little_endian_packets custom_field Address : 48 "hci/" enum PacketType : 8 { UNKNOWN = 0x00, ACL = 0x01, SCO = 0x02, LE_CONNECTED_ISOCHRONOUS_PDU = 0x03, LE_BROADCAST_ISOCHRONOUS_PDU = 0x04, DISCONNECT = 0x05, INQUIRY = 0x06, INQUIRY_RESPONSE = 0x07, LE_LEGACY_ADVERTISING_PDU = 0x0B, LE_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_PDU = 0x37, LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_PDU = 0x40, LE_CONNECT = 0x0C, LE_CONNECT_COMPLETE = 0x0D, LE_SCAN = 0x0E, LE_SCAN_RESPONSE = 0x0F, PAGE = 0x10, PAGE_RESPONSE = 0x11, PAGE_REJECT = 0x12, READ_CLOCK_OFFSET = 0x13, READ_CLOCK_OFFSET_RESPONSE = 0x14, READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 0x15, READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES_RESPONSE = 0x16, READ_REMOTE_LMP_FEATURES = 0x17, READ_REMOTE_LMP_FEATURES_RESPONSE = 0x18, READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES = 0x19, READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES_RESPONSE = 0x1A, READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION = 0x1B, READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION_RESPONSE = 0x1C, REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST = 0x1D, REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_RESPONSE = 0x1E, LE_ENCRYPT_CONNECTION = 0x20, LE_ENCRYPT_CONNECTION_RESPONSE = 0x21, LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES = 0x2C, LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES_RESPONSE = 0x2D, LE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST = 0x2E, LE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_UPDATE = 0x2F, SCO_CONNECTION_REQUEST = 0x30, SCO_CONNECTION_RESPONSE = 0x31, SCO_DISCONNECT = 0x32, LMP = 0x34, LLCP = 0x41, PING_REQUEST = 0x35, PING_RESPONSE = 0x36, ROLE_SWITCH_REQUEST = 0x38, ROLE_SWITCH_RESPONSE = 0x39, LL_PHY_REQ = 0x50, LL_PHY_RSP = 0x51, LL_PHY_UPDATE_IND = 0x52, } packet LinkLayerPacket { type : PacketType, source_address : Address, destination_address : Address, _body_, } packet Acl : LinkLayerPacket (type = ACL) { packet_boundary_flag : 8, broadcast_flag : 8, data: 8[], } packet Sco : LinkLayerPacket (type = SCO) { _payload_, } packet LeConnectedIsochronousPdu : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_CONNECTED_ISOCHRONOUS_PDU) { cig_id: 8, cis_id: 8, sequence_number: 16, data: 8[], } packet LeBroadcastIsochronousPdu : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_BROADCAST_ISOCHRONOUS_PDU) { } packet Disconnect : LinkLayerPacket (type = DISCONNECT) { reason : 8, } enum InquiryState : 8 { STANDBY = 0x00, INQUIRY = 0x01, } enum InquiryType : 8 { STANDARD = 0x00, RSSI = 0x01, EXTENDED = 0x02, } packet Inquiry : LinkLayerPacket (type = INQUIRY) { inquiry_type : InquiryType, lap : 8, // The IAC is derived from the LAP } packet BasicInquiryResponse : LinkLayerPacket(type = INQUIRY_RESPONSE) { inquiry_type : InquiryType, page_scan_repetition_mode : 8, class_of_device : 24, clock_offset : 15, _reserved_ : 1, _body_, } packet InquiryResponse : BasicInquiryResponse (inquiry_type = STANDARD) { } packet InquiryResponseWithRssi : BasicInquiryResponse (inquiry_type = RSSI) { rssi: 8, } packet ExtendedInquiryResponse : BasicInquiryResponse (inquiry_type = EXTENDED) { rssi: 8, extended_inquiry_response : 8[240], } enum AddressType : 8 { PUBLIC = 0, RANDOM = 1, PUBLIC_IDENTITY = 2, RANDOM_IDENTITY = 3, } // Legacy advertising PDU types. // Vol 6, Part B § 2.3.1 Advertising PDUs. enum LegacyAdvertisingType : 8 { ADV_IND = 0, // Connectable and scannable ADV_DIRECT_IND = 1, // Connectable directed, high duty cycle ADV_SCAN_IND = 2, // Scannable undirected ADV_NONCONN_IND = 3, // Non connectable undirected } packet LeLegacyAdvertisingPdu : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_LEGACY_ADVERTISING_PDU) { advertising_address_type: AddressType, target_address_type: AddressType, advertising_type: LegacyAdvertisingType, advertising_data: 8[], } // PHY type. Matching the primary and secondary PHY types // from the following commands and events: // - Vol 4, Part E § LE Extended Advertising Report event // - Vol 4, Part E § 7.8.53 LE Set Extended Advertising Parameters command enum PhyType : 8 { NO_PACKETS = 0x00, LE_1M = 0x01, LE_2M = 0x02, LE_CODED_S8 = 0x03, LE_CODED_S2 = 0x04, } packet LeExtendedAdvertisingPdu : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_EXTENDED_ADVERTISING_PDU) { advertising_address_type: AddressType, target_address_type: AddressType, connectable: 1, scannable: 1, directed: 1, _reserved_: 5, sid: 8, // 0xff when not provided tx_power: 8, primary_phy: PhyType, // LE_1M | LE_CODEC_S8 secondary_phy: PhyType, periodic_advertising_interval: 16, advertising_data: 8[], } packet LePeriodicAdvertisingPdu : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_PDU) { advertising_address_type: AddressType, sid: 8, // 0xff when not provided tx_power: 8, advertising_interval: 16, advertising_data: 8[], } packet LeConnect : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_CONNECT) { initiating_address_type : AddressType, advertising_address_type : AddressType, conn_interval : 16, conn_peripheral_latency : 16, conn_supervision_timeout : 16, } packet LeConnectComplete : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_CONNECT_COMPLETE) { initiating_address_type : AddressType, advertising_address_type : AddressType, conn_interval : 16, conn_peripheral_latency : 16, conn_supervision_timeout : 16, } packet LeScan : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_SCAN) { scanning_address_type : AddressType, advertising_address_type : AddressType, } packet LeScanResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_SCAN_RESPONSE) { advertising_address_type : AddressType, scan_response_data : 8[], } packet Page : LinkLayerPacket (type = PAGE) { class_of_device : 24, allow_role_switch : 8, } packet PageResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = PAGE_RESPONSE) { try_role_switch : 8, } packet PageReject : LinkLayerPacket (type = PAGE_REJECT) { reason : 8, } packet ReadClockOffset : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_CLOCK_OFFSET) { } packet ReadClockOffsetResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_CLOCK_OFFSET_RESPONSE) { offset : 16, } packet ReadRemoteSupportedFeatures : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) { } packet ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES_RESPONSE) { features : 64, } packet ReadRemoteLmpFeatures : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_REMOTE_LMP_FEATURES) { } packet ReadRemoteLmpFeaturesResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_REMOTE_LMP_FEATURES_RESPONSE) { features : 64, } packet ReadRemoteExtendedFeatures : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES) { page_number : 8, } packet ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES_RESPONSE) { status : 8, page_number : 8, max_page_number : 8, features : 64, } packet ReadRemoteVersionInformation : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION) { } packet ReadRemoteVersionInformationResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION_RESPONSE) { lmp_version : 8, lmp_subversion : 8, manufacturer_name : 16, } packet RemoteNameRequest : LinkLayerPacket (type = REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST) { } packet RemoteNameRequestResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_RESPONSE) { name : 8[248], } packet LeEncryptConnection : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_ENCRYPT_CONNECTION) { rand : 8[8], ediv : 16, ltk : 8[16], } packet LeEncryptConnectionResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_ENCRYPT_CONNECTION_RESPONSE) { rand : 8[8], ediv : 16, ltk : 8[16], } enum PasskeyNotificationType : 8 { ENTRY_STARTED = 0x00, DIGIT_ENTERED = 0x01, DIGIT_ERASED = 0x02, CLEARED = 0x03, ENTRY_COMPLETED = 0x04, } packet LeReadRemoteFeatures : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES) { } packet LeReadRemoteFeaturesResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES_RESPONSE) { features : 64, status : 8, } packet LeConnectionParameterRequest : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST) { interval_min : 16, interval_max : 16, latency : 16, timeout : 16, } packet LeConnectionParameterUpdate : LinkLayerPacket (type = LE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_UPDATE) { status : 8, interval : 16, latency : 16, timeout : 16, } packet ScoConnectionRequest : LinkLayerPacket (type = SCO_CONNECTION_REQUEST) { transmit_bandwidth : 32, receive_bandwidth : 32, max_latency : 16, voice_setting : 10, _reserved_ : 6, retransmission_effort : 8, packet_type : 16, class_of_device : 24, } packet ScoConnectionResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = SCO_CONNECTION_RESPONSE) { status : 8, transmission_interval : 8, retransmission_window : 8, rx_packet_length : 16, tx_packet_length : 16, air_mode : 8, extended : 1, _reserved_ : 7, } packet ScoDisconnect : LinkLayerPacket (type = SCO_DISCONNECT) { reason : 8, } packet Lmp : LinkLayerPacket (type = LMP) { _payload_, } packet Llcp : LinkLayerPacket (type = LLCP) { _payload_, } packet PingRequest : LinkLayerPacket (type = PING_REQUEST) { } packet PingResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = PING_RESPONSE) { } packet RoleSwitchRequest : LinkLayerPacket (type = ROLE_SWITCH_REQUEST) { } packet RoleSwitchResponse : LinkLayerPacket (type = ROLE_SWITCH_RESPONSE) { status: 8, } packet LlPhyReq : LinkLayerPacket (type = LL_PHY_REQ) { tx_phys: 8, rx_phys: 8, } packet LlPhyRsp : LinkLayerPacket (type = LL_PHY_RSP) { tx_phys: 8, rx_phys: 8, } packet LlPhyUpdateInd : LinkLayerPacket (type = LL_PHY_UPDATE_IND) { phy_c_to_p: 8, phy_p_to_c: 8, instant: 16, }