* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.server.ethernet;
import static android.net.EthernetManager.ETHERNET_STATE_DISABLED;
import static android.net.EthernetManager.ETHERNET_STATE_ENABLED;
import static android.net.TestNetworkManager.TEST_TAP_PREFIX;
import static com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting.Visibility.PACKAGE;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.Context;
import android.net.EthernetManager;
import android.net.IEthernetServiceListener;
import android.net.INetd;
import android.net.ITetheredInterfaceCallback;
import android.net.InterfaceConfigurationParcel;
import android.net.IpConfiguration;
import android.net.IpConfiguration.IpAssignment;
import android.net.IpConfiguration.ProxySettings;
import android.net.LinkAddress;
import android.net.NetworkCapabilities;
import android.net.StaticIpConfiguration;
import android.os.ConditionVariable;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.RemoteCallbackList;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.ServiceSpecificException;
import android.system.OsConstants;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Log;
import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.android.internal.util.IndentingPrintWriter;
import com.android.modules.utils.build.SdkLevel;
import com.android.net.module.util.NetdUtils;
import com.android.net.module.util.PermissionUtils;
import com.android.net.module.util.SharedLog;
import com.android.net.module.util.ip.NetlinkMonitor;
import com.android.net.module.util.netlink.NetlinkConstants;
import com.android.net.module.util.netlink.NetlinkMessage;
import com.android.net.module.util.netlink.RtNetlinkLinkMessage;
import com.android.net.module.util.netlink.StructIfinfoMsg;
import com.android.server.connectivity.ConnectivityResources;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Tracks Ethernet interfaces and manages interface configurations.
Interfaces may have different {@link android.net.NetworkCapabilities}. This mapping is defined
* in {@code config_ethernet_interfaces}. Notably, some interfaces could be marked as restricted by
* not specifying {@link android.net.NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED} flag.
* Interfaces could have associated {@link android.net.IpConfiguration}.
* Ethernet Interfaces may be present at boot time or appear after boot (e.g., for Ethernet adapters
* connected over USB). This class supports multiple interfaces. When an interface appears on the
* system (or is present at boot time) this class will start tracking it and bring it up. Only
* interfaces whose names match the {@code config_ethernet_iface_regex} regular expression are
* tracked.
All public or package private methods must be thread-safe unless stated otherwise.
@VisibleForTesting(visibility = PACKAGE)
public class EthernetTracker {
private static final int INTERFACE_MODE_CLIENT = 1;
private static final int INTERFACE_MODE_SERVER = 2;
private static final String TAG = EthernetTracker.class.getSimpleName();
private static final boolean DBG = EthernetNetworkFactory.DBG;
private static final String TEST_IFACE_REGEXP = TEST_TAP_PREFIX + "\\d+";
// TODO: consider using SharedLog consistently across ethernet service.
private static final SharedLog sLog = new SharedLog(TAG);
* Interface names we track. This is a product-dependent regular expression.
* Use isValidEthernetInterface to check if a interface name is a valid ethernet interface (this
* includes test interfaces if setIncludeTestInterfaces is set to true).
private final String mIfaceMatch;
* Track test interfaces if true, don't track otherwise.
* Volatile is needed as getInterfaceList() does not run on the handler thread.
private volatile boolean mIncludeTestInterfaces = false;
/** Mapping between {iface name | mac address} -> {NetworkCapabilities} */
private final ConcurrentHashMap mNetworkCapabilities =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final ConcurrentHashMap mIpConfigurations =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Context mContext;
private final INetd mNetd;
private final Handler mHandler;
private final EthernetNetworkFactory mFactory;
private final EthernetConfigStore mConfigStore;
private final NetlinkMonitor mNetlinkMonitor;
private final Dependencies mDeps;
private final RemoteCallbackList mListeners =
new RemoteCallbackList<>();
private final TetheredInterfaceRequestList mTetheredInterfaceRequests =
new TetheredInterfaceRequestList();
// The first interface discovered is set as the mTetheringInterface. It is the interface that is
// returned when a tethered interface is requested; until then, it remains in client mode. Its
// current mode is reflected in mTetheringInterfaceMode.
private String mTetheringInterface;
// If the tethering interface is in server mode, it is not tracked by factory. The HW address
// must be maintained by the EthernetTracker. Its current mode is reflected in
// mTetheringInterfaceMode.
private String mTetheringInterfaceHwAddr;
private int mTetheringInterfaceMode = INTERFACE_MODE_CLIENT;
// Tracks whether clients were notified that the tethered interface is available
private boolean mTetheredInterfaceWasAvailable = false;
private int mEthernetState = ETHERNET_STATE_ENABLED;
private class TetheredInterfaceRequestList extends
RemoteCallbackList {
public void onCallbackDied(ITetheredInterfaceCallback cb, Object cookie) {
public static class Dependencies {
public String getInterfaceRegexFromResource(Context context) {
final ConnectivityResources resources = new ConnectivityResources(context);
return resources.get().getString(
public String[] getInterfaceConfigFromResource(Context context) {
final ConnectivityResources resources = new ConnectivityResources(context);
return resources.get().getStringArray(
private class EthernetNetlinkMonitor extends NetlinkMonitor {
EthernetNetlinkMonitor(Handler handler) {
super(handler, sLog, EthernetNetlinkMonitor.class.getSimpleName(),
OsConstants.NETLINK_ROUTE, NetlinkConstants.RTMGRP_LINK);
private void onNewLink(String ifname, boolean linkUp) {
if (!mFactory.hasInterface(ifname) && !ifname.equals(mTetheringInterface)) {
Log.i(TAG, "onInterfaceAdded, iface: " + ifname);
Log.i(TAG, "interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: " + ifname + ", up: " + linkUp);
updateInterfaceState(ifname, linkUp);
private void onDelLink(String ifname) {
Log.i(TAG, "onInterfaceRemoved, iface: " + ifname);
private void processRtNetlinkLinkMessage(RtNetlinkLinkMessage msg) {
final StructIfinfoMsg ifinfomsg = msg.getIfinfoHeader();
// check if the message is valid
if (ifinfomsg.family != OsConstants.AF_UNSPEC) return;
// ignore messages for the loopback interface
if ((ifinfomsg.flags & OsConstants.IFF_LOOPBACK) != 0) return;
// check if the received message applies to an ethernet interface.
final String ifname = msg.getInterfaceName();
if (!isValidEthernetInterface(ifname)) return;
switch (msg.getHeader().nlmsg_type) {
case NetlinkConstants.RTM_NEWLINK:
final boolean linkUp = (ifinfomsg.flags & NetlinkConstants.IFF_LOWER_UP) != 0;
onNewLink(ifname, linkUp);
case NetlinkConstants.RTM_DELLINK:
Log.e(TAG, "Unknown rtnetlink link msg type: " + msg);
// Note: processNetlinkMessage is called on the handler thread.
protected void processNetlinkMessage(NetlinkMessage nlMsg, long whenMs) {
// ignore all updates when ethernet is disabled.
if (mEthernetState == ETHERNET_STATE_DISABLED) return;
if (nlMsg instanceof RtNetlinkLinkMessage) {
processRtNetlinkLinkMessage((RtNetlinkLinkMessage) nlMsg);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Unknown netlink message: " + nlMsg);
EthernetTracker(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final Handler handler,
@NonNull final EthernetNetworkFactory factory, @NonNull final INetd netd) {
this(context, handler, factory, netd, new Dependencies());
EthernetTracker(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final Handler handler,
@NonNull final EthernetNetworkFactory factory, @NonNull final INetd netd,
@NonNull final Dependencies deps) {
mContext = context;
mHandler = handler;
mFactory = factory;
mNetd = netd;
mDeps = deps;
// Interface match regex.
String ifaceMatchRegex = mDeps.getInterfaceRegexFromResource(mContext);
// "*" is a magic string to indicate "pick the default".
if (ifaceMatchRegex.equals("*")) {
if (SdkLevel.isAtLeastV()) {
// On V+, include both usb%d and eth%d interfaces.
ifaceMatchRegex = "(usb|eth)\\d+";
} else {
// On T and U, include only eth%d interfaces.
ifaceMatchRegex = "eth\\d+";
mIfaceMatch = ifaceMatchRegex;
// Read default Ethernet interface configuration from resources
final String[] interfaceConfigs = mDeps.getInterfaceConfigFromResource(context);
for (String strConfig : interfaceConfigs) {
mConfigStore = new EthernetConfigStore();
mNetlinkMonitor = new EthernetNetlinkMonitor(mHandler);
void start() {
final ArrayMap configs = mConfigStore.getIpConfigurations();
for (int i = 0; i < configs.size(); i++) {
mIpConfigurations.put(configs.keyAt(i), configs.valueAt(i));
mHandler.post(() -> {
void updateIpConfiguration(String iface, IpConfiguration ipConfiguration) {
if (DBG) {
Log.i(TAG, "updateIpConfiguration, iface: " + iface + ", cfg: " + ipConfiguration);
writeIpConfiguration(iface, ipConfiguration);
mHandler.post(() -> {
mFactory.updateInterface(iface, ipConfiguration, null);
private void writeIpConfiguration(@NonNull final String iface,
@NonNull final IpConfiguration ipConfig) {
mConfigStore.write(iface, ipConfig);
mIpConfigurations.put(iface, ipConfig);
private IpConfiguration getIpConfigurationForCallback(String iface, int state) {
return (state == EthernetManager.STATE_ABSENT) ? null : getOrCreateIpConfiguration(iface);
private void ensureRunningOnEthernetServiceThread() {
if (mHandler.getLooper().getThread() != Thread.currentThread()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Not running on EthernetService thread: "
+ Thread.currentThread().getName());
* Broadcast the link state or IpConfiguration change of existing Ethernet interfaces to all
* listeners.
protected void broadcastInterfaceStateChange(@NonNull String iface) {
final int state = getInterfaceState(iface);
final int role = getInterfaceRole(iface);
final IpConfiguration config = getIpConfigurationForCallback(iface, state);
final boolean isRestricted = isRestrictedInterface(iface);
final int n = mListeners.beginBroadcast();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
try {
if (isRestricted) {
final ListenerInfo info = (ListenerInfo) mListeners.getBroadcastCookie(i);
if (!info.canUseRestrictedNetworks) continue;
mListeners.getBroadcastItem(i).onInterfaceStateChanged(iface, state, role, config);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Do nothing here.
* Unicast the interface state or IpConfiguration change of existing Ethernet interfaces to a
* specific listener.
protected void unicastInterfaceStateChange(@NonNull IEthernetServiceListener listener,
@NonNull String iface) {
final int state = getInterfaceState(iface);
final int role = getInterfaceRole(iface);
final IpConfiguration config = getIpConfigurationForCallback(iface, state);
try {
listener.onInterfaceStateChanged(iface, state, role, config);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Do nothing here.
@VisibleForTesting(visibility = PACKAGE)
protected void updateConfiguration(@NonNull final String iface,
@Nullable final IpConfiguration ipConfig,
@Nullable final NetworkCapabilities capabilities,
@Nullable final EthernetCallback cb) {
if (DBG) {
Log.i(TAG, "updateConfiguration, iface: " + iface + ", capabilities: " + capabilities
+ ", ipConfig: " + ipConfig);
// TODO: do the right thing if the interface was in server mode: either fail this operation,
// or take the interface out of server mode.
final IpConfiguration localIpConfig = ipConfig == null
? null : new IpConfiguration(ipConfig);
if (ipConfig != null) {
writeIpConfiguration(iface, localIpConfig);
if (null != capabilities) {
mNetworkCapabilities.put(iface, capabilities);
mHandler.post(() -> {
mFactory.updateInterface(iface, localIpConfig, capabilities);
// only broadcast state change when the ip configuration is updated.
if (ipConfig != null) {
// Always return success. Even if the interface does not currently exist, the
// IpConfiguration and NetworkCapabilities were saved and will be applied if an
// interface with the given name is ever added.
/** Configure the administrative state of ethernet interface by toggling IFF_UP. */
public void setInterfaceEnabled(String iface, boolean enabled, EthernetCallback cb) {
mHandler.post(() -> setInterfaceAdministrativeState(iface, enabled, cb));
IpConfiguration getIpConfiguration(String iface) {
return mIpConfigurations.get(iface);
@VisibleForTesting(visibility = PACKAGE)
protected boolean isTrackingInterface(String iface) {
return mFactory.hasInterface(iface);
String[] getClientModeInterfaces(boolean includeRestricted) {
return mFactory.getAvailableInterfaces(includeRestricted);
List getInterfaceList() {
final List interfaceList = new ArrayList();
final String[] ifaces;
try {
ifaces = mNetd.interfaceGetList();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Could not get list of interfaces " + e);
return interfaceList;
// There is a possible race with setIncludeTestInterfaces() which can affect
// isValidEthernetInterface (it returns true for test interfaces if setIncludeTestInterfaces
// is set to true).
// setIncludeTestInterfaces() is only used in tests, and since getInterfaceList() does not
// run on the handler thread, the behavior around setIncludeTestInterfaces() is
// indeterminate either way. This can easily be circumvented by waiting on a callback from
// a test interface after calling setIncludeTestInterfaces() before calling this function.
// In production code, this has no effect.
for (String iface : ifaces) {
if (isValidEthernetInterface(iface)) interfaceList.add(iface);
return interfaceList;
* Returns true if given interface was configured as restricted (doesn't have
* NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED) capability. Otherwise, returns false.
boolean isRestrictedInterface(String iface) {
final NetworkCapabilities nc = mNetworkCapabilities.get(iface);
return nc != null && !nc.hasCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED);
void addListener(IEthernetServiceListener listener, boolean canUseRestrictedNetworks) {
mHandler.post(() -> {
if (!mListeners.register(listener, new ListenerInfo(canUseRestrictedNetworks))) {
// Remote process has already died
for (String iface : getClientModeInterfaces(canUseRestrictedNetworks)) {
unicastInterfaceStateChange(listener, iface);
if (mTetheringInterface != null && mTetheringInterfaceMode == INTERFACE_MODE_SERVER) {
unicastInterfaceStateChange(listener, mTetheringInterface);
unicastEthernetStateChange(listener, mEthernetState);
void removeListener(IEthernetServiceListener listener) {
mHandler.post(() -> mListeners.unregister(listener));
public void setIncludeTestInterfaces(boolean include) {
mHandler.post(() -> {
mIncludeTestInterfaces = include;
if (!include) {
private void removeTestData() {
private void removeTestIpData() {
final Iterator iterator = mIpConfigurations.keySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final String iface = iterator.next();
if (iface.matches(TEST_IFACE_REGEXP)) {
mConfigStore.write(iface, null);
private void removeTestCapabilityData() {
mNetworkCapabilities.keySet().removeIf(iface -> iface.matches(TEST_IFACE_REGEXP));
public void requestTetheredInterface(ITetheredInterfaceCallback callback) {
mHandler.post(() -> {
if (!mTetheredInterfaceRequests.register(callback)) {
// Remote process has already died
if (mTetheringInterfaceMode == INTERFACE_MODE_SERVER) {
if (mTetheredInterfaceWasAvailable) {
notifyTetheredInterfaceAvailable(callback, mTetheringInterface);
public void releaseTetheredInterface(ITetheredInterfaceCallback callback) {
mHandler.post(() -> {
private void notifyTetheredInterfaceAvailable(ITetheredInterfaceCallback cb, String iface) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error sending tethered interface available callback", e);
private void notifyTetheredInterfaceUnavailable(ITetheredInterfaceCallback cb) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error sending tethered interface available callback", e);
private void maybeUntetherInterface() {
if (mTetheredInterfaceRequests.getRegisteredCallbackCount() > 0) return;
if (mTetheringInterfaceMode == INTERFACE_MODE_CLIENT) return;
private void setTetheringInterfaceMode(int mode) {
Log.d(TAG, "Setting tethering interface mode to " + mode);
mTetheringInterfaceMode = mode;
if (mTetheringInterface != null) {
// when this broadcast is sent, any calls to notifyTetheredInterfaceAvailable or
// notifyTetheredInterfaceUnavailable have already happened
private int getInterfaceState(final String iface) {
if (mFactory.hasInterface(iface)) {
return mFactory.getInterfaceState(iface);
if (getInterfaceMode(iface) == INTERFACE_MODE_SERVER) {
// server mode interfaces are not tracked by the factory.
// TODO(b/234743836): interface state for server mode interfaces is not tracked
// properly; just return link up.
return EthernetManager.STATE_LINK_UP;
return EthernetManager.STATE_ABSENT;
private int getInterfaceRole(final String iface) {
if (mFactory.hasInterface(iface)) {
// only client mode interfaces are tracked by the factory.
return EthernetManager.ROLE_CLIENT;
if (getInterfaceMode(iface) == INTERFACE_MODE_SERVER) {
return EthernetManager.ROLE_SERVER;
return EthernetManager.ROLE_NONE;
private int getInterfaceMode(final String iface) {
if (iface.equals(mTetheringInterface)) {
return mTetheringInterfaceMode;
private void removeInterface(String iface) {
maybeUpdateServerModeInterfaceState(iface, false);
private void stopTrackingInterface(String iface) {
if (iface.equals(mTetheringInterface)) {
mTetheringInterface = null;
mTetheringInterfaceHwAddr = null;
private void addInterface(String iface) {
InterfaceConfigurationParcel config = null;
// Bring up the interface so we get link status indications.
try {
// Read the flags before attempting to bring up the interface. If the interface is
// already running an UP event is created after adding the interface.
config = NetdUtils.getInterfaceConfigParcel(mNetd, iface);
if (NetdUtils.hasFlag(config, INetd.IF_STATE_DOWN)) {
// As a side-effect, NetdUtils#setInterfaceUp() also clears the interface's IPv4
// address and readds it which *could* lead to unexpected behavior in the future.
NetdUtils.setInterfaceUp(mNetd, iface);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// Either the system is crashing or the interface has disappeared. Just ignore the
// error; we haven't modified any state because we only do that if our calls succeed.
Log.e(TAG, "Error upping interface " + iface, e);
if (config == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Null interface config parcelable for " + iface + ". Bailing out.");
final String hwAddress = config.hwAddr;
if (getInterfaceMode(iface) == INTERFACE_MODE_SERVER) {
maybeUpdateServerModeInterfaceState(iface, true);
mTetheringInterfaceHwAddr = hwAddress;
NetworkCapabilities nc = mNetworkCapabilities.get(iface);
if (nc == null) {
// Try to resolve using mac address
nc = mNetworkCapabilities.get(hwAddress);
if (nc == null) {
final boolean isTestIface = iface.matches(TEST_IFACE_REGEXP);
nc = createDefaultNetworkCapabilities(isTestIface);
IpConfiguration ipConfiguration = getOrCreateIpConfiguration(iface);
Log.d(TAG, "Tracking interface in client mode: " + iface);
mFactory.addInterface(iface, hwAddress, ipConfiguration, nc);
// Note: if the interface already has link (e.g., if we crashed and got
// restarted while it was running), we need to fake a link up notification so we
// start configuring it.
if (NetdUtils.hasFlag(config, INetd.IF_FLAG_RUNNING)) {
// no need to send an interface state change as this is not a true "state change". The
// callers (maybeTrackInterface() and setTetheringInterfaceMode()) already broadcast the
// state change.
mFactory.updateInterfaceLinkState(iface, true);
private void setInterfaceAdministrativeState(String iface, boolean up, EthernetCallback cb) {
if (getInterfaceState(iface) == EthernetManager.STATE_ABSENT) {
cb.onError("Failed to enable/disable absent interface: " + iface);
if (getInterfaceRole(iface) == EthernetManager.ROLE_SERVER) {
// TODO: support setEthernetState for server mode interfaces.
cb.onError("Failed to enable/disable interface in server mode: " + iface);
if (up) {
// WARNING! setInterfaceUp() clears the IPv4 address and readds it. Calling
// enableInterface() on an active interface can lead to a provisioning failure which
// will cause IpClient to be restarted.
// TODO: use netlink directly rather than calling into netd.
NetdUtils.setInterfaceUp(mNetd, iface);
} else {
NetdUtils.setInterfaceDown(mNetd, iface);
private void updateInterfaceState(String iface, boolean up) {
final int mode = getInterfaceMode(iface);
// TODO: support tracking link state for interfaces in server mode.
// If updateInterfaceLinkState returns false, the interface is already in the correct state.
if (mFactory.updateInterfaceLinkState(iface, up)) {
private void maybeUpdateServerModeInterfaceState(String iface, boolean available) {
if (available == mTetheredInterfaceWasAvailable || !iface.equals(mTetheringInterface)) {
Log.d(TAG, (available ? "Tracking" : "No longer tracking")
+ " interface in server mode: " + iface);
final int pendingCbs = mTetheredInterfaceRequests.beginBroadcast();
for (int i = 0; i < pendingCbs; i++) {
ITetheredInterfaceCallback item = mTetheredInterfaceRequests.getBroadcastItem(i);
if (available) {
notifyTetheredInterfaceAvailable(item, iface);
} else {
mTetheredInterfaceWasAvailable = available;
private void maybeTrackInterface(String iface) {
if (!isValidEthernetInterface(iface)) {
// If we don't already track this interface, and if this interface matches
// our regex, start tracking it.
if (mFactory.hasInterface(iface) || iface.equals(mTetheringInterface)) {
if (DBG) Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring already-tracked interface " + iface);
if (DBG) Log.i(TAG, "maybeTrackInterface: " + iface);
// Do not use an interface for tethering if it has configured NetworkCapabilities.
if (mTetheringInterface == null && !mNetworkCapabilities.containsKey(iface)) {
mTetheringInterface = iface;
private void trackAvailableInterfaces() {
try {
final String[] ifaces = mNetd.interfaceGetList();
for (String iface : ifaces) {
} catch (RemoteException | ServiceSpecificException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Could not get list of interfaces " + e);
private static class ListenerInfo {
boolean canUseRestrictedNetworks = false;
ListenerInfo(boolean canUseRestrictedNetworks) {
this.canUseRestrictedNetworks = canUseRestrictedNetworks;
* Parses an Ethernet interface configuration
* @param configString represents an Ethernet configuration in the following format: {@code
* ;[Network Capabilities];[IP config];[Override Transport]}
private void parseEthernetConfig(String configString) {
final EthernetTrackerConfig config = createEthernetTrackerConfig(configString);
NetworkCapabilities nc = createNetworkCapabilities(
!TextUtils.isEmpty(config.mCapabilities) /* clear default capabilities */,
config.mCapabilities, config.mTransport).build();
mNetworkCapabilities.put(config.mIface, nc);
if (null != config.mIpConfig) {
IpConfiguration ipConfig = parseStaticIpConfiguration(config.mIpConfig);
mIpConfigurations.put(config.mIface, ipConfig);
static EthernetTrackerConfig createEthernetTrackerConfig(@NonNull final String configString) {
Objects.requireNonNull(configString, "EthernetTrackerConfig requires non-null config");
return new EthernetTrackerConfig(configString.split(";", /* limit of tokens */ 4));
private static NetworkCapabilities createDefaultNetworkCapabilities(boolean isTestIface) {
NetworkCapabilities.Builder builder = createNetworkCapabilities(
false /* clear default capabilities */, null, null)
if (isTestIface) {
} else {
return builder.build();
* Parses a static list of network capabilities
* @param clearDefaultCapabilities Indicates whether or not to clear any default capabilities
* @param commaSeparatedCapabilities A comma separated string list of integer encoded
* NetworkCapability.NET_CAPABILITY_* values
* @param overrideTransport A string representing a single integer encoded override transport
* type. Must be one of the NetworkCapability.TRANSPORT_*
* values. TRANSPORT_VPN is not supported. Errors with input
* will cause the override to be ignored.
static NetworkCapabilities.Builder createNetworkCapabilities(
boolean clearDefaultCapabilities, @Nullable String commaSeparatedCapabilities,
@Nullable String overrideTransport) {
final NetworkCapabilities.Builder builder = clearDefaultCapabilities
? NetworkCapabilities.Builder.withoutDefaultCapabilities()
: new NetworkCapabilities.Builder();
// Determine the transport type. If someone has tried to define an override transport then
// attempt to add it. Since we can only have one override, all errors with it will
// gracefully default back to TRANSPORT_ETHERNET and warn the user. VPN is not allowed as an
// override type. Wifi Aware and LoWPAN are currently unsupported as well.
int transport = NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_ETHERNET;
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(overrideTransport)) {
try {
int parsedTransport = Integer.valueOf(overrideTransport);
if (parsedTransport == NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_VPN
|| parsedTransport == NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI_AWARE
|| parsedTransport == NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_LOWPAN) {
Log.e(TAG, "Override transport '" + parsedTransport + "' is not supported. "
+ "Defaulting to TRANSPORT_ETHERNET");
} else {
transport = parsedTransport;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Log.e(TAG, "Override transport type '" + overrideTransport + "' "
+ "could not be parsed. Defaulting to TRANSPORT_ETHERNET");
// Apply the transport. If the user supplied a valid number that is not a valid transport
// then adding will throw an exception. Default back to TRANSPORT_ETHERNET if that happens
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
Log.e(TAG, transport + " is not a valid NetworkCapability.TRANSPORT_* value. "
+ "Defaulting to TRANSPORT_ETHERNET");
builder.setLinkUpstreamBandwidthKbps(100 * 1000);
builder.setLinkDownstreamBandwidthKbps(100 * 1000);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(commaSeparatedCapabilities)) {
for (String strNetworkCapability : commaSeparatedCapabilities.split(",")) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(strNetworkCapability)) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Log.e(TAG, "Capability '" + strNetworkCapability + "' could not be parsed");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
Log.e(TAG, strNetworkCapability + " is not a valid "
+ "NetworkCapability.NET_CAPABILITY_* value");
// Ethernet networks have no way to update the following capabilities, so they always
// have them.
return builder;
* Parses static IP configuration.
* @param staticIpConfig represents static IP configuration in the following format: {@code
* ip= gateway= dns=
* domains=}
static IpConfiguration parseStaticIpConfiguration(String staticIpConfig) {
final StaticIpConfiguration.Builder staticIpConfigBuilder =
new StaticIpConfiguration.Builder();
for (String keyValueAsString : staticIpConfig.trim().split(" ")) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(keyValueAsString)) continue;
String[] pair = keyValueAsString.split("=");
if (pair.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected token: " + keyValueAsString
+ " in " + staticIpConfig);
String key = pair[0];
String value = pair[1];
switch (key) {
case "ip":
staticIpConfigBuilder.setIpAddress(new LinkAddress(value));
case "domains":
case "gateway":
case "dns": {
ArrayList dnsAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
for (String address: value.split(",")) {
default : {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected key: " + key
+ " in " + staticIpConfig);
return createIpConfiguration(staticIpConfigBuilder.build());
private static IpConfiguration createIpConfiguration(
@NonNull final StaticIpConfiguration staticIpConfig) {
return new IpConfiguration.Builder().setStaticIpConfiguration(staticIpConfig).build();
private IpConfiguration getOrCreateIpConfiguration(String iface) {
IpConfiguration ret = mIpConfigurations.get(iface);
if (ret != null) return ret;
ret = new IpConfiguration();
return ret;
private boolean isValidEthernetInterface(String iface) {
return iface.matches(mIfaceMatch) || isValidTestInterface(iface);
* Validate if a given interface is valid for testing.
* @param iface the name of the interface to validate.
* @return {@code true} if test interfaces are enabled and the given {@code iface} has a test
* interface prefix, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isValidTestInterface(@NonNull final String iface) {
return mIncludeTestInterfaces && iface.matches(TEST_IFACE_REGEXP);
private void postAndWaitForRunnable(Runnable r) {
final ConditionVariable cv = new ConditionVariable();
if (mHandler.post(() -> {
})) {
@VisibleForTesting(visibility = PACKAGE)
protected void setEthernetEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mHandler.post(() -> {
if (mEthernetState == newState) return;
mEthernetState = newState;
if (enabled) {
} else {
// TODO: maybe also disable server mode interface as well.
private void untrackFactoryInterfaces() {
for (String iface : mFactory.getAvailableInterfaces(true /* includeRestricted */)) {
private void unicastEthernetStateChange(@NonNull IEthernetServiceListener listener,
int state) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Do nothing here.
private void broadcastEthernetStateChange(int state) {
final int n = mListeners.beginBroadcast();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Do nothing here.
void dump(FileDescriptor fd, IndentingPrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
postAndWaitForRunnable(() -> {
pw.println("Ethernet State: "
+ (mEthernetState == ETHERNET_STATE_ENABLED ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
pw.println("Ethernet interface name filter: " + mIfaceMatch);
pw.println("Interface used for tethering: " + mTetheringInterface);
pw.println("Tethering interface mode: " + mTetheringInterfaceMode);
pw.println("Tethered interface requests: "
+ mTetheredInterfaceRequests.getRegisteredCallbackCount());
pw.println("Listeners: " + mListeners.getRegisteredCallbackCount());
pw.println("IP Configurations:");
for (String iface : mIpConfigurations.keySet()) {
pw.println(iface + ": " + mIpConfigurations.get(iface));
pw.println("Network Capabilities:");
for (String iface : mNetworkCapabilities.keySet()) {
pw.println(iface + ": " + mNetworkCapabilities.get(iface));
mFactory.dump(fd, pw, args);
static class EthernetTrackerConfig {
final String mIface;
final String mCapabilities;
final String mIpConfig;
final String mTransport;
EthernetTrackerConfig(@NonNull final String[] tokens) {
Objects.requireNonNull(tokens, "EthernetTrackerConfig requires non-null tokens");
mIface = tokens[0];
mCapabilities = tokens.length > 1 ? tokens[1] : null;
mIpConfig = tokens.length > 2 && !TextUtils.isEmpty(tokens[2]) ? tokens[2] : null;
mTransport = tokens.length > 3 ? tokens[3] : null;