{WeakBox, WeakBoxRef}, shared_mutex::SharedMutex, }, gatt::{ ids::AttHandle, mtu::{AttMtu, MtuEvent}, opcode_types::{classify_opcode, OperationType}, }, packets::{ AttAttributeDataChild, AttBuilder, AttChild, AttErrorCode, AttErrorResponseBuilder, AttView, Packet, SerializeError, }, utils::{owned_handle::OwnedHandle, packet::HACK_child_to_opcode}, }; use super::{ att_database::AttDatabase, command_handler::AttCommandHandler, indication_handler::{ConfirmationWatcher, IndicationError, IndicationHandler}, request_handler::AttRequestHandler, }; enum AttRequestState { Idle(AttRequestHandler), Pending { _task: OwnedHandle<()> }, Replacing, } /// The errors that can occur while trying to send a packet #[derive(Debug)] pub enum SendError { /// The packet failed to serialize SerializeError(SerializeError), /// The connection no longer exists ConnectionDropped, } /// This represents a single ATT bearer (currently, always the unenhanced fixed /// channel on LE) The AttRequestState ensures that only one transaction can /// take place at a time pub struct AttServerBearer { // general send_packet: Box Result<(), SerializeError>>, mtu: AttMtu, // request state curr_request: Cell>, // indication state indication_handler: SharedMutex>, pending_confirmation: ConfirmationWatcher, // command handler (across all bearers) command_handler: AttCommandHandler, } impl AttServerBearer { /// Constructor, wrapping an ATT channel (for outgoing packets) and an /// AttDatabase pub fn new( db: T, send_packet: impl Fn(AttBuilder) -> Result<(), SerializeError> + 'static, ) -> Self { let (indication_handler, pending_confirmation) = IndicationHandler::new(db.clone()); Self { send_packet: Box::new(send_packet), mtu: AttMtu::new(), curr_request: AttRequestState::Idle(AttRequestHandler::new(db.clone())).into(), indication_handler: SharedMutex::new(indication_handler), pending_confirmation, command_handler: AttCommandHandler::new(db), } } fn send_packet(&self, packet: impl Into) -> Result<(), SerializeError> { let child = packet.into(); let packet = AttBuilder { opcode: HACK_child_to_opcode(&child), _child_: child }; (self.send_packet)(packet) } } impl WeakBoxRef<'_, AttServerBearer> { /// Handle an incoming packet, and send outgoing packets as appropriate /// using the owned ATT channel. pub fn handle_packet(&self, packet: AttView<'_>) { match classify_opcode(packet.get_opcode()) { OperationType::Command => { self.command_handler.process_packet(packet); } OperationType::Request => { self.handle_request(packet); } OperationType::Confirmation => self.pending_confirmation.on_confirmation(), OperationType::Response | OperationType::Notification | OperationType::Indication => { unreachable!("the arbiter should not let us receive these packet types") } } } /// Send an indication, wait for the peer confirmation, and return the /// appropriate status If multiple calls are outstanding, they are /// executed in FIFO order. pub fn send_indication( &self, handle: AttHandle, data: AttAttributeDataChild, ) -> impl Future> { trace!("sending indication for handle {handle:?}"); let locked_indication_handler = self.indication_handler.lock(); let pending_mtu = self.mtu.snapshot(); let this = self.downgrade(); async move { // first wait until we are at the head of the queue and are ready to send // indications let mut indication_handler = locked_indication_handler .await .ok_or_else(|| { warn!("indication for handle {handle:?} cancelled while queued since the connection dropped"); IndicationError::SendError(SendError::ConnectionDropped) })?; // then, if MTU negotiation is taking place, wait for it to complete let mtu = pending_mtu .await .ok_or_else(|| { warn!("indication for handle {handle:?} cancelled while waiting for MTU exchange to complete since the connection dropped"); IndicationError::SendError(SendError::ConnectionDropped) })?; // finally, send, and wait for a response indication_handler.send(handle, data, mtu, |packet| this.try_send_packet(packet)).await } } /// Handle a snooped MTU event, to update the MTU we use for our various /// operations pub fn handle_mtu_event(&self, mtu_event: MtuEvent) -> Result<()> { self.mtu.handle_event(mtu_event) } fn handle_request(&self, packet: AttView<'_>) { let curr_request = self.curr_request.replace(AttRequestState::Replacing); self.curr_request.replace(match curr_request { AttRequestState::Idle(mut request_handler) => { // even if the MTU is updated afterwards, 5.3 3F states that the // request-time MTU should be used let mtu = self.mtu.snapshot_or_default(); let packet = packet.to_owned_packet(); let this = self.downgrade(); let task = spawn_local(async move { trace!("starting ATT transaction"); let reply = request_handler.process_packet(packet.view(), mtu).await; this.with(|this| { this.map(|this| { match this.send_packet(reply) { Ok(_) => { trace!("reply packet sent") } Err(err) => { error!("serializer failure {err:?}, dropping packet and sending failed reply"); // if this also fails, we're stuck if let Err(err) = this.send_packet(AttErrorResponseBuilder { opcode_in_error: packet.view().get_opcode(), handle_in_error: AttHandle(0).into(), error_code: AttErrorCode::UNLIKELY_ERROR, }) { panic!("unexpected serialize error for known-good packet {err:?}") } } }; // ready for next transaction this.curr_request.replace(AttRequestState::Idle(request_handler)); }) }); }); AttRequestState::Pending { _task: task.into() } } AttRequestState::Pending { .. } => { warn!("multiple ATT operations cannot simultaneously take place, dropping one"); // TODO(aryarahul) - disconnect connection here; curr_request } AttRequestState::Replacing => { panic!("Replacing is an ephemeral state"); } }); } } impl WeakBox> { fn try_send_packet(&self, packet: impl Into) -> Result<(), SendError> { self.with(|this| { this.ok_or_else(|| { warn!("connection dropped before packet sent"); SendError::ConnectionDropped })? .send_packet(packet) .map_err(SendError::SerializeError) }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::rc::Rc; use tokio::sync::mpsc::{error::TryRecvError, unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver}; use super::*; use crate::{ core::{shared_box::SharedBox, uuid::Uuid}, gatt::{ ffi::AttributeBackingType, ids::TransportIndex, mocks::mock_datastore::{MockDatastore, MockDatastoreEvents}, server::{ att_database::{AttAttribute, AttPermissions}, gatt_database::{ GattCharacteristicWithHandle, GattDatabase, GattServiceWithHandle, }, test::test_att_db::TestAttDatabase, }, }, packets::{ AttAttributeDataBuilder, AttAttributeDataChild, AttHandleValueConfirmationBuilder, AttOpcode, AttReadRequestBuilder, AttReadResponseBuilder, }, utils::{ packet::build_att_view_or_crash, task::{block_on_locally, try_await}, }, }; const VALID_HANDLE: AttHandle = AttHandle(3); const INVALID_HANDLE: AttHandle = AttHandle(4); const ANOTHER_VALID_HANDLE: AttHandle = AttHandle(10); const TCB_IDX: TransportIndex = TransportIndex(1); fn open_connection( ) -> (SharedBox>, UnboundedReceiver) { let db = TestAttDatabase::new(vec![ ( AttAttribute { handle: VALID_HANDLE, type_: Uuid::new(0x1234), permissions: AttPermissions::READABLE | AttPermissions::INDICATE, }, vec![5, 6], ), ( AttAttribute { handle: ANOTHER_VALID_HANDLE, type_: Uuid::new(0x5678), permissions: AttPermissions::READABLE | AttPermissions::INDICATE, }, vec![5, 6], ), ]); let (tx, rx) = unbounded_channel(); let conn = AttServerBearer::new(db, move |packet| { tx.send(packet).unwrap(); Ok(()) }) .into(); (conn, rx) } #[test] fn test_single_transaction() { block_on_locally(async { let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttReadRequestBuilder { attribute_handle: VALID_HANDLE.into(), }) .view(), ); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await.unwrap().opcode, AttOpcode::READ_RESPONSE); assert_eq!(rx.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty)); }); } #[test] fn test_sequential_transactions() { block_on_locally(async { let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttReadRequestBuilder { attribute_handle: INVALID_HANDLE.into(), }) .view(), ); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await.unwrap().opcode, AttOpcode::ERROR_RESPONSE); assert_eq!(rx.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty)); conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttReadRequestBuilder { attribute_handle: VALID_HANDLE.into(), }) .view(), ); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await.unwrap().opcode, AttOpcode::READ_RESPONSE); assert_eq!(rx.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty)); }); } #[test] fn test_concurrent_transaction_failure() { // arrange: AttServerBearer linked to a backing datastore and packet queue, with // two characteristics in the database let (datastore, mut data_rx) = MockDatastore::new(); let datastore = Rc::new(datastore); let db = SharedBox::new(GattDatabase::new()); db.add_service_with_handles( GattServiceWithHandle { handle: AttHandle(1), type_: Uuid::new(1), characteristics: vec![ GattCharacteristicWithHandle { handle: VALID_HANDLE, type_: Uuid::new(2), permissions: AttPermissions::READABLE, descriptors: vec![], }, GattCharacteristicWithHandle { handle: ANOTHER_VALID_HANDLE, type_: Uuid::new(2), permissions: AttPermissions::READABLE, descriptors: vec![], }, ], }, datastore, ) .unwrap(); let (tx, mut rx) = unbounded_channel(); let send_packet = move |packet| { tx.send(packet).unwrap(); Ok(()) }; let conn = SharedBox::new(AttServerBearer::new(db.get_att_database(TCB_IDX), send_packet)); let data = [1, 2]; // act: send two read requests before replying to either read // first request block_on_locally(async { let req1 = build_att_view_or_crash(AttReadRequestBuilder { attribute_handle: VALID_HANDLE.into(), }); conn.as_ref().handle_packet(req1.view()); // second request let req2 = build_att_view_or_crash(AttReadRequestBuilder { attribute_handle: ANOTHER_VALID_HANDLE.into(), }); conn.as_ref().handle_packet(req2.view()); // handle first reply let MockDatastoreEvents::Read( TCB_IDX, VALID_HANDLE, AttributeBackingType::Characteristic, data_resp, ) = data_rx.recv().await.unwrap() else { unreachable!(); }; data_resp.send(Ok(data.to_vec())).unwrap(); trace!("reply sent from upper tester"); // assert: that the first reply was made let resp = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( resp, AttBuilder { opcode: AttOpcode::READ_RESPONSE, _child_: AttReadResponseBuilder { value: AttAttributeDataBuilder { _child_: AttAttributeDataChild::RawData( data.to_vec().into_boxed_slice() ) }, } .into() } ); // assert no other replies were made assert_eq!(rx.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty)); // assert no callbacks are pending assert_eq!(data_rx.try_recv().unwrap_err(), TryRecvError::Empty); }); } #[test] fn test_indication_confirmation() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); // act: send an indication let pending_send = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await.unwrap().opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); assert_eq!(rx.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty)); // and the confirmation conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttHandleValueConfirmationBuilder {}).view(), ); // assert: the indication was correctly sent assert!(matches!(pending_send.await.unwrap(), Ok(()))); }); } #[test] fn test_sequential_indications() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); // act: send the first indication let pending_send1 = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); // wait for/capture the outgoing packet let sent1 = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); // send the response conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttHandleValueConfirmationBuilder {}).view(), ); // send the second indication let pending_send2 = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); // wait for/capture the outgoing packet let sent2 = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); // and the response conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttHandleValueConfirmationBuilder {}).view(), ); // assert: exactly two indications were sent assert_eq!(sent1.opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); assert_eq!(sent2.opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); assert_eq!(rx.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty)); // and that both got successful responses assert!(matches!(pending_send1.await.unwrap(), Ok(()))); assert!(matches!(pending_send2.await.unwrap(), Ok(()))); }); } #[test] fn test_queued_indications_only_one_sent() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); // act: send two indications simultaneously let pending_send1 = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); let pending_send2 = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( ANOTHER_VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); // assert: only one was initially sent assert_eq!(rx.recv().await.unwrap().opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); assert_eq!(rx.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty)); // and both are still pending assert!(!pending_send1.is_finished()); assert!(!pending_send2.is_finished()); }); } #[test] fn test_queued_indications_dequeue_second() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); // act: send two indications simultaneously let pending_send1 = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); let pending_send2 = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( ANOTHER_VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); // wait for/capture the outgoing packet let sent1 = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); // send response for the first one conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttHandleValueConfirmationBuilder {}).view(), ); // wait for/capture the outgoing packet let sent2 = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); // assert: the first future has completed successfully, the second one is // pending assert!(matches!(pending_send1.await.unwrap(), Ok(()))); assert!(!pending_send2.is_finished()); // and that both indications have been sent assert_eq!(sent1.opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); assert_eq!(sent2.opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); assert_eq!(rx.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty)); }); } #[test] fn test_queued_indications_complete_both() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); // act: send two indications simultaneously let pending_send1 = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); let pending_send2 = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( ANOTHER_VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); // wait for/capture the outgoing packet let sent1 = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); // send response for the first one conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttHandleValueConfirmationBuilder {}).view(), ); // wait for/capture the outgoing packet let sent2 = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); // and now the second conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttHandleValueConfirmationBuilder {}).view(), ); // assert: both futures have completed successfully assert!(matches!(pending_send1.await.unwrap(), Ok(()))); assert!(matches!(pending_send2.await.unwrap(), Ok(()))); // and both indications have been sent assert_eq!(sent1.opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); assert_eq!(sent2.opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); assert_eq!(rx.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty)); }); } #[test] fn test_indication_connection_drop() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange: a pending indication let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); let pending_send = spawn_local(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )); // act: drop the connection after the indication is sent rx.recv().await.unwrap(); drop(conn); // assert: the pending indication fails with the appropriate error assert!(matches!( pending_send.await.unwrap(), Err(IndicationError::ConnectionDroppedWhileWaitingForConfirmation) )); }); } #[test] fn test_single_indication_pending_mtu() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange: pending MTU negotiation let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); conn.as_ref().handle_mtu_event(MtuEvent::OutgoingRequest).unwrap(); // act: try to send an indication with a large payload size let _ = try_await(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData((1..50).collect()), )) .await; // then resolve the MTU negotiation with a large MTU conn.as_ref().handle_mtu_event(MtuEvent::IncomingResponse(100)).unwrap(); // assert: the indication was sent assert_eq!(rx.recv().await.unwrap().opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); }); } #[test] fn test_single_indication_pending_mtu_fail() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange: pending MTU negotiation let (conn, _) = open_connection(); conn.as_ref().handle_mtu_event(MtuEvent::OutgoingRequest).unwrap(); // act: try to send an indication with a large payload size let pending_mtu = try_await(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData((1..50).collect()), )) .await .unwrap_err(); // then resolve the MTU negotiation with a small MTU conn.as_ref().handle_mtu_event(MtuEvent::IncomingResponse(32)).unwrap(); // assert: the indication failed to send assert!(matches!(pending_mtu.await, Err(IndicationError::DataExceedsMtu { .. }))); }); } #[test] fn test_server_transaction_pending_mtu() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange: pending MTU negotiation let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); conn.as_ref().handle_mtu_event(MtuEvent::OutgoingRequest).unwrap(); // act: send server packet conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttReadRequestBuilder { attribute_handle: VALID_HANDLE.into(), }) .view(), ); // assert: that we reply even while the MTU req is outstanding assert_eq!(rx.recv().await.unwrap().opcode, AttOpcode::READ_RESPONSE); }); } #[test] fn test_queued_indication_pending_mtu_uses_mtu_on_dequeue() { block_on_locally(async { // arrange: an outstanding indication let (conn, mut rx) = open_connection(); let _ = try_await(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData([1, 2, 3].into()), )) .await; rx.recv().await.unwrap(); // flush rx_queue // act: enqueue an indication with a large payload let _ = try_await(conn.as_ref().send_indication( VALID_HANDLE, AttAttributeDataChild::RawData((1..50).collect()), )) .await; // then perform MTU negotiation to upgrade to a large MTU conn.as_ref().handle_mtu_event(MtuEvent::OutgoingRequest).unwrap(); conn.as_ref().handle_mtu_event(MtuEvent::IncomingResponse(512)).unwrap(); // finally resolve the first indication, so the second indication can be sent conn.as_ref().handle_packet( build_att_view_or_crash(AttHandleValueConfirmationBuilder {}).view(), ); // assert: the second indication successfully sent (so it used the new MTU) assert_eq!(rx.recv().await.unwrap().opcode, AttOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION); }); } }