/* * Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.intentresolver.profiles; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.os.Trace; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TabHost; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.viewpager.widget.PagerAdapter; import androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager; import com.android.intentresolver.ResolverListAdapter; import com.android.intentresolver.emptystate.EmptyState; import com.android.intentresolver.emptystate.EmptyStateProvider; import com.android.intentresolver.shared.model.Profile; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * Skeletal {@link PagerAdapter} implementation for a UI with per-profile tabs (as in Sharesheet). * * @param the type of the widget that represents the contents of a page in this adapter * @param the type of a "root" adapter class to be instantiated and included in * the per-profile records. * @param the concrete type of a {@link ResolverListAdapter} implementation to * control the contents of a given per-profile list. This is provided for convenience, since it must * be possible to get the list adapter from the page adapter via our * mListAdapterExtractor. */ public class MultiProfilePagerAdapter< PageViewT extends ViewGroup, SinglePageAdapterT, ListAdapterT extends ResolverListAdapter> extends PagerAdapter { public static final int PROFILE_PERSONAL = Profile.Type.PERSONAL.ordinal(); public static final int PROFILE_WORK = Profile.Type.WORK.ordinal(); // Removed, must be constants. This is only used for linting anyway. // @IntDef({PROFILE_PERSONAL, PROFILE_WORK}) public @interface ProfileType {} private final Function mListAdapterExtractor; private final AdapterBinder mAdapterBinder; private final Supplier mPageViewInflater; private final ImmutableList> mItems; private final EmptyStateProvider mEmptyStateProvider; private final UserHandle mWorkProfileUserHandle; private final UserHandle mCloneProfileUserHandle; private final Supplier mWorkProfileQuietModeChecker; // True when work is quiet. private final Set mLoadedPages; private int mCurrentPage; private OnProfileSelectedListener mOnProfileSelectedListener; protected MultiProfilePagerAdapter( Function listAdapterExtractor, AdapterBinder adapterBinder, ImmutableList> tabs, EmptyStateProvider emptyStateProvider, Supplier workProfileQuietModeChecker, @ProfileType int defaultProfile, UserHandle workProfileUserHandle, UserHandle cloneProfileUserHandle, Supplier pageViewInflater, Supplier> containerBottomPaddingOverrideSupplier) { mLoadedPages = new HashSet<>(); mWorkProfileUserHandle = workProfileUserHandle; mCloneProfileUserHandle = cloneProfileUserHandle; mEmptyStateProvider = emptyStateProvider; mWorkProfileQuietModeChecker = workProfileQuietModeChecker; mListAdapterExtractor = listAdapterExtractor; mAdapterBinder = adapterBinder; mPageViewInflater = pageViewInflater; ImmutableList.Builder> items = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); for (TabConfig tab : tabs) { // TODO: consider representing tabConfig in a different data structure that can ensure // uniqueness of their profile assignments (while still respecting the client's // requested tab order). items.add( createProfileDescriptor( tab.mProfile, tab.mTabLabel, tab.mTabAccessibilityLabel, tab.mTabTag, tab.mPageAdapter, containerBottomPaddingOverrideSupplier)); } mItems = items.build(); mCurrentPage = hasPageForProfile(defaultProfile) ? getPageNumberForProfile(defaultProfile) : 0; } private ProfileDescriptor createProfileDescriptor( @ProfileType int profile, String tabLabel, String tabAccessibilityLabel, String tabTag, SinglePageAdapterT adapter, Supplier> containerBottomPaddingOverrideSupplier) { return new ProfileDescriptor<>( profile, tabLabel, tabAccessibilityLabel, tabTag, mPageViewInflater.get(), adapter, containerBottomPaddingOverrideSupplier); } private boolean hasPageForIndex(int pageIndex) { return (pageIndex >= 0) && (pageIndex < getCount()); } public final boolean hasPageForProfile(@ProfileType int profile) { return hasPageForIndex(getPageNumberForProfile(profile)); } private @ProfileType int getProfileForPageNumber(int position) { if (hasPageForIndex(position)) { return mItems.get(position).mProfile; } return -1; } public int getPageNumberForProfile(@ProfileType int profile) { for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); ++i) { if (profile == mItems.get(i).mProfile) { return i; } } return -1; } private ListAdapterT getListAdapterForPageNumber(int pageNumber) { SinglePageAdapterT pageAdapter = getPageAdapterForIndex(pageNumber); if (pageAdapter == null) { return null; } return mListAdapterExtractor.apply(pageAdapter); } private @ProfileType int getProfileForUserHandle(UserHandle userHandle) { if (userHandle.equals(getCloneUserHandle())) { // TODO: can we push this special case elsewhere -- e.g., when we check against each // list adapter's user handle in the loop below, could we instead ask the list adapter // whether it "represents" the queried user handle, and have the personal list adapter // return true because it knows it's also associated with the clone profile? Or if we // don't want to make modifications to the list adapter, maybe we could at least specify // it in our per-page configuration data that we use to build our tabs/pages, and then // maintain the relevant bookkeeping in our own ProfileDescriptor? return PROFILE_PERSONAL; } for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); ++i) { ListAdapterT listAdapter = getListAdapterForPageNumber(i); if (listAdapter.getUserHandle().equals(userHandle)) { return mItems.get(i).mProfile; } } return -1; } private int getPageNumberForUserHandle(UserHandle userHandle) { return getPageNumberForProfile(getProfileForUserHandle(userHandle)); } /** * Returns the {@link ListAdapterT} instance of the profile that represents * userHandle. If there is no such adapter for the specified * userHandle, returns {@code null}. *

For example, if there is a work profile on the device with user id 10, calling this method * with UserHandle.of(10) returns the work profile {@link ListAdapterT}. */ @Nullable public final ListAdapterT getListAdapterForUserHandle(UserHandle userHandle) { return getListAdapterForPageNumber(getPageNumberForUserHandle(userHandle)); } @Nullable private ProfileDescriptor getDescriptorForUserHandle( UserHandle userHandle) { return getItem(getPageNumberForUserHandle(userHandle)); } private int getPageNumberForTabTag(String tag) { for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); ++i) { if (Objects.equals(mItems.get(i).mTabTag, tag)) { return i; } } return -1; } private void updateActiveTabStyle(TabHost tabHost) { int currentTab = tabHost.getCurrentTab(); for (int pageNumber = 0; pageNumber < getItemCount(); ++pageNumber) { // TODO: can we avoid this downcast by pushing our knowledge of the intended view type // somewhere else? TextView tabText = (TextView) tabHost.getTabWidget().getChildAt(pageNumber); tabText.setSelected(currentTab == pageNumber); } } public void setupProfileTabs( LayoutInflater layoutInflater, TabHost tabHost, ViewPager viewPager, int tabButtonLayoutResId, int tabPageContentViewId, Runnable onTabChangeListener, OnProfileSelectedListener clientOnProfileSelectedListener) { tabHost.setup(); tabHost.getTabWidget().removeAllViews(); viewPager.setSaveEnabled(false); for (int pageNumber = 0; pageNumber < getItemCount(); ++pageNumber) { ProfileDescriptor descriptor = mItems.get(pageNumber); Button profileButton = (Button) layoutInflater.inflate( tabButtonLayoutResId, tabHost.getTabWidget(), false); profileButton.setText(descriptor.mTabLabel); profileButton.setContentDescription(descriptor.mTabAccessibilityLabel); TabHost.TabSpec profileTabSpec = tabHost.newTabSpec(descriptor.mTabTag) .setContent(tabPageContentViewId) .setIndicator(profileButton); tabHost.addTab(profileTabSpec); } tabHost.getTabWidget().setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); updateActiveTabStyle(tabHost); tabHost.setOnTabChangedListener(tabTag -> { updateActiveTabStyle(tabHost); int pageNumber = getPageNumberForTabTag(tabTag); if (pageNumber >= 0) { viewPager.setCurrentItem(pageNumber); } onTabChangeListener.run(); }); viewPager.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); tabHost.setCurrentTab(getCurrentPage()); mOnProfileSelectedListener = new OnProfileSelectedListener() { @Override public void onProfilePageSelected(@ProfileType int profileId, int pageNumber) { tabHost.setCurrentTab(pageNumber); clientOnProfileSelectedListener.onProfilePageSelected( profileId, pageNumber); } @Override public void onProfilePageStateChanged(int state) { clientOnProfileSelectedListener.onProfilePageStateChanged(state); } }; } /** * Sets this instance of this class as {@link ViewPager}'s {@link PagerAdapter} and sets * an {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener} where it keeps track of the currently displayed * page and rebuilds the list. */ public void setupViewPager(ViewPager viewPager) { viewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { MultiProfilePagerAdapter.this.onPageSelected(position); } @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) { if (mOnProfileSelectedListener != null) { mOnProfileSelectedListener.onProfilePageStateChanged(state); } } }); viewPager.setAdapter(this); viewPager.setCurrentItem(mCurrentPage); mLoadedPages.add(mCurrentPage); } private void onPageSelected(int position) { mCurrentPage = position; if (!mLoadedPages.contains(position)) { rebuildActiveTab(true); mLoadedPages.add(position); } if (mOnProfileSelectedListener != null) { mOnProfileSelectedListener.onProfilePageSelected( getProfileForPageNumber(position), position); } } public void clearInactiveProfileCache() { forEachInactivePage(pageNumber -> mLoadedPages.remove(pageNumber)); } @Override public final ViewGroup instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) { setupListAdapter(position); final ProfileDescriptor descriptor = getItem(position); container.addView(descriptor.mRootView); return descriptor.mRootView; } @Override public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object view) { container.removeView((View) view); } @Override public int getCount() { return getItemCount(); } public int getCurrentPage() { return mCurrentPage; } /** * Set active adapter page. A support method for the poayload reselection logic. */ public void setCurrentPage(int page) { onPageSelected(page); } public final @ProfileType int getActiveProfile() { return getProfileForPageNumber(getCurrentPage()); } @VisibleForTesting public UserHandle getCurrentUserHandle() { return getActiveListAdapter().getUserHandle(); } @Override public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object) { return view == object; } @Override public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) { return null; } public UserHandle getCloneUserHandle() { return mCloneProfileUserHandle; } /** * Returns the {@link ProfileDescriptor} relevant to the given pageIndex. *

  • For a device with only one user, pageIndex value of * 0 would return the personal profile {@link ProfileDescriptor}.
  • *
  • For a device with a work profile, pageIndex value of 0 would * return the personal profile {@link ProfileDescriptor}, and pageIndex value of * 1 would return the work profile {@link ProfileDescriptor}.
  • *
*/ @Nullable private ProfileDescriptor getItem(int pageIndex) { if (!hasPageForIndex(pageIndex)) { return null; } return mItems.get(pageIndex); } private ViewGroup getEmptyStateView(int pageIndex) { return getItem(pageIndex).getEmptyStateView(); } public ViewGroup getActiveEmptyStateView() { return getEmptyStateView(getCurrentPage()); } /** * Returns the number of {@link ProfileDescriptor} objects. *

For a normal consumer device with only one user returns 1. *

For a device with a work profile returns 2. */ public final int getItemCount() { return mItems.size(); } public final PageViewT getListViewForIndex(int index) { return getItem(index).getView(); } /** * Returns the adapter of the list view for the relevant page specified by * pageIndex. *

This method is meant to be implemented with an implementation-specific return type * depending on the adapter type. */ @VisibleForTesting public final SinglePageAdapterT getPageAdapterForIndex(int index) { if (!hasPageForIndex(index)) { return null; } return getItem(index).getAdapter(); } /** * Performs view-related initialization procedures for the adapter specified * by pageIndex. */ public final void setupListAdapter(int pageIndex) { mAdapterBinder.bind(getListViewForIndex(pageIndex), getPageAdapterForIndex(pageIndex)); } /** * Returns the {@link ListAdapterT} instance of the profile that is currently visible * to the user. *

For example, if the user is viewing the work tab in the share sheet, this method returns * the work profile {@link ListAdapterT}. */ @VisibleForTesting public final ListAdapterT getActiveListAdapter() { return getListAdapterForPageNumber(getCurrentPage()); } public final ListAdapterT getPersonalListAdapter() { return getListAdapterForPageNumber(getPageNumberForProfile(PROFILE_PERSONAL)); } @Nullable public final ListAdapterT getWorkListAdapter() { if (!hasPageForProfile(PROFILE_WORK)) { return null; } return getListAdapterForPageNumber(getPageNumberForProfile(PROFILE_WORK)); } public final SinglePageAdapterT getCurrentRootAdapter() { return getPageAdapterForIndex(getCurrentPage()); } public final PageViewT getActiveAdapterView() { return getListViewForIndex(getCurrentPage()); } private boolean anyAdapterHasItems() { for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); ++i) { ListAdapterT listAdapter = getListAdapterForPageNumber(i); if (listAdapter.getCount() > 0) { return true; } } return false; } public void refreshPackagesInAllTabs() { // TODO: it's unclear if this legacy logic really requires the active tab to be rebuilt // first, or if we could just iterate over the tabs in arbitrary order. getActiveListAdapter().handlePackagesChanged(); forEachInactivePage(page -> getListAdapterForPageNumber(page).handlePackagesChanged()); } /** * Notify that there has been a package change which could potentially modify the set of targets * that should be shown in the specified {@code listAdapter}. This may result in * "rebuilding" the target list for that adapter. * * @param listAdapter an adapter that may need to be updated after the package-change event. * @param waitingToEnableWorkProfile whether we've turned on the work profile, but haven't yet * seen an {@code ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED} broadcast. In this case we skip the rebuild of any * work-profile adapter because we wouldn't expect meaningful results -- but another rebuild * will be prompted when we eventually get the broadcast. * * @return whether we're able to proceed with a Sharesheet session after processing this * package-change event. If false, we were able to rebuild the targets but determined that there * aren't any we could present in the UI without the app looking broken, so we should just quit. */ public boolean onHandlePackagesChanged( ListAdapterT listAdapter, boolean waitingToEnableWorkProfile) { if (listAdapter == getActiveListAdapter()) { if (listAdapter.getUserHandle().equals(mWorkProfileUserHandle) && waitingToEnableWorkProfile) { // We have just turned on the work profile and entered the passcode to start it, // now we are waiting to receive the ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED broadcast. There is no // point in reloading the list now, since the work profile user is still turning on. return true; } boolean listRebuilt = rebuildActiveTab(true); if (listRebuilt) { listAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } // TODO: shouldn't we check that the inactive tabs are built before declaring that we // have to quit for lack of items? return anyAdapterHasItems(); } else { clearInactiveProfileCache(); return true; } } /** * Fully-rebuild the active tab and, if specified, partially-rebuild any other inactive tabs. */ public boolean rebuildTabs(boolean includePartialRebuildOfInactiveTabs) { // TODO: we may be able to determine `includePartialRebuildOfInactiveTabs` ourselves as // a function of our own instance state. OTOH the purpose of this "partial rebuild" is to // be able to evaluate the intermediate state of one particular profile tab (i.e. work // profile) that may not generalize well when we have other "inactive tabs." I.e., either we // rebuild *all* the inactive tabs just to evaluate some auto-launch conditions that only // depend on personal and/or work tabs, or we have to explicitly specify the ones we care // about. It's not the pager-adapter's business to know "which ones we care about," so maybe // they should be rebuilt lazily when-and-if it comes up (e.g. during the evaluation of // autolaunch conditions). boolean rebuildCompleted = rebuildActiveTab(true) || getActiveListAdapter().isTabLoaded(); if (includePartialRebuildOfInactiveTabs) { // Per legacy logic, avoid short-circuiting (TODO: why? possibly so that we *start* // loading the inactive tabs even if we're still waiting on the active tab to finish?). boolean completedRebuildingInactiveTabs = rebuildInactiveTabs(false); rebuildCompleted = rebuildCompleted && completedRebuildingInactiveTabs; } return rebuildCompleted; } /** * Rebuilds the tab that is currently visible to the user. *

Returns {@code true} if rebuild has completed. */ public final boolean rebuildActiveTab(boolean doPostProcessing) { Trace.beginSection("MultiProfilePagerAdapter#rebuildActiveTab"); boolean result = rebuildTab(getActiveListAdapter(), doPostProcessing); Trace.endSection(); return result; } /** * Rebuilds any tabs that are not currently visible to the user. *

Returns {@code true} if rebuild has completed in all inactive tabs. */ private boolean rebuildInactiveTabs(boolean doPostProcessing) { Trace.beginSection("MultiProfilePagerAdapter#rebuildInactiveTab"); AtomicBoolean allRebuildsComplete = new AtomicBoolean(true); forEachInactivePage(pageNumber -> { // Evaluate the rebuild for every inactive page, even if we've already seen some adapter // return an "incomplete" status (i.e., even if `allRebuildsComplete` is already false) // and so we already know we'll end up returning false for the batch. // TODO: any particular reason the per-page legacy logic was set up in this order, or // could we possibly short-circuit the rebuild if the tab is already "loaded"? ListAdapterT inactiveAdapter = getListAdapterForPageNumber(pageNumber); boolean rebuildInactivePageCompleted = rebuildTab(inactiveAdapter, doPostProcessing) || inactiveAdapter.isTabLoaded(); if (!rebuildInactivePageCompleted) { allRebuildsComplete.set(false); } }); Trace.endSection(); return allRebuildsComplete.get(); } protected void forEachPage(Consumer pageNumberHandler) { for (int pageNumber = 0; pageNumber < getItemCount(); ++pageNumber) { pageNumberHandler.accept(pageNumber); } } protected void forEachInactivePage(Consumer inactivePageNumberHandler) { forEachPage(pageNumber -> { if (pageNumber != getCurrentPage()) { inactivePageNumberHandler.accept(pageNumber); } }); } protected boolean rebuildTab(ListAdapterT activeListAdapter, boolean doPostProcessing) { if (shouldSkipRebuild(activeListAdapter)) { activeListAdapter.postListReadyRunnable(doPostProcessing, /* rebuildCompleted */ true); return false; } return activeListAdapter.rebuildList(doPostProcessing); } private boolean shouldSkipRebuild(ListAdapterT activeListAdapter) { EmptyState emptyState = mEmptyStateProvider.getEmptyState(activeListAdapter); return emptyState != null && emptyState.shouldSkipDataRebuild(); } /** * The empty state screens are shown according to their priority: *

  1. (highest priority) cross-profile disabled by policy (handled in * {@link #rebuildTab(ListAdapterT, boolean)})
  2. *
  3. no apps available
  4. *
  5. (least priority) work is off
  6. *
* * The intention is to prevent the user from having to turn * the work profile on if there will not be any apps resolved * anyway. * * TODO: move this comment to the place where we configure our composite provider. */ public void showEmptyResolverListEmptyState(ListAdapterT listAdapter) { final EmptyState emptyState = mEmptyStateProvider.getEmptyState(listAdapter); if (emptyState == null) { return; } emptyState.onEmptyStateShown(); View.OnClickListener clickListener = null; if (emptyState.getButtonClickListener() != null) { clickListener = v -> emptyState.getButtonClickListener().onClick(() -> { ProfileDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptorForUserHandle(listAdapter.getUserHandle()); descriptor.mEmptyStateUi.showSpinner(); }); } showEmptyState(listAdapter, emptyState, clickListener); } private void showEmptyState( ListAdapterT activeListAdapter, EmptyState emptyState, View.OnClickListener buttonOnClick) { ProfileDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptorForUserHandle(activeListAdapter.getUserHandle()); descriptor.mEmptyStateUi.showEmptyState(emptyState, buttonOnClick); activeListAdapter.markTabLoaded(); } /** * Sets up the padding of the view containing the empty state screens for the current adapter * view. */ protected final void setupContainerPadding() { getItem(getCurrentPage()).setupContainerPadding(); } public void showListView(ListAdapterT activeListAdapter) { ProfileDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptorForUserHandle(activeListAdapter.getUserHandle()); descriptor.mEmptyStateUi.hide(); } /** * @return whether any "inactive" tab's adapter would show an empty-state screen in our current * application state. */ public final boolean shouldShowEmptyStateScreenInAnyInactiveAdapter() { AtomicBoolean anyEmpty = new AtomicBoolean(false); // TODO: The "inactive" condition is legacy logic. Could we simplify and ask "any"? forEachInactivePage(pageNumber -> { if (shouldShowEmptyStateScreen(getListAdapterForPageNumber(pageNumber))) { anyEmpty.set(true); } }); return anyEmpty.get(); } public boolean shouldShowEmptyStateScreen(ListAdapterT listAdapter) { int count = listAdapter.getUnfilteredCount(); return (count == 0 && listAdapter.getPlaceholderCount() == 0) || (listAdapter.getUserHandle().equals(mWorkProfileUserHandle) && mWorkProfileQuietModeChecker.get()); } }