* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.server.connectivity.mdns;
import static com.android.server.connectivity.mdns.MdnsResponse.EXPIRATION_NEVER;
import static com.android.server.connectivity.mdns.util.MdnsUtils.ensureRunningOnHandlerThread;
import static com.android.server.connectivity.mdns.util.MdnsUtils.equalsIgnoreDnsCase;
import static com.android.server.connectivity.mdns.util.MdnsUtils.toDnsLowerCase;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.android.server.connectivity.mdns.util.MdnsUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
* The {@link MdnsServiceCache} manages the service which discovers from each socket and cache these
* services to reduce duplicated queries.
This class is not thread safe, it is intended to be used only from the looper thread.
* However, the constructor is an exception, as it is called on another thread;
* therefore for thread safety all members of this class MUST either be final or initialized
* to their default value (0, false or null).
public class MdnsServiceCache {
static class CacheKey {
@NonNull final String mLowercaseServiceType;
@NonNull final SocketKey mSocketKey;
CacheKey(@NonNull String serviceType, @NonNull SocketKey socketKey) {
mLowercaseServiceType = toDnsLowerCase(serviceType);
mSocketKey = socketKey;
@Override public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(mLowercaseServiceType, mSocketKey);
@Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
if (!(other instanceof CacheKey)) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(mLowercaseServiceType, ((CacheKey) other).mLowercaseServiceType)
&& Objects.equals(mSocketKey, ((CacheKey) other).mSocketKey);
* A map of cached services. Key is composed of service type and socket. Value is the list of
* services which are discovered from the given CacheKey.
* When the MdnsFeatureFlags#NSD_EXPIRED_SERVICES_REMOVAL flag is enabled, the lists are sorted
* by expiration time, with the earliest entries appearing first. This sorting allows the
* removal process to progress through the expiration check efficiently.
private final ArrayMap> mCachedServices = new ArrayMap<>();
* A map of service expire callbacks. Key is composed of service type and socket and value is
* the callback listener.
private final ArrayMap mCallbacks = new ArrayMap<>();
private final Handler mHandler;
private final MdnsFeatureFlags mMdnsFeatureFlags;
private final MdnsUtils.Clock mClock;
private long mNextExpirationTime = EXPIRATION_NEVER;
public MdnsServiceCache(@NonNull Looper looper, @NonNull MdnsFeatureFlags mdnsFeatureFlags) {
this(looper, mdnsFeatureFlags, new MdnsUtils.Clock());
MdnsServiceCache(@NonNull Looper looper, @NonNull MdnsFeatureFlags mdnsFeatureFlags,
@NonNull MdnsUtils.Clock clock) {
mHandler = new Handler(looper);
mMdnsFeatureFlags = mdnsFeatureFlags;
mClock = clock;
* Get the cache services which are queried from given service type and socket.
* @param cacheKey the target CacheKey.
* @return the set of services which matches the given service type.
public List getCachedServices(@NonNull CacheKey cacheKey) {
if (mMdnsFeatureFlags.mIsExpiredServicesRemovalEnabled) {
maybeRemoveExpiredServices(cacheKey, mClock.elapsedRealtime());
return mCachedServices.containsKey(cacheKey)
? Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(mCachedServices.get(cacheKey)))
: Collections.emptyList();
* Find a matched response for given service name
* @param responses the responses to be searched.
* @param serviceName the target service name
* @return the response which matches the given service name or null if not found.
public static MdnsResponse findMatchedResponse(@NonNull List responses,
@NonNull String serviceName) {
for (MdnsResponse response : responses) {
if (equalsIgnoreDnsCase(serviceName, response.getServiceInstanceName())) {
return response;
return null;
* Get the cache service.
* @param serviceName the target service name.
* @param cacheKey the target CacheKey.
* @return the service which matches given conditions.
public MdnsResponse getCachedService(@NonNull String serviceName, @NonNull CacheKey cacheKey) {
if (mMdnsFeatureFlags.mIsExpiredServicesRemovalEnabled) {
maybeRemoveExpiredServices(cacheKey, mClock.elapsedRealtime());
final List responses = mCachedServices.get(cacheKey);
if (responses == null) {
return null;
final MdnsResponse response = findMatchedResponse(responses, serviceName);
return response != null ? new MdnsResponse(response) : null;
static void insertResponseAndSortList(
List responses, MdnsResponse response, long now) {
// binarySearch returns "the index of the search key, if it is contained in the list;
// otherwise, (-(insertion point) - 1)"
final int searchRes = Collections.binarySearch(responses, response,
// Sort the list by ttl.
(o1, o2) -> Long.compare(o1.getMinRemainingTtl(now), o2.getMinRemainingTtl(now)));
responses.add(searchRes >= 0 ? searchRes : (-searchRes - 1), response);
* Add or update a service.
* @param cacheKey the target CacheKey.
* @param response the response of the discovered service.
public void addOrUpdateService(@NonNull CacheKey cacheKey, @NonNull MdnsResponse response) {
final List responses = mCachedServices.computeIfAbsent(
cacheKey, key -> new ArrayList<>());
// Remove existing service if present.
final MdnsResponse existing =
findMatchedResponse(responses, response.getServiceInstanceName());
if (mMdnsFeatureFlags.mIsExpiredServicesRemovalEnabled) {
final long now = mClock.elapsedRealtime();
// Insert and sort service
insertResponseAndSortList(responses, response, now);
// Update the next expiration check time when a new service is added.
mNextExpirationTime = getNextExpirationTime(now);
} else {
* Remove a service which matches the given service name, type and socket.
* @param serviceName the target service name.
* @param cacheKey the target CacheKey.
public MdnsResponse removeService(@NonNull String serviceName, @NonNull CacheKey cacheKey) {
final List responses = mCachedServices.get(cacheKey);
if (responses == null) {
return null;
final Iterator iterator = responses.iterator();
MdnsResponse removedResponse = null;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final MdnsResponse response = iterator.next();
if (equalsIgnoreDnsCase(serviceName, response.getServiceInstanceName())) {
removedResponse = response;
if (mMdnsFeatureFlags.mIsExpiredServicesRemovalEnabled) {
// Remove the serviceType if no response.
if (responses.isEmpty()) {
// Update the next expiration check time when a service is removed.
mNextExpirationTime = getNextExpirationTime(mClock.elapsedRealtime());
return removedResponse;
* Register a callback to listen to service expiration.
* Registering the same callback instance twice is a no-op, since MdnsServiceTypeClient
* relies on this.
* @param cacheKey the target CacheKey.
* @param callback the callback that notify the service is expired.
public void registerServiceExpiredCallback(@NonNull CacheKey cacheKey,
@NonNull ServiceExpiredCallback callback) {
mCallbacks.put(cacheKey, callback);
* Unregister the service expired callback.
* @param cacheKey the CacheKey that is registered to listen service expiration before.
public void unregisterServiceExpiredCallback(@NonNull CacheKey cacheKey) {
private void notifyServiceExpired(@NonNull CacheKey cacheKey,
@NonNull MdnsResponse previousResponse, @Nullable MdnsResponse newResponse) {
final ServiceExpiredCallback callback = mCallbacks.get(cacheKey);
if (callback == null) {
// The cached service is no listener.
mHandler.post(()-> callback.onServiceRecordExpired(previousResponse, newResponse));
static List removeExpiredServices(@NonNull List responses,
long now) {
final List removedResponses = new ArrayList<>();
final Iterator iterator = responses.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final MdnsResponse response = iterator.next();
// TODO: Check other records (A, AAAA, TXT) ttl time and remove the record if it's
// expired. Then send service update notification.
if (!response.hasServiceRecord() || response.getMinRemainingTtl(now) > 0) {
// The responses are sorted by the service record ttl time. Break out of loop
// early if service is not expired or no service record.
// Remove the ttl expired service.
return removedResponses;
private long getNextExpirationTime(long now) {
if (mCachedServices.isEmpty()) {
long minRemainingTtl = EXPIRATION_NEVER;
for (int i = 0; i < mCachedServices.size(); i++) {
minRemainingTtl = min(minRemainingTtl,
// The empty lists are not kept in the map, so there's always at least one
// element in the list. Therefore, it's fine to get the first element without a
// null check.
return minRemainingTtl == EXPIRATION_NEVER ? EXPIRATION_NEVER : now + minRemainingTtl;
* Check whether the ttl time is expired on each service and notify to the listeners
private void maybeRemoveExpiredServices(CacheKey cacheKey, long now) {
if (now < mNextExpirationTime) {
// Skip the check if ttl time is not expired.
final List responses = mCachedServices.get(cacheKey);
if (responses == null) {
// No such services.
final List removedResponses = removeExpiredServices(responses, now);
if (removedResponses.isEmpty()) {
// No expired services.
for (MdnsResponse previousResponse : removedResponses) {
notifyServiceExpired(cacheKey, previousResponse, null /* newResponse */);
// Remove the serviceType if no response.
if (responses.isEmpty()) {
// Update next expiration time.
mNextExpirationTime = getNextExpirationTime(now);
/*** Callbacks for listening service expiration */
public interface ServiceExpiredCallback {
/*** Notify the service is expired */
void onServiceRecordExpired(@NonNull MdnsResponse previousResponse,
@Nullable MdnsResponse newResponse);
// TODO: Schedule a job to check ttl expiration for all services and notify to the clients.